Veteran Benefits in America

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a Veteran Bene ts in America by Peter Palivos | Aug 17, 2020 | Gun Control, Law, Peter Palivos Attorney, Veterans

According to the Department of Veterans A airs, there are over 18 million veterans currently living in the United States. Among these, approximately 40,000 are considered homeless on any given night. In addition to this issue, there are also other challenges that veterans face, such as addiction issues and healthcare needs that go beyond ordinary civilians. Some require physical therapy for injuries sustained in battle or ongoing mental health treatment for PTSD. Understandably, it is also sometimes di cult for veterans to return to a traditional lifestyle after serving in a war. For this reason, they may have great di culty in obtaining and maintaining steady employment. There are a number of reasons that veterans need bene ts all across America. Throughout history, there have been several laws that have

been written and enhanced in order to provide veterans with the help they need to reacclimate into society and life meaningful, digni ed lives. Financial Disability compensation is available tax-free every month for veterans who were injured or developed a disease during their period of service. In the event of death, family members are compensated. Additionally, special compensation may be paid if the servicemember requires additional medical expenses. Medical The VA provides extensive healthcare bene ts to veterans, including lifelong dental treatments and therapy for injuries sustained while on active duty. Long-term care needs are also met through the Aid and attendance program. This covers assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or caregiver support. Education Returning servicemembers who ful ll the requirements for the GI bill are entitled to education bene ts. The GI bill can also provide for the cost of vocational training or certi cation courses. There are di erent programs based on the type of service and each program has a di erent deadline for when the bene ts must be used. If they qualify, the veteran can have a certain amount of in-state tuition paid in addition to a monthly housing allowance and books and supplies. The veteran can also transfer their privilege to a spouse or a child. Housing For the veterans who meet the criteria, they can receive low-interest VA home loans for building, purchasing, or repairing a home. If veterans encounter nancial di culty, they can apply for specialized repayment assistance. The VA also maintains a list of homes that have gone into foreclosure, allowing purchases of certain properties at a discounted rate. Employment The Department of Veterans A airs also helps injured veterans prepare for and maintain employment through job searching, training sessions, and continuing education. The American Corporate Partners group is a nonpro t organization that works to bring companies and veterans together. The mission is to transition veterans back into society through sustainable and satisfactory employment. All skills that were learned during a veteran’s time in service

will be assessed and taken into account upon evaluation. In addition to job placement, veterans also receive specialized training and access to mentorships. Â


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