Dragon Knights Tactics Design Doc

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A Proposal for

An Action/Strategy Game for iPhone/iTouch/iPad Platform By

Action Junkie Games

Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Table of Contents 1.

Project objectives


Strategy brief


Process design


Work Break down Structure


Gantt chart


Team description


Task allocation








Creative brief


Technical requirements


Functional storyboard


Test plan


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Introductions Action Junkie currently consists of one member, me, its founder. So far it’s safe to say that AJ as a company only exist in my mind. (Like my game idea) That doesn’t mean that an idea is all it can be. It is my hope that with this project to rally around, that I find the team members in which to build Action Junkie around. The following is what I see as the vision for the game and following that would be the vision of the team that could make it. So to the point, the vision for the Dragon Knights: Tactics videogame. To create a fun, simple to play, fantasy based, touch controlled strategy RPG, leading on the iTouch/iPad platform, that can later be ported to other platforms. The vision for my AJP is to create a game development company that will specialize in making creatively rich, niche games that can be tailored for the platforms they are featured on, and to create relationships that we can build on together in the future.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Objectives What are your goals for the project? To provide the fantasy fan with a portable game that allows them a similar “medieval hero fantasy” experience they would have playing D&D or Dragon Age, that you can take with you anywhere. Our goal is to simply provide a fun, frustration free experience on their favorite portable device. In Dragon Knights Tactics, every room is a puzzle for your hero to solve. You navigate your hero by taping your character avatar and then taping the tile you want to complete an action on. A small menu pops up with a number of choices based on the contents of that tile. You tap your choice and the character completes the action. No on screen buttons to press, you virtual controller to manage. This allows you to just enjoy the experience of playing and exploring a lushly illustrated castle filed with fire breathing dragons.

What are you trying to accomplish? Create a fun, pick up and play on the go title, for the iPhone/iPad (and other moble platforms) Simple but fun gameplay, move, attack, evade, defend or interact. Create a medieval fantasy title, that mixes some of the major characteristics of high fantasy (like swords, castles, dragons and knights) Take advantage of the most popular features of current handhelds, like touch-based technology, portability, brightly colored, high quality graphics, and affordability. Target sales of 400,000 to 900,000 copies Possibly port to other platforms. (Xbox live, PSN, Wii marketplace and Steam)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Strategy Brief Date: October 9, 2010 Author: Peter Phillip, Project Manager Project Manager: Peter Phillip Client: Bulkypix Situation: Bulkypix was started in 2008 by former members of Vivendi games’ mobile division, they are most well known for their most recent Pix’n Love Rush, release on iTouch. But the also well known for having published the best selling cart racer Crash Bandicoot Nitro on the same platform. Having created games on almost all of the major platforms, including PC, Playstations 1&2, Xbox, ipod and mobile, Bulkypix’s emphasis on strong art direction and gameplay make’s our game a good fit. Not to mention their experience in those areas will allow them to aid us in penetrating into those other markets. Currently they have 24 games on the itunes, but not a lot strategy titles. Bulkypix audience: Young teen to late thirties. Mobile/handheld users iTunes, Impulse buyers Tech Junkies & Gadgets hounds. Comic book, art lovers and fans of art design. Gamers who want fantasy game play on the go. Fans of Totally Rad show, Rebel FM and Feedback Podcast. Lovers of Strategy, Board/Table Top Games High Fantasy and D&D players. Fans of the Lord of the Rings Movies, Fantasy Novels and Dragons in general. Dragons Age, Balders Gate, World of Warcraft, and fans of the Final Fantasy Tactics series.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Strategy Brief


Strategy: Stand out by focusing on unique art style, preferably one that looks hand drawn Avoid confusing cluter by having minimal icons on screen. Tailor the controls for the iPhone/iPad Touch based, context sensitive menus. Turn-based, Strategy RPG styled gameplay compliments touch controls. Minimal instructions needed. Fun, pick up and play gameplay. Focus the marketing on drawing attention on popular audio and video gaming podcasts. Tactics: Focus on developing for mobile/touch platforms Assemble a capable core development team Focus on story, art and interface. Workout our gameplay details starting with our first prototype Nail down development details in pre-production and create the game bible at the outset. xx All story details xx All concept art xx Storyboard from beginning to end xx Nail Engine Detail xx Gameplay targets Start detailing all of the production assignments.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Process design Planning: Write high concept pitch Research gaming databases for available talent for core development team positions. Interviews candidates, filling lead positions which will include: xx Creative Director xx Programing Lead xx 3D Modeler/Animator xx Level Design Lead xx Audio Engineer xx Q&A Lead First meeting once core team members are signed on to begin core concept refinement Together the team will decide on esential details such as: xx Game engine xx Art direction xx Target platform xx Team size xx Number of Levels xx Scope of first prototype xx Technical hurtles Research production cost of development tools Design: Refine narrative details and write design bible. Finalize all concept art and storyboards. Acquire a div kit for all target platforms. Create a one level gameplay prototype. Evaluate and refine prototype until ready to shop to publishers.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Process design


Development: Shop prototype to target publishers Signed to publisher Agree on a development budget Hiring any additional personnel needed. Meet with team to relay milestones schedule, work flow and assign tasks. All in-game assets, interface, models, level designs, music and sound effects done. Second round of prototypes done. (Most core game components in place) Beta: Begin regular Q&A gameplay/engine stress tests. Prepare an E3 Demo Alpha: play test, refine, iterate Gold: ready to submit to publisher for Alpha Approval Delivery: Submit final to publisher/Marketing. Approval. Prepare marketing materials. Submit to iTunes. Released on iTunes.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Work Breakdown Structure Planning: (AKA “Scoping”) 1. Do your research: competition, market conditions, platforms and development options 2. Develop your concept, story breakdown, basic concept art, gameplay description 3. Find core development team 4. Refine the scope of the project 5. Establish goals and strategy 6. Write a high concept document and/or proposal. (Focus on unique selling points and the player market) 7. Tell a brief story 8. Supply character sketches. 9. Find a publisher 10. Meet team members again to plan the project Design: (AKA “pre-production”) 1. Prototyping phase 2. Pre-production meeting: You, team members and the client come to agreement on basic content elements (Publishers/Funding sources’ approval needed) 3. Hammer out gameplay, story, characters, audio, interface, levels, artificial intelligence 4. Assign production team roles and responsibilities. 5. Write design document. (Detail development process) Development: (AKA “Production phase”) 1. Create assets (text, graphics, video and audio) 2. Integrate them into a game engine (Developed internally or licensed game engine) 3. Iterative on original prototype (3 circular steps: design, prototype, and evaluate) 4. Alpha and Beta testing begins Delivery: (AKA “The Release phase or Post-production phase”) 1. Submit finish game to the publisher for approval 2. Final approval (Gold) (Approval by the publisher) 3. Submit to the Ratings Board for approval 4. Submit to the iTunes for approval 5. Game Approved 6. Released to market. 9

Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Gantt chart See attached Microsoft Project Manager File.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions Role: Project Manager/Staff Writer Secondary Role: Graphic Designer Responsibilities: Scoping the project, creating a production schedule, resource management and overseeing finances. Manage development teams until project conclusion. Ensuring overall project ends as close to the original idea as possible. Manage all necessary documentation (legal or otherwise), generated progress reports to the publisher. Supervision communications between all involved parties, in addition to filling in for any missing people in the production chain, the production manager will also act as the staff writer and graphic designer. Responsibilities for those duties include, organizing all of the written details of the games story and working with the creative director to design the “look” of the game’s UI and the marketing materials. Qualifications: Candidates should have a strong history in web or graphic design. Being a project management requires clear vision. Also the PM would be responsible for write all of the games fiction, defining the games setting, it’s characters and its core concepts. He/she will have to have had at least some game design experience, or have previously managed other kinds of creative endeavors. They should be a seasoned web designer and have a full understanding of the principles of satisfying UI design. He or she would have to have had previous writing experience, preferably related to writing administrative or legal documentation. Experience: 1. Previous project management experience 2. Previous graphic designer experience 3. Previous Web or UI design experience. 4. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Salary: $44,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: Creative Director Secondary Role: Storyboard/Texture Artist Responsibilities: Create the overall aesthetic look of the game, characters and the worlds they inhabit that display a persistent style throughout. Create conceptual illustrations that will be used as guides for the 3D animators. Visually flesh out character/world personalities and unique characteristics. Design character accessories, set pieces and locations featured throughout the game. In addition, the creative director would mock-up create illustrations of any concepts or events that need visual clarity. Some illustrations will be featured in the game’s marketing material. Create the game’s storyboards. The secondary role on this project will be to assist with creating the texture maps for the models. Qualifications: Must have a strong sense of visual style, the ability to convey mood and sense of place. Must have previous game design experience, ability to work in a team. Candidates’ portfolio must feature character design, storytelling and have a great sense of structural and architectural design. Experience: 1. 3 - 5 years fine artists or illustration experience 2. 3 - 5 years digital illustration 3. Previous animation experience 4. Some architectural rendering experience required. Salary: $40,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: Programming Lead Secondary Role: Project R&D/Secondary Q&A Tester Responsibilities: All R&D for development engine, acquiring and managing development kits, Acquiring and managing development hardware. Writing and reviewing all in-games code, managing game resources, troubleshooting bugs. Secondary bug tester. Qualifications: Must have the ability to read and understand programming code, c++, Experience: 1. 3 - 5 Software engineering 2. 3 to 5 years experience on Apple OS 3. Previous application development experience 4. A degree in Computer Science 5. 2 to 3 years experience developing on the Unity Development Platform 6. Proficient with Microsoft Office Products Salary: $20,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: Level Design Lead Secondary Role: Secondary 3D Modeler/Animator Responsibilities: Modeling all of game scenery in engine. Translate concept illustrations into game levels, while fine tuning them in an effort to promote good gameplay. Qualifications: Translate concept illustrations into game levels, while fine tuning them in an effort to promote good gameplay. Experience: 1. 2 to 3 year as a professional artist/illustrator 2. 8 to ten level design samples 3. 2 to 3 years experience developing on mobile platforms 4. Console development a plus Salary: $20,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: 3D Modeler/Animator Secondary Role: Animatics Production Manager/Secondary Level Designer Responsibilities: Translating concept art into game art, handling modelling all characters and accessories. Designing and implementing all character animation. Assisting with creation of assets for level designs. Producing and recording the gameplay animatic. Qualifications: Proficient character modeler and animator. Some experience working on mobile platforms. Experience: 1. 3 to 5 years as a 3D modeler and Animator 2. Some artistic/illustration experience required 3. 2 t0 3 years film production experience Salary: $20,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: Audio Engineer Secondary Role: Musician Responsibilities: Record and implement all of the in-game sound effects and interact audio cues. As well as write, record or acquire any licensed music required for the games soundtrack. In addition to managing all of the games audio resource budget. Qualifications: Working knowledge of audio for videogames, a working musician who must play at least one instrument and can write and record his or her own music. Knowledge of audio compression formats, the latest in recording technology and software. Experience: 1. 2 to 3 years as a Working Musician 2. 2 to 3 year in audio engineering 3. 2 to 3 years experience with Audacity Audio Software 4. 2 to 3 years experience with Adobe Soundbooth Software 5. 2 to 3 years experience with Acid Audio Engineering Software 6. Experience with systems of compression for games engines Salary: $20,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Team Discriptions


Role: Q&A Tester (Possibly Outsourced) Responsibilities: Playing the game and giving a detailed report on the experience of playing. Reporting on any problems, unpredictable behavior, graphical hiccups, AI or scripting issues of any kind. Qualifications: Must be detailed and have excellent communication skills. Experience: 1. Previous Q&A experience 2. English Degree a plus. 3. Computer literate Salary: $20,000 Duration: 10/07/2011 – 9/8/2012 (Part-Time)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Task Allocation Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine

Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine

Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine 18

Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Task Allocation


Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine

Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine

Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine 19

Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Task Allocation


Titles Sr. Programmer Primary roles: Programming the game’s engine & Game designer Secondary roles Tester Qualifications Degree in Programming for games +3 years experience / at least two titles Years of experience 3+ Activities on project: Numbers of Hours: 630 hours * $89 = $56,070 Justification for their inclusion on the team: Building/Modifying the game’s engine

408,555, not including any contractors


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Audience North America, Asia and European markets. Comic book fans, sci fiction and fantasy readers DK: Tactics should appeal to fans of Puzzle Quest, Final Fantasy Tactics Series, the Civilization Series, Dragon Age, Magic: The Gathering, Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, High Fantasy, Fans of turn based gameplay. The DK: Tactics player should be looking for a great looking “high fantasy” game Players who want games created with touch enabled devices in mind Handhelds owners who want the challenge of a console title, but not the control difficulty Players who want games with the high production values and unique presentation.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Competition FieldRunners Subatomic Studios, LLC iPhone/iPad/PSP/DSI Price: $2.99 (itunes)

Plants Verses Zombies PopCap Games, Inc. iPhone/iPad/PC/Xbox Live Price: $2.99 (itunes)

Highborn Jet Set Games, inc iPhone/iPad Price: $1.99 (itunes)

Description: Touch based strategy game, with multiple enemies featuring modern weaponry

Description: Touch based strategy game, with multiple enemies featuring cartoon plants and zombies

Description: Touch based strategy game, with multiple enemies featuring a fantasy setting




Great visuals

Great visuals

Great visuals

Touch based controls

Touch based controls

Great music

Multiple enemies on screen

Multiple enemies on screen

Touch based controls

Simple controls

Multiple enemies on screen


Multiplayer via Facebook post

Very clutered interface


Hard to keep track

Limited player movement


Cartoon setting may not appeal

Stiff animation

of your avatar Very similar environments Dragon Knights Advantage:

to everybody Limited environmental variety

Separate worlds for movement and action Very simple art style

Distinct, recognizable locations

Dragon Knights Advantage:

Unique art style

More locations

Better niche appeal for

More serious art style

Dragon Knights Advantage:

Better niche appeal for

Distinct, recognizable locations

fantasy fans

Less enemies but stronger recognition

Clumsy Multiplayer Setup

Less cartoony art style

fantasy fans More gameplay options

Cleaner interface

Easier understand gameplay Fully integrated game world Better character animation Cleaner interface


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010




Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Technical requirements Art and graphics: Adobe Master Suite 5 Autodesk Software Suites Development: iOS SDK 4.1 Suite of development tools Unity Engineering Software Audio: Audacity Version 1.2.6 Adobe’s Soundbooth Software Acid Pro Software Administrative: Microsoft Professional Office Suite Microsoft Project Manager Pro Software Hardware: iMacs 21.5-inch: 3.06GHz (Running Leopard) iPhone 4 (Running iOS 4 for testing) iTouch (Running iOS 4 for testing)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Timeline Total Development Time: 1 year, 11 months, 8 days Planning Phase: Begins October 1st, 2010 Ends December 31st, 2010 Design Phase: Begins January 1st, 2011 Ends May 31st, 2011 Development Phase: Begins June 1st, 2011 Ends July 31st, 2012 Delivery Phase: Begins August 1st, 2012 Ends September 8th, 2012


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Budget Sample Test Case Project: Dragon Knights: Tactics Tester: Q&A Tester Project Manager: Peter Phillip Test Phase: UI Testing Test Item: Content Sensative Touch Menu Start Date: 11/09/10 Objective: Test UI for iPhone/iTouch, for user friendlyness.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Test Plan Introduction: Dragon Knights: Tactics is a top town, semi-isometric strategy RPG created for primarily on the iPhone/iTouch and iPad platforms. The game setting is medieval fantasy, featuring Castles, Knights and Fire breathing dragons. The player interacts with the world by touching tiles on a Hexagonal based grid, followed by a simple menu choice. The choices in the menu may change according to the content of the target tile. Each level can feature a number of items, including floors of various types (Paved, Stone, Wood, Sand, Dirt and Grass). In addition levels can feature different types of medieval furniture, doors, columns, windows and staircases, decorative accents (like carpets and pools). Finally each level features at least one enemy and but can feature as many as five. (Some of which could appear at random) These enemies range from smaller dragons that can attack in packs of three to large creatures that can fill up more than half the room, which would force the player to have figure out where to attack it and in which locations. Part of the narrative for Dragon Knights Tactics talks of the dragons having taken the castle by force, severely damaging it in the process, this has caused the structure to be very unstable cause some tiles to collapse under the players/enemies weight or to trigger environmental accidents. These accidents can hurt both the player and the enemies and in some cases can be used against each other for extra damage. Players have a choice of moving to a tile and, fighting the creature on a tile, open doors or interact with a item/person/creature, Scope: The scope of this Test Plan is define any game breaking bugs and outline a testing schedule for Q&A.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Sample Test Plan


Resources: Project Manager, Programing Engineer, Q&A Tester Design Phase: Preproduction: Gameplay Animatic Development Phase: Ui Testing Animation Audio Dialog Beta testing Alpha testing Test platform: iPhone 4, iTouch and iPad (Running iOS 4) Scope and method of the bug testing: 1. Play games in repetition until close of day, Level by level for a period of 2 days each phase. 2. At the close of each day a bug report will be generated. And handed in for review by the Programing Lead. 3. Testing will be in four phase, which will recycle at the end of the fourth phase. Phase 1: System Crashing Bugs Phase 2: Graphical Errors (Including text legibility, missing images, obstructed views, etc) Phase 3: Issues with Audio (Sound files not playing and audio quality issues) Phase 4: UI misfires (Proper Menu options not appearing, menus not appearing at all, Stats not registering)


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Sample Test Plan


Table of Bug Classifications: Class A (High Priority) Any action that end with an un initiated system crash. Any action that causes the game to be unresponsive. Any action that will not allow the player to play the game to it’s natural completion.

Class B (High Priority) Any action that results in irritation in the player. The player can continue but with great difficulty. Any action that does not produce a desired result. The player can continue but with great difficulty. Any action that results in a severely hampered experience. The player can continue but with great difficult

Class C (Medium Priority) Minor graphical or balance issues.

Class D (low Priority) Q&A suggestions for improved gameplay.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Sample Test Plan


Sample Test Case Project: Dragon Knights: Tactics Tester: Q&A Tester Project Manager: Peter Phillip Test Phase: UI Testing Test Item: Content Sensative Touch Menu Start Date: 11/09/10 Objective: Test UI for iPhone/iTouch, for user friendlyness. Sequence 1

Steps 1 Play game till completion. 2 Test responsiveness of touch interface 3 Check touch response speed

Data 11/09/10

Expected 1. Tiles highlight when touched, 2. Characters take expected action when prompted. 3. Colors are correct

Results Screen responds to Touch, tiles highlights when touched. Menu response time and correct content display. Graphical errors noted.

Sequence 2

Steps 1 Play game to completion 2 Review pop up menu options 3 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/11/10

Expected 1. Options appear in the proper context, relating to what is on the current tile.

Results Menu errors noted.

Sequence 3

Steps 1 Play to completion 2 Proof read all of the text 3 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/13/10

Expected 1. All the text is correct and legiable on all the screens

Results Gramatical errors noted.

Sequence 4

Steps 1 Play to completion 2 Listen for audio cues 3 Listen that soundtrack plays 4 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/15/10

Expected 1. All the correct audio cues sound of whenever corrisponding action is taken. 2. Music plays in the correct place/time.

Results Missing sound files noted.


Action Junkie Games

October 7th, 2010

Sample Test Plan


Sample Test Case Project: Dragon Knights: Tactics Tester: Q&A Tester Project Manager: Peter Phillip Test Phase: UI Testing Test Item: Content Sensative Touch Menu Start Date: 11/09/10 Objective: Test UI for iPhone/iTouch, for user friendlyness. Sequence 1

Steps 1 Play game till completion. 2 Test responsiveness of touch interface 3 Check touch response speed

Data 11/09/10

Expected 1. Tiles highlight when touched, 2. Characters take expected action when prompted. 3. Colors are correct

Results Screen responds to Touch, tiles highlights when touched. Menu response time and correct content display. Graphical errors noted.

Sequence 2

Steps 1 Play game to completion 2 Review pop up menu options 3 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/10/10

Expected 1. Options appear in the proper context, relating to what is on the current tile.

Results Menu errors noted.

Sequence 3

Steps 1 Play to completion 2 Proof read all of the text 3 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/11/10

Expected 1. All the text is correct and legiable on all the screens

Results Gramatical errors noted.

Sequence 4

Steps 1 Play to completion 2 Listen for audio cues 3 Listen that soundtrack plays 4 Make notes of findings.

Data 11/12/10

Expected 1. All the correct audio cues sound of whenever corrisponding action is taken. 2. Music plays in the correct place/time.

Results Missing sound files noted.


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