Kasparov Team-Mate Chess Computer Manual (Saitek)

Page 1


Index Keys, Llghta and Features

C... ,_..,. . 111 • blaer wrt to Imprave your


..-..e mot5l important single development of our time

Today there are tew peopte who are at least somewhat tamitiar with computers . tor work or .for play. The wortd of chess, or of chess

; :roe computer.


computers, may, however, be new to you. I have been personally associated with Saitek since 1983. and can speak about its produels trom experience. Chess computers, tormerty regarded as novelties or toys, are now an accepted part of the chess wortd, serving not onfy to introduce new players to !he wor1d's tinest game, but also to encourage them to take part in tournamenis against

human opponents. The Kasparov Training Program, a part á Saitek 's Kasparov chess family, is dedicated to this goal • teachrng you the fine points of the game, and eneaurag ing you to take part in the world·wide community of chess players. Specially selected r studies are co-ordinated with the book and compute to combine hands·on enjoyment with very real skill development. I wish you enjoymeot and satisfaction trom your Kasparov Trainer · and who knows. the training you receive trom it could bring us tace-to-face across a chess board sorne day!

Good luck!




Learning chess the easy way


Gelling starled

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10

How to mbVe your pieces How the computer moves Special moves Capturing ·en passant" lllegal moves Check, Mate. and Draw Taking back moves Changing sides New game Game memory


levels of sklll

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

Handicap level Casualle vels Tournament levels Special levels Analysis Problem chess lnstantaneous repties lnterrupting the thought process


Advsneed features

4. 1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Non Auto The computer as a referee lnformation trom the computer Advice trom the computer Verifying the board position How to change the board position Setting up a special position


Coach level G: Normal games Coac h level F: Half coach Coach level E: Full coach Coach level H: Silent Summary ol coach levels


M..ter atudy gamel


Techntc.l dellllla

7.1 7.2 7.4

The ACL key Care and maintenance Technical specüications Troublesh octing guide


Summary ot all functlona

7:3 Garry Kasparov World Champion

Coaching faeililies

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5




13. WHlTE/BLACK Side 10 move. When the compute r is thinking the appropriate color lamp flashes.




Exec<."~ --ext move. Pressing this key •·- ö - : ·s your turn causes

the comp.:er to ptay the next you. pressrng it when


King in check.

15. END

End of game.

16. SET UP

A position is being entered or modilied.


The compute r acts as a referee and advisor.

18 . COACH

A coach level is being selected or modilied.

19. INFO

A suggestion is given.

20. Board tamps

The compute r uses these lights to indicate game moves. take back moves, or show you which move it 1S consideri ng. They are also used to verrty the board position and to display th e level

meM! tor :-~

::;:<ll(>\.ter is thinking

·- · ö··.ots the thought process.




Press to reset the initia! position lof a new game.


Press to select level of skill.


Press to turn off the computer. The current posilion is saved in memory.



Press to switch the compute r on. Play is resumed at the point where the STOP key was pressed.



Press to take back tast move. Up to eight moves can be retracted.



Used toenter a sequence ol moves.



Press to set coach level (E. F. G or H).



Enter set up mode (to change or enter positions).

ol skill.

FEATURES that 21 . Sensor Chessboard: each square has a sensor registers piece movemen t. 22. ACL switch (in base of set). 23 Battery campartm ent (in base of set). set). 24. Chess piece slorage campartm ent (in base of 25. Socket tor rnains adapter.



Press to gel advice trom the compute r.


Used to select color of piece being verified or set up.

12. Piece Keys

Used to choose promoled pieces, ve rify board position and set up new positions.




1. Introduetion



..., ;

Trainer is a 'lbur Kasparov Team Mate Advanced strong program unique chess partner and coach. lts uter Asslsted is specially integrated w1th our Comp l~ Tr.lne r Learn1ng (CAL) book. Kasparov Advl ry, to The •te!HJY..tep Program to CIM.. Maate chess coach. prov1de you with your own portable and higt-,lighted The caretully setected master-games gi\18 you an positions in the computer and the book er you are a interactive chess-1raining program. wheth game begmoer or just want to improve your in the In addition 10 the games and posi110ns Adv~mced compu ter's memo ry, the Team Mate ns 1hat worl< Trainer has many fine coach ing functio the ltlldy lor you - n when you aren't uslng computer monitors poeltions. In normal games, the not break the your moves and makes sure they do and suggests rules ol chess. lt helps wilh opemngs ing allows i1 10 moves when you ask. Spedal coach - and the take gill8 you blunder and lhreat warnings m! At any time, back feature iets you a110id the proble it considers to the computer can show you the move are doing . be the best. and teil you how you 1.1 Leeming

cheM the eaay wtl'f

Trainer iets you Your Kasparov Team Mate Advanced The learn chess and practice lhe easy way. you to integrated book and games encourage learn to play 1mpr0118 your game - enjoyablyt As you ot higher and better chess. take on the challenge traming higher 191181s ol play. The step-by-step ss on your process allows you to moOilor your progre way to chess mastery.

The Chess Rules

Advanced Remember. your Kasparov Team Mate - including Tra1ner knows the rules of the game Somatimes it castling, en passant, and statemate. when in fact it may appear to be playing 1rregularty are not very is obeying the chess rules. In case you ed a copy ot tam111ar w1th the game we have includ ation may be 1he Rufes of Chess. AdddionaJ inform sure fo have found 1n your locaf lib<ary, which is several books on the subject.

2. Getting started


Trainer uses Your Kaspar011 Team Mate Advanced technology and advanced single-ch1p microcomputer foor gives you 011er 250 hours ol play on lhe battery 'C/R14/ AM2 alkaline batteries. Open as shown in campartment and insert the batteries Fig. 1. g position and Set up the chess pieces in the openin to play a press GO. The compu ter is now ready propefly game against you. I! 1t faits to react to "hang up" somatimes static discharge causes it activate the ACL use a pin or other pointed object to This clears the switch tocated in the base of the set. memory and resets the compute<.

Oulck Start uter. 1. Press GO to switch on the comp t to you. 2. Set uppi eces - white pieces cioses 3. Press NEW GAME. . 4 . Enter moves as described below ter ofl. 5. Press STOP to switch the compu


2.1 How to moYe your pieees the piece you To make a m011e f1<st press down on Place the wish to ffiOI/9 You hear a short beep. press down piece on its destinat1on square and lhe computer again. You hear a second beep and begins to compute 1ts reply. 2.2 How the computer~ s by sounding The computer indiCates its own ITlO'o'e the side of the a beep and turning on two l1ghts on henzontal row chessboard. These lights 1ndlcate the computer and vertiCal column of the pteee lhe on its square. wishes to mow. Press th1s piece down the piece The computer now shows you where indicated and must go. M011e the p!ece to the square press down to complete the move

pawn. Press The computer wants to m011e the king's down.


C4rpturing "en passant"

Many beginners are not tam illar with this rule (which was introduced into chess in the frttee nth century). Capturing • en passant" is when a pawn is on the fllth rank. 11 an enemy pawn crosses a square attacked by this pawn (because of its ability to move two squares on its flrst move) then the pawn may act as if the enemy pawn had only moved one square and capture it en passant. This can only be done on the very next move.

lt wants to move it to this square. Place it there and press Oown.


Special moves

When capturing you only have to key in the move OI the capturing piece. When castling first move the king. The computer will remind you to move the roek. When you pronnote a pawn the computer will want to know which piece you choose. Press a piece key (bottom row) to teil it which piece you want. When the computer promoles you must press the piece keys to find out which piece it has chosen.

In the above position promoting the pawn to a queen woulet be latal - Black can deliver immedlate mate on a6' So White shOUid promote the pawn toa knight, forking the black king and queen. This is how to do ~: Press the pawn down. move it to the eighth rank, p ress rt down there and repface it w~h a knight. Press the knight key (bottom row) to teil the computer what you have chosen.

In the above position Btack has just tried to avoid the capture of hls pawn by advancing it two squares from e7to eS.

White can capture the pawn en passant by moving hls pawn from 15 to e6. The computer will always remind you lo remove the captured pawn trom the board.






2.5 liltgal moves lf you attempt to make a move thal is nol permitled by the rutes then the computer wilt refuse to accept it. You wrlt hear a double beep (higt>-low) and the board lights wilt stay on. showing you where the prece you are trying to move came trom. You may place it 011 a tega t square or on the original square and move another piece. You will a lso hear the error beep if you do nol execute a computer move correctly, or if you press an impraper panel key. Check, Mate, and Draw When the computer puts your king in check the CHECK go on. l f a game ends in cheCkmate the END will light light will go on as well. The END light alone means that the game is a draw .

3. Levels of skill Your Kasparov chess computer has a total of 17 different levels of skill. They rnclude levets tor casuaf play, tournaments, speed chess. anatysis and problem solving. Remember that just like a human being the computer becomes stronger when it has more trme to think about its moves. The levels may be changed at the beginning or al any timeduringa game.


2.7 Taklng back moves To take back a move simply press TAKE BACK when it is you r turn to play. The computer will help you to retract m011es by showing you which preces were moved and where they came trom. You can take back up to eight moves (tour for each side). 2.8 Changing sides lf at any time during a game you wish to change sides with the computer you may do so by pressing PLAY instead of making your move. The computer will make the next move for you and you can go on pfaying lor the other side You can change sides as aften as you fike. You can even press PLAY alter every move and make the computer play thc entire game against itself.

How to change levels When you press LEVEL the lights around the side of the board will display the level currently set. Keep pressing LEVEL until the level yoo want is displayed.

3.1 Handicap level Level 0 is a speera I handicap level in which the computer plays almost instantaneously, with very liltie strategy or tactical insJQhl. Even rank beginners shculd be able to beat it on this level

Press LEVEL until no lights are on to set handicap levei.

3 . 2 Casu al levels Levels t to 8 are lo r casual play. The board lights to the lelt correspond with each level. Level

1 Playing a game wlth !he black pieces lf you want to play a game with the black pieces, tirst set these up at the botlom of the board (the side nearest to you). Now press NEW GAME. COLOR and PLAY. The computer wilt make the lirst move tor Whife. moving down trom the top of the board 2.9 New game Tostart a new game press NEW GAME and set up the pieces in the startrng posrt ion 2.10 Game memory路 You can interrupt a game at any stage (even when the computer is thrnking) simply by pressing STOP Play is interrupted and all lights are turned off to conserve battery power. The computer wilt "remember" the position lor up to 24 months and be ready to resume play when you turn it on again by pressing GO. The level and all other parameters will remain unchanged.

2 3 4

5 6 7


Average response time per 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds (switch-on level) 5 seconas 15 seconds 30 seconds 60 seconds 180 seconds

3 . 3 Tournament levels The next four levels are lor tournament play. The lights I - Dat the bOttorn of the board correspond toeach leve described below.

Level Prlmary time control Secondary time contro 30 moves in 30 min. 30 moves in 30 mrn. A 20 moves in t hoor 40 moves in 2 hrs 8 (lnterna1ional tournament standard) 40 moves in 2 ~ hrs t6 moves in 1 hoor C (Grandmaster tournament) 20 moves in 1 hcur (US hrs ~ 2 in moves 50 D Chess Faderation standard)

Take level Bas an example: the c Oillj)Uter will linish the first 40 moves on 2 hOurs (primary time control) and then play the following 20 moves wothon t hour (secondary time control). All further moves are played at a rate of 20 moves per hour.

A chess probtem by Samuel Loyd (1867)


Plea se note th at on accordance with tournament regulations any tome remaining at the primary time control is carroed forwa rd to !he secondary time control. eg if the computer has made the first 40 moves in just one hour, it has a totat of :wo hours for its next 20 moves. The re,....~ ~ t '""~ -:

-: 路 -4! ':~ each time conlrol is accumulated until 路- .:-


l..ewl Desc:ription S~~:

:ness - The computer will try 10 comooete the entire game in live minutes (total computer thinking lime - opponent' s time net inctuded) F

10 sec/move - The computer will play each move in 10 seconds (laster il it antielpal es the opponent's moves).


lnfinite level - The computer will go on thinking until you interrupt it by pressing PLAY. 11 wilt also ptay a move il it is toreed or it it sees a toreed mate.


Problem solving level - The connputer will search tor a l oreed mate and onty play a move if it sees one.


Anatysis 路 tnfi nlte level" is especially useful tor understanding complicated positions. The comput er will analyse the posilion tor many hours, even days, and you can watch '' find be tter moves using the I NFO tunetion described in sec110n 4.3 3.6 Problem chess The "Probtem level" is used to sotve mate probtems ("White to play and mate in n moves") which you often find on newspapers and magazines. 11 is important to remember that on this level the computer will onty play a move if it sees a loreed mate. Watch the tights on the lel t-hand side of the board while the computer is thinking. They shOw you the "depth of search ", i.e. how many moves the computer has checked. 11 light 3 was on when it played lts move then it has tound a mate in three moves. You can play moves tor the delending side to see the entire continuation, even taking back moves to try alternatiVe defences.

Whlte to play and mate In three moves Enter this position (as described Insection 4.7) and setlevel H. Press PLAY. In a tew seconds the computer w ill show you the sotulion: 1 a8 B (underpromotion toa bishopr). Try the delences t .... KIS. t .... Ke8 and t . ... Kg8 to see how White mates on his third move.


3.7 lnstantaneous replies All times given tor the different levels of skill are average times over a large number of moves. Oepending on the stage of the game and the tacticat complexoty of a position the COillj)Uter may take considerably more (or less) time on individual moves. lf you have just made a move and the BLACK light to the r ight of the board is liashing (or the WHITE light, if the computer is playing with the white pieces) this means lhat the computer is thinking. At the beginning of a game. hOwever, repties wi ll be instantaneous on all levels. This is because the computer is playing moves l hat a re stored in its "openings book". 1t knows a great deal about good openings that chess masters have discovered over the centuries. But even in the m lddie of a game you may be surprised to find the computer very oflen replying instantaneously to you r moves. There is a very good reason lor this . While you are pondering over a move the computer is nol idle - it tries to antlcipate your possible repties. lf you play one ot the moves the computer considered, then lt does nol need to think any furlher. lt just plays the move it has already computed - instantaneously.


' !j! ..,., !


lnlerrupllng the thought process

Playing through master games

lf the computer is spending too lOng over a move you can mterrupt u by pressing PLAY which will cause it to .;top computing and play the best move it has found so lar. This teature is especially uselul on level G (analysis). in which the computer w111 go on thinking unlil you interrupt it by pressing PLAY - unless there is only one move it c an play or it linds a loreed mate.

One very interesting use of NON AUTO is to study master games. You can play through the World Championship games. or tamous games you lind in chess books, or in tact your own games against friends or the computer. in NON AUTO mode. Wheneve r you reach an interesting pos,tion and wa nt to analyse it with the computer. press PLAY. 11 wil! compute and execute the next move.

So pleeH remember... 4.2

Press PLA Y when the computer is thinking to interrupt the thought process.

The computer as a referee

The NON AUTO mode has another important use. When you play a game with a triend press NON AUTO and then play the game on the sensor board. The computer will act as a referee and advisor. ft w ilt protest if anyone makes an illegal move, and if either side needs help he can always press PLA Y and gel some advice flom the computer.

Press PLAY when it is your turn to play il you want to change sides (see section 2.8).

4. Advanced features

4.3 What we have seen so lar is enough to give you countless hours of pleasure with your Kasparov TeamMate Advanced Trainer You can play straight games against it, correct mistakes and adJuSt the level of Skill to match you r own. But there are many other things the computer can do that make it even more fun to use. This chapter deals with each of them individually.

lnformallon trom the co111puter

Would you like to know what you r electronic chess partner is doing while it is computing a move? Weil, you r Kasparov chess computer wil! gladly teil you, g1ving you a wealth of information on its "thought process路. 11 will shoow you w hich move it is presently considering and its evaluation of the current poosition. This is not just ot passing interest - it can help you to learn more about the game.

4.1. Non Auto Normally. as soon as you have made a move on the sensor board, the compu ter immediately begins to compute its reply. But there are situallons in which you just want to enter moves. For instanee you may want to try a special opening against the computer, one it doesn't play of its own accord. Or you may want 10 force it to play a certain continuatoon in order to onderstand a complicated poosition.

Press INFO while the computer is thinking. lt wi ll shoow you the best move it has found so lar. Note that the INFO light is turned on.

lf you p<ess INFO a second time (while tnt! ~ompute r is thinking) the lights on the telt-hand side of the board wilt show you what it thinks ot the current posiuon. The evatuation is on a scate of 1 to 8. ThiS IS how to interpret the display:

In such cases fuSt press NON AUTO. This puts the computer into a special mode i(l which it wiJl nol compute a reply, but only keep track of the moves you enter. making sure that they are legal. To return to normal play press NON AUTO a second time.

Light Meanlng

8 7 6 5 4

Note: Whlle you are in NON AUTO mode the NON AUTO light is on. Pressing NEW GAME always cancels the funct ion.

3 2

White has a winning position White has a c tearly better position White has an advantage The position is balanced The poosition is balanced Black has an advantage Blac k has a ctearly better position Btack has a winning position

You can watch the evaluation change as the computer looks more deeply into the position. Note that the INFO display (best move or evaiuation) is retained throughout the game, in tact even when you start a new game. You can switch it oll by pressing INFO a thi rd time.


... -

To remove a plece simply press it down on lts c urrent square and remove it trom the board.


To add a new piece lirst seteet the color (by pressing CO LOR if necessary). Now press the appropriate piece key and press the new piece on an empty square.

An expertment wtth INFO Press NEW GAME and NON AUTO. and then enter the following moves. t .e2-<!4 e7-<!5 2.Ng t-13 d7-<l6 3.BI1 -c4 h7-h6 4.Nbt-c3 Bc8-g4. Now set the computer to tevel8 and press PLAY. Press INFO and watcn how the camouter keeps changing its mind untit it linds a reany good move (5.Nf3xe5!). You should also press INFO aga~n to see how the evaluation changes.

Make sure lhat the WHITE or BLACK lights correctty indicate the side to move next before you return to normat ptay by pressing SET UP again. Try the l oltowing experiment: Press NEW GAME and SET UP. Now press the black queen down on its square and remove it trom lhe board. Press SET UP again to quit set up mode. You can now ptay a "'queenodds "' game against the computer (it wil! be playing without lts queen). Try adding a second black king to th e position. The computer wilt reluse to play the game. since the position is illegal.

Exoe• ment witn tne position to find out why the wn.te oueen may not be captured alter 5.Nf3xe5. 11 you play 5 Bg4xd1 l or Btack the computer wilt immediatery show you the reason ' 4.4 AdYice trom the computer Dvr"g a ~a-e vou may reach a posilion in which you cant tnr1• of a goed move. Just press INFO. The computer wilt suggest a move lor you. using lights to indicate that thos is only a suggestion. You can accept its advice or ptay any other move you like.

4.7 Setting up a special positlon lf you want to se t up a special position which contains onty a tew pieces. then it Is better tostart trom scratch. Press SET UP and NEW GAME. This ctears the board of all piec es. You ca n now enter the posi tion as described above.

Use of INFO While the computer is thonking: Press I NFO lor " best move so lar· Press INFO agaon lor evaluation Press INFO a third time to cancel display

Example: To set up a position with white king on El . w hite rook on A 1, btack king on DS. and btack rook on 82, lirst ptace the pieces on the board. Now press SET UP and NEW GAME to ctear the board. Press COLOR (il necessary) to turn the WHITE light on. Press the king key and then press the white king down on its square. Press the rock key and then the white rook on lts square. Now press COLOR to turn the BLACK light on. Press the king key and press the black king on lts square. Press the rock key and then the btack rock on its square. Press COLOR (WHITE light on White to move) and SET UP to return to normal play.

When it is your turn 10 move: Press INFO to gel advlee trom the compute r 4.5 Verllylng the board posltlon lt may sermetomes happen th at you have upset the pieces on the board or lor some other reason are nol sure lhat the position is correct. In such cases you c an always ask the computer to show you the proper tocation of each piece.


Note: In the above position the computer wilt permit castling. lf you press PLAY it wilt castie and capture the black rook on the next move.

This is very simpte. Just press one of the piece keys. The computèr wilt use lhe board lights to show you where !hal piece is tocated on the board Press th e same plece key again to find furth er pieces of the samekind (an error beep indicates that there are no more of the piece selected) You can c heck other pieces by pressing the appropriate piece keys , in any order you like To change colors press COLOR. Watch the WHITEIBLACK lights to makesure whic h color the piece is.

5. Coaching facilities Your Kasparov Team-Mate Actvaneed Tratner has a number ol unique coaching lacilities that encourage the beginner to improve hls ptaying s kill and his understanding of the game. lt wilt warn you when a piece is attacked, when you have committed a blunder, and it wilt take you through some of the most exciting games in the history of chess. quizzing you on the key moves and rating your skilt.

4.6 How to change the board positlon This. toe. is very easy. First press SET UP to put the computer into set-up mode (the SET UP light is turned on). You can now remove or add pieces at won:





CoechleveiG: Nonm•lg•~

When yoo switch the computer on tor the first time !he coach level "G" is set Games are conducted in the nvrmal fashioo. 5.2 Coactt level F: Half coach lt yoo press COACH. then the F light below the board flashes and the COACH light is turned on briefly . In this mode ("half coach") the computer will warn you when it thinks you have comm,tted a blunder. 1t does lhis in the tollowing way:

6. - - Advsneed Tril~ knows

Your Kesperov Teem Mate e1ght of the most beaut1fut and mterest1ng games 1n the history of chess. The Kasparov Advsneed Trainer book takes you step-by·step through these games. trom toading them into the computer to onderstanding the complexities of the play.

Each ol the games has been se4ected tor both its teaching and enjoyment value, to enhance your performanc e in a practiCal and tun way. As you go through the games, the computer asks you to make choices aboot the best possible moves in severat critica! positions, and evaluates yoo on your answers. As you learn !he fine points ol chess you can see yoor performanc e rise wilh yoor skill and experience.

Say you make a move that loses a piece. The computer Wlil not reply lo this move in the normal tashion (and gleefully capture the poece). 1t will sound a double warnmg beep and flash its next move with board lights. lf yoo agree lhat your last move was really a blunder you can retract it (without pressing TAKE BACK ') and try somei11ing else. Or you can make ttle move the computer is flashing and challenge it to prove yoo went wrong.

7. Technic al details

Coach level E: Full coach Press COACH a second time and you wilt enter • tuil coach" mode (theE light flashes). Now the computer will not only draw your attention to blunders. but it will also warn yoo when you are in danger ol losing a piece. More specifically: When one of your pieces is attacked by a piece of lesser value. then the computer will sound the double warning beep and llash the square of the endangere d piece tor aboot ten seconds. Of course it does this betore you actually make your

7.2 Care and malntenen c:e Your computer is a p•ec s•or electrooie device Do not subject i! to rough handhng or expose h to extreme temperatures or moisture Do not ose chem1cal agents to clean the set as these may damage !he plastic. Weak balterles should be replaced promptly as they might teak and cause damage to the computer.

move. Coach level H: Sllent

1t yoo press COACH again then the H light flashes and

the COACH light is turned olf. This is the "silent" mode in which there are no beeps or warnings. You must watch the indicator lights and press pieces and keys carefully when playing wilhout sound.


Summary of c oi'ICh levels


= half coach = tuil coach H = silent G = normal



COACH Elfeet light On On

Ott Off

Technlcll specilicltiOns

ProcesSOf: Speed: LED lamps: Keys: Power consumpti on: Battery requireme nt Battery life:

Pressing COACH once more gets you back lo !he normal coach level G. 5.5


7.1 The ACL key Computers somet1mes "loek up.. because of static discharge or some other electncal disturbance . lf this happens use a pencil to activate the ACL key on the back of the cabinet tor a tew seconds. Th1s resets !he computer and clears its memory You can also remove the balterles toraboot a m inute to reset the computer.




AC adapter plug: Dimensioo s: Weight:

Blunder warning Blunder and attacked piece warning No sound. no coach Normal sounds, no coach

630 t 8MHz 24 green color t7 0 . 1~

4 C/R14/AM2 250 hoors (alkaline battenesI 9V DC at 300mA witll 2.1 mm 10/S.Smm OD 335x252x3 7mm tkg (without batteries)

notice In Slitek reserves tho right to make tech,..lcal c haf"'98S wi1hout

the inter~ ot progress

When changing coach levels watch the lights al the botlom of the board. The coach level remains uncllanged even when you press NEW GAME.

' 18



Troublashootlng g ulde



The computer doeS 'lOt reac! .

Ba!leries weak er bad.


Reptace baueries.

behaves errat1calty or-treezes on the mtd<Ue of a game

Batleries not msened properly.

See Fig 1

Static discharge or electrical

Press AC L key as desc ribed in sectien

dtsturbance has caused the computer


to loek up 2

Tne c~te-- retuses to accept a

move or ..ey oresses but keeps $iClUifdflQ




w-.e eto· oeep


computer cheats or makes

~~~moves .

The computer wilt not play a move

Is it your turn? (look at !he color lamps) Is your king in check? (CHECK lamp) WiU your move put your king into check? Are you lt ying to castie incorrec11y?

Make sure you are familiar with the

chess rules {read the ·'Aules of Chess" manuat). Use the piece keys to confrrm lhe board position, use TAKE BACK to reconstruct the last move.

(check the rutes) Oid you move the rook first when

castling? The computer is still thinking (cotor light llash ing)

Press PLA Y 10 interrupt the thoughl process.

The computer is trying to shOYI you a move (perhaps trom lhe last game)

Press a piece on the square indicated

U has made a special move lilc:e -- En passant -- Castl ing (k ing or queen side) - Pawn promotion

Make sure you a re familiar with the c hess rules (read the"Rules of chess" manual). Use the piece keys to conlirm the board position. use T AKE BACK to reconstruct the last move .

Your board position is not correct. some pieces have been displaced.

Verify the board positlon (see sectk>n 4.5).

Baneries are running out.

Reptace batteries.

NON AUTO lunet ion 15 on

Press NON A UTO loturn it ott. then press PLAY

You are in help mode F and have made a move that is not in the openings (see Chapler 5)

Press PLAY to continue or TAKE BACK to try another move (see secl io n 5.5)

You are playing a study position and have made an incorrec! move (see

Press PLA Y to con!înue or TA KE BACK to try another move (see sect ien 5.6).

sectien 6). 5

Campuier is silent.

Help mode H is set (see sectien 5.4).

Press COACH to set help mode G.


Chessboard square ar key does not respond corr ectly OR lights do not come on cor rectly

Faully contacts. Check as lollows: Remave batteries, reinstall them, hold the NEW GAME key down while switching the computer on. You can now test SQuare and l<ey. Press the A CL k.ey in the back 10 return to normal play

Consult Service Centre if error persis1s.


8. Summary of all functlons

• I• • I!

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Gelling started tnsert batteries. set up chess pieces and press NEW GAME. Press STOP to switch the computer oft. GO to switch it on aga1n. Your moves Press the piece down on the "trom" square and then on the "to" square. Computer moves Board lights show row and column of "trom" square, then of "to" square. Special moves Captures: key in move of capturing piece only. Castling: key in king move first, th en rook move. Pawn promotion: move pawn to last rank and press piece key to teil the computer which piece you choose (or to find ou t wh ich piece the computer chooses) lllegal moves Error beep (high-low). Put piece on a legal square, or on the Oflg,nat square to cancetthe move Game signats CHECK light king in check END light = draw CHECK + END lights checkmate



Take back moves Press TAKE BACK. Up to eight moves can be retracted. Changing sides Press PLAY inslead of making a move. Game with the black pieces Press NEW GAME, COLOR and PLAY. The computer will make the lirst move lor White, rnaving down trom the top of the board New game Press NEW GAME. Gamememory Press STOP to interrupt the game at any stage. Play may be resumed tater by pressing GO. Position and all parameters are stared lor up to 24 months. Levets of skill Levets t - 8 are casuat tevels, A - D tournament levels, E speed chess. 10 second chess, G infinite level, H problem level, 0 handicap level. F To change levels press LEVEL until lhe board lights display the desired level.






tntenupt Press PLAY wh ile the computer is thinking. Non Auto Press NON AUTO and enter moves lor ooth sides (to enter special openings or forc e a continuation). NON AUTO light is on. Press NON AUTO again to resume normal play.



Info While lhe compuler is lllinking: Press INFO lor besl move found so far Press INFO again lor evaluation Press INFO a inHd lime to cancel display When playe· :o move Press INFO 10 gel advice from the compu1er

Verily posilion Press prece keyS. Press COLOR to swilch colors.

Set up posltlon =·~;; SET

UP and then: ?ress NEW GAME 10 clear bOard. Remove pieces by just pressing them down. " "...,. • Add new pieces by selecting color and piece type (wilh COLOR and piece keys) and oressing piece on bOard. Press COLOR 101 side to move. Press SET UP 10 relurn 10 normal play.


?·~ss COACH 10 set coach level (walch board lights E G - normat ptay F - blunder warning E- blunder and allack warning H - s<lent

Study gemes Consult sludy book. ACL key Use a pencit to aclivale.




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