Havas Digital 2014 Creating future
Havas Worldwide Digital Gutstrasse 73, 8047 Zurich, T +41 (0)44 466 67 77 www.havasworldwide.ch, info-zurich@havasww.com
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03.09.14 16:59
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03.09.14 16:59
We are different. in addition to first-class creation, we are dedicated above all to data and processes. Two areas that the digital units of large, classical advertising agency networks rarely cover. And this is precisely where our strength lies. branding and performance. Agency work and business consulting. We also think that digitalisation of your Peter rehnke Managing director Havas digital Scan Qr code and connect to Linkedin Text “Havas” to 919 (only in Switzerland)
360° campaigns is important. We want to use the following pages to familiarise you with two topics in this area: digital POS and responsive offline advertising. in this booklet we have deliberately chosen to focus on particular areas. it is virtually impossible to describe all sub-disciplines
of digital marketing in a few pages. instead we want to introduce you to our philosophy, share some valuable advice and take you with us on our journey. “creating future” is something we can only accomplish together!
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Our focus
Service Portfolio Scientists, gurus, nerds – and project managers. That’s our recipe for a digital marketing agency. Of course we also offer run of the mill services dealing with websites, social media and search.
Joomla TYPO3
SEO Social Media
Banner SEM/ Adwords
Affiliate Marketing
Flash HTML5
Big Data
E-Mail Marketing
Lead Management
Mobile Apps
Affiliate Marketing
POS Marketing
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Our focus
excellent design Our main emphasis is on strategies around performance, data and software. Punchy text and excellent designs are important to us – but in addition we add transparency to your communication.
Optimising conversion Tracking of all communication channels, accurate data analysis, retargeting and optimising conversion have one objective only; the quantifiable and sustainable success of your marketing campaigns. And to succeed in this, we need the right software – which we also develop ourselves …
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Our focus
Advertising gimmicks Aside from our obsession with data and performance, as a full-service agency we remain committed to offering you best-in-class creation as well as state-of-the-art technology. This combination is our strength, and only on this basis can we make your communication compelling. We call this “effective advertising”.
WHAT Creativity (Strategy)
Strategically correct but does not attract attention.
DISASTER ADVERTISING Is not noticed but does not do any harm either.
Attracts lots of attention, but is not targeted.
HOW Creativity (Creative Concept)
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Digital Basics
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big data
Big Data After all the fuss that was made about the buzzword “big data” over the past few years and after numerous conferences were held under this banner, it is now more fashionable to speak about “datability”. This also incorporates the new buzzword of “sustainability” – so altogether: sustainable data concepts.
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big data
The three Vs By definition “Big Data” is characterised by the 3 V’s: volume, velocity and variety. In other words, large data sets, high speed processing and different types of data that need to be processed.
Volume 1
Variety 9
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big data
Profiling and retargeting To simplify matters a little for you, and for us, we at Havas Digital summarise our big data strategy under two headings: profiling and retargeting. In the world of advertising, that is nearly all you really need. We harvest data from all communication channels, consolidate it into profile data in real time and in turn use these profiles for retargeting. It can be that simple. All that is required is a clever and efficient approach to data, as well as the right software. We offer you both.
ar ge tin
in g et rg ta e R
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big data
Smart TV goes Big Data It caused quite a stir at the beginning of 2014: the new generation of smart TVs uploads user viewing data via the internet. You don’t say? Everything that creates user profiles and user data is collected and analysed in the cloud, and will ultimately be used for profiling and retargeting or selective targeting. Progressively, not only POS and external advertising but also the TV are being used in this manner. In addition to the established smart TV producers like Samsung, LG, Panasonic, and Philips, others like Google with Chromecast, Apple with Apple TV and even Amazon, who launched Fire TV in April 2014, have noticed that there is money to be made.
Re-targeting or selective targeting How can you profit from this trend? If you have suitable content, you can engage Havas Digital to design and develop an app for these devices. Are you a bank? We’ll develop the best stock market ticker. Are you a watch maker? We’ll develop the best world clock with moon phases and horoscope function.
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web- and microsites
Web- and Microsites Relevant content, appropriate for the target group, superlative user experience and usability. Those are key ingredients in the formula for success of an optimal website. Most users skim rather than read. We ask that you allow time for design and for obtaining advice – no matter how much urgency there is. After all your website needs to pull in your target audience and it needs to be effective.
+++ Check list +++ Responsive Design Yes, unfortunately we do have to mention an issue that is not considered by all clients or other agencies.
More than
view campaigns on their mobile.
Havas’ credo: We will no longer create websites or landing pages that aren’t responsive, i.e. that aren’t optimised for desktop, tablet and smartphone. More than 40% view camp aigns on their mobile. So don’t put off those users.
Content Management System It doesn’t take a sledgehammer to crack a nut. If you don’t already have a multi-membered editorial team and highly dynamic as well as complex content processes, there is no need to use Typo3, or even Adobe Marketing Cloud. We have lots of solutions up our sleeve for you – for projects of any size.
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web- and microsites
Usually, your website does not exist independently of your company’s digital ecosystem. You may also have web accounts, login areas, event invitations, microsites for current campaigns, webshops, blogs, message boards, and much more besides. Imagine a central platform that serves as a portal from which the user can access your other web media content in the appropriate manner and at the appropriate time.
Individualisation and Personalisation Yes, even websites can be and should be personalised. Appeal to different target audiences with different content. Especially on the all-important entry pages. The extra effort is worth it!
Search engines, Marketing and Optimisation
Analysis Collect as much data from your visitors as you can and as much as you are allowed to. Naturally taking into account your country’s current legislation. Retargeting pixels and scripts, browser fingerprints, everlasting cookies, analysis tools and many other technologies help you to get to know your users better, to increase the conversion rate and to engage in retargeting on the web.
Prepare your website for search engines. Much ink could be spilled on this particular topic. The work of the copywriter is especially important here. Additionally, optimal content marketing will significantly raise your site in the rankings.
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web- and microsites
Moreover, the second most important job in launching a new web/micro-site only starts after go-live. Most clients tend to forget this. Once a website has gone live, it needs to be optimised and maintained. Otherwise, all the time, effort and expenditure will have been for nothing. Like the monstrous CRM solutions introduced by most major corporations over the past decades, with budgets reaching into the millions. After launch there is a period of change management. And two years after launch of these expensive CRMs, they are usually dead or degenerate into“data graveyards”. Don’t let your website become a content graveyard that fails to take user behaviour into account. Search engines will be quick to say: R.I.P.
after your go-live 14
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online advertising
Online Advertising It’s crazy how complex the world of online advertising has become. The diagram on page 17 offers a glimpse into this world: how DSPs and ad servers interact.
+++ Rules and Trends +++ New Formats
Testing Let your users have the final say, not your creative agency. Join the race on several tracks – especially with banner ad campaigns, which not only improve branding but also performance. In the SEA area, the testing of a whole host of text ads have become common practice years ago – so why not when it comes to banner ads?
Be brave and use new formats, as soon as they come onto the market. We, for example, like FlyAds and native-advertising boxes.
Individualisation Integrate real-time content into your flash banners. In this area, one can dream up formats that are as good as gold: Display current football results in real-time in your flash banners, or stock prices, or the weather, or …
Landing pages All too often, thousands of dollars from production and media budgets are spent on banner ads. But remember: after the click is still before conversion. This is where much of the market still has to catch up. Why are the landing pages of mobile advertising campaigns still not responsive or at least optimised for mobiles? Why is the user experience still as dull as a dishwasher?
Real-time contents in flash banners
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online advertising
By linking DSPs with real socio-demographic data and individual user profiles, you can for instance exclude habitual product returners, or target high-income women or low-income men with the right products. “One fits all ” is a thing of the past. And yet another buzzword: “Cross Device Frequency Capping”. Yes, it is feasible to recognise one user’s different devices, and achieve optimised advertising frequency across all of “Cross Device their devices.
Frequency Capping”
Retargeting Even beginners in online advertising can easily employ it: Facebook re-targeting. Simply integrate a Facebook script into your webshop or your website and continue to hit them with ads on Facebook, until even the last shopping basket abandoner has completed their purchase. Slightly more complex, but similar mechanisms have existed for a number of years without Facebook: Criteo, Next Audience, etc. are worth mentioning as technology providers in this area. Even more exciting is cross-channel retargeting: a lady admires the same handbag in your shop again and again – it’s time you also alerted her to the matching leather belt via online advertising. Our POS technology already makes this possible.
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online advertising
The trajectory of an ad in the real-time bidding process 0 seconds 0.04 seconds User “XY” clicks on a URL address. The contents of the publisher are loaded into the browser.
0.08 seconds The publisher asks his ad server for available ads. If no ads are available, the server contacts the ad exchange.
0.10 seconds The ad exchange forwards the enquiry to various demand-side platforms (DSPs).
0.12 seconds
0.125 seconds
The ad exchange forwards the anonymous profile of user “XY”, as well as the webpage category and security information for webpages with advertising, to all DSPs.
Each DSP consults 3rd party data and checks whether there are advertisers that want to access this profile.
The DSP algorithms analyse the data and calculate the lowest offer for the profile of “XY” for the advertiser.
0.14 seconds
0.18 seconds
0.19 seconds
Each DSP sends their response The ad exchange executes a to the ad exchange. second price auction and selects the best offer from the DSP responses.
0.23 seconds
0.31 seconds
The ad server of the publisher The advertiser’s ad server tells the browser which ad to sends the ad to the browser. display.
0.13 seconds
The ad exchange sends the price and the ad corresponding to the winning bid to the publisher’s ad server.
0.36 seconds The browser displays the requested webpage together with the ad corresponding to the winning bid, and indicates to the DSP that the ad has been seen.
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Email Marketing
Email Marketing A confession: the agency is not always right. An insight: neither is the client. Conclusion: testing is worthwhile. Enter three different templates into the race and let the recipients decide. The winning template will then be rolled out to the entire target group. The same goes for subject lines. Closed loop targeting You cannot repeat it too often. Email marketing is an efficient weapon. But it shouldn’t be used in the manner of a scatter gun or shotgun. Content appropriate for the target group rather than spam. The more
Scatter gun
precisely you define the target group, the higher your probability of success. Or do you want to
persuade passionate coffee drinkers to buy a new tea maker? Play around with selection and get to know your target group better with each shot. Treat non-openers differently from clickers and non-buyers. Template to the point
Target audience appropriate content
It needs to be responsive. It needs to be engaging. It should be as individualised as possible. It also needs to be optimised for conversion, of course. Let us help you get it right. Sure you know that women and men like different colours. And you also know that avowed singles don’t necessarily respond favourably to a family-with-dog mood picture. By the way, our clever templates are able to dynamical-
Conversion optimised
ly individualise all content for each recipient.
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Email marketing
Modern tracking Besides opening and click rates, we also capture viewtime – that is how long the newsletter is displayed on the monitor. This is possible thanks
to Havas’ propitiatory Trackingpixel. With our smartlinks and checkprofiles you can automatically create
profiles in your own or in our email marketing system (each click on a black pair of socks earns 2 points) and track user behaviour all the way into your webshop (e.g. Magento). We can tell you who among the black-sock-clickers nevertheless homes in on white tennis socks in your
Smartlinks and Checkpoints
webshop. Of course you can use this collected profile data immediately and automatically in a retargeting email campaign. Golden rule
We will say it straight away: Havas does not have a crystal ball. We cannot blindly predict campaign results. But we can tell you a simple rule for benchmarking. During lead acquisition by email (not to be confused with 20
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Email marketing
your established customers), the opening rate should not be lower than 10%, the click rate should be no less than 10% of the openers, and the conversion should not be lower than 10% of the clickers. 10:10:10 in short. With 10,000 ’cold’ addresses, you should be able to generate approximately 10 leads. Software as a solution If you don’t have a professional email marketing software, or if you have simply chosen the wrong tool or a complicated provider, just chose us. Havas offers you the best-in-class email solution. It can be fully integrated with your IT infrastructure and CRM systems. Adaptable, straight forward content management, profiling, automation and much more. We’ll show you. Gladly. Interfaces instead of islands A big data strategy without thought-through IT architecture isn’t feasible. For this reason, any email marketing
fully integrated
solution should be fully integrated with your webshop, your CRM and, if available, with your ERP (enterpriseresource planning) and PIM (product information management) solution. Our ready-made interfaces for most systems will help.
A common question: Why not just use my CRM as an email marketing tool? One obvious reason: Because you will never achieve the the level of deliverability that a provider with certified servers can offer. And email campaigns that don’t reach the intended recipients are worthless. And there are many other reasons by the way …
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Email marketing
Lacking potentials? Where on earth are you going to get those from? You don’t have enough
Rent additional addresses
email potentials to achieve economies of scale? Then let us rent additional email addresses for you from established address brokers. You distribution list will grow faster
than you can count. This is only second best however: We recommend, always grow your own data. McKinsey: Email marketing is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter put together. US customer-acquisition growth by channel, % of customers acquired
18 16 % of consumers
14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Organic search
0 Twitter
Source: Custora, E-Commerce Customer Acquisition Snapshot, 2013; McKinsey iConsumer survey, 2012
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04.09.14 09:42
7 email marketing tips Sending following the scatter gun approach.
Design with tunnel vision
All target groups – such as partners, customers, and leads – receive one and the same newsletter. Content is distributed without targeting.
Newsletters arrive with rigid and static design and are only “set up” for reading on the computer.
Tip: Carry out a segmentation and sort newsletter subscribers according to interests.
Tip: Pay attention to “universal” readability and implement responsive design.
Relying on your gut feelings.
Content without added value The medium of email serves as a promotion channel that stands out above all in terms of its sensationalising tone and chiefly contains advertising.
Content is exclusively assembled on the basis of subjective judgements. Intuition is used to make decisions about text length, image size and related matters.
Tip: Place more emphasis on content with added value, i.e. on high-quality informative content. And get to the point quickly.
Tip: Check, check and check again. Analyse continuously and take advantage of the versatility of A/B tests.
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Turning your back on new subscribers
Sending newsletters in too much of a hurry
New subscribers don’t receive a friendly “Hello” nor a cordial “Welcome”. Instead, they go unappreciated and join the main distribution list.
Newsletters are sent out without thought about timing. Regardless of whether it is just before knocking-off time, or whether it is first job in the office at seven o’clock in the morning.
Tip: Consider a welcome as part of your service. Contact leads in a targeted manner to create trust.
Tip: Determine the best time for each target group and thus increase your success rate.
Email marketing as a mere newsletter channel Email marketing means sending out newsletters. Put together a hand full of articles every week, add a suitable image, and off goes the electronic information broadcast.
Tip: Don’t waste any potential. Automate your marketing processes and implement lifecycle initiatives, for example, or new forms of lead generation.
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Email marketing
Customer Lifecycle You will gain control of the complete customer lifecycle in your business only if you automate and individualise
Communication automate and individualise
your communication on all channels as far as possible. You can count on our support in all areas: for opt-in/lead generation, conversion optimisation,
customer retention as well as for the reactivation of sleepers or the winback of lost customers.
Lead Acquisition
Customer Value (USD)
Retention / Loyality Customer Retention
Conversion First Purchase
10 11 12
Win-back Reactivation
13 14 15
So f
se ll
-in lis ts G oo pr og die s ra m O m rd es er co nfi rm a Th tio n an k O yo rd C u er or po st at ra us te ne w sl et Pe te R rs r on em in al de is ed r off er Fr s ee sp ec ia Su ls U pg rv ra ey de s off R ea e W so rs i n fo n-B r di ack ss at off er is fa c Th tio an n k yo u
Are you still one of those who dutifully entertain all newsletter recipients in your distribution list regularly with the same content? Including those who haven’t not opened a newsletter for more than a year? Do you even know who they are?
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04.09.14 09:42
Email marketing
Affiliate Marketing The Zanox-ers, Tradedoubler, Affilinet-ters, CJ-ers and whatever they are all called, are only as good as the programmes
Ideal Supplement
and campaigns they offer. We think that they continue to be ideal supplements to the online marketing mix. In comparison to fast-paced email marketing, this requires
endurance – but on this channel too, testing remains essential. If your banner ads don’t perform, it could be fault of the banner ads … And if your campaign doesn’t perform, it might be the fault of an under-performing landing page or of an awkward check-out process, or it may even be due to wrong products, not suited to the affiliate programme, rather than a poor affiliate partner.
By the way: Affiliate marketing also works a treat offline. Inserts in the parcels of non-competing shippers that deliver precisely to your target group can be spectacularly successful – or even alternative advertising networks that cover airlines or POIs and POSs like dry cleaners with clever flyers and tags. If the campaign behind this is performance-focused and well thought-out, this can quickly generate spectacular successes.
Also works a treat offline
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Email marketing
Lead Generation This requires the cooperation of all disciplines. Traffic, landing page, processes, integration, analysis, software, data management. We play all our aces to make your lead generation campaign successful. Here, too, we wag an admonishing finger based on our many years of experience in this area and suggest: most clients don’t think far enough ahead. A good lead generation campaign is not simply: build the landing page, create advertising, purchase traffic, and done. Think about:
1 Follow-up processes Further lead processing, cross-selling and up-selling, retargeting
2 Real-time tracking
and optimisation, even during the current campaign
3 Real-time data enrichment
Use the landing page only to collect essential data – we will enrich the rest for you together with our partners (number of children in the household, psychographic segment classification, housing arrangements, etc.). Moreover, with our technologies you will be able to obtain further user data (operating system and device, social media use, and much else besides). Generate a user profile as soon as you have generated the lead.
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Email marketing
4 Automated data export
and further processing. Ideally, straight into your CRM. Generate a user profile as soon as you have generated the lead.
5 Lead Qualification
Targeted lead development
and nurturing. Would you really classify an 18 year old apprentice with low educational attainment and low income as a “hot lead” for an “Aston Martin” test drive?
Enquiry / Contact / Lead
Inquiry 1 MQL
Marketing Qualified Link
Sales Accepted Link
Sales Qualified Link
(qualified contact)
2 (contact ready to purchase)
3 4
(sales opportunity)
Closed Won
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Social Media
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social media
Social media – Preamble “Nice weather outside, what are you up to?” This is the desperate attempt of a c-brand community manager to warm up the fans on his webpage. Yes, social media are crucial for any online marketing strategy. But no, it isn’t the most effective tool for acquiring new customers. What can social channels achieve? Offer service, identify trends (key word “listening”), contribute to brand and image formation. We also think that social media are a good tool to create or establish trends with the help of so-called influencers, and thus to advertise indirectly.
Reaction time is key Reaction time is a parameter that is becoming ever more important in social media – how long does it take a company to respond to posts on its website? Ideally, it should be a matter of minutes, in the worst case there is no response at all. This raises or depresses the perceived service performance and the next storm in a teacup becomes a hurricane. KLM even publishes the current anticipated reaction time on its website – this is commendable.
Tools Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Xing, LinkedIn, Slideshare, etc. and the good old-fashioned message boards. The list of channels that need be controlled and need to be brought to interact continues to grow. And accordingly the effort required for optimal control. By now there is a multitude of tools for “listening”, for content distribution and analysis. What’s your klout score?
Is it reflected in sales? Ikea got fans to post entire pages of its catalogue on Instagram by means of a competition. Clever. Isn’t it? But what additional sales were generated with this initiative? We couldn’t find this number anywhere …
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social media
Social Media – hard facts
of all internet users are active on social media.
of all social-media-active users access pages with a mobile device.
14 minutes of each hour spent online 14 minutes on average are spent on Facebook.
Facebook Facebook continues to be top dog. Some predict that it will be overtaken in 2016 in terms of “shares” by Google+.
More than 1.15 billion Facebook users worldwide.
23 percent of Facebook users log in at least 5 times a day.
More than one million websites and apps use the “Login with Facebook”service.
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social media
Google+ There are more than 1 billion Google accounts with an activated Google+ account. Google+ is growing 33% annually.
359 million active users per month were reached at the end of 2013. Google+ is growing 33% annually. Good to know: Google+ is only three years old – a respectable size, considering. But it needs to be – given an initial investment of more than 500 million USD.
Twitter More than 550 million registered users by now.
34% of marketeers use Twitter successfully for lead generation.
In 2012/2013 Twitter was the fastest growing platform, with growth of 44%.
Twitter is evolving rapidly and offers many innovations that support marketing activities.
215 million active users per month.
Others Pinterest has 20 million active users each month.
Instagram already has 150 million.
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facebook fan ranking Mirror, mirror on the wall which has the most fans of all? Via socialbakers.com it is possible to rank the top facebook brands in every country – relative to the size of the fan following. A few impressions below: facebook fans by country at the end 2013
Swisscom 239’105
Amazon.de 3’041’909
Amazon.de 390’146
Samsung Switzerland 205’805
stylefruits 2’359’426
Red Bull 371’509
Red Bull 197’698
McDonald’s Germany 2’166’803
Samsung Austria 353’649
Starbucks 190’404
kinder Riegel 1’874’753
dm-drugstore markt Austria 320’198
H&M 169’402
H&M 1’808’197
BIPA 310’179
Facebook fans by country at the end of 2013
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facebook is becoming a meeting place for senior citizens. Millions of American teenagers have left the platform in the past few years. At the same time the number of silversurfers has increased significantly. This is revealed by a recent analysis by iStrategylabs.
25,3% Loss of teenagers
The consultancy iStrategylabs has exam-
ined age trends among facebook users in the uSA. To this end, the firm had a look at facebook’s advertising interface. Advertisers have the option of restricting Increase in silversurfers the facebook target group for their ads by age or country for example, which
provides insights into how many members can be reached using these parameters. The results show that the number of teen-
agers in the social network has shrunk by 25.3 percent in the past three years. That corresponds to a loss of approximately three million members. during the same Loss of teenagers period, the generation of over 55 year-olds
80,4% Increase in silversurfers
has grown by 80.4 percent. A survey by consulting firm The futures company had already shown in summer 2013 that facebook is no longer the favourite portal among uS teenagers, but YouTube.
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Digital POS
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digital POS
Targeting at the Point of Sale The cycle of the digitally captured customer journey needs to include the POS. Lots of mature technologies for this already exist. In particular, they target the customer’s smartphone, and Havas offers these technologies.
WiFi Access Points
This method has existed for some time but its potential is rarely exhausted. Provide free WiFi and let Havas Digital identify the WiFi MAC addresses of your customers’ smartphones for you. This allows identification of the devices. Different access points on the shop floor also make it possible to compile customer path analyses. Of course you can also detect how often a customer enters your shop, when he passes by outside, and lots more.
Advantage: There is no need for customers to install an app – they only need to log into your wireless LAN.
Disadvantage: It is not possible to personalise the customer profiles for retargeting. Unless you invite them to participate in an online competition via their smartphone ...
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digital POS
QR Codes and inbound SMS messages
It is still true that not all people in Europe have used a QR reader, let alone installed one. This being the case, we always recommend combining QR Codes with inbound SMS messages (so-called premium SMS). Example: “Text ’STORE’ to 797 now”. We would be pleased to create the right campaign for this purpose with the corresponding auto-responders for you. Disadvantage: This will not allow you to identify the devices of your customers. And: The customer needs to become active or to be activated each time. A digital push is not possible.
The small Bluetooth smart senders with a range of 1–70 are becoming ever more popular and we at Havas Digital specialise in this area. Currently one of the best technologies for killing several birds with one stone at the POS: collect data, send push messages containing current promotions, identify customers, offer additional information about products, create brand worlds in a smartphone app, increase customer retention, collect points, etc. The key point is: the customer needs to download a smartphone app, and needs to be motivated to do so. The app itself can obtain permission and switch on the required Bluetooth signal.
They are suitable for exhibitions, museums, points of sale, festivals as well as many other areas of application. At a motor show, you can check out the off-road behaviour of the car in front of you via the app and obtain additional information about the car; and of course the same app also allows you to book in for a test drive. At an exhibition of watches, your smartphone shows you how much accuracy and precision went into the making of the new model; and at the hardware store, you receive presentations about products that require explanation, as well as exclusive offers for product bundles. 37
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digital POS
CRM-Linkage and profiling With all this technology you could ask: why? What’s the benefit? It only becomes really exciting as well as relevant to marketing and sales, when you link the data you have collected with your CRM to create profiles, on the basis of which you set up retargeting campaigns.
As soon as you begin to collect data, you always need to consider what is the most ingenious way of translating this data into profile information with minimum effort.
Walk-in and checkout As soon as the app has been downloaded and opened on their smartphone, you can target customers by means of push messages.
Sound/ iBeacon/ Light signals/ Magnetic fields
CRM linkage and profiling
Path analysis
Payment/ Checkout completes the cycle
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04.09.14 09:43
digital POS
Digital POS tips for merchants Offer your customers free internet access on your premises.
Use the browser fingerprint to identify smartphones in your wireless network.
Equip your products with barcodes or QR codes that lead your customers to the product information without detours. Even better, deploy iBeacons.
Use the newly acquired customer information to push out situationsensitive and individualised advertising content via different channels.
Offer Mobile Payment by smartphone in your shop – this gives you a chance to acquire a complete customer journey.
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Software Development Yes, as a digital marketing agency we are also software developers. Not only classical social media apps and smartphone apps, but also lots of tools for automation of your communication and for tracking your cross-channel campaigns.
+++ we are currently developing: +++
TeLeadScope For managing your lead generation campaigns.
To automate your event invitations and event communication.
Smart TV Apps Smartphone Apps, Social Media Apps
Digital POS Solutions
Linkage of tools, campaigns and databases to
Including the use of iBeacons. Here, too, clever tracking is feasible and necessary.
of CRM- and webshop systems.
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TeLeadScope: Lead Campaign Management TeLeadScope allows you to track and manage your 360° lead generation campaign. How many leads were generated and at what CPL? Which communication channels have performed best? Email, online advertising, TV, print or outdoor? Who delivered the best target group at the lowest CPL?
+++ Functions +++
Automatic enrichment with additional information from address brokers. You can prequalify your leads as follows: household income, number of children in household, home ownership and many other characteristics can be enriched in this manner – in realtime.
Interfaces to CRM systems
like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics permit automatic duplicate identification and automatic further processing of your leads.
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Call centre and outbound SMS integration for follow-up campaign steps.
Which day and which time of the day gave the best performance?
Target group dashboard:
Which social media platform is your target group currently logged onto?
Which leads have you caught?
Semi-automatic Duplicate removal Browser fingerprint capture for retargeting.
EventSpider: Invitation Management Solution A declaration of war on printed lists. We have developed a completely automated and intelligent solution for your event invitations management. Moreover, each part of it can be adapted and optimised for your needs. Why don’t you try “in-event messaging” by SMS or “Bluetooth push message” – provide relevant additional information at the right time. When you give your next presentation, it’ll be: “Please leave your mobiles ON.” 43
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+++ Features +++ Invitation by email or print mailing With personalised QR Code: Upon scanning, the users reach an individually personalised invitation page – they only need to click: “Yes, I accept!”
Landing page in responsive design which already features details for the invitees. IP2Location functions can be integrated in this context: “Our event location is only 500 metres from your office – take bus no. 9 or no. 14.”
Follow-up Campaigns:
An app for easy scanning of a personalised QR Code at the event with your smartphone.
“Here are your documents.”
Behaviour Triggered Auto-mailer:
Display of all attendees or of those yet to arrive on your tablet or smartphone.
Ticket generation
“Thank you …”, “We were sorry to …”, “Great that you could make it”, Last Minute Reminder.
with barcode or QR, integration of the e-ticket in Passbook or PassWallet.
Back-end System:
“66 guests have already accepted the invitation, and most of the registrations came via the LinkedIn ad.”
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Content Marketing The last page is dedicated to the king of marketing: namely content. In B2B communication one can position oneself brilliantly by offering good content. It’s precisely for this reason that you are holding our digital marketing guide just now. But in consumer marketing too, good content attracts customers: from native advertising to sleeping tips provided by a leading mattress manufacturer. On this note: good night!
Pre se nt in g
Press release
Out-ofhome Posters
Customer Journey
t/ in Pr
c si as cl
Business report al
External experts
Customer magazine
Explanatory films Animoto
Information diagrams Soundslide
Print advertising Radio advertising
ar ou
uct od pr
t uc od
Blog carnival
Internal experts
Blog Advice booklet
Celebrities r ti e g t h i rd p a
Competitions Public debate
u t c o m p a ny
s e n tin
Google+ Community
Surveys elf urs yo
Pr es e
g in nt
go Prota nists
s er om st
ab ou tp r
inf or m at iv e
Check lists
ive ct ra te in
Press conversation
Facebook Adwords
Blog show
News room Email Website
Online magazine
Social mag
In te rn et
Status Update
Facebook group
l cia so
re al lif e
Blogger meetings
Online PR Banner advertising
TV advertising
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