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interior architecture



D es i g n, vi s ual i s e, an d d o c ume nt i d eas c l early an d ef fi c ie ntly with Auto CAD s of t ware. C om p uter Ai d e d D raf ti n g with to ol s s u c h as l i nes, p olyl i ne s, c i rc l e s, arc s, an d tex t.

blueprints and layouts furniture details elevations sections spatial planning construction details finish legends

autocad I created technical drawings including interior sheets such as finish, flooring, furniture sheets, details, elevations, sections, finish legends and notes. AutoCAD was a great help to realise my projects, especially in 2D drafting. I usually created my engineering drawings and details with this software.



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27 Steigungen 0,180 m 26 Tritte 0,280 m

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Whi l e rai s i n g wal l s, lay fl o ors, ad d d o ors an d wi n d ows, b ui l d stai rs an d c o n stru c t ro ofs thi s B ui l d i n g I nformati o n Auth ori n g To ol c re ates a c entral d ata bas e of 3 D m o d el d ata.

floor plans wall, ceiling build-ups 3d modelling sections elevations virtual finishing

archicad I created complete plans, sections and elevations, architectural and construction details, bills of quantities window/door/finish schedules, renderings, animations and virtual reality scenes with this software. I used ArchiCAD for bigger projects where 3D drafting was an absolute must. It is easy to build up and transferable to other 3d drafting software. The big advantage there was The Virtual Building. ArchiCAD stores all the information about the building in a central database; changes made in one view are updated in all others, including floor plans, sections/elevations, 3D models and bills of material

C i nema 4D i s c a pa b l e of p ro c e d u ral an d p olyg onal/s u b d m o d el l i n g, an i mati n g, l i g hti n g, tex tu ri n g an d re n d eri n g, an d i s n ote d for b e i n g ver y easy to us e an d ar ti st frien d ly am o n g h i g h e n d 3 D a p p l i c ati ons an d havi n g a ver y fl exi b l e i nter fa c e.

3d modelling animations lighting texturing rendering high-end images individual furniture design

cinema 4d I used cinema 4d to final-render 3D models, adjust lighting and create high-end 3D images or animations. Basically this software is good to use for more detailed illustrations such as product designs, single room layouts and projects where realistic surfaces and textures are required. Cinema 4D is able to communicate with other architectural software such as AutoCAD or ArchiCAD. I used this software in a good work flow with Adobe Photoshop composing.

Ad o b e Creative S uite (CS) i s a c ol l e c ti on of g ra p h i c d e s i g n, vi d e o e d iti n g, an d we b d evel o p me nt a p p l i c ati o n s. The Creative S uite c o ntai n s a p p l i c ati ons for g ra p h i c d e s i g n s u c h as a raster g ra p hi c e d itor or d e s k to p p u b l i s h i n g.

adobe suite I used the Bridge as an organizational program. Its primary purpose is to link the parts of the Creative Suite together. Photoshop, is a graphics editing program which if used to crop, manipulate and edit pictures.

Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program, which was helpful to illustrate final blueprints & layouts as well as mood boards.

InDesign is a desktop publishing software. I used InDesign to create posters, flyers, calendars and brochures.

M i c ros of t O f fi c e i s a p o p u lar s et of i nterrelate d d e s k to p a p p l i c ati o n s, s er vers an d s er vi c es. It i s m o stly us e d to ad m i n i s trate an d s c he d u l e al l ki n d s of d ata.

microsoft office Word is a word processing software. I created any type of written templates in this application.

Excel features calculation, graphing tools and pivot tables. I used this software mainly to schedule events or create tabulations.

PowerPoint is a presentation program in which I designed boardroom and desktop presentations to support to demonstrate concepts and ideas.

Entourage is an e-mail client and personal information manager similar to outlook office. It is useful to schedule and arrange dates in combination with emailing.


The fol l owi n g p roj e c ts are a s el e c ti o n of work I d i d d u ri n g my stu d i e s. My c o u rs e c ontai ne d any fi el d of i nteri or arc h ite c ture & d es i g n. I n a p roj e c t it was re que ste d to p lan thro u g h al l stag e s fro m d e tai l e d blue p ri nts to c ol o u r c o n c e pts.

prefabricated housing children friendly environments space planning fabric selections interaction with companies accurate research schedule time frames

kindergarden I did this project in my third semester of my studies. The aim was to get familiar with prefabricated houses and containers. The work included accurate research, construction details, sections, elevations, space planning, children-friendly environmental planning, fabric selection, furniture selection. I also had to call up many companies to get information, select the right products and get product samples. In total it was an instructional assignment where I understood the differences in developing environments for children as well as planning with prefabricated houses and schedule time frames.

I was c onfro nte d with the tas k to d e s i g n a s pa wh i c h s h o u l d b el o n g to a p ri vate res i d e n c e. The s pa s h o u l d b e un d er a ro of to p an d a b l e to b e us e d i n wi nter as wel l. The s pa c e to b e us e d was o n a h i l l s i d e an d s u rro un d e d by ne i g h b o u rh o o d.

light construction steel technical solutions hygienic surfaces daylight utilisation space planning accurate research building on hillsides creating privacy

spa design This was part of my studies in the fourth semester and combined with construction and technical solutions. The major tasks where to design a light construction and to use the daylight at the time with keeping privacy as well as integrate technical equipment. Therefore this involved a bigger research on constructions, hygiene factors combined with surfaces and materials and daylight solutions. The major tasks of the assignment were detailed constructional functions, technical solutions, sections, elevations and a good comfort combined with hygienic environment.

I g ot to d es i g n the of fi c e i nteri ors for an exi sti n g b ui l d i n g s ite. The c l i e nt was a hu g e ban k. The re qui re me nt was to d evel o p a fun c ti onal re c e pti o n area , a b oard i n g ro o m, a waiti n g area , a ro of terra c e, a fun c ti on ro om an d the c h i ef d i re c tors of fi c e.

lighting solutions air ventilation systems heating sunscreen fire protection furniture sheets finishing legends material boards technical solutions & details

office design In my sixth semester I was confronted with an all round works pace planning. The aim was to understand work politics, work flows and imbed them into a comfortable environment. Special attention was dedicated to lighting solutions to be destinated for work areas, air ventilation systems, heating, fire protection classes, sprinklers and how to install everything in the ceiling integrated in a logical grid. The second big task was to select furniture and surfaces for diverse locations to suit the functions. Furniture sheets and finishing legends and material boards were requested. For presenting the design solution I was asked for a powerpoint presentation, 3d renderings and all essential details for technical solutions as well as sections, elevations and spacial plans.


21mm FPY furniert TEAK



21mm FPY furniert TEAK

Rückwand verschraubt; Schrauben: 1.5x15mm

0,03 0,276


16mm FPY Melamin-weiß



16mm FPY Melamin-weiß

1,528 0,03

5mm FPY Melamin-weis 3mm Aluminium gebürstet;








16mm FPY Melamin-weiß


21mm FPY furniert TEAK





16mm FPY Melamin-weiß





Rückwand verschraubt; Schrauben: 1.5x15mm

21mm FPY furniert TEAK

0,395 0,005




16mm FPY Melamin-weiß

Rückwand verschraubt; Schrauben: 1.5x15mm


0,007 21mm FPY furniert TEAK


0.016 0



I par ti c i pate d i n a d e s i g n c o m p etiti o n for the revital i sati o n of an exi sti n g yo uth h o s tel d e d i c ate d for sai l i n g stu d e nts an d l o c ate d on a b i g lake i n B avaria. I n the c o n test I g ot reward e d for the th i rd wi n ner.

small space solutions individual designs furniture inventions build up planning firm, timeless solutions construction details canteen planning long lasting interiors

youth hostel This contest was combined with my interior design and product design classes in the sixth semester. The challenge here was to create a fun environment for a young generation in a small space. The aim was to provide as much beds as possible with the necessary private space. Also it was requested to separate from the usual bunk bed accommodations. Therefore it was necessary to create each room individually but keep an overall concept. Special attention was demanded on developing furniture for special belongings, integrate interesting details and highly specify furniture build up plans as well as construction details.


I d e d i c ate d a l o n g ti me of my stu d i e s i n the p os s i b i l ities of d e s i g n i n g with c o n c rete. There fore I par ti c i pate d i n many p roj e c ts an d c o u rs e s testi n g the material to its l i m its an d a p p lyi n g the s ur fa c e to un c o m m o n c o nve nti o n s.

building prototypes limit tests reinforment calculations uncommon conventions surface study exhibited wine rack bench at national garden show

concrete design My university had partnerships with several concrete companies which supported me in my early research about the material and also provided laboratories to build prototypes and experiment with surfaces. After knowing more about the reactions and behaviours of concrete I went on creating small products for all day usage. There I gained knowledge of long lasting design and concrete reinforcement. After I became skilled in both developing and building my ideas in concrete I realised big projects such as wine rack for my final thesis which was also a partition with the height of two stories and is exhibited in worlds biggest company and also the inventor for an acronym of glass fibre and concrete. I also created a modern designed bench for outside usage which will be exhibited in the german national garden show.

surface - habtics

form - characteristics

Af ter un d er taki n g a thre e years c arp e nter a p p renti c es h i p I b e c ame a qual ifi e d c arp e nter. I forme d many un i que p i e c e s for p rivate us age, univers it y c las s e s an d c usto mers.

qualified carpenter furniture design product design knowledge of joints able to develop functional, long lasting products technical drafting practical experience

carpentry & furniture The pictures you see is a selection of furniture I designed and built through my practice as carpenter, my free time and my studies in interior design. Throughout my entire study program I was demanded to develop furniture for special occasions as part as my product design classes or to go along with interior concepts. This helped me a lot to understand the importance of the strong relationship between construction and design. I gained knowledge of various joints and am aware of developing functional long lasting products. Also I enjoyed a good education in technical drafting and profited by my practical experience.


M o d el l i n g was a b i g par t of my stu d i e s an d es s ential for al l t yp e of p roj e c ts s u c h as wh ol e b ui l d i n g s, i nteri ors or eve n p ro d u c ts. I al s o c reate d pal pati o n fi g u re s i n the early stag e s of re s earc h. . 3d modelling enlargement scales fine board mdf, veneer right dimensions haptic appearance getting familiar with local circumstances

models My study program began with 3d models to get a feeling for proportions, to get to know more about several materials and to find out the best enlargement scales for presenting the idea. I used majorly fine board, veneer sheets and natural wood. An essential material was medium density fibreboard which I lacquered afterwards. Nowadays I find it very important to be able to present an idea with a model to give the client an impression about dimensions and also an object with a haptic appearance that he can get familiar with. Also it is good to have a mock-up in the early stages of planning to assist to manage dimensions and space and get familiar with the local conditions.


D uri n g my stu d i e s I had to c o m p l ete a wh ol e s emester of p ra c ti c al exp eri e n c e i n an arc hite c tu ral fi rm. I d e c i d e d to d o that i n Austral ia as I wante d to g et m ore i mp res s i ons a b o ut i nternati o nal arc h ite c ture an d i m p rove my lan g uag e s ki l l s.

cunsolo architects in melbourne commercial corporate fitouts technical drawings participated in client meetings discussed design solutions with clients organised schedules led office meetings

experience I did a six month practical experience at Cunsolo Architects in Melbourne, Australia. The company provided interior design services including commercial corporate fitouts in Melbourne and interstate. There I created technical drawings including interior sheets such as finish, flooring, furniture sheets, details, elevations, sections, finish legends and notes. I selected finishes and prepared presentation materials such as material boards, powerpoint presentations, rendered floor plans, sketches etc. I participated in client meetings, contacted and discussed design solutions with clients, answered incoming calls and organised schedules. I documented and lead weekly office meetings.


al l referen c es avai la b l e u p o n re que st


8f wyfold road fulham - london sw6 6sj 020-7386-9919 peter-rudl@gmx.de 24.05.1982 german citizen


interior architecture

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