Top 5 Firefox Features for Android You Must Try For Support Dial Mozilla Firefox Helpline Number 1-800-358-0071
Why Firefox for Android Mozilla has just released an upgraded version of its Firefox browser on November 2017. This latest version was launched all across major platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, and Android. This revamped version of the browser has grabbed a lot of attention because of its really exciting and cool features. In this post, we are emphasizing on the best features of Firefox particularly for Android that you must try. Enlisted below some very genuine reasons why you should switch to Firefox browser for your Android device to experience the features you never thought of. You can anytime call Firefox browser Support number for any help regarding the same.
What’s New About Mozilla Firefox? Firefox has just released its desktop version known as Firefox Quantum Developer Edition. Though not all the features are available for Android users yet there are some of the features that are available on Android as well.
Features of Mozilla Firefox browser for Android Users Below we have listed the top five features that make the Mozilla Firefox browser a must-try on Android. Read about these exciting features below and download this all new browser asap.
Clean Design • The upgraded Firefox introduces the new Photon UI across all the platforms. This new Photon UI focuses on speed, making it faster. • The old gray and orange designs are replaced by a white design with the blue accent color. This new design is quite similar to Chrome. • Further, Firefox offers a clean home page that lets you access the frequently-visited sites easily. It makes your searching through multiple search engines from the search page easy. For instance, if you enter “Guiding tech” and press the Twitter search button present at the bottom, it will redirect to Twitter and search for tweets that include the term guiding tech. • The tab-switching process is much quicker now. It shows all the open tabs with a small preview for each.
Upgraded Performance • The new Firefox offers an enhanced and improved performance over its previous versions. • The upcoming Quantum CSS renderer that is yet to be incorporated by Mozilla will boost the speed by 2X. • To conclude all, this upgraded version is extremely powerful and efficient when compared to other browsers available on Google Play Store. It offers a competitive performance even without the upcoming Quantum CSS renderer.
Do Not Track Privacy Feature • Mozilla Firefox is the first mobile browser that offers the 'Do not track privacy' feature in both the regular and the privacy mode. When this feature is enabled, it restricts advertisers to collect your information thus stopping them to sell you targeted ads using trackers. • It blocks online trackers and informs third-party websites that you are not interested in those ads. • Not only does the Do not track feature block trackers, it makes pages load faster as now the ad trackers have been blocked by your browser. If you dont wana use it just change your browser settings (Settings > Privacy > Do not track) • In addition, Firefox also offers other privacy features such as guest session where the guest user doesn’t have the access to your saved logins and browsing history. To enable it just go to Tools > New Guest Session. • It also has the feature that automatically clears browsing history and data whenever the user exits the browser. • Firefox has also launched another browser particularly for safe browsing known as simple, small and fast browser known as Firefox Focus: The privacy browser.
Add-ons or Extensions • While the of extensions, famous Chrome or as Mozilla browser lacks calls them 'Addthe extension ons'. support on • From the user Android, interface, Mozilla Firefox, bookmark on the other organizers, hand, offers a social huge collection networking to
productivity add-ons, Firefox has it all. Currently, no other Android browser offers such a broad range of addons like Firefox.
Ad-blocking Measures • Firefox introduced one of the best add-ons for Firefox i.e. ad blocker. Firefox will now take care of all the annoying & frustrating ads automatically. All you need to do is install an ad blocker extension from the myriad of add-ons available. You can try ad blockers such as Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus on your Android device.
Call Mozilla Firefox Customer Support Number for Any Help • If you have Firefox installed on your Android device or desktop and are facing any issues with any feature of your Mozilla Firefox Browser, we recommend you to call our Mozilla Firefox Helpline Number absolutely toll free for USA, UK Canada & Australia. We have a well-versed team of technicians who offer the best Mozilla Firefox Customer Support resolving every single query of customers related to any browser. Just note down our Mozilla Firefox Tech Support Number (S) below: • Toll Free 1-800-358-0071 (US/Canada), 5700 (UK), +61-1800-769-903 (AU)
Firefox Browser Support Number Dial our Toll Free numbers for any help related to Mozilla: 1-800-358-0071 (US/Canada), +44-800-046-5700 (UK), +61-1800-769-903 (AU) • Disclaimer: We are an independent provider of remote technical support for software and peripheral devices. We have no affiliation with any of third-party companies unless such relationship is expressly specified. We collect information from the user but we never share the information to other parties. This information is so valuable for us. The use of any third party trademarks, logos, or brand names is for informational purposes only, and does not imply an endorsement by us or vice versa. If you find any kind of deceitful things present on our website then please inform us.