PGCE Newsletter 13th Ed. Feb 2020

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SECONDARY PGCE NEWS Core and School Direct Newsletter

Edition 13 | February| 2020

New Ofsted ITE Framework released... This issue will be dedicated to raising your awareness of the new proposed Ofsted framework for the inspection of ITE. The documentation was recently released by Ofsted for consultation during the period from 27th January 2020 to 3rd April 2020. During this time ITE providers will feedback to Ofsted on their proposals through a variety of forums and Ofsted state that... “The information (you provide us with) will inform our consideration of changes to the proposed ITE inspection framework from September 2020. We will consider all responses carefully before finalising and publishing the framework in summer 2020 . We will publish a response to the consultation at the same time as publishing the final version of the new ITE framework and handbook in summer 2020”.

Time-line for consultation and implementation...

Pedagogy in practice...

In this issue....

• All things Ofsted and the new ITE inspection framework • Across three pages, a summary of the new rationale and draft proposals for Spring 2021 and time-lines for consultation and implementation Pedagogy in practice...

According to Ofsted a ‘significant amount of work’ has gone into the development of the new framework. They (Ofsted) have ‘thoroughly tested (their) thinking, through engagement with (their) stakeholders and a series of pilot inspections’. A number of ‘engagement’ events have been held to gather feedback that has helped to shape the framework and inspection handbook. Through the autumn of 2019, the pilot inspections tested aspects such as: • the inspection criteria • the methodology for gathering evidence against the criteria • the extent to which the new inspection practice, under a one-stage model, sufficiently captures the factors that matter the most and those that are most directly linked to improving trainee teachers’ education and training experience Pilot inspections will continue throughout the spring term 2020, as they continue to refine the new inspection arrangements.

The Mentor Standards: Standard 1 - Personal qualities Establish trusting relationships, modelling high standards of practice, and empathising with the challenges a trainee faces. Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainees to develop their teaching practice in order to set high expectations and to meet the needs of all pupils.

Key proposals of the new framework? 1: Introduction of two key judgement areas only... a) The quality of education and training and... b) Leadership and management Judgements based upon ‘trainee outcomes’ will no longer be a prime focus for an Ofsted inspection, neither will judgements on the ‘quality of training across the partnership’. Pedagogy in practice... Instead these will be consolidated into QoET. Judgements here will have the ITE curriculum and what is ‘taught’ to trainees across the partnership at their heart. Outcomes will still play a part, however they will not be a sole criteria upon which judgements are made. Under the new proposals, context will also play a more important role in reaching any judgements. The revised leadership and management judgement places “a greater emphasis on how well leaders translate their ambitions into consistently high-quality education for trainees. The new criteria places a greater focus on the governance arrangements of initial teacher education, the need to ensure high-quality mentoring to support the delivery of the ITE programme and leaders’ work to minimise bureaucratic workload demands”.

2. A new methodology for gathering inspection evidence...

The new methodology will adopt much more the ‘deep-dive’ approach that schools will be becoming more familiar with. Whilst Ofsted propose to still visit trainees teaching, there will be a greater emphasis upon how the delivered programme (centre based and practice based) work together to form a coherent experience for the trainees. Observation of mentor feedback and discussions with key staff (mentors) will seek “to check how well the centrally taught programme is known and embedded by mentors”.

3. The one stage model of inspection...

Inspections will now be conducted through a single visit in either the spring or summer terms. This acknowledges that the previous two stage model, with an extra emphasis on the progression of NQTs, did not allow for their context to be properly taken into account. Inspectors will still seek to hold discussions with NQTs where possible, however, this will be to help reach judgements on the implementation of the ITE curriculum and their training prior to.

4. Short and long telephone calls prior to inspection...

The introduction of these phone calls prior to (3 days notice) an inspection is to allow for the inspection to be driven by the context, structure and organisation of the partnership. Appropriate planning will take place in order that the inspection causes minimal disruptions to the training programme and the providers of the partnership, whilst at the same time, facilitating the new methodology as outlined in proposal 2 above.

5. Spring and summer time inspections only...

This proposal acknowledges the fact that, under the previous two stage inspection, inspectors found it particularly difficult to draw on the evidence that is necessary to form a valid inspection judgement during the Autumn term where they would be working with, in some cases, trainees in the very early stages of their training as part of a newly enrolled cohort. The new cycle of inspection will not begin until spring 2021. The Mentor Standards: Standard 3 – Professionalism Induct the trainee into professional norms and values, helping them to understand the importance of the role and responsibilities of teachers in society. Standard 4 – Self-development and working in partnership Continue to develop their own professional knowledge, skills and understanding and invest time in developing a good working relationship within relevant ITT partnerships

The New DfE core content framework and early career framework... The new initial teacher training core content framework (ITT CCF) is the DfE’s blueprint of what they consider to be the minimum entitlement for all primary and secondary trainee teachers (with it also being a mandatory requirement). Whilst Ofsted has ‘no preferred’ model for the implementation of an ITE curriculum or the application of the ITT CCF, it will be an important consideration during any ITE Ofsted inspection with a key focus being on whether partnerships are ensuring that all trainees are receiving the minimum entitlement. It is important to remember that trainees will not be expected to gather evidence against the ITT CCF as it is not to be used as an assessment tool, more it is a document that should inform the planning of the ITE curriculum to ensure the minimum entitlement is being met. The ITT CCF is very closely aligned with the early career framework which is designed to support NQTs and again, sets out the minimum entitlement for NQTs as expected by the DfE. The early career framework is to be rolled out early from September 2020 across a number of participating authorities and participating schools. During this early roll out period, the NQT statutory induction period will remain at one year, however, after the full roll out from September 2021, statutory NQT induction will take two years. QTS will still be awarded at the end of their initial teacher training however NQTs will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards after a two year period to determine whether they have passed their induction.

What Ofsted will NOT do...

Pedagogy in practice...

Whilst an Ofsted inspection is for many a daunting prospect, in their draft “Initial teacher education framework and handbook” (see link on pIV), Ofsted have taken time to outline just what they will not require or do during an inspection. The brief summary of key points below may save time during our preparations and allow us to focus on those things most appropriate.

Ofsted will not... • • • •

Grade individual lessons or sessions led by trainers or mentors Create unnecessary workload for partnership staff/trainees through its report recommendations Advocate a particular method of planning (including lesson planning) Expect any particular recruitment and selection process

Ofsted does not require partnerships to provide... • • • •

Evidence in any specific format, as long as it is easily accessible to inspectors Individual or previous lesson plans Performance and trainee tracking information Assessment or self-evaluation, other than that which is already part of the partnership’s business processes

Ofsted does not require partnerships to... • • • •

Do additional work or to ask trainees to do work specifically for the inspection Carry out a specified method or frequency of assessing trainees during their practical teaching experiences Use the Ofsted evaluation schedule to grade teaching or individual lessons Provide additional information outside of their normal ITE curriculum planning

Ofsted does not specify...

• How planning (including curriculum and lesson-planning) should be set out, the length of time it should take or the amount of detail it should contain • The frequency, type or volume of trainee assessments, observations or feedback • The content of, or approach to, trainee assessments The above statements are taken directly from the draft “Initial teacher education framework and handbook” (April 2020)

Dates for your diary (2019-20)….. • • • • •

Mon 2nd Sept 2019 - Start of ‘Core’ PGCE Mon 2nd Sept 2019 - Registration Day Mon 23rd Sept 2019 - Initial Experience Phase (IEP) begins Thu 19th Dec 2019 - IEP ends Mon 27th Jan 2020 - Sustained Enactment Phase (SEP) begins • Fri 12th Jun 2020 - SEP ends The twelve PfL Dates (2019-20): (5/9/19), (6/9/19), (16/9/19), (17/9/19), (4/10/19), (18/10/19), (15/11/19), (29/11/19), (17/1/20), (31/1/20), (14/2/20) & (13/3/20) 2019-20 Trainee Grades and Reports submission to UoC: • Autumn Term - Thu 19th December 2019 • Spring Term - Fri 3rd April 2020 • Summer Term - Fri 12th June 2020 (Final Grades)

Useful Links (copy & paste in browser)…. ITE Core Content: attachment_data/file/536890/Framework_Report_11_ July_2016_Final.pdf Mentor Support (FAQs) video link: New Mentor Framework: pdf NASBTT Toolkit: Addressing Teacher Workload in ITE: system/uploads/attachment_data/file/753502/Addressing_ Workload_in_ITE.pdf New ITE Ofsted Framework (draft): government/consultations/initial-teacher-education-inspection-framework-and-handbook-2020-inspecting-the-quality-of-teacher-education

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