Peter Veldhuizen SydneyAustralia Is entrepreneurship the same as social entrepreneurship?
Peter Veldhuizen Social entrepreneurship is not the same as plain entrepreneurship.
Although the concept is similar – creating a project from scratch on your own – social entrepreneurship is often used for a different and very specific purpose.
Peter Veldhuizen SydneyAustralia – When we talk about social entrepreneurship, we usually refer to using company techniques – startups in particular – to develop solutions to certain social problems
In general, we talk about social entrepreneurship when we refer to NGOs or government organizations and their projects are usually non-profit.
Traditional entrepreneurship always has a profit motive.And it is also something that individuals, individuals or private companies carry out or put into practice
Peter Veldhuizen In addition, social entrepreneurship aims more at the technique than at the fact That is, we talk about the way to launch a project or an NGO, using the strategies and systems that entrepreneurs use to make their projects viable.
While when we talk about social entrepreneurship we talk about the fact: making a personal or group project real.