Volume 20: Issue 171

Volume 20: Issue 171
Publisher: Peter White
Tel: +44 (0) 1892 740869
Mob: +44 (0) 7973 273714 peter@outsourcedigitalmedia.com
Editor in Chief : David McKee dmckee6@comcast.net
Editor EMEA: Damien Connelly damien@outsourcedigitalmedia.com
Columnist: Raymond Chan ymrchan@hotmail.com
Victor H. Royer
International Features Editor victor@outsourcedigitalmedia.com
Associate Editor EMEA: Andrew Behan a.behan@librasgroup.com
Las Vegas Correspondent: Ryan Slattery RyanSlats@gmail.com
International Correspondent: Lyudmyla Kyrychenko lyudmyla.kyrychenko@outsource digitalmedia.com
Designer: Stewart Hyde stewart@de5ign.co.uk www.de5ign.co.uk
Accounts: Helen Holmes accounts@outsourcedigitalmedia.com
IT Director: Pasha Kuzminskiy pasha@outsourcedigitalmedia.com
lobal Gaming Expo 2024 has come and gone from Las Vegas, and I barely survived it. Too many products, too many panels and too much caffeine!
But the health of the casino industry was not to be questioned. As American Gaming Association President Bill Miller understandably trumpeted, Big Gaming is coming off a record year. According to Miller’s charts and graphs, we’re also seeing a greening of the casino audience, one which is trending younger.
However, it was perhaps a bit crass of Miller to flash a graphic that read, “Betting on the Next Generation.” That sounds like the sort of antigambling screed one sees two or three times a day on the Internet.
Although G2E always showcases the manufacturing side of the industry, this was perhaps the most tech-forward expo in some time. Multiple panels were devoted to the subject of artificial intelligence. One quickly gleaned two things about AI: 1) People still don’t grasp what it is and B) the industry isn’t using it very much.
As UNLV International Gaming Institute Director of Research Kasra Ghaharian put it, “If stakeholders don’t know what they’re talking about, operators aren’t going to make good decisions. There’s a risk if we start to develop these things behind closed doors. How good does this thing actually work? Because there’s not a lot of information.” (I thought, not for the last time, that our Raymond Chan could help everyone out immensely.)
One certainty is that if the industry doesn’t get on the stick, techwise, unlicensed and unscrupulous operators will. (That goes double for fraud prevention, which was another hot-button topic.) By contrast, the regulated industry could well use AI to promote responsible gambling. Shelley White, outgoing CEO of Canada’s Responsible Gambling Council, cited early detection and positive messaging as two responsible-gaming uses for the technology.
The crux of the issue may be adoption (and the cost of implementation seems to be the inhibiting factor therein). Messaging of players using AI has been tried, according to researcher Michael Auer, and was hard, ergo not implemented further. One was reminded of C.S. Lewis’ bon mot that Christianity hadn’t been tried and found wanting, merely been found difficult and not been tried.
Some jurisdictions are on the curve. Italy, Ontario, New Jersey and Colorado were all cited as places that get the AI/gaming intersection. If you state or country’s name isn’t on that short list, perhaps G2E served as a wakeup call. Too much of the industry (42 percent by one measure) falls into the category of using AI for compliance “somewhat,” and 10 percent aren’t employing it at all, like the proverbial ‘fish’ at the poker table who wonders who the fish could be.
As Ghaharian sagely said, “We’re just scratching the surface.”
David McKee Editor
6 History in the Making Ken Epstein charts the course of the El Cortez Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. By David McKee
14 A Little Bit of Luxury Virgin Las Vegas has changes in store for 2025, President Cliff Atkinson says. By Ryan Slattery
19 Greed is Getting the Better of Las Vegas Casinos
6:5 blackjack is the bane of an intelligent player’s existence. By Al O’Grady 23 Innovating on the Move How Soft2Bet is redefining mobile and UX design in iGaming with MEGA.
25 Mutually Beneficial Collaboration A complete guide to the 1xBet affiliate program. 29 Renewed Commitment An interview with Derik Mooberry, CEO of Zitro Games USA. By Victor H. Royer 33 Going Big with AG2
An interview with Lai Cozzolino, manager of global product management, Aruze Global. By Victor H. Royer
36 Aristocrat Shines at G2E 2024 Groundbreaking innovations are unveiled in Las Vegas. By Victor H. Royer
40 DRGT Impresses at G2E Jurgen De Munck and Marco Herrera reflect on the Las Vegas showcase that was.
45 From Flat to Deep Enriching AI capabilities for accurate image reconstruction. By Raymond Chan
Editorial Policy: The views and opinions expressed in Casino Life remain principally the views of contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publishers.
The publishers wish to avoid inaccuracies and, whilst every precaution has been taken to ensure that information contained in this publication is accurate, no liability is accepted by the editor or publishers for errors or omissions, however caused.
Following in the footsteps of a legend can’t be easy but that is what El Cortez Hotel & Casino CEO Ken Epstein has dared to do. In 2007, he purchased the venerable property from omnipresent Downtown mover and shaker Jackie Gaughan. It’s been Las Vegas’ longest-operating casino since its debut November 7, 1941, a month before Pearl Harbor.
After purchasing the Downtown dowager from the legendary Gaughan, Epstein has balanced keeping the property current and competitive with hewing to its historic roots. Those origins included an early association with mobster Bugsy Siegel, whose presence is commemorated in the property’s signature restaurant. Few casinos can claim to be on the National Register of Historic Places … but there the El Cortez can be found, an honor conferred six years into Epstein’s 17-year tenure. Neon Museum Executive Director Aaron Berger has hailed the Epstein administration’s commitment to the past saying that “being historically minded, it is no surprise when it comes to their leadership. El Cortez has maintained the integrity of its building for over 80 years. The property has intentionally embraced its past and made updates to meet the
needs of today’s visitors without tearing down. That’s unique in Las Vegas, a city known for making way for something new.”
If Jackie Gaughan’s ghost were to roam the halls of the El Cortez today, he would find that his penthouse apartment is now a VIP suite. He would also mourn the demise of his beloved poker room, where he would often sit in on games. But he would find the atmosphere and intimate size still very much to his liking.
The El Cortez formerly sat in splendid isolation, off to one side of the Downtown corridor. But when shoe mogul Tony Hsieh seized on redevelopment with a passion in his Downtown Project, the El Cortez became the terminus of the Fremont East revival. It now sits cheek-by-jowl with happening eateries and bars like The Griffin. Alas, Hsieh died without heirs in 2020, leaving the fate of the Downtown Project very much in flux.
Born the same year as the El Cortez, Epstein — “Kenny” to everyone — was but 18 when he entered the gambling industry, cutting his teeth at the Stardust. The casino industry’s grip on him has not slackened since. A man of few, well-chosen words, the affable Epstein takes up the story of his origins and course to Downtown …
I was born in Chicago and was very fortunate in that my parents moved here in 1959. I went to school in Los Angeles at Santa Monica City College and I wanted to be like my father, a gambler. I spent more time at the racetrack than I should have.
What career path brought you to the El Cortez? I was working at Caesars Palace as an employee. I went to Lake Tahoe with my parents on a vacation. We saw one of the owners of the Cal-Neva Lodge. He was a friend of my father’s. He said, “I want you to meet a friend of mine who’s got the Tahoe Biltmore,” just across the street. And it was Jackie Gaughan. Jackie was very nice. He took me into the casino, took me around the place, showed me everything. He was really impressive to an 15-year-old.
Later that night we were getting cleaned to up to go to dinner and my father said to me, “You know that fellow that we met today?” “You mean Mr. Gaughan?” “Yeah. He’s a triple threat.” I knew what a triple threat was in football: You can pass. You can run. You can kick. “How is he a triple threat?”, I said. “He’s a go-getter. He’s smart. He’s on the on the square.” Fortunately, I got hooked up with Jackie in 1975, which is 19 years later. How about that?
For those who are unfamiliar with Jackie Gaughan, what was his importance to Las Vegas, and particularly to Downtown?
Jackie was something special. He started the Fun Book, and he owned the El Cortez, Las Vegas Club, the Showboat, the Golden Nugget, the Western, the Plaza Hotel. He had interests in all these hotels. He was Mr. Downtown.
When you joined the El Cortez, in what capacity was it?
I bought five percent in 1975. After that we built the Barbary Coast, the Gold Coast, The Orleans. We had a lot of experience. That was with Jackie’s son, Michael, as well. Jackie said to me, when we sold in 2004, “What are you going to do with this money?” “Jackie, I didn’t get the money yet.” “Well, you will. It’s too much money for you. It’s not good to have that kind of money. Let me give you something to do.” So he sold me the El Cortez.
If he came back today, what aspects of the El Cortez would Jackie Gaughan still find familiar?
It’s changed but it still has the taste of Jackie Gaughan’s operation. We love him and he was a customer’s man. That’s what we are. We’re the owners and we take care of our customers. They know us. This is like a place from the past. There’s no other place like the El Cortez in Las Vegas. All the old places that were here are all gone. All the places with history are all gone.
What are some of the more important changes that you have made?
This tower was built in 1980 and we redid it. It cost almost $25 million, not only because of decor. We had to change all the pipes — stacks of sewer pipes, water pipes and vertical pipes. Plus electricity. An older place, you have to keep it up to code and that will cost you money.
What was important not to change?
The feeling of a place that’s been here a long time. We’re doing a big expansion right now and we wanted to make sure that the architects, the builder and the designer kept it so that it doesn’t feel like it’s brand new, doesn't fit with the rest of the place. We wanted to sort of gradually go into a look like it’s been here.
What are the purposes of the current expansion?
It’s simple. To take care of more customers. We’re just maxed out on the weekends and we don’t have a place to put more people. We’ve got to expand.
How so you expand the casino floor, for instance, in a property that has finite space?
This is space that wasn’t used. It was an old restaurant, a kitchen that’s not in service anymore. That’s the space we’re using.
When the upgrade is finished, what can customers expect to see that is different?
There will be two new bars, a bigger casino space and we’re going to have a new Chinese restaurant. We’ll have a new high-limit area, where bathrooms are for the customers [now].
What is your core audience?
It used to be 70 percent local and 30 percent tourist. It’s switched, absolutely switched now. We used to have $2 blackjack and now we have minimum $15. We used to have a lot of older machines. Now we have all brand-new machines. We’re just upgrading the whole feel of the place.
What kind of gambling value proposition or experience are your customers expecting?
Value is sort of difficult to explain because you can have the 49-cent breakfast or 99-cent breakfast and free drinks to bring them in. That’s one type of value. Another type of value is charging a nice price, a proper price but not an expensive price, giving them a better experience. Give them value for what they’re getting. It depends on how you look at it.
Downtown redevelopment has waxed and waned. Where does it stand now?
It’s great. First of all we had a gentleman, Tony Hsieh, come to town and he really was great for us. Anybody who spends money in your neighborhood, you gotta love him. He spent over $300,000 buying land here and putting people in business, creating excitement around here. Unfortunately, he’s gone now and we miss him. But he started this rejuvenation of Downtown.
How much of a setback has that been, particularly with Hsieh dying without a will?
It’s not easy because other people want to buy his land and they want to develop it. And it’s not easy because you’ve got to go through all these different lawyerly things. It’s hard to buy a piece of property. Fortunately, we did buy a couple from him, three pieces in fact, and he was a great guy. We’re sorry to lose him. He was a big asset for Downtown.
How is the competitive/collaborative dynamic of Downtown different from elsewhere?
Let me put it this way: Derek Stevens built Circa. Great for us. Great for us! Anybody who spends $700 million, $800 million in your neighborhood, you’ve gotta love it. If you have a house that’s worth X amount of dollars, somebody builds a house that costs 10 times as much next to you, it makes your house worth more. Well, that’s what he did for us.
How closely do you work with the other operators in Downtown?
We don’t work with them all the time but when we’re working on an event. F1 is great for where it’s at. But it blocks up streets and other properties don’t get the benefit of it. So Derek Stevens and the rest of Downtown, we all got together and we’re doing an entertainment venue with food to sort of complement the F1 weekend.
What is the importance of history to you?
We had a gentleman that came to us about 12 years ago. He came to us with an idea. He says, “You’re not playing off your history.” I said, “What do you mean by that?” “Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky and Gus Greenbaum, all gangsters, they owned the place. You’ve got history here. You’ve got the Mob Museum down the street. It must be important because the Mob Museum is catering to the history of Las Vegas and the mobsters that came here. You’ve got ‘em that owned this place. You’re missing the boat!”
So he came up with a plan to rename our restaurant Siegel’s 1941 and he came up with the menu, he came up with pictures — the whole deal. I said, “Great! We’re doing it.” So we did. And he was right. So we’re playing off our history and, in conjunction with the Mob Museum, we have a history hallway here. It shows the history of the El Cortez so it’s pretty good.
What are your ambitions for yourself and the El Cortez as it heads into the future?
I want to stay here as long as I can. I’m only 83, so I’m not giving up. We just want to make this place bigger and better, and my children are partners in this place. If I’m not here anymore they’ll be here.
Virgin Las Vegas has changes in store for 2025, President Cliff Atkinson says. By Ryan Slattery
Virgin Hotels Las Vegas’ original debut was pandemic-delayed. The resort opened somewhat quietly in March 2021, but over the past couple of years has built a loyal local following. Last year’s Formula One race thrust the property into the spotlight, with many visitors rediscovering the property. Cliff Atkinson, president of Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, called it a “recoming out party.”
Today, the resort is full speed ahead planning for this year’s race and to host the AVN Awards in January. It will also be the partner hotel for the Electric Daisy Carnival in May. The resort is planning some major changes for its now empty nightclub-theater and the return of the famous Center Bar. We spoke with Atkinson in September.
With 33 years in hospitality, you’ve had a lot of hotel experience, mainly at Mandarin Oriental and MGM Resorts International, plus a stint as President of Luxor Hotel & Casino. Now, you’re off-Strip at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas and have been here for over a year now. What attracted you to the property?
Half my career was with one company, Mandarin Oriental. I got to do a lot there. I fell in love with the business and wanted to stay here in Vegas and this opportunity at Virgin Hotels opened up. It’s a little bit boutique. It’s a little bit, I don’t use the word ‘luxury’ because that’s not really what we are, but we have some great villas and we have butler service, and many hidden gems within the property. It’s a lifestyle. It’s gaming. It’s food and beverage, it’s entertainment.
There’s an intangible vibe when you put it all together.
Virgin has hidden gems like the one we’re sitting in now. Tell us about the Shag Room. It’s such a cool space. The Shag Room is basically a speakeasy for live music. There’s no cover charge and you can see incredible live music, some really great bands as well as new local talent. Perfect for anyone looking for fun and some excitement, a bit of old Vegas.
Being off-Strip can have its challenges. How do you position Virgin Hotels to guests or the market in general?
I’m really bullish about our location. For a couple of reasons. Traffic in town has never been crazier. Locals
and visitors are getting to know how close we are to the Strip. It’s under five minutes from our VIP entrance here to the VIP entrance of Sphere. So, five minutes from the Sphere, and the Formula One Paddock is right next door. And at the end of the day, we’re also still the closest, most exciting casino environment to the airport.
I’m also seeing that your station for the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop is being built right now. When will that be complete?
The tunnel’s built. We’re building our station now. By the time we’re sitting here next year, it should be open. You’ll be able to get from our property into an underground Tesla and over to the Convention Center. We’ve been growing group business here. We have doubled our group room nights this year. Five minutes from the Convention Center is a game changer for us.
How has your partnership with Hilton changed? It’s evolved in a good way for both parties. Hilton
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We welcome everybody but our sweet spot is really the millennials that are looking for something a little bit different. We want our customers to have fun. That’s why we’re doing things like the Wu-Tang Clan residency or all the entertainment that we have coming for NFR or Formula One. And we have the Shag Room and our burlesque show “Lady Luck.” There are a lot of reasons to come."
was managing the property but we self-manage now. We are a franchise. So, we still get all the benefits of marketing to 100 million-plus Hilton Honors members. Our relationship with Hilton has never been better.
When it comes to the rooms and suites, are any renovations planned?
The rooms were all refurbished recently. We have 80-plus suites — some four-bedroom suites — that compete with anything in Vegas. They’re amazing. Where we are spending our time is changing retail, changing food and beverage, and also our gamingfloor program. That’s where we will be taking things the next 18 to 24 months.
What demographic is Virgin Hotels marketing to?
We welcome everybody but our sweet spot is really the millennials that are looking for something a little
bit different. We want our customers to have fun. That’s why we’re doing things like the Wu-Tang Clan residency or all the entertainment that we have coming for NFR or Formula One. And we have the Shag Room and our burlesque show “Lady Luck.” There are a lot of reasons to come.
There are a lot of construction walls up as well. What’s on the way?
We are looking at launching new, Virgin-branded retail in some of these spaces, adding a new gaming bar — we just don’t have enough bar top gaming units and bars to hang out — and we’re creating more meeting space.
And what’s happening with the former Magic Mike Theater space?
We’ve got some plans. I really like that theater and
we’re very close to selecting partners. There’s a lot of interest in that space.
Will it be an entertainment venue or nightclub?
Probably a blend of both. Not a traditional nightclub. We’re not going to compete with that. We want to give people something different and new to Vegas. The way we do things is a little bit smaller but with fun in mind.
Let’s talk about Nobu. It’s been here since the Hard Rock days. What makes this location so iconic?
We know there are a few Nobus in town and there are Nobu restaurants all over the world but we have the original, the first Nobu outside in New York. You couple that with free parking and not being on Strip, it’s pretty easy to come in and get a wonderful dinner.
Any plans for the former Todd English restaurant space?
We’re very close to making an announcement on that space as well. It took a while for us to look and see what we have and what we’re missing to decide on what’s next.
You’re also taking over casino operations. How will that change the guest experience in terms of gambling and rewards?
Mohegan Sun is still here but eventually the casino will be integrated with the entire resort. We’re really excited about the opportunity. There will be a new loyalty program launched in 2025. We’ve seen everything in the market from what the big guys do to the Rio and Palms programs. We believe we can create something different that provides even more value for the customer that will be very competitive in Las Vegas.
Does that mean there will be changes to the sports book as well?
We are changing what the sports book is, including our partner there. We’re working on that right now. We have some great ideas and potential partners. Again, we’re looking to do something a little bit different. Some next-level fun with food and beverage, and some other entertainment to really make it an experience.
Virgin Las Vegas is located right next to the Formula One Paddock. How was that experience for you last year for the first F1 race?
It was a home run for us because we are so close and outside the track as well, so access to the property is easy. Super Bowl was great for us but F1 was five times that. We had DJs starting some days at eight in the morning. We had bands in here at lunchtime. We wanted to activate the property because we knew it was going to be a rediscovery for some. People were eating at Nobu at three in the morning. If you’re
We will have brand partnerships, live music, DJs and specials at all of our restaurants with extended hours because we saw the demands. Nobu and Kassie Beach House will open early, and stay open much later." “
coming to F1, our property has to be your pre- and post- just because it’s so easy to get to.
Have you seen a bump in visitors to the property as a result of F1?
We did see an increase in food and beverage revenue, and an increase in our gaming handle since F1, so it was a great opportunity for us to shine. F1 was our re-coming out party.
What are your plans for this year’s race?
We will have brand partnerships, live music, DJs and specials at all of our restaurants with extended hours because we saw the demands. Nobu and Kassie Beach House will open early, and stay open much later.
I’m hearing some talk we might see the return of the Center Bar — a Hard Rock institution back in the day. Any truth to that?
The nostalgia for that is strong. This property created that concept, as it also created the first daylife venue with Rehab back in the day. There are definitely plans, I can’t say exactly when, but I would love to be serving drinks at a Center Bar by the end of next year. We’re just getting warmed up to the changes around here and leaning into some things that people really liked. People had a great time there. Now there’s a whole generation that’s never experienced that, at least here. So creating that for them will be how we approach this.
For more information on Virgin Hotels Las Vegas visit: virginhotelslv.com.
6:5 blackjack is the bane of an intelligent player’s existence. By Al O’Grady
get feedback from time to time from readers and one comment I get is, Why have I not written about casinos paying 6:5 on blackjacks? As we all know the norm has always been a 3:2 payout on blackjack. But this game continues to evolve and this is another chapter in that evolution. Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip have embraced this more than others, but that raises the question of why. There is the glib response, “Because they can,” but I summarize it in one word, greed.
Let us start with the math and the impact this can have on the player. Playing 6:5 blackjack means that the player wins $6 for every $5 wagered, or $1.20 for every $1 bet when getting that beloved A-10 combination. With the 3:2 game, the player wins $3 for every $2 wagered or $1.50 for every $1 bet. That means the casino has pilfered an extra $0.30 for each dollar wagered from the player when he gets a blackjack.
But what does that do to the overall house edge? It is very difficult to give a perfect answer to this because of the minor variations in the house rules from casino to casino (i.e. no doubling after splitting, hitting vs sticking on a soft 17, allowing surrender, etc.). In general, if a player is playing perfect strategy the house may have a 0.5 percent edge over him in a 3:2 game. That means the house can realize a $0.50 edge for each $100 wagered over time. In a 6:5 game that house edge increases to two percent, which means the casino realizes income of $2 per $100 wagered. When you multiply that by the number of people playing blackjack on the Vegas Strip, 24-7, 365 days a year, the added revenue stream can be staggering.
But is 6:5 blackjack the industry standard? Certainly not. Is it a growing trend? I cannot offer conclusive evidence one way or the other. While doing research for this article, it was exceedingly difficult getting recent data showing how many casinos have gone or will be going to the 6:5 game.
It is very much location-driven. In a report from 2015, 64 percent of casinos in Las Vegas had 6:5, nine percent of casinos in the Midwestern states had it; 18 percent in the West, 17 percent in the East, and 25 percent in the southern U.S. round out the American casinos. From personal experience, I deal in Canada and I am not aware of any casino with 6:5 in the province of Ontario. Regardless of how many casinos are going the 6:5 route, the industry is certainly watching with keen interest.
Casinos must be incredibly careful not to be a victim of their own success. When run properly, a casino is a license to print money. I have never known anyone that put a casino into bankruptcy, with one exception, and that man went on to become President of the United States in 2016 … but I digress. Casinos are successful because they always have a house edge and they prey upon their customers’ greed. They constantly dangle that proverbial carrot in front of the player’s nose with grand illusions of easy money and lots of it. Greed may be a player’s downfall and it could be a casino’s as well. It is no wonder that greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
Corporations that run casinos are always looking to maximize profit. But short-term revenue enhancement can lead to long-term diminishing growth. Business 101 is to give the customer what he wants at a profit. But if increased profits lead to a decrease in customer satisfaction, the player will not see a value proposition and will take his business elsewhere. To the keen observer, this may seem elementary but, unfortunately, we are assuming that all players are rational.
As a dealer, speaking from personal experience, it boggles the mind how many players will buy in for $500 to $1,000 at a $25 table and not have a clue about basic strategy. If they do not know what to do with 15 against a dealer’s six, do you think they understand the ramifications of 6:5 versus 3:2 payouts on a blackjack?
Casinos are relying on this ignorance. P.T. Barnum would be proud. He knew that there is a sucker born every minute, and that a fool and his money are easily parted. The thing is, there are a number of us who enjoy games of chance and understand the odds but take great exception to being taken advantage of by the big bad casino.
So what does the intelligent gambler do? How do we fight back? The quick answer is not to play. Refuse to be treated like a fool. Not only refuse to play at the tables that have 6:5 payouts but also refuse to stay at their hotel as well and, most importantly, let the pit boss know your displeasure — but do it in a respectful fashion.
You can write a formal complaint to the Nevada State Gaming Commission. You might roll your eyes with that suggestion but do not underestimate this: If a bully can take advantage of you, they will. If you throw up the white flag, the bully has won without a fight. On a similar note, reach out to local government officials and let them know you will not be making the trip to Las Vegas. Tell them there are plenty of casinos across the country and Vegas is no longer the only game in town. Vegas thrives on tourism and if this rule change impacts the number of people coming in, they will reconsider how casinos are treating its customers.
While I am showing my age by suggesting a letterwriting campaign, the Gen-Xers and those under 30 have this ubiquitous device called a cell phone.
They frequent social media sites such as Instagram and Tik Tok. This is an excellent platform to not only voice their displeasure but it can also be used as an educational medium calling for blackjack players to boycott the 6:5 game.
Another suggestion is to play a different game. Baccarat has better odds for the player than blackjack. It is an incredibly easy game to play and the action can get intense.
These are all different ideas to fight the casino but, at the end of the day, money rules. Las Vegas will change this rule if it is taking a hit to its bottom line.
They had an experiment in the early Nineties where Vegas tried to market itself as a family vacation spot. It quickly discovered that Dad does not want to take his nine-year-old daughter to a place called Sin City and a high roller does not want to shoot craps where little Johnny can be tugging at his coattails.
Vegas changed. It can change again with 6:5 blackjack but only if we speak their language. Money talks and BS walks. Do your talking and let the casino do the walking. Good luck at the tables and do not forget to tip the dealer.
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A complete guide to the 1xBet affiliate program
he international bookmaker 1xBet introduced its affiliate program, 1xBet Partners, in 2016. Thanks to many undeniable advantages, the program almost immediately gained popularity among potential partners. It also received recognition from the professional community, winning a prize at the SBC Awards.
TEight years after its launch, the 1xPartners website is available in 20 languages, and the affiliate network exceeds 100,000 participants worldwide. Partners note the 1xBet Partners user-friendly interface and the simple registration process, which takes a few minutes and requires a minimum document set.
The main advantages of the 1xBet Affiliate Program include:
1. High conversion rates: up to 65 percent of site visitors make their first deposit.
2. Generous commissions: up to 50 percent lifetime commission for each attracted client.
3. Welcome offer for new partners: up to 40 percent revenue share during the first three months of collaboration.
4. Personal assistant: each partner has a personal manager who helps solve problems.
5. Extensive withdrawal options: partners can access over 200 payment methods for commission payouts.
6. Automatic weekly payments: convenient automatic weekly payment of the affiliate income.
7. High-quality promo materials: 1xPartners members get access to a huge database of highquality advertising content.
8. Personal account: you can obtain all necessary information from any personal device.
9. Real-time statistical updates: the possibility to quickly track performance indicators and change your marketing strategy to increase revenue.
10. Marketing support: comprehensive marketing support, including recommendations for effective promotion.
1xBet Affiliate Program operates on a classic affiliate program system, one where each partner receives a fixed percentage of the income. In this case, the commissions depend on the turnover and revenue, which ensures a mutually beneficial collaboration between the partner and the bookmaker. At the same time, partners can independently choose one of two business models: payment per action (CPA) or a hybrid model that allows them to earn both one-time CPA payouts and recurring commissions.
Traffic monetization by stimulating user registration on the 1xBet platform occurs with the help of referral links and promo codes. Each new player attracted by a 1xPartners participant receives a unique identifier that allows tracking their activity and accruing the
corresponding reward to the partner.
The 1xBet affiliate program offers a convenient way to increase income for owners of any media platform, from Web sites, blogs and forums to social media pages, messenger groups and YouTube channels.
1xBet Affiliate Program participants can choose any suitable withdrawal option, including the popular Webmoney and Visa systems. For partners' convenience, commission payouts are made weekly and automatically – you just need to earn the minimum amount specified in the contract.
Founded in 2007, 1xBet has accepted bets online since 2010, becoming a key player in the sports betting industry. Operating in 70 languages, the 1xBet platform is one of the world’s most popular betting sources and offers more than 250 ways to deposit and withdraw winnings.
Every month, three million 1xBet clients can access over 17,000 sports events to bet on and watch 6,000 video broadcasts of various matches for free. 1xBet customer support works around the clock and is ready to promptly answer any question.
1xBet collaborates only with the best and is an official partner of FC Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, LOSC Lille, La Liga, Serie A, and other famous sports clubs and organizations.
Casino Life Magazine recently had the opportunity to interview Derik Mooberry, CEO of Zitro Games USA. Zitro is a leading global supplier in the gaming industry, founded in 2007 by Johnny Ortiz. It has made its mark in the bingo sector with its video bingo and BET system, popular across many countries. Since then, Zitro has expanded its reach across numerous jurisdictions, continuously evolving its product portfolio.
Mooberry joined Zitro in February 2022 as CEO of Zitro USA. He has extensive experience in global marketing strategies, as the company expanded international initiatives and implemented growth strategies across its entire business. Most recently, Mooberry was group chief executive of the gaming division at Scientific Games (now Light & Wonder). In his 19 years with Scientific Games, Moobery held a number of management positions providing him experience in all aspects of the business.
At Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, Zitro presented several new games. Please tell us about these and their newest features, and what are the latest innovations in Zitro cabinet designs.
This year’s G2E marked the global debut of our new Concept cabinet line. It is the brightest, boldest and best cabinet line we have launched in the company’s history. Concept comes in three different form factors: a 55-inch, J-curve design, a 55-inch, portrait flat screen, and triple 32-inch screens. One of its standout features is our Magic Lighting, which changes gameperimeter lighting based on certain win sequences in the theme being played.
We believe this will captivate those people who are watching players from across the casino floor. With the industry’s largest deck, it offers comfort and space, providing ergonomic support for extended play. Its design is built for convenience, keeping players fully immersed in the experience. Additionally, each Concept cabinet features augmented gameplay, seamlessly synching the deck, topper and visuals with key in-game moments. The cabinet also has the ability to utilize popular Zitro themes that were available in previous cabinets, such as Glare, which we believe will increase its popularity.
Which do you think are the standout games and products Zitro showcased at G2E 2024?
Our latest games were featured on both the Concept and Glare cabinet lines, and six standout titles took center stage: Legendary Sword, Fairyland Quest, Triple Charm Journey, Lucky Vault, Cash Totems and Merging Pots. Each offers unique gameplay mechanics designed to keep players fully engaged.
Which Zitro titles are available for lease, sales, or participation?
All Zitro products in the United States are available for lease, sale or participation based on the customer’s capital needs.
Please tell us about the latest innovations for the Zitro digital and iGaming divisions. Zitro Digital is expanding its range of digital-video bingo and video-slot games, complemented by player-engagement tools. The launch of the new Fu Frog series, featuring four unique game titles — Animals, Food, Garden and Spirits — has been successful in land-based markets worldwide and has been ported by Zitro to digital-distribution channels.
We recently also launched Calaca Cash, a Day of the Dead-themed slot, highlighting our ongoing commitment to aligning our offerings with seasonal celebrations. Additionally, Zitro Digital will launch new games that we are confident will add to our digital division’s long list of successes, such as Fu Pots Summer, Leprechaun’s Hideout and Striker’s Fortune.
Zitro has a strong presence in the international market. Please tell us which games and products for the international market Zitro will feature at the ICE convention in Barcelona. While we cannot disclose specific
products that will be showcased at ICE 2025, we can confirm that there will be a wide variety of offerings tailored for all international markets. This includes, of course, the Spanish market, with a strong focus on the EMEA and Latin American markets, where we expect an increased turnout compared to previous editions of ICE.
In general, how would you sum up the current market and future for Zitro in Las Vegas and elsewhere in the world?
Zitro has experienced tremendous growth in the U.S. over the last two years. The number of casinos with Zitro products has increased by over three times in that period. We continue to seek additional gaming licenses throughout the U.S. and expect that growth to continue into the future.
However, our growth plans are not entirely focused on the United States.We have expansion plans for Asia and additional marketing throughout
Europe. In addition, we believe we are wellpositioned should land-based gaming be approved in Brazil in the near future. There are many opportunities to grow our global footprint and we are extremely excited about our future.
Finally, what would you consider to be the highlights of G2E 2024 for Zitro?
The 2024 G2E show was tremendous for Zitro, as it gave us a chance to highlight our continued growth. Customers who visited our booth saw our commitment to designing world-class gaming devices with content designed to entertain the slot players around the world. We remain committed to our goal of being one of the leading suppliers of gaming content worldwide.
An interview with Lai Cozzolino, manager of global product management, Aruze Global. By Victor H Royer
asino Life Magazine and Outsource
CDigital Media recently had the pleasure to meet with Lai Cozzolino, of Aruze Global, at Global Gaming Expo, in Las Vegas. Cozzolino is the global product management manager at AG2. With a background in both Japanese and Italian culture, he began a career in the gaming industry in 2015, starting in product compliance at Aruze Gaming America's Japanese branch. Later transitioning into product management, Cozzolino now oversees global products, focusing on innovation and effective solutions for the market.
At the recent Global Gaming Expo, Aruze presented several new games. Please tell us about these new games and the latest innovations in Aruze cabinet designs.
We had a great time at the booth, for sure. The latest innovation from AG2 is the Muso Summit cabinet. It boasts a memorable, 49-inch vertical, 4K display that delivers crisp visuals, paired with a 27-inch topper for added flair. The design is further enhanced by 180-degree side LEDs, offering a truly immersive experience that captures attention on the casino floor.
Which do you think are the standout games and products Aruze showcased at G2E 2024?
Aside from the Muso Summit, the games for Muso 55 stood out the most. The Muso 55 cabinet has built a strong reputation with top-performing titles. Notable games include Triple Treasure Pot, known for its threetarget bonuses; Long Fu Zhu, featuring a unique Hold & Spin mechanic; and Power Tower, recognized for its innovative bonus structures.
Which Aruze titles are available for lease, sales or participation?
We specifically tailor to customers’ needs whether they want lease/participation or sales.
In the gaming industry, manufacturers often refer to a segment of their products as “premium.”
Which are those that Aruze presented at G2E 2024?
As for now we do not define our current products as “premium” but will hopefully do so for newly upcoming games.
Please tell us about the latest innovations for the Aruze digital and iGaming divisions of the company.
Aruze Digital and our iGaming divisions have focused on creating highly interactive slot games designed
specifically for online players. This year, we’ve introduced new titles that feature immersive themes and innovative bonus mechanics, bringing the excitement of our land-based games to digital platforms. We’ve also enhanced mobile compatibility, ensuring seamless gameplay across all devices — whether it’s desktop, tablet or smartphone. Our aim is to deliver a more dynamic and engaging experience for online players, capturing the essence of Aruze’s signature gaming style in the digital realm.
Which games and products for theinternational market will Aruze feature at the ICE convention?
At ICE Barcelona 2025, Aruze will showcase a diverse lineup of games and products tailored for the international market. Expect to see popular titles like Triple Treasure Pot, Long Fu Zhu and Power Tower, which have their unique mechanics and engaging themes that will give great impact to the European market. We’ll also introduce Muso Summit and its innovative contents to our European
audiences. Additionally, the Muso Curve 55 and Muso Triple 32 cabinets, known for their immersive displays and awesome sound systems, will be featured prominently, bringing a more dynamic gaming experience to players worldwide.
In general, how would you sum up the current market and future for Aruze in Las Vegas, and elsewhere in the world?
Aruze’s current market and prospects in Las Vegas, and globally have unique dynamics. Aruze faces strong competition in Las Vegas but has carved a niche with innovative slots, focusing on new game mechanics, and experiential features that attract destination and locals. Its evolving cabinet design and hardware upgrades play a critical role, and the future looks promising if it continues innovating with trends.
Aruze is pursuing regional diversification, with a strong presence in Asia, and an expanding focus on Europe and Latin America. We tailor products to different markets based on preferences, regulations and gaming habits. Digital expansion is also key, as Aruze is growing its online gaming content where
regulations allow. Aruze’s success depends on delivering region-specific innovations, adapting to regulatory changes and maintaining digital growth, positioning it for sustained success both in Las Vegas, and worldwide.
Finally, what would you consider to be the highlights of G2E 2024 for Aruze?
Highlights include the introduction of innovative cabinets and standout game titles that redefine the gaming experience. The Muso Summit cabinet, with its unique, 49-inch, 4K display, mini LED side bars, and immersive 3D lighting effects, makes a striking visual impact.
It’s paired with Horrorific!, an exclusive game offering multiple feature options and a suspenseful atmosphere that enhances player engagement. The Muso 55 cabinet also stood out with its proven games like Triple Treasure Pot and Long Fu Zhu, known for their rewarding mechanics. Additionally, the Muso 32 brings fresh titles like Lightning Arrow and Fortune Key, focusing on dynamic gameplay and player retention.
At the recent Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, Aristocrat showcased over 200 products, including new games and hardware.
At the forefront of Aristocrat’s hardware innovation was The Baron, a dual-screen cabinet positioned by Aristocrat as “revolutionizing the casino floor experience.” The Baron combines cutting-edge technology with sleek design elements to create an unparalleled gaming experience.
Victor Duarte, executive vice president of product for Aristocrat Gaming, explains that “The Baron builds on the global legacy of our market-leading cabinets
while showcasing the depth of range we offer to meet our customers’ needs and their player demands.”
The Baron’s salient features include:
• Integrated lighting with LED borders and indirect backlighting;
• Dual 27-inch, ultra-high-definition, 4K display monitors;
• An additional 27-inch LCD topper for enhanced play and jackpot features;
• An advanced audio system with a discrete soundbar, top of monitor speakers and an incabinet subwoofer;
• A floating virtual-button deck for added functionality and modern aesthetics;
The Baron launched with a strong portfolio of titles, including Buffalo Gold Cash Collection, Ju Cai Jin Gui Dragon and Ingot, and Bao Zhu Zhao Fu Ignite Blue Prosperity and Red Prosperity.
Classic Building on the success of the international hit game Dragon Link, Aristocrat also introduced the all-new Phoenix Link. This new title combines player-favorite mechanics with exciting, new themes, features and bonuses.
“Phoenix Link and Dragon Link are the ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ to each other,” says Duarte. “While they come from the same family, the Phoenix has its own, fiery personality that brings together game features we know players love and some new ones we’re excited for them to discover.”
Key features of Phoenix Link include:
• Additional denominations, configurations and jackpots;
• Hold & Spin feature with chances for multiple bonus prizes or major jackpots on a single symbol;
• Phoenix Mystery
feature, offering a chance to trigger a free hold and spin;
Exciting games with twin spins or wild double multipliers;
Phoenix Link will debut on the Neptune Single cabinet and is set to hit North American casino floors first.
Following the success of its NFL-themed games, Aristocrat is expanding its portfolio with additions to the award-winning NFL Slots lineup. The newest titles include:
• NFL Triple Score on the MarsX Portrait cabinet;
• Touchdown Link on the MarsX Flex cabinet;
• Touchdown Trio on the Marquis cabinet;
These games continue to offer the popular “pick your team, play your team,” 32team, customization option, allowing players to engage with their favorite NFL franchises.
Capitalizing on the success of its “Game of Thrones” portfolio, Aristocrat is introducing the all-new House of the Dragon slot game. Housed on the striking King Max cabinet, this game brings to life the recognizable characters, icons and dragons from the hit HBO drama series.
Aristocrat is giving its popular Coin Trio game a royal makeover with
Trio Royal. This enhanced version introduces new features while maintaining the proven mechanics and game math that players love.
Notable additions include:
• A new, Golden Metamorphic feature which allows players to enjoy two hold and spins when triggered;
• A $25,000 Royal Jackpot on top of the standard $10,000 Grand Jackpot;
• Two exciting game themes: Fortune Trails Royal and Piggy Burst Royal
Aristocrat's commitment to the Class II market is evident in its G2E 2024 lineup. The company showcased new releases and custom content, including:
• Buffalo Quad Power on the Neptune Single cabinet;
• The Hunt for the Polaris Diamond
• Hot Red Ruby Rakes in Riches
These titles are being featured on the new Frenzy Jackpots SSP $10,000 Link, further enhancing the Class II gaming experience.
Aristocrat Interactive: The Next Frontier
In a nod to the growing importance of online gambling, Aristocrat also featured an experience
from Aristocrat Interactive, the company's iGaming business. This showcase highlights a new frontier of connected omnichannel experiences for players, bridging the gap between landbased and online gaming.
With approximately 90 percent of Aristocrat's G2E exhibit featuring new content, the company has clearly positioned itself at the forefront of gaming innovation. The density and diversity of game offerings, coupled with the introduction of groundbreaking hardware like The Baron, signals Aristocrat’s commitment to driving the industry forward.
As casinos continue to recover and evolve in the post-pandemic landscape, Aristocrat’s focus on player engagement, gameplay and cutting-edge technology reinforces the company’s position as a key player in shaping the future of casino
The combination of new hardware, expanded licensed content and the evolution of playerfavorite game families also demonstrates Aristocrat's approach to game development. By balancing innovation with proven concepts, the company is creating a portfolio that caters to a wide range of player preferences and operator needs.
Jurgen De Munck and Marco Herrera reflect on the Las Vegas showcase that was bonus games, and an array of new, customer-centric, management system applications that caught many a visiting casino operator’s eye.
Global casino management systems and jackpot technology supplier DR Gaming Technology (DRGT™) returned to The Venetian Expo in Las Vegas in October for Global Gaming Expo (G2E). It was armed with not only its world-renowned jackpot and display technology, but its updated player app and kiosk, reel
“Our design mantra since inception has always been, ‘The player first,’” noted Executive Chairman Jurgen De Munck. “I was really pleased that the time and effort we have spent designing our next-
generation systems applications has paid off. The feedback from literally every casino operator we demonstrated these to was extremely encouraging.”
These sentiments were echoed by newly appointed CEO Marco Herrera. “Having worked in the systems space for literally decades, what Chief Technology Officer Michiel van Dam and his team have developed here is truly world class.”
DRGT™ showcased three specific, new software add-ons, all of which are aimed at providing casino operators with quicker, easier, and more accessible tools to better manage their floors, in so doing
enabling them to provide a more fulfilling, serviceorientated and rewarding experience to their players:
drServiceHub, which forms the foundation for both the group’s new drFloorManager and drReportsBI, provides:
• a single avenue through which to manage all casino equipment, identify and report on significant events; as well as
• EGM maintenance;
• event and date-range search functionality;
• the ability to group and filter different types of devices; and with its
• VNC (remote access) protocol it has the ability to replace the need for applications like TeamViewer or AnyDesk
drFloorManager is a further Web-based application that:
• shows a live, real-time view of the casino floor; which is
• accessible from anywhere based on configurable client certificates; and details
• not only EGM game play activity; but
• player activity too with an easy-to-use, one-click, drill down into individual player profiles
drReportsBI then ...
• provides unparalleled data insights; with an
• intuitive report and dashboard builder; an embedded
• formula editor for the customization of operatorspecific KPIs; and a range of
• versatile data visualization grids, pivot tables, charts and trend indicators
“I have been a ‘power user’ of BI for many years and what we presented at G2E is really phenomenal. Not only from a speed and performance point of view, but the user interface, the ability to access these tools from a single login, and the application-wide intelligent search and date range functionality are quite something” noted Herrera. “Having only been with the company for around six weeks, what I saw at G2E really excited me. I feel honored to now be a part of DRGT™.”
“G2E, despite its global attraction, provides the perfect platform for us to showcase our solutions to specifically our North and South American customers, and prospective customers. The vast majority of them made the effort to visit Las Vegas, something we truly appreciate; the result of which ensured that we not only met, but exceeded our event objectives,” concluded De Munck.
Herrera concurred: “The quality of attendees at G2E 2024 really impressed me. The decision makers were there and, as such, deals got done. We look forward to similar success at ICE Barcelona in January.”
DR Gaming Technology™ (DRGT™) is an independent global developer and supplier of integrated, scalable casino management, cashless, and jackpot solutions
Established in 2003 by Executive Chairman Jurgen De Munck and Chief Technology Officer Michiel van Dam, its state-of-the-art systems are developed using the latest technology, resulting in the unique ability to operate without a permanent server connection, in so doing simplifying system installation and implementation, and ensuring customers total management control over their entire operation/s.
At present the Company’s modular, flexible, and costeffective system and jackpot solutions operate across over 70 different countries, and on more than 80,000 gaming devices, boasting some of the most powerful functionality in the world.
In addition to its Head Quarters in Belgium, DRGT™ also has offices in Austria, Malta, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and South Africa.
Sports Betting Operator provides technology features, news and new product information, keeping online gambling companies up to date with the fastest growing gambling sector in the world
A highly regarded team of Internationally experienced journalists, all of whom have a wealth of knowledge in online and land-based gaming involving, legislation, e-commerce, responsible gambling along with the latest online operating systems and solutions.
Enriching AI capabilities for accurate 3D image reconstruction by Raymond Chan
In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, the ability to seamlessly convert 2D images into dynamic 3D representations has unlocked a realm of new visual experiences and boundless creative possibilities. However, beneath the surface of this technological marvel lies a critical challenge – the lack of inherent “know-how” to determine the precise elements necessary for crafting a truly accurate 3D image.
Addressing this gap in AI proficiency opens up avenues for groundbreaking advancements in
industrial design processing. By augmenting existing AI frameworks with a new layer of intelligent guidance, we have the opportunity to revolutionize the way in which machines perceive and reconstruct the world around us.
In the diverse landscape of design industries, each field presents its own unique set of challenges and requirements, demanding specialized skills and expertise. Consider the scenario of a shopping-mall
architect making the transition to designing a casino: While both structures are buildings, they entail vastly different skill sets, from ambiance creation to spatial layout, catering to distinct user experiences.
Traditionally, such transitions necessitate human intervention to bridge the knowledge gap and adapt expertise to new contexts. However, the advent of AI offers a transformative solution, empowering machines to swiftly absorb and apply domain-specific insights. By infusing AI systems with a new layer of contextual understanding, we can facilitate the seamless transfer of skills and knowledge across diverse design disciplines.
This enhanced AI functionality acts as a bridge, enabling architects, designers, and creators to transcend the constraints of their traditional expertise. They can explore new realms of design with confidence and precision. Through this fusion of human creativity and AI intelligence, the boundaries between different design industries blur, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where innovation thrives and boundaries dissolve.
To construct the foundational layer essential for enhancing AI capabilities in design industries, software engineers play a pivotal role in developing the intricate framework that merges simulation with physics engines. This integration is crucial for providing real-time feedback and ensuring a heightened sense of realism in terms of collisions, balance, and momentum within the AI-generated designs.
The marriage of simulation and physics engines within AI systems facilitates a dynamic environment where virtual creations behave authentically, mimicking the physical laws governing our world. This real-time simulation not only enhances the visual aesthetics of the designs but also ensures practical viability by adhering to fundamental principles of physics.
Software engineers work meticulously to intertwine data-driven modeling with physical simulation, creating a symbiotic relationship that empowers AI systems with high-level abstract control and the capacity for precise motion
Raymond is a software engineer by profession with a track record in corporate innovation and entrepreneurship. He co-founded two prosperous startups, TGG Interactive and Global Gaming Group in Asia, where he served as director and CEO to lead the customer intelligence and electronic gaming businesses from 2007 to 2018. Earlier in his career, Raymond was a founding member of the business intelligence team at E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley and played a pivotal role in designing the TiVo customer intelligence system in Silicon Valley.
adjustments. Through this harmonious integration, AI designers can manipulate and refine designs with unparalleled accuracy, while maintaining the physical realism crucial for generating motions that resonate with real-world dynamics.
This innovative approach, if implemented correctly, not only streamlines the design process but also opens up a realm of possibilities for designers to explore and experiment with complex structures and interactions. It can be the new future for the industrial design business.