Magazine Spring 2020

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eGroomer Journal January / March 2014

April / June 2020 Vol. 10, Ed. 2 Publications



36 Take the National Pet Grooming Survey Online

How Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 13 Pet Grooming After Lockdown 29 Covid-Adapted Grooming Businesses 51 Curbside Attendant: New Grooming Position 23 Bath Club Membership: New e-Book 53 GroomFit: Doggie Parlor Dexterity eGroomer Journal Subscribe Free

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January October / March December 20192019 Publications

Dates Shown Below Were Accurate at the Time This Issue Was Published Pet Quest Wilmington, OHEvent Monitor

Dates Carefully in 2020 Due to Covid-19 Pandemic

JULY 2020 July 17 to 19, 2020 Groom Texas Houston, TX

OCTOBER 2020 October 8 to 11, 2020 New England Grooming Show Sturbridge, MA

AUGUST 2020 August 13 to 16, 2020 All American Grooming Show Schaumburg, IL

October 29 to Nov. 1, 2020 PetQuest Wilmington, OH

August 27 to 30, 2020 Northwest Grooming Show Tacoma, WA

NOVEMBER 2020 November 9 to 12, 2020 Pet Boarding & Daycare Expo Hershey, PA

SEPTEMBER 2020 September 10 to 13, 2020 Groom Expo Hershey, PA

DECEMBER 2020 December 6 to 9, 2020 Intergroom Secaucus, NJ

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April / June 2020

Pet Grooming After Lockdown By Debi Hilley, Grooming Smarter Blog at Curbside or contact-free drop-off and pick-up pet grooming may be in your future. It’s very different. In fact, it’s like opening a new grooming salon. To implement this system you’ve got many decisions to make. Which changes will you make to your current customer service operation? There are so many possible changes!

demic and now they have to face some reeducation to use your services. However, most will also be pleased that once again their pets can be groomed and that should mediate their stress levels. It’s important that you make the intake and outtake of their pets simple, efficient and safe.

Most of your customers are feeling Journalwith the Covid-19 Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved plentyeGroomer of stress Magazine Subscribe Free

(Continued on page 14)


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CURBSIDE & CONTACT-FREE FACTORS Here are some key factors you must address in creating your newly enhanced system: □ Adequacy of your available curb space □ Phone communications with arriving and returning pet owners □ Limiting the occupancy for your building □ Installing protective shields around reception areas and between stations □ Providing masks and gloves for staff (and sometimes clients) □ Sourcing adequate and effective disinfectants □ Extra sanitation procedures between dogs □ Social distancing your employees □ Cashless payments □ Budgeting system’s new operating expenses and raising prices

April / June 2020

SPEAKING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND THAT OF OTHERS Since Covid-19 made its entry grooming shops and veterinarians have been doing curbside or contact free drop off and pickup to limit their contact with clients. What are some of the new risks? 1.



Fleeing dogs

3. Proximity to customers while actually when taking their dogs While performing curbside functions dogs could be very protective of their space in the car or alongside their owners outside your building. During the exchange some dogs may attempt to flee. If you have to lean into a car to access or return dogs you are not likely to maintain the recommended six-feet social distancing guideline for at least a few moments. In fact, you need to check with your local regulations to determine what exact footage is expected of your operation. Since financial and personal risks are involved I strongly recommend you verify your business insurance coverage for (Continued on page 16)


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curbside procedures. Ensure your insurance agent understands your procedures, and you may want written proof of this coverage. Mention the risks noted above, one through three. Mention other risks you may face from your customized curbside system. WHAT ABOUT CONTACT-FREE Groomers have invented contact-free intake and outtake customer service. Usually a system like this is not available in a commercial location, such as a shopping or strip center. Groomers with properties operating grooming within their homes or outbuildings have more flexibility.


April / June 2020

A groomer in Michigan has a door that opens inward. She placed a large twodoor wire kennel in front of her door. The kennel has doors on opposite sides. Pet owners place their dogs inside the kennel using one of the kennel doors and the groomer uses the opposite kennel door. Think of it as a pass through access. Pet owner and groomer make no close contact. Remember when using kennels for contact-free systems, pet owners should access them alone, groomers can observe but not approach. When the pet owner has closed the kennel door and begins to depart groomers can head over to the kennel.

I have a fenced area in my backyard. I When dogs are groomed the pet owner place two kennels there with a CCTV calls ahead to let you know they are on keeping me alert to what is happening the way or actually parked out front. in the yard. Clients place their pets in They can remain in their cars. Payment the kennels, and then call me on their collection can be done over the phone. cell phones. I know other groomers usGroomers then put their pets in the ing a similar setup, sometimes placing kennels and call pet owners letting the kennels near front or rear doors (Continued on page 17) when 16 yard space not available. Copyright Š 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Subscribe Magazine Subscribe Free

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them know pets are in the kennels. Groomers should keep an eye on the pet owners visually until they have gotten their pets and departed. Don’t forget. Sanitize kennels after every use in and out. RESTRICTED OCCUPANCY Retailers and service providers that are allowed to operate face building occupancy limits. In my case my space has an occupancy rate of 5 person. Our local guideline is we must limit occupancy to 50% of normal occupancy. Remember the occupancy count takes into account your employees and you too. Verify your occupancy rate with your local jurisdiction. At 50% of normal occupancy I can only have 2 persons at once in my business, and that just so happens to be my bather and me. No room for the public. Dealing with occupancy limits may require grooming businesses to operate in work shifts, expanded hours and working behind locked doors to ensure the occupancy restrictions are strictly met. Yes, it is challenging but overcome with some creativity. eGroomer Journal

April / June 2020

Consider Plexiglas or similar shielding surrounds for your reception area. These systems may already be in use in your area, and that makes it a great idea so that your jurisdiction sees your compliance. Hopefully a local handyman can install them for you. Are you even able to have customers in your building? Once again verify occupancy limits, it could be zero for customers making curbside and contactfree your only way to groom. Verify if your local jurisdiction requires customers to wear masks and gloves too. Have you noticed how many people do not wear medical quality masks? I do. If you allow them in hand sanitizers are critical and you must maintain a supply. You will need sanitize anything customers can touch like doorknobs, countertops and the like several times a day, and as you know many of us have a hard time finding an adequate supply of sanitizing products. You will be doing far more sanitation between grooms and client visits than ever before. It is amazing how quickly cans of Lysol and sanitizers empty. Make sure you have enough of these (Continued on page 19)

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products to last one to two weeks before you re-open to customers within your business. In this light, it might just be easier for you to strictly provide curbside services only. SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES WITHIN YOUR OPERATION Expect physical changes to your floor plans and equipment placement to meet social distancing levels between employees. In some areas workstations must be 6 to 10 feet apart. If you don’t have extra square footage you may have to close a workstation and even operate it on different shifts. Restrict dogs from being pre-cut or touched before bathing when possible and limit one person in the bathing/ drying area as much as possible. You may be forced to book fewer dogs for a while until you figure out your system. You need to be able to protect everyone to the best of your ability. Remember that you can only control where the staff ss while they are at work. You have no idea what happens when they leave your shop or who they may intereGroomer Journal

April / June 2020

act with. Some may have other jobs and possibly exposed there, so it is important to keep the distances and the safety measures in place for their safety. If you have immunocompromised or atrisk employees, give them the option of remaining home. Some people are not giving them options and are just keeping them on furloughed status. It is something that you need to consider and discuss with your labor board. It may be the best thing for right now, but make sure that it is legal in your area and that the employee understands that you are concerned for their safety. If an employee does not feel safe returning do not pressure them. Allow them to make their own health decisions. Currently it is believed that this virus can live on surfaces for quite a while, so cashless and contactless payment methods are encouraged. PIN numbers are being waived in most places. Apple and Samsung pay, cards over the phone and invoicing with Square or PayPal are popular with businesses right now. If you must take cash or checks from cli(Continued on page 20)

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April / June 2020

ents, then request exact change and disinfect after you take it in. I use my UV box, and you can also spray it with disinfectant. Wear gloves or wash your hands after handling cash and deposit it instead of spending it. Cashiers at grocery stores do not like touching cash and coin either.

sanitation fee to the cost of the groom to cover these expenses and to make it easier to remove the fees later when it is no longer needed and required. It may easier to explain the need for the sanitation fee as a temporary add-on. They may see similar sanitation fees at doctor and dentist offices.



As you can see we must expect grooming more work and stressful than before, and that means time consuming too. You will have to explain new policies to every client. You will also be spending more time on the phone with them. Dogs already overdue for grooming and will also require more time.

No matter how, trust me you are going to face frequent challenges to your new system. Be prepared to be surprised by what happens when you reopen. People you thought were “smart” will be unable to comprehend your new policies. People will literally lean on any signs you have printed and do exactly what they signs say not to do, and then claim they never saw the signs. If you are doing drop-offs, people will leave their dogs before you open or who forget their phones and leave their dogs, go home and then call you to tell you they left “Fido” for you to groom. Despite asking people to get back in their cars and call you, they will wait inside the area next to the kennel, on your back porch, or be waiting next to the kennel when you take their puppy outside.

RISING COSTS OF SANITATION AND RAISING GROOMING FEES Many groomers are reluctant to raise prices, but in all honesty, an increase is going to be needed for many grooming businesses, especially those already at the lower end of the price scale. It is simply not possible to operate at the level required by the Covid-19 restrictions we are working under without passing costs along to clients. Some groomers are adding an extra 20

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These are the same people who like to ignore the lines on the floors at supermarkets. I had a lawyer client actually text message me a photo of her credit card rather than give me the number over the phone. I made sure to delete it fast and sent her a screenshot of our text message showing I did it. Recently a customer saw the client drop-off signs and asked “So where do we pick-up?” Two clients “forgot” their phones and could not call to tell me they arrived. One could not find our phone number, even though it is on the sign at the gate where they can leave

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April / June 2020

and pick-up pets. Then, two could not understand that we would call them when their pets were finished, and so they just kept calling over and over again asking if their pets were done. I thought I had covered it all with everyone, but apparently not. You must have a sense of humor to make it through this menagerie of challenges. In fact, you have to have the patience of a saint. I am losing both, my sense of humor and my patience FAST. But I love what I do and I keep on trucking forward. ▀

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BATH CLUB MEMBERSHIP New e-Book Now Available for Download by Leel Michelle In the uncertainty of the world in which we live, small business owners must craft new ways to improve our profit margins. Your Bath Club Membership is a great service that your clients need now! It creates a consistent revenue stream month after month and is a win-win for your grooming salon & clients. Through my ebook, I share ways to keep your income flowing while you gear up your business to full steam ahead! You already have nearly everything it takes to implement this additional revenue stream right now! CLICK HERE to learn more & download.

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April / June 2020

Why Your Salon Should Have a BATH CLUB MEMBERSHIP + New e-Book Do you want to make a steady monthly income without spending a single additional dollar to do so? IF you have bathers in your salon…you can make at least enough income monthly to cover your lease, utilities, and much more! This month I’ll be going into detail on how you can incorporate this into your salon in my seminar at Global Pet Expo. Of course I will include below some reasons WHY you should do this so keep reading to learn more. Do you want to enjoy the additional income that you can bring in without investing in new equipment, new inventory or new fixtures? I’ll explain why with a little time investment, some website tweaks, and minimal marketing to new and current clientele, this is an easy revenue stream that’s a winwin for both salon owners and clients alike.

money away from all the Grooming clients? The answer is no! If structured correctly these clients get groomed as often but their dogs are better behaved and not matted because you’re able to keep their coat in good condition when they come in for a full priced haircut. Let’s consider some additional benefits of WHY you need a bath club membership in your pet grooming salon. Say goodbye to awkward dematting upcharges for those loyal clients that like to keep a full coat but don’t like to pay the extra dematting fees. In addition; multiple dog households, and full or show coat dogs benefit greatly since they will be kept in good condition from a professional…you! This program is also ideal for Seniors that can no longer wash their own dog but still want to cuddle with a clean and fluffy pup.

First of all, WHY should you add a bath It makes your scissoring job much (Continued on page 25) 24 membership? Doesn’t Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Subscribe club it take Magazine Subscribe Free

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quicker because you already bathe this dog on a regular basis, no more matting to brush out! Time is money after all. Frequent clients are your biggest Cheerleaders! The more clients spend time with you, the more they can brag about you! They will often refer a lot of clients to you because they visit you on average once a month instead of every 6-8 weeks. Loyal, frequent clients spend more money on additional services and products because they are in your business so often. For grooming salons inside of retail locations…this is an excellent way to substantially increase your store income through the sale of additional pet supplies. Bath Club clients are great for employee training! If you have a pet grooming school or new employees, bath club membership clients are a great way to train “newbies.” The dogs are generally very well trained for the tub and table because they’re in your salon so often. I’ve given you plenty of reasons WHY you should add a Bath Club Membership to your salon. For those of you that cannot go to Global Pet Expo this year to hear my seminar...below is a quick summary of how you can implement this program in your salon.


April / June 2020

have an hourly groomer that needs more hours or is the newest groomer on the totem pole. Good bathers are worth their weight in gold. They will make lots of tips on Bath Membership clients as well. Don’t under price your monthly bath services. You’ll be in a world of hurt if you get that full-coated weekly GoldenDoodle that takes 3 hours to bathe and dry 1-2 times a week at a price that doesn’t include the cost of water, shampoo, and labor. My sweet spot was charging 1½ - 2 times our regular bath price for unlim(Continued on page 27)

Leel Michelle is the owner and designer behind the award-winning pet groomer apparel brand, Retro Stylist Wear and the grooming salon and boutique; Bow Wow Beauty Shoppe. She is a San Diego native that has also called Los Angeles, New York and Italy home. Formal education in fine art, art history, and fashion design led this animal loving entrepreneur to bring all her passion, talents and knowledge together to create a memorable and beloved retro business for pets and their owners.

You MUST have bathers. Groomers won’t make $$ on Bath Club Membership dogs, and therefore will not be ineGroomer Journal Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved clined to want to bathe them unless you Magazine Subscribe Free


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Buy 2 or more Smocks = FREE Shipping Free code at checkout “FREESHIP” © 2014 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Must Subscribe use this Magazine (Continued from page 25)

ited bathing.


April / June 2020

base expenses covered, and very loyal, happy clientele singing your praises while referring even more clients to you!

In general most clients utilize the bath membership only once a month and perhaps 10-20% will come in once a week. Remember that you can always increase this price annually. You can use price adjusting to “fire” a client that is taking advantage of you and your staff by including a large hike in this monthly fee. Your best practice is to first figure out the numbers (fees and costs) for your operation before implementing your program. It must make financial sense for your business.

BATH CLUB MEMBERSHIP e-Book Now Available for Download by Leel Michelle CLICK HERE

Schedule your Bath Club clients after your full cut clients. Although others do this differently, I always prioritized haircut client baths in the morning so my Groomers start cutting right away. Schedule Bath Club clients later in the morning or afternoon with the same bathers. In addition, eliminate or minimize your Bath Club clients on Saturdays so you’re utilizing your busiest days and labor wisely. The high labor cost of owning a pet grooming salon should have multiple streams of income to remain successful in ever changing markets. When one revenue stream is affected by staff, economy or trends, you have others to keep you afloat. Adding a Bath Club Membership to your pet grooming Journal Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved saloneGroomer ensures that you always have your Magazine Subscribe Free


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April / June 2020 Publications


Covid-Adapted Pet Salons By Chris Sertzel, SmartStyling Blog I’m currently open for business and working within strict state mandates in order to be functioning. I’m only one week in and have taken note of many incidents and observations encountered. I thought it might help fellow groomers to share some of my experiences before they re-open. Don’t be surprised if some weird and annoying things happens as they have for me too.

BEFORE YOU REOPEN Do not re-open simply based on a verbal agreement with local administrators. You need to have these things in writing with no exceptions. Uninformed people may challenge you. Double-check with your liability insurance provider to ensure your adapted operation meets their expectations stated in your policies, even when given (Continued on page 30)

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clearance to reopen with new guidelines of your local jurisdiction. Update your voicemail message including pertinent information, your current operating hours and procedures. For example, if you now operate a curbside system your customers should know something about it. Keep it upbeat! Update your Facebook business page and website with current mandates you have in place. Explain curbside. Do you need more help with customer intake and outtake procedures and sanitation? Never before have receptionists been more important to assist you. Hopefully you can arrange that extra assistance. Contact your local referring veterinarian to make sure that they are open regular hours for you to utilize in event of an injury. If not, find another source of veterinary services during your work hours. List new operating protocols supporting local mandates you must follow. Decide how you are going to explain and sup30

April / June 2020

port them to your customers, and any employees. Should you make a flyer for pet owners to take with them? Are they posted on your website and Facebook page. Be patient with your clientele learning new check-in and checkout procedures. If you are a Chamber of Commerce member, approach them and see if they are willing to spotlight your business in light of honoring the community’s overall safety while providing a vital service. Spend time cleaning everything thoroughly ahead of your reopening. Space multiple workstations properly as need be. Where will you place your sanitation supplies, and can you reorder more stock easily as your supply depletes? Store extra at all times. They seem to be going very quickly here. Some grooming supply vendors are stocking extra and can ship quickly. Do a practice run of your new check-in and check-out system before you go live with it. Practice makes perfect! (Continued on page 31)

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April / June 2020

Be sure to contact your credit card processing company if you are taking credit cards and not requiring a signature on site. Whether a client disputes your charge or not, you do not want your direct deposits stalled while they sort things out because suddenly you have a numerous non-signature receipts coming through on your account.

start. Spend a few minutes explaining to your clients your new procedures ahead of time so that they are best prepared to follow through when they arrive while keeping everything running smoothly. If you are doing curbside drop-off and pick -up use signs clearly marking the appropriate space and have your telephone number on the sign(s) too.

Creating a morning, midday and evening or closing cleaning routine is not a bad thing even if you have had your salon for a very long time. Now is not the time to overlook strict cleaning routines.

Do not bend rules for certain clients while expecting others to dutifully comply.

ONCE YOU RE-OPEN Be there for your clients. Don’t be taken aback if they ask how you are protecting yourself towards contact with a virus to help give them peace of mind that they are also safe. Don’t be surprised if they specifically ask you about articles they have seen online where pets have contracted COVID and how you are handling that issue to help keep their pets safe. Spend time talking to them and investing in their trust.

If you are allowed to accept cash payments ask for exact amounts whenever possible so you don’t have to provide change. Before they leave their drop-off remind them what today’s fees are. Create a hot bag or some type of sanitation process for every type of payment you take in from your clients, especially cash. Be sure to sanitize cards before returning them to your clients and keep your payment terminal wiped down and clean between uses. If you decide to take new clients at this time be sure and spend time on the phone filling out client cards or setting up computer records ahead of time.

If you don’t already do reminder calls the night before, now is a great time to eGroomer Journal

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and they’re still unsure if new closures might happen again in the near future.

(Continued from page 31)

If you accept checks from new clients, be sure you have a clear line of contact in the event of a bad check writing. I’m personally not doing any à la carte nail trims or services at this time with the exception of only a few. With new procedures currently in place such services disrupt the steady flow of things. Give yourself time to get your head around streamlining your expanded routine before introducing any type of low revenue or short interruptive services. Expect most pet owners to ask for a shorter clip length than last time. People are trying to think ahead financially


April / June 2020

Don’t be offended if some customers don’t want to pre-book for the same reason. Most people are not comfortable discussing their financial situations or fears. Now’s the perfect time for empathy. We are all stressed. On the other hand, tips also seem to be at an all-time high right now. Your clients appreciate you risking your livelihood in order to care for them. In difficult times some people feel better when they show support for others. Try to squirrel away as much of those extra (Continued on page 33)

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timid. For me quiet and timid has been more common.

(Continued from page 32)

tips as you possibly can because we don’t really know where we may be one week to the next. Don’t expect to do just as many dogs as you were before Covid-19 and still have everything be right on time. Sanitation duties alone are going to add up substantially. If you decide not to do less dogs during this transition then you may want to give your clients a longer turnaround time. Explain the extra time is required for safety procedures. Be ready for a random, unannounced and thorough visit from your local health department. Sanitation and social distancing among the public and your employees is sure to catch their attention immediately. Do not expect an inspector to know anything about grooming whatsoever. Some people in your community may disagree with your reopening. Remember some people are very scared. For this reason you might want to have some written evidence that you are authorized to be open for business. Expect dogs to be either extremely over stimulated and happy, or very quiet and eGroomer Journal

April / June 2020

Some clients will still have a hard time grasping being on time. You are going to have to be firm with setting boundaries about them needing to arrive in a timely manner, or wait in their vehicle curbside until you can come out and gather them up. You’ll likely also have to talk to some about not lingering at your door or knocking on your windows. You may even need to work behind locked doors to maintain your occupancy per regulations. In fact, it could be restricted lower from its normal load. Owners who consistently brought their dogs in off leash before will still probably try to do it now. Be sure to have plenty of slip leads on hand. My opinion is that off leash is never a good idea. If you feel the same, this is a perfect time to set it firmly in stone that this needs to stop for everyone’s safety. Sterilize after every use of your leads. Have some fun through your day. Anytime you can find a reason to giggle, throw yourself at it with great gusto. The more we can laugh and appreciate the moment and opportunity we have in front of us right now, the better. Good luck everyone. ▀

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April / June 2020 Publications

How Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? Take the National Survey for Grooming Employees and Business Owners TAKE OUR CERTIFIED ANONYMOUS SURVEY No Personal Health-related Questions Available online...see next page for details.

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ONLINE SURVEYS INTRODUCTION Just a few months ago Covid-19 was not a topic of discussion for groomers, and suddenly there is not a groomer on the planet unaffected, some dramatically more than others. Too many are not working, customers are stressed and it seems like we are all living in survival mode. Some say the industry will return to “normal.” If normal means we will be grooming again that is certain. Millions of pets are always going to need grooming. But customer service procedures may never be the same. We wonder how many businesses will eventually re-open? Will some groomers close staffed businesses and open oneperson businesses? Will some go shop to mobile, or mobile to shop? We have already seen both of these twists. In GroomerTALK Community we read many groomer predictions and actual events. Some groomers are selling their businesses and moving into retirement and leaving the industry. What else?


April / June 2020

pet owners. Of course, it is not over. At this time some groomers are returning to work but thousands are still on the sidelines on lockdown. While opportunities to remain in grooming are likely, if not certain, we suspect operational changes for a long time to come. We created this new survey, How Will Covid-19 Affect the Grooming Industry? allowing you, the groomers and business owners, to share your views. Everything is anonymous! Don’t worry, there is no social media bantering here. No privacy invasion either! Nothing is asked about your health or that of anyone else. In fact, on the next dozen or so pages, you can preview the questions. Our industry is changing in front of our eyes. Let’s be proactive and share concerns and visions of what changes may result of Covid-19. We will compile and share survey results in the next issue of Magazine online. ▀ ONLINE SURVEY INTRODUCTION Preview all survey questions on the next 12 pages of this magazine. TAKE THE RIGHT SURVEY FOR YOU 1. Grooming Employees Only Survey 2. Grooming Business Owners Survey

We have been sponsoring anonymous groomer surveys at since 1997. Wow, 23 years! Tens of thousands have taken our annual surCLICK HERE TO ACCESS veys and read the results. Covid-19 is ANONYMOUS ONLINE SURVEYS the biggest and most unexpected exterby eGroomer Journal Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Sponsored Inc. All rights reserved 37 nal factor to ever affect groomers and Magazine Subscribe Free

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Take this Survey Online at Surveys Since 1997 100% Anonymous—No Health-related Questions

Grooming Employees Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 1. As a grooming employee, which best describes your grooming employment in early 2020 when CV-19 precautions affected the industry and its groomers’ working lifestyles? Select one answer only. □ I worked for an independently-owned grooming business in a commercial location □ I worked for an independently-owned mobile vehicle pet grooming business □ I worked for an independently-owned house-call business grooming inside pet owner homes □ I worked for an independently-owned pet business (vet, boarding, daycare) with a grooming department □ I worked for a pet store retail/grooming chain □ If other, please specify 2. Which best describes your grooming employment position when CV-19 guidelines first affected the grooming industry early in 2020? Select one answer only. □ Full-charge Pet Groomer or Stylist □ Assistant Pet Groomer □ Pet Bather □ Brusher/Bather 3. Which best describes your employment working hours? Select one answer only. □ Full-time (usually 32 hours or more a week) □ Part-time □ On call only 4. Was, or is, your grooming employment in an area with a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order? □ Yes □ No

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Employees Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 5. Which best describes your employer's business status when operational limitations were first ordered? Select one answer only. □ The business was deemed essential because it sold pet food and other product essentials, and grooming remained open. □ The business was deemed essential because it sold pet food and other product essentials, but grooming was eventually reduced and/or closed. □ The business was primarily grooming and deemed essential and remained open (note: even if hours were reduced). □ The business was primarily grooming and deemed non-essential and closed (although it may now be operating again). □ If other, please specify 6. If your employer's business closed or cutback its hours of operation to meet compliance with orders, which best describes the affect on your employment? Select one answer only. □ I was laid off. □ I was furloughed. □ My employment was terminated by my employer. □ My work hours were reduced. □ I terminated my employment. 7. If your employer was able to continue to offer grooming and remained open during a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order, what was your opinion of continuing to work there? □ I did not want to work but I felt I might lose my job. □ I did not want to work but I felt I needed the income. □ I was fearful of working and wanted to be laid off or furloughed. □ I wanted to continue working. □eGroomer I terminated because I felt sheltering staying at home. Journal my employment Copyright © 2011 Findsafer A Groomer Inc. All or rights reserved


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April / June 2020

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Grooming Employees Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 8. Which best describes your future in the pet grooming industry? Select one answer only. □ I think the grooming industry will eventually return to normal and I will return to (or continue) working in the profession. □ I will continue to work in this profession but based on my Covid-19 experience I want more control of deciding whether I am willing to work during a pandemic (more like a self-employed person). □ I am uncertain if I will continue (or return) to work in an employed grooming position because of my experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. □ I am likely to open my own a grooming business based on my experiences as an employee during the the Covid-19 pandemic. □ I am switching from employee to owner of a grooming business based on my experiences as an employee during the Covid-19 pandemic.

9. Which best describes the financial impact of your experience (so far) as an em□ I am financially hurting with little or no new income or unemployment-related benefits. □ I am moderately hurting but assisted with some unemployment-related benefits. □ I cannot meet my household budget without additional help of family or friends. □ I am only getting by with some assistance of benefits and the help of family and friends. □ I am financially hurting from being terminated and not qualified for unemployment-related benefits. 10. In previous Question #8, if you indicated an interest in self-employment in the grooming industry, how motivated are you to act on that interest? Select one answer only. □ A little. □ Middle of the road. □ Very motivated. □ I am actively planning self-employment. 40

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Employees Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 11. In previous Question #8, if you indicated your interest in self-employment in the grooming industry, what sectors of the grooming industry interest you the most. You may select more than answer. □ One person shop/salon in a commercial location. □ Shop/salon in a commercial location with staff. □ Mobile grooming vehicle business. □ Grooming business on my property or within my home. □ House-call grooming inside the homes of pet owners. □ Leasing a department within a pet business (vet, boarding, daycare, hotel, etc). □ If other, please specify 12. Did your employer ask you for any ideas or comments related to operating within social distancing requirements? You may add comments to your answer. □ Yes □ No Additional Comments

13. Please describe changes in the pet grooming industry you predict will come about because of the Covid-19 pandemic? Use the comments box below.

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Business Owners Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 1. Which best describes your grooming business? You may indicate more than one answer. □ Salon or shop in a commercial location. □ Salon of shop on my home property or within my home. □ Mobile grooming vehicle(s). □ House-call (grooming inside pet owner homes). □ Leased department in a pet business (vet, boarding, hotel, retail store, etc). □ Pet massage or walker that also provides grooming. □ If other, please specify 2. How many years of experience do you have as a grooming business owner, or as owner of a pet business with grooming department. □ 1 to 2 years. □ 3 to 5 years. □ Over 5 years. 3. Do you employ one or more employees? □ Yes □ No 4. This is an entirely anonymous survey. Would you please simply share what U.S. state (not address, town or city) or other international location where you are? We know everyone is having different experiences related to state and local orders governing stay-at-home and social distancing. Please write your state name in the comments below if you will. This question is not mandatory. Comments

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Business Owners Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 10. Did you have to terminate, furlough and layoff any employees? Please explain in the comments box. □ Yes □ No Comments 11. If you have employees did any ask to be furloughed or laid off? You may add comments. □ Yes □ No Comments

12. If your business became essential qualified and you had laid off employees which actually had qualified for bonus unemployment payments for a specified period, did they return to work or did they want to stay unemployed for additional time? If you have not faced this situation yet, you may use the comment box to explain your expectations. □ Yes. □ No. 13. Did you demonstrate to local authorities that your system of social distancing while grooming pets was effective and they allowed you to resume operations even before grooming was deemed essential again? You can skip this question if you are still in an area where grooming is not essential. □ Yes. □ No. 44

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Business Owners Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 14. This question is for mobile groomers. Did you develop a contact-free system of grooming at pet owners? For example, you only talked to pet owners over the phone, including taking payments by phone, and retrieved and returned pets to perhaps their garages or backyards without any physical pet owner contact? Comments are welcome. Check YES and explain in comments box. □ Yes. □ No. COMMENTS

15. This question is for grooming business owners that work out of their personal homes. What type of social distancing did you use? We have heard of groomers leaving a cage in their fenced yards wherein pet owners placed their pets without the physical presence of their observing pet groomer. Pet owners left and were called back when their pets were finished. Upon arrival pet owners waited for groomers to put their dogs back in sterilized cages, and once groomers were back in their homes, pet owners got out of their cars to retrieve their pets. A system with no physical contact. You may use the comment box. Check YES and explain in comments. □ Yes. □ No. COMMENTS 16. Have you experienced any of these experiences and feelings about your grooming business? You many indicate more than one answer. □ I considered selling my grooming business, now or after grooming becomes essential again. □ I considered closing my business now or after grooming becomes essential again. □ I considered changing careers now or in the future. I don’t want to go through this again. □ I may have to close my business for financial reasons. □ I am not sure I will be able to recoup my business savings being depleted by not being able to operate. □eGroomer If other,Journal please specify

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April / June 2020

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Grooming Business Owners Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 18. Assume the pandemic crisis is entirely over, are you going to keep any new practices in place, such as some form of social distancing, or increased wiping and sterilizing tools and working areas after every pet? Please describe your thoughts and which practices you may keep in place. COMMENTS

19. Most U.S. states make determinations of which trades are essential or not. If grooming was (at least at first) considered non-essential and you did not fully agree, how can the grooming industry in your state come together and have more control in the decision-making process. For example, do you have a strong statewide association that you feel should get involved and work with your state government to have policies in place for now, and in the future should a similar crisis return? Please comment. COMMENT

20. In some U.S. states early indications showed that mobile grooming was apparently easier to be deemed essential or acceptable with social distancing. Mobile is perhaps more readily adapted to social dis to social distancing constraints, even 100% contact-free distancing between pet owner and groomer. We have heard comments from some non-mobile grooming business owners intent on changing their businesses to mobile operations. Are you one of them? □ Yes □ No COMMENT


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April / June 2020

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Grooming Business Owners Only Will Covid-19 Change the Pet Grooming Industry? 21. If you are an employer of groomers, please answer this question. How would you describe the impact of Covid-19 on your personnel management? You may indicate more than one answer below and comment too. □ Deeply impacted with extra paperwork and research with appropriate agencies. □ Moderately impacted with extra paperwork and research with appropriate agencies. □ FMLA duties increased. □ Unemployment-related duties increased. □ SBA-EIDL (“grant”) or PPP duties increased. □ If other, please specify and comment

22. If you are an employer of groomers, please answer this question. We often hear employers complain of the chronic shortage of skilled groomers and mention they might return to working alone as business owner/groomer. Have any complications of personnel management during the Covid-19 pandemic lead you to consider to cutback to a one-person business without grooming staff? □ Yes □ No

23. If you would please, share your vision of the “new” pet grooming industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. Thank you. COMMENT

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April / June 2020

New Grooming Position for Staffed Businesses If your staffed grooming business has tomers come inside). In a busy operaas little as 3 curbside pickup or drop-off tion with 3 or more pickup or drop-off services per hour, a Curbside Attendant services per hour the Curbside Attencould make a great member of your dant frees up the Receptionist from going outside. Unless you have multiple customer service team, even essential. assigned parking spaces for your busiIf you presently have a receptionist on ness only, the Curbside Attendant preduty, that position should stay at the vents non-customers from blocking usfront counter with the company phone. ing your reserved spots, and makes sure If you are working primarily behind the arrival and departure of your cuslocked doors in order to maintain retomers goes swiftly as possible. stricted occupancy loads, again the atExpect some customers will not antendant can smooth your operation. nounce their imminent arrivals by cells The Curbside Attendant is your feet on from their cars. Some will park and the ground travelling in and out of your knock on locked doors and distract shop with pets arriving and departing, groomers. Instead, let the Curbside Atdirecting traffic and keeping the peace. tendant greet them and politely manPet owners new to curbside procedures age a “sit and stay” effort while pets are at a busy shops are going to be chalreturned or taken inside. The attendant lenging. We already know from groomnotifies the receptionist who has arers operating curbside that some pet rived, expected or not, by walkie-talkie. owners simply don’t follow signs and We observed a shop where 30% of the posted instructions. Some forget their customers did not call ahead for one phones, and then cannot call you reason or another, and 40% did not ahead, and that is just for starters. read posted signs. Having the receptionBusy shops with multiple arrivals need ist leave the front counter and spend the receptionist to stay inside, manage minutes outside determining who arthe phone and payments, and coordirived or not creates potential for chaos. nate (supervise) the Curbside Attendant. What if the phone rings? Who is going We suggest using walkie-talkie type deto answer? Are you thinking of groomvices for communications between the ers and bathers filling-in for that? Why receptionist manning the company disturb them? Let the receptionist(Continued on 51 page 52) phoneeGroomer and front if no cusJournalcounter (even Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Magazine Subscribe Free

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April / June 2020

New Grooming Position for Staffed Businesses attendant team control the curb and phone with the receptionist. front desk and keep groomers groom on Attendants should not enter customer time. vehicles. Have owners get out of their New customers will likely abound in the cars and hand pets over. Some pets are future along with established clients. on guard when you attempt to enter the Some businesses will close, some will domain of their cars. Attendants can be cutting back as the industry restarts. help with leash sterilization, or offering Phone duties will skyrocket. Receptionleads to customers that didn’t bring any. ists should not abandon the helm of Attendants can also maintain a potty customer service, the front desk and area if you have one. phone ever. If your receptionist is outPet owners waiting in their cars can be side on curbside duties carrying a cell contacted and managed by the attenphone in case the business gets calls, dant when forewarned by the receptionthat’s the start of chaos and disservice ist which pets are ready to go home. to the curbside customers. With extra sanitation duties between Receptionists have more work than ever grooms it has never a better time to in busy shops. If you cannot have cusleave customer service duties of all tomers inside your space due to occukinds out of the realm of busy groompancy issues, receptionists are going to ers. Grooms are going to take a little have to collect vastly more information more time than “the old days” pre-Covid over the phone, especially for first-time -19. Financially, the cost of an attendant customers requiring several minutes, no is far less than groomers. less. And during this time without an atCurbside for one-person businesses is tendant position the receptionist has to easier, but we know that there are thoustop to go curbside? Yikes! sands of grooming businesses with We have seen attendants using a staff. Sometimes multiple customers Square device outside taking payments will arrive/depart at the same! Let the without physically touching cards. They new Curbside Attendant position be hold the mobile device and customer your solution! You are going to discover swipes. Try to get your merchant service that most customers are stressed and to process cards without having to use will need guidance with curbside. Signs pin numbers. To main social distancing won’t do it, a patient attendant can try to get customers to pay over the 52 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rightsout reserved Subscribe smooth the curbside operation. ▀ Magazine Subscribe Free

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April / June 2020

Doggie Parlor Dexterity By Vera Needham

As groomers we must be able to demonstrate dexterity to handle a vast array of tools, brushes, scissors, blending shears, clippers and combs to achieve the perfect cut. Many breed-specific clips require a lot of skill, and can be tricky to execute properly. Precision cuts requires a great deal of hand movement and good eye to hand coordination. Finger dexterity allows pet stylists to make precise and coordinated movements to grasp paws, maeGroomer Journal

nipulate tools and tie the perfect bow. As groomers we sometimes fail to appreciate how important keeping our hands healthy is to our livelihood and how they allow us to make the quick and precise movements required to get through a day in puppy parlors. Have you ever noticed how many words relate to the behavior of our hands? Today I’m hoping to point out some of my (Continued on page 54)

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thoughts and get you in touch with exercises to help you grasp idea that dexterity is not only about our hand but also about how our hands and brain work together to create a canine masterpiece. Imagine the simple task of holding your clippers. As soon as you decide you’d like to pick up the clippers, your hand takes on a cupping shape even before you consciously reach. When your hand touches the clippers, it not only signifies contact, but simultaneously provides you with information about the objects texture and material properties such as the temperature, weight, firmness, and shape. Grasping is something that’s very subtle. In general we just don’t even think about it. If you want to pick something up, you just do it. It’s an ostensibly simple task accomplished by a complex network of circuitry inside the mind.


April / June 2020

the hand. Human brains have developed automated, easily customized routines. When we see our scissors we know how to pick them up and how to carve the perfect puppy cut. The human hand is a marvel of dexterity. Dexterity is defined as the coordination of small muscles and movements usually involving the synchronization of hands and fingers with the eyes. Synchronized movement originates in the brain. Recent research indicates the first evidence that hand dexterity is more strongly associated with function and performance than hand grip strength. When we do hand exercises we are not only increasing dexterity we are strengthening pathways in our brain. It is clear that common tasks in the grooming parlor require dexterity and two hand co-ordination.

Researchers at the University of Southern California say that this seemingly Common metabolic and skeletal distrivial action is the result of a complex eases in older adults, such as osneuro-motor-mechanical process orteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochestrated with precision timing by the porosis, and hormonal changes impair (Continued on page 55) brain, nervous system and muscles ofA Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Subscribe 54 Copyright © 2013 Find Magazine Subscribe Free

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hand function. As an analogy, imagine trying to execute the perfect cut while wearing winter gloves. If you can grasp things in only the grossest of ways without fine manipulation, grooming would be pretty difficult. Yet millions of groomers worldwide go through life without optimum use of their hands. Losing hand function degrades work performance and we want to reverse that. We have a use for it or lose it, brain and body. We spend much of our lives on autopilot. It is important to challenge ourselves with new exercises every day to keep our hands healthy and flexible. The exercises illustrated below require not only the coordination of hands and fingers with the eyes it also requires complex cognitive processes such as attention, working memory, planning, judgment, flexibility, and inhibition. Additionally these types of exercise techniques are believed to improve neuroplasticity.


April / June 2020

The corpus callosum is the bridge that joins both sides of the brain and promotes communication between hemispheres. Hand exercises help improve that connection. The proof of the benefit of hand exercise can be noticed with pianists or violinists whose manual dexterity is maintained until a ripe old age presumably as a result of regular hand exercise. The corpus callosum has been found to be dramatically enlarged in musicians. It stands to reason that the larger your corpus callosum is, the better your brains hemispheres are collaborating and the more horsepower your brain has access to. As groomers we are often using our left and right hands in co-ordination. One hand on the pet the other on the brush. Combing, brushing, washing, and carrying while watching ever so closely for the quick movement of the pets as we scissor.

The right hand connects with the left These exercises have been developed to side of your brain and the left hand to make similar types of connections in your right brain. The part of the brain our brain to help improve function and that connects the left to the right is reaction time. As groomers, our hands (Continued on page 58) calledeGroomer the corpus Journal callosum. Copyright Š 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved 55 Magazine Subscribe Free

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2 eGroomer Journal January / March 2014

56 Publications

Clip Shoppe School of Dog Grooming

New Jersey -

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are our most valuable tools! You must take care of them if you hope to have a long and pain free career.

Puppy/Scissors This is the ultimate pet groomer finger game. Did you ever make shadow figures on the wall as a kid? This was the shape I used for a puppy. Create the "dog" shape with the left hand and scissors on the right. Switch back and forth slowly at first and as you master the movement speed it up.

April / June 2020

Fist/Flat Hand Start by making a fist with your right hand and have the other hand beside it flat with the palm facing you. Next switch back and forth slowly at first but gaining speed up as you master the movement.

(Continued on page 59)


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April / June 2020

Two In/Two Out

Thumbs and Pinkies

Left hand points along with an extended pinkie finger.

Left hand thumbs up. Right hand pinkie finger up.

Right hand points with finger and extended.

Switch back and forth.

Switch back and forth.

And on the next page one last set of dexterity hand exercises.

(Continued on page 60)

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April / June 2020

Squirt Gun/Ear Tap Start with your left hand in the squirt gun position. Right hand crosses your body to palm your left ear with the fingers open. Switch back and forth.

Once you master this set of exercises try clapping your hands in between switching back and forth. Many of us have had pandemic pause. Soon we will be back to the grooming table and we are going to be busier than ever. Now is the time to gain the upper hand for the busy time ahead of us. ▀ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Vera Needham is a Medical Exercise Specialist, pilates trainer and has been a dog groomer for over 35 years. Vera invented the Tubee-Fit training tool for groomers. The Tubee has proven to be a wonderful addition to her older adult classes and in long term care facilities. If you have any Goomfit question or want more information about the Tubee contact Vera at


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63 Magazine eGroomer Journal January / March 2014

33 Classic Reprint from 2017 64

January / March 2020 Publications

Portuguese Water Dog Styling by

Jodi Murphy

Photo: PWD Groomed by Ann Martin, NCMG

Before grooming any pure breed it is always wise to read the breed standard. The breed standards are individual breed descriptions written by the parent breed clubs which define the ideal dog based on correct structure, tempera-

ment, coat type, etc. The standard is considered a blueprint to the perfect animal of that particular breed. Having breed standards sets goals for breeders to improve their breeding programs. The

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(Continued on page 65)

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(Continued from page 64)

AKC Complete Dog Book consists of all the registered breeds in the United States. Understanding the important points of the breed standard will help in understanding correct pattern placement, coat length and the correct structure of the breed. Let's take a look at the Portuguese Water Dog. The Portuguese Water Dog is a Working dog originating from Portugal. It was

April / June 2020

used to herd fish into nets and to retrieve broken nets and tackle for fisherman. The Portuguese Water Dog is a natural swimmer and would act as a courier from both ship to ship and ship to shore. Due to their utility they have a very dense waterproof coat to protect them from the icy waters of Portugal. The Portuguese Water Dog can be shown in two different trims: the Lion trim or the Retriever trim. (Continued on page 66)

Lion Clip eGroomer Journal

Photo: PWD Groomed by Jodi Murphy Copyright Š 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Magazine Subscribe Free


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April / June 2020 Publications


Retriever Clip Photo: PWD Groomed by Jodi Murphy (Continued from page 65)

The breed standard describes the two trims as follows: Lion Clip As soon as the coat grows long, the middle part and hindquarters, as well as the muzzle, are clipped. The hair at the end of the tail is left at full length. Retriever Clip In order to give a natural appearance and a smooth unbroken line, the entire coat is scissored or clipped to follow the

outline of the dog, leaving a short blanket of coat no longer than one inch in length. The hair at the end of the tail is left at full length. The Lion Clip is a very popular trim for dogs with a wavy coat. The curly coats are much easier to scissor and are often groomed in the Retriever Clip. Proportion Off square; slightly longer than tall when measured from prosternum to rearmost point of the buttocks, and from withers to ground. Neck–Straight,

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(Continued on page 67)

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24 67

January April / June / March 2020 2019

Topline and Chest

should be trimmed to the elbow line. Some dogs may not have the correct depth of chest, however, by trimming the coat to the elbow will give the illusion of the correct structure.

Level and firm.


(Continued from page 66)

short, round, and held high. Strongly muscled.

The above statement describes the proportions of the dog. Some breeds have a square outline which means that the length and height of the dog are of equal parts, like the Poodle for example. The PWD is slightly longer than tall. The topline should be set level. Chest is broad and deep, reaching down to the elbow. Ribs are long and wellsprung to provide optimum lung capacity. Abdomen well held up in a graceful line. Tail Not docked; thick at the base and tapering; set on slightly below the line of the back; should not reach below the hock. When the dog is attentive the tail is held in a ring, the front of which should not reach forward of the loin. The hair at the end of the tail is left at full length. The tail is of great help when swimming and diving. Shoulders Shoulders are well inclined and very strongly muscled. Upper arms are strong. Forelegs are strong and straight. The above statement describes the ribs and the depth of the chest. The depth of chest should reach the elbow. The coat eGroomer Journal

"Abdomen well held up in a graceful line" describes the underline. The underline should be trimmed following the natural underline of the ribcage into the tuck up creating a graceful line. The tail is described as being thicker at the base and tapering. The tail should have a plume at the end and should be left in full length not reaching below the hock when held down. Note: the word "strong" is consistently used when describing the PWD. The front legs are described as being strong and straight. Enough coat should be left on the legs to create a column-like appearance as well as giving a strong appearance. If the legs are trimmed too short they will appear weak. Hindquarters Powerful; well balanced with the front assembly. Legs, viewed from the rear, are parallel to each other, straight and very strongly muscled in upper and lower thighs. The rear legs are described as being "strongly muscled." They should be scissored to appear parallel when viewed from the rear. The thigh should be scissored to show the muscle tone and to

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(Continued on page 70)


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The Dog Spa Academy Norwood, New Jersey NASH APPROVED Stacey Herbert, owner, is a:     

Nash Academy Graduate Professional groomer with over 25 years of experience Show Groomer Certified Grooming Instructor Online Course Instructor for Nash Academy and Dog Spa Academy 68


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April / June 2020

Photo: PWD Groomed by Ann Martin, NCMG

ciput is well defined. Muzzle– Substantial; wider at the base than at the nose.

(Continued from page 67)

exemplify power. An essential characteristic; distinctively large, well proportioned and with exceptional breadth of topskull. Ears–Set well above the line of the eye. Leather is heart shaped and thin. Tips should not reach below the lower jaw.

The above description of the head is self explanatory. The head can be difficult to groom as the PWD coat types can be very different from dog to dog. The wavy dogs are the most difficult due to the way the coat falls. Using thinning shears will help achieve a nice appearance on wavy coats.



In profile, it is slightly longer than the muzzle, its curvature more accentuated at the back than in the front. When viewed head-on, the top of the skull is very broad and appears domed, with a slight depression in the middle. The forehead is prominent, and has a central furrow, extending two-thirds of the distance from stop to occiput. The oc-

A profuse, thickly planted coat of strong, healthy hair, covering the whole body evenly, except where the forearm meets the brisket and in the groin area, where it is thinner.



There are two varieties of coat:

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(Continued from page 70)

Curly Compact, cylindrical curls, somewhat lusterless. The hair on the ears is sometimes wavy. Wavy–Falling gently in waves, not curls, and with a slight sheen. Worley Some coats are often referred to a "worley" as they are a combination of curly and wavy. Whether the dogs are trimmed short or groomed to breed profile, the pattern is always set following the structure of the breed. With coated breeds like the PWD

eGroomer Journal

April / June 2020

a groomer can leave more coat in the right places and also remove more coat in the right places to camouflage any faults the dog may have. This takes knowledge and experience which comes with time and practice. My new book "Dog Grooming Simplified" quotes parts of the standard for each breed which are important for groomers to know. Using this vital information along with the grooming instructions for each particular breed will help execute a wellbalanced seamless pet trim which will aid in capturing the essence of the breed. ▀

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eGroomer Journal January / March 2014

73 Publications

Northern Tails Sharpening, Inc. You Now Have a Better Choice! Specializing in Animal Care Tools

Mail-in Prices Steel Blades


Ceramic Blades


Agri Blades


3 in Wide Blades


Beveled Shears


Bevel Thinning Shears


Convex Shears


Refurbish 5-N-1 Blades


Str. Chunkers


Convex Thinning Shears $16.00

Clipper Repair ● Veterinarian Equipment ● Beauty Shears We are an Andis & Furzone Regional Distributor and Repair Center Jeff is a Master Sharpener and Certified Pet Groomer with over 35 years experience. He knows how your tools should perform. He won’t sharpen worn out tools which could harm animals. His office will call you if any of your tools look bad. Long-time member of NDGAA, IPG and the BBB. Please call or visit our website for mailing information.

(479) 498-2367 Russellville, Arkansas

SINCE 1995 eGroomer Journal Subscribe Free

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April / June 2020 74 Publications

Rubberizing Clipper Bodies Using Flex-Seal by Jeff Andrews, Northern Tails Sharpening Flex Seal produces a rubber type coating on your clipper that prevents it from slipping in your wet hands. Now every clipper can have a rubberized body.

► Prepare your clipper by laying it flat on a protected surface with the bottom side up. You will only be spraying the bottom of the clipper.

► Cut small pieces of tape for protection from the spray. Cover the screw holes and the hinge to include the whole front end as shown below. Make sure you cover all areas that you do not want rubberized. These areas include the entire hinge, the front of the clipper and anything on the side of the clipper like a switch or touchpad. (Continued on page 75)

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75 75

April / June 2020 Publications

► You are ready to spray. If this is your first time to use FlexSeal, I suggest you practice on another object and not your clipper. Hold the can of FlexSeal about 12 inches from the object and spray in short bursts, back and forth. FlexSeal comes out of the can quickly. Be very careful to prevent runs from excess solution. Refer to the picture above; see the runs? When it dried it looked OK and was the same color as the clipper. It takes about one day to dry. Peel the pieces of tape off and you are ready to groom. FlexSeal sticks on clippers well. FlexSeal has many other uses for repelling water. Now it has a function for the grooming industry. If your clipper doesn’t have a rubberized body and it slides in your hand, rubberize it! The cost is about $13.50 for FlexSeal Clear. ▀

Northern Tails Sharpening Call 479-498-2367

Russellville, Arkansas

Serving Groomers Everywhere Through Mail-in Services Jeff Andrews is "One of America's Favorite Sharpeners." Along with his years of grooming experience in two of his own shops, he is a "World Class Sharpener" that can sharpen all grooming equipment to better than new condition. Jeff is an author and pioneer of many maintenance and grooming video's and articles. They are for groomers who want to make their equipment last longer and save money on their sharpening costs. These videos and articles are on his website free to download and keep for reference. eGroomer Journal Subscribe Free Magazine Subscribe Free

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Sponsors Only Buyer’s Guide 2020 ◊ DIAMOND LEVEL SPONSORS ◊ PetEdge Supplies

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All About Dog Grooming Home Study

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Quadruped Pet Care Products

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Aussie Pet Mobile Since October 2014

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♦ PetEdge Top Performance ♦ Groomer’s Choice EZ Care Wear ♦ Retro Stylist Wear Quality Apparel Jodi Murphy Grooming Apparel

♦ PetEdge Master Grooming Tools ♦ Double K Industries WAHL Clipper Corporation

♦ PetEdge Master Equip. ProBather ♦ GCCP The BathMaster


BRUSH, COMB, DESHED ♦ PetEdge Master Grooming Tools ♦ Groomer’s Choice SureGrip Tools WAHL Clipper Corporation

SCISSORS & SHEARS ♦ PetEdge Master Grooming Tools ♦ Groomers Choice Monk Colors Shears



♦ PetEdge ♦ Groomers Choice ♦ Double K Industries ♦ Quadruped Pet Care Products Bardel Bows Showseason & Naturals


♦ PetEdge Master Equipment Dryers ♦ Double K Industries ♦ Metro Air Force® Dryers WAHL Clipper Corporation Snyder Mfg. Co.

♦ PetEdge ♦ Double K Industries ♦ Groomer’s Choice Pet Products ♦ Quadruped Pet Care WAHL Clipper Corporation Showseason Products Naturals Products

PET ORAL HYGIENE ♦ PetEdge Top Performance ProDental

SUPPLIERS CATALOG & ONLINE ♦ PetEdge ♦ Groomers Choice Pet Products ♦ CBDMD—Paw CDB

TABLES & ACCESSORIES ♦ PetEdge Master Equipment Tables ♦ Groomer’s Choice DuraDog Tables

TUBS & ACCESSORIES ♦ PetEdge Master Equipment Tubs ♦ Groomer’s Choice DuraDog Tubs Poly

CAGES & ACCESSORIES ♦ PetEdge ProSelect Cages ♦ Groomer’s Choice DuraDog Cages Snyder Mfg. Co.

CLIPPER VACUUM WAHL Clipper Corporation

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World Pet Association / SuperZoo Nat’l Dog Groomers Assn. of America Int’l Society of Canine Cosmetologists Intellectual Groomers Association

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CONSULTANTS ♦ Golden Paws School Consultation Groomadog Consultants Animal Photography Grooming Business in a Box®

SHARPENING & REPAIR ♦ Groomers Choice Pet Products Northern Tails Sharpening


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MOBILE GROOMING ♦ Wag’n Tails Mobile Conversions Tag Along Mobile Pet Salons Puparazzi Mobile Franchise GoMobile Conversions Mobile Grooming Book - Jodi Murphy

♦ Barkleigh Productions Super Styling Sessions Intergroom Trade Show SuperZoo Trade Show Atlanta Pet Fair

HOME STUDY BOOKS, DVDs, STREAMING MEDIA and WEBINARS ♦ All About Dog Grooming ♦ Streaming ♦ Paragon School Distance Learning ♦ Golden Paws Distance Learning JKL Pet Grooming School Jodi Murphy Instructional DVDs Mobile Grooming Book Jodi Murphy Dog Grooming Simplified Jodi Murphy Super Styling Sessions DVDs Groomadog Academy Home Study National Cat Groomer Institute The Groom Pod (Podcasts) Grooming Business in a Box® -Pet Grooming Business Plan Helper -Floor Plan Concepts for Pet Groomers -Pet Groomer Wage Systems -Pet Groomer Business Forms & Make Your Own Appointment Books

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Full Circle Finance LLC

Golden Paws School Consultants

GoMobile Conversions

Governor Insurance

Groomers Choice Pet Products Grooming Business in a Box


Groomsoft Groomer Software

Intellectual Groomers Association

Intergroom Trade Show

Int’l Society of Canine Cosmetologists

JKL Pet Grooming School

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Kriser’s Stores Groomer Employment

National Dog Groomers Association

Northern Tails Sharpening

Pet Life Stores Employment

Petco Employment

PetEdge Grooming Supplies

Poly Pet-Tubs

Puparazzi Mobile Franchise

Quadruped Pet Care Products

Retro Stylist Wear Quality Apparel

Showseason & Naturals Products

Snyder Mfg. Co.


Tag Along Mobile Pet Salons

Wag’n Tails Mobile Conversions

WAHLeGroomer Clipper Corporation Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Journal Inc. All rights reserved Wilco Stores Groomer Employment



Paragon Pet Grooming School (Michigan) PLATINUM PLUS LEVEL SPONSORS

Golden Paws School (Texas) Clip Shoppe School of Dog Grooming (New Jersey) Groomer Training Center (JKL Classroom Associate) (Pennsylvania) Merryfield School of Pet Grooming (Florida) Coastal Groomadog Academy (South Carolina) American Grooming Academy (California) Dog Spa Academy—NASH Approved (New Jersey) Healthy Spot Styling Academy (California) Just 4 Paws Pet Spa Academy (New Jersey) PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSORS

Michigan School of K9 Cosmetology Texas Allbreed Grooming School GOLD PLUS LEVEL 1 SPONSORS Canine Clippers Grooming School (VA) 80

Cindy’s Canine Companions Grooming Classes (PA)

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Journalthat January / March 81 is not commonly known relates It’s eGroomer commonly known all brands of A-52014 blades fit any brand of A-5 clippers. What blade sizes. MostPublications brands of A-5 blades have similar sizes, but how they perform varies. Manufacturers must use design differences in order to avoid patent and copyright infringement. The most common difference between brands is the blade thickness. Similar manufacturer sizes may cut at different heights. You could be in for a surprise if you change brands of the same size blade only to discover the cut is different! For your convenience Jeff at Northern Tails Sharpening prepared the multiple manufacturer reference charts below for blades and snap-ons. Be sure to check Jeff’s web site at for more helpful articles, videos and descriptions of his mail-in services. ♦

Clipper Blade Cutting Heights by Manufacturer BLADE SIZE























































































































Snap-On Comb Sizes & Cut Lengths by Manufacturer COMB SIZE





















1/2 3/4

3/4 0










1 1/4

1 1/4 1 1/2


























1 1/4


1 1/2 Magazine


1 3/4



eGroomer Journal 1 5/8Subscribe Free S

7/8 1

Charts courtesy of Northern Tails Sharpening 479-498-2367

© 2014 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved eMagazine

PUBLISHER Find A Groomer Inc. EDITORIAL OFFICE PO Box 2489, Yelm, WA 98597 800-556-5131 360-446-5348 ADVERTISE IN PETGROOMER.COM MAGAZINE

Display advertising in Magazine is available at no cost to most banner advertising sponsors of Sponsor advertising starts at $1 a day. Learn More Magazine is published as a download digital file quarterly by Find A Groomer Inc., PO Box 2489, Yelm, WA 98597. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Magazine makes every effort to provide information that is reliable and practical. It is not intended to replace diagnosis or treatment from a veterinarian or other qualified pet or pet care professional. Magazine does not assume any legal responsibility. Readers should always consult qualified healthcare providers for specific diagnosis and treatment. Information provided is not intended to replace formal grooming training, pet safety and care. Viewpoints and commentary expressed in Magazine do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or opinions of its advertisers, the publisher or associates. Use of any content or services of and, including both digital and print copies of Magazine, is governed by additional guidelines, disclaimers and privacy policies and notices available at:


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