Magazine - Summer 2022

Page 24 Magazine


July / September 2022

People Pleasing Policies Now I know you’re thinking…what does this have to do with pet retail? Don’t worry…it’s related! Most people in the pet industry (myself included) are here because they are obsessed with their pets. We tend to be the household caretakers and as such more empathetic to the needs of others.

DISCOUNTS Every business owner has friends or family requesting discounts. Clients may even have multiple dogs in their household in which they would love a price break for dog grooming or treats. Let’s be honest…it’s not that much less work grooming three dogs from the same household than from three different households so why should they get a break? If you have a policy in place in written form in your business and on your website, it will make it much easier for you to refer to your policy than argue with a client.

Being an “Empath” is wonderful for society but quite taxing as there are many people that exploit an Empath for their own gain. It is for this reason, it’s extremely important to have a store manual or policies and procedures in place to refer to in order to keep your “people If a friend or family member asks for a pleasing” ways from being taken addiscount; you can say, “Our friends and vantage of and your business running family discount policy is 20%.” Or if a at maximum efficiency. We’re going to multi-household client asks for a disdiscuss ways you can be your caring count; you can explain, “It’s not our poliself and run an efficient business by cy to give discounts for multi-household employing “People Pleasing Policies” or (Continued on page 25) 24 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Subscribe “PPP.” Magazine Subscribe Free

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