Technique vs. Emotional Involvement: Finding the Balance Suzanne Clothier explains the concept of Relationship Centered Training™ and why it is a new way of thinking about our relationships with our dogs
et me start by saying that Relationship Centered Training (RCT™) is not a specific training methodology. It is more of an overarching philosophy that keeps the relationship between human and dog central. All methods, techniques, equipment, and concepts are screened through this lens: How will this affect the relationship? Konrad Lorenz (2002) perhaps said it best: “The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being.” RCT recognizes that the dog/human rela tionship is naturally different from our relationships with other people. But there are many similarities as well. Social beings, dogs can success fully live with us because social relationships innately matter to them. In trying to understand any dog, you cannot help assessing him within the context of relationship; even a dog alone is a dog “in the absence of re lationship.” (Scott & Fuller, 1965). The core concepts of RCT – Connection, Communication and Commitment – provide a structure that guides an accurate assessment of the dog/handler team. This means that rather than looking to see what label(s) or “diagnosis” might fit the team, I end up with a clear picture of what is happening (or not happening) as well as important clues on how best to adjust, build, improve, re pair. Let’s look at each concept in a bit more detail. In a tight feedback loop, dog and guardian alter their own behavior according to what the other has to say; both have an interest in avoiding conflict, staying connected, and being in balance with the other
Connection Heartfelt: When a relationship is heartfelt, there is a connection both mindtomind and hearttoheart. Both parties in the relationship want to be with the other. There is joy and love in the connection. While I cannot teach a dog or a human how to love each other, I can create situ ations where they experience conflictfree, pleasurable interactions. From those experiences, a heartfelt connection can begin to blossom.
Awareness: Awareness means consciously including the other in all you do. When awareness is present, both maintain a heightened aware ness of the other, being sensitive to any shifts in mood, body language or actions. This awareness is maintained despite distractions. Aware ness may come easily to some people or dogs but can be difficult for others. This is a skill that can be taught, with an appreciation for the challenges that may be present for handler, dog or both.
Respect: Respect means having reverence and regard for the other’s needs, abilities, limits and perspective. Respect does not equal skill, un derstanding, or agreement. Respect hinges on the appreciation of your dog’s understanding and perception of the world. What’s important to you may not be important to the dog, and vice versa. What’s obvious to your dog may not even register with your human senses. Respecting the differences is key to a healthy relationship. Respect is earned, not forced or assumed. Dogs tend to give pre cisely the respect you have earned, adjusting it according to your behav ior, just as you can earn (or lose!) respect in your relationships with people.
Communication Communication is a crucial aspect of any relationship. RCT views life with dogs as an ongoing conversation, with information, feedback and consequences going between you and your dog. Sometimes, the con versation is rather casual, and sometimes much more formal. But it is an ongoing conversation that takes place anytime you are with the dog. Communication relies heavily on some technical skills, which can be taught.
Information: Information is the building block of communication. Use ful information is timely, meaningful, and clear. When working with a dog, we need to be using deliberate signals to communicate effectively. Good timing and a thoughtful, deliberate and congruent use of your body language, facial expressions and tone of voice are important. The dog, of course, is always giving us signals, whether we under stand them or not! Understanding your dog means that you need to learn to “read” dogs so that his signals (body language, vocalizations, ex © Can Stock Photo / Quasarphoto
BARKS from the Guild/July 2020