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Training Tips: Puppy’s First Walk
Sally Bradbury outlines some basic training steps to help a puppy get used to the big wide world as well as how to walk on a loose leash
Everyone looks forward to the day when puppy can go out for a walk for the first time. Exciting times! But what about puppy? Is he as excited as you or is everything overwhelming for him? It's a big scary world out there.
To help prepare him for his big day, get him out and about beforehand in your arms or a sling, or for car rides. Find somewhere to sit and watch the world go by. Let him see people and dogs and traffic in the distance. Watch for his reactions. Keep him safe and keep him feeling safe. You really want everything to be a nonevent for him. Not too exciting or overwhelming – and definitely not scary.
People will want to ooh and aah over him. You'll probably want to show him off but don't let people overwhelm him. Don't allow strangers to approach him and touch him when he is in your arms unless it is clear that he is happy to make the first move.
In the meantime, teach the puppy at home to wear a harness and walk nicely on a leash well in advance, so when it’s time to safely take him for a walk, you are already ahead. There are lots of ways to teach nice leash walking. I’ll describe just one of the options here.
Leash Training
At mealtimes, walk the puppy around the house holding his food bowl. Give him his food from your other hand, one piece at a time, whenever he is there beside you. You do this without a leash. Keep going until he understands the game and follows you about or walks with you for his whole meal.
Meanwhile, between mealtimes, use some yummy treats and sit on the floor and get him used to his collar and/or harness. Once he is happy to wear them and sit with his harness on for treats, then attach

To help prepare a puppy for her first walks, guardians can carry her out and about beforehand in their arms or a sling, or for car rides, then find somewhere to sit and watch the world go by
© Can Stock Photo / cynoclub On puppy’s frst official walk everything should be a nonevent for him and not too exciting or overwhelming – and definitely not scary
the leash and give him a treat, take it off, give him a treat, and so on.
Now, next mealtime, attach the leash to the puppy’s harness, which he is now fine about. Tuck your end into your belt loop and do as you did previously, walking around the house and garden feeding him as you go. Voila! Puppy is walking on a loose leash.
Keep those early walks short. Let the puppy stop to take in the view and have a good sniff. If he can already walk nicely on a leash at home, it pays to continue the leash training in very short bursts outside when it is safe to do so. Puppies, with their developing joints, don't need lots of road walking. Rather, they need to go on little adventures somewhere they can be safely on a long line, where they can run, play and explore, then sit, rest and watch the world go by.
In no time you’ll be really enjoying your walk and so will puppy. n
Sally Bradbury has worked with dogs all her adult life, from RSPCA kennel maid in her teens to founding and running her own very successful dog training business for 20 years. She was also a founding member of the APDT (United Kingdom). Her passion is helping and supporting new puppy owners raise their puppies to avoid the many pitfalls that results in so many youngsters being handed into rescues in their first year. She is now retired and living in Wales and has recently published children’s book, Jack and Billy: Puppy Tales, featuring two puppies who experience vastly different journeys in their new homes.