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The Fracture Characterization and Fracture Modeling of a Tight Carbonate Reservoir
Calculation of Porosity by Combiningthe Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Soniclogs In Gas Bearing Reservoir, At Sienna Fieldof West Delta Deep Marine Concession In Egypt
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5 years ..... And we are looking forward to Global New Products Calculation of Porosity by Combiningthe Nuclear Magnetic Resonance And Soniclogs In Gas Bearing Reservoir, At Sienna Fieldof West Delta .......... The Fracture Characterization and Fracture Modeling of a Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The Najmah Sargelu of West Kuwait Part (1) Evergrow Calcium Chloride Uses in Drilli g and Maintenance Oil Gas Wells Industry At A Glance
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اتفاقية بترولية جديدة لجنوب الوادى بدء إنتاج الغاز من مشروع «ديكا» فى مصر أول إنت������اج للغ������از من مصن�����ع حق����ل دس�����وق بالدلت���ا مش���روعًا للغاز الطبيعي12 �«اكسون» شريكة ب المسال في قطر «األح���واض الجافة» تنج���ز بناء منصتي���ن برجيتين ألكبر منش���أة عائمة للغاز الطبيعي المسال في العالم جوالت مكثفة لوزير البترول لمتابعة خطط وبرامج اإلنتاج والتطوير والتواصل مع العاملين
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Petroleum Today Chairman Mohamed Bendary
5 years ..... And we are looking forward to Global
Vice-Chairman Mohamed Hamdy Executive Editor-in-Chief Magdy Bendary General Manager Hany Ibrahim Article Scientific Adviser Consultant /Ahmed Shehab
he first issue of Petroleum Today was in mid-2009 as the first
scientific magazine specializing in the oil sector through a new vision based on providing contracting process and scientific articles that contribute in some way to increase petroleum culture among workers in the petroleum sector.
This was not enough for us, but Petroleum Today has its exclusive, as it was the first Egyptian Newspaper celebrates one hundred years of oil production in Egypt through documents and figures and events. The magazine also tried hard to focus on the development of scientific research through the presentation of the views of a group of officials and specialists within the sector. We did not stand up at this point but we presented an integrated vision for the creation of a giant project (University of Petroleum), where we published a full feasibility study on this project, which, if implemented, will contribute significantly to the development of the petroleum sector, not only in Egypt, but also in the entire region. We did not neglect the side of the press and the news reported it allocated the magazine in preparation many doors fixed, including news and investigations and news reports about the most important events in the sector, whether in Egypt or the world, as well as dialogues with the major scientist in the petroleum industry as well as the Magazine allocated an economic part includes the most important indicators and tables for crude prices and producing and exporting countries in the world. Petroleum Today Magazine participated in exhibitions and conferences specialized in the oil sector, as well as exhibitions related to the oil industry and the magazine was taken into account as a media sponsor for these exhibitions and conferences. In spite of the difficult events experienced by the country in the recent period since the outbreak of the revolution in January and so far, the magazine did not stop but continued the same policy and its free distribution for the Egyptian Petroleum Sector, as well as free distribution in all the involving exhibitions. We admit that we did not offer what we want, but we strive to develop ourselves in every way in difficult conditions experienced by all of Egypt, but we are determined, If God willing, to access the magazine to be in the coming years one of the most important magazines of oil and energy in the world.
Scientific Secretary Ali Ibrahim Editing Staff Shaimaa Eid Hany Khaled Mohamed Mousa Marketing Magdy Ahmed Mohamed Moussa Mohamed Attia Financial Management Omnia Alaa Art Director Walid Fathy Distribution Mahmoud Mabrouk Art Direction Mohamed Bendary Production Mohamed Salah Scientific Staff Dr. Attia M. Attia Dr. Adel Salem Dr. Ahmed Z. Nouh Dr. Ismail Aiad Dr. Gamal Gouda Eng. Mahmoud A. Gobran Eng. Mohamed nada Eng. Taher Abd El Rahim Eng. Mohamed Bydoun Eng.Samir Abady Dr. Lubna Abbas Saleh Special thanks to all the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mr. Hany Hafez Eng. Mohamed Abdel Sattar Publisher The Egyptian Company For Marketing 8Th Kafafi Nasr St., Agouza Giza - Egypt Tel: +202 42191195 01006596350 - 01116251134 01000533201 E-mail: E-mail:info@ Copyright Reserved Design and Print by:
And In the end, we salute you all and wish for Egypt pride and dignity.
Petroleum Today
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Egypt News New Petroleum Agreement for Ganoub Elwadi Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources assured that the signing of new Petroleum agreements reflects a number of positive results, including an increase and intensify research activities and exploration, which maximizes Egypt›s production of its oil wealth, this came during the signing of new petroleum agreement between Ganoub Elwadi Holding Petroleum Company and English VEGA Petroleum in east of Mount Petroleum area in the Gulf of Suez. The agreement provides for a minimum investment to pump $9.5 million signing bonus million dollars over two terms each search is limited to 3 years and an area of 69 km for the drilling of two new wells. The minister pointed out that the signing of this agreement and the continuation of the policy of the Ministry of Petroleum in Ganoub Elwadi areas of interest and to intensify research activities and discover the wealth to increase their contribution as a percentage of petroleum in Egypt›s total production of Petroleum. For his part, Geological Abu bakr Ibrahim, head of Ganoub
Elwadi Holding Petroleum Company explained that the number of agreements signed in the south to search for oil and gas since its inception was 19 agreement in place with investments of 294.4 million, including $7 petroleum agreements have been signed since 2013, with investments of a minimum $115 million
National Bank Alliance won to lend Petroleum Authority 10 billion Egyptian Pounds The Alliance led by the National Bank of Egypt won to arrange a loan for the benefit of two subsidiaries of the General Authority for Petroleum estimated 10 billion Egyptian pounds. EGPC has asked local banks new loan worth 4 billion Egyptian pounds, to pay part of the debts of foreign companies that up to six billion U.S. dollars, but the bank has offered the possibility of increasing the loan to 10 billion Egyptian pounds to expedite the reimbursement process. National Bank of Egypt leads an alliance of more than 5 local banks, among the three alliances to win this loan. The Alliance includes both of the National Commercial Bank and the International Arab African International Bank, Egypt and Qatar National Bank in Cairo led coalition and the Bank Company Arab Banking Alliance third. Divided quotas Banks alliance of civil winner of the loan are as follows: 4 billion pounds for the National Bank and 1.65 billion for the International Commercial Bank and 1.65 billion pounds for the Arab African International Bank and 1.35 billion pounds of Banque Misr and 1.35 billion pounds of Qatar National Bank «Societe Generale previously» .
14 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Egypt EgyptNearing extendsDeal deadline to Fillfor its Petroleum Needs for a Year Egyptian Petroleum sector builds a drilling offshore submission of offers in the device in deep water with investments of $900 million The Egyptian government announced International Auction to explore for the near completion of agreement theofprovision needs sector is currently Oila final and Gas to theon3rd July of its petroleum The Petroleum
implementing for a year beginning in September of the terms and softa new project with an investment of $900 million to build, Egyptian loans. General Petroleum Corporation the Sharif, construction of a offshore andEgyptian the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Minister of Petroleum, Engineer and Ismail drilling in deep water in cooperation Company (EGAS) announced for during a meeting of the Economic Committee of the Cabinet, between all of extension of was the deadline bid isincurrently an said there agreementtoand approaching its the Egyptian Natural Holding Company (EGAS) and international to explore forneeds oil for a Gas final stagestender to provide petroleum full year. the South andIsmail gas inadded, the concession 22 according area to aofstatement issued by Valley the Holding Company for Petroleum production-sharing system to the third of Egyptian cabinet, there are consultations to provide the and Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Drilling Company July. necessary funding for the purchase of butane gas on the Egyptian Thefavorable corporation saidbutat he thedid endnotofelaborate last terms, onoftheJapan, nature through of outages Company for drilling andfora citizens. new yearconcessional that the last reached. date for receipt of offers returns and implement programs Egypt requested from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait funding from the Bank of Japan from companies interested in exploration Egypt has chronic problems in the provision of energyof drilling and development in the government. is May 19th , 2014. Located patches of intensive factories such as fertilizers, cement, steel, renewal package Petroleum grants to the end of the fiscal planned timings which contributes whichyear was 20142015-, received by which raised the Gulf Suez and is being studied by the three andexploration at a time inwhen it isoftrying to secureThe gasreport, supplies Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of to speed the development of new the Western Desert, the Mediterranean and necessary for the operation of power plants to prevent countries at the moment. Petroleum and Mineral Resources, discoveries on the map production. the Nile Delta. and Engineer Khalid Abd Al- The report pointed out that it EGPC and EGAS company did not mention Ministry of Planning: 53.6 Gas Production from «Decca» in principle Egypt on the was Project agreed in Badie, head of the starts Egyptian Natural the causes of the delay in the announcement billion pounds, the Gas Holding Company (EGAS), preparation of the draft agreement in published by Egyptian the local newspapers. BP Company announced the start of gas size of targeted Investments announced today that the project principle to start the implementation But an official source at the EGAS said production from the project (Decca), the Petroleum will enable the petroleum sector of the project with the Japanese side the in postponement came atSector the request of Egypt, from the well, «South Dennis 6», from owning tools of production to launch the project, pointing out the companies so that they can assess the The ministry of planning and at a rate of 50 million cubic feet per day . represented in the possession of that the Egyptian Company for feasibility studies for the concession areas. follow-up and administrative reform The focus of the project (Decca) in the the full device offshore drilling in drilling , which was established in The source, who spoke on condition showed that the volume of targeted fields of gas and Dennis and Crown in deep water used in secure software 2008, has leased two of the drilling of anonymity, «a group of companies investments in the Petroleum sector the convention area in the east of the development and exploratory (Alkaher -1) and (Alkaher-2 ) since had applied for EGAS and the General during 20142015- was about 53.6 crocodile of the Nile Delta, and will be drilling for the development 2010 and are currently working in Petroleum Authority two weeks ago to billion Egyptian pounds, noting the provider to the domestic market of of marine reserves and the the programs of exploratory drilling postpone the closing date of the bid so that that the sector Investment private Egypt . development of new sources of oil and development of the Egyptian they can assess the feasibility studies for and cooperative accounts for about Hisham Mekawy, BP Corporation and gas while maximizing economic Petroleum companies. areas to offer the best deals». 49.3 billion Egyptian pounds of Regional president said «The project them, including 92% of the volume (Decca) is another example of the of investments. commitment of BP Company toward Egypt and Egyptian long-term, Egypt will pay about one billion dollars of dues by Foreign Petroleum Companies in partnership Two months According to the ministry - in the and we look forward to continue to play a key role in the development of the of dues to Foreign Egypt has said in the past that it will economic and social development dollars Egyptian energyowed sector». Companies the next pay anotherongoing $3 billion in premiums plan of 2014- 2015 - that the plan Petroleum The project (Decca), in a group of gas discoveries development through monthly until 2017 as an incentive aims to produce about 34.4 million two months. 5 wells beneath the surface of the sea, and includes well «Bello 1 CD» (in the paid lastarea yearaltemsah) $1.5 billion of to encourage tons of crude oil and condensate Egypt convention and installation of productionforeign systems Petroleum under the sea the money owed to international companies to increase and about 1.4 million pounds with lines freely and processing of gas in the gas plant beautifultheir land,operations used existing as partof ofthea field, program to (BP forowned exploration cooker next to produce about companies infrastructure «Seth» 50%) and and production. gas export pipelines seeks and to revive confidence in Egypt has been. trying hard to meet 41.9 million tons / year gas, an repayalligator infrastructure for complex gas Algamyel after years of unrest. the high energy billscubic resulting increase of 1% from expected for the economy It is expected that the project (Decca) deliver 230 million feet offrom gas at agency quoted as the minister significant support for fuel products the year 20132014- as well as the The maximum production capacity starting from the first months of 2015 from the «during two months to itsand population 85 million production of about 36.2 million saying wells of the the five,next including «Belo 1 CD», is locatedofwell, «South people, Dennis 6» MENA agency a new payment of dues them poor. tons news / year of announced petroleum that and will atmake a distance of 65 kilometers from themost northofPort Said, at a depth of 100 meters Minister of Petroleum and Mineral companies operating Ismail«BP» saidandthat Egypt from petrochemical products from public to foreign below sea level, and has all of myincompany, «ENI» sharegets of 50% of the Resources Sherif Ismail as saying the oil field is estimated at around a Arabic Countries «Oil Subsidies» sector companies and investment Area Agreement altemsah, the project (Decca) is run by the joint venture company thatcompanies. Egypt will pay about one billion billion dollars». ). worth about $700 million per month. (PETROBEL
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Arab News «Kuwait Petroleum Corporation»: Conclusion of the Largest Oil supply contract in the history of Kuwait
Significant positive steps initiates cut it off the international marketing sector in Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, who succeeded recently in signing the biggest contract for the
supply of crude oil long-term on the corporation with the giant Chinese Oil and Chemicals (SINOPEC), where the Foundation will work through this decade 10 years contract, and a total value of $120 billion (depending on currently prevailing oil prices) to provide the Chinese side with 300 thousand barrels of oil per day, equivalent to almost 15% of the daily production of Kuwait . The Managing Director Marketing in Petroleum Corporation Nasser Al-Mudhaf said that this contract is the largest contract sales on Kuwait, and it is a strategic ensure the sale and marketing of Kuwaiti oil for many years and are stable even in a crisis, or in any other circumstances that may pass through the region, corporation will continue the supply even in emergency cases.
«Middle East» Investments in Energy are $283 Billion Specialized destinations in the Global Energy Market suggested that the volume of investments in the energy market in the Middle East and North Africa, in the next four years (2014- 2018), will exceed the
$283 billion, believing that it will enhance the availability of energy, which compete by major influential countries in their industry . While number of Energy Experts connect the world›s attention by
Countries or the major international companies specialized in energy investments in the Middle East to the growth of future demand for the electricity sector in the region to 7% after 2018 .
«EXXON» is a Partner in 12 Projects for Liquefied Natural Gas in Qatar
Bart Cahir, President and General Manager of ExxonMobil Qatar, said in an interview with The Business Year magazine: We have developed the base of a solid relationship with Qatar and Qatar Petroleum Company during the past twenty
16 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
years. He pointed out that initially were in a project with «QATARGAS», and he stressed that the size of the projects implemented by Exxon Mobil reached 12 projects in liquefied natural gas out of the 14 projects located in the country . And that Qatar has become primarily responsible for giving globalization on trade in liquefied natural gas, and has become a partnership between Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil channel to pass it . He added: By 2040, we will see that the natural gas climb from third to second place as a source of energy, shifting the coal, pointing out that this product can play an important role in helping to solve energy challenges .
International News OPEC Is Not Worried About Oil Prices Reduction Delegates to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said that the organization is not concerned about oil prices reduction towards $100 a barrel, where current prices are considered acceptable for producers while the market is expected to get support in the coming period of high demand for seasonal reasons . Brent crude oil prices tumbled to their lowest level in 2014 with the decline as investors worried about the conflict in Iraq and Ukraine at the same time Libyan production rose. This prompted the price fall below the level needed by some OPEC members
to cover the needs of the budget they have . But three delegates from Countries members of the Organization said that low prices are not a cause for concern at the moment . A delegate of a Gulf Country said «There is nothing to worry about we consider the downside a correction process ... will not be moving, but on the basis of the fundamental factors .. At the present time is still a fair price for producers «. The delegate refused to comment on the price that OPEC may raise concern, still the price of Brent crude above $100 a barrel, a level that
Chinese Commercial Oil Inventories rose 5.8%
New China News Agency (XINHUA) said that Chinese commercial crude oil inventories rose at the end of July, 5.8 percent, while refined fuel stocks fell 1.7 percent from their levels at the end of June . The agency gave no official inventory sizes . And rarely the Government reveals inventory levels or business strategy making it difficult to estimate the size of real demand in the secondlargest oil consumer Country in the world.
18 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Saudi Arabia - the largest source of crude in the world – prefers and is also supported by many of the other members of OPEC .
«DRYDOCKS» Completed The Construction of Two Platforms for The Largest Floating Facility for Liquefied Natural Gas in the World DRYDOCKS - provider of marine and maritime sectors of oil, gas and energy – announced the successful completion of two platforms as a part of a project to build the largest floating facility for liquefied natural gas in the world and it follows «SHELL» Global Company which launched this facility innovative within the project of «Prelude « to extract natural gas off the coast of Australia . Khamis Juma Buamim Chairman of DRYDOCKS World and Maritime World felt proud of the fact that the group is part of this achievement, which represents a milestone in marine LNG industry and participation in the project enjoyed great prestige reflected in achieving unprecedented record, stressing that the group during its construction of the largest platform tower in the world to promote the global natural gas industry is keen to apply rigorous standards in the field of maintaining the quality and safety to reduce the risks to minimum. He explained that the achievement of five million working hours without incident time-consuming in the completion of the project provides further testimony indicating retention DRYDOCKS World and Maritime World proven track record in the field of safety.
Corporation News The First Production of Gas from the Field of Desouq Factory in Delta Hamdy Abd Al-Aziz official spokesman of the Ministry of Petroleum announced the start of the first production of natural gas from the processing plant gas field Desouk in Delta area after the completion of its implementation and after connecting 5 new wells in the development project field gases in Desouk which raised field production from 60 million cubic feet of gas and 70 barrels condensate per day in April to 150 million cubic feet of gas and 150 barrels condensate per day during the past few days, bringing the total producing wells from the field Desouk in the first phase to 9 wells. The project field gases in Desouk is an example for excellence partnership among giants Suez Oil (SOCO) and German RWE Company, and will contribute to the production of the field, which was put on the production map in increased rates of gas production and contribute to cover part of the needs of the electricity sector, and are currently preparing for the implementation of Phase The new project will be linked to 7 other wells gas treatment plant and put it on the map of production during the next year to increase production to more than 200 million cubic feet of gas per day, and the first phases of investment and new project development field Desouk about $300 million.
Expansion Projects to Increase Production of The Global Drilling Missions Company Global Drilling Missions Company plans to manufacture the global tasks of drilling for the establishment of several expansion projects to increase its production of drill pipes and tubes lining oil wells in support of the strategy of the Ministry of Petroleum to maximize local manufacturing missions and petroleum equipment. Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, during his inspection of the company›s factory in Ain Sukhna listened to explain detailed from Mohamed Abu Al-Ela president of the company where he explained that it is negotiating now with the Egyptian Chinese Company for the implementation of expansion projects, noting that currently the establishment of the second phase of the plant with investments of $32 million and annually pipes production capacity of 80 thousand tons treatment added to current production capacity, explaining that he had planned the completion of the implementation and start operation in August of next year. He pointed out that the plant has succeeded this year in an increase in the volume of production and sales to cope with the increasing intensification of research activities for oil and gas exploration and production, pointing out that the factory has won supply orders in some tenders grand worth more than $48 million and that the total contracts factory since the beginning of his work in 2011 and so far amounted to about $145 million.
20 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
A New Project for Natural Gas Production in Abu Qir Petroleum Company Petroleum Sector began a new project for the production of natural gas continued to Abu Qir Petroleum Company includes the construction of a new platform north of Abu Qir -3 Mediterranean Sea to the investments of Italian Edison Company of $220 million. Engineer Adel Higazi, president of Abu Qir Petroleum showed that currently being set up the contract with PETROJET Company to implement the project, which is expected to add about 150 million cubic feet of gas per day and 2,500 barrels condensate, pointing out that the production platform of new accommodate 9 wells were drilled 3 wells and tested, and the project planned to start production by the end of 2016. He added that the production of the company›s current fields of Abu Qir in the Mediterranean Sea is about 242 million cubic feet of gas per day and 4,200 barrels condensate and
Support Activities and Investments of General Petroleum Company Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources had a meeting included Tariq AlMulla, Executive Chief of the Petroleum Authority and Engineer Mohamed Abd Al-Fattah, Head of the General Company for Petroleum and executives to discuss the company›s activities to support the public and give them payments for its role during the coming period. Minister of Petroleum requested preparing an ambitious program aims to increase the reserves of the company›s production of public and increase budget investment over the next year and work to intensify exploration programs and development in the areas of franchise company›s current, and add new areas for the company›s work as the production of the company is to produce sincere to Egypt.
276 tons of butane, and confirmed that the investment plans established by the Italian Edison Company are implemented according to schedule and that the investments for the implementation of the new project confirms the confidence of the Italian Company to invest in the oil sector and in the possibilities of petroleum good in Egypt.
«ARAMCO» is Planning to Invest $40 billion Annually in the Next Decade
Khaled Al-Faleh CEO of Saudi ARAMCO, said that the largest oil producer in the world is planning to invest 40 billion dollars annually over the next ten years to maintain the stability of the energy production of oil and gas production to double. Al-Faleh said in a conference in Norway that the state-owned Saudi ARAMCO expects to pump more money into projects offshore fields and increased expenditures in the oil sector to support prices. Al-Faleh said, « to meet the expected growth in demand and declining balance (Global Production) to our industry will need additional production capacity close to 40
million barrels per day in the next twenty years». «The bulk of our investments will focus on upstream activities and increasingly in offshore fields in order to maintain our production capacity to the maximum oil at 12 million barrels a day while also redouble our production of gas». He added that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) or the International Energy Agency should not be trying to control oil prices, pointing out that the fundamental problems in the sector, such as high costs and technical challenges increase and decline in the size of the discoveries will support prices. Al-Faleh said, «I think that this activity should not be led by the market for OPEC or the International Energy Agency or the consumers to try to control the market.»
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
New Products Electronically Actuated Casing Packer Baker Hughes released its Cytadel ZX electronically actuated casing packer, a gas-tight packer with an electronic trigger mechanism, used to provide a new level of wellbore integrity and reduce the risk of sustained-casing-pressure (SCP) -related blowouts. The Cytadel ZX packer forms a secondary mechanical pressure barrier above the primary cement job (Fig. 1). The barrier eliminates gas migration and protects against dangerous SCP, even when downhole conditions compromise the sealing integrity of the casing cement. The downhole packer is built on a solid-body mandrel, eliminating ports and O-rings and the potential for gas migration through the mandrel. The foundation of the packer is the zero-extrusion ZX seal element, which has proved reliable in 99.5% of more than 40,000 applications. Finally, a unique modular electronic trigger mechanism, deployed and activated in one trip, eliminates the need for pressure or pipe manipulation to set the packer. Designed for both onshore and offshore applications, the packer is run as part of a long-string completion and is positioned to isolate the casing/casing annulus. After the cementing operation, the packer is actuated remotely from the surface when a unique signal activates the onboard electronics module. Once set, the packer provides an annular seal, creating a permanent gas-tight barrier. Ă“ For additional information, visit wellabandonment Fig (1) The Cytadel ZX casing packer.
22 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Subsea Structural-Integrity-Assessment Hydraulic-Connection System Tool Prone Flexible to deterioration, risers are critical multiple assets quick in connections floating production have been operations, known to subjected cause problems to demanding during mating conditions and demating involving in extreme terms of dynamic final alignment loading and and engagement hazardous environments. of subseadistribution Yet until systems. now, theirThe structural fault is integrity often nothas detected been difficult until thetoconnection assess during mustoperation be activated, because whenthe thepipe costdesign of failure is too is at complex its highest. for conventional In order to overcome inspection thistechnologies challenge, GE to be Oileffective. & Gas developed MAPS-FR,the by FLX360 GE Oil &hydraulic-connection Gas, is a tool designed system, to truly designed assess to theimprove structural connection integrity of reliability the keyand loadcorrosion bearingresistance components overofmultiple the pipe’s make-and-break construction—the cycles steel while armor-wire speedinglayers up connection (Fig. 2).time Underpinned (Fig. 2). Advantages by the MAPS of themagnetic-stress-measurement FLX360 include the removal ofmethodology, screw threads MAPS-FR that can easily is the be damaged only inspection during installation method that andgauges workover. actual Other stress vulnerable levels in moving these multiple parts have wirebeen layers, removed detecting from capacity the subsea degradation component at the and onset, instead andlocated presenting in the opportunities installationfor tool. asset-life This simplified extension, system proactive-mitigation incorporates aplanning, remotelyand operated minimized vehicle-mounted operational risk. toolAthat key activates benefit is aMAPS-FR’s bayonet latch unique to hold capability the two plates of sensing together. theWith effect only ofone wire moving damage partmany required metersinaway the connection from the actual plate,damage as opposed site, which to a is conventional advantageous product for evaluating of this typeriser thatintegrity can leaveatup thetosplash 16 moving zone and partsupsubsea to thefor topthe termination, life of the field, wherethe there likelihood is little or (2) GE introduced MAPS-FR Fig Fig (2) The GEOil Oil&&Gas Gashas FLX360 subseaitshydraulicof seizure no access andtoinoperability the riser structure. is reduced significantly. structural-integrity-assessment connection system features a streamlined andtool. simplified Ó For Ó For additional additional information, information, visit visit design to ensure connectivity.
Fracturing Drillstem-Test Technique Tool String Expro deployed its new Expro Annulus-OperatedSchlumberger’s Circulating and BroadBand Test Tool (ExACT) Sequence forfracturing the first time technique in a live enables offshore well. The successful operation took place on the Vermillion sequential field stimulation in the Gulf of perforation of Mexico following clusters intrial wells work drilled onshore in in Brazil last year. The tool, one of the most advanced unconventional of its kind, combines reservoirs. downhole This new shut-in technique and circulating sequentially functionality. isolates Rated at 15,000 psi and temperatures up to 400°F,fractures ExACT features at the wellbore minimal to fast-cycling ensure every to position cluster the in ball eachand zone ports is in the required position, shortening times between cycles fractured, and therefore resulting in reducing greatercosts production (Fig. 3). and A key completion feature of efficiency the tool is when compared its with ability conventional to fit withmethods a range of(Fig. downhole 3). Developed operational using a compositeconditions fluid comprising and objectives. a proprietaryPart blendofof degradable Expro’s new fibers and multimodal generation particles, of drillstem-testing the BroadBand Sequence tools andtechnique developed is suited for use in in-house, new wells ExACT and inisrecompletions. primarily aimed Thisattechnique deepwater is particularly suitable markets. for refracturing Its unique operations, “smart-collet” given and its interlocking ability to promote temporary system clustermakes isolation the without tool operationally the aid of mechanical flexible and devices such as bridge efficient, plugs. ultimately BroadBand saving has delivered rig time.robust During andthe consistent performance deployment, in more ¬tubing-conveyed than 500 operations perforating conducted guns were to date in severalfired unconventional by use of a ¬pressure-activated plays including thefiring Eaglesystem Ford,set Haynesville, Woodford, to detonate Spraberry, with 2,400-psi and Bakken appliedshales. annulus In pressure. south Texas, BroadBand ExACT has enabled was set users up toatincrease surface production to fully function from new completions downhole in unconventional with applied reservoirs annulus by more pressure than between 20%. It has also reduced1,100 well and completion 1,400 psi. time Post-job by up to analysis 46% inofplug-and– gauge data perforation operations verified by stimulating that ExACTlonger was operating intervals compared within 50with psi of conventional methods. calculated In addition, values in this alltechnology tool positions. was applied to a well in south Texas for a refracturing operation, which resulted in double the production Ó with For additional a fourfold increase information, in flowing visit pressure. Fig (3) Schlumberger’s BroadBand Figfracturing (3) ExACT, the drillstem-testing Sequence technique Ó For additional information, visit tool from Expro.
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Shale Drilling Rig Schramm introduced the T250XD, the latest addition to its Telemast line of trailer-mounted drilling rigs specifically designed for shale. The T250XD is designed for deeper drilling applications, including increased topdrive travel, added blowout-preventer clearance, and an operator’s control room, as well as the ability to interface with remote operating centers around the globe by satellite or the Internet (Fig. 4). The T250XD provides a 250,000 lbm (113 398-kg) hookload using Telemast technology and is equipped with Schramm’s LoadSafe XD fully automated, hands-free pipe¬handling system. These and other Fig (4) The mobile T250XD drilling rig from Schramm, specially ¬Schramm technologies are helping designed for shale drilling. operators not only to address many shale expansion concerns, including improving worker safety and lessening road wear, but also to lower operating costs and increase profits. Ó For additional information, visit
Downhole Wireless Sensor System Emerson Process Management successfully deployed its Roxar Downhole Wireless PT Sensor System. The instrument has been deployed as part of the completion on Statoil’s Skuld field in the Norwegian North Sea. The Roxar Downhole Wireless PT Sensor System provides a means of detecting any variations in pressure or temperature behind the casing in subsea wells, particularly in the B annulus. Through being provided with an early warning of abnormal pressure variations, operators are able to ensure that remedial action is scheduled and implemented in a timely manner, thereby protecting well integrity and ensuring offshore safety (Fig. 5). The deterioration of cement seals or loss of casing integrity because of increased Fig (5) Annulus-B pressure and temperature can be monitored wirelessly for the life of the well with Emerson Process pressure behind the well casing can allow Management’s Roxar Downhole Wireless PT Sensor System. injection or reservoir gas to migrate vertically along the outside of the casing, leading to a number of unwanted and potentially hazardous conditions. With the Roxar Downhole Wireless PT Sensor System, however, operators will be able to monitor Annulus-B pressure and temperature wirelessly and continuously online for the life of the well. The tool will also negate the sometimes excessive and expensive overdimensioning of casings that can take place to compensate for worst-case scenarios and will also potentially provide operators with significant cost savings. Ó For additional information, visit
24 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Calculation of Porosity by Combiningthe Nuclear Magnetic Resonance And Soniclogs In Gas Bearing Reservoir, At Sienna Fieldof West Delta Deep Marine Concession In Egypt By
A. Z. NOAH Faculty of Science and Engineering, The American University in Cairo, Egypt. E-mail:
The estimated porosity may be inaccurate when calculated from conventional logs and also underestimated when derived from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logs due to the effect of the lower hydrogen index of natural gas in gas-bearing sandstones. Proceeding from the basic principle of NMR log and the results obtained from a physical rock volume model constructed on the basis of interval transit time logs, a technique of calculating porosity by combining the NMR log with the conventional interval transit time log is proposed. For wells with the NMR log acquired from the MRIL-C tool, this technique is reliable for evaluating the effect of natural gas and obtaining accurate porosity in any borehole. The NMR porosity should be first corrected by using the deep lateral resistivity login wells with NMR log acquired from the CMR-Plus tool and with collapsed borehole. Two field examplesof tight gas sandstonesin the studied concession, illustrate that the porosity calculated by using this technique matches the core analyzed results very well. Another field
26 Petroleum Today
example, in this paper, of conventional gas-bearing reservoir(Sienna Field) verifies that this technique is usable not only in tight gas sandstones, but also in any gas-bearing reservoirs. Through analysis, it is a fact that NMR tools are more accurate and more applicable than other conventional tools. InterPetrophysicsŠ by Schlumberger is the software used in interpretation.
I. INTRODUCTION Porosity is one of the most important input parameters in reservoir evaluation, so it is critical to accurately estimate this parameter in any reservoir especially in tight gas sandstones. Porosity can be calculated from conventional logsin oil-bearing or water saturated layers, but it may be overestimated or underestimated when calculated from these logs (such as density log, neutron log and acoustic log) in gas-bearing formations because of the effects of the lower hydrogen index of natural gas. For the same reason, the porosity directly obtained from NMR logs may be underestimated too. In order to evaluate the effects of natural gas on the conventional and NMR logging results, it is essential
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to calculate porosity with greater precision, by integrating density with NMR logs. However, the curves of density and NMR logs, especially the NMR log acquired from the CMR-Plus tool, are distorted if the borehole is collapsed.
II. OIL and GAS in EGYPT The hydrocarbon reservoirs in Egypt are located in three main areas; the Gulf of Suez in the Red Sea, the Western Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. Gas was lately discovered in the Mediterranean with economic quantities. Several major oil companies (Agip, BP Amoco, B.Gas, GEOGE) have explored the Mediterranean and made good discoveries. The area of interest lies offshore in the West Delta Deep Marine concession. The study is applied on the interval (76148738- ft.) of Pliocene Formationof Sienna Field. Rashid Petroleum Company (JV comprising EGPC and BG Egypt / Edison International) has recently achieved good results in the Mediterranean West Delta Deep Marine (WDDM) concession. The gas discoveries in this highly prospective block used the 3D seismic data and the direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs)
low, such as formation bright spots,damage flat spots and was AVO largely ignored emphasis was anomalies. Theand gas bearing formations placed on minimizing costs has been discovered in the rather Pliocene than maximizing productivity byhas sands. Recent exploration activity minimizing thetheformation focused on Pliocene damage. slope-channel complex play with 6 exploration Usually, completion discovery wells drilledoperations in WDDM arewithin performed under an overbalanced the last two years. These include pressure. This operationSimian, leads toSienna an the Scarab/Saffron, excessive invasions of some of the and Sapphire discoveries (Xiao et al., wellbore 2012). fluids into the formation pore space. fluidstoare foreign Now, it isThese important note that the liquids, salts, chemicals, and some in success stories of exploration solids. Economides indicatedthe the Western Desert[2]summarize thatapplication the depthof of filtrate invasion advanced and updated either while completion or workover technology. operations may reach to about 15ft and return oil permeability may III. NMR PHYSICS decrease to any value between 0% physics pulsed NMR value. has been andThe100% of ofits original known since 1950. has been in used However, Krueger [3]It observed extensively in industrial and medical his study that such damage usually applications. It from is a 0.3 complex reaches to a depth to 1.0 ftand innovative technology, it is depending on new the type of filtratebutand easy to understand. NMR logging rock materials. works by forcing the Hydrogen nuclei of the formation into a spin, and Some portion offluids the permeability rate and the way in canthen bemonitoring restored the when production which they recoveron stability (Cannon resumes. Based Azari and et al., 1998, Xiao et al., 2012). Leimkukler[4] study, about 6083%of The permeability may be restored in Combinable Magnetic Resonance damaged cores that have lost 98% (CMR)* tool is a pad-type tool that of performs their permeability owing to fresh pulsed NMR measurements water dispersion by re-exposure using Carr - Purcell - Meiboom -toGill NaCl brines. (CPMG)pulse sequences. The spin – echo signals acquired during the Nearly all formations interest measurement are derivedoffrom protons to (i.e. the Hydrogen oil industry contains clay in nuclei) that process minerals. and Civan [5]a defined the staticLiu magnetic field by permanent four majorintypes of antenna clay minerals; magnet the tool (Mohamed kaolinite, smectite (montmorillinite), N. et al. 2001). illite, and chlorite. Each type exhibits particular problem concerning A CPMG consists of two time formation damage. Serious intervals: reductions can occur permeability 1. An initial wait time during when clays obstruct flow (WT) by either which the proton magnetization expanding “swelling» to fill pore its thermal equilibrium spacesapproaches or entraining with the flow value the static field. streams and in blocking themagnetic pore throats. Serious permeability 2. Echo collectionreductions period can during occur which due toa those factors. In set oftwo Radio Frequency details,(RF) Kaolinite little pulses exhibits generated by or thenotool
and pressure. Hence,[10] it isimportant swelling characteristics. Zaiton and Berton proved antenna are used to However, generate the to estimate thatthe pressure and smectite mixed-layer clays have experimentally montmorillonite spinand echoes. temperatureaccurately account high potentials for swelling. Illite can clay of 5% dispersed in a to sandpack The tool antenna has a uniform for their effect on NMR resultsin swell when it co-exists with smectite. is more stable in the presence of KCl response over its 6 inches length, natural gas reservoirs (Hassoun and than NaCl brines. They also measured which accounts for the high vertical Hamada(CSC) et al., Allen et of al.the[1]CMR andmeasurements. Reed [6] theZainalabedin,1997; critical salt concentration resolution 1999; Coates et al., 1998). showed that structural expansion values for KCl and NaCl and found as The CMR response has a blind zone occurs when additional water is 5000 and 27,500 PPM respectively. In the literature, there has been some of approximately 12/ inch, which adsorbed confusion indefining and using the provides between immunity toclay mud layers. cake and Montmorillinite under reservoir Apparent formation damage results of NMR porosity data.To clear moderate bore holerugosity effects. The salinity conditions has two or three can also be due to an increase in out this confusion, Fig. (1)shows the measured integrated radial response layers of water between interlayer the water saturation around the standardrock porosity model. MSIG of the CMR tool shows that 90 % of surfaces. Thisis derived gives basal in a content reduction of denotes resulting the totalwater porosity. the signal from spacing within 1.2 wellbore, o of inches 15 toof 18 permeability to oil or gas. This thewall formation is the total porosityfrom NMR theA. boreIfhole (Mohamed theMPHI effect called a “water block” [ 1, 11], brine is diluted with fresh or brine, (fluid fractions of the rock excluding N. et al. 2001, Kenyon, 1997). or named as “water sensitivity” additional water is adsorbed between solids fluids).Fig. (2) exhibits based uploaded The CMR perform the following on data vaidya and Fogler [12] study. these layers until the basal spacing through interactive petrophysics measurements: is perhaps becomes 30 oA or more. software. 1. TotaltheNMR hydrogen signal Several authors [5, 10, 13, 14] Therefore, increased clay volume The target interval investigated is to derive indicated that formation damage may amplitude, consume awhich veryis used significant tight gas sandstones. The density log theoftotal could be caused by changes in the fraction the porosity. flow channel. is seriously affected by the borehole, 2. The distribution of the NMR fluids themselves rather than a change because more than 95% of the Based on experimental worksis of hydrogen relaxation, which used in the permeability of the rock. The boreholes have collapsed due to the Mongenthaler [7],pore which to derive the size indicated distribution. damage caused by fluids is due to a undercompaction. The NMR logs (Fig. change in the apparent viscosity of that unfavorable interactions with 3), in 82% of wells, were acquired with the oil phase and/or to a change in its formation waters are the major the MRIL-C tool and good measured IV.NMR POROSITY relative permeability. These types of potential cause of formation damage results were obtained. In other 9.5% of Theheavy factbrines thatin the NMR porosity damage are considered as temporary with sandstone wells, NMR logs were acquired with the depends only on thefluids content damage, and can be reomoved by back cores. CMRPlus tool. Therefore, the density of the formation, unlike densityand flow while production theoretically. logs in 82% of wells and NMR logs neutronporosity, which is influenced However, such removal is sometimes Nowak and Krueger [8] proved that in 9.5% wells were distorted and the bothfiltrates fluids andsurrounding rocks, difficult. The formation of watertheby saline causes less trouble relationships between the density and measurements muchmore in-oil emulsion in the reservoir andmakes may, NMR in fact, reduce particle size the core porosity and between the NMR conventionalin some logs to rock around the wellbore can cause andcapable increasethan oil permeability porosity obtained from the CMR-Plus furnish claycorrected,nonproductive damage as well, because the apparent cases. In addition, it was shown in tool and the core porosity are unsound. andtests productive porosities.The viscosity of the emulsion may be their that polyvalent salts, strength such Figs. (4 and 5) illustrate a cross plot of the NMR signal isdid proportional tothe more than an order or magnitude as CaCl2 and Al2Cl3 not damage between core porosity and both of NMR number of hydrogen atoms in NMR higher than that of the oil. permeability as much as NaCl and acoustic porosity.To avoid the effect tool-dependentrock In zones solutions. To explainvolume. the overall of collapsed borehole on the calculated containing light hydrocarbon,where increase of permeability gained afterthe 2. Experimental Setup porosity, the interval transit time log hydrogen index is lesskilling than unity,NMR flooding with some fluids. Laboratory tests were designed was used for porosity calculation. porosity will typically underestimate Gatlin [9] attributed this phenomenon to simulate fluid flow conditions In this a technique combining trueporosity in Sodium proportion to ionic exchanges. ionstoarethe near thepaper, wellbore in of order to the interval transit time with hydrogen index. In thisformation, initially present to neutralize the study the effect of killingNMR fluidlogs to calculateonporosity in gas bearing there charge is a separation between clay density compositions surface of the individual formation damage. sandstones is proposed. This technique andneutron indicates The permeameter used in this study particles. Whenporosity, broughtwhich into contact used totowork correct effect of 2 light hydrocarbon (Dunn et al. with the CaCl filtrate, some of2002). Na+ hascan the be ability as athe constant natural gas and provide accurate porosity ++ were Ca NMR in the results ratio ofcan differential pressure or a constant Forreplaced oil and by water, in gas bearing formation. A method twobesodium ions for one calcium ion; of flow rate instrument. Even though is expressed asthe percentage also introduced to correct the effect of thisfluid exchange results in shrinkage of constant differential pressure volume of the rock volume. collapsed on conditions, the NMR log clay to restore or in simulate theborehole real well Theparticle, numberleading of hydrogen atoms acquired with the CMR-Plus tool. may oil permeability. gasincrease dependsstrongly on temperature therefore, it was decided to use the
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
V. POROSITY ESTIMATION IN GAS-BEARING FORMATION V.1.Method of Calculating Porosity from NMR Log Based on the principle of NMR logging, the equation of calculating porosity from NMR log can be expressed as follows(Xiao 2012, Coates et al. 2000):
Δt = Δtmat (1-Φ) + Δtf* Φ(1-Sg ) + Δtg* Φ * Sg .. (3)
X = [(Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf - Δtmat) and Y = 1 – (Hg * Pg)
By substituting these two parameters (X and Y) into Eqs. (5) and (2) separately, we obtain the following two expressions:
Δtis the log measured interval transit time, Δtmatis the interval transit time of rock matrix, Δtfis the interval transit time of water; Δtgis the interval transit time of natural gas (the units are μs/m).
CMRP = Φ * Sg * HIg + Φ * HIf(1Sg) = Φ[Sg * HIg * Pg + HIf(1Sg)]……….(1)
At present, Wyllie’s average time equation is always used for porosity calculation from interval transit time log and it can be written as (Wyllie etal. 1956 and Chu et al. 2007).
Where:Pg = 1-exp[-(Tw/Tl,g)]
Φs = (Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf - Δtmat)… (4)
CMRP is the NMR porosity (in %), that can be acquired from NMR log directly;Φis the formation’s porosity (in %); Sgis the gas saturation in fraction;HIgis the hydrogen index of natural gas, HIfis hydrogen index of porefluid (the units are fractions); Pgis the polarization factor; Twis the polarization time, Tl,gis the longitudinal relaxation time of natural gas (the units are microseconds).
Where:Φs is the porosity estimated from the acoustic log in fraction; Δtfis the interval transit time of pore fluid.
For fully water-saturated rocks, HIfis taken to be 1.0, and Eq.(1) can be rewritten as(Xiao 1998, Coates et al. 2000):
Φs / Φ = 1 + Sg * [(Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf Δtmat)].. (5)
CMRP/Φ = 1-Sg(1 - Ig * vPg)… (2) The porosity must be calculated first to obtain information about Sg. V.2. Method of Calculating Porosity from an Interval Transit Time Log The sonic log is commonly used to calculate the porosity of formations; however the velocity of elastic waves through a given lithology is a function of porosity. Wyllie proposed a simple mixing equation to describe this behavior and called it the time average equation. It can be written in terms of velocity or ∆t (Xiao et al., 2012). Based on the principle of the volume physical model of gas-bearing sandstone, the response equation of interval transit time log can be expressed as (Yong et al. 1996, Raiga et al. 1988):
28 Petroleum Today
Equation (5) illustrates thatSgandΔtfare two important input parameters in calculating porosity from the interval transit time log. However, the determination of Sgrelies on porosity. It is difficult to calculate porosity from the conventional interval transit time logs alone (Mao et al., 2010).
V.3. Method of Calculating Porosity by Integrating Conventional Interval Transit Time with NMR Logs Due to the effect of the lower hydrogen index of natural gas in gas-bearing sandstones, proceeding from the basic principle of NMR log and the results obtained from a physical rock volume model constructed on the basis of interval transit time logs, a technique of calculating porosity by combining the NMR log with the conventional interval transit time log is proposed. For wells with the NMR log acquired from the MRIL-C tool, this technique is reliable for evaluating the effect of natural gas and obtaining accurate porosity in any borehole. This technique is also suitable for collapsed borehole (Cao Minh et al., 1998). Xiao et al., (2012) assumed two values of x and y, where:
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Φs/Φ = 1 + (Sg. X)…. (6) CMRP/Φ = 1 – (Sg. Y)… (7) Then from equations (6 and 7) the following equation is obtained Φ = (Y/(X+Y))* Φs + CMRP (X (X+Y)).. (8) By assuming that A= y/(x+Y) and B= X (X+Y) the following equation is deduced: Φ = A*Φs + B* CMRP ... (9) Where A + B = 1 The advantage of this technique is that porosity can be estimated without the parameters Sg, HIfandPg. Fig. (6) shows that there is a good relation between core porosities and the estimated porosity from NMR combined tool. The values of A and B can be ensured by deriving them from core samples andwell logging data.Generally, core porosities are considered to be the accurate porosity ofthe formation. By substituting core porosities into Eq. (9), and dividing byCMRPon both sides, we obtain the following expression (Xiao et al., 2012): ΦC/CMRP = A (Φs/CMRP) + B… (10) If Φs/CMRP is plotted in the horizontal axis and ΦC/CMRP in the vertical axis, the linear regression method is used and the values of A and B can be determined as follow: Φ = 0.6449 Φs + 0.0936 CMRP The porosity must be calculated first to obtain information about Sg. V.2. Method of Calculating Porosity from an Interval Transit Time Log The sonic log is commonly used to calculate the porosity of formations; however the velocity of elastic waves through a given lithology is a function
Linear Swell Meter 2100
Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI)
P.O. Box 87 Helwan, Cairo, Egypt T : 01006608673 F : 025010639 E :
Compacted sample Compaction of shale sample Measure length with a caliper and weigh the core before and after your test The LSM software records the measurements and summarizes the results in a real-time graph that shows the percentage of swelling versus time.
Carefully pour the drilling fluid into the vessel surrounding the sample and start your test
Prepare sample for test
Fann’s Linear Swell Meter is designed to test shale hydration or dehydration. Operators apply the information from this test to predict and correct shale problems encountered during oil well drilling. Having this information helps operators develop a drilling program that minimizes drilling risks and costs associated with shale. The CMRDI has all the equipments for the evaluation of bentonite as drilling fluids.
of porosity. Wyllie proposed a simple mixing equation to describe this behavior and called it the time average equation. It can be written in terms of velocity or ∆t (Xiao et al., 2012). Based on the principle of the volume physical model of gas-bearing sandstone, the response equation of interval transit time log can be expressed as (Yong et al. 1996, Raiga et al. 1988): Δt = Δtmat (1-Φ) + Δtf* Φ(1-Sg ) + Δtg* Φ * Sg ………... (3) Where:
technique of calculating porosity by combining the NMR log with the conventional interval transit time log is proposed. For wells with the NMR log acquired from the MRIL-C tool, this technique is reliable for evaluating the effect of natural gas and obtaining accurate porosity in any borehole. This technique is also suitable for collapsed borehole (Cao Minh et al., 1998). Xiao et al., (2012) assumed two values of x and y, where: X = [(Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf - Δtmat) and Y = 1 – (Hg * Pg)
Δtis the log measured interval transit time, Δtmatis the interval transit time of rock matrix, Δtfis the interval transit time of water; Δtgis the interval transit time of natural gas (the units are μs/m).
By substituting these two parameters (X and Y) into Eqs. (5) and (2) separately, we obtain the following two expressions:
At present, Wyllie’s average time equation is always used for porosity calculation from interval transit time log and it can be written as (Wyllie etal. 1956 and Chu et al. 2007).
CMRP/Φ = 1 – (Sg. Y)…(7)
Φs = (Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf - Δtmat).. (4) Where:Φs is the porosity estimated from the acoustic log in fraction; Δtfis the interval transit time of pore fluid. Equation (5) illustrates thatSgandΔtfare two important input parameters in calculating porosity from the interval transit time log. However, the determination of Sgrelies on porosity. It is difficult to calculate porosity from the conventional interval transit time logs alone (Mao et al., 2010). Φs / Φ = 1 + Sg * [(Δt - Δtmat) / (Δtf Δtmat)].. (5) V.3. Method of Calculating Porosity by Integrating Conventional Interval Transit Time with NMR Logs Due to the effect of the lower hydrogen index of natural gas in gas-bearing sandstones, proceeding from the basic principle of NMR log and the results obtained from a physical rock volume model constructed on the basis of interval transit time logs, a
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Φs/Φ = 1 + (Sg. X)… (6) Then from equations (6 and 7) the following equation is obtained Φ = (Y/(X+Y))* Φs + CMRP (X (X+Y))……(8) By assuming that A= y/(x+Y) and B= X (X+Y) the following equation is deduced: Φ = A*Φs + B* CMRP… (9) Where A + B = 1 The advantage of this technique is that porosity can be estimated without the parameters Sg, HIfandPg. Fig. (6) shows that there is a good relation between core porosities and the estimated porosity from NMR combined tool. The values of A and B can be ensured by deriving them from core samples andwell logging data.Generally, core porosities are considered to be the accurate porosity ofthe formation. By substituting core porosities into Eq. (9), and dividing byCMRPon both sides, we obtain the following expression (Xiao et al., 2012): ΦC/CMRP = A (Φs/CMRP) + B…(10) If Φs/CMRP is plotted in the horizontal axis and ΦC/CMRP in the vertical
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axis, the linear regression method is used and the values of A and B can be determined as follow: Φ = 0.6449 Φs + 0.0936 CMRP SUMMARY ANDCONCLUSION Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging has emerged as the leading technological break-through which is providing difficult-to-interpret zones with the outstanding results. Unlike other conventional tools, the NMR measurements are largely based on the fluid and the pore space characteristics. This makes it possible to see the fluids and pores more obviously which are not seen on other conventionallogs like Density, Neutron and Sonic. The paper shows that combined NMR wireline tools with the sonic log are considered to be the most accurate technique compared to other conventional logging tools. Through analysis, it is a fact that NMR tools are more accurate and more applicable than other conventional tools. NMR tools overcome lots of obstacles that face conventional logs. They also can be integrated with other tools with phenomenon accuracy. NMR physics are explored and explained in details. InterPetrophysics© by Schlumberger is the software used in interpretation. Several software applications are done on the thesis. Moreover, applying the NMR interpretations on the studied well with all the needed data and logs for it is discussed in detail in the thesis. Finally, we conclude by stating the unique privileges of using the NMR technology for well logging and how useful it is in enhancing the oil industry in general. Then the porosity can be precisely estimated by combining interval transit time with NMR logs in any gas-bearing formations by using the technique proposed in this study. Before this technique is applied, a certain number of core samples should be drilled for routine analysis to determine the parameters of A and B.
REFERENCES Cannon E.D. et al., (1998): Quantitative NMR interpretation SPE 49010, SPE Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA. Cao Minh C. et al., (1998): Integration of NMR with other openhole logs for improved formation evaluation, SPE 49012, SPE Annual Technical Conference, New Orleans, USA. Chu, Z.H., J. Gao, L.J. Huang, and L.Z. Xiao, (2007): Principles and methods ofgeophysical logging (Part II), Petroleum Industry Pressure, Beijing, p. 224326-. Coates, G.R., L.Z. Xiao, and M.G. Prammer, (1998): NMR logging principles and applications, Gulf PublishingCompany, Houston, p. 4278-. Coates, G.R., Xiao, L.Z., Primmer, M.G., (2000): NMR logging principles and applications, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, p. 1–200. USA. Dunn, K.J., Bergman, D.J., Latorraca, G.A., (2002): Nuclear magnetic resonance:petrophysical and logging applications, Handbook of Geophysical Exploration,Pergamon, New York, p. 1–120. Hamada, F., Tomoyasu, Y., Takatsu, Y., Nakamura, M., Nagai, S., Suzuki, A., Fujita, F., Shibuya, H., Toyoshima, K., Ueno, N., Akiyama, T. (1999): Negative regulation of wingless signaling by D-axin, a Drosophila homolog of axin. Science 283(5408): p. 17391742-. Hassoun, T.H. and Zainalabedin, K., (1997): Hydrocarbon detection in low contrast resistivity payzones, capillary pressure and ROS determination with NMR logging in Saudi Arabia.SPE Paper 37770, 10th MEOS, Bahrain, March 1518-. Kenyon, W.E., (1997):Petrophysical principles of applications of NMR logging, Log Anal. V. 38 (3), p. 21–43. Mao, Z.Q., C. Zhang, and L. Xiao (2010): A NMR-based porosity calculation method for low porosity and low permeability gas reservoir, Oil GeophysProspect. V. 45, no. 1, p. 105109-. Mohamed Nashaat, YassinSallam and Ahmed Elsherif Utilizing Magnetic, (2001): Utilizing magnetic resonance logging for improved formation evaluation in the Mediterranean thinly laminated gas bearing formations: A Case Study, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Raiga-Clemenceau, J., J.P. Martine, and S. Nicoletis (1988): The concept of acoustic formation factor for more accurate porosity determination from sonic transit time data, The Log Analyst. V. 29, no. 1, p. 5460-. Wyllie, M.R.J., A.R. Gregory, and L.W. Gardner (1956): Elastic wave velocities in heterogeneousand porous media, Geophysics.V. 21, no.1, p. 4170-. Xiao, L.Z. (1998):Magnetic resonance imaging logging and rock nuclear magnetic resonance and its application, Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). Xiao, L., Zhi-qiang Mao, Gao-ren L. and Yan Jin, (2012): Calculation of porosity from Neuclear Magnetic Resonance and conventional logs in gas-bearing reservoir, ActaGeophysica, v. 60, n. 4, p. 10301042-, Yong, S.H., C.M. Zhang, and Z.Y. Liu (1996): Well log data processing and comprehensiveinterpretation, China University of Petroleum Press, Dongyin (in Chinese).
NAME: AHMED ZAKARIA NOAH EDUCATION: Associate.Prof at TheAmerican University in cairo PhD. in Petrophysics. Waseda and Menofia University, 2003. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Faculty of Science and Engineering, The AmericanUniversity in Cairo (12010/9/ – Now, full time Ass.Prof of drilling, completion and workover). -Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, The BritishUniversity in Egypt (212010/9/1 – 2008/12/, full time lecturer and Ass. prof), Undergraduate Level: Oil well drilling, Advanced drilling Engineering, Horizontal drilling, Drilling fluids, Principles of Petroleum Geology, Well logging, core analysis, Development Geology, Completion and workover, Reservoir Rock properties, Reservoir Engineering. -Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo (Full time Researcher : (12008/12/-21 2005/12/) Faculty of Science, Menofia University, Egypt : (20032008-), Graduate Level:Method of Prospecting. And Well Logging
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Fig. (1) Shows step of Interactive Petrophysics Software
Fig. (2) Shows uploading data
Fig. (3) Shows the output logs.
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Fig. (4) Illustrates the cross plot of the NMR and core porosity in the target interval.
Fig. (5) Shows the cross plot of the acoustic and core porosity in the target interval.
Fig. (6) (cross plot ÎŚs/CMRP VsÎŚC/CMRP)
Petroleum Today
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The Fracture Characterization and Fracture Modeling of a Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The Najmah Sargelu of West Kuwait Part (1) By
O. Fonta, Beicip-Franlab; H. Al-Ajmi, N.K. Verma, and S. Matar, KOC; V. Divry, BeicipFranlab; and H. Al-Qallaf, KOC
and for different shalyness.
This paper presents an innovative and promising, multidiscipline integrated approach that includes geology (BHI, cores, wireline logs), geophysics (seismic facies analysis), and reservoir engineering data (production data, PLT, welltest) that were combined to identify the main types of fractures, to predict their occurrence in the reservoir and to determine the hydraulic properties of the different fractures sets The Najmah – Sargelu of West Kuwait is an oil bearing reservoir made of tight carbonates where porosity and permeability is mainly provided by the fracture network. In this paper, we will first introduce the method used to identify and predict the two main scales of fractures: joints and largescale fractures (faults and fracture swarms). The shale content (Vshale) and mechanical beds thickness were found to be the two main geological drivers on joints occurrence. Thickness of individual beds were recorded from BHI acoustic images which enabled to measure an S/T ratio (fracture spacing to bed thickness) for each fracture set
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Secondly, we used an innovative solution to deliver an accurate map of large-scale fractures location. This approach uses concurrently a set of selected fracture relevant attributes in a multi-variable statistical process called Seismic Facies Analysis (SFA). A 3D stochastic fracture model was then generated incorporating the two scales of fractures and constrained by the reservoir shalyness, the S/T ratio and the seismic facies map. The calibration of the hydraulic properties of the fractures was achieved through the second innovation presented in this paper: the simulation of a synthetic well test using the 3D fracture model and matched with the real data. This resulted in the calibration of the hydraulic fractures conductivity for each fracture type. These values were combined with the 3D stochastic fracture model to produce 3D fracture properties models (porosity, permeabilities and block size) for the Najmah – Sargelu of West Kuwait.
network occurring within the Upper Jurassic Najmah – Sargelu reservoir of West Kuwait was planned in 2003 2004 by Kuwait Oil Company (KSC). The objective of the study was to identify the main geological drivers on natural fractures occurence, to measure their hydraulic properties and eventually using discrete fracture modeling (DFN) approach to compute the equivalent fracture properties (porosity, permeability and block sizes) required for the reservoir simulation. This was achieved through a close integration of geological, geophysical, petrophysical and dynamic data carried out using workflows and methods implemented in a fracture analysis and modeling software (see Ref. 1). The main tasks performed during the project and presented in this paper are the following: ● Fracture analysis from cores ● Fracture analysis from BHI logs ● Integration of 3D seismic data set ● 3D fracture modeling
● Hydraulic characterization of the fracture network
A detailed geological and hydraulic characterisation of the fracture
● Computation of the fracture properties in the reservoir grids
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compression leastof27 (4,000 The fractureparticles core description like barite was consideredtoasatone theMPa source rocks as high-density Introduction: Background for significant periods. When or conducted drilled cuttings In 2800ft a loss of zone, on about cores in Kuwait. Properties The study of areaAphron is approx. 2000 Km2 psig)
2 Aphron were first by Sebba and covers fourdescribed fields namely A, B, as C unique unusual and Dmicrospheres from North with to South, (Fig. properties. 1). The structure of the reservoir Aphrons are comprised a spherical is characterized byofgentle, rather core of air and a protective elongated anticlines plunging outer mainly shell. In NNE contrast a conventional in the and to SSW directions at A, air Bbubble, is stabilized by west a and D which fields. Field C and the surfactant monolayer, the outer shell branch of field D are NNW – SSE of oriented. the Aphron thought to consist Theis Top reservoir depth of ranges a muchbetween more robust surfactant tri11,000ft to 12,000ft. layer.4 tri-layer is envisioned The This Najmah – Sargelu reservoir as of consisting of an consists inner surfactant West Kuwait of a tight filmcarbonate enveloped by a of viscous sequence Upper water Jurassic layer; overlaying this is a bi-layermarine of age deposited in open surfactants that provides rigidity in andthe environment, more proximal lowSouth, permeability the structure more todistal in thewhile North. imparting some hydrophilic The general high degreecharacter of lateral to it. Although this of continuity andwater-wet gradual nature thickness thechanges shell makes it compatible the within the Najmahwith – Sargelu aqueous bulksuggest fluid, Aphron appear to reservoir that these sediments have little affinity for each other or for were deposited in a ramp setting thewith mineral suq`1rfaces the pores of alternations of in clean limestones permeable defined rocks. from logs (Vshale < 30%), Aphron act as a unique shaly can limestones (30% bridging < Vshale < 60%), forming and calcareous shales (Vshale material, a micro-environment in >a 60%). pore network or fracture that behaves in someindicate ways like foamgradual and The isopachs a general in other waysoflike yet flexible, thinning thea solid, intervals within the bridging material. As is the fields case with Najmah – Sargelu from C and anyD bridging material, concentration in the South (600ft thick) towards andfields size of are North critical(300ft to A the and Aphron B in the thethick). ability of the drilling fluid seal Traditionally, theto reservoir thief Drilling Aphron waszones. divided on fluid the basis of are core constructed by entraining airlogs in theresponse bulk descriptions and wireline fluid with standard mixing into eight main drilling units I,fluid II, IIIA, IIIB, equipment, thus reducing the and safety IIIC, IV (Najmah formation) units concerns costs associated with V and and VI (Sargelu formation), (Fig. 2). Reservoir units V and VI are highpressure hoses andII, compressors massive limestones unit IIIB commonly utilized in whereas underbalanced thin alternations shales air isormade foamofdrilling.6 Althoughofeach and limestone beds. Unit to V is application is customized thethe thickestoperator’s limestoneneeds, sequence averaging individual the drilling approx. 130ft. fluid system generally is designed to contain between andsimilar 15 Reservoir units12IIvolume and VI%has volume % air of at ambient temperature thickness nearly 60ft in West andKuwait. pressure. Other units I, IIIA, IIIC and In IV contrast to reservoir conventional are non shaly bubbles, limestones which do not survive few / calcareous shales long with past somea having hundred psi, Aphrons high organic content can and survive therefore
bubbles a sudden About are 50 subjected wells weretologged in the increase in pressure above a few Najmah – Sargelu reservoir. Cores hundred psi, theyfrom initially shrink wells as are available 21 vertical 3 predicted by acoustic Boyle’s Law . Aphron are and BHI images at 18 wells, no 10 exception. However, conventional of these had both cores and BHI bubbles begin toforlose rapidly logs available the air study. Matrix viaquality diffusion through the bubble is generally very poor, membrane, and the air dissolves in the dominated by microporosity (< 8%) surrounding aqueous (<medium. with low permeabilities 0.01 md). Aphrons also lose but theyporosities do so Locally, higherair,matrix much more slowly, shrinking at and permeabilities may bea rate found thatin depends on fluid composition, the unit V and VI of the Sargelu bubble size, and rate of pressurization limestones. Production mostly comes andfrom depressurization. fracture network in reservoir One other factor results units II, IIIB, V and VI. in a slight reduction in size of the Aphrons shortly after they are created. Several Fracture in Analysis from Cores components the drilling fluid scavenge dissolved oxygen and The objective of the core fracture oxygen withinwas thefirst bubbles, leavingand observation the definition each them of with core that is the oflogging the a different fracture mainly nitrogen. Thisidentification reduces Aphron datasets e.g. the of the diameter about 7%, eliminates natural byfractures vs but artefact related anyfeatures. concern It wasabout also to corrosion compare theof core tubulars and other observations withhardware. the BHI interpretation. The second part of this task deals with Fluid the Dynamics analysis of the core fracture data to Thedetermine base fluidwhether in Aphron drilling fluids parameters such as yields a significantly larger lithology, porosity and bedpressure thickness lossmay (or have loweranflow rate onforthe a fixed impact fracture pressure drop) in long conduits than distribution in the reservoir. any conventional high viscosity We would like to emphasize that the drilling fluid. method adopted in describing fractures Similarly, if flow is restricted or on cores enabled us to differentiate stopped, Aphron drilling fluids generate non tectonic fractures (mainly early significantly lower downstream diagenetic features) from tectonic pressures than other drilling fluids. In fractures, only the latter having a real permeable sands, the same phenomena potential impact on production. are evident. Several terms of general use in the Furthermore, at arelow to moderate literature to characterize the pressures, Aphrons themselves different slow in a invasion geological material. the«breaks» rate of fluid and increase their exact significance theHowever, pressure drop across the sands. varies to different authors Lastly, andaccording most importantly, Aphrons andmore couldrapidly lead to misunderstanding. move through the sands In the thisbase study, we When made aanquantitative than fluid. Aphron description based on objective criteria drilling fluid is exposed to a pressure such asa phenomenon fracture dimension, geometry, gradient, called “bubbly typecauses of surface, type of cement, flow” the aphrons to move relative chronology, etc. fluid. Just more rapidly than the base
Aphron that survive the trip downOverall, hole cut from 16 vertical wells. canthe migrate faster than the base core recovery is good withliquid a good andcoverage concentrate at the fluid front, of Najmah units I, II, IIIA, thereby the IIIB, building IIIC and an IV.internal Cores inseal theinSargelu pore of thetoprock. A micro-arenetwork mostly from to middle of unit el V; network formed particulates unit VI being by rarely cored. Ininthe thefollowing drilling fluid aids the Aphron in section, we mainly present slowing the ratetypes of invasion, as fractures does, the different of natural of course, radial flow pattern of theare whereastheartifact related fractures invasion. the fluid slows, the very briefly As described. Comparison with high LSRV (low-shear-rate viscosity) BHI logs and core logging of the of the base fluidbed becomes increasingly mechanical thickness are also important; this high LSRV, coupled detailled. with low thixotropy, enables the fluid to generate high viscosity rapidly. The main of fractures Bridging and types formation of a low- in the Najmah-Sargelu permeability external filter cake also Three main the types of natural occur during latter part offractures this wereultimately observed inreducing the Najmah – Sargelu period, the rate of invasion to that of ordinary fluid to loss. reservoir. These are referred as X, Another finding is that and Aphrons Y (nonkey tectonic fractures) Z-Type have very little attraction other (tectonic) fractures in for thiseach study. or for mineral surfaces. Consequently, they do not readily coalesce nor do they X – Type fractures: early stick easily to the pore walls, resulting diagentic features in easy displacement by the produced These features the often showfluidprefluids. In addition, drilling compactional phenomena and are itself is very compatible with produced obviously of non tectonic origin (Fig. fluids and generates low capillary 3). Most of them are totally cemented forces, thereby facilitating back-flow by calcite fluids. and/or filled by dark organic of produced exhibit Thematter/bitumen. combination ofThey thesealways two effects a low to very low aspect ratio (length/ is expected to result in low formation widthand < 10) and low dip valuesfor (40° damage minimal requirements to 70°). cleanup. These fractures are generally small, Aphron Drilling Fluids technique tortuous in shape with very limited Thevertical most dominant characteristics of to length in the range of 2cm Aphron drilling fluids are their 10cm. The early diagenetic features are rheology and the in presence of bubbles. very common the shaly limestones Theunits baseI,fluid is highly shearthinning IIIA, IIIC, IV, and sometimes andinexhibits an extra ordinarily calcareous shales. These high fractures LSRV (Low-Shear-Rate Viscosity) have no direct impact on production. with low thixotropy (flat- gels). The bubbles of air that are dispersed in Fractures: early theY-Type base fluid are a dramatic departure diagenetic fractures from conventional fluids, because concerns over diagenetic corrosion fractures and wellare The early control led to anotherhave typetraditionally of early diagenetic attempts to but minimize air entrainment. features their shape is more planar
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and more secant than the previous X-Type fractures (Fig. 4). Their vertical extension is also higher (up to 20cm on cores) with a higher aspect ratio (10> length/width < 100) with near vertical dip values. Most of them are totally cemented by calcite. They are rarely partly-open. Their impact on production is very limited. These fractures were probably formed after the XType fractures affecting a material under compaction. They are also quite common in the Najmah-Sargelu reservoir and were mainly found in the shaly limestones and sometimes in the clean tight limestones.
Z-Type fractures: tectonic fractures The Z-Type fractures of Najmah â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sargelu are joints with a planar and secant surface affecting a compacted rock (Fig. 5). The vertical extension of those fractures is high and typically of 20cm up to 1m on cores. They generally show a very high aspect ratio (length/width > 100) and are near vertical. They are less common on cores than X and Y-Types fractures as the probability of intersecting such vertical fractures in vertical wells is low. Z-Type fractures are frequently partly-open and thus are the most interesting from a production point of view. Indeed, it is highly probable that they are open in the reservoir conditions. From a chronological point of view, the Z-Type fractures were formed after the X-Type and Y-Type fractures. They are mainly found in the clean tight limestones units II, IIIB, V and VI. It may be noted that no fault related fractures were identified in NajmahSargelu cores during the present study.
Other features: artifact related fractures These
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geological origin or which are clearly related to some surface phenomenon like core handling or core plugging. Those features were discarded from the previous natural fractures record. Uncemented fractures (Fig. 6) are rather common in carbonate reservoirs. These are breaks without any observable geological criteria. There are no traces of cementation or striations or displacement of the laminations. It is possible that these features are weak planes that may not exist as individual open / conductive planes in sub-surface conditions and the breakage could be related to the coring and the associated stress relaxation. On Fig. 6 the core is so broken that it prevented any reliable fracture logging.
The mechanical bed thickness from core data The mechanical bed thickness is a property of the rock that has a large influence on the occurrence of joints (Z-Type fractures). Indeed, it is well known that fracture density of joints is higher in thin beds than in thick beds. The close relationship between the occurrence of joints and the bed thickness was noted in several cores of Najmah-Sargelu reservoir and the mechanical bed thickness was thus recorded in the clean limestones units. An example of the influence of the bed thickness is given in Fig. 7. Since the matrix is rarely impregnated, the mechanical bed thickness was recorded considering the lithological changes. The limitation of such approach is obvious and we will show in subsequent section how acoustic images were used to better measure the
interpretations. It means that BHI interpretation can be used for further fracture analysis and fracture modeling purposes. Several examples of correlation are shown on Fig. 8. X-Type and Y-Type fractures are generally seen on images as discontinuous fractures even when they are large and totally cemented. This is a drawback of the acoustic logs which unfortunately fail to clearly image the cemented part of the fracture. The Z-Type fractures are clearly imaged on BHI logs (Fig. 9). Here also, fractures look like discontinuous on BHI log even if the fractures are continuous on cores. Finally, we made a comparison between the lithology changes (alternations of shaly limestones and clean limestones) and BHI logs. The Fig. 10 shows that acoustic logs are very well adapted to see the individual beds in the reservoir. In other words, this means that we can use the BHI logs in the Najmah â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sargelu to measure the detailed variations of the mechanical bed thickness.
Analysis of the core fracture data The objective of this task is to relate the different types of natural fractures identified on cores to the stratigraphic, petrophysical and lithologic changes of the rock. We thus tried to quantify the impact of the shale content, the matrix porosity and the mechanical bed thickness on natural fractures occurrence. Eventually, we wanted to descriminate the non tectonic fractures from tectonic fractures, as the latter could have a direct bearing on production.
mechanical bed thickness.
Comparison of BHI logs with core observations In general, we found a good agreement between core observations and BHI
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Impact of the shale content (Vshale) A statistical analysis of the natural fractures occurrence vs. shale content was then undertaken to quantify the
Varnish & Resin .1باأنواعهم ،عازالن للكهرباء للأ�ستخدامات املختلفة. .2اأج��زاء مكونة من معدن وكاوت�ص الأمت�سا�ص ال�سدمات واالهتزازات ملعدات االإن�ساءات ،و�سائل املوا�سلت ،الطائرات،املراكب واملعدات ال�سناعية والزراعية. .3م��واد عازله للكهرباء لت�سنيع اللوحات الكهربائية ول��ف املحوالت، املحركات واملولدات الكهربائية. .4قطع ع��ازل��ه للكهرباء م�سنعه م��ن الفرب ب�اأن��واع��ه لت�سنيع اللوحات والقواطع الكهربائية ،ولف املحركات الكهربائية. .5و�سلت مرنة من اأ�سلك �سيلد مرنة و �سرائح نحا�ص. .6ملفات DCو ملفات ACللف املحوالت ،املحركات واملولدات الكهربائية. .7ملفات من �سرائط االألومنيوم ملغناطي�سات رفع احلديد وف��رز املواد احلديدية.واأي�سا ملفات حموالت اللحام والو�سائد املغناطي�سية. � .8سلك معزول من النحا�ص و االألومنيوم بجميع اأن��واع العزل لت�سنيع ولف املحوالت ،املحركات واملولدات الكهربائية. .9ماكينات ،عدد واأحجار خا�سة ب�سيانة ع�سو التوحيد وحلقات االنزالق. .10اأع�ساء التوحيد ( )Commutatorوحلقات انزالق (.)Slip Ring
3شارع شاكر اجلندي -املنطقة الصناعية بالشرابية 11251 -القاهرة تليفاكس 02- 22390500 :موبايل0100 1101011 - 0109 0044874 : الربيــد اإللكرتوين : املوقع اإللكرتوين :
impact of shalyness. On the left of Fig. 11, we computed the histograms of the shale content for X-Type, Y-Type, and Z-type fractures. Fracture length histograms are also indicated on the right. One can see that X-Type and Y-Type fractures are short fractures mainly found in rocks where Vshale is very high and obviously higher than 30 %. On the contrary, most of the ZType fractures are longer and found in clean limestones for which Vshale is lower than 30%. A cut-off value can thus be applied to the Vsh logs which allow identifying and sorting the tectonic fracture (Z-Type) from the non tectonic fractures (X-Type and Y-Type): ● Tectonic fractures (joints) when Vshale <= 30% ● Non tectonic Vshale > 30%
These cut-off values were also applied to the fractures interpreted on the BHI logs. It may be noted that it was not possible to discriminate between X-Type and Y-Type fractures based of the Vshale. Indeed, the Vshale values are too close for these two types of fractures to allow a proper distinction.
Impact of mechanical bed thickness First of all, only Z-Type fractures were analysed. We also worked in the unit V being the main clean limestone unit in the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir. From cores, one can observe that fracture densities are higher in thin beds than in thick beds. In unit V, an overall trend of thin fractured beds is even noted at the top whereas thick beds are less fractured toward the middle of that unit (Fig. 12). The relatively poor core sampling of that unit however prevented us to quantify the mechanical bed thickness to fracture density correlation which will be addressed using BHI logs.
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Matrix porosity The average matrix porosity in the clean limestones reservoir units II, IIIB, V and VI where joints were noted on cores is very low (less 5%) with no big contrast of porosity. Therefore, comparison of porosity log with natural fractures recorded on cores did not show any correlation. Consequently, matrix porosity was not considered as a geological driver on natural fracture occurrence in the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir of West Kuwait.
Fracture Analysis from BHI Data This section is dedicated to the statistical analysis of the natural fractures interpreted from BHI logs in the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir – West Kuwait. It aims first at the definition of the main fractures sets and secondly at the analysis of the different types (e.g. different scales) of tectonic fractures. This work was performed based on BHI interpretation available at 18 wells most of them being vertical.
Fracture sets definition Among the total number of 953 fractures interpreted on the BHI logs, 767 fractures were identified as tectonic fractures using the 30% cut-off on Vshale as previously determined. The relative low number of non tectonic fractures compared to the very large number of those features seen on cores is related to their very low lateral and vertical physical extent within the rock and/or due to lack of resolution in acoustic image logs. Consequently, these features are very hard to pick on the images. 3 sets of tectonic fractures were thus determined:
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● N170E (331 fractures), Fisher strike is 7.3
● N020E (270 fractures), Fisher strike is 11 ● N090E (166 fractures), Fisher strike is 6.2 Statistics on these 3 fracture sets are presented on table 1. The Fisher coefficient which shows the dispersion of the current value is high meaning that the fracture sets are well constrained. The fracture orientations are also consistent with the main structural directions of West Kuwait: N20E is the direction of the structural axis on fields A, B and east of field D. N170E is the direction of the structural axis in field C and the west branch of field D.
Fracture types definition The observation of fractures from cores showed that tectonic fractures in the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir are subvertical joints also known as small scale diffuse fractures. Other tectonic fractures (large scale fractures) such as fractures swarms and fault related fractures are also expected in the reservoir. The lateral and vertical physical extents of those two types of tectonic fractures are different. The diffuse fractures are generally of metric to decametric scale whereas the large scale fractures could extend to several hundred meters or more. Their hydraulic characteristics are also expected to be different. It is therefore essential to give due considerations to these two types of tectonic fractures in any fracture modeling approach.
Methodology The detailed analysis of the fracture density logs computed in the different wells showed that the fracture density is not homogenous with depth. There are peaks on the fracture density logs corresponding to more fractured intervals (Fig. 13). These peaks are named “clusters” in
the following text and were individually analysed to differentiate small scale fractures from large scale fractures.
Small scale diffuse fractures characterisation On Fig. 13, the selected cluster of fractures appears in red in the logs and on the Schmidt diagram. Selected fractures are characterized by high dip and very high dip-azimuth spreading. This means that there are several fracture families at the same depth. This is a typical signature of diffuse fractures. Further the diffuse fractures which are found in clean limestone layers were analysed and the different sets characterised by specific dips and dip-azimuth values. However, the density of diffuse fractures and its variations in the reservoir still must be addressed. The impact of lithology was partly addressed through cut-offs on Vshale. The quantification of the influence of mechanical bed thickness on diffuse fracture density using BHI logs is presented here below.
Logging of individual mechanical beds The individual mechanical bed distribution was manually recorded from the acoustic images. One example of record is given on Fig. 14 taken from unit V. Beds are individualised on acoustic images by thin shaly interbeds. The thickness of each bed was systematically recorded for the different limestone units II, V and VI. It may be worth mentioning here that this novel application of acoustic images enabled us to record individual beds for which vertical profiles were generated and analysed to understand its bearing on fracturing.
Definition of fractured layers The shape of the fracture density logs
computed for diffuse fractures shows a typical pattern which enables to define different fractured layers in the clean limestones of the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir. In unit V for instance (Fig. 15), the diffuse fractures density is high at the top and at the bottom whereas it is almost zero in the middle of unit V. This trend was already observed on cores and matches very well with the overall vertical variations of the mechanical bed profile recorded from acoustic images (Fig. 15). Three fractured layers were thus defined in unit V, two layers in unit VI and one single layer in units II and IIIB. Averages of bed thickness and diffuse fracture density were computed in each fracture layer.
S/T ratio measurement Fig. 16 shows the crossplot between the fracture spacing (= 1/fracture density) and the average bed thickness as measured from wells. It shows a very clear linear relationship between fracture density and bed thickness: the thicker the beds, the higher the fracture spacing.. Therefore, this representation allows to measure an S/T ratio with the slope of the linear relation, where S = spacing in meters and T = bed thickness in meters. One can see that some points plot away from the points falling on the linear trend. The fracture density for these outliers is lower compared to the other points with the same bed thickness. This phenomenom was analysed in a similar crossplot (Fig. 16), where the size of the bubble corresponds to the average Vshale of the fractured layer where the measurement was obtained. One can see that all points plotting away from the linear relation have a high Vshale ranging from 15% to 30% compared to the other points. This explains why for the same bed thickness these points have a lower fracture density and consequently
higher fracture spacing. Thus, the determination of the S/T ratios that relate the fracture spacing with the bed thickness takes into also account the shalyness of the reservoir: ● S/T = 0.6 where Vshale < 15% ● S/T = 1 where 15 % < Vshale < 30% We would like to stress here that the measurement of the S/T ratio from real sub-surface data as presented in this study is quite unique outcome achieved through innovative application, analysis & integration of data. Indeed, most of published S/T measurements mainly come from field observations and / or numerical models (see ref. 2).
Large scale fractures characterisation When selected on the fracture density log, some other clusters of fractures did not show this kind of spreading of the fracture strike. On the contrary, fractures remain parallel together in a highly fractured interval. The examples of this type of fractures from two wells is presented in Fig. 17. These fractures correspond to large-scale fractures related to fracture swarms and/or to faults. Statistics on dip and dip-azimtuh values were produced for the three large scale fracture sets as follows ● N170E (212 fractures), Fisher strike is 10. ● N020E (105 fractures), Fisher strike is 8. ● N090E, (62 fractures), Fisher strike is 12. It worth noting that the directions of large scale fractures are similar to those of the small scale diffuse fracture as previously identified. In conclusion, the detailed analysis of the BHI logs enabled to properly characterize the different sets and different scales of tectonic fractures in the Najmah – Sargelu reservoir:
● The vertical variations of the diffuse fracture density in the reservoir have been correlated to the distribution of the bed thickness and quantified through the measurement of S/T ratio.
The lateral variation of the diffuse fracture density can easily controlled in the fracture model using maps of Vshale. ● Large scale fractures distribution cannot be simply inferred from
well data. However, due to their very large extent, these large scale fractures often associated with fracture swarms and sub-seismic faults, may be located in the reservoir using 3D seismic data.
REFERENCES 1. B.J. Bourbiaux, Rémy Basquet, M.C. Cacas, and J.M. Daniel, Institut Français du Petrole, and Sylvain Sarda : “An Integrated Workflow to Account for Multi-Scale Fractures in Reservoir Simulation Models: Implementation and Benefits ”, paper SPE 78489 presented at the 10th Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. 2. Taixu Bai, David D. Pollard, Stanford University: “Closely spaced fractures in layered rocks: initiation mechanism and propagation kinematics”. Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000), 1409 - 1425. 3. Gérard Bloch, Maged El Deeb, Hussein Badaam, ADCO, UAE, Frédéric Cailly, Gael lecante, Olivier Fonta, Antoine Meunier, Beicip-Franlab, France “Seismic Facies Analysis for fracture detection: a powerful technique”, paper SPE 81526 presented at the SPE 13th Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrein 58- April 2003. 4. Stephan Bergbauer, Tapan Mukerji, and Peter Hennings: “Improving curvature analyses of horizons using scaledependent filtering techniques”, AAPG Bulletin, V. 87, No. 8 (August 2003), PP. 1255 – 1272. 5. B.J. Bourbiaux, SPE, M.C. Cacas, S. Sarda, J.C. Sabathier, Institut Français du Petrole : “A Fast and Efficient Methodology to Convert Fractured Reservoirs Images Into a Dual-Porosity Model”, paper SPE 38907 presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 58- October 1997. 6. S. Sarda, L. Jeannin, and B.J. Bourbiaux, SPE, Institut Français du Petrole : “Hydraulic Characterisation of Fractured Reservoirs: Simulation on Discrete Fracture Models”, paper SPE 66398 presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, 1114- February 2001.
Fig. 1 : Top Najmah depth map (West
42 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Fig. 2 : Lithostratigraphic column of the Najmah – Sargelu in West Kuwait
Fig. 3: X-Type fractures (early diagenetic features)
Fig. 4: Y-Type fractures (early diagenetic fractures)
Fig. 6 : Uncemented fractures of dubious geological origin
Fig. 8 : Comparison of X and Y-Types fractures with BHI logs
44 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Fig. 5 : Z-Type tectonic fractures (joints)
Fig. 7 : Mechanical bed thickness logging using lithological changes on cores
Fig. 9 : Comparison of Z-Types tectonic fractures with BHI logs
Fig. 10 : Alternances of shaly limestones (dark beds) and tight limestones (white beds) in unit IIIB as seen on BHI logs
Fig. 12 : Impact of mechanical bed thickness on fracture distribution as recorded on cores. From left to right : measured depth (ft), gamma ray, DT, Vshale, all fractures, tectonic fractures only, log of mechanical beds and core quality.
Fig. 11 : Histograms of shale content and fracture legnth for each fracture type
Fig. 13 : Identification of diffuse fractures from BHI logs
Fig. 14 : Exeample of individual beds logging in the NajmahSargelu using acoustic images
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Fig.15 : Correlation between fracture density and bed thickness as measured from BHI logs
Fig. 16 : Fracture spacing to bed thickness relationship. Bubble size is proportional to the rock shalyness.
Fig.17 : Definition of large scale fractures from BHI logs analysis
Table 1 : Statistics of fracture sets for small scale diffuse fractures
46 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Evergrow Calcium Chloride Uses in Drilling and Maintenance Oil Gas Wells Dr .Adel Abdel Khalik EVERGROW CONSULTANT
produced by Evergrow Company is and
wells,to and
inestablishing oil
gas well
fluids gain needed consistency, increases density and stabilizes shale formations. It is also, seals well casings and displaces drilling mudkeeping gases from forming and helps sludge from getting out of hand. It is mainly used as:to the mud to overcome formation
the surface, and is easily diluted from
1- Drilling Muds:
pressures and keep oil, gas, and
more concentrated solution.
Calcium Chloride is used in drilling
water in place. Calcium Chloride
mud to cool and lubricate the bit and
inhibits clay and shale hydration, adds
2- Completion Fluids:
to remove cuttings from the hole.
needed weight to overcome formation
Calcium Chloride is ideal as a
Calcium Chloride helps add density
pressure, aids in carrying cuttings to
completion fluid .It is used just before
48 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
thethe producing producing formation formation is reached is reached to to place place to provide to provide a way a way to control to control well well andandreduces reducesthetheprospect prospect thatthata a flush flush thethe hole hole clean clean of solids.Thus, of solids.Thus, thethe pressure. pressure. TheThe concrete concrete also also prevents prevents casing casing leak leak could could become become a blowout. a blowout. casing casing cancan be be cemented cemented intointo place. place.
caving caving andand confines confines production production to the to the It also It also helps helps maintain maintain pressure pressure levels levels well well bore. bore.
because because it has it has sufficient sufficient density density to to
3- 3Concrete Concrete Accelerator: Accelerator: Calcium Calcium Chloride Chloride dramatically dramatically cuts cuts
offset offset thethe pressure pressure on on thethe casing. casing.
4- 4Packer Packer Fluid: Fluid:
setset time time needed needed forfor thethe concrete, concrete, andand Calcium Calcium Chloride Chloride is usedwith is usedwith a packer a packer
5- 5Workover Workover Fluid: Fluid:
cancan be be used used down-hole down-hole to to several several fluid fluid in in packing packing thethe circular circular space space Calcium CalciumChloride Chlorideis isused usedas asa a thousand thousand feet.To feet.To ensure ensure a pressure a pressure between between thethe tubing tubing andand thethe casingthat casingthat workover workover fluid, fluid, flushing flushing wells wells freefree tight tight connection connection of pipe of pipe runs runs from from thethe keeping keeping thethe well well fluids fluids away away from from of of solids solids before before they they areare repaired repaired or or reservoir reservoir to the to the surface surface of of oil oil andand gasgas thethe casing casing to minimize to minimize corrosion corrosion andand before before reworking reworking a well a well thatthat hashas been been wells, wells, thethe casing casing must must cemented cemented intointo reduces reduces well well pressure pressure on on thethe casing casing idleidle forfor some some time. time.
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Industry At A Glance by Ali Ibrahim Table (1) World Crude oil Supply.* Supply (million barrels per day)
U.S (50states)
North sea(2)
OPEC (4)
12.07 12.07 12.09 12.40 12.55 12.86 12.83 12.88 12.92 12.90 12.99 13.13 13.63 13.59 13.69
23.80 23.57 23.60 23.88 23.86 24.22 24.56 24.71 24.91 24.44 24.62 24.84 25.22 25.05 25.24
2.95 2.90 2.84 2.79 2.67 2.53 2.82 2.86 2.98 2.76 2.85 2.86 2.84 2.78 2.80
36.30 36.34 36.14 36.31 36.31 35.50 35.44 34.80 34.70 35.80 36.35 35.85 35.73 35.80 35.70
34.54 34.63 34.64 34.61 34.63 33.78 33.73 33.10 32.98 34.20 34.70 34.33 34.08 34.15 34.05
90.12 90.54 90.50 90.82 90.64 90.49 90.63 90.26 89.86 90.35 91.10 90.36 91.24 91.52 91.73
April.2013 May June July August September October November December Jan.2014 February March April May June Source EIA
* «Oil Supply» is defined as the production of crude oil (including lease condensate) Natural gas plant liquids, and other liquids, and refinery processing gain. NA = no data available (1) OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (2) North Sea includes offshore supply from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom (3) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. (4) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries doesn’t include Angola.
52 Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Table (2) World Proved Crude Oil Reserves, January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2012 Estimates (Billion Barrels)
North America
Central & South America
Middle East
Asia & Oceania World Total
33.37 1,316.66
34.35 1,332.04
34.01 1,342.21
40.14 1355.74
40.25 1473.76
45.36 1525.96
Source EIA
Table (3) World crude oil production. ( Million Barrels Per day )
Jan.2013 February March April May June July August September October November December Jan.2014 February March April May June
1.35 1.40 1.35 1.45 1.42 1.13 1.00 0.59 0.36 0.55 0.22 0.22 0.51 0.38 0.23 0.21 0.23 0.24
0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.25 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.37 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26
0.72 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.66
30.03 29.99 29.93 30.49 30.60 30.32 30.52 30.44 29.75 29.73 28.98 28.88 29.76 30.04 29.53 29.44 29.51 29.48
Persian Gulf(2) 22.90 22.69 23.27 23.1 22.85 22.59 22.93 22.28 21.73 21.58 21.38 21.03 21.84 22.09 21.89 21.99 22.03 21.96
North Sea(3) 2.98 2.90 3.09 2.95 2.90 2.84 2.79 2.67 2.53 2.82 2.86 2.98 2.76 2.85 2.86 2.84 2.78 2.80
World 74.558 74.868 75.004 75.235 75.230 75.346 75.234 71.626 70.056 70.39 69.166 68.83 68.59 69.09 69.10 71.8 71.4 71.5
Source EIA 1 OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. 2 The Persian Gulf countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Production from the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone is included in Persian Gulf production. 3 North Sea includes the United Kingdom Offshore, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands Offshore, and Germany Offshore.
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
Source EIA
Fig. ( 1 ) World Crude Oil Prices US $ per BBL Table (7) Egypt Rig Count per Area Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14
Fig. ( 2 ) Natural Gas Prices US $ Per MCF
Source EIA
54 Petroleum Today
10 Gulf of Suez Mediterranean 9 Sea Western 81 Desert Sinai 9 Eastern Desert 6 Delta 3 Total 118
9 6 3 118
9 5 2 118
8 6 3 119
8 6 3 119
Source Petroleum Today
Fig. ( 3 ) Egypt Suez Blend Price (Dollars per Barrel) based on 33O API
- September 2014
Neutral Earthing Resistors(NERs) Egyptian Industrial Systems PROTECTION DIVISION
خبراء فى تصميم وتوريد وتركيب أنظمة األرضي وشبكات الحماية من الصواعق والحماية الكاثودية INFINITE PROTECTION SOLUTIONS
Our range of products and services include EIS Deign and Consulltancy Services EIS Earthing Systems EIS Structural Lighting Protection Equipment EIS Static Electricity Control EIS Supply and Installation Service
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شارع النزهة- عمارات رابعة االستثمارى56 مدينة نصر- بجوار دار الدفاع الجوى +202 26902871 - 26907047:تليفــون +202 24181299 :فاكـــس +2 01001533544: محمول
Atlas Copco celebrates 5 years of pioneering energy efficient blower technology For further information please contact : Karim Boghdadi : Regional Business Line Manager, Oil-free Air Division Egypt, May 05, 2014: The energy efficient ZS screw blower, which is used in many air blowing application, is celebrating its 5th year of production. With the ZS screw blower, Atlas Copco has a comprehensive offering for pressures between 300mbar up to 1200mbar and for flows from 100m3/hr to 9100 m3/hr. Over the last five years, many customers across different applications have benefitted from this energy efficient technology. Atlas Copco was so convinced on the performance of the ZS screw blower that shortly after launching it in 2009, they independently tested it against a tri-lobe blower by the TechnischeÜberwachungs-Verein (German Technical Monitoring Association, or TÜV), according to the international standard ISO 1217, edition4. It was proven that the ZS is 23,8% more energy-efficient than a tri-lobe blower at 0,5 bar(e)/7 psig, and 39,7 percent at 0,9 bar(e)/13 psig. The efficiency of the ZS is mainly attributed to the superior screw technology. Other features that secure increased efficiency and reliability are the integrated gearbox, the oil system and the innovative package design that integrates all individual components into a plug-and-run solution. Industries and applications such as wastewater treatment, pneumatic conveying, power generation, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, pulp & paper, textiles, cement, and general manufacturing have already benefited from energy savings by replacing the conventional lobe with the screw technology. In a typical biological wastewater treatment plant, the aeration blower system accounts for up to 70 % of the energy usage. Today the majority of these plants use less efficient lobe technology. By reducing the energy usage of their aeration blower system, these plants will decrease their energy costs while operating in a more environmentally friendly manner. Atlas Copco continuously innovates to ensure sustainable productivity for its customers because they understand their growing needs and changing trends. Also by investing
into Houston Service Industries with their range of energy efficient high speed turbo blowers in 2012, Atlas Copco is focused to continuously find solutions for reducing the energy costs for its global customers with low pressure applications Since the launch of the first ZS blower, Atlas Copco has continued to invest in the technology and now carries the largest range in the market with flows from 100m3/hr to 9100m3/hrand has a large installed base globally supported by its aftermarket team.
Energy-efficient and reliable technology Conrad Latham, Vice President, Marketing of Atlas Copco’s Oil-free Air Division adds: “At Atlas Copco, we strive to develop products and services with atotal lifecycle cost in mind. Seen over the entire life cycle of a product, the energy consumption makes the most significant impact. Therefore, we are focused on reducing the energy consumption of all our products and increasing profitability of our customers. The ZS screw blower is a perfect example of how we are able to use more than 140 years of product and application knowledge to develop a truly pioneering blower technology.”
Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt
Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt P.O. Box 520 El Obour market Cairo, Egypt
56 Petroleum Today
Visitors Adress : El Obour city 1st Ind. zone- part 7 block 13024 Cairo, Egypt
- September 2014
Phone: +202 46100337 / 8 - 46101770 /1 +202 46140800 Fax:+202 46100341
Reg. No.: 10411 Reg. Office: Nasr City
Atlas Copco Egypt brings top & latest application technology at the Oil & Gas Seminar For further information please contact : Ahmed ElShazly : Regional Manager Custom Design & Engineering Products
Under the strong brand promise “committed to sustainable productivity”, Atlas Copco Egypt conducted a seminar on 12th May, 2014 in one of the top notch hotels in Egypt – The seminar was on our latest technology in the custom design/ engineered products and to showcase our challenging application capabilities in the oil and gas industry. The Oil & Gas Seminar was a successful step towards our customers and prospects remarked by effective interaction with the customers together with answering and clarifying all their concerns and
becoming and remaining First in Mind—First in Choice ®.The whole event created a strong impression and reinforced Atlas Copco strong conviction towards innovation as one of our core values..
demands. It was a great opportunity for us to show Atlas Copco capabilities to serve the Oil & Gas industry via thorough and professional presentations prepared and submitted by the Compressor Technique divisions. Moreover, the Construction technique business area with the Gas & Process and Rental divisions played a great role and added a big value to the seminar presenting reliable equipment for many challenging applications along the entire Oil and Gas Ahmed ElShazly - Oil & Gas Manager comments
value chain. The Oil & Gas seminar was very well-organized & excellently received by the customers as it provided more insight on Atlas Copco top innovations and latest technology enabling us to achieve our vision of
(( Because of the very positive responses we definitely are looking forward to similar events ahead. To bring up the benefits customer will gain by using Atlas Copco custom design/engineered products ))
Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt
Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt P.O. Box 520 El Obour market Cairo, Egypt
Visitors Adress : El Obour city 1st Ind. zone- part 7 block 13024 Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +202 46100337 / 8 - 46101770 /1 +202 46140800 Fax:+202 46100341
Reg. No.: 10411 Reg. Office: Nasr City
Petroleum Today
- September 2014
�شــركـاء �لنجـاح
�شــركـاء �لنجـاح
Automation Egypt
Automation & Instrumentation
�شــركـاء �لنجـاح
خمس سنوات من التميز �ص ��در الع ��دد االول م ��ن جمل ��ة Petroleum Todayف ��ى منت�صف عام 2009كاأول جملة علمية متخ�ص�صة فى قطاع البرتول من خالل روؤية جدي ��دة تعتمد على تقدمي املقاالت العلمية العملية والتى ت�ص ��اهم فى زي ��ادة الثقاف ��ة البرتولية لدى العامل ��ن بالقطاع مل نكتفى بهذا فقط ب ��ل قدم ��ت املجلة بع� ��ض االنف ��رادات ال�صحفية والتى كان ��ت من اأهمها احتفاله ��ا مب ��رور مائ ��ة ع ��ام عل ��ى انت ��اج الب ��رتول ف ��ى م�ص ��ر بالوثائق واالأرق ��ام واالأح ��داث و�ص ��رد تاريخ ��ي لالأح ��داث الت ��ي م ��ر به ��ا قط ��اع الب ��رتول خ ��الل املائ ��ة ع ��ام وذل ��ك من خ ��الل ن�ص ��رها يف ملح ��ق خا�ض مرفق باملجلة . كذلك حاولت املجلة جاهدة ان تركز على عملية تطوير البحث العلمى من خالل عر�ض اراء جمموعة من امل�صئولن واملخت�صن داخل القطاع ومل نق ��ف عن ��د هذا احل ��د بل قدمنا روؤية متكاملة مل�ص ��روع عمالق وهو ان�ص ��اء (جامع ��ة البرتول امل�ص ��رية) حيث ن�ص ��رنا درا�ص ��ة ج ��دوى كاملة ح ��ول ه ��ذا امل�ص ��روع والذى فى ح ��ال تنفيذه �صي�ص ��اهم ب�ص ��كل كبري فى تنمية قطاع البرتول لي�ض فى م�صر فح�صب بل فى املنطقة كلها بالطب ��ع مل نهم ��ل الفنون ال�ص ��حفية بل خ�ص�ص ��ت املجلة ف ��ى اعدادها العدي ��د م ��ن االب ��واب الثابتة منه ��ا االخباري ��ة والتحقيق ��ات والتقارير
ال�ص ��حفية ع ��ن اه ��م االحداث ف ��ى القطاع �ص ��واءا ف ��ى م�ص ��ر او العامل وكذل ��ك احل ��وارات مع اه ��م ال�صخ�ص ��يات العاملة فى �ص ��ناعة البرتول وكذل ��ك خ�ص�ص ��ت املجل ��ة ب ��اب اقت�ص ��ادى يت�ص ��من اه ��م املوؤ�ص ��رات واجلداول عن ا�صعار اخلام والدول املنتجة وامل�صدرة فى العامل واأي�صا باب يت�صمن املنتجات اجلديدة يف �صناعة البرتول . �ص ��اركت املجل ��ة ف ��ى اغل ��ب املعار� ��ض واملوؤمترات املتخ�ص�ص ��ة ف ��ى قطاع الب ��رتول وكذل ��ك املعار� ��ض الت ��ى لها عالقة ب�ص ��ناعة الب ��رتول وكانت املجل ��ة راعى اعالمى له ��ذه املعار�ض واملوؤمترات يف اطار �صيا�ص ��ة املجلة اخلا�صة باالنت�صار . وبالرغم من االحداث ال�صعبة التى مرت بها البالد فى الفرتة االخرية من ��ذ اإن ��دالع ثورة يناي ��ر وحتى االن مل تتوقف املجلة بل ا�ص ��تمرت رغم كل هذا بنف�ض �صيا�صتها وتوزيعها املجانى على قطاع البرتول امل�صرى وكذلك توزيعها املجانى فى كل املعار�ض التى ت�صارك فيها نع ��رتف انن ��ا مل نقدم م ��ا نتمناه ولكننا ن�ص ��عى اىل تطوير انف�ص ��نا بكل الط ��رق ف ��ى ظ ��ل ظروف �ص ��عبة مت ��ر بها م�ص ��ر ولكنن ��ا عازم ��ون باإذن اهلل عل ��ى الو�ص ��ول باملجلة لتكون فى ال�ص ��نن القادمة واح ��دة من اأهم جمالت البرتول والطاقة على م�صتوى العامل .
المجــــــلة فى ارقــــــــــام: Óاكثر من 600صفحة من المقاالت العلمية
Óاكثر من 120تحقيق وتقرير صحفى
اقتصادى مؤشرمؤشر 180من 180 اكثر Ó اقتصادى اكثر من Ó
Óاكثر من 100منتج جديد
Óاكثر من 165صفحة اخبارية
صحفى حوار 40حوار 40من اكثر Ó صحفى اكثر من Ó
ر�عــــي �إعـــالمـي ملعــــار�ض
القيمة وزيادةالقيمة االنتاجوزيادة تكلفةاالنتاج تقليلتكلفة اهميةتقليل يؤكداهمية إسماعيليؤكد شريفإسماعيل شريف والغاز الزيتوالغاز حقولالزيت وتنميةحقول المضافةوتنمية المضافة مهم �مه�اتم �وا�اتأجوها�أج�زةه ��زة ت�سني ��ع ت�سني ��ع وم�سرو�اتع ��ات وم�سروع � �رتول �رتول للب �للب � ال�سا�ةم ��ة ال�سام � ومه�اتم ��ات ومهم � �رتول �رتول �ات � الب � وم�س�اتخ �الب وم�سخ � احلف ��ر احلف ��ر العمل العمل �سر�سر علىعلى لاطمئنان لاطمئنان للعاملني للعاملني ال�سخ�سية ال�سخ�سية إنتاجية إنتاجية اخلطط اال اخلطط اال تنفيذ تنفيذ معدالت معدالت علىعلى �وف�وف والوق � والوق � تطوي ��ر تطوي ��ر عملي �عمل�اتي ��ات موق �مو�فق ��ف ومتابع ��ة ومتابع ��ة والتطوي ��ر والتطوي ��ر أمانأمان وا�سرتاطات اال وا�سرتاطات اال و�سوابط و�سوابط إنتاجية إنتاجية القدرات اال القدرات اال يتميتم حيثحيث التكرير التكرير مبعمل ��ى مبعمل ��ى وال�سا�ةم ��ة وال�سام � ال�سنا�ىع ��ى ال�سناع � حالياًحالياً اجلديدة اجلديدة امل�سروعات امل�سروعات من من عددعدد وتنفيذ وتنفيذ درا�سة درا�سة تت�سمن تت�سمن والتى والتى البرتول البرتول لت�سنيع لت�سنيع ال�سوي�س ال�سوي�س مبعمل مبعمل وا�سرتجاع وا�سرتجاع �تل ��ت اال�سف اال�سفل � �اجت ��اج �نيت �الإن جديد�نيت �الإن جديدت � وحد�نيت ��ني وحدت � التفحيم التفحيم ملجم �ملج�عم ��ع احلاىل احلاىل وتقيي �املو�مق �املو�فق ��ف وتقيي ��م �ازات�ازات الغ �الغ � �وت��وت جدي �لز�دي �لزي جدي ��د جم�عم ��ع جمم � بدار�س �ال�ةإن�س �ال�اءإن�س ��اء بدار�س ��ة والق�امي ��ام والقي � امل�سرو�اتع ��ات امل�سروع � تنفي �ع ��ذ�ددع �م ��دد�نم ��ن تنفي ��ذ التزي�تي �ك�تم ��اكيم �ت ��ا�ميت ��م التزيي � منهامنها �رتول �رتول لتكرير� الب � لتكرير الب الن�س ��ر الن�س ��ر مبع�لم ��ل مبعم � اجلد�دةي ��دة اجلدي � عددعدد إن�ساءإن�ساء النافوتا��ا وا النافت ��ا ملعاجلة ملعاجلة جديدة جديدة اإقا ام �إقا�ةمو��ةح �و�دةح ��دة كفاءةكفاءة لرفعلرفع البرتولية البرتولية املنتجات املنتجات نقلنقل خطوط خطوط م ��نم ��ن فى فى مباي�سهم مباي�سهم املوانئ املوانئ إىل اإىل التدفيع التدفيع ا عملية عملية وت�سهي ��ل وت�سهي ��ل البرتولية البرتولية املنت�اتج ��ات املنتج � �داول�داول حركة ت � حركة ت � فاعلي ��ة فاعلي ��ة �ادة ��ادة زي � زي الطلم�اتب ��ات الطلمب � وجتدي ��د وجتدي ��د �ال�ال �بن �اإ�بح � اإح � جان �جا وذل �وذ�كل �ا�كإىل اإىل أ�سفلت. أ�سفلت. بخطوط اال بخطوط اال علىعلى اجلول �الت�ة��يالت �ق ��ي�امق �به ��ام�ابه ��ا اجلول ��ة �ال�ال الوزي �خ ��ر خ � الوزي ��ر واأك �و�داأك ��د �ادةم �تاأ�نيم ��ني �ادة � تاأ إىل� زي �دفإىل ا زي �دف ا امل�سرو�اتع � ت�اته � ته � امل�سروع � �كل ��ك اأن اتلأن� ت البرتولية البرتولية املنت�اتج ��ات املنتج � من من املحل ��ى املحل ��ى �وق ��وق �داداتس �ال�س �دادات ال� اإم � اإم � �رسا�ً ا�راً حتقيق حتقيق البرتول�ىعل ��ى البرتول عل � حر� �حر�س� �ق�سط �ق�اعط ��اع إىل اإىل م�س �م� املعامل املعامل خا�سة خا�سة التكري ��ر التكري ��ر مبعامل مبعامل الت�سغيا �الآ�لما �الآ�نم ��ن الت�سغي ��ل �نيل ��ني للعام للعامل � الكامل ��ة الكامل ��ة احلماي ��ة احلماي ��ة ل�س�انم ��ان ل�سم � القد�ةمي ��ة القدمي � البرتول البرتول قطاعقطاع أو�سح اأن أو�سح اأن كما اكما ا إنتاجية إنتاجية �ول اال �ول � اال واالواأ�س �الأ�س متطورة متطورة ا�سرتاتيجي ��ة ا�سرتاتيجي ��ة �سنا�اتع ��ات �سناع � جنح�ىفا�إقا�ى ام �إقا�ةم ��ة جنح ف � ب�سدةب�سدة حتتاجها حتتاجها التىالتى البرتولية البرتولية واملهمات واملهمات للمعدات للمعدات
والغاز والغاز البرتول البرتول وانتاج وانتاج تنمية تنمية م�سروعات م�سروعات اال�ستث�ارم ��ار اال�ستثم � اجلولا��ةإىل اأنإىل اأن اجلول ��ة �ال�ال الوزي �خ ��ر خ � الوزي ��ر وا�س ��ار وا�س ��ار م�سرم�سر تدخل تدخل تقليدية تقليدية غرغر و�سناعات و�سناعات جماالت جماالت فى فى التو�سع التو�سع ا�سرتاتيجية ا�سرتاتيجية اطاراطار فى فى أوىلأتىياأتى أوىل يا �رة اال للم �لل�رةم �اال تكنولوجيا تكنولوجيا �داتق �ون�لق ��ل �دات ون للمع �للمع � املحلى املحلى الت�سني ��ع الت�سني ��ع ف ��ىف ��ى العاملية العاملية �ركات�ركات �اون�عم �ال��عس �ال�س � �اون م � بالتع �بالتع � مل�س ��ر مل�س ��ر ت�سنيعه ��ا ت�سنيعه ��ا ا�سترادها ا�سترادها احلد�نم ��ن احلد م � إىل اإىل ؤدىو اؤدى مب� ��او ي� � املتخ�س�س �مب�ة��ا ي املتخ�س�س ��ة التكال�في ��ف التكالي � وتقلي ��ل وتقلي ��ل أجنبي ��ة أجنبي ��ة العمل �ا�ةال اال العمل ��ة وتوف �وتو�رف ��ر اجلديدة . اجلديدة . امل�سروعات امل�سروعات تنفيذ تنفيذ �سرعة �سرعة فى فى وامل�ساهمة وامل�ساهمة تطوير تطوير أعمالأعمال تفقدية ال تفقدية ال بجولة بجولة اي�سااي�سا الوزير الوزير وق � و�امق ��ام مبحاف�ةظ ��ة مبحافظ � طن�اط ��ا طنط � تكري ��ر تكري ��ر معم �مع�لم ��ل �اءة��اءة ورف �ك�عف � كف ورف ��ع البرتول البرتول لتكرير لتكرير القا�رةه ��رة القاه � ل�سركة ل�سركة التابع التابع الغربي ��ة الغربي ��ة �وقغ �لل�ازغ ��از �وق � لل بحق �بح�لق �د��لس �د�س ومو�فق � ت�فق � ت�دمق � ا�دمالأعام �الأع�الم ��ال وموق � اجلول ��ة اجلول ��ة �ال�ال ورافق �خ ��ه خ � ورافق ��ه ال�سي ��خ ال�سي ��خ مبحاف�ةظك�ف�ة��ركف ��ر مبحافظ � الغربية. الغربية. حمافظ حمافظ نعيمنعيم حممد حممد اللواء اللواء العاملني العاملني جهود جهود ت�ساف ��ر ت�ساف ��ر أهميةأهمية على اعلى ا الوزير الوزير واأك �و�داأك ��د علىعلى إيجاب إيجاب ينعك�سالباال ينعك�س با مبا مبا �اجت ��اج عجلةإنات �الإن عجلة اال دفعدفع ف ��ىف ��ى املرحل ��ة املرحل ��ة متطل�اتب ��ات متطلب � الوطن �ف ��ى�ىف �ظ ��ى�لظ ��ل الوطن ��ى االقت�س ��اد االقت�س ��اد والعمل والعمل اجله �اجل�ده ��د ملزي �م ��د�نم ��ن �اجت �ملز�اجي ��د احلالي �الت�ة��ىالت �حت�ىت �حت احلالي ��ة حالياًحالياً يعمليعمل �رتول �رتول قطاع� الب � قطاع الب اناً ان �رسا�ً�ر املتوا�س �م��لس �م� املتوا�س ��ل البرتولي ��ة البرتولي ��ة �رثوة�رثوة م�س �م ��ر�نما�ل ��ن ال � م�س ��ر �اجت ��اج �ادة� اإن �ادة �اإنت عل ��ىعل �زي ��ى زي واعىواعى بتفكر بتفكر القائم ��ة القائم ��ة التكري ��ر التكري ��ر معا�لم ��ل معام � وتطوي ��ر وتطوي ��ر علىعلى ؤوبوؤوب الدوالد العمل العمل فى� اإ�ارط ��ار فى اإط مدرو�س مدرو�س وتخط�طي ��ط وتخطي � املنت�اتج ��ات املنتج � املحل �م ��ى�نم ��ن املحل ��ى �وق ��وق �اتس �ال�س احتيا�اتج �ال� احتياج � توف �تو�رف ��ر الطبيعى . الطبيعى . والغاز والغاز البرتولية البرتولية بزيارة بزيارة اي�سااي�سا البرتول البرتول وزيروزير قام قام جوالته جوالته اطاراطار ويف ويف �رة�رة والبح � والبح � ببور�سعي ��د ببور�سعي ��د الطبي�ىع ��ى الطبيع � �ولغ �ال�ازغ ��از �ول� ال حق �حق والربل� �واأ�سك �واأ�دكا�أن�د اأن والربل� ��س برتوب ��ل برتوب ��ل ل�سركت ��ى ل�سركت ��ى التابع ��ة التابع ��ة �سي�س�ده ��د �سي�سه � �اىل�اىل الثان �الثا�ىن �م ��ى�نم �ال�نع �ال�امع �ا�امحل �احل � �فس ��ف الن� الن�س �
علىعلى اجلديدة اجلديدة م�سرو�اتع �ال�اتغ �ال�ازغ ��از م�سروع � منمن دخول�ددع ��دد دخول ع � تباع� �اً تباع� �اً للم�ساهم �ف ��ة�ىف �تو�ىف �تو�رف ��ر للم�ساهم ��ة �اجت ��اج ط �ال�ةإنات �الإن خري�ة ا خريط � وخا�س ��ة وخا�س ��ة املحل ��ى املحل ��ى �وق��وق �اتس �ال�س احتيا�اتج �ال� احتياج � جان �جا�بن �م ��ب�نم ��ن البرتول البرتول وزارةوزارة جهود جهود إطارإطار فى افى ا الكهرباء الكهرباء ملح�اتط ��ات ملحط � اجلديدة اجلديدة الغازالغاز اكت�سافات اكت�سافات وو�سع وو�سع بتنمية بتنمية لا�سراع لا�سراع املتزاي ��د املتزاي ��د �بل ��ب الطل �الط ملواجه ��ة ملواجه ��ة �اجت ��اج خري�ة اط �ال�ةإنات �الإن خريط � عل ��ىعل ��ى مل�سروعات مل�سروعات الوق �الو�ودق ��ود وتوفر وتوفر الطبي�ىع ��ى الطبيع � عل ��ىعل �ال�ىغ �ال�ازغ ��از بالدولة. بالدولة. التنمية التنمية �سركت � ب ��ى�درب ��درالدي �الد�ني � و�ن وخال �خا�دةل ��دة م�سرو�اتع ��ات�سركت ��ى م�سروع � منمن ن�سيب ن�سيب اي�س ��ا اي�س ��ا لهمالهما كانكان الغربي ��ة الغربي ��ة �راء�راء بال�سح � بال�سح � تفقدتفقد إ�سماعي �ح�لي �ح�ثي ��ث إ�سماعي ��ل �سري ��سر�في �ا�ف ا املهند� ��س املهند� ��س �ارات�ارات زي � زي � �اجت �ال�اجغ �ال�ازغ ��از �ات� اإن م�سرو�اتع �اإنت م�سروع � �دد�نم ��ن العم �الع�لمب�ع ��ل ب�ددع �م � �رس ��ر �س � � الغربي ��ةحي �ح�ثي ��ث الغربي ��ة �راء�راء ال�سح � ال�سح � مبنطق ��ة مبنطق ��ة الطبي�ىع ��ى الطبيع � إنتاجية إنتاجية �ادة � ا�ادة ا وجهود زي وجهود زي � التنمية التنمية أعمالأعمال ا�ستعر�س�ا��س ا ا�ستعر� � ت�سهيات ت�سهيات م�سرو�اتع ��ات م�سروع � منمن وتنفيذ�ددع ��دد وتنفيذ ع � �ول��ول احلق �احلق �رس �اً ا�راً القادمة القادمة الفرتة الفرتة إىل اأن إىلااأن اجلديدةس �م� اجلديدة م� �اجت ��اج االإنات �الإن تباعاًتباعا �ست�س�ده ��د �ست�سه � تنمية تنمية م�سروعات م�سروعات عدد�نم ��ن عدد م � و�س ��ع و�ًس ��ع �اجه ��امنه ��ا �اجت �من تنفيذهع�ل�ا��ىعلا�ال�ىإنات �الإن تنفيذه ��ا �ارى�ارى جل �اجل � �ول� ا�ول احلق �احلق ل�سركة ل�سركة التاب ��ع التاب ��ع أ�سي ��ل �ازاتك �ال�رمك �وا�رمالواأ�سالي ��ل �ازات ال �روع غ � �روع غ � م�س �م�س � والذى والذى الغربية الغربية �راء�راء بال�سح � بال�سح � �رتول �رتول �ن �للب � بدرالد�ني �للب بدرالدي � حالي� �اً حالي� �اً منهمنه أخرةأخرة الثاني �وا�ةالواال الثاني ��ة املرحلة املرحلة تنفيذ تنفيذ يت ��ميت ��م �ات�ات ت�سهي � ت�سهي � م�سرو�اتع ��ات م�سروع � �دد�نم ��ن �ب ام �إقا�ةم �ع ��ة�ددع �م � بجان �بجا�بن �اإقا إنتاجي ��ة إنتاجي ��ة �دراتال اال �درات ا �ادةق �الق � �ادة � ال �دةي �لزي اجلد�دةي � لز اجلدي � �اجت ��اج االإنات �الإن �سوا�طغ �ح�طق �ح�لق ��ل �سواغ � حم�ةط ��ة حمط � م�سرو�ىع ��ى م�سروع � مو�ساً اح� �أناً اأن مو�سح� � كاب�سة كاب�سة مبنطقة مبنطقة الغازالغاز �سواغط �سواغط وحمطة وحمطة الق�سر الق�سر منوذجاً منوذجاً لذلك . لذلك . للبرتول للبرتول خالدة خالدة ل�سركة ل�سركة التابعني التابعني املنفذة املنفذة امل�سروعات امل�سروعات أعمالأعمال الوزيرق �مو�فق �ا�ف ا الوزير مو تابعتابع كم ��اكم ��ا والتى والتى الغربية الغربية بال�سحراء بال�سحراء للبرتول للبرتول خالدة خالدة ب�سركة ب�سركة بال�سركة . بال�سركة . اخلا�سة اخلا�سة إنتاجإنتاج معدالت اال معدالت اال لزيادة لزيادة تهدف تهدف
20142014 Petroleum Today Today - September - September 1313Petroleum
جوالت مكثفة لوزير البترول لمتابعة خطط وبرامج اإلنتاج والتطوير والتواصل مع العاملين يف اط ��ار اجل ��والت امليداني ��ة الت ��ي يق ��وم به ��ا املهند�س �س ��ريف اإ�سماعيل وزير البرتول والرثوة املعدني ��ة ملتابعة خطط وبرام ��ج االإنتاج والتطوير والتوا�س ��ل مع العاملني يف قطاع البرتول �سهدت الف ��رتة االخ ��رة زي ��ارات ميداني ��ة مكثف ��ة ق ��ام به ��ا الوزي ��ر ملواق ��ع العم ��ل واالنتاج للوق ��وف على جمري ��ات االحداث عل ��ى ار�س الواق ��ع والتوا�سل الفعال مع العاملني يف خمتلف املواقع االنتاجية وزي ��ر الب ��رتول تفقد �س ��ر العمل ف ��ى م�سروعات البرتوكيماوي ��ات باال�سكندري ��ة حي ��ث اأك ��د عل ��ى اأهمي ��ة االأ�س ��راع ف ��ى تنفي ��ذ م�سروع ��ات اخلط ��ة القومي ��ة للبرتوكيماويات م�سرا اإىل اأن الرتكيز خ ��ال املرحلة القادمة �سيعتم ��د على التو�سع فى امل�سروع ��ات القائم ��ة وزي ��ادة اإنتاجه ��ا وف ��ى نف� ��س الوق ��ت الرتكي ��ز عل ��ى حتقي ��ق اأكرب ا�ستف ��ادة مما يت ��م انتاجه م ��ن البرتوكيماويات لزي ��ادة القيمة امل�ساف ��ة واإقام ��ة �سناع ��ات �سغ ��رة متكامل ��ة وت�سدير منتجاتها النهائية. كم ��ا ق ��ام الوزي ��ر بجول ��ة تفقدي ��ة ملواق ��ع االإنت ��اج مبنطقتى خليج ال�سوي�س وال�سحراء ال�سرقية و�س ��دد على اأهمية اتب ��اع االأ�ساليب املثلى لرت�سيد
- September 2014
النفقات مبا ال يوؤثر على االإنتاج وال مي�س حقوق العامل ��ني الفتاً اأن ذلك يتحق ��ق من خال ثقافة واعي ��ة وتطبي ��ق منهج ��ى لرت�سي ��د اال�سته ��اك واال�ستغ ��ال االأمث ��ل للم ��وارد والبني ��ة االأ�سا�سية املتاح ��ة والدق ��ة ف ��ى اإع ��داد الدرا�س ��ات املتعلق ��ة بعملي ��ات البح ��ث واال�ستك�س ��اف واالإنت ��اج وتقليل الف ��رتة الت ��ى ي�ستغرقه ��ا حف ��ر االآب ��ار والتبك ��ر بو�سع احلقول على االإنتاج وتطبيق اأحدث برامج ال�سيان ��ة الدورية للمع ��دات واالآالت وغرها من االإج ��راءات الت ��ى ت�ساع ��د عل ��ى تر�سي ��د النفق ��ات وتقليل تكلفة اإنتاج الربميل. وه ��ي الزي ��ارة الت ��ي ا�ستغرقت ثاث ��ة ايام �سملت حق ��ول اإنت ��اج �س ��ركات جابك ��و وعجيب ��ة واالأم ��ل واأو�سوك ��و وبرتواأم ��ر وبرتوجل ��ف وبرتوزي ��ت وع� ��س املاح ��ة ووادى ال�سهل وزيتك ��و وجماوي�س وجم�س ��ة للب ��رتول وم�سن ��ع امل�سري ��ة البحرينية مل�ستق ��ات الغ ��از وطال ��ب الوزي ��ر جمي ��ع العامل ��ني مبواق ��ع العم ��ل الب ��رتوىل بالتكاتف وب ��ذل املزيد م ��ن الفك ��ر واجله ��د وتق ��دمي احلل ��ول املبتك ��رة والرتكي ��ز على زي ��ادة االإنت ��اج مبا يخ ��دم عمليات وم�سروعات التنمية مب�سر
Petroleum Today
�سمل ��ت ج ��والت الوزي ��ر اي�سا زي ��ارة مواقع العمل واالإنت ��اج بحق ��ول ال�سرك ��ة العام ��ة وغ ��رب بك ��ر ودارا للب ��رتول واأك ��د على اأن ثق ��ة قطاع البرتول ف ��ى ك ��وادره وخربات ��ه وكيانات ��ه االقت�سادي ��ة ركي ��زة اأ�سا�سي ��ة يعتم ��د عليها فى حتقي ��ق اأهدافه اال�سرتاتيجي ��ة وعل ��ى راأ�سه ��ا زي ��ادة االإنت ��اج م ��ن ال ��رثوة البرتولي ��ة الفت� �اً اإىل اهتم ��ام قط ��اع الب ��رتول بت�سجي ��ع ال�س ��ركات الوطني ��ة عل ��ى التو�س ��ع ف ��ى ان�سط ��ة البح ��ث واال�ستك�س ��اف ع ��ن الب ��رتول والغ ��از وتنمي ��ة حقولهم ��ا والعم ��ل ف ��ى مناط ��ق جدي ��دة وزي ��ادة �س ��خ اال�ستثم ��ارات ورفع تناف�سية هذه ال�سركات فى �سوق العمل البرتوىل وا�ساف الوزيراأن هناك جهودا متوا�سلة لتدعيم ق ��درات ال�سرك ��ة العامة للب ��رتول وكوادرها وفتح اف ��اق عم ��ل جديدة له ��ا كاأك ��رب واأع ��رق ال�سركات الوطنية. امل�سروعات البرتولي ��ة بال�سوي�س والعني ال�سخنة كان ��ت ه ��ي اي�س ��ا حمط ��ة م ��ن حمط ��ات الوزي ��ر التفقدي ��ة حي ��ث ق ��ام بجول ��ة تفقدي ��ة مو�سع ��ة ف ��ى امل�سروع ��ات البرتولي ��ة بال�سوي� ��س والع ��ني ال�سخن ��ة حي ��ث تفق ��د معمل ��ى ال�سوي� ��س والن�سر
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Óمنذ متى بداأت ال�شركة تقدمي خدماتها ل�شركات قطاع البرتول؟ كما �صبق وقلت ال�صركة هي وكيل ل�صركة "بو�س" الأملانية يف جمال الغايات ويف عام 2002قررت ال�صركة �صراء غايات واإعادة ت�صميمها بالك�ص�صوارات داخل احلاوي ��ات بحيث تكون �صهلة التحرك ويت ��م تاأجريها ل�صركات خدمات البرتول م ��ع طاقم الت�صغيل املكون من مهند�صني وفنيني لت�صغيل تلك الغايات يف املواقع التي تعمل بها �صركات اخلدمات البرتولية. وق ��د بداأنا العم ��ل اأو ًل يف م�صر وتو�صعت ال�صركة بع ��د ذلك حتى اأ�صبحت تعمل يف العدي ��د من ال ��دول العربي ��ة واأهم عم ��اء ال�صركة هم �ص ��ركات �صلمربجري وهاليربت ��ون واملن�ص ��وري واك�ص ��ربو ويت ��م اإ�صتخ ��دام الغاي ��ات يف مرحل ��ة ال� Testingللربميات. Óنود اإلقاء ال�شوء على عدد فروع ال�شركة وعدد العاملني فيها؟ ال�صرك ��ة متتل ��ك اأربعة مكاتب داخ ��ل م�صر واأي�ص� � ًا ور�صة وخم ��زن يف املنطقة ال�صناعية ب ��ربج العرب بالإ�صكندرية بالإ�صافة اإىل مكتب يف دولة كندا خلدمة امل�صاريع يف �صمال اأمريكا كما لها عماء يف اأكرث من 40دولة ويعمل يف ال�صركة اأك ��رث م ��ن 60موظف م ��ا بني اإداري ��ني ومهند�ص ��ني وفنيني حا�صل ��ني على كافة ال�صه ��ادات الفني ��ة املطلوبة للعمل على الربميات كم ��ا اأن الغايات حا�صلة على �صهادات ال� TUVالأملانية. Óما هي امليزة التناف�شية التي تتمتع بها �شركة كاتك لاإ�شت�شارات والتوكيات ال�شناعية ؟ متتل ��ك ال�صرك ��ة العديد من املمي ��زات التناف�صية فعل ��ى �صبيل املث ��ال فاإن طاقم الت�صغيل من مهند�صني وفنيني موؤهلني على اأعلى م�صتوى فني للعمل على الغايات بحي ��ث اإذا حدث اأى عطل يف الغاية فاإن طاقمن ��ا قادر على اإ�صاح هذا العطل اإىل جان ��ب ت�صغي ��ل الغاية يف الإ�صا�س وه ��و ما ل يتوافرعن ��د املناف�صني وهناك ميزة ثاني ��ة وهي اأن ال�صركة تعمل يف جمال الغاي ��ات الأملانية ذات التكنولوجيا العالية جدا لأكرث من 30عام ًا وهي اأف�صل واأجود غايات يف العامل.
واملي ��زة الثالثة هى اأن �صرك ��ة كاتك ت�صتطيع توفري الغاية لعمائها عند الطلب يف خ ��ال يوم ��ني اأو ثاثة فقط كم ��ا اأن اأ�صعاره ��ا تعترب منا�صبة ج ��د ًا بالن�صبة لغاية اأملانية ذات جودة عالية كالتي تقوم ال�صركة بتاأجريها ل�صركات اخلدمات البرتولية. Óكي��ف تهتم ال�شرك��ة بالعن�ش��ر الب�شري من حي��ث التدريب ورفع امل�شتوي التقني والفني؟ �صرك ��ة كاتك ت�صع تدريب ورف ��ع امل�صتوى الفني للمهند�ص ��ني والفنيني يف املقام الأول خلدم ��ة عمائه ��ا عل ��ى اأكمل وجه حي ��ث تعق ��د ال�صرك ��ة دورات تدريبية للعامل ��ني م ��رة يف الأ�صبوع وذلك للتعرف على كل ما ه ��و جديد من التكنولوجيا اجلدي ��دة اخلا�صة بالغاي ��ات ملواكبة التقدم التكنولوجي كم ��ا تر�صل من اإثنني اىل اأربعة مهند�صيني كل عام اإىل �صركة "بو�س" يف اأملانيا للتدريب على الغايات ومعرفة اجلديد يف هذا املجال اإ�صافة اإىل اإحتكاك املهند�صني يومي ًا بامل�صكات والأعطال التي تتعلق بت�صغيل الغايات يف امل�صانع وهو ما ميثل نوع من التدريب اأي�ص ��ا اإ�صاف ��ة اإىل ذلك نقوم كل ثاث ��ة اأو اأربعة �صنوات بتنظي ��م ندوات ندعوا اإليها املديرين يف �صركات العماء للتدريب على عمل الغايات والتعرف على كل م ��ا هو جديد يف هذا املجال وكانت ثمرة منظوم ��ة التدريب التي تتبعها ال�صركة للعامل ��ني بها هو ح�صولها على عقود �صيانة جلميع اأنواع الغايات يف ال�صركات وامل�صان ��ع الأخ ��رى التي تختلف عن نوعي ��ة غاية �صركة "بو� ��س" ،والآن كات�ك متتلك عقود �صيانة للغايات مع عمائها يف اأفريقيا و ال�صرق الأو�صط . Óم��ا هى الروؤية امل�شتقبلية لل�شركة واخلا�شة بالتو�شعات وتقدمي خدمات اأكرث لل�شركات؟ لدين ��ا روؤية واأهداف وطموحات تو�صعية خال ال�صنوات القادمة وهي التو�صع يف دول ال�صرق الأو�صط و�صمال اأفريقيا كما اأننا نهدف اىل تزويد ال�صركة بغايتني كل عام ،واأي�صا لدى ال�صركة خطة للعمل يف قطاع املبادلت احلرارية و�صواغط اله ��واء احللزوني ��ة م�صتقب ًا وتاأجريه ��ا اأي�صا اإىل �ص ��ركات اخلدمات البرتولية وكذلك لدينا خطة لتوريد . Mobile Light Towers - September 2014
Petroleum Today
نائب رئي�س �شركة كاتك:
منتلك الكثري من املميزات التناف�شية ولدينا خطط للتو�شع فى ال�شرق الأو�شط و�شمال اأفريقيا �شرك��ة كات��ك لا�شت�ش��ارات والتوكي��ات ال�شناعي��ة م��ن ال�ش��ركات الرائدة يف م�ش��ر وال�شرق الأو�شط و�شمال اأفريقيا يف جمال الغايات وماكين��ات الغ��زل و الن�شيج والزي��وت وال�شحوم��ات والطلمبات والتي مت تاأ�شي�شه��ا من��ذ 34عام�� ًا ودخلت يف جمال تق��دمي اخلدمات لقطاع البرتول منذ 11عاما ال�شرك��ة اأي�شا لديها عماء يف اأكرث من 40دولة كما اأنها وكيل ح�شري ل�شركات �شناعي��ة اأملانية ومتتلك العديد من املمي��زات التناف�شية التي جعلته��ا رائ��دة يف جمال تاأج��ر وت�شغي��ل الغايات ل�ش��ركات اخلدمات البرتولية وغرها من ال�شركات. ً اإ�شاف��ة اإىل حر���ص ال�شركة الدائم على تدري��ب العاملني بها �شواءا يف م�ش��ر اأو اأملاني��ا لرف��ع م�شت��وى الأداء الفن��ي لهم لتق��دمي اأف�شل خدمة لعماء ال�شركة. "جمل��ة برتولي��م ت��وداي" اإلتق��ت باملهند���ص �شام��ل النعم��اين نائ��ب رئي���ص جمل���ص اإدارة ال�شرك��ة للتع��رف عل��ى جم��الت عمله��ا والتوكي��ات ال�شناعي��ة الت��ي تعم��ل مبوجبه��ا واأي�ش��ا كي��ف تخدم ال�شرك��ة قطاع البرتول وروؤية ال�شركة امل�شتقبلية للتو�شع يف ال�شرق الأو�شط و�شمال اأفريقيا.
ال��م��ه��ن��دس ش��ام��ل ال��ن��ع��م��ان��ي م��ص��ري ويحمل الجنسية الكندية وخريج قسم هندسة ميكانيكية وادارة من جامعة McMasterبكندا لعام .2006 سبق له العمل عقب التخرج مباشرة ولمدة عامين في Shaw Groupوهي شركة أمريكية متخصصة ف��ي تقديم اإلس��ت��ش��ارات الهندسية وال��م��ش��روع (تسليم مفتاح) وقد عمل ضمن فريق إستشاري لمشروع بتروكيماويات ف��ي ينبع بالسعودية والتابع لشركة سابك السعودية، ويعمل في شركة كاتك لإلستشارات والتوكيالت الصناعية منذ 7سنوات.
- September 2014
Petroleum Today
Óمتى مت تاأ�شي�ص �شركة كاتك لاإ�شت�شارات والتوكيات ال�شناعية وجمال عملها؟ ب ��داأ تاأ�صي�س �صرك ��ة كاتك لاإ�صت�ص ��ارات والتوكي ��ات ال�صناعية يف عام 1980ك�صرك ��ة هند�صية ح�صلت عل ��ى توكيات من �صركات اأملانية وبداأت العم ��ل يف ماكين ��ات الغ ��زل والن�صيج وبع ��د � 5صنوات دخل ��ت ال�صركة يف جمال غايات البخار واملياه ال�صاخنة واأي�ص ًا ال�صحومات والزيوت جلميع املاكين ��ات لأى قطاع �صناعي .وح�صل ��ت ال�صركة على توكيل الغايات من �صرك ��ة "بو� ��س – لوو�س �صابق� � ًا" الأملاني ��ة كما تقدم له ��ا كافة اخلدمات اخلا�ص ��ة بالغاي ��ات يف اأفريقيا و ح�صلت ال�صركة عل ��ى توكيل الطلمبات من �صرك ��ة "لوتز" الأملانية اإ�صافة اإىل اأنها وكيل ل�صركة "كلوبر" الأملانية فيم ��ا يتعل ��ق بالزي ��وت وال�صحوم ��ات واأود اأن اأ�صيف هن ��ا اأن �صركة كلوبر متتل ��ك اأكرث م ��ن � 2000صنف من الزي ��وت وال�صحوم ��ات لإ�صتعمالها يف الأج ��زاء الدقيق ��ة واملعق ��دة يف جميع املاكين ��ات ال�صناعي ��ة ونحن وكيل ح�صري لهذه ال�صركات.
«الأحوا�ض اجلافة» تنجز بناء من�ستني برجيتني لأكرب من�ساأة عائمة للغاز الطبيعي امل�سال يف العامل اعلنت جمموعة االأحوا�س اجلافة العاملية -مزود اخلدمات البحرية وامللحية لقطاعات النفط والغاز والطاقة -االنتهاء بنجاح من اإجناز من�ستني برجيتني �سمن م�سروع بناء اأكرب من�ساأة عائمة للغاز الطبيعي امل�سال يف العامل وهي تتبع �سركة " �سل " العاملية التي تقوم بتد�سني هذه املن�ساأة املبتكرة �سمن م�سروع "بريلود" ال�ستخراج الغاز الطبيعي قبالة ال�سواطئ االأ�سرالية. واأعتترب خمي�س جمعة بوعميم رئي�س االأحوا�س اجلافة العاملية وامللحة العاملية عن �سعوره بالفخر واالعتزاز لكون املجموعة جزءا من هذا االإجنتتاز الذي ميثل علمة بارزه يف �سناعة الغاز الطبيعي امل�سال البحري ومل�ساركتها يف م�سروع يتمتع مبكانة مرموقة جتلت يف حتقيقه اأرقام قيا�سية غري م�سبوقة موؤكدا اأن املجموعة خلل قيامها بت�سييد اأكرب من�سة برجية يف العامل لتعزيز �سناعة الغاز الطبيعي العاملية حر�ست على تطبيق مقايي�س �سارمة يف جمال احلفاظ على اجلودة وال�سلمة للحد من املخاطر اإىل اأدنى حد ممكن.
283مليار دولر ا�ستثمارات "ال�سرق الأو�سط" يف الطاقة
ارتفاع خمزونات النفط التجارية لل�سني %5.8 قالت وكالة اأنباء ال�سني اجلديدة (�سينخوا) اإن خمزونات النفط اخلتتام التجارية لل�سني ارتفعت يف نهاية يوليو متوز 5.8باملئة يف حني تراجعت خمزونات الوقود املكرر 1.7باملئة عن م�ستوياتها يف نهاية يونيو. ومل تذكر الوكالة الر�سمية اأحجام املخزون. ونت تتادرا متتا تك�سف احلتكتتومتتة عتتن م�ستويات املتختتزونتتات التجارية اأو اال�سراتيجية مما يتعذر معه تقدير حجم الطلب احلقيقي يف ثاين اأكرب بلد م�ستهلك للنفط يف العامل.
تراجع واردات كوريا اجلنوبية من النفط الإيراين %31.6 اأظتهتترت بيانات من موؤ�س�سة النفط الوطني الكورية تتتراجتتع واردات كتتوريتتا اجلنوبية من النفط اخلام االإيراين 31.6باملئة على اأ�سا�س �سنوي يف يوليو. وانخف�س اإجمايل واردات البلد من النفط اخلام 2.3باملئة اإىل 81.4مليون برميل. وت ت� تستتدرت ال�سعودية قائمة م تتوردي اخلتتام اإىل كوريا اجلنوبية يف يوليو تلتها الكويت ثم االإمارات وقطر واإيران. وبلغ اإجمايل التتواردات من ال�سعودية 25.15 مليون برميل يف يوليو متتتوز و 165.7مليون برميل منذ بداية العام. 6
- September 2014
رجحت جهات متخ�س�سة يف �سوق الطاقة العاملي ،اأن حجم ا�ستثمارات �سوق الطاقة يف منطقة ال�سرق االأو�سط و�سمال اأفريقيا ،يف ال�سنوات االأربع املقبلة (� ،)2018 -2014ستتجاوز الت 283مليار دوالر ،واعتربت اأن ذلك �سيعزز من توفر الطاقة ،الذي تتناف�س عليه كربيات الدول املوؤثرة يف �سناعتها. فيما ربط عدد من خرباء الطاقة ذلك االهتمام العاملي من قبل الدول اأو ال�سركات الدولية الكربى املتخ�س�سة يف ا�ستثمارات الطاقة مبنطقة ال�سرق االأو�سط اإىل منو الطلب امل�ستقبلي على قطاع الكهرباء يف املنطقة اإىل %7 بعد عام .2018 واأكد اخلبري م�سلم ال�سعيدي من اأن ذلك النمو يعود اإىل عدة حمددات حيوية منها ارتفاع الن�سبة ال�سكانية يف منطقة ال�سرق االأو�سط ،اإ�سافة اإىل تركيز الدول على �سناعات ت�ستهلك كميات كبرية من الطاقة ،اإىل جانب اهتمام جزء رئي�سي يف املنطقة (يف اإ�سارة اإىل دول اخلليج العربي) ،على الركيز يف تدعيم البنية التحتية ،وما يتطلبه ذلك من ا�ستهلك مرتفع يف نتيجة الطاقة النهائية املوفرة لتلك املنطقة.
اأوبك لي�ست ق�لقة من انخف���ا�ض اأ�سع�����ار النفط قال مندوبون لدى منظمة البل تتدان امل�سدرة للبرول (اأوب تتك) اإن املنظم تتة ال ت�سعر بالقلق من انخفا�س اأ�سعار النف تتط �سوب 100 دوالر للربمي تتل حيث تعترب االأ�سع تتار احلالي تتة مقبولة بالن�سب تتة للمنتج تتني يف ح تتني يتوق تتع اأن حت�س تتل ال�سوق على دعم يف الفرة القادمة من ارتفاع الطلب الأ�سباب مو�سمية. وه تتوت اأ�سع تتار خام برن تتت الأدنى م�ستوى له تتا يف 14مع انح�س تتار قلق امل�ستثمري تتن ب�ساأن ال�س تتراع يف العراق واأوكراني تتا يف وقت ارتفع في تته االإنتاج الليبي .ودفع هذا االنخفا�س االأ�سع تتار دون امل�ستوى الذي يحتاجه بع�س اأع�ساء اأوبك لتغطية احتياجات امليزانية لديهم. لكن مندوبني من ثلثة دول اأع�ساء يف املنظمة قالو اأن انخفا�س االأ�سعار ال يبعث على القلق يف الوقت احلايل. وقال مندوب اإحدى دول اخلليج "ال يوجد ما يدعو للقلق .نعترب الهبوط عملية ت�سحيح ...لن يتم التحرك اإال بناء على العوامل االأ�سا�سية ..ويف الوقت احلايل ال يزال ال�سعر عادال بالن�سبة للمنتجني". ورف� تتس املن تتدوب التعليق ب�ساأن ال�سع تتر الذي قد يثري قلق اأوب تتك .وال يزال �سعر خام برن تتت فوق 100دوالر للربمي تتل وه تتو امل�ستوى ال تتذي تف�سله ال�سعودية -اأكرب م�س تتدر للخام يف العامل -ويوؤي تتده اأي�سا كثريون من اأع�ساء اأوبك االآخرين.
Petroleum Today
"موؤ�س�سة البرول الكويتية":تربم اأكرب عقد توريد نفط يف تاريخ الكويت خطوات ايجابية كبرية يبادر بقطعها قطاع الت�سويق العاملي يف موؤ�س�سة البرول الكويتية ،الذي جنح موؤخرا بتوقيع اكرب عقد توريد نفط خام طويل االأمد بتاريخ املوؤ�س�سة مع عملق النفط ال�سيني� ،سركة النفط والكيماويات ال�سينية (�ساينوبك) ،حيث �ستعمل املوؤ�س�سة من خلل هذا العقد الذي مدته � 10سنوات، وت�سل قيمته االإجمالية اإىل 120مليار دوالر (ح�سب اأ�سعار النفط ال�سائدة حاليا) على تزويد اجلانب ال�سيني بت 300األف برميل نفط يوميا ،ما يعادل 15%تقريبا من اإنتاج الكويت اليومي. وقال الع�سو املنتدب لقطاع الت�سويق يف موؤ�س�سة البرول نا�سر امل�سف اإن هذا العقد يعترب اكرب عقد مبيعات بتاريخ الكويت ،وهو ا�سراتيجي ي�سمن بيع وت�سويق النفط الكويتي ل�سنوات طويلة وب�سورة م�ستقرة حتى يف االأزمات ،اأو يف اأي ظروف قد متر فيها املنطقة ،فاملوؤ�س�سة �ست�ستمر بالتزويد حتى يف حاالت الطوارئ. وقال انه مت اإبرام العقد مع اجلانب ال�سيني وفق �سروط جتارية بحته ت�سمن حقوق املوؤ�س�سة ،ووفق اأ�سعار النفط العاملية ال�سائدة ذات املردود اجليد .مبينا ان هذا العقد يعترب العقد الوحيد من نوعية العقود الطويلة
�سل" تدفع 100مليون دولر لتمديد عملها يف حقلني للبرول بال�سحراء الغربية
قال م�سئول يف هيئة البرول امل�سرية ،اإن م�سر ح�سلت على 100مليون دوالر من �سركة �سل العاملية ،منحة توقيع لتمديد العمل معها باتفاقيتي البحث عن الزيت والغاز يف حقلي "بدر ،"3و"�سرا" يف ال�سحراء الغربية ملدة اإ�سافية تبلغ 15عاما ،واأ�ساف امل�سئول ،اأن منحة التوقيع لكل حقل بلغت 50مليون دوالر ،واأن �سركة " �سل" الهولندية ،وافقت اأي�سا على رفع ح�سة الهيئة يف االنتاج النهائي املنتج مع �سخ ا�ستثمارات �سخمة لتطوير احلقلني. وقال يورون ريختني املدير التنفيذي ل�سركات �سل يف م�سر يف ت�سريحات ،اإن ال�سركة جنحت يف احل�سول على موافقة هيئة البرول امل�سرية على متديد عملها يف حقلي "بدر ،"3و"�سرا" ،الأنهما ميثلن قيمة عالية يف انتاج ال�سركة من الزيت يف مناطق عملها يف ال�سحراء الغربية .وتبلغ اإنتاجية منطقة امتياز "بدر "3نحو 3500برميل يوميا و حقل "�سرا" نحو 4200برميل يوميا .واأ�ساف املدير التنفيذي ل�سركات �سل يف م�سر ،اأن ال�سركة جنحت يف احلفاظ على هذه املناطق واال�ستمرار يف العمل بها من خلل �سركة "بدر الدين" التي لديها اخلربة االأكرب يف هذه املنطقة .وكان من املقرر ان ينتهى العمل مبنطقتي "بدر "3و"�سرا" خلل عامي 2014و2015
االأمتتد التي ت�سمح باإبرامه ال�سني ،لتكون بذلك موؤ�س�سة البرول الكويتية هي اأول �سركة نفطية تربم معها ال�سني اتفاقية توريد طويلة االأمد.
"اك�سون" �سريكة ب� 12م�سروع ًا للغاز الطبيعي امل�سال يف قطر
"اأرامكو" تخطط ل�ستثمار 40مليار دولر �سنويا يف العقد القادم ق تتال الرئي� تتس التنفي تتذي ل�سرك تتة اأرامكو ال�سعودي تتة خال تتد الفالح اإن اأك تترب �سركة منتجة للنفط يف العامل تخطط ال�ستثمار 40مليار دوالر �سنوي تتا على مدى االأعوام الع�س تترة القادمة للحفاظ عل تتى ا�ستقرار طاق تتة االإنت تتاج النفطي وم�ساعف تتة اإنتاج الغاز. وق تتال الفالح اأمام موؤمت تتر يف الرنويج اإن اأرامك تتو اململوكة للدول تتة تتوقع �سخ مزيد من االأموال يف م�سروعات احلقول البحرية وزيادة النفقات يف قطاع النفط لدعم اأ�سعاره. وق تتال الفال تتح "لتلبية النمو املتوقع يف الطلب وموازنة تراجع (االإنت تتاج العاملي) �ستحتاج �سناعتنا اإىل طاقة اإنتاجية اإ�سافية تقارب 40مليون برميل يوميا يف ال�سنوات الع�سرين القادمة". واأ�ساف "اجلزء االأكرب من ا�ستثماراتنا �سريكز على اأن�سطة املنبع وب�سكل متزايد يف احلقول البحرية به تتدف احلفاظ على طاقتن تتا االإنتاجية الق�سوى للنف تتط عند 12مليون برميل يومي تتا بينما ن�ساعف اأي�سا اإنتاجنا من الغاز". وتاب تتع اأنه ال ينبغي على منظمة البلدان امل�سدرة للب تترول (اأوبك) اأو وكالة الطاقة الدولية اأن حتاول ال�سيطرة على اأ�سعار النفط م�سريا اإىل اأن امل�سكلت االأ�سا�سية يف القطاع مثل ارتفاع التكاليف وزيادة التحديات الفنية وتراجع حجم االكت�سافات �ستدعم االأ�سعار. وقال الفالح "اأعتقد اأن هذا ن�ساط تقوده ال�سوق فل ينبغي الأوبك اأو وكالة الطاقة الدولية اأو امل�ستهلكني اأن يحاولوا ال�سيطرة على ال�سوق". وا�ساف "العامل الرئي�سي �سيكون للعر�س والطلب .اأوبك �ستتعامل مع ال�سعر ح�سبما ياأتي".
ق تتال بارت ك تتري ،الرئي� تتس واملدير الع تتام ل�سركة اأك�س تتون موبي تتل قط تتر ،يف حوار ملجل تتة ذا بيزن�س ي تتري :لقد قمنا بتطوي تتر قاعدة علق تتة �سلبة مع دولة قطر و�سركة قطر للب تترول خلل الع�سرين عام تتا املا�سية ..م�س تتريا اإىل اأن البداية كانت يف م�سروع مع «قطرغاز» ،كما اأكد اأن حجم امل�ساريع التي تنفذه تتا اك�سون موبيل و�سل تتت 12م�سروعا يف الغ تتاز الطبيعي امل�سال م تتن اأ�سل 14م�سروعا موجودا يف البلد. وب تتني اأن قط تتر اأ�سبحت امل�ست توؤول االأول عن اإ�سفاء العوملة على جتارة الغاز الطبيعي امل�سال ،واأ�سبحت ال�سراكة ب تتني قطر للبرول واأك�س تتون موبيل القناة لتمرير ذلك. واأ�س تتاف :بحلول � ،2040سن�سهد اأن الغاز الطبيعي ي�سع تتد م تتن املرتب تتة الثالث تتة اإىل املرتب تتة الثاني تتة كم�س تتدر م تتن م�س تتادر الطاق تتة ،مزيح تتا الفح تتم احلج تتري ،م�سريا اإىل ه تتذا املنتج ميك تتن اأن يلعب دورا مهما يف امل�ساعدة يف حل حتديات الطاقة.
- September 2014
Petroleum Today
اأول اإنت������اج للغ������از من م�سن�����ع حق����ل د�س�����وق بالدلت���ا اأعل تتن حم تتدى عبدالعزيز املتحدث الر�سمى لوزارة البرول عن بدء اأول اإنت تتاج من الغاز الطبيعى من م�سنع معاجلة الغ تتازات بحق تتل د�سوق مبنطقة الدلتا الربية بعد االأنتهاء من تنفي تتذه وبعد ربط 5اآبار جديدة فى م�سروع تنمية حقل غ تتازات د�س تتوق والتى رفعت اإنتاج احلقل من 60مليون قدم مكع تتب غاز و 70برميل متكثفات يومي ًا فى ابريل املا�سى اإىل 150مليون قدم مكعب غاز و 150برميل متكثفات يومي ًا خلل االأيام القليلة املا�سية لي�سل جمموع االآبار املنتجة م تتن حقل د�سوق باملرحل تتة االأوىل اإىل 9اآبار ،ويعد م�سروع حقل غازات د�سوق منوذجت ت ًا لل�سراكة املتميزة بني �سركتى ال�سوي� تتس للزي تتت (�سوكو ) و اآر دبليو اإى االأملانية ،و�سي�سهم اإنتاج احلقل الذى مت و�سعه على خريطة االإنتاج فى زيادة مع تتدالت اإنتاج الغاز وامل�ساهمة فى تغطية جانب م تتن احتياجات قطاع الكهرباء ،و يتم حالي ًا االإعداد لتنفيذ املرحلة اجلدي تتدة م تتن امل�سروع حي تتث �سيتم ربط 7اآبار اأخرى مب�سن تتع معاجلة الغازات وو�سعها عل تتى خريطة االإنتاج خلل الع تتام القادم لريتفع االإنت تتاج اإىل مايزيد على 200مليون قدم مكعب غاز يومي تتا ،وتبلغ ا�ستثمارات املرحلتني االأوىل واجلديدة من م�سروع تنمية حقل د�سوق حواىل 300مليون دوالر .
دعم اأن�سطة وا�ستثمارات ال�سركة العامة للبرول
عق تتد املهند� تتس �سري تتف اإ�سماعي تتل وزي تتر الب تترول والروة املعدنية اإجتماعت ت ًا �سم املهند�س طارق املل الرئي� تتس التنفيذى لهيئة الب تترول واملهند�س حممد عبد الفتاح رئي�س ال�سركة العامة للبرول وامل�سئولني التنفيذي تتني لبح تتث دع تتم اأن�سط تتة ال�سرك تتة العامة واإعطاءها دفعات لدورها خلل الفرة القادمة . وقد طلب وزير البرول اإعداد برنامج طموح يهدف اإىل زي تتادة احتياطيات اإنتاج ال�سركة العامة وزيادة موازنته تتا اال�ستثمارية خلل الع تتام القادم والعمل عل تتى تكثيف الربام تتج اال�ستك�سافي تتة والتنموية فى مناط تتق اإمتياز ال�سركة احلالي تتة ،واإ�سافة مناطق جدي تتدة لعمل ال�سركة حي تتث اأن اإنت تتاج ال�سركة هو اإنتاج خال�س مل�سر. وم تتن جانبه اأ�س تتار رئي�س ال�سرك تتة العامة للبرول اأن اإنت تتاج ال�سركة اليومى احلاىل يبلغ حواىل 4ر45 األ تتف برميل مكافئ (من الزي تتت اخلام واملتكثفات والغ تتاز الطبيع تتى) ،واأن هن تتاك منطق تتة جدي تتدة للبحث عن البرول والغاز �سمال �سرق رم�سان فى خليج ال�سوي�س ،واأن موازن تتة العام القادم �ست�سهد زي تتادة فى اال�ستثمارات والتو�سع فى اأن�سطة البحث واال�ستك�س تتاف وتنفي تتذ م�سروعات جدي تتدة بهدف م�ساهم تتة اإنت تتاج ال�سرك تتة العام تتة فى زي تتادة اإنتاج م�سر من البرول والغاز الطبيعى 4
- September 2014
م�سروع جديد لإنتاج الغاز الطبيعى ب�سركة ابوقري للبرول
بداأ قطاع البرول تنفيذ م�سروع جديد الإنتاج الغاز الطبيعى تابع ل�سركة برول اأبوقري يت�سمن اإن�ساء من�سة جديدة �سمال اأبوقري 3-بالبحر املتو�سط باإ�ستثمارات اإيطالية ل�سركة اأدي�سون تبلغ 220مليون دوالر . واأو�سح املهند�س عادل حجازى رئي�س �سركة برول اأبوقري اأنه جارى حالي ًا اإعداد العقد مع �سركة بروجت لتنفيذ امل�سروع الذى يتوقع اأن ي�سيف حواىل 150مليون قدم مكعب غاز يومي ًا و 2500برميل متكثفات ،م�سري ًا اإىل اأن من�سة االإنتاج اجلديدة ت�ستوعب 9اآبار مت حفر 3اآبار واختبارهم ،ومن املخطط بدء اإنتاج امل�سروع فى نهاية عام . 2016 واأ�ساف اأن اإنتاج ال�سركة احلاىل من حقول اأبوقري بالبحر املتو�سط يبلغ حواىل 242مليون قدم مكعب غاز يومي ًا و 4200برميل متكثفات و 276طن بوتاجاز ،واأكد اأن اخلطط اال�ستثمارية املو�سوعة من قبل �سركة اأدي�سون االإيطالية يتم تنفيذها وفق ًا للربنامج الزمنى واأن �سخ ا�ستثمارات لتنفيذ امل�سروع اجلديد يوؤكد ثقة ال�سركة االإيطالية فى اال�ستثمار فى قطاع البرول وفى االحتماالت البرولية اجليدة مب�سر .
م�سروعات تو�سعية لزيادة اإنتاج ال�سركة العاملية ملهمات احلفر
تخط تتط ال�سرك تتة العاملي تتة لت�سني تتع مهم تتات احلف تتر الإقام تتة ع تتدة م�سروع تتات تو�سعية لزي تتادة اإنتاجها من موا�س تتري احلف تتر وموا�س تتري تبطني اآب تتار البرول تدعيم ًا الإ�سراتيجي تتة وزارة البرول لتعظي تتم الت�سني تتع املحل تتى للمهمات واملعدات البرولية. وا�ستم تتع املهند� تتس �سري تتف اإ�سماعي تتل وزي تتر الب تترول وال تتروة املعدني تتة خ تتلل زيارت تته التفقدية مل�سن تتع ال�سركة بالعني ال�سخنة اإىل �سرح تف�سيلى من املهند�س حمم تتد اأبو العل رئي�س ال�سركة حي تتث اأو�سح اأنها جترى مفاو�سات حالي ًا مع ال�سركة امل�سرية ال�سينية لتنفيذ م�سروعاتها التو�سعية ،م�سري ًا اأنه يتم حالي ًا اإن�ساء املرحلة الثانية للم�سنع با�ستثمارات 32مليون دوالر و بطاقة اإنتاجية 80األف طن �سنوي ًا موا�سري معاجلة ت�ساف اإىل الطاقة االإنتاجية احلالية ،مو�سح ًا اأنه من املخطط االإنتهاء من تنفيذها والبدء فى ت�سغيلها فى اأغ�سط�س من العام القادم . واأ�س تتار اإىل اأن امل�سن تتع جن تتح هذا الع تتام فى حتقيق زيادة فى حج تتم االإنتاج واملبيعات تتواكب م تتع زيادة تكثيف اأن�سطة البحث عن البرول والغاز واإنتاجهما ،الفت ًا اإىل اأن امل�سنع فاز باأوامر توريد فى بع�س املناق�سات الكربى بلغ تتت قيمته تتا اأكر من 48ملي تتون دوالر واأن اإجماىل تعاقدات امل�سنع منذ بداية عمله ع تتام 2011وحتى االآن بلغ حواىل 145مليون دوالر .
Petroleum Today
إنتاج الغاز من م�سروع "ديكا" فى م�سر ا بدء
مليار جنيه 53.6 : التخطيط امل�ستهدفة حجم ال�ستثمارات البرول يف قطاع
التخطيط واملتابعة � تس تحتتت وزارة أو ا واالإ�سلح االإداري اأن حجم اال�ستثمارات عام خلل البرول امل�ستهدفة يف قطاع مليار 53.6 يبلغ نحو2015-2014 اال�ستثمارى جنيه م�سرية اىل ان القطاع على حوايل اخلا�س والتعاوين ي�ستحوذ % 92 مليار جنيه منها مبا ن�سبته49.3 حجم . اال�ستثمارات من فتتى خطة التنمية- وذك تترت الت تتوزراة -2014 االقت�سادية واالجتماعية لعام انتاج تدف اىل هت طتتة تتخلت أن اا - 2015 مليون طن من الزيت اخلام34.4 نحو " متلتيتتون جنيه1.4 واملتتتكتثتفتتات ون تحتتو 41.9 مليون بجانب انتاج نحو بوتاجاز % 1 ال�سنة غازات بزيادة ن�سبتها/ طن ف�سل عن2014-2013 عن املتوقع لعام " ال�سنة / طن مليون 36.2 حوايل انتاج والبروكيماوية املنتجات من البرولية وال�سركات العام القطاع من �سركات .اال�ستثمارية
،"6 "جنوب ديني�س من بئرمب�سر )إنتاج الغاز من م�سروع (ديكا عن بدء ا،)أعلنت �سركة (بى بى م�سر ا مليون منطقة فى ويركز م�سروع (ديكا) فى حقلى غاز ديني�س وكروان،قدم مكعب فى اليوم 50 مبعدل . و�سيقوم بالتوريد اإىل ال�سوق املحلى امل�سرى،اتفاقية التم�ساح فى �سرق دلتا النيل (بى بى �سمال اأفريقيا) ه�سام مكاوى "اإن م�سروع (ديكا) هو مثال اآخر وقال الرئي�س االإقليمى ل�سركة رئي�سى ونتطلع اإىل موا�سلة القيام بدور،امل�سرية طويلة االأمد م�سر وال�سراكةجتاه ) اللتزام �سركة (بى بى .فى تنمية قطاع الطاقة امل�سرى ،البحر اآبار حتت �سطح5 خلل تنميتها من وميثل م�سروع (ديكا) جمموعة من اكت�سافات الغاز اجلارى خطوط حتت �سطح البحر مع أنظمة اإنتاج ا وتركيب )التم�ساح �سى" (فى منطقة اتفاقية1 بئر "بيلو وي�سمل ""�سيث وت�ستخدم البنية التحتية احلالية من حقل،بحرية ومعاجلة الغاز فى م�سنع غاز اجلميل الربى التحتية .ملجمع غاز اجلميل ) وخطوط موا�سري ت�سدير غاز التم�ساح والبنية%50 (اململوكة لبى بى بن�سبة مليون قدم مكعب من الغاز عند اأق�سى طاقة اإنتاج بدءا230 ومن املتوقع اأن يقوم م�سروع (ديكا) بت�سليم " على6 "جنوب ديني�س ويقع بئر،" �سى1 من االآبار اخلم�سة مبا فيها "بيلو2015 من ال�سهور االأوىل لعام . مر حتت �سطح البحر100 على عمق،بور�سعيد كيلومرا تقريبا من �سمال65 م�سافة
�سحنة غاز من رو�سيا واجلزائر �سنو ًيا14 م�سر تتعاقد على ا�سترياد
�سحنة غاز م�سال من �سركتى جازبروم الرو�سية و�سوناطراك اجلزائرية14 تعاقدت م�سر على ا�سترياد "تعاقدنا على، وقال �سريف اإ�سماعيل وزير البرول الأ�سوات م�سرية.بداية من �سهر دي�سمرب املقبل ." �سنوات5 �سحنات من رو�سيا ومثلهم من اجلزائر �سنوي ًا وملدة7 ا�سترياد م�سري ًا اإىل اأن هناك،" "اإنها تختلف من �سحنة الأخرى، قائ ًل،إ�سماعيل" حجم ال�سحنات ومل يحدد "ا أ�سدر وكان جمل�س الوزراء قد ا.مفاو�سات ال�سترياد كميات اأخرى �سيتم االإعلن عنها بعد االتفاق عليها "اإنه من امل�ستهدف اأن يبداأ و�سول،االأعلى للطاقة نقل فيه قول وزير البرول خلل اجتماع املجل�س،بيان ًا ."إجراءات �سهر دي�سمرب املقبل واأن املرحلة احلالية يتم فيها اإنهاء اال �سحنات الغاز امل�سال امل�ستوردة خلل توليد طاقة وذلك على خلفية اأزمة ،الكهرباء وت�سعى م�سر ال�سترياد الغاز امل�سال لتوفري الوقود ملحطات ،�سنوات ،ولعدد كبري من ال�ساعات عن املنازل ت�سببت فى انقطاع متكرر منذ طاحنة تعي�سها البلد ٍ حدة االأزمتتة على خلفية حتويل احلكومة اأغلب الغاز املنتج اإىل حمطات توليد الكهرباء علىوتراجعت واأ�سار وزير البرول اإىل اأن الوزارة. خا�سة امل�سانع كثيفة ا�ستهلك الطاقة،ح�ساب االأن�سطة االأختترى إحدى العائمة الإعادة الغاز امل�سال اإىل طبيعته الغازية" مع ااملحطة أحرف االأوىل على عقد توريد "وقعت باال مع االتفاق ب�سكل نهائى اإال اأنه قال "اإن هذا التوقيع ال يعنى،املركب املتناف�ستني على توريد ال�سركتني ً أكد اأن اإال اأنه ا، ا ورف�س اإ�سماعيل االإف�ساح عن ا�سم ال�سركة التى �ستقوم بتوريد املحطة متام ،"ال�سركة ."ا�ستقبال �سحنات الغاز امل�سال "املركب �ستكون موجودة فى �سهر دي�سمرب لتبداأ
2014 Today Petroleum Today - September - June 2014 3 3Petroleum
ات��ف��اق��ي��ة ب��رول��ي��ة ج���دي���دة جل��ن��وب ال����وادى اأكتتد املهند�س �سريف اإ�سماعيل وزيتتر التبتترول والتتروة املعدنية اأن توقيع االتفاقيات البرولية اجلديدة يعك�س عدد ًا من النتائج االإيجابية منها
زيتتادة وتكثيف اأن�سطة البحث واال�ستك�ساف مما يعظم اإنتاج م�سر من ثروتها البرولية ، ج تتاء ذل تتك خ تتلل تتتوقتيتتع التتوزيتتر عتلتتى اتفاقية بتترولتيتتة جتتديتتدة بني �سركة جنوب التتوادى ال تقتتاب ت� تستتة ل تل تبتترول و�سركة فيجا بروليوم (االإجنت ت تلت ت تيتت تتزيتت تتة) مب ت تن ت تط ت تقت تتة � ت تست تترق ج تبتتل التتزيتتت بخليج ال�سوي�س. وت تق ت� تستتى االت تفتتاق تيتتة ب ت� تستتخ ا� تس تت تث تمتتارات حتتدهتتا االأدنتت تتى 5ر9 مليون دوالر ومنحة
توقيع مليون دوالر على مدار فرتى بحث كل منهما تقت�سر على � 3سنوات ومب�ساحة قدرها 69كم حلفر بئرين جديدين. واأ�تستتار الوزير اأن توقيع هتتذه االتفاقية ا�ستمرار ل�سيا�سة وزارة البرول فى االهتمام مبناطق جنوب الوادى وتكثيف اأن�سطة البحث واكت�ساف ثرواتها لزيادة ن�سبة م�ساهمتها كمنطقة برولية بكر فى اإجماىل اإنتاج م�سر من البرول. من جانبه اأو�سح اجليولوجى اأبوبكر اإبراهيم رئي�س �سركة جنوب التتوادى القاب�سة للبرول اأن عدد االأتفاقيات التى مت توقيعها فى اجلنوب للبحث عن البرول والغاز منذ ان�سائها بلغ 19اتفاقية �سارية با�ستثمارات 4ر 294مليون دوالر ،منها 7اتفاقيات برولية مت توقيعها منذ عام 2013با�ستثمارات حدها االأدنى 115مليون دوالر .
حتالف البنك الأهلي يفوز باإقرا�ض هيئة البرول 10مليارات جنيه فتتاز حتالف يقوده البنك االأهتتلتتي امل�سري برتيب قتتر�تتس ل�سالح �سركتني تابعتني للهيئة التتعتتامتتة لتتلتتبتترول يتتقتتدر بتتنتتحتتو 10
- September 2014
مليارات جنيه. كتتانتتت الهيئة التتعتتامتتة لتتلتتبتترول طلبت من التتبتتنتتوك املحلية قتتر�تتستتا جتتديتتدا بقيمة 4 متتتلتتتيتتتارات جتتنتتيتته، لتت�تتستتداد جتتتزء من مديونية ال�سركات االأجنبية التي ت�سل اإىل 6متتلتتيتتارات دوالر ،لكن البنوك عتتر�تتستتت اإمتتكتتانتتيتتة زيتتادة القر�س اإىل 10مليارات جنيه للإ�سراع يف عملية ال�سداد. ويتتتتتتقتتتتتتود التتتبتتتنتتتك
Petroleum Today
االأهتتلتتي امل�سري حتالفا ي�سم اأكتتر من 5 بنوك حملية ،من بني 3حتالفات للفوز بهذا القر�س. ويتت�تتستتم حتتتالتتف االأهتتتلتتتي كتتتل متتتن البنك التجاري التتدويل والبنك العربي االأفريقي التتتدويل وم�سر وقطر التتوطتتنتتي ،فيما قاد بنك القاهرة حتالفا وبنك ال�سركة العربية امل�سرفية التحالف الثالث. وتنق�سم ح�س�س بتتنتتوك حتتتالتتف االأهتتلتتي الفائز بالقر�س كالتايل 4 :مليارات جنيه للبنك االأهلي و 1.650مليار للبنك التجاري الدويل و 1.650مليار جنيه للبنك العربي االأفريقي الدويل و 1.350مليار جنيه لبنك م�سر و 1.350متتلتتيتتار جنيه لبنك قطر الوطني «�سو�سيتيه جرنال �سابقا».
International Drilling Material Manufacturing Co. S.A.E
Head Office & Plant: Suez, Sokhna Road, Kilo 41 - Industrial Area Phone: 062 3710206 Fax: 062 3710207
Cairo Office: 6/10 El-Sefarat District In Front of Free Zone, Nasr City, Cairo -Egypt Phone: +202 22758933 Fax: +202 22758934