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Puppy training in the round !

Here, dog trainer Lorna Winter talks about why the 360 degree or holistic approach to puppy training is the best way to bring up a well-behaved dog

By LORNA WINTER at ZigZag puppy training


For many first-time puppy owners it can be tricky mastering how and when to train your puppy. There’s so much contradictory information out there, which can make starting training feel overwhelming.

From the length of time needed to train a puppy to the different options people can take, there is a lot of pressure to go with one provider only. However, opting for one training provider at a time doesn’t give a holistic overview of what needs to be taught and can actually slow down your pup's development.

While taking your pup to a weekly training class is a great foot in the door in their development, layering training options can maximise your training to get the best results. This can be implemented by combining a number of different training providers such as; app training, in-person puppy classes, training outside in puppy parks and following training plans from blogs or articles from trusted dog behaviour experts. When exploring the best options for your pup, it is important that you make sure that it is reward based and tailored to the age and breed of your dog - every dog is different and there isn’t such a thing as a one size fits all training package! receptive to learning - which is why training at home from the get-go is the best approach.

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