Pet Valu Presents: Pet Love Notes
Really? Wh at isn’t to lo ve! From da today unco y one until nditional lo ve at its best there to list . Always en, for a sn uggle, to pla be the most y and to perfect little sister to our son! Meet Adell e. — April
lo ve ou r little Alli e e w at th ud m s a It is clea r ou r hous e a n d to er ht ug la ch u m :) She b ri ng s s in it hout he r or Box er w e lif e n gi a im t no ca n Ja yd a ou r lives...Woo f! —
This is Apollo and Sorcha... both are rescues. I’ve had Sorcha (the lighter one) for less than a year but clearly they’re best of buds now : ) If I leave for 10 minutes you swear I was gone for weeks with the welcome I get each and every time....that is one of the many reasons I love these guys. — Joanna
I have 4 rescue dogs...and I love them all. This pic was taken only a few days afte r Bean, my little Shitzu, was adopted from a loca l SPCA after being rescued from a pup py mill. He’s curled up with Izzy, my Pitbull / Box er mix (adopted from a local SPCA afte r found wandering on a highway in the middle of nowhere). I love this pic because ever y time I look at it I feel warm inside and appreciate all over again how kind and loving dog s can be.
a kitten in my d will forever be s that I could an e on ed rn tu e. She just nts, in way Bengal cat Bell also to my pare There Please meet my she warmed herself to me, but se, cuddle time. ur co of d an e, s tim peek her head eyes! Not only ha y is met with play time, food ls, play fetch, or al w da e th ch t going f Ea of e. ce in not imag ade a fuss abou erally boun m lit ’t t sn no ha es , ts do e es sh gu y one is not a day that es home. She responds well to y. Regardless how bad of a da com w her curiosit out to see who will never outgro d an t, and ye st ju t make us laugh to the ve to e ag an m ill w rents she of us have had, every day, my pa r he to e m ho g min be, just maybe, smile. I love co and I think may r, he of nd fo e are quit — Christine she likes us too.
No matter what I do, if I a m ma d, fru strated, ha ppy, sa d, exha u sted, excited - he is alwa ys there; by my side. He is my bestfriend, my dog. – Sa m
h e lo v e s ll e y b u ll d o g , a v y m is r b e co me B u s te te r ! H e h a s h g u a d y m e lo v e k is si n g r fam il y ! W u o f o rt a p su ch a b ig r, cu dd li n g e w it h B u s te m ti g in d n e sp t ra in in g a lk in g h im , w , im h h it w in e li fe o u ld n’t im a g C ! r e th e g h im to ! — M a r it a w it h o u t h im
I lo ve m y b unn t i m e s a t s c ie s. T h e y h a ve h e lp e d h t o a co m p le o o l, jo b s a n d h e lp e d m e t h ro u g h st re s s f u l m te t o lo o k a t t ly d if fe re nt life h e re in e g et a c c u st o m e d he m a nd th C e y f ill m y li a n a d a . It ’s m y jo y fe w it h lo ve. T a we s o m e! – h e y a re R a is a
This is Charlie. He was rescued from a shelter last year. Although he is a big lug, counter surfs as soon as we leave the house, we love him. He brought me to my volunteer job with New OrleansLab Rescue. Charlie has taught us that it is the simplest things in life that matter most. Thank you Charlie! — Debra
my daughter Emily. He is & r” zle az “D er eiv etr R en s My Gold t, which is how he earned hi ee m er ev u’d yo g do al loy g is the most lovin ky to meet & know him, he luc is o wh e on ery ev les zz orraine name, as he da my little 4 legged son. — L
This is Freya our Norwegian Elkhound. She is quiet, polite, and is a great sister to her feline siblin gs (Toki and Y eti). In the winte r she can often be found tunn eling and rolling in the snow, which she loves. We could not ask for a bette r dog to be part of our little fa mily. — Chels ey
These are my dachshunds, Euri & Finnegan . ♥ Euri (the wirehair) has been with me for over 11 years and is trul y the greatest dog I have ever known. Finnegan just came to live with us in November, but he is quickly taking his place in my hea rt too. I have systemic lupus and these two happily spend days with me in bed when I’m too sore to do anything else. They keep me smiling even when I’m down. I love my boys. ♥ — Becky
Hank will melt your he art. He’s the be st shadow a girl could have. — Terri
Jasmine is our snuggle bug , she is ama zing ly pat ient wit h her hum an sister and always has a smi le whe n we come home :-) she com pletes our fam ily – Caroline
for me. Thi s is Hit ch, I love him becaus e he love s me if I put It doe sn`t matte r wh at I weigh, wh at I wea r orall he ma ke- up on, as lon g as I love him back that`s needs to know. :) — Sa ma nth a
They are my lighthouse in stormy waters... my welcoming committee after a hard day at work, my friends for life. — Charlene
This is Mr. Boja ngle s! Whe n my husband had right by his side, only gett ing up whe n my husb cancer Mr. Boja ngle s stay ed phys ically and emotion ally for both my husbandand did. He was there time in his life. And he is alwa ys good for a snug and I, at that very diffcult gle or a chat:) — Me lissa
This is MaMa MewMew and her new babies one born Christmas Eve and one born Christmas. Their names are Nickeve and Jebus. I love all of them because no matter what they are always there for me. When having a bad day just relaxing in bed with all three of them puts me at ease. I don’t have children but the three of them are like my kids I spoil them and even bought christmas gifts for all of them. Without them I am nothing, with them I am whole! ♥♥ — Steeve
There is never a dull moment when you have dogs — Kayla
This is our dog, Ozzy, with my 3 youngest children - Miller, Bridget & Stella. We love Ozzy because he is such a fantastic member of our family. He is awesome and loving with the kids and has the best personality! — Christy
My chihuahua Ren and my cat who we call Pretty Boy, I love my pets because they’re just too adorable! They make my day every day. — Kaitlyn
ld ball of fur, He’s one crazy, silly, wi er. rk Pa r) ete (P y, ab rb u and give you This is my little fu ddle right on top of yo cu ’ll he e er wh ts m en ery to remove his botto rg but he also has his mom su ed ne ll wi d an te vere overbi ial to me. kisses. Parker has a se ue and even more spec iq un m hi e ak m s” aw cause I first adopted him be teeth, but I think his “fl en wh ” ck ba m hi ke me to “ta es, but there My vet originally told align like normal kitti n’t do th tee s hi & l al his bottom jaw is so sm ♥ — Jennie was love at first sight! was no way I could. It
Thi s is Rip ley, at fou rtee n months old I can say with out a dou bt that adoptin g her last Feb rua ry (2012) was one of the best thin gs I have eve r don e! Ha ving a bad day is impossible whe n you com e hom e to this goo fy girl. She ’s my the rapi st, my pers ona l trai ner, my com ic relie f, and my best frie nd. — Em ily
This is Ruger, a 2 ½ year old Mini-Rex Rabbit. I love my pet because he has such a big personality that everyone who meets him, says, “Wow, I didn’t know Rabbits are like that” He shakes his head NO if he doesn’t like something, he always up to giving you kisses not matter who you are. He loves to show off with all his toys or by running around and doing happy high kicks. There is no other Rabbit out there like my Ruger Bunny. — Robin
Roscoe was my ROCK, an Airedale Terrier who lived to 12.5 years. This pic was taken on April 5, 4 days before he passed over to the Rainbow Bridge with the help of our Vet. Roscoe was diagnosed with Glaucoma and Osteosarcoma on April 2/12,our Vet came to the house on Monday April 9, Easter Monday. My Beautiful Boy went downhill very quickly. I know his spirit is still around me, but my heart aches for my Boy, the LOVE of my LIFE... LuvURoscoe. — Janice
ddy, who is always Rusty, is my little bu sy day. He is the bu a of d en e th at g welcomin to e that there is more m n ow sh s ha ho w e on life than work. — John
This is me and my old gal Roxy! She just celebrated her 16th Christmas with our family. As a rescue dog she has been my constant companion and best friend in good times and bad. True unconditional love!! — Kim
Samson is gentle and loving. He is loyal and strong - he reminds me every day that I’m lucky to have him by my side. He brightens my day in an instant and all he asks in return is Love — Which we give him greatly! — Chantelle
He saved my life. — Karen
This is Storm and Isis, my dogs. The reason I love them is easy, they teach me daily ho w to be a more patient, caring person. They make me happy when I’m sad and always bring a smile to my face. — Rob
my be st This is Th eo, I love him be ca us e he is my als o fri en d. Not on ly my be st fri en d he is l me up to M edica l Alert Se rvice Dog able to tel to live me 15 mi nutes be fore a sei zu re, allowing service dog a no rm al life. But eve n if he wa sn ’t a spi rit is he ’s love of life an d adventu res an d his tte r a be conta gious, he ma ke s you wa nt to me y! le gu pe rso n, he is just on e great lovable litt — Ste ph an ie
This is my Newfie puppy Storm. She gives me unconditional love, even when I dress her funny! — Amanda