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Welcome from Head of School
Dear Nishimachi Community,
It is my great pleasure to be sharing with you this year’s Annual Report, documenting the 2019-2020 school year. I begin by thanking all community members for your continued support and commitment in helping to maintain Nishimachi International School as an institution that offers world-class educational opportunities for all students.
This year, unlike most in our seventy-year history, was especially challenging. As the global pandemic unfolded, our community came together and navigated a particularly demanding set of events that continues to this day. Pivoting on short notice this spring, we moved to a remote program that allowed us to continue delivering high-quality educational content and curriculum. The flexibility of all teachers, staff, students, and parents was unparalleled, and I thank everyone for your commitment to student learning and to our mission. It is through our belief in our mission -- that we develop learners and leaders, who know, care, and take action, to bring value to others, and to make a positive impact on the world -- that we grow as an institution. With your help, we are continuing to build on our institutional strengths while maintaining the safety and well-being of all students and staff.
It is in no small part because of your generosity that we are able to maintain the level of excellence that our students deserve. You have helped to equip us with technology, facilities, and outstanding staff who will continue to meet each challenge.
Our community is strong. As always, I look forward to continuing to build on our special traditions, in partnership with you.
My best,
Karen O’Neill ‘78
Head of School