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from Gloucester
The perfect gift for children this Christmas!
A series of children’s books based on a real horse called Dave, whose goofy, loveable personality inspired these funny, engaging stories for children ages 3 -7.
Why not add a Dave and Darcy book to your child’s Christmas Eve box?
Dave and Darcy crayons – a great accompaniment to the new Colouring and Activity Book!
CHRISTMAS SHIPPING: The recom mended last date for items to be posted in time for Christmas is Monday19th December. Any orders made b y 10a m on that Monday morning will be posted that da y, but if you can o rder ea rlie r to avoi d any disappoi nt ment if there are delays , that would be ideal .

Order onli ne at www.loiski ngscottautho r.co m /shop
Quick Crossword
1 Desert wanderer 7 Scandal 8 Cape 10 Logically 12 Bluffing 14 Unit of land 16 Grassed section 17 Canines 20 Unwillingness 23 Inuit canoe 24 Provoking 25 Group of musical notes
1 Rock face recesses 2 A great distance 3 New Zealand bird 4 Acute pain 5 Bolted (of gate) 6 Rewrite on keyboard 9 Buddhist fate 11 Careless pedestrian 13 Opposite of aye 15 Protruded, ... out 16 Tempting 18 Chopped wildly 19 Rough-skinned 21 Female relative 22 Apiece
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