4 minute read
Looking Good, Feeling Great
from Gloucester
with Will Mbanga Is gardening classed as exercise?
It’s amazing how much marketing can affect the truth. I remember when machine training was all the rage because it was ‘safer and more effective’. The problem with this ‘fact’ is that it was a lie, or at least a misconception promoted by manufacturers of fitness equipment and often backed up by industry-funded research. The Cooper Clinic in the US told us that aerobic exercise was going to revolutionise our lives and ‘boom’ – suddenly everyone and their aunt was a runner! The real beneficiaries of the aerobic training boom were doctors and physical therapists who made millions caring for all those who were injured. You see, knowledge is not power –but applied knowledge is! Plenty of people buy every diet book, read every wellness blog or buy the latest copies of fitness magazines the minute they hit the shelves… yet they never achieve their fitness goals. While successive fitness fads have made us more aware of various training methods, recovery and nutrition protocols, etc., they’ve also given us more injuries and more (often contradictory) information.
Exercise needs to be smart, safe and challenging
While some of these ideas were well-intentioned attempts at wellness promotion, and others flat-out lies packaged to make money, the reality is that exercise needs to be smart and safe. But it also needs to be challenging wherever possible. Very little in life is ever achieved without hard work. Wellness is no exception. Some professionals will say walking or gardening qualify as exercise. Of course, something is always better than nothing, but if you are physically able, why not aim a little higher? You should be exercising as hard as you are physically able – this will, of course, differ for each individual. The New England Journal of Medicine (Volume 346:852-854 March 14, 2002) published a study and
editorial titled ‘Survival of the Fittest’. The study said nothing about duration or frequency –it only mentioned performance intensity. The key variable that related to life expectancy was fitness, not total time or number of days per week. Those that were able to exercise the hardest lived the longest. The most common excuse as to why people struggle to exercise is their perceived lack of time to work out, plan healthy meals, etc. Let’s think about this in terms of our available time. If you dedicate 25 minutes a day, four days a week to a good training routine, that’s just 100 minutes each week. There are 1,440 minutes in each day. Multiply this by seven days and you have 10,080 minutes each week. 100 minutes of this total available time is approximately 1% of your time in a week. 1% of your week... When you think about it like that, isn't it a bit ridiculous when you hear someone, or yourself, say they “don't have time to exercise”? Think about that next time you go walking or work in the garden. If that is all you can do, fine. But if you can, why not push yourself with a structured workout? Your future self will thank you! The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 13

One of the most improved schools in the country
Gloucester Academy is one of the most improved schools in the country, and this year we have achieved the best results we have ever had. We are extremely proud of our students and are excited to see what else this year brings.
Here at GA our students work hard and conduct themselves according to our three values; ambition, excellence and pride. This enables them to climb their own personal mountain to the very best universities and professions.
As well as some fantastic academic results, our students have also been awarded for their character. This plays a huge part in our students’ development to becoming responsible citizens, so we were delighted to be awarded the Character Kitemark on the 6th October 2022.
Allowing students to grow, ourish and achieve
The kitemark is a very prestigious award and recognises schools that demonstrate a planned and reective approach to the cultivation of positive character qualities in their pupils, which allows them to grow, ourish and achieve.
We are one of only 27 secondary schools in the country to have been awarded this accolade and are extremely proud to showcase how our students demonstrate ambition, excellence and pride in all that they do here at GA and in the wider community.
We believe our staff have a role in developing our students holistically to ensure they are ready for the next step in their lives and to help them become well-rounded individuals. Character Education is seen all around the Academy including, but not limited to, displays, lessons, assemblies and ethos.
We have high expectations and ambitions for our students. We know we play a signicant part in shaping their future, so we strive to encourage positive feelings of self worth and, through Character Education, we are increasing their chances of success in life.
Book a ‘School in Action’ tour

We would love to invite you to visit the Academy to see for yourself the fantastic facilities our students enjoy. Every day is an open day at Gloucester Academy, so please book a ‘School in Action’ tour and come and see one of the most improved schools in the country!

Every day is an open day
Book your ‘School in Action’ tour today! Visit www.gloucesteracademy.co.uk Call us on 01452 428800 Or email info@gloucesteracademy.co.uk