Page 3 The Loc a l A NSWER Gloucester: 50,000 copies Cheltenham: 43,000 copies Cotswolds: 30,000 copies North Gloucestershire: 20,000 copies Stroud District: 40,000 copies Delicious Dish 5 Mirror Mirror on the Wall 7 Looking Good, Feeling Great 9 TLA Distributors Required 11 Leader’s Life 11 Medical Health 15 Parenting & Guardianship 17 Motoring 21 Money Matters 22 What’s On 23 Quick Crossword 24 TLA Charity Giveaway Winners 26-27 Homes & Gardens 28 In the Garden 33 Wildlife Matters 35 Sudoku 38 Interior Design 39 Holidays & Travel 43 TLA Sport 45 Word Search 48 Index, Competitions, Solutions 50 Inside this month ... Unit H, Churchill Industrial Estate, Churchill Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7EG Telephone 01242 @thelocalanswer toWelcomeSeptember This month’s edition is packed full of interesting articles, from questioning whether electric vehicles are the future in Toby Aiken’s Motoring feature, to learning about which species will soon be starting their winter migration in Dorothy Glen’s Wildlife Matters article. Our new writer Kirsty Lilley is raising awareness of migraines in her Medical Health article, while Roberta Smart considers how we talk to our young girls following the Lionesses’ recent win in the Euro finals. We announce the worthy winners of our £5,000 charity giveaway and you can find out more about the wonderful organisations the prize money will be helping. If you would like to advertise your business or event over the autumn or winter, get in touch by emailing or call 01242 510500. If you use the services of any of our advertisers, please tell them you found them in The Local Answer! Contacts Lois Barnes Rob Kingscott (01242 Kirby MANAGINGDISTRIBUTIONDIRECTORMARKETING & EDITORIAL Dave Kingscott ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: LEAFLET DISTRIBUTION ENQUIRIES: Amber Enright SALES

OPEN Mon-Sat 11am-11pm & Sun 11am-6pm• FOOD SERVED Mon-Thur 12-8pm, Fri-Sat 12-9pm & Sun 12-5pm The Fountain Inn, 53 Westgate Street Gloucester GL1 2NW • 01452 522562 • FRIENDLY D G SUNDAY SPECIAL 2 Courses for £14 Choose either Soup of the Day & Roast or Roast & Dessert Pork/Lamb/Beef/Nut Every Sunday 12-5pm Booking advisable STEAK SPECIAL 2 Steaks & 2 Drinks or Bottle of House Wine FOR ONLY £30! Fridays & Saturdays 5-9pm Booking advisable We have two function rooms available daytime and evenings for occasional meetings, parties or regular club/group gatherings. With capacity to cater for 6-60 people, The Orange Room or The Long Room are excellent venues for private get-togethers with family, friends or colleagues. From simple snacks and refreshments to 3-course dinners, we provide a bespoke, personal service with flexibility to match your needs. Please call or email for more information ... Private Function Rooms AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Le Pub &éé Full Menu served 7 days a week Mon-Sat 12-9pm ~ Sun 12-5pm Sunday roasts • Real Ales & Ciders *EXCLUDES SUNDAYS, SANDWICHES & LIGHT BITES. PRESENT THIS VOUCHER BEFORE ORDERING YOUR MEAL TO RECEIVE A 20% DISCOUNT ON FOOD. VALID UNTIL 30th SEPTEMBER 2022. ! WHEN IT’S TOO HOT TO COOK LET US DO IT FOR YOU! 31 Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 1TP EVERYALLOPENDAYDAY FOR FOOD! EXCEPTNIGHTSUNDAY 20% OFF FOOD! WITH THIS VOUCHER* VISIT CaféRené Page 4 The Local Answer

25g brown sugar
500g carrots
5 Add the stock cubes, water, lemon juice, chickpeas and brown sugar. Mix well then add enough water to cover everything. Bring to the boil.
Tip: If you are a fan of apricots and sultanas in your tagine, then add approx. 75g of dried apricots, roughly chopped and 50g sultanas at the same time as the chickpeas and stock. This tasty vegan dish is packed full of flavour. It’s a great recipe to batch cook and pop in the freezer for an easy dinner when you don’t fancy cooking. Serves
Small pack of fresh flat leaf parsley
1 swede (approximately 500g)
3 Add the spices and lemon zest and continue to saute for another five minutes.
Pre-heat your oven to 160°C (150°C fan/gas mark 3) then prepare your vegetables. Finely chop the garlic and fresh chilli, roughly chop the onions, peel and cube the swede, carrots and butternut squash.
500ml boiling water
Spicy8 vegetable tagine The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 5
2 tins chopped tomatoes
We about the environment
Fully-recyclable Dish with Helen Kingscott
As well as the paper, the inks and varnishes used in producing The Local Answer are biodegradable The process used by recycling companies to extract inks and coatings including UV varnishes from the paper render the paper suitable for pulping and recycling
1 tsp chilli powder)
2 tins chickpeas, drained 1 butternut squash (roughly 500g if you prefer buying prechopped frozen vegetables)
4-5 cloves fresh garlic
4 tsp ground turmeric
4 tsp ground coriander
600g onions
6 Remove from the heat and add 30-40g of freshly chopped parsley. Pop the lid on your casserole dish and cook in the oven for around one hour until the vegetables are soft.
7 Remove from the oven and add a bit more chopped parsley and salt and pepper.
8 Serve with rice or bread rolls.
1 red and 1 green chilli (or use
2 lemons, zest and juice
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Precision Colour Printing Ltd (our printer) are proud to be a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certificate holder, and The Local Answer is proud to have this publication printed on paper certified to FSC® standards which helps to protect the World’s forests.
4 Add the tinned tomatoes and vegetables and stir well.
2 vegetable stock cubes
2 Place a heatproof casserole dish onto a medium heat. Add oil then saute the garlic, chilli and onions for around eight minutes to soften.

Keep up to date on social media! @thelocalanswer Sally Chaplin MCFHP MAFHP 07511 251552 FAB FEET 07840 812 294 £5 OFF FIRST APPOINTMENT booked during September 2022 Ground Floor Clinic: 2a Hillview Road, Hucclecote, Gloucester GL3 3LD in Silver Scissors Gift Vouchers available Foot Health Practitioner HearingFree Tests • The Latest Digital Technology • Reassurance of a full refund within 60 days if not entirely satisfied • Appointments in the comfort of your own home if preferred • Repairs to all types of Hearing Aids • All Batteries at Great Prices • Exceptional Aftercare for the life of your aids Book your Free Hearing Test NOW OFFER EXPIRES 31st Dec 2022 £200 HEARINGOFFAIDS Existing Hearing Aid Users Welcome Andrew Bird Hearing Limited Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, Cassin Drive, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 7SU Call to Book your Free Hearing Test 01242 262551 Earwax Removal There seems to be an increasing demand for such a service within our company practice. At Andrew Bird Hearing we always endeavour to listen to the needs of our clients and improve the service that we offer to reflect this. We will be using the client preferred procedure for earwax removal of micro suction as opposed to syringing. Due to the cost of the training and equipment it is necessary for us to charge for this service. Initial Inspection £30 One ear Twoinspectionincluding£60earsincludinginspection£80 Do You SUFFER With Back Pain? Get back to the activities that you love and reduce injuries naturally from the comfort and convenience of your own home! The first 5 people to respond to this advertisement will get an amazing bonus! 07580 052231 • Page 6 The Local Answer

Some items might have ‘OE’ on their label, which translates to Outlet Exclusive. For example, Ugg, a brand well-known for its boots, produce an Essentials range
Coach is a US high-end store known for their lovely clothing, handbags and accessories.
for their outlets. The boots have the same upper style but a different sole with a larger tread than the Classics.
There is a sign on the counter in their Bicester store stating that the product assortment in all Coach outlet stores is a mix of past seasons’ products from their branded stores, and new season products made specifically for their outlet stores. Not many of us read these types of notes but at least they’ve put it outRalphthere!Lauren is another example of a high-end brand that sells ranges in their outlets that you might not find in their flagship Bond Street store. This information does not in any way mean there are not great deals to be found, but it perhaps might make us more aware as consumers of what exactly we are buying. I for one will still head to the outlets when I can and rejoice when I find a bargain, as I would not want them to go the way of the high street! Happy shopping.
TK Maxx
Many people, including myself, were surprised that all is not what it seems, so it’s useful to be aware of exactly what you are buying. A favourite for many fashion followers is TK Maxx, which features on most high streets and offers an enormous range of items, often at very tempting prices.
In a recent programme it was discovered that 60% of items in TK Maxx were legitimate ‘close out stock’ – meaning they got a deal on existing unsold stock from another brand – and the remaining 40% is made up of made-to-order contracts.
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Mirror Mirror on the Wall with Val Starr Outlet shopping
Most people are being very careful how they spend their hard-earned cash at the moment, with prices soaring and the cost of living rising. For those of us who enjoy spending our money on fashion, we often head to outlet stores to pick up a bargain. Even if it means a drive and parking fees, we feel that it is worth the effort to get our favourite highend or designer brand at a big discount. But is it?
Items labelled with a number 2 are ‘close out’ stock, meaning they are unsold stock from a designer that would have been sold at a much higher price elsewhere. Often designers manufacture too much stock and are left with a surplus, which could result in us getting a great Numberbargain.7items are known as ‘packaway’, which means they are original items that were packed for the previous year. Personally it does not bother me if an item is from last season – if I like it and it suits me, I’ll buy it. The takeaway here is that the best bargains to look for are items with codes 2 or 7. Outlet shops Here we find another surprise, especially in the high-end designer boutiques. It is often assumed that goods come from the brand’s main stores, but this is not always the case.
The key to look out for at TK Maxx is numbers on the right hand corner of the price tags –specifically, numbers 1, 2 and 7. These numbers are a sort of ‘secret code’ to the product. Number 1 represents a product that has been produced by a brand specifically for TK Maxx, so it may not be quite the same as they would manufacture for their own brand stores. Calvin Klein and DKNY are a couple of examples. This does not mean the product is in any way inferior, but in my opinion it was not quite what I had thought.

As we have seen, there are a number of different factors that go into developing and maintaining good health and wellness. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to severely restrict their lifestyle in order to see benefits – in reality, though, moderation and good habits will facilitate a strong foundation for living a healthy lifestyle. What positive lifestyle habits will you strive to maintain? What two changes can you make in your life for the next 30 days to improve your health and wellbeing? Start working consistently on those aspects today to strengthen your foundations, and you’ll soon see positive outcomes.
In order to do this, we must first understand what wellbeing means to us as individuals. When considered holistically, it covers not just the absence of physical and mental illness, but also encompasses a sense of purpose and a state of equilibrium in our lives. Setting realistic goals I often talk about the ‘wellness/performance lifestyle’ as the Holy Grail – whether you are a mere mortal trying to stay healthy, or a performanceoriented athlete looking to smash PBs. This entails strong self-awareness, which allows us to set realistic goals and be honest with ourselves about our shortcomings, and seek the appropriate help we might need along the way. Thereafter, it is being committed to repeating a series of positive actions and behaviours (habits) which over time allow you to become the best version of yourself. And when you’re the best version of yourself, your whole circle of influence benefits. Moderation and good habits
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Looking Good, Feeling Great
How strong are your foundations?
When working with corporates on developing a wellbeing culture, I’m always amazed at how many people in those environments haven’t ‘joined the dots’ between how their organisational vision and values (foundations) are best expressed as outcomes when aligned to specific positive actions, behaviours and habits. We all want to be healthy and it seems like every day we’re inundated with new diets, wonder supplements, fitness fads, the latest gym chain on the market. But in our search for the holy grail – optimal health – is there really a single answer as to how we maximise our health and wellness outcomes? Sleep is one of the most important processes the body undergoes For example, we all know that nutrition and hydration are important for health and fitness – but what specific factors matter when it comes to getting this aspect right? We also know that one of the most important processes the body undergoes to maintain optimal immune function, recover and repair itself is Alignedsleep.tothis is the importance of regular age-, goal- and ability-appropriate exercise for both physical and mental health. The importance of mental health has become much more prominent in the mainstream media (rightly so) but continues to be an area in which we struggle to find balance, due to continued societal prejudice. These four key factors –nutrition, hydration, sleep and with Will Mbanga mental health – play a crucial role in your health and fitness journey and should be seen as essential foundations to master for everyone looking to optimise their wellbeing.

A fortnight of events
DistributorsRequired Each round is made up of 150-400 copies per month. The rate of pay is 6 pence/copy. Depending on property types, our current team of people average between 100-150 copies/hour (equivalent to £6-£9/hour). Magazines are delivered to Distributors’ homes towards the end of each month and we expect deliveries to be completed within four days between the hours of 7am and 9pm. You must be 13+ years old, flexible, reliable and sufficiently physically fit to perform the duties. SEPTEMBER 2022 The ANSWERLocal GLOUCESTERSHIRE’SBIGGESTLOCALMAGAZINE PLEASE SUPPORT LOCAL GLOUCESTERSHIRE BUSINESSES GLOUCESTER To join our waiting list for various areas Gloucesteracross Please visit Please do not call the office our staff are very busy, so may not always be available to take your call. 189 Painswick Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL4 4QQ info@saintbridge house co uk www saintbridge house co uk SAINTBRIDGE HOUSE NURSING & RESIDENTIAL HOME 01452 300307 Offering single en suite bedrooms for up to 36 residents ● Tastefully decorated and homely ● Lovely patio and landscaped lawn area for residents to enjoy in the warmer weather ● Dedicated, caring and hardworking staff ● Exceptional hygiene standards ● Weekly unisex hairdresser. Chiropodist, dentist, physiotherapist and optician visits arranged ● Activities Co ordinator with an ongoing programme of events to keep residents occupied and maintain both physical and mental well being. Leader’s Life with Councillor Richard Cook
Approaching the later days in summer, there are a number of events in the city centre and surrounds.LateAugust sees the return of Gloucester Goes Retro, with the Gate Streets filled with vintage and classic cars and other vehicles, often extending into the Docks and possibly into the newly refurbished Kings Square. This year there will also be classic boats in the Docks. Many visitors wear period dress, and there are many entertainers during the day. This is one of the most popular events of the year, bringing tens of thousands of visitors into the city centre.
City events The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 11
After the restoration of the monarchy, Charles II ordered that Barton should no longer be part of the city of Gloucester and the residents appointed a Mock Mayor to poke fun at the real Mayor of Gloucester. This tradition has been restored in recent years by the Town Crier –AlanTheMyatt.second procession in the afternoon at 2pm has an assortment of participants from many organisations and walks of life parading along the Gate Streets, again starting at Boots.
The following Saturday – 3rd September – is Gloucester Day, which celebrates the relief of the siege of the city from the Royalist Army during the Civil War in 1643. There are two processions on the day; the first at 11am from Boots celebrating the election or appointment of the Mock Mayor.
Gloucester Day commences the History Festival fortnight, during which Heritage Open Days offers an opportunity to visit many buildings free of charge throughout the city that are normally closed or require a fee to enter. Gloucester Civic Trust organises access to these sites in Gloucester and it is well worth going to their website to see the huge range of events the fortnight are a number of talks presented at Blackfriars by celebrity authors and historians. This year’s theme is Families and Innovations. You can find more information about these talks, including booking seats at the History Festival website – these events and participate in the celebration of both the City’s history and present. There is much to see, discover, do and enjoy.


There can be several different triggers to these events including hormonal changes, certain food or drinks, stress, tiredness or other environmental conditions. It can be helpful to keep a note of anything that is associated with the onset of migraines so you can build up a picture of what may be contributing. Managing stress levels and paying attention to diet will certainly be helpful lifestyle changes.
Migraine awareness week runs from 5th to 11th September 2022 and aims to highlight the debilitating neurological condition, which usually starts in early adulthood and affects one in five women and one in fifteen men in the UK. Migraine is the third most common disease globally with the prevalence rates at one in seven. Unfortunately, research has recently indicated that almost 23% of people who have been experiencing migraine attacks in the UK have waited over two years for treatment.
Medical Health with Kirsty Lilley variety of medications which can help. Over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can be effective in reducing symptoms, but be sure to follow the recommended guidelines for usage. If you are on any other medications, check with your local pharmacist for any contraindications. If these are proving ineffective or you are experiencing frequent or severe migraine symptoms (over five attacks a month by the NHS guidelines) it is recommended that you see your GP even if you are currently on medication, as it may be that you will benefit from preventive treatment. Migraines can severely impact on your quality of life and reduce or stop your ability to carry out daily activities.
When to get medical advice
There is also known to be a genetic component which might make it more likely you will experience migraine because of a specific trigger.
For further help and information visit or
There is no specific cure for migraines but there are a awareness
There is a need for more information and awareness. A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Many people also have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity to light or sound. They are known as a wholebodyThereevent.are several types of migraine, including migraine with an aura, which refers to specific warning signs that may indicate the onset of migraine including flashing lights in front of the eyes. Migraine without aura, the most common type, is where it starts without specific warning signs.Theexact cause of migraines is unknown, although they are thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemistry and blood vessels.
Several effective treatments are available to help prevent or treat symptoms so there is no need to suffer in silence. Ensure you are speaking to your GP for help and support.
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Prep chef Josh at The Cheltenhamrestaurant,Ivy
Recent learners have moved into paid positions at top Cheltenham schools and restaurants. Josh, who has autism and mental health challenges, was struggling to nd work before joining the programme. He wanted to get into the hospitality trade but needed support. Now he works at The Ivy restaurant in Cheltenham. Discover more about how National Star can help you improve your job chances at
Page 16 The Local Answer
Supporting you to get work ready
Wherever possible the college tries to nd an employer close to home for work placements and can offer travel training for students so that they gain condence in using public transport.
Unlike traditional courses, National Star’s work outcome programmes are highly practical and often delivered out in the community, with students being supported on work placements.
Students who enrol on the programme have a wide range of disabilities including autism, Down syndrome, social anxiety, acquired brain injury and cerebral palsy. What all learners have in common is a desire to gain paid employment or a long-term volunteering role so that they can support themselves and become more independent.
Most programmes offer vocational qualications and all offer the chance to brush up maths and English skills. The work skills courses vary in length from six months to three years and anyone aged 16 and over can apply.
National Star is helping people with disabilities secure paid employment thanks to specialist courses and expert job coaches experienced in working with people with learning and physical disabilities.Enrolments are open for courses starting this autumn and prospective students are being encouraged to nd out how the award-winning college can support them.

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The lionesses have shown us what young women can achieve with the right guidance, support and coaching, and now it is time to bring that home, in our own homes. Are you ready to raise a lioness? It may take a while to learn a new way to talk to our girls, but if we are determined, try our best and accept when we get it wrong we will begin to build a new world for women of the future, which enables them to lead, guide, compete and win, no matter what they choose to do. I for one would be proud to see my daughter stand tall, speak her mind and honour herself in any situation.
As parents and grandparents we can stop commenting on girls’ looks, what they are wearing or indeed their ‘nice manners’, and instead commend them for speaking up, saying no, and having a voice and an opinion of their own. We can offer them opportunities to be strong and powerful; to climb, run, shout, compete, win and lose. We can teach them to be caring and selfhonouring rather than passive and self-neglecting.We can refuse to ‘worry’ about appearances, with regard to weight, hair colour, facial features, and instead see our girls as adventurers and equip
The door is open, the time is now, are you ready to raise a lioness?
which asked only that girls be pretty and humble, helpful and supportive, caring and nurturing, and actively belittled them for being anything else? By noticing moments of courage, strength, determination and resilience and honouring them. Commend them for having a voice of their own
How are we talking to our girls?
As I sit down to write this article, England Women’s Football team have just won the Euro finals against Germany. Go Lionesses!
I am thinking of the message received by so many little girls across the world as they watch these incredible sportswomen achieve their dreams: ‘You can do it! You can win! You are amazing and anything is possible.’Instark contrast to the negativity of most major media coverage of women’s stories, we are seeing a new era of possibilities for our little girls going forward. “Be strong, brave, determined and focused!” No longer is the message, “be afraid, protect yourself, play small, keep everyone else happy, be beautiful in order to be worthy” We are now hearing the message, “be strong, brave, determined and focused!” So how do we bring this message home to our babies, toddlers and school age girls? How can we begin to change the narrative of the centuries
them to deal with all that life handsMostlythem.we can stop sexualising them through clothing choices and comments around being attractive to boys, refusing to condemn them to a life of unworthiness, people pleasing and self denial.
Parenting Guardianship with Roberta Smart

Call 0333 011 2580 for a FREE Consultation Your Local Later Life Independent Mortgage Specialists This is a Lifetime Mortgage which may reduce the value of your estate and may affect your entitlement to means tested benefits. To understand the features and risks ask for a personal illustration. On completion a fee between £395-£695 will be payable. • No income required • Retain Ownership • No negative equity guarantee • Lender will belong to the Equity Release Council • IHT Protection • No payments required Free up money locked in your home New GiftClearHomeSpecialcar?holiday?improvements?existingmortgage?nowtoChildren/Family * If you pre-orde red the Safa ri sto r y book th e Col o uri ng booko r the b u n d l e of 5 books , you will automaticall y b e ente red into th e draw Purchases m ust be made b y mi d night o n Friday30th Septe m b e r 2022 The ticket gi ves ad mission to the Pa rk fo r 2 a dults a n d 2 child ren a n d is va l i d for 6 months fro m the date of issue. WIN Safa ri tickets with Da ve a n dDarc y! Purchase Da ve and Darc y Go o n Safari , the Da ve a n d Darc y Colouri ng a n d Acti vit y Book o r the b u n dl e of 5 books i n Septe m b e r * to be entered into a draw to wi n a fa mil y ticket to West Mi d la n d Safa ri & Leisu re Pa rk! To e nte r, sho p o nli ne at www.loiski ngscotta utho Page 18 The Local Answer

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KINGSBARTON STREET, GLOUCESTER % 01452 526778 or 308006 www.julianrogersautoser 12,000 MILE/ANNUAL SERVICE with MOT is from inclusive of parts, labour and VAT 6,000/6 MONTHLY SERVICE with MOT is now from MOT TEST ONLY £35! WE MAKE SELLING YOUR USED CAR AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE Coombe Hill (near Tewkesbury), Tewkesbury Road, Gloucestershire GL19 4BD Approved Car Buying Centre 07836 777268 I’m Shaun Taylor, the “Approved Car Buyer” here to make selling your used car or van as simple and quick as possible. I come to you, so there’s no need to leave your home or place of work. Everything we do is free of charge: FREE Appraisal & valuation at your convenience FREE Collection of vehicle FREE Administration – no additional fees, 100% of the agreed price paid to you FREE Same day payment direct to your bank A SWIFT, SIMPLE AND HELPFUL SERVICE ... At the Approved Car Buying Centre we pride ourselves on a swift, simple and helpful service and are always at the end of the phone ready to help with any questions you may have or advice you need. Please think of us when selling your vehicle we would like to be “The Local Answer” for selling your vehicle in Gloucestershire.Webuyandcollect vehicles in every corner of the county, including the Cotswolds. If you prefer, you can also book an appointment to drop your car off at our Buying Centre at Coombe Hill. Outstanding nance settled Supporters of FOR THE QUICKEST RESPONSE CALL ME ON 07836 777268 or visit and fill out our contact or appointment form. We look forward to hearing from you soon! CARS & VANS WANTED ... £500-£10,000 Page 20 The Local Answer Are you recruiting? Save money by promoting your vacancies in The Local Answer Other recruitment avenues can be costly, but The Local Answer can help you reach up to 183,0 0 0 homes and businesses across Gloucestershire for less Promote your vacancies with a Full Page advertisement and reach 50,000 homes and businesses across Gloucester from only £680+VAT per month* For more det ails please email Book your recruitment advertising campaign now! *This rate is based on a 12 month booking The rate for a one off Full Page advertisement is £840+VAT Half Page rates range from £40 0+VAT per month to £475+VAT for a one off advertisement

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So how about home chargers?
that, there’s an additional issue: capacity.Imagine everyone coming home from work and plugging in their cars to their domestic supplies at 6pm. The mains running down the street simply can’t cope with that level of charge demand and it’ll reduce the amount of available power to everyone, so they’ll wake up to go to work the next day and find that their car isn’t as charged as they expected. More investment is needed Investment is coming, but even more is needed. Charging infrastructure is one thing –public charge points, chargers in lamp posts – whatever. But investment is also needed in domestic energy supplies to be able to cope with a massive increase in demand. The future may well be electric, but without serious and rapid investment, it might not be as bright or as fully charged as we would like.
And keep in mind that the average car on the UK roads is at least nine years old – depending on where you get your figures. And that’s average. Hybrids will still be popular well into 2040 By my reckoning, therefore, hybrids will still be popular well into 2040 and will probably still be a significant proportion of the vehicles on the roads by 2050. So petrol and diesel aren’t going anywhere for a while. Although according to the government, they are. The government has something called a Zero Emissions Mandate, which calls for 22% of new car sales to be zero emission – not hybrid, zero emission –by 2024. That’s just two years away! And the same mandate calls for 80% of new vehicles to be zero emission by 2030. That’s a huge step from where we are now, but the market is moving incredibly quickly. A decade ago, EVs had an average range of 74 miles. This year, a consumer looking for an EV has a choice of more than 140 vehicles, and with an average range of more than 260 miles.Range anxiety is therefore fading as more and more chargers appear on major routes.
Charge anxiety is replacing range anxiety And that is what is now replacing range anxiety: charge anxiety. Wondering if you will find a charger, if it is in full working order and if it is available. If someone has just plugged in, you’re looking at up to half an hour before you can take your turn, then another 20-30 minutes before you can be on your way again.
I believe that the future is (clearly) electric. But that doesn’t mean I think petrol and diesel will vanish in the next 10 years.Inreality, pure petrol and diesel cars will no longer be on sale by 2030 – but it’s another five years before all new cars and vans will have to be zero emission. That means there’s another 13 years from now that hybrids will be the predominant option alongside battery electric vehicles (BEVs).
Approximately 40% of UK households have off road parking. For the rest, they park on the street, and street charging isn’t ideal, needing a cable across a pavement, or similar option to charge off your home supply. But even allowing for
The future of motoring
Motoring with Toby Aiken
BP, for example, now has more than 8,000 Pulse charge points offering up to 150kW charging – that’s super-rapid.

Shipton Golf Course Nr Frogmill, Shipton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL54 4HT ☎Tel: 01242 890237 www shiptongolf co uk Hot food and snacks available all day PAY & PLAY – NO NEED TO BOOK! Open 7.30am ’til dusk weekdays & 7am ’til dusk weekends Available for corporate days, birthdays and special occasions Follow us on Twitter ‘Shiptongolf ’ shiptongolf@tiscali co uk Bacon roll and hot drink after your round Only £4 with this advertisement! Valid until 30/9/22 ✉ A 9 hole pay & play course in the heart of the Cotswolds E ve r yon e w el come ! Shipton Golf Course Money Matters with Roger Downes of Andorran
Interest rates
Page 22 The Local Answer
It’s difficult to have a conver sation about financial matter s at the moment without the subjects of inflation and interest rates being high on the agenda. The two are link ed, of course, with interest rates used by government in an attempt to control inflation With inflation rampant at a rate we haven’ t seen for a generation or more, it’s a certainty that we are going to see interest rates pushed up in an attempt to slow inflation. The argument, in a nutshell, is that people spend less when interest rates are higher and spending less will control the increase in inflation. It has a proven track record, so don’t expect there to be a u-turn any time soon To be fair, interest rates reached an unsustain ably low base of 0.1% at the start of the covid pandemic They were always due to rise at some point and there are many ‘experts ’ who think that we should have suffered much more rapid hikes than the gentle monthly increases that have seen the Bank of England base rate reach 1.75%. Base rate will peak between 3 and 5% It won’t stop there expect base rate to peak at somewhere between 3 and 5% by the end of this year and remain there for what will seem an age after that another twelve months at least and maybe more. These are levels that we haven’ t seen for approaching 20 years, meaning that the newest generation of businessmen and women have never had to run their companies with interest costs at this level Indi viduals with mortgages will no doubt have not considered whether their borrowings were affordable at these rates of interestDoubtless the banks won’t increase what they pay on savings as quickly as they do what they char ge on borrowings But that’s ‘par for the course’ in terms of their behaviour. There are challenging times ahead, but if it helps us to win the battle against inflation, it will have been worthwhile.

THE BIG BATSFORD HEDGEHOG HUNT Find the hedgehogs hidden around the Arboretum and mark their locations on the map provided to win a prize! £2.50 per child (payable on arrival), plus admission fee. Booking isn’t necessary (only admission tickets need to be pre-booked, excluding Batsford members). Children must be accompanied by an adult. Daily activity. Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 9AT.
to see and do – and buy. Traditional and always changing – that’s what they say about Moreton Show. Come for the day and prepare to be surprised at how much there is to see. Tickets from £10 in advance or £12.50 on the day. For more information, please visit
NOTHING John Heffernan and Katherine Parkinson lead the cast in Shakespeare’s romcom of sun, sea and mistaken identity. The legendary family-run Hotel Messina on the Italian Riviera has been visited by artists, celebrities and royalty. But when the owner’s daughter weds a dashing young soldier, not all guests are in the mood for love. Broadcast live from the National Theatre. Tickets £16.50 (conc £14.50, students £12.50). 7pm. The Bacon Theatre, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham GL51 6EP.
GLOUCESTER DAY Please join us for the Gloucester Day celebrations and parade. Gloucester Day commemorates the lifting of the siege of Gloucester in 1643 with a day full of frivolity, parades, music, street stalls, entertainment and a Mock Mayor making ceremony with our very own town crier Alan Myatt. From 11am. For more details, please
WITH FUN Thursdays 2.30pm to 4pm beginning 22nd September 2022. Speak, read, listen to French. Improve vocabulary in a relaxed atmosphere. Tutor with French background. Christchurch, Malvern Road, Cheltenham. Contact Annette on 01452 502752 or
VERY SANTANA A West Midlands, UK-based band presenting a live experience spanning the entire musical Santana legacy, including the early era songs from the Abraxas album such as Black Magic Woman, Oye Como Va, Samba Pati through the late 70s hits such as Europa, to the modern era multi Grammy Awarded songs such as Smooth and Maria-Maria. 8pm. £17.50. Sundial Theatre, Stroud Road, Cirencester, GL7
CHELTENHAM MIND BODY SPIRIT WELLBEING SHOW By Deer Spirit Events. 50+ fantastic exhibitors: 1-1 readings, holistic therapies, self-help, crystals, jewellery, arts and crafts, healthy living. Thirty talks and workshops, inside and out. Drumming workshop with Searchers drummer Scott Ottaway. Refreshments on site. Saturday 3rd September. 11-5pm. Pittville Pump Room, East Approach Drive, Cheltenham GL32 3JE. 4 OFFSEPTEMBERTHERAILS FESTIVAL
Live music on the outdoor platform. All kinds of impromptu entertainment for grown ups and children alike, as well as buskers and a Beer Tent. Craft stalls inside the Shed itself, and of course the Whistle Stop café will be doing take-away meals, hot and cold drinks and scrumptious pastries all day. Off the Rails is absolutely free. Just come on down to enjoy the fun! Plus, local and regional crafts on sale inside the main hall from 11am to 4pm. For more details, please visit 8 MUCHSEPTEMBERADOABOUT
This event will be held in the arena at Cotswold Riding for the Disabled based at Cheltenham Racecourse, Prestbury Park, Cheltenham GL50 4SH. Tack, equestrian wear, crafts and more. 6pm to 8pm. Free entry – come
and grab a bargain! 01242 584420. 3 MORETON-IN-MARSHSEPTEMBER SHOW Moreton Show is one of the biggest one-day agricultural shows in the UK. The 165-acre site in the beautiful north Cotswolds is packed with things The Local Answer Event Listings are compiled and presented in good faith with the kind support of many contributors. We recommend you use the contact details provided to check event information updates prior to planning your visit. What’s On Promote your 2022 events! Promote your 2022 events in the county’s most widely-distributed magazine and reach up to 400,000* potential visitors! Advertise in print and receive a FREE equivalent listing on our website! Event listing prices (per month) To promote your event, please email Prices are per edition area – Cheltenham, Gloucester, Cotswolds, Stroud District or North Gloucestershire. 40-word** listing: £30+VAT 65-word listing: £45+VAT 90-word listing: £55+VAT Include a 3cm deep image with any of these options for an extra £30+VAT *Figure based on 2.2 readers per magazine with a total monthly circulation across Gloucestershire of 183,000 magazines. **The name and date of the event are included in the word limit (you can also include a description, timings, ticket prices, contact details, website address, etc.). The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 23
Come and join us on Saturday 3rd September as we celebrate the Mock Mayor meeting the real Mayor of Gloucester. This was originally a tongue-in-cheek message of defiance to Charles II who reduced the city boundaries because his father, Charles I, failed to take Gloucester during 1643.Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will also be attending the event. Lots of entertainment
There will be stalls along the four gate streets with local charitable, auxiliary, political and faith groups raising awareness and much-needed funds to carry on contributing to life in our great city. Please support them and, perhaps, find out how you can play your part in shaping the future of Gloucester.Therewill be entertainment during the day, including the two annual parades through the four gate streets, which are a great spectacle for visitors. First up at 11am is The Mayor of Barton’s Parade then later, at 2pm, The Gloucester Day Parade takes place, headed by the Civic Party, Community Groups and Veterans.
Quick Crossword © Lovatts Puzzles Don’t look until you’ve finished! Solutions on ‘Index of Advertisers’ page. ACROSS 1 True 4 Pituitary or adrenal 7 Stowing space 8 Accurate 9 Me, ... & I 12 Surprised, taken 15 Cadets 17 narcoticProhibited 18 Breakfasts or dinners 21 conditionsClimatic 22 Intended 23 Clung (to) DOWN 1 Most important 2 Captioned 3 Slope 4 Mirth 5 News & current ... 6 Grime 10 Welded 11 Swamp 13 Average 14 Card game 16 Light wind 18 Incapacitate 19 Squash (insect) 20 Festival Promote your business in CalllargestGloucestershire’smagazine! 01242 510500 or email
Gloucester Day 2022 Page 24 The Local Answer
For the past 378 years, the good people of Gloucester have been commemorating and celebrating the lifting of the Siege of Gloucester of 1643, one of the most memorable and celebrated stances to have taken place during the English Civil War.
The Cathedral City and Port of Gloucester shone out like a flaming beacon of hope to all those who valued Parliamentary Democracy and was adamant in its defiance of despotism. Because of Gloucester’s heroic action have a constitutional Monarchy and democratic Parliamentary system that is the envy of the world.

Held in 30 acres of beautiful Frampton Court Estate parkland, this is one of the last truly traditional Country Fairs. Join us in celebrating all that is great about the countryside and the people who work and live in it. With over 400 trade stands, three display rings and a traditional fun fair there is so much to see and do. 9am-6pm. Buy tickets online at Age 13+ £11.50, age 5-12 £3. Frampton on Severn, Junction 13 off M5, GL2 7EP. 01452 CIRENCESTER VEGAN FAIR
Visit the award-winning college for young adults with disabilities at Ullenwood and discover more about its work and current plans for expansion as part of its Building a Brighter Future Appeal. Wednesday 21st September, 10am or 2.30pm. Booking essential MALVERNSEPTEMBERAUTUMN SHOW Specialist nurseries from all over the UK will be heading to Malvern Autumn Show, with impressive displays and hands-on advice, offering inspiration for seasoned growers and newbies alike. There is plenty more including great food, cookery demonstrations and shopping arcades, plus a selection of artisan craft for you to browse and buy. 9am-6pm each day. For more information please 24 CREATESEPTEMBERCHELTENHAM – HOLY APOSTLES MARKETS & WORKSHOPS
SHERLOCK’SSEPTEMBEREXCELLENT ADVENTURE Follow Sherlock Holmes and his incomparable sidekick Dr John Watson on this riveting, until now unpublished, case... Damsel in distress, Lucy Matravers engages Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous sleuth, Holmes and his partner Watson to resolve a dispute over a family will. Little do they know that this small case brings Holmes straight into the clutches of his archenemy, James Moriarty! 7.30pm. Tickets £12. The Cotswold Playhouse, Parliament Street, Stroud, GL5
We are open from 1-4pm with a fabulous market showcasing a variety of skilled crafters, artists, bakers, food producers and more! This year we will also be running workshops alongside the market – watch this space for more information! and parking is a shopping bag. For more details, please visit SUMMER WEEKEND annual summer fundraising event will take place on the 1st and 2nd October at the beautiful Fromebridge Mill Pub, GL2 7PD We will have a dog show with lots of classes, demos and talks to watch, a large craft market, entertainment and much more! For more information about the event and tickets, please
14 WILDLIFEOCTOBERPHOTOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS Learn how to take the perfect wildlife picture and begin to understand some of the basics of photography composition and techniques. £63 per person. 10am to 3pm. For more information and to book online, please visit Indulge in Christmas at the Wye Valley Centre Ideal for Clubs, Groups & Societies throughout the year ~ ‘Tour & Explore’ with Buffet Lunch & Discount Shopping ~ 2023 Group Packages Out Now ~ Call for a brochure Tintern, Monmouthshire NP16 6SE @abbeymilltintern 01291 689228 Tuuxç `|ÄÄ Christmas Shopping A wonderful range of gifts to suit all in our 5 unique shops! Festive Lunches Book for family, friends and colleagues 2 courses + coffee & mince pie £19.95pp or Table of 4 only £70! Festive Afternoon Tea £15/person or 2 for £25! on presentation of this voucher until 23rd December 2022. BOOKINGS ONLY at least two days’ notice required Add a bottle of Prosecco for just £6.50 (20cl) or £16.95 (75cl) The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 25
A day jam-packed with all things plantbased and cruelty-free. A wide range of vegan stalls including delicious vegan street food, baked goods and sweet treats, ethical clothing brands, cruelty free cosmetics, arts and crafts, charities and outreach, as well as free samples from our info tent. Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians, pescatarians, omnivores and just the v-curious – all welcome! 10am-3pm. Market Place, Cirencester GL7 2NW. For more details, please visit 17 ANSEPTEMBERINTRODUCTION TO BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATION
Produce a beautiful botanical painting with artist Debbie Devauden. This botanical painting workshop is aimed at students of all levels. Debbie’s fun and relaxed approach inspires students to produce intricate botanical paintings. £60 per person. 10am to 4pm. Book 21 NATIONALSEPTEMBERSTAR SUPPORTER TOUR
FESTIVAL OF STARS Free festival for everyone! Pavilion Sports Field, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham GL51 6PN. Saturday 10th September, 2pm-10pm. Bands, performing arts for children, iSingPOP, vocal groups, art and sports activities, open mic, dog show and more. Lineup:
free! Please bring

please support local charities & £5,000 Your wor thy winners!
Find out more at
We had nearly 5,000 nominations in total for the five £1,000 prizes, with more than 360 organisations put forward. There could only be five winners, but it’s heartwarming to know so many local organisations have the support of Gloucestershire residents.
Thank you to everyone who entered our TLA Charity Giveaway. We were blown away by the volume of entries and the obvious support for Gloucestershire’s charities and not-for-profit organisations.
Find out more by searching ‘Animals Lost & Found in Gloucestershire’ on Facebook
Nominated by Jeannie Bowers ALFIG is the largest and most active Facebook group for reuniting pets in Gloucestershire. Since inception we have grown to cover all animals, birds and reptiles, and we work with experts and veterinary staff, as well as 15+ volunteers/admin. Since the Pandemic we have rehomed over 100 cats, and we work with Crickmore Vets and local fosterers to help many cats in need find their forever homes.
The Local ANSWER
Nominated by Bex Greenwood Cirencester Opportunity Group specialises in working holistically with children and parents, providing inclusive early years education and support for families. Next year marks the 50th birthday of the charity, and they feel extremely proud to still be able to continue to make a positive difference to the lives of so many local children and their families.

Nominated by Sally House
The vision for Gloucester Feed The Hungry is to help put a smile on the faces of people who need it most. To never look down on anyone struggling, but to always be there to lend a helping hand to help them up and have hope for a better tomorrow.
Find out more at
The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home works across Gloucestershire to support over 1,000 animals each year. They find new families for abandoned, neglected and abused animals who need a new home, and provide access to veterinary treatment for low income pet owners through subsidised veterinary clinics, ensuring no animal suffers because of cost.
Find out more at DOGS & CATS HOME
Nominated by Nicki Hurst Scrubditch Care Farm is a small charity near Cirencester providing therapeutic farm-based activities for adults and young people with learning disabilities and mental health issues, as well as people living with dementia. Attendees help to care for our many animals, grow fruit and vegetables, cook and spend time working in our woodland. Time at the farm can help to increase confidence, build independence and promote good health and wellbeing.
& not-for-profit GIVEAWAY!organisations
Find out more by searching ‘Gloucester Feed the Hungry’ on Facebook THE HUNGRY

Customers are entitled to a 14 day cooling off period For a FREE QUOTATION please call: 07786 058696 / 01452 348487 (Please dial area code) or email 47 Worcester Street, Gloucester GL1 3AW UP TO 30%OFF any orders in September 2022 T&CS APPLY • New roofs • Roof repairs • Flat roofs • EPDM rubber roof systems • Rotten timbers replaced • GRP & Felt • Chimneys • Felt & battening • Repointing • Rebedding • Lead work • External painting ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED • FULLY INSURED FREE SCAFFOLDING! Roofs demossed • Fungaseal treatments Guttering cleaned & cleared from £30 • FASCIAS • SOFFITS • APEXES • BOARDSBARGE • BOARDSCLADDING • GUTTERING & DOWNPIPES LANDSCAPING£799 forsinglecardriveT&Csapply Block Paving • Tarmac • Gravel Drainage • Kerbs • Steps • Paths Turfing • Fencing & Decking Guaranteed to beat any genuine quote & PAVING FREE quotations 01242 801706 01452 341699£799 forsinglecardrive PATIOSDRIVEWAYS NEW Resin Bound Driveways C G YEAR GUARANTEE WITH ALL WORKS FULLY INSURED 10% OFF ALL BOOKEDWORKINSEPTEMBER2022 07843 277723 ~ 01242 255043 Covering Gloucestershire B.E.RUDMANDRIVEWAYS&GARDENS Free quotations ~ Free samples ~ Free brochures Drop Kerb Approved • Driveways • Patios • Resin • Fencing/Walls • Landscaping • Tarmac • Block Paving • Artificial Grass CALL TO ARRANGE A FREE ESTIMATE Page 28 The Local Answer Homes & Gardens

EPS Support Trays • Dry Verge System • Dry Ridge New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Ridge Tiles Re-bedded UPVC Fascias, Soffits & Guttering • Bird Stoppers Valleys • Leaky Roofs Repaired • Chimney Repairs Lead Work • All Re-pointing Work • New Porches Moss Removal & Treatment ALL OF OUR DRY RANGE IS FIT & FORGET Call Dave on 07900 015764 &CheltenhamGloucester ROOFING FULLY INSURED • REGISTERED WASTE CARRIER ALL WORK COMES WITH CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEE FREE QUOTES & 14 DAY COOLING-OFF PERIOD ELITE LOFT L ADDERS 01452 412119 0 7 9 7 2 7 7 7 8 7 6 Safe and easy access LOF T LADDERS SUPPLIED & INSTALLED LOF T HATCHES ENLARGED NICHE EXTERIORS C O N S T R U C T I O N 07305 066424 / 07305 088414 ALL EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE REPOINTING • CHIMNEYS RENDER & ROOF REPAIRS FASCIA & SOFFIT GARDEN WALLS EXTERNAL PAINTING JHD ROOFING & BUILDING • Roofing Repairs & Full Replacement • Slate & Tiled Roofs • Lead Work • Skylights • UPVC Fascias & Soffits • Gutter Replacement & Cleaning • Roof Cleaning • Chimney RemovalsRepairs,&Rebuild • Dry Verge Caps • Dry Ridge Capping • Fully Insured • All Work Guaranteed • Professional & Reliable • Free Quotes all ranges of flat roof systems, UPVC fascias, soffits & guttering or email: 01452 347643 07879 370178(Please dial area code) JHD ROOFING & BUILDING UP TO 30% of f For a FREE ESTIMATE please call: Many local references available upon request Fully Insured ~ All work guaranteed We’ll beat any ‘like for like’ quotation! The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 29 major debit and credit cards accepted. Rectory Fields, Rudford, Gloucestershire GL2 8DT Company registration: 11415390 Tel: 01452 668005 / 01453 297010 / 01285 238089 / 01432 800559 / 01594 801075 All our work is Guaranteed for 5 years! Guaranteed to beat any genuine quote Before After Resin Driveways, Patios & Paths Low Maintenance • Choice of Colours • Durable & Long Lasting • Weed Free • Porous for Drainage • Reduces Puddles • Firm, Surfaceattractive • Can be applied over Existing Surface • Cost Effective ALSO Paving & Tarmac Specialists& Sons Ltd Block Paving • Tarmac • Landscaping Fencing • Patios • Driveways Garden Walls Page 30 The Local Answer

Digital Aerial Installations Upgrades and Repairs 10% off with this advert Mark Hawkes Tel: 01452 311511 1st Choice Aerial & Satellites ofinspecialisingallaspectsroofing The Roof ing Company Fully insured experts with over 15 years’ experience visit our website: FOR A FREE QUOTATION AND EXPERT ADVICE CALL 01452 452147 Southgate House, Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 1UB 07830 844932 W aste clearance and recycling • House/flat clearance • Garage/shed clearance • Garden waste • Builders waste • Jet washing • Lawn mowing Home WImprovements B 01452 348760 • 07407 431751 All aspects of roofing new installations, repairs, cleaning, chimney repointing, ridge tiles, gutters, fascias, soffits and flat roof work Re pointing and general brick work and garden wall replacement and repairs NO JOB TOO SMALL for a free ‘no obligation’ estimate please contact William FAMILY RUN BUSINESS ~ 40 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE PLEASE DIAL AREA CODE wbhomeimprovements427@gmail com Conway House, 31 Worcester Street, Gloucester GL1 3AJ The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 31 STEVEN Stevens Recycling Ham Villa Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL52 6NB 01242 522647/529397 Domestic and Industrial Skips ATTENTION! Let us lighten your load! VANLITTLEWHITEMAN BIG00790397465VANS AVAILABLE Great reviews on Discounts for OAPs, students, NHS, emergency services Gloucestershire’s friendly, cost-effective removals, collections, deliveries and house clearance service! Woodlands Landscapes For a FREE no obligation quote call: 01452 899771 or 07919 837765 PATIOS•FENCING•TURFING PRUNING•TOPPING•FELLING HEDGE CUTTING GARDEN CLEARANCES All types of gardening work under t aken A family -run business we won’t be beaten on price! Driveways • Patios • Turf Shed Bases • Gates ~ 40 years’ experience ~ 01452 722548 07841 753082 ggrantfencing@outlook com G GRANT FENCING & L ANDSCAPING Domestic & Commercial Fencing Domestic & Commercial Fencing • Tree Work • Garden Design • Garden Maintenance • Turfing • Lawn Cutting • Hedge Trimming • Pond Work • Patios • Decking • Pergolas • Fencing • Sheds • Driveways Diploma in Horticulture ~ Established 1993 Free Quotes ~ Competitive Rates 01242 713800 / 07778 340485 ’ 20% off with this advert during September • Take down, reductions, crown lifting & thinning, bracing • Stump grinding • Tree and hedge planting • Hedge laying, trimming and reductions • Site clearance & excavations Rob Cockburn Tree & Hedge ServicesFIREWOOD£60ALOAD m: 07787 578845 t: 01452 700388 e: ALL TREE WORK OPERATIONS UNDERTAKEN Fully NPTC Qualified and Insured Page 32 The Local Answer

The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 33
erature than our garden compost bins. Sow lettuce crops for autumn and winter use. They can be sown in open ground but will do better with some protection like a cold frame. They can also be sown into modules and transplanted when big enough to handle. Land cress can withstand the cold Lamb’s lettuce needs sowing after midsummer as it tends to bolt if sown earlier. It has a mild, slightly earthy flavour. Land cress looks a bit like watercress and has a similar peppery taste. It can withstand the cold. Pick off the best leaves and let it regrow up from the bottom. Winter purslane likes poor soils and dry conditions and self-seeds. It is half-hardy so will need frost protection, either a cold frame or fleece. Bring your houseplants back inside – some might need repotting into fresh compost. Examine for any little critters that may be hitching a ride inside!
What a lovely month September is with all the conkers ripening and the rosy apples and pears fattening in the trees. The berries start to come into their own on the Rowan trees as the transition from summer to autumn speeds up. If your garden is looking tired, pop to the garden centre and pick up some pots of cosmos, cleome or nicotiana to insert into the borders. Order your sweet pea seeds if you have space to sow under glass to get them to flower early next year. There are huge selections of extra fragrant ones in all different colours – just like a sweetie shop! Clematis are invaluable at this time of year
In the Garden with Julia Smith
The herbaceous clematis are invaluable at this time of the year. They are not self-clinging and only grow to about 1m in height, but they look lovely scrambling through the border and can be used to give earlier flowering shrubs a new lease of life for the late summer.
Try clematis ‘Gazelle’, which is white with small scented flowers, or ‘Chinook’ which has lavender/blue coloured flowers. They need hard pruning in February or March as they flower on the current season’s growth.Pruneout old raspberry canes by cutting them back to ground level. Don’t shred and compost the cuttings, as they can be a source of disease. You can put them in the council’s green waste removal bins, as they compost to a much hotter tempis coming

Each structure is custom built to your own requirements perhaps to fit a corner of the garden or a difficult location. Unit D, Sudmeadow Road, Hempsted, Gloucester GL2 5JA 01452 314011 07831 762644 Garden Sheds, Summerhouses, Home Offices, Garages, Workshops, Site Huts, Stables, Kennels, Aviaries, Pavilions or any large timber buildings! Master Sheds No job too small or too large ~ A All garden work undertaken and guaranteed! For a FREE ‘ no obligation’ estimate, call Joe or Jamie on 01452 500942 or 07724 159342 Block Paving, Gravel Driveways & Patios laid and cleaned Tree Felling, Trimming & Hedge Pruning Turf supplied and laid ~ Lawns removed Fencing & Retaining Walls built/repaired Established 25 years! 10% OFF for OAPs JOE & JAMIE LANDSCAPING & GARDENING JOE & JAMIE LANDSCAPING & GARDENING Page 34 The Local Answer

September marks the end of our record-breaking summer. Flowers fade, leaves start to brown, the sun is lower in the sky and golden through the trees. As children are welcomed back to school, our songbirds emerge fresh-feathered from their annual moult and are welcomed back to our gardens.
The Local Answer To advertise call 01242 510500 Page 35
Some birds, though, are starting a longer journey as they fly south for the winter. Perhaps the best loved of these are swallows and house martins, which are a happy harbinger of the coming spring when they arrive earlier in the year. Cuckoos fly via Italy to the Congo rainforests In September, swallows begin the long flight back to South Africa. House martins travel to the sahara and beyond. Similarly, swifts, which spend their lives in flight, travel as far as Mozambique. Another impressive migration is undertaken by the cuckoo, which flies via Italy and Spain to the Congo rainforests.
Amazing migrations
Wildlife Matters with Dorothy Glen
As well as birds, many of our insects also migrate. Bestknown are perhaps the painted lady and clouded yellow butterflies, which both have occasional mass migrations. For example, the golden ball of clouded yellows which were mistaken for poison gas over the Channel during the Second WorldWhenWar.conditions are right we can see an explosion of painted ladies on our shores, the last being in 2009 when 11 million of the butterflies arrived from Europe. That year there was a large citizen science study, where a combination of observers and radar allowed scientists to understand the extent of the insects’ migration for the first time. Each butterfly only does one step of the journey The species makes a 9,000mile round trip from tropical Africa to the Arctic Circle, following the caterpillar food plants as growing conditions
change with the seasons. They do this over up to six successive generations, so each butterfly only does one step of the journey, and those which return to Africa are several generations behind their ancestors that left in the spring.Radar showed that the butterflies fly an average of 500m above ground in order to travel on the wind at 30mph. We are likely to see more migrants As the climate warms, we are likely to see more migrants, such as the impressive swallowtail butterfly, make a permanent home in the UK. Only this year we heard about the exotic-looking bee-eaters which successfully nested and reared chicks in Norfolk, one of only a handful of nesting attempts ever in the UK. There have been attempts from swallows to overwinter in England in recent years too –perhaps it won’t be long until we see them all year round. Call 01242 279590 or 07754 417650 2 BED PROPERTIES WAS FROM £180 NOW FROM £135 3 BED PROPERTIES WAS FROM £220 NOW FROM £165 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 25% Discount during September 2022 FEMALE DECORATOR All decorating needs met No job too big or small. Friendly and professional work ethic with quality finishes ever y time Cheltenham, Gloucester and surrounding areas. Telephone: 07891 194005 Email: michellepowell81@hotmail com COMPETITIVE PRICES NO OBLIGATION, FREE QUOTE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR WORK Call Sophie 07836 680300 or Nicola 07747 867582 We have an eye for detail. No mess, no fuss. Commercial & residential Page 36 The Local Answer

 Eastern Avenue, Gloucester GL4 3BU (Next to The Weavers Shop, opposite SMYTHS) Tues-Sat 10am-3pm Sun-Mon Closed interior needs Luxurious Curtains and Soft Furnishings Tel: 01452 522 422 u Curtains & Fabrics u Tracks & Poles u Interior Shutters u Awnings & Canopies u Lighting u Wallpaper u Blinds/Perfect Fit Blinds u Bay TreatmentsWindow Sandersons l Romo l Zoffany Prestigious Harlequin l Villa Nova l Scion Casadeco l Bill Beaumont l Ian Mankin l James Brindley l Kobe and many more SHOWROOM OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 10% OFF BLINDS lk=molar`qflk=lc= qefp=^asboqfpbjbkq* * MEASUREATFREEHOME&DESIGNSERVICE CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATED IMAGES OF OUR WORK AND OUR WEEKLY PRIZE DRAWS!

Sudoku Fill the grids so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. Don’t look until you’ve finished! Solutions on ‘Index of Advertisers’ page. Promote your business in 50,000 magazines Call 01242 510500 or email •Gas •Woodburning•ElectricFiresFires Stoves •Bespoke•Mantlepieces,Surrounds&BeamsMediaWalls All expertly tted by our own Installation and Servicing Team 01452 290155 7A Northbrook Road, Gloucester, GL4 3DP WWW.FIREPLACEGALLERYFIRES.CO.UK A large showroom with an experienced sales team to help you choose the right re for your home LeafletServiceDistribution • Delivering direct to over 170,000 properties every month • Targeted Delivery across our 500+ individual rounds • Hassle-free storage and delivery (we accept delivery of your leaflets direct from printing companies) For more details please And with a maximum of 2 non-conflicting leaflets delivered with each copy of The Local Answer magazine, you will receive fantastic exposure for your advertising. EARLYBOOK for thisveryservice!popular Page 38 The Local Answer

Design and detail It’s the details that make all the difference. Personalise your space by opting for open Image: Wren Kitchens
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For a finishing touch, no modern kitchen is complete without a coffee maker – whether it’s a traditional Italian Moka pot or a top of the range Delonghi bean-to-cup machine. Search out original and unusual handmade pottery (check out Toast’s selection). Add wooden serving boards for nibbles and tapas style suppers (available from Trouva), and you will be guest ready.Now your kitchen really will feel like the heart of your home – a welcoming living space that’s not just for cooking. soft sage or olive green with soft plaster pink walls for a country look. If you want to introduce a bolder colour just paint some of the base units. I have painted mine a beautiful deep green-blue shade for a change of look. For the autumn, natural warmer colours will be trending so for inspiration search out ochre, mustard and rust schemes on Pinterest. Handles and taps Another easy way to upgrade your look is to switch up the handles on your kitchen cabinets. Brass is currently a popular choice and looks great with green. You don’t need to invest in new handles – my daughter spray-painted hers copper for an instant update. Review your power sockets and add some USB ports for your tech. Say goodbye to the kettle and invest in a boiling water tap – so much better than waiting for a kettle to boil for your morning cuppa.
Sustainability is one of the biggest interiors trends. Look at what you already have and go for a ‘tweakment’ rather than a full refurb. Think about repainting your existing units, putting on new door fronts or replacing your worktops with quartz or a composite. You’ll be amazed what a difference it will make and how much money you can save.
After a long hot summer in our gardens and outside spaces, come the autumn it’s a good time to relook at our interiors. Once you’ve packed away the pizza oven and had your last barbeque, the kitchen will become the beating heart of your home again. If you’re thinking of a kitchen refresh this autumn, these are some of the key trends for AW 2022.
A good way to update your kitchen is to change the colour of your units. I am a fan of shaker cabinets that can easily be repainted. Green is a continuing trend for kitchens – pair
Interior Design with Gill Greenwell
Introduce colour
Image: Weaver Green Kitchen confidential shelving or vintage style cupboards with glazed doors and display your favourite kitchen items. Fill the shelves with bright ceramics and coloured glassware, and add favourite artworks on the walls. On-trend washable rugs give an instant homely and lived-in look. My sister has a braided rug in her country kitchen and it looks so cosy. Check out Weaver Green for some lovely designs. Must-have accessorieskitchen
The new approach
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Through Taiwan’s Taroko Gorge
Visit before it’s too late
Leaving the car for a while, we walk the Shakadang River –
Despite minor earth tremors, we’d slept well, treated royally at the cute-named Crossing the Rainbow Bridge Bed & Breakfast beside the blue-arched road bridge over the Liwu. Now, beating the crowds, an hour into our drive through Taiwan’s central mountains we pull off the two-lane road under the watchful gaze of signature white carved-stone guardian lions.
Trailside notices warn of hazards as diverse as falling rocks, wild animals, poisonous snakes and – yes, really – killer bees! On this mild November day, however, we meet none. After a couple of hours exploring the Shakadang, a tsunami of coaches has disgorged hordes of daytrippers.It’stime to continue along Taiwan’s Cross-Island Highway, reputedly one of the world’s most dangerous. The journey tests our concentration to the limit, plus everything learned during two decades of advanced driver training. Eight hours later, shattered after crossing the 3275m Wuling Pass, we eventually reach the Crystal Resort Hotel in lakeside Ita Thao – our base for several days and, tip, infinitely nicer than the big west-shore resorts. It’s dark and, already, Taroko National Park seems a lifetime away. Yet its memory is already etched as enduringly in our minds as the Shakadang’s schist and marble cliffs that awed us earlier.
One of the world’s most challengingroads
Holidays & Travel with Al Hidden aka ‘Mysterious Valley’ –Trail, along a deeply incised tributary of the Liwu. The narrow path twists under lofty cliffs carved from tortured convolutions of eonslong orogeny. Observation platforms, cool romantic grottoes, aquamarine pools and polished river rock make this a must-see Taroko Gorge highlight at any season.
Taiwan’s future looks ominously uncertain. Given possible change ahead, maybe time will prove that now’s a good time to visit, explore the spectacular landscapes, enjoy delicious island food and meet the welcoming Taiwanese. Don’t wait too long. Sadly – and I pray I’m wrong – others’ ambitions for Taiwan may soon mean it’s too late…
It was all down to Charley Boorman and his motorcycle! He turned us on to Taiwan in general and the twisting mountain highway from Hualien County, through Taroko National Park, in particular. After breakfasting on traditional Taiwanese Congee and other goodies, we’d started early and followed the Liwu River away from the Pacific and into the deepening Taroko Gorge – the ‘Jewel of Taiwan’. Soon we’ll say ‘Lí-hó’ to its breathtaking landscapes.
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But fifth place was a huge step forward on the previous campaign, and 13 wins and one draw from their 24 games tell their own story. They finished just two points adrift of fourth-placed Northampton, but if you take a closer look at last season’s table – and which Gloucester fan doesn’t want to take a closer look at a table that sees Bath at the bottom of the pile! – you will see that just two teams bettered Gloucester’s points difference of 160 and only one team bettered their 19-point bonus pointThathaul.all makes very good reading, of course, so it’s no wonder there was plenty of excitement when 39-year-old Skivington committed his future to the club by signing a new long-term deal back in May.
That 10-try super-show will live long in the memory of all Gloucester fans who were there, of course, and the good news is that all the try-scorers that day are still at the club.
“There is huge untapped potential and that’s massively exciting.”Itcertainly is and what makes this season just that little bit more exciting is that Gloucester will be back competing in Europe’s premier club competition, the Heineken Champions Cup, which will see them go head-to-head in the pool stages with Irish giants Leinster and Bordeaux-Begles.Thosematches take place in December and January, with Gloucester’s first game against Bordeaux set for the weekend of 10th December at Kingsholm, still one of the great venues in world rugby. By then Gloucester will be halfway through their Premiership campaign, a campaign that sees them travel to Saracens on Saturday 24th September for their second game before they host Worcester on Saturday 1st October.Sadly,Gloucester’s supporters will have to wait until next year to see if their heroes can better last season’s 64-0 demolition of Bath at Kingsholm, with Bath not due to make the short trip up the A46 until early January.
Skivington, a former Wasps, Leicester and London Irish second row who also played for England Saxons, is about to start his third season as the main man at Gloucester and he made it clear when he signed his new contract that he is hungry for success.
“We want to be a successful club year after year,” he said. “What we’ve done over the last
Sport with Roger Jackson For full articles and more stories visit WANT TO SHARE YOUR SPORTING STORY ON OUR WEBSITE? Please email full details to couple of years is lay really good foundations.“We’vegrown the way we play and the culture so that everyone knows what’s expected of them day to day.
Flying wing Louis Rees-Zammit led the way with two and there was one each for Chris Harris, Santiago Carreras, Ben Morgan, Mark Atkinson, Lewis Ludlow, Ben Meehan, Jamal FordRobinson and Matias Alemanno.Skivington has been around long enough to know that games like that don’t come around too often, of course, but he knows what he wants and it resonates very much with what the fans want.The club also reached the quarter-finals of the Challenge Cup and the last four of the Premiership Rugby Cup last season and Skivington, who has also worked as forwards coach for London Irish and as assistant coach for Samoa, said that it was an easy decision to sign on and stay at Kingsholm.
“I’m massively grateful to the club for giving me this contract,” he said at the time.
“My ambition is to prove them right and show them that they’ve hired the right guy and I’ll continue to do that.”
“The club did take a punt on me. There were higher profile coaches that they could have gone for which would have been the easy option in terms of people’s perceptions.
The new season can’t come around quickly enough for Gloucester’s rugby fans.
That’s music to the ears of Gloucester’s supporters, of course. It should be another great season. C’mon Glaws!
The club’s first competitive game of 2022/23 kicks off on Sunday 11th September when Wasps are the visitors for the start of what is an eagerly-anticipated Gallagher Premiership campaign.Andit’seasy to see why there is such excitement around Kingsholm because head coach George Skivington’s side enjoyed a very good season last time out, just missing out on the end-of-season play-offs.
Gloucester looking to kick on Gloucester head coach George Skivington

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BOOKING DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Friday 9th September 2022 Competition Rules Puzzle Solutions 1 Prizes are as stated and no cash or prize alternative will be offered. 2 Employees of The Local Answer and their families or households are not eligible to enter. 3 The first correct entry drawn at random after the closing date will win the prize as stated. 4 The winner will be notified by telephone after the closing date has passed. 5 The Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 6 Entrants must be over 18 years, unless stated. 7 Proof of posting is not regarded as proof of receipt of entry. 8 The Local Answer accepts no responsibility for the provision of the prize, which remains at all times the full responsibility of the prize donor(s). 9 By entering any competition you agree to have your name published in the next issue of The Local Answer should you be drawn as a winner of the prize. 10 By entering any competition you agree to have your details passed to a third party. 11 One entry per household. Index of Advertisers MMLRHEYAATLEBHTAWIYVXTLN OJILTOPEAMMNVUCMMTSHYYEE URZEKORRKARNSADHVLZQQKOL SJATTEASUNSKPYPGIRZICTVT ESRYANDPEYOLGVRKEDYIENGR KEDGTBRTZQADGSERPRHGVQUU HUSUWBRWBHTNOUTYYCIUJIIT OULIEXHTYAPCDGANH SSPKWOG ZAKTOEGWCNNIJDMUAENEAHEH QFREJTRABBITGHAHOBRFGRAP NJLJNURKZDONVLHKJBEEVRPH TKPWGPDOFUNARWOXIFPCFAIU ENWXZYNLTEHUAPWLBNLKTMGO VFJFDRVHVBPNMFITERREFGYY GECKOJEHATLOOPUXPKQQRATQ XRLXJRIPIAYFHYXGVQLCXWQC MOHAJFPQGPSSZVWZHRJTMYFI OLTBQTOPHTUJSXMCLEIUAAQU HNODJCKAUEOSPEFUFWUMBTFH SNAKERYRXDHSIFDLOGTEQHLA YEQJKOPRHUMDNMLKSDDATRNC KEWYKSTOSZPXVBHDMJCYOQJU BYYBOYUTWCEMESUMZEAFWGNJ PEEHSLQCEKPTCHINCHILLAQZ If you don’t see the goods or services you provide listed here, take advantage and BEFIRST!THE Telephone 50124210500 EVENTS ATTRACTIONS& Abbey Mill 25 VRXperience 22 FOOD & DRINK Cafe Rene 4 The Fountain 4 HEALTH & BEAUTY Andrew Bird Hearing Ltd 6 Atlantic Home Eyecare 6 Fab Feet 6 Fitness Superstore 8 Kerry’s Injury Massage 6 NHS Let’s Talk 14 INFORMATION Gloucestershire County Council 13 PROPERTY Move Property 19 SPORT Shipton Golf Course 22 HOMES & BATHROOMSGARDENS AHM Installations 36 Lifestyle Bathrooms 40 Severn Vale Bathrooms 51 BUILDING SERVICES BE Rudman 28 C&G Paving 28 Cheltenham & Gloucester Roofing 29 Cheltenham Town Roofing 31 Elite Loft Ladders 29 Home Care Roofing 28 JHD Roofing & Building 29 Marshalls Driveways 30 Niche Exteriors 29 WBOltcoHome Improvements 31 CLEANING SERVICES Ovenbusters 40 Regency Cleaners 36 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Byard Electrical 40 GRP Electrical 40 FURNISHING & APPLIANCES Bella’s Interiors 36 Dream Doors 44 Fireplace Gallery 38 Interior Needs 37 Quedgeley Carpets 41 GARDEN SERVICES Cheltenham LandscapingTown 32 Colourfence 34 G. Grant Landscaping 32 Joe & Jamie 34 Lawn Doc 34 Mark Clifford Landscapes 32 Master Sheds 34 Rob Cockburn Tree & Hedge 32 Woodlands Landscapes 32 HEATING & PLUMBING Gloucester Plumbing 40 M.J. Harris Domestic Repairs 42 SP Plumbing & Maintenance 40 LOCKSMITHS Fletcher Locksmiths 46 PAINTING & DECORATING Gloucestershire Gloss 36 Michelle Powell 36 TV & AERIALS 1st Choice Aerials 31 WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Albany Windows 48 & 52 BM Services 46 C&L Windows 47 Clearway Windows 49 Garolla 30 Glevum Windows 2 Misty to Clear 46 CARESERVICESPROFESSIONALSERVICES Barnwood Trust 10 Coate Water Care 12 Community Connexions 12 Saintbridge House 11 EDUCATION National Star 16 HOUSE CLEARANCE Yes to Mess 31 MORTGAGE SERVICES C&G Later Life Mortgages 18 MOTOR SERVICES Approved Car Buying Centre 20 Julian Rogers Autoservices 20 PUBLISHING Lois Kingscott 18 REMOVAL SERVICES Little White Van Man 32 SKIP HIRE & RECYCLING Stevens Recycling 31 Page 50 The Local Answer