PFD Food Services is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees, contractors and visitors. PFD will demonstrate this commitment through continued identification and management of workplace risks. This will be achieved through up-skilling and empowering staff and by working together through consultation to deliver on agreed WHS and Rehabilitation objectives.
Stop Think Go Safe PFD Take 3 is an initiative aimed at making you responsible for your own actions in creating a safer workplace.
STOP –Before you start each task, STOP and think what are the likely hazards that might cause either yourself or others to become injured?
THINK – THINK about how you are going to carry out the task safely along with what tools and
resources you might require. This will also include whether you are trained in the operation of any equipment or task.
GO SAFE – Once you are prepared and ready to perform the task safely, then GO SAFE.
Contents 1.
General safety
23. Procedure for replenishing stock
2. Personal protection equipment (PPE)
24. WMS pick face replenishment process 22
3. Racking
25. PFD RF gun allocation procedure 23
Safe use of forklifts
26. Procedure for picking intersite
Work @ height
Manual handling
27. Procedure for picking individual picks
Smart lifting techniques
28. Procedure for picking of runs
Hazard & incident reporting
29. WMS order pick process
Plant & equipment isolation
30. Procedure for loading – branch semi-trailers/contractors
31. Procedure for loading PFD vehicles
32. WMS truck load process
33. Procedure for stock returns
34. WMS stock returns process
10. Chain of responsibility (COR)
11. Fatigue
12. Working alone
13. Misuse of drugs & alcohol
14. Use of mobile phones or other similar devices
35. Supplier claims
15. Smoking Policy
36. Customer Pickups
16. Traffic management
37. Stocktake process
17. Emergency preparedness
38. Housekeeping
18. Safe use of Forklifts
39. Pallet stocktake
19. Procedure for receiving inward goods
20. WMS receivals process
21. Procedure for pick faces
22. WMS put away process
1. Acceptance
1. G EN E R AL SAFE T Y Under the legislation as a “WORKER� (employee) you have a responsibility to; 1.1.
Take reasonable care for your own health & safety.
1.2. Take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health & safety of other persons. 1.3. Comply, so far as you are reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act. 1.4. Co-operate with any policy or procedure of the manager/supervisor relating to health and safety requirements at all times
2 . PE R S O NAL PROTECTI O N EQ U I PM ENT (PPE) 2.1. As a company, we recognise that not all hazards and associated risks can be eliminated, therefore to assist in minimising potential harm through the exposure from known risks; you will be issued upon commencement of your employment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 2.2.
As the wearer of issued PPE, you have a responsibility to ensure; 2.2.1.
That it is maintained to a good standard
That it is worn in accordance with manufacturers requirements
That you notify your supervisor immediately once any damage occurs
2.3. The wearing of PPE while performing your role within the warehouse is mandatory. Should you forget to bring your equipment with you to work, you may be asked to go back home at your cost to retrieve it. For further information please review the Personal Protective Equipment Guideline, PFD-OH&S-G-10.10, available on the Intranet.
3. R ACKI N G 3.1. Racking is usually made from thin metal construction and can run the risk of losing its integrity if overloaded or when hit by forklift trucks and other items of machinery. It is important that prior to placing any palletised stock into the racking that you check the integrity. 3.2. Ensure that when placing a loaded pallet that the pallet sits correctly on the racking and does not exceed the SWL (safe work load). 3.3. If you identify any damage you must notify your supervisor immediately who is responsible for removing any stock and isolating the racking to prevent further damage. Please note that if you can see any deflection, twisting or general damage then there is a high chance that the racking will have lost its integrity.
DAMAGED RACKING Under no circumstances is any stock to be placed within this damaged rack! This tag relates to the following bays:
Tag Issued by: ................................................................ Date: ................................... ATTENTION: REMOVING THIS TAG WITHOUT THE CORRECT AUTHORISATION AND OR PLACING PRODUCT ON THIS DAMAGED RACKING MAY RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS For more information - refer to PFD–SOP–NAT–008
4 . SAFE U S E O F FO RKLI F T S 4.1. Forklift incidents have contributed to a significant number of serious harm injuries within PFD warehouses. As an employee of PFD, you are not to operate a forklift truck unless licensed and authorised to do so. The only exception to holding a license is when under training (complete with training plan) and supervision of a competent person. 4.2. The following rules must be adhered to and are provided in more detail within the National procedure (PFD-SOP-NAT-007 & PFD-SOP-Nat-008). 4.2.1. Conduct pre-start checks to ensure that the forklift truck is in a serviceable condition 4.2.2.
When transporting a load, keep the load close to the ground
4.2.3. When entering or exiting a doorway or blind corner, always sound your horn to warn others 4.2.4. Never travel on any mobile equipment with hands/arms or feet/legs hanging over the side 4.2.5. When placing stock within racking, ensure; a) that the weight does not exceed the SWL b) that the stock will not impact items stored above 4.2.6. Never place or remove stock from racking unless personnel are at a minimum of “3” bays length away 4.2.7.
Never allow other personnel to ride the forks or catch a lift
4.2.8. When unloading or loading a delivery truck, ensure that the driver remains within the “SAFETY ZONE”
5. WO RK @ H E I GHT 5.1. There will be occasions in some warehouses that will require staff to access high places. In these cases you must; 5.1.1. Ensure that either the ladder or step that is to be used is in a serviceable condition and suitable for the task – ALWAYS USE THREE POINTS OF CONTACT (this extends to the use of stairs). 5.1.2. If using a “SAFETY CAGE”, ensure that the cage is secured to the forklift and that the forklift is rated for the cage. a) Always ensure that the associated harness is also in a serviceable condition and is not past its use-by-date 5.1.3. Under no circumstances are you to access the roof of any facility. This extends to the freezer or chiller roofs. 5.1.4. When accessing mezzanine floors, ensure that you remain within the confines of the safety barrier. Where there is gate access, never stand in the opening, this is only to be used for receipt of stock and other items and should see the gate immediately closed once the items are placed within the safety barriers.
6. MAN UAL HAN DLI N G 6.1. Manual handling incidents are the leading cause of injuries within PFD. While the warehouse role does offer opportunities to use mechanical devices to reduce the need to carry out a manual lift or carry heavy items, it is not possible to eliminate these types of tasks and therefore will always be a need to conduct manual handling. 6.2. A large percentage of products are 25kgs or less with only some fish or meat processing items exceeding this. It is not possible to dictate a maximum weight given individuals own physical capabilities and therefore it is recommended that you only lift or carry items within our own capability and where possible to reduce the onset of fatigue, you use where available mobile plant, pallet jacks, hand trolleys or at a minimum seek assistance from another staff member. For further information the manual handling procedure (PFD-SOP-NAT-021) is available via the intranet.
Size up the load. 7.1.1.
Assess the load (size, shape and weight);
Assess whether the load needs to be moved;
Where is it going to be placed, Check that there are no obstructions;
Assess whether mechanical or human assistance is required.
Move the load as close to your body as possible. 7.2.1.
A load is heavier to lift or carry if it is not close to the body.
The whole hand should be used to ensure a firm grip.
Always bend your knees. 7.3.1.
Maintain balance.
Keep feet apart and in a comfortable position.
Minimise lower back bending.
7.3.4. Bend knees, preferably at as large an angle as possible but not at a right angle – use a semi-squat in preference to a full squat. 7.4.
Raise the load with your legs. 7.4.1.
Achieve the lift smoothly and without jerkiness.
7.4.2. Maintain the normal curvature of the spine to allow the force of the load to be distributed evenly from the spine to the pelvis. 7.5.
Turn your feet in the direction that you want to move the load. 7.5.1.
Avoid unnecessary bending, twisting and reaching.
Change direction by turning your feet and not your back.
7.5.3. To set the load down, squat down, keep your head up and let your legs do the work.
And remember to THINK TALL – chest lifted, shoulders relaxed, chin tucked in and head level.
8. HA Z AR D & I N CI D ENT R E P O RTI N G 8.1. All injuries are a result of either uncontrolled hazards or workers ignoring designated controls that see the likelihood of injury increase. 8.2. To ensure that you continue to operate in a safe work environment, it is expected that you follow all reasonable instructions and immediately report all hazards, near misses and incidents as you identify them so that controls can be implemented to prevent further or potential harm. 8.3. To report an incident, near miss or hazard, you will be told where the hazard/incident reporting form booklet is located. There is also a guideline on the inside cover of the booklet to help you in documenting the risk you have identified. 8.4.
Hazard & Incident Reporting Form
Business Unit Details; State:
Reported by:
Date of incident/hazard:
Elumina #
Time of occurrence:
Today’s Date:
Time started shift:
Incident Type / Damage; (Tick correct response) Haz Fatality LTI MTI FA NM P&D Report Veh Prod Equip Build Enviro DG Sec Location of Hazard or Work being conducted; (Tick correct response) Warehouse - Dry Freezer Cool Yard , Company - Car Truck , Office Customer site Other Agency Incident or Hazard; (Tick applicable Risk/Hazard)
Falls Exposure to noise Chemical contact Crushing Cuts/laceration
Slips & Trips Repetitive movement bites or stings Sprain & Strains Foreign body
Hit object with body Muscular stress Biological Unspecified Damage to Plant & Building
Mechanical vibration Electrical Mental health Fatigue /impairment
hit by moving objects exposure to heat or cold Vehicle accident Manual handling Other______________
Location of Incident/Hazard: Briefly explain the type of accident or hazard that was observed: What immediate control was implemented: What permanent controls are to be implemented: (Not to be used if investigation not conducted) Agreed Control; Person Responsible; Expected completion date; 1) 1) 1) 2) 2) 2) Injured Persons Details; (Circle response where required) Name:
Job Title:
Sex: M F
Address / Post Code:
Injury Location; (Tick correct response - note R or L)
Eye Ear Face Head Neck Back Trunk
Shoulders & arms Hands & fingers Hips & legs Feet & toes Knee
Actual Completion date; 1) 2)
Employment Type: FT, PT, Casual, Contractor
Wrist Elbow Groin Multiple Unspecified Other ______ No Injury Right / Left
Treatment Given: Nil First Aid Doctor Hospital Other
Nature of Injury: (Tick correct response) Amputation Hearing Loss Bruising Infection Burn Internal Trunk Cut/Laceration Injury Electric Shock OOS Eye Injury Sprain/Strain Fracture Hernia Graze Dislocation
Foreign Body No Injury Aggravation Stress / Fatigue Concussion Respiratory system Head injury General soreness
RTW: (Enter time in boxes, for time given off work or restricted hours) Off Work
Restrict Hrs Mod Duties
Return Norm Work
Additional Information: Name of Item/Vehicle involved: (Include damage sustained) Rego:
Serial #:
Cost of Damage/Loss: $
Witness or Observers Detail; (Attach witness statement if provided) Name:
Regulatory & Company Requirements: (Circle correct response) Is this a Notifiable Incident:
If LTI, has a LTI Notification email been sent:
Do you believe this incident was work related: YES / NO
Manager’s Signature: Name: ___________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ______________ This Form must be completed and submitted within 24 hours & sent to the OHS Team – ohsnationalteam@pfdfoods.com.au
Reporting definitions; 8.4.1. Incident – Any event which has occurred that may have resulted in an injury or damage to plant and equipment. 8.4.2. Near Miss – Any event that has occurred that narrowly avoided injury or damage. 8.4.3. Hazard – Any situation or substance that has the potential to cause injury or damage.
For further information on reporting hazards, near misses or incidents please see the associated guidelines (Incident Reporting & Investigation Guideline, PFD-OH&S-G-11.0) which are available on the intranet.
9. PL ANT & EQ U I PM ENT I S OL ATI O N 9.1. From time to time plant and or equipment will need to be isolated due to that item becoming unsafe or damaged. To continue to use these items while in a state of disrepair may see increase of damage or allow a co-worker to become injured. In these situations, local management will isolate the piece of equipment or plant in question and place a tag on it warning others that this item is unsafe to use. 9.2. Under NO circumstances can you remove an isolation tag that belongs to other workers, or can you remove an isolation tag that you may have implemented unless you are confident that all repairs have been completed and that the item in question is in a safe serviceable condition.
10. CHAI N O F R ES P O N S I B ILIT Y (CO R) 10.1 Under the “Chain of Responsibility” (COR) legislation, everybody within the supply chain now has a responsibility to ensure that commercial or heavy vehicle movements are not affected by unsafe loading, driver performance or poorly maintained vehicles. 10.2 It is no longer just the driver’s responsibility to ensure that their journey is a safe one. As a warehouse operator you also have a duty of care by; 10.3 Loading vehicle 10.3.1
Ensure that the “Gross Vehicle Mass” (GVM) is not exceeded
Ensure the load is restrained to prevent accidental movement of the load
Report any vehicle damage that may see the vehicle unsafe to drive
Ensure the load is balanced to prevent accidental toppling when cornering
10.4 Unloading Vehicles 10.4.1
Report concerns over driver fatigue or impairment to your supervisor
10.4.2 Assist in securing and repositioning any remaining loads to spread the weight 10.4.3
Make available amenities to allow drivers an opportunity to refresh
10.4.4 Report any damage to the driver that may place either them or other road users at risk For further information please refer to the Chain of Responsibility Guideline, PFD-OH&S-G-10.5
11.1 Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. In a work context, fatigue is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion which reduces a person’s ability to perform work safely and effectively. 11.2 Working within the warehouse environment can be a physically demanding role particularly when picking, loading and unloading delivery vehicles as well as replenishing stock. 11.3 To overcome fatigue, it is expected that you will commence work in a mental and physical condition to carry out the day’s activities as well as taking designated rest breaks and using equipment to reduce the physical aspects of manual handling. 11.4 If you are not in the right physical state or frame of mind prior to commencing work or feel the onset of fatigue during your shift, you are to notify your supervisor immediately.
12 . WO RKI N G ALO N E 12.1 In some cases you may be required to work alone within the warehouse. This may extend to coming in on weekends or afterhours to meet a customer’s need or to working within a section of the warehouse (ie; freezer or chiller) where no one else is about. 12.2 To ensure your safety and a quick response in the event of an incident, you will be required to notify a supervisor or manager of your intention either in person or by phone prior to entry. This notification should include an expected time line of when you expect to be finished. Upon completion and prior to leaving the warehouse, you will again be expected to call your supervisor or manager that you are now leaving the site. 12.3 Onsite management are tasked to conduct regular checks while you are working alone to ensure that you are safe. Where you are the only person on site, should you not make a call or respond to a call, management will come to the site to ensure that you are safe or have left without harm. For further information please read the PFD-SOP-NAT-020 procedure.
13. M I S U S E O F D RUG S & ALCO H O L 13.1 PFD Food Services has a Drug and Alcohol Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Policy communicated at induction is also available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. 13.2 It is the responsibility of employees and other contract drivers to; 13.2.1
Comply with the Policy and the Guideline,
13.2.2 Take practicable steps to ensure the safety of themselves and others in the workplace, 13.2.3 Ensure they are fit for work and meet established standards for job performance, conduct and safety, 13.2.4 Advise the immediate manager or supervisor prior to commencing work if there is a medical requirement to take any prescribed medication that could result in impairment, 13.2.5 Immediately consult with or report to the manager or supervisor, concerns about other persons being impaired by the use of drugs and or alcohol.
14 . U S E O F M O B IL E PH O N ES O R OTH E R S I M IL AR D E VIC ES 14.1 The use of mobile phones or similar devices is prohibited within the warehouse due the potential that you will become distracted and not see other activities (Forklift operation) that may place you or others in harm’s way. PFD Food Services has an Electronic Devices, Internet, Email and Social Media Policy and a Motor Vehicle Policy in place that all employees must comply with. Copies of these policies are available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. The policies cover all the specific obligations, including the requirement that under no circumstances are employees allowed to use mobile phones whilst in the warehouse or whilst driving unless the delivery vehicle is fitted with a hands-free device. In these cases calls may only be answered if safe to do so. All outward calls are to be made when the vehicle is parked or when out of the vehicle.
15. S M OKI N G P O LI CY PFD Food Services (PFD) is committed to meeting its moral and legal obligations in providing a safe and healthy workplace. PFD recognises that tobacco smoke can cause harmful health effects to individuals that smoke, as well as those that may have to inhale secondhand smoke, while in close proximity when carrying out their everyday activities. This policy is designed to ensure that the risk of illness from smoking is greatly reduced by offering a time and designated point for smokers that is away from all other personnel. PFD believe that non-smokers should not have to be exposed to the hazards of tobacco smoke. This smoking policy aims to combat the damaging effects of smoking and passive smoking to build a healthy environment which protects the health and wellbeing of all employees and visitors. PFD will actively encourage smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs where branch personnel collectively agree. Note that this policy is deemed to meet minimum compliance. Where a branch requests it, in consultation with personnel, the branch may implement a smoke-free environment, then that shall exceed the requirements of this policy and the new smoke-free program shall become the new standard for that branch. For those personnel that wish to smoke where a smoke-free environment has not been implemented, then the following shall apply; 15.1 Location for Smoking At no time shall employees be allowed to smoke: • Inside PFD or customer buildings; • In company vehicles; • While making deliveries to customers.
15.2 Time to Smoke Employees are able to smoke at the following times: • Before their shift commences or after their shift finishes; • On any authorised meal break; • On any authorised tea break. 15.3 Other Requirements • Employees handling food must wash their hands before going back to their duties after any break, whether the employee smokes or not. • Failure to follow these principles may result in disciplinary action being taken under PFD’s Discipline process. If you have any questions about this policy, please talk with your supervisor
16. TR AFFI C MANAG EM ENT 16.1. The use of any mobile plant and equipment as well as personal/delivery vehicles poses a risk to workers who need to access certain areas or the workplace in general. For warehouse staff there is the added risk of needing to work in forklift truck designated areas to pick or replenish stock and while it is not always possible to segregate pedestrians from mobile plant, your warehouse traffic management plan will highlight safe zones that should remain forklift and product free. 16.2. Your traffic management plan may include but not be limited to; 16.2.1.
Designated pedestrian walkways
16.2.2. Where these exist, you are not to place any other items in the designated walkways that may push pedestrians out into harm’s way 16.2.3. Bollards or barriers to assist in protecting pedestrians as well as other items of plant & equipment (ie: electrical cabinets) 16.2.4. Safety zones for delivery drivers to wait in/on while their vehicles are being unloaded or loaded. 16.2.5.
Parking bays for personal and company vehicles
17. EM E RG EN CY PR E PAR E DN ES S 17.1. The ultimate aim is to prevent harm through the identification of hazards, assessment of potential risks and implementation of controls. However even the best made plans can see emergencies occur which may need workers to respond accordingly.
Coding HSR, Wardens, First Aider The followingEmergency numbers areColour to be phoned in the event of an
The following “Flip Chart” is aimed as a refresher training aid for staff and visitors in within the stated time frame. Names which it highlightsemergency the required response needed for a particular emergency.
The following colour coding depicts the A type of emergency that may have IF YOU RECEIVE BOMB THREAT HSR’s ………………………… …………………………… ………………………..
When involved in out antoaccident whilst driving a Fireoccurred. Fire Department -warn 000should Immediately This may be shouted staff and visitors on the are sections that identify points of contact an emergency occur 1.Included Stay calm. ………………………… …………………………… ………………………. EMERGENCY EVACUATION Medical Ambulance - vehicle; 000 PROCEDURE Immediately emergency type and reason for evacuation. Wardens, Aiders) 2.(HSR, Advise theFirst Police via company 000, and sound evacuation alarm. Immediately Robbery etc. Police - anthe 000 In the event of Earthquake 3. Adviseif you the Head Warden & Management of the situation. Remember identify a potential or actual your raised, supervisor Head Warden …………………………… Management ……………………. ……………….. Within hour Upon identifying an emergency situation or emergency hearing thetell alarm youthe should raise the alarm. 4.immediately Do notortouch any object that youFire do not recognise. Red and or smoke ……………………. ……………….. Within the hour earthquake strikes you need to remain vigilant, listen to local radio and expect 1.If anWardens the alarm 5. IfSound told to evacuate – move quietly. Area ………………………… …………………………… ……………………. ……………….. the hour Follow all directions given and do not put yourself at be risk! aftershocks. Sometimes the first earthquake you feelthreat may actually aWithin foreshock to Purple Bomb 2. Phoneatthe emergency service via 000, ask for Emergency Service 6. Move least 100IF meters away from the……………….. building and wait for further ……………………. Within the hour ………………………… …………………………… ………………………. YOU DISCOVER Athe FIRE a much larger earthquake. INBlue ANat LIFE THREATENING SITUATION required – Fire, Ambulance or Police. Advise them where you areor Serious OHS Manager 0428344577 ASAP instructions. ………………………… …………………………… ………………………. 1. Injury Sound the alarm Medical emergency (address) and situation. Regthe OHS 0417501657 Note –Advisor DOof…………………………… NOT USE CELL PHONES ………………………… ………………………. It to follow the advice emergency services, stay calm and help others 2.is important Warn people in your immediate area. 3. Evacuate immediately through the nearest exit Black Personal threat First Aiders if3.possible, watch for hazards. 1. Seek First Aid Assistance – Ensure thatfor someone with the Phone the Fire Department – 000, ask the Firestays Service.
17.2. To help you in understanding your role during an emergency, there is an “EMERGENCY FLIP CHART” located on your WHS notice board that outlines what to do during various types of emergencies.
PFD Emergency Contact Names & Procedures Introduction
4. Report to the Assembly point …………………………… ………………………. Casualty. 4. ………………………… Advise them where you are and the situation. Yellow Internal emergency ………………………. 5. Obey your Wardens directions If an earthquake strikes and you are indoors; Evacuate …………………………… Emergency Contact Numbers 2. Never move the Casualty unless it is unsafe to leave them. 5. ………………………… the premises. 1. In Stay indoors the shaking thesomeone event ofuntil a Fire Only conditionsemergency permit and–1 if you trained 3. to –call theifstops Emergency Services -111,are ask for to Brown External 6. 2. Get Report to the else Assembly point. Craw furniture, a desktoorextinguish table do so, under shouldheavy attempts be of made the fire. Advise them where you are and the situation. 7. 3. Ambulance. Obey your Warden. If there isn’t a to desk orbuilding table, cover face and is head with your arms and HSR, Wardens’ & First Aiders Do not return the until your the all clear given. Orange Evacuation IN THE EVENT OF SPILL 4. If someone has collapsed check: AA – Airway
Tornado crouchPlan in an inside corner of the building or in a doorway
1.In the your welfare and that ofWARNING other is not in danger before B – Breathing IF A FLOOD IS event of aQuietly tornado: 4.Ensure Stay away from windows, chimneys andpersonnel anything above you that could fall Move –lifts Do Not Linger –GIVEN Do Not Run spillage area. Wear protective clothing if (call required (see MSDS). C –Codes Circulation - Ensure safe and others are safe around you everyone together) 5.entering Doyou not are use escalators or Emergency Colour 2.- Inform possible contain thecandles spill from contaminating the site, waterways 6.If Do not use matches, orrequire any flame, broken gas lines and fire doand not drains if you assistance, dial 000 1. emergency Turn off allservices Electrical equipment and gas mains. using the spill containment equipment. mix 5. Provide basic life support until qualified help arrives. - Stay indoors 2. Obey all instructions from Emergency Services & SES Personnel. 7.Get Only use telephones anevent emergency 3.- close other personnel toindoors help with This should be done using In of a Cyclone Emergency Evacuation all windows andthe and containment. move to aProcedure safe room away from thespill 3. Minimise Obey yourmovements Wardens. 8. your a few steps to drain a nearby safe place. containment equipment. If to necessary use cover mats, rubber gloves, windows 4. DO NOT enter floodwaters gloves, gumboots, sorbent boom and powersorb pillows. 1.leather Keep listening to your and portable radio for information on cyclone progress - If possible shut power other energy sources 5. are Do notoff drive over flooded areas. you outdoors; Fire 2. Disconnect electrical appliances and turn off 4.-Inassess Phone the emergency services 000, askpatient. forgas thevalves emergency service required. the situation, await instructions, be 6. DO NOT drink water affected by floods, 1. Stay outside until shaking stops Ensure that any pets andare animals aresituation. safely sheltered where you andupdates the them - If 3. aAdvise radio is available, listen for and forpower thetrees Tornado has 2. Keep clear of and structures, lines, and 7. If well in doubt – buildings Evacuate toother higher ground . when 4. Go immediately to the strongest, ofCouncil your house or pollution building (ie; 5. passed. If contamination has escaped callsafest yourpart local 24hr hot line. vehicles internal hallway, bathroom orMedical toilet) or to the the above closest number welfare centre 6. clean-up and contact . for advice 3.For In spill in a vehicle, stop in disposal an open area and listen to your car radio
17.3. Whatever the reason to evacuate, you MUST follow the instructions of your “HEAD or AREA WARDEN” as you respond to the emergency.
5. Keep your emergency kit with you 4. If trapped not move or kick upare dust, cover to your mouth with a 6. Take your do relocation kitabout with you if you advised relocate handkerchief or doors clothing IF THERE ISwindows, AN A ARMED ROBBERY 7. Stay away from and and keep them closed and locked IF YOU SMELL CHEMICAL LEAK
1. 2.
17.4. If you are the first onto the scene, then you will need to alert management and offer comfort to any injured staff until the first aider arrives, remembering not to place yourself at risk of accidental injury.
3. 4. 5. 6.
5. Calm Tap on a pipe orthe wall rescuers canput you, else shout as a last resort 8. Stay inside until allsoclear isWarden. given bylocate authorities –the exercise self-control, don’t anyone atonly unnecessary risk. 1. Stay Sound alarm – Alert your as shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust offenders’allinstructions exactly and without question – listen carefully. Consider 2. Obey Extinguish naked flames (including cigarettes) Tornado to be loaded. Services 3. all firearms Phone the Emergency 000, ask for the Fire Service. Advise them of Observe and anythe suspicious where youreport are and situation.persons loitering and watching premises. Note description – physical features – clothing – weapons – actions, as you are 4. offenders’ Evacuate the premises. Earthquake ` offenders after hold up. If safe,towatch direction point. of travel of 5. able.Report the Assembly Telephone Police as soon as the offender has left - 000 6.Note Obey your that ifWardens the Police are involved they will issue an Preserve the scene for evidential purposes by: restricting entrance after hold up Cyclone incident to be passed onto isolating areanumber used by thewhich offender –is by requesting witnesses to remainyour until Police arrive. manager. Chemical Spills & Leaks In necessary evacuate, move at least 100 metres from the building (Assembly Once back at the branch, you must away complete a vehicle Point) and wait for further instructions and prevent entry until the all clear is given by incident assessment form as well as a OHS incident the Police. Bomb Threat
form and send to the appropriate parties within National Office
Armed Robbery
Company Vehicle Accident
17.5. Unless you are assigned a task, then all remaining personnel upon hearing the evacuation alarm are to immediately stop what they are doing and exit the facility via the nearest safest emergency exit.
Pedestrian Walkways You are here *
Lunch Rm
Toilet Lunch Rm Office
Plant Rm
Main Office Carcoola Street
17.5.1. They must report to their area warden at the assembly point and remain in that designated area. Under no circumstances are personnel to re-enter a building once evacuated or are they to attempt to retrieve personal belongings if they were away from their workstation or locker when the evacuation occurred. While at the assembly point, all personnel are not to use their mobile phones unless advised it is safe to do so. This is due to the potential bomb threat where the use of a mobile phone may activate the bomb.
Dry Goods Freezer Plant Rm
Container 16th Aug 2016
Not to scale
17.6. In the instance of site power failures whilst working in areas with minimal emergency lighting, personnel are to immediately stop what they are doing and exit the facility via the nearest emergency exit. Only when power has been restored and under the instruction of a manager or supervisor can personnel re-enter the workplace.
18. SAFE U S E O F FO RKLI F T S 18.1 Pre operational safety checks • Locate and ensure you are familiar with all machine operations and controls. • Check brakes, lights and horn before use. • Ensure reversing beeper and warning lights are operational. • Ensure seat belt/safety restraint is in good condition. • Know the capacity of the forklift before using it. Do not use a forklift without a load rating plate. • Check gas-powered vehicles for gas leaks in fuel lines. • Ensure the lifting forks are in sound condition and centered either side of the mast. • Check tyre pressures. Never drive with a flat or under-inflated tyre. 18.2 Operational safety checks • Watch out for pedestrians. • Ensure the lifting forks are secure into the pallet and the load is stable before lifting or driving off. • Be careful of ceiling clearance or overhead obstructions when raising the mast. • Always remember that the safe working load of a forklift reduces as the mast is tilted forward. • Always put the heavy end of the load against the load backrest. • When approaching a blind corner, use horn and drive slowly. • Always have someone guide you if a load restricts your vision. • Slow down when changing direction or on wet or greasy surfaces. • Avoid harsh braking, especially when carrying a load. 18.3 Refueling • For gas-powered vehicles, change gas bottles in a well-ventilated area clear of a naked flame or source of ignition. • For battery-operated vehicles, charge in well-ventilated area.
18.4 Ending operations and cleaning up • When stopping the forklift: • Park on even ground and lower the forks to the ground. • Shift the gear selector to park position and apply the parking brake. • Turn off the ignition and remove the keys. • For gas-powered vehicles, turn off gas and don’t park near an ignition source, doorway or pit. 18.5 Don’t • Do not use faulty equipment. Report any faults immediately. • Do not use engine-powered forklifts in poorly ventilated areas. • Do not allow anyone to ride on the forks. • Do not lift a load with the mast tilted forward. • Do not travel with forks raised or reach mechanism extended. • Never travel with the load elevated. • Do not attempt to turn on an incline or sloping surface. • Do not dismount from a forklift while the engine is running unless the vehicle has completely stopped, transmission is in park position, and the parking brake is effectively engaged. • Do not leave forks elevated when forklift is unattended. • Do not refuel an engine-powered forklift unless the motor is stopped and ignition turned off DO NOT use this equipment unless you have been instructed in its safe use and operation and have been given permission PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT
19. PROC E DU R E FO R R EC E IVI N G I NWAR D G OO DS Process for site receivables is listed below: 19.1. Receive purchase order together with invoice and cross-check. If any stock arrives, which has not been ordered via the purchase order, this product is not to be accepted or unloaded. Instruct the driver to contact his/her company to email PFD the correct paperwork or reject the load. 19.1.1 If the driver or you have not got the PO number check in MFG 5.11 – put in the SKU number to see the next PO 19.1.2 If you find the supplier has invoiced and supplied a different quantity to the PO – Do not amend the quantities on the PO. Please receipt invoiced quantity in accordance to 5.13.1 Purchase Order Receipts process. For increases go into MFG 5.7 and add a new line item with the additional quantity. If an incorrect product is supplied please go into MFG 5.7 and enter in a new item either as a miscellaneous item or against a PFD item code and then follow the 5.13.1 Purchase Order Receipts process and raise relevant TAN(S) and return stock accordingly. For the full purchase order procedure refer to stock control manual version 2016 which can be found on PFD Connect 19.1.3 If rejected make contact with the Replenishment team for your site informing them of the issue with incoming stock for this supplier. 19.1.4 On receiving stock under no circumstances are you to sign a delivery docket “STC” (subject to check) and discrepancies must be amended and advised on day of delivery 19.2. Ensure the driver has the right Chep and Loscam transfer paperwork for the delivery. 19.2.1. If no pallet paperwork or the company has no Chep or Loscam accounts DO NOT PROVIDE EXCHANGE PALLETS. Note in the inwards goods book “No Transfer” and the equipment type and quantity received and advise the transport company they must contact the National Pallet Department to claim their pallets. 19.3. Lower dock plates onto truck, turn on dock light and check hygiene of delivery vehicle, place chocks behind or front dependent on slant and unloading procedure designated for site wheel of truck, ensure the driver hands over truck keys while unloading is happening and driver to stand in safe zone. 19.3.1 Sites without docks – remove the first 2 pallets with forklift, use pole (never a chain) to pull forward the next 2 pallets, then forklift a manual pallet jack into the back of the truck for driver to manoeuver pallets around to the back of the truck for removal.
19.4. HACCP temperature check is required upon unloading – one frozen and one chilled items/product per truck – probe must be used and product is to meet temperature range: chilled being 0 to +4c, tolerance no warmer than +5c, frozen being –18c, tolerance no warmer than –15c or hard frozen were applicable. 19.4.1 Ensure the HACCP paperwork is filled out – doc FSP01 (Goods Received Checklist). 19.5. Whilst unloading you must check the condition of stock, this is critically essential. It must not be squashed, torn, low code or out of date, and must be the correct temperature whether it is frozen or chilled. The weight and heights must reach load requirements and equipment restrictions. 19.5.1 If there are any issues with the stock quality complete a TAN (Tax Adjustment Note form) and reject the stock / load. Get the drivers signature and registration of the truck 19.5.2 If the full load is rejected, retain the pallet docket, write load rejected on the docket and send to head office to be cancelled. 19.5.3 If part of the load is rejected, reduce the pallet quantity on the docket to remove the returned equipment. 19.5.4
Take photos of any quality affected stock for future reference.
19.5.5 If there are any discrepancies with the amount received different to the PO, complete a TAN (Tax Adjustment Note form) must be filled out – (actual received is what we pay for and receipt into MFG) 19.5.6 Record the pallet equipment type e.g. Chep/Loscam and quantity being unloaded from the vehicle. Once the vehicle is unloaded, verify the pallet transfers received from the driver reflect the physical type and quantities unloaded. If the docket does not reflect the physical quantity or type received, or any stock is rejected and returned with the driver, change ALL copies of the pallet dockets to reflect only the quantity received and accepted. Record the final quantities in the inwards goods book. Refer section 2.1 of the Pallet Procedures Manual. 19.6 Now that all stock has been checked, TAN(S) created you must now process the receivable through MFG 5.13.1 (Purchase Order Receipts)
2 0. WM S S ITES R EC E IVAL S PROC ES S The processing of goods inwards “receivals control” is to make sure the right product, use by date and quantity are correct to what has been ordered. 20.1 Desktop process Driver hands in paperwork “delivery invoice/docket” for processing which is crosschecked against the purchase order “MFG 5.9.7” 20.1.1 Check supplier code, description, random weight products and quantity ordered matches delivered - if not check why before any changes made 20.1.2 Any quantities greater than ordered being supplied need approval from purchasing to accept 20.1.3 If accepting the oversupply or incorrect product go into MFG 5.7 and amend the quantity of the product 20.2 DO NOT reduce a quantity in MFG 5.7 only increase 20.2.1 If a product is being delivered incorrectly this needs adding to the PO for rejection (TAN return) – MFG 5.7 20.2.2 Once all paperwork is checked go into WMS receivals and schedule the WMS task with all the required information 20.2.3 Any quantity decrease changes need to be made here and the random weight products need the weight entered 20.2.4 Print out the paperwork, any labels for cross dock, memo, buy in and depending on the site hand all the paperwork to the driver and direct him to the dock or inform him of the next stage of process. NOTE: What is entered at this stage of the process then determines what appears on the gun for processing and what TAN(s) are generated for short supply to PO. 20.3 Gun process 20.3.1 Depending on what type of receipt you are doing depends on which receivals option you use “PO Receivals or Intersite Receivals (DO)”, scan the task ID on the paperwork and then set aside. 20.3.2 Take a pallet off the truck, scan product barcode and if there is not one then select the product from the list by pressing 1 and enter. If the system then asks for a quantity then the product is correct and on the PO but if it beeps at you and gives a message at the bottom of the screen this usually means it’s the wrong product and not on the order or there is a problem with the barcode. If the product does not match what was ordered then put aside to send back on the truck with a manual TAN.
20.3.3 Enter the quantity received, “if a random weight this will take you to another screen whereby you scan each cartons weight”, use by date, the batch number and then scan the stock plate ID that is being allocated to the product. Stick the stock plate ID on bottom right corner of pallet on the carton; continue until all stock is received. 20.3.4 For any damaged stock, low code, short supplies make sure you create the TAN through the system and print this out. Print out two copies - both need signing by driver and yourself, one goes with driver and one stays with PFD. 20.3.5 For any incorrect stock supplied fill in a manual TAN and have driver sign and take the stock with him, NO stock to be left with PFD. Photos are also helpful for damage claims. Change the quantity on the pallet docket down by the amount of pallets left on the truck with the damaged stock. 20.3.6 Complete the HACCP details and sign driver’s paperwork before giving back to driver. All paperwork then goes back to the receiving office where they then print out the receiver and attach all paperwork together. If a manual TAN has been raised then add this to the PO MFG 5.7 and receipt with the TAN in MFG 5.13.1 The full procedure for WMS receivals can be found in the manual.
21. PROC E DU R E FO R PI CK FAC E S E T U P AN D PROC ES S 21.1. Pick faces should present heavy products at the bottom and light products at the top of rack where practicable. 21.2. Product should be displayed label out for ease of identification when picking and for identifying Use By Dates. 21.3. Products on the bottom pallets of the racks should be picked direct from the front of the pick face to restrict manual handling issues of bending under the racking, rotate pallet when required for ease of pick. 21.4. If the product cannot be picked while observing the proper manual handling techniques, the pallet should then be either manually pulled out with a pallet jack to obtain clear access to the product or rotated in the slot to present a fresh pick face. Important: Use by dates MUST be checked when pallets are rotated and product with the earliest use by date should be placed to the front of the pallet. 21.5. Slots should be replenished before they reach their minimum threshold to prepare the Pick Face for the next wave of picks, which also creates more room in the distribution centre for Air Stock .
22 . WM S PUTAWAY PROC ES S At the point of goods receivals, stock plates are applied to each product that comes in and then are activated through scanning. At this point, stock is located in FRZREC, DRYREC, MEDREC, BRREC and must be put away into the warehouse. 22.1 Gun process 22.1.1 Go into the put away option whereby you scan the stock plate on the product, check the details match the stock and then drive to the location you are putting this to. If not sure of the pick face the screen gives you this information plus the chamber it belongs to. 22.1.2
Put the stock away and then scan the location you have put this in.
22.1.3 Continue with your next put away and when complete press send to complete, and a pop up will appear asking if the task is complete, select Yes. The full procedure for WMS put away can be found in the manual.
23. PROC E DU R E FO R R E PL EN I S H I N G - S TOCK Replenishing is an important process of mitigating Stock Loss. It is the practice of moving products with an earlier use by date to the front of the picking rack so they are picked first and moving products with a later use by date to the back. 23.1. Identify products by using the MFG 3.16.8 rack report – size – brand – product description. 23.2. Identify correct bin location using the MFG 3.16.8 rack report. 23.3. Check bin location use by date – air stock use by date – new product use by date 23.4. Place product with the earliest use by date to the front of the pick face and move products with a later use by date to the back of the pick slot 23.5. Ensure product identification label is facing to the front for ease of identification of product and use by date Important: The order in which you receive product is not necessarily the order in which it will expire. Products you received most recently may expire sooner than the products you received earlier, so it is extremely important to ALWAYS check the use by dates 23.6. If possible air stock needs to be placed directly above the rack location or as close as possible to it. 23.7. Make sure the correct stock is in the correct rack location. Refer to the MFG 3.16.8 rack report to ensure correct racking location. 23.8. Under no circumstances is there to be double stacking of pallets in the aisles top rack and or pick face. 23.9. When pickers replenish air stock in an aisle, they MUST replenish the appropriate rack location. Any remaining stock must be returned once it has been rewrapped to its correct air location above the picking slot. If the pallet is empty, it is to be taken out of the aisle and any rubbish to be placed in the nearest rubbish bin to reduce the chance of a slip/trip hazard. 23.10. Empty pallets are to be stacked separately ie. CHEP / LOSCAM.
24 . WM S PI CK FAC E R E PL EN I S H M ENT PROC ES S As a pick face becomes depleted of stock a replenishment process must be performed to refill the pick face stock. This is done by following either the replenishment (where you see something is low) or auto replenishment (which looks at what is allocated to orders and has been picked) procedure. 24.1 Gun process: 24.1.1 Go into the replenish option, identify the product to be replenished by either scanning an item barcode, stock plate, location barcode or enter the SKU of the product. 24.1.2 The system will recommend a bulk location and stock plate to use based on FIFO (first in, first out)date (Use’s the shortest shelf life first), go to the bulk location and pull down the pallet, scan the stock plate and place the stock into the pick face. Then enter the return quantity - count the remaining stock on the pallet or if you have used all the stock then the return quantity is zero (0) and then scan the return location of the pallet. Ensure all plastic wrap is removed from stock before replenishing into pick bay. Continue with your next replenishment and when complete press send to complete, and a pop up will appear asking if the task is complete, select Yes. 24.2 Gun process Auto Replenish: 24.2.1 When you first log into the gun auto replenish will appear in the task menu or when in the main, menu select option “a. Go to Task menu”
24.2.2 Select which auto replenishment type/chamber you require - M=medium, D=dry, F=freezer, this will bring up all replenishments required for that chamber and you can further sort by aisle by pressing the space key to bring up a sub menu and select “Aisle filter”. Then follow the process that you would for replenishment. The full procedure for WMS put away can be found in the manual.
25. PFD R F GU N ALLOCATI O N PROC E DU R E 25.1. Each Employee has an allocated RF Gun which has their name placed on the upper handle. 25.2. Each RF Gun can have from 1-2 employees assigned based on shift timetable. 25.3. All RF Guns are assigned and traced for every employee through our PFD RF Gun Allocation form. This form is updated on an as needed basis (Traced from RF Serial number on Base of Handle). 25.4. Allocation of guns is to remain the same between employees and sites – any changes are to be authorised by the warehouse manager. 25.5. At the start of each shift the employee is responsible to check their individual allocated gun for any sign of damage/wear and tear, should any be noted this must then be reported to their Line Manager immediately. 25.6. If for any reason their assigned RF Gun is unavailable (RTS Service etc) the employee must note which RF Gun they use in place of their own for that day. This must be noted on the Daily Shift Handover Form next to their allocated name. 25.7. Employees are responsible for returning gun to charging dock location at completion of shift. 25.8. For any damage noted the RF Gun is to be booked with RTS online and then sent via Toll to RTS and returned to PFD once fixed. Invoices are sent through Via Email. 25.9. PFD Elumina incident form filled in for investigation as to why this has occurred (not required for batteries).
26. PROC E DU R E FO R PI CKI N G I NTE R S ITE 26.1. Collect picking sheet (see Appendix G) of Group/Branch order from the Warehouse office. 26.2. Liaise with replenishers/storeperson working in aisles 26.3. Chep pallets are always the preferred pallets to be used for picking intersites. 26.4. Dairy products/pallets are to be marked with random weights and use by dates on the branch-picking sheet. 26.5. R/W = how the code is set up, if it is a carton buy it must be a carton sell and if unit buy it can be sold as a unit. 26.6. Pallets are to be stacked heavy to light, with layers being the foundation on the bottom half of the pallet with an interlocked formation on the top. All stock must be stacked within the width of the pallet. No bulk pallets are to be stacked on. 26.7. If a large quantity of stock is required to fulfil the branch order, where possible, utilise product in the reserve location or when picking from the bin location, layer picking must take place. 26.8. All branch orders are to be wrapped using the pallet-wrapping machine (where applicable). Once the pallet is wrapped, it is to be weighed (where applicable) on the scale with the total weight of pallet being recorded on the pallet. The maximum weight of a mixed grocery branch pallet must not exceed 1200kg and bulk pallet 1400kg. If your pallet exceeds this weight restriction you will be required to remove selected product to meet the weight specified. The pallet is then to be numbered e.g. P1, P2 and placed into its designated staging area. The branch daily picking sheet must be used to record all the above-mentioned information (see appendix H) 26.9. On the completion of the branch order, it is required that a supplied sticker is attached showing the total number of pallets picked and the total weight of the branch order as well as the branch name. 26.10. The number of pallets picked for this Branch order is to be recorded on the branch schedule white board located in the warehouse office (where applicable). On completion of your shift, your branch daily picking sheet must be returned to your supervisor.
27. PROC E DU R E FO R PI CKI N G I N DIVI DUAL PI CKS 27.1. The Individual Picks are to be collected from the warehouse office. These orders are labelled with the appropriate stamp by a manager/supervisor and highlighted with designated run and chamber for staging purposes. 27.2. When picking Individual Picks it is required that only one order is taken and worked on at a time, unless otherwise directed by a manager/supervisor. Storepersons are to collect the order, which is on top of the pile unless manager/supervisor delegates priority orders to storeperson. Check with manager/supervisor for additional orders (add-to) for same customer. 27.3. Prior to picking the order, storepersons are required to plan the picking of this order to determine appropriate products to use as a base for the pallet, based on weight and volume of items (wherever possible you should endeavor to use Chep pallets only). The storeperson is then required to collect an empty pallet from the designated pallet area. Depending on type of order you may be required to write down the pallet type, ie Chep or Loscam. 27.4. When constructing a pallet it is required that product is stacked heavy to light, thus reducing the likelihood of damages occurring to products that are being picked. 27.5. If one storeperson is picking the whole order, start with the frozen products, wearing the correct PPE to work in the freezer. Empty cartons are to be used to transport loose units. (All units are to be placed in cartons and clearly labeled with the customer name.) 27.6. Loose Units are to be picked first before opening new cartons/boxes. If any stock is replenished while picking, make sure all plastic wrap is taken off pallet and pallet placed in designated pick location. If any damages occur while picking they are to be placed in the appropriate damaged holding areas i.e. Non-conforming product area and written up on damaged goods register. 27.7. When Individual Pick is complete it needs to be cross-checked by another storeperson. The checking storeperson must sign the stamped order, identifying which section of the order has been checked, ie dry/medium or freezer. 27.8. After being checked off, confirm with Supervisor/Manager if any items are unavailable for substitute stock so that an appropriate replacement item can be keyed and printed for picking on new order. Make sure to use allocated MHE (Manual Handling Equipment) at all times for moving stock around. If pallet would end up being too high, stock is to be checked progressively or make two half pallets. 27.9. Where possible have the name of the product facing outward with loose units and small items on top of the pallet to enable ease of checking. 27.10. Mark the order correctly, eg. 2 Dry = 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 on labels with customer’s name clearly marked, include date. 27.11. Wrap pallets if necessary, Dry/Medium together and Frozen on its own. Pallet must then be weighed (where applicable).
27.12. Place the completed order in the designated staging/holding area. 27.13. Record weight, location of order, customer, date the order was picked and the start and finish time on your daily Individual Pick sheet and repeat same process with any following orders. 27.14. Individual pallet weights should not exceed 750kg 27.15. On completion of your shift, your Individual Pick sheet must be returned to your supervisor.
28. PROC E DU R E FO R PI CKI N G O F RU N S 28.1. The allotted runs required for picking are printed in the warehouse office and issued to warehouse personnel by the relevant supervisor. 28.2. The runs are allocated so as to be picked in order of priority for the loading of trucks. The allocation of the orders is to be recorded on the picking and loading sheet which details the delivery run number, who is picking the order as well as the start/finish times. 28.3. Whether picking a batched delivery run or an individual order the process remains the same. Storepersons (pickers) are to pick and stack product onto pallets so that heavy product is stacked on the bottom of the pallet with light products on top, this will provide the best opportunity to maintain product integrity. Those branches that have scanning devices can utilise functions within the program to assist in this practice. 28.4. Points to consider; 28.4.1. Correct manual handling practices are to be observed throughout the picking process 28.4.2.
Pallets are to weigh no more than 750kg
Pallets should not exceed more that 180cm in height
28.4.4. When sourcing stock from picking locations, loose units should be used before opening new cartons 28.4.5. When picking pallet delivery orders, loose units should be placed in an empty carton to reduce the risk of damage 28.4.6. Chemical products are to be placed into a box and put on the bottom of the pallet, not placed on top of any other product where there is potential for contamination Once a pallet is picked, it is to be clearly marked with either the run number if part of a batched run or the customer name if an individual pick. The pallet is then to be transported to the appropriate area of the warehouse in readiness for dispatch.
2 9. WM S O R D E R PI CK PROC ES S Picking via the scanning system is designed to make sure the right product(s) and quantity(s) are picked and supplied to our customers both internal and external. (This is done by following the procedure below). 29.1 Gun process order picking 29.1.1 Go into the pick option, scan the pick task id barcode and upon pressing enter, the order will appear on the screen. 29.1.2 It depends on how the branch slot and run slot have been set up to whether the pick task includes all chamber locations or is broken into separate chambers. 29.1.3 The pick appears in pick sequence based on aisle setup, to change your pick sequence up you press “s” (for “sequence”) and it will display a popup with all the sequence options. Select your option. 29.1.4 The gun will tell you the location, description and quantity of what you require, go to the location, pick the product and put it on your pallet. Once on the pallet scan the products barcode and if no barcode scan the product location, arrow down and select the product you have picked, key in the quantity you have picked in Cartons and units. For a random weight this will take you to another screen whereby you scan each carton(s)/unit(s) weight then send when complete. 29.1.5 For a bulk pallet pick, it will direct you to the bulk storage location based on FIFO, pull the pallet down and scan the stock plate and enter the quantity. 29.1.6 Once picked the product will drop off the screen and direct you to the next product 29.1.7 Continue until all products are picked – nothing will be left on the screen other than anything that is not in stock, this will remain at the bottom of the screen. 29.1.8 Once completed press the space key and select “Close Pallet”, enter the weight of the load, pallet type, lane number and then select the printer. Go to the printer and collect your label – 2 labels (1 for front and 1 for back of pallet). Once you have the label, Press the send key – this takes you into the body of the order. Note: for multiple pallets repeat steps 29.1.7 & 29.1.8 29.1.9 When finished, send to complete, a pop up will appear “is task complete? No, Yes, Cancel” - select the required option and enter. If not complete a pop up will appear informing of this and will ask if you wish to continue – no takes you back into order to finish and yes requires a supervisors approval. The full procedure for the WMS order pick process manual can be found on PFD Connect.
3 0. PROC E DU R E FO R LOADI N G B R AN CH S EM I - TR AIL E R S / CO NTR ACTO R S 30.1. Key points when loading 30.1.1. Assess load for Branch order, use whiteboard in office (where applicable) or summary sheet. Check which order is complete to assess which truck will be loaded first. 30.1.2.
Pallet weight is 1400kg for bulk ie chips on chips and 1200kg for mixed.
30.1.3. Check the condition of trailer and ensure that it has been pre-cooled before any stock goes on, e.g. Freezer mats, boards and bars. If any irregularities or concerns arise approach a manager/supervisor. 30.1.4. Consult with driver of the transport company to distribute weight evenly across trailer. It is the discretion of driver where the load is placed. 30.1.5. Liaise with picker doing the add-to and determine the size and time for the order to be completed. 30.1.6. If there are uneven amounts of pallets, in freezer, use preferred dry stock, oils, fats or plain empty pallets (DO NOT use chep or Loscam pallets) to even the load. 30.1.7. The frozen portion of the main order is to be loaded first. Keep count/record of CHEP AND LOSCAM pallets and weight. 30.1.8. Once all the frozen stock is on the truck, including miscellaneous and contract orders, drivers are to put the freezer mats/boards up. Make sure there is good ventilation for the chilled compartment. Dairy pallets are to be behind the freezer mats. ALL DAIRY PALLETS MUST GO ON THE TRUCK as well as all contract orders and misc. 30.2. Follow the same procedure for both dry and frozen. 30.2.1. Check off summary sheet and photocopy Load Sheet. This is to be signed by Storeworker/s loading. Mark any stock left off the truck on the stock left off Branch Sheets. 30.2.2.
If any stock has been left over, then notify supervisor or manager.
30.2.3. When finished loading raise dock plate, turn off dock light and retract the dock and close dock door. 30.3. Appropriate paperwork is to be filled out. 30.3.1. Pallet transfer docket book must be completed and driver to sign (see appendix J). Refer section 1.6 to 1.8 in Pallet Procedure Manual. 30.3.2. Load plan seal numbers x 2. Driver to sign summary sheet (See appendix K)
Invoices, add to miscellaneous paperwork to be collected.
Back copy of picks slips to go with invoices.
30.3.5. Invoice numbers are to be recorded on the summary sheet and check relevant branches pigeonhole for invoices for contract or miscellaneous orders. 30.3.6. Write load plan number and name of branch on front of envelope and staple. 30.3.7.
Give paper work to driver.
30.3.8. Close doors and seal. Seal side door if necessary, loading store people to put seals on truck themselves. Temperature of chilled product loaded must be no warmer than +4ยบ (tolerance +5ยบ). Temperature of frozen product loaded must be no warmer than -18ยบ (tolerance -15ยบ). For each load out, one frozen and one chilled product must be temperature probed and temperature recorded on the Load Out Temperature Monitoring Record (Form FSP03). The temperature readings are indicative of all frozen and chilled products loaded per vehicle. Exception: If product is transported directly from refrigerated room to delivery vehicle, temperature can be taken from the room temperature gauge, if not on defrost or out of specification. Drivers are to be asked to remain in the safe zone area at all times, unless otherwise instructed. This is an OH&S directive and must be adhered to at all times.
31. PROC E DU R E FO R LOADI N G PFD VEH I CL ES 31.1. The sequence of delivery vehicle loading should be determined by the relevant supervisor at the commencement of the shift. 31.2. Only designated licensed personnel are permitted to place company vehicles onto the allocated loading dock. They are to check the condition of the box and switch on the refrigeration unit prior to loading the vehicle. 31.3. The storeperson(s) responsible for loading the vehicle is to check if all orders going onto that vehicle have been picked i.e. bulk runs and/or single orders. If the required orders haven’t been picked, then this is to be communicated with the relevant supervisor who can reallocate resources to complete the necessary work. 31.4. Pallet Delivery Runs Orders that are to be delivered via pallet delivery (tailgate) trucks are to be picked individually. The size of the order will determine how many pallets will be required for each order. Where possible, dry/chiller/frozen products can be placed on the same pallets. Points to consider; 31.4.1.
Products need to be stacked heavy to light to maximise product integrity
Pallet weight should not exceed 750kg
Pallet height should not exceed 180cm
31.4.4. Pallets need to be securely wrapped and clearly marked identifying the customer as well as how many pallets for each customer All pallets required for a specific pallet delivery run can be located within the warehouse by referencing the manifest which details where each pallet has been placed within the warehouse. The pallet delivery vehicle is then located using a PE in drop order based, on customer requirements. 31.5. Batched Delivery Runs 31.5.1. Batched delivery runs are picked in bulk and the pallets staged in the ante room /loading dock immediately behind the vehicle it is to be loaded onto. 31.5.2. All stock is to be checked prior to loading by using dispatch dockets or scan to load where applicable. 31.5.3. Frozen stock is to be loaded onto the vehicle first with load plans reflecting driver requirements strictly adhered to. This will not only ensure product integrity but also ensure HACCP compliance. Once all frozen stock has been loaded, the frozen compartment of the pantec is to be secured.
31.5.4. The dry and chiller components of the batched delivery run are then to be loaded onto the rear of the vehicle pantec, again observing load plans. 31.5.5. Upon completion of loading the vehicle, the relevant supervisor is to inspect the load to ensure it has been loaded to a satisfactory standard. 31.5.6. The vehicle can then be removed from the loading dock (by licensed personnel only) to the appropriate truck bay. 31.5.7.
Truck refrigeration units are to be checked throughout the night.
Temperature of chilled product loaded must be no warmer than +4ยบ (tolerance +5ยบ). Temperature of frozen product loaded must be no warmer than -18ยบ (tolerance -15ยบ). For each load out, one frozen and one chilled product must be temperature probed and temperature recorded on the Load Out Temperature Monitoring Record (Form FSP03). The temperature readings are indicative of all frozen and chilled products loaded per vehicle. Exception: If product is transported directly from refrigerated room to delivery vehicle, temperature can be taken from the room temperature gauge, if not on defrost or out of specification.
32 . WM S TRUCK LOAD PROC ES S Once an order for a branch or truck/slot run is completed then the next step is to perform the load out. The load out is designed to make sure that the correct stock goes onto the truck to ensure all possible pick orders have been corrected. 32.1. There are different types of load outs depending on the type of load 32.1.1. Branch or Individual Load is equal to scanning the pallet label to confirm that all pallets have gone onto the truck 32.1.2. Drop Rack or RD Load is equal to each product being scanned onto the truck either by quantity keyed in or complete scan 32.2. Gun process Truck Load 32.2.1.
Select the Load to Truck option, enter
Select the Load to Truck type you are performing, enter
Depending on the load type determines how you activate the load task a) Branch or Individual Load equals to scanning the pallet label b) Drop Rack or RD Load equals to scanning the task id barcode or pallet label
32.2.4. For Branch or Individual Load, you keep scanning each pallet label as you load them on the truck and this removes them off the load list. If you scan a wrong pallet it will inform you that the pallet does not belong to that load. If there are pallets remaining on the load task, you need to determine what has been left off and then load. The load captures cross dock, memo and any additional reminders for fish and meat etc.
32.2.5. For Drop Rack or RD Load you load each product that is required by scanning the product barcode and entering the quantity, once a product is loaded it will drop off the list. For drop load a message will appear upon completion of each customers load. 32.3. You continue loading until everything is loaded onto the truck, fix any issues as they arise. 32.3.1. On completion of the pallets, confirm all memo cross dock have been scan loaded. Any extra PO’s added e.g. meat, fish. 32.3.2. Once a load is completed and task is closed off, a truck load report will either print out or email to the required personnel. 32.3.3. The load report is then used for transport details and to cross check against driver credits and freight charges. Temperature of chilled product loaded must be no warmer than +4º (tolerance +5º). Temperature of frozen product loaded must be no warmer than -18º (tolerance -15º). For each load out, one frozen and one chilled product must be temperature probed and temperature recorded on the Load Out Temperature Monitoring Record (Form FSP03). The temperature readings are indicative of all frozen and chilled products loaded per vehicle. Exception: If product is transported directly from refrigerated room to delivery vehicle, temperature can be taken from the room temperature gauge, if not on defrost or out of specification. The full procedure for WMS truck load can be found in the WMS manual.
33. PROC E DU R E FO R S TOCK R E TU R N S When receiving Storepersons are checking goods being returned to the Warehouse, they must ensure the following is being adhered to. This process also applies to returning stock from other PFD Branches. 33.1. Dairy and frozen product is to be probed to meet temperature range ie. Chiller +4c, tolerance no warmer than +5c Frozen being -18c, tolerance no warmer than -15c or Hard Frozen[where applicable] i.e. ice-creams 33.2. If product does not meet temperature range, has passed its used by date, or is not in good condition, it is to be placed in the damaged goods area and the Area Storeperson/Supervisor to be notified and the GRS /CREDIT Book is marked accordingly & signed by a Supervisor 33.3. Frozen/Dairy product is given priority and MUST be returned to the appropriate rack location immediately by the designated storepersons to ensure product integrity.
3 4 . WM S S TOCK R E TU R N S PROC ES S This allows you to scan the product back into the location you are putting it away in, therefore also capturing the return use by date and adding the stock back into the WMS. This is done by following the procedure. 34.1. Gun process: 34.1.1.
Select the stock returns option
Collect the driver stock returns
34.1.3. Scan the product barcode or key in SKU, or use your “S” search functions, and then enter depending on what process you used 34.1.4. Once product is scanned the screen will display the product’s description and its pick face location 34.1.5.
Scan the location you are returning the stock to
If this is not the products pick face, a pop up will appear “Not item P/face. Continue Yes,
No, cancel”
34.1.6. Enter the quantity being returned in cartons and units, and then enter. If random weight then this follows the same process as receivals and pick 34.1.7.
Enter the products best before, use by or packed date, and then enter If the product has expired a pop up will appear “Item expired cannot return”, anything with more than 1 day’s life it will not
NOTE: If the product has expired or is close to expiry then put in your isolate area 34.1.8. Enter the GRS this was brought back on, and then enter (process still being determined on this, so enter on this field) 34.1.9.
Continue with your next product return
34.1.10. When finished send to complete, a pop up will appear “is task complete? No, Yes, Cancel” select the required option and enter The full procedure for WMS stock returns process can be found on PFD Connect.
35. S U PPLI E R CL AI M S 35.1 TAN Lines 35.1.1 When receipting stock, the branch needs to create a TAN line if stock is short supplied to purchase order, short coded or damaged on delivery. The WMS will automatically do this 35.1.2 The branch MUST put a notation on the POD that the stock is short/ damaged, all claims (TANS) need a delivery driver’s signature and name clearly printed. 35.1.3 The branch must have the TAN signed by the driver to confirm the stock has been short/damaged. This proof is required in case of disputes and all drivers have to sign. If a driver refuses to sign, this must be recorded on a TAN document, make sure his POD has a notation the stock is short/damaged and contact the supplier. 35.1.4
Damaged stock should be returned with the driver If damaged stock is returned on a pallet, the inbound pallet docket must be reduced by the quantity of pallets being left on the vehicle.
35.1.5 Refer to procedures for raising a TAN line, correcting receipting errors and what to do when incorrect stock delivered in PFD Connect under Policies/ Manuals/Procedures document name is Stock PO Receipts and Stock Adjustment 35.2 Supplier Claims (SC Claims) 35.2.1 These supplier claims are raised in MFG 3.12 for code adjustments (C Q X) normally for damaged stock and return of stock. 35.2.2 Note: There are specific procedures for Claims on Fresh Meat suppliers (refer to National Category Manager Meat) 35.2.3 If the branch needs to return stock or comes across damaged stock they need to claim from the supplier, they must also contact the supplier direct to inform them of the return/damage and follow the suppliers instruction (e.g.; dump the stock, etc). The branch needs to obtain the name of the person they spoke to and a claim/credit number if available from the supplier 35.2.4 For damaged stock, the branch must take a photo of the damages and also a photo of the label that the supplier can read to enable the supplier to identify the stock (e.g.: batch details)
35.2.5 As much information as possible must be put in the claim comments; reason for claim, whereabouts of stock, the name of the person contacted (supplier) and invoice number. 35.3 Customer Complaints 35.3.1 Customer complaint claims are raised by the Sales Team and must have the customer’s name and correct supporting documentation NOTE: All claim queries and rejections must be sent directly to claims@pfdfoods.com.au for investigation – not to be investigated at branch unless requested through Filewise
36. CU S TO M E R PI CKU P S 36.1 Customer pickup process is below 36.1.1 Set a time that suits the warehouse and sales teams then ensure that this time is communicated to customers for the sites customer pick up time (such as between 10:00am and 12:00pm every day). 36.1.2 Ensure your site has a customer pick up picking sheet in-tray or area clipboard in the warehouse/branch office. 36.1.3 A customer pick up must only take place after you have been directed to do so by a manager/supervisor. 36.1.4 Ensure that the location for the customer to collect the stock is safe for them to do so, if not, ask them to wait at reception and take the stock to the customer. 36.1.5 You are also required to check whether the product needs to be paid for in full by the customer before stock changes hands. This can be determined by checking the terms on the invoice. 36.1.6 When giving a customer their ordered product, you are required to have the customer sign their invoice and keep the signed branch copy for scanning. Place the customer signed invoice in the appropriate in-tray in the warehouse/branch office. 36.1.7 Do not allow any hire pallet equipment to be taken with a pickup unless a pallet docket is raised or an exchange pallet of the same type and quantity has been supplied.
37. S TOCK TAK E PROC ES S 37.1 PFD conduct wall to wall stocktakes every quarter, so four times a year we stop operations to ensure our stock is correct physically to our MFG/WMS system. There is a detailed stocktake procedure in place that outlines the sites requirement to get ready for stocktake and how to conduct a stocktake process from beginning to end.
As a storeperson, your key areas of responsibility for stocktakes are listed below: 37.1.1
Ensure all stock in air locations are correctly labelled
37.1.2 Labels should have – product name, product code, product location, used by date, received date 37.1.3 If there is 3 products in one location in the air, then 3 product labels needs to be in place and visible from the ground 37.1.4 Ensure products are in the right location – there is a rack report audit in MFG you can run to check – MFG report number 3.16.8 37.1.5 Cycle counts need to be up to date for all products in the warehouse – the more counts you complete the better controlled your stock will be 37.1.6 All stock needs to be put away correctly and not left on the ground in front of pick face locations 37.1.7 Clean up all pick face locations – this means ensuring all products are grouped together and can be seen clearly and counted easily on stocktake day 37.1.8 On the day before the stocktake, level out the pick face before going home – this makes counting easy as layers can be counted fast and then add what is left on the top layer 37.1.9
Clear any driver returns – ensure everything is put away correctly
37.1.10 Ensure that all aisle and warehouse areas are clean and clear for the stocktake day 37.1.11
Process all outstanding credits, branch claims and stock adjustments.
37.2 During the stocktake day 37.2.1 Ensure you count shelf to sheet – see the product and then find it in the sheet If you cannot find a product on the sheet then place as much information about the product on your cover sheet with the count for the office to key into the system 37.2.2
Count correctly – take your time it is not a race, accuracy is the answer
37.2.3 Place CT for cartons and UN for units every time in all counts so the person keying understands 37.2.4
Make sure all sheets are handed back to your stock controller
37.2.5 During the recount process be sure to pull all pallets located in an air position down for counting – do not assume the labels are always correct – double check at this stage of the process The more preparation you put into your warehouse leading into the stocktake the more accurate your counts will be and the process will be faster.
38. H OU S EK E E PI N G 38.1. Poor housekeeping can lead to a number of injuries particularly when it comes to slips and trips. Your responsibility to prevent these types of incidents is to ensure that all excess rubbish is removed from designated walkways and those pallets or product locations are stored in accordance with your warehouse guidelines so that these items are not protruding into areas where others operate or walk. 38.2. Additional to the above, ice build-up in freezers is reported and cleaned up so that the risk of slips is greatly minimised. 38.3. The house keeping duties are the responsibilities of all staff regardless to which shift you are presently working on. 38.4. Keep your area clean and tidy during your shift, including the maintenance of all food display areas and walkways. 38.5. All General waste should only be disposed of in bins marked specifically for general waste. 38.6. All cardboard and plastic should be disposed using the site specific recycling method. This may be marked recycling bins or alternatively be through a compactor / bailer process 38.7. Cleaning /damages, wet spillages are to be mopped and a safety cone used/ displayed, these are located in the cleaner’s area; all major spills are to be reported immediately to your manager/supervisor. 38.8. All spillages, i.e. flour, oil, liquid items are to be cleaned up using the supplied cleaning equipment located in the cleaner’s area, mop & bucket to be cleaned after use. 38.9. Ensure all Damages are placed in the allocated damaged stock holding area and details are to be recorded on the supplied damages sheet. Under no circumstances are damages to be held for longer than one week to comply with HACCP requirements. 38.10. All Freezer and Chiller walls should be free from mould and washed down as required as well as racking. 38.11. Electric floor sweepers. 38.11.1. If your site has a ride on electric floor sweeper then you must ensure your aisle is swept on a daily basis. 38.11.2. Before using the sweeper you should remove all plastics, small pieces of broken pallets, large pieces of cardboard from the area as these will damage the machine. 38.11.3. Once you have finished you should check to see if the sweeper needs to be emptied and ready for the next shift to use.
39. PALL E T S TOCK TAK E 39.1. A monthly pallet stocktake is conducted of ALL Chep and Loscam hire equipment. This must be conducted by every site on the specified stocktake dates once all movements have ceased for the day. Refer section 2.11 of the Pallet Procedures Manual for more information. 39.2. The stocktake sheet is to be emailed once completed to the following email address: • pallets@pfdfoods.com.au 39.3. All hire equipment must be included in your stocktake. This includes: • Wooden Pallets. • Plastic pallets • All types of Bins 39.4. All areas must be counted as accurately as possible. This includes: • Freezer • Dry • Chiller • Pallets on PFD trucks both in the yard and on the road • Empty pallets in the yard and anywhere else on site • Dock area • Pallets at customers waiting to be collected • Pallets at offsite storage that are not transferred to the customer • Any other area your site may use that contains hire equipment 39.5. No de-hires are to be sent back to Chep, Loscam or another PFD Branch during the three days leading up to and including the stocktake dates as detailed in the stocktake reminder. 39.6. The monthly de-hire register is to be emailed with the Loscam stocktake every month.
Acceptance I ..................................................................................................................(Storeperson’s Name) have received training as a storeperson at PFD Food Services and I have received my own copy of this Storeperson procedure manual. I sign to indicate that I have understood the training and all the requirements of my role as a storeperson.
Signed…………………………….............................. Operations and or Branch Manager
Signed……………………………............................... Storeperson
131 733
www.pfdfoods.com.au V4. July 2017