PFD686 Drivers Manual Update July 2017

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Introduction As a driver employed by this company you have been chosen to represent us and become the public face of the company. Your behaviour and appearance should reflect the highest standards at all times. Your behaviour on the road should be beyond reproach. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of any changes to traffic laws and road access, safe and courteous driving should be your first priority. Behaviour that is found to be contrary to this policy is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action.

Scope of Tasks This publication is for the use of all PFD drivers of delivery vehicles, this manual is designed to assist the company driver in recognising their daily responsibilities.



1.1 Basic Fatigue Management


3.1 Drug and Alcohol Policy


1.2 Manual Handling Procedures


3.2 Motor Vehicle Policy


1.3 Incident notification


3.3 Fines and Misdemeanors


1.4 Personal Protective Equipment – PPE


3.4 Customer Key Policy


1.5 Chain of Responsibility


3.5 Licence Policy


1.6 Dangerous Goods


3.6 Mobile Phone Policy


3.7 Pallet Policy


3.8 Passengers / Access to Vehicle




3.9 Smoking Policy


2.2 Food Safety Requirements


3.10 Uniforms


3.11 Vehicle Tracking and Telematics


2.3 Paperwork


2.4 Product delivery


2.5 Driver Credit Note Procedure


2.6 Customer Complaints


2.7 Truck Procedures – Security


2.8 Stock Returns


2.9 Money Handling Customer COD


2.10 Motor Vehicle Accidents


2.11 Supplier Pick-ups


2.12 Fuel Purchases


2.13 Cleanliness & Hygiene


2.14 Key drop


EQUIPMENT 4.1 Preventative Maintenance


4.2 Hydraulic Tailgate


4.3 Tailgate & Pallet Mover



Basic Fatigue Management PFD Food Services has a Basic Fatigue Management Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Basic Fatigue Management Policy is available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. All drivers of Commercial (up to 12T GVM), Heavy or Heavy Regulated (12T GVM and above) vehicles have a responsibility to take regular rest breaks to avoid fatigue. To ensure that this occurs in accordance with company guidelines and legislation, as a driver you will be required to operate either within standard hours (0 – 12hrs) or BFM (Basic fatigue management) hours (all states except WA, 14 hour maximum, WA 10 hour maximum). The rules for complying with the company BFM accreditation requirements are; 1.1.1 No member of staff is to operate beyond 15 hours (rest beaks included) in any one day. 1.1.2 No driver is to commence work in a fatigued state or work to a point that they become fatigued during that day. 1.1.3 Drivers of Heavy Regulated vehicles (QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA & NT) that operate within the BFM time frames or travel in excess of 100km in any one direction must complete the “National Drivers Work Diary”. 1.1.4 Drivers of commercial vehicles (WA) must complete the “Drivers Daily Log Sheet” and are deemed to be operating within BFM time frame when exceeding 10 hours in any one day. 1.1.5 Drivers of Heavy Regulated vehicles (QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA & NT) must have completed BFM online training and hold a current BFM medical that indicates that they are fit to drive. For persons over 50 years of age = yearly, persons under 50 = 3 yearly) 1.1.6 Drivers of commercial vehicles (WA) must complete the BFM online training and complete a BFM medical every 3 years. 1.1.7 When working in standard hours and not required to complete a “National Drivers Work Diary” then all drivers regardless of vehicle size must complete “Daily Driver Log Sheet” which is to be used as an aid to monitor potential breaches within the fatigue management program. 1.1.8 Please note that any non-compliance within documentation that sees a driver issued an infringement notice will be the responsibility of the driver to pay. 1.1.9 Drivers of Heavy Regulated vehicles (QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA & NT) must also hold in their possession a copy of the company accreditation certificate and a letter authorising them to operate within the BFM time frames.



Manual Handling Procedures 1.2.1 Being a delivery truck driver can at times be a very labour intensive role which can see drivers lift and carry weights up to 25kg for particular items. To ensure that you as a driver remain safe while you transfer stock from the truck to a hand trolley and then to the customers storage location, you must; Select the intended stock and place next to doorway. Use your knees and feet when transferring the stock to the doorway – Do not twist or bend your back! Do not over extend when reaching for stock. Use handles where provided and steady yourself in readiness for the lift. 1.2.2 Exit the vehicle storage compartment backwards by holding onto the handle and descending the steps – three points of contact at all times. 1.2.3 Reach into the doorway and slide the object close to you in preparation for the lift. 1.2.4 This may require you to re-enter the storage compartment from time to time to move other product closer to the doorway. 1.2.5 Never stack product high so when outside you have to reach up to lift and lower heavy items. 1.2.6 Keeping the object close, lift and using your feet, turn and place object onto trolley by lowering with your knees. 1.2.7 Where you are at risk of injury due to the confinement or limitations of stacking/ placing a customer’s order away, then you must inform the customer that due to the increased risk on your personal safety you must drop the load as near as possible to the intended destination and leave for them to put away this time. 1.2.8 Never pull a loaded hand trolley up stairs as this will place extra stress on your back and shoulders.



Incident notification 1.3.1 All hazards, near misses or incidents (injuries or soreness as a result of an accident) that has been identified while carrying out your daily task, must be reported to your supervisor immediately. 1.3.2 The aim of this reporting is to identify where controls have failed and if these are not reported, then we risk that either another employee or customer may become injured due to the hazard remaining uncontrolled.


Personal Protective Equipment – PPE PFD Food Services has a Personal Protective Equipment Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Personal Protective Equipment Policy is available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. When operating any delivery vehicle, the driver has a responsibility to ensure that they have and wear; i)

Safety footwear.

ii) High visibility vests or jackets - this extends to night time high visibility vest if operating during the hours of darkness. iii) And any other PPE that the customer feels will enhance driver safety while on their site. iv) All PPE must be maintained and kept in good working order and is to be replaced when worn or damaged. v) During extreme weather, additional PPE is available upon request for wet weather. 1.5

Chain of Responsibility 1.5.1 Under the “Chain of Responsibility” (COR) legislation, everybody within the supply chain now has a responsibility to ensure that commercial or heavy vehicle movements are not affected by unsafe loading, driver performance or poorly maintained vehicles. Therefore as a driver you have the following responsibilities; i) Never drive above the speed limits (all speeding and driving infringements will be at the driver’s expense). This extends to driving to the road & weather conditions at the time of travel. ii) Never drive a vehicle if under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Even prescribed medicine may impact one’s driving so please inform your supervisor before getting behind the wheel.


iii) Always check the placement of your load within the storage compartment to ensure that your vehicle is not lopsided when driving. This extends to throughout the day so that when orders are picked and delivered they do not just come from one side.



All loads must be wrapped or restrained to prevent accidental movement.


The vehicle must not exceed the designated GVM.

Dangerous Goods 1.6.1 PFD Food Services has a Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances Policy is available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. 1.6.2 Under legislation the driver has a responsibility to ensure that all “Dangerous Goods” (DG) are packed in a separate container at the bottom of the pallet to prevent the spread of contamination should any DG rupture and or leak. 1.6.3 In the event that “Class 8” substances are carried, this can only be carried when transporting in limited quantities. This equates to no individual container being more than 1ltr in size.



Pre Op Checklist e.g. Check oil, fuel, load etc. Refer to your issued “Driver Daily Log Sheet.

Note: A copy of the owner’s manual is available on the PFD Intranet by following the “Operations” “Fleet” “Manuals” links













(Handles in storage department) The following is applicable for only those tasked with checking this device


.................................................................... .................................................................... ....................................................................


............................................................... ...............................................................


............................................................... ...............................................................

DRIVER ..................................................................... SUPERVISOR ............................................................. TO BE IMMEDIATELY RETURNED TO BRANCH MANAGER IF NOT COMPLIANT



Ensure Food Safety requirements are met 2.2.1 All food companies are required to develop, implement and maintain a Food Safety program to ensure the safe handling of food from receival to storage, dispatch and delivery. PFD’s Food Safety Program is based on the HACCP Codex Principals and is audited annually by SGS Australia, an independent auditing body. 2.2.2 Customers may wish to inspect your vehicle and check temperatures of goods as part of their own Food Safety program. Inspections of vehicles can be made as outlined in Access to Vehicles. If a customer elects to check the temperature of chilled/frozen product at point of delivery, this must be conducted before product is taken off the vehicle at the rear of the truck. 2.2.3 Temperature checks can be made by the customer with either an infrared gun or a hand held temperature probe. The infrared gun must be pointed directly at the stock to gain an accurate measurement, not the cardboard carton. You may open the box for this temperature to be taken and then ensure it is re-sealed. 2.2.4 If a hand held probe is being used, it must not pierce or penetrate any packaging or product, it can be placed between boxes, packages or individual items to record temperature. 2.2.5 If you identify product on your vehicle as not meeting temperature requirements, it should be returned to store and marked as “damaged” as it must not be put back into stock. 2.2.6 Please note if any problems arise at all whilst delivering product, you must advise your supervisor immediately. 2.2.7 PFD issued hats must be worn at all times while delivering product DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY: 2.2.8 To comply with our HACCP accreditation, all goods must be delivered into the correct environment, i.e. frozen product into a freezer and chilled goods into a refrigerated area. 2.2.9 It is not the driver’s responsibility to rotate stock or to make room in a customer’s storage area. If there is no room in the provided area you must ask the customer for their preferred option. The only exception to this is key drops, in which case any product unable to be stored correctly must be returned and a credit raised.



Paperwork 2.3.1 While on the delivery run, the driver is to ensure all monies are collected for COD accounts. When accepting payment from a customer the driver must count out the cash in front of the customer before receipting the invoice. All invoices for delivered goods must be signed by the customer and driver. 2.3.2 If there is a short delivery or the like (other than a price discrepancy) the driver is to complete a ‘customer request for credit’ note (hereafter called the ‘credit note’). The customer must sign and receive a copy of same. The driver will then return a copy of the credit note along with his/her daily paperwork. In the event of a cancellation of invoice, the invoice is to be crossed out, signed and both copies returned with the daily paperwork. No stock or monies are to be exchanged on a cancelled invoice. 2.3.3 The driver is to mark the run sheet each time a payment is collected. The note should clearly indicate if the payment is cash or cheque and the relevant customer. 2.3.4 When the driver returns to the vehicle, the delivery is complete and the run sheet notations have been made, all cash and cheques are to be placed in the truck safe / or immediately into an appropriate area in the cabin. 2.3.5 Where a COD customer is unable to pay at time of delivery, the driver is to contact their direct supervisor. The supervisor must then contact National AR collection person on 03 9756 2000 (9.00am – 5.00pm EST). If not authorised to do so, the driver must not leave the goods. 2.3.6 If authority is received the invoice is to be marked accordingly and signed by the customer. 2.3.7

Drivers return and pay in: i) When the driver returns he/she will hand the following to the cashier or the designated employee at the branch. a)

All invoices/cash/cheques from that run.

b) Sorted into the same order as the run sheet, all with customer signatures. 2.4


Product Delivery 2.4.1 Delivery Vehicles must be licensed with the relevant regulatory body (if applicable) and be in a clean and hygienic condition. 2.4.2

Loose items must be packed in suitable cartons.


All cartons and packages must be clean and undamaged.

2.4.4 If journey is less than 180 minutes in duration, Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check (Form FSP04) is not required. If journey is greater than 180 minutes in duration, Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check (Form FSP04) IS REQUIRED 2.4.5 Delivery Drivers to check vehicle storage temperatures mid journey. If the air temperature is too warm, a sample of frozen/chilled product temperature must be checked and recorded to confirm integrity of product.

Driver Daily Log Sheet &

FSP04 Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check Driver Name:

Vehicle Rego #:

Run No:

KLM Out:


KLM In: Time in

Time Out


Truck pre-cooled before loading  Yes  No Branch/Customer/Suburb

Time In

FSP04 Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check Range: Freezer -18o or HARD FROZEN; Chiller 0o to +4o TOLERANCE FOR PRODUCT TEMP: TOLERANCE FOR AIR TEMP:


Last Customer with both F/C Product Hand Held Probe Temp Reading Product Description



Frozen: Chilled: PFD Food Services Pty Ltd Food Safety Program

Revision 2.0 Date: 29/01/16

Form FSP04 Page 1 of 1


PFD BFM Accreditation #: V02274 Branch/Customer/Suburb

Time In

Time Out

Important Information

Frozen no warmer than -15o or Hard Frozen; Chilled no warmer than +5o Frozen no warmer than -10o; Chilled no warmer than +10o

Driver to check air temperature of freezer and chiller mid journey. If air temperature too warm, a sample of frozen/chilled product must be temperature checked and details recorded to ensure product integrity. At last customer on run who has both frozen and chilled products, product temperature must be checked using HH probe and details recorded. Supervisor must be notified immediately if any temperature issues are identified and appropriate corrective action taken. If a customer elects to check temperature of product, this must be done at the door of the vehicle prior to unloading. Mid Journey Air Tempo

Time Out

Authorised By: National Quality & Compliance Manager


This sheet applies to all Commercial or Heavy Regulated Vehicles


All drivers who exceed 100km from their base or who are operating within the BFM hours must use their “National Drivers Work Diary” instead of Driver Daily Log Sheet, however the Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check MUST still be completed. (WA exempt from using Diary and must continue to use this form). All drivers must ensure that you log your rest periods in this log sheet as a separate line item. These rest breaks must be taken in accordance with relevant legislation.


All drivers have a duty of care to ensure that they are fit and well rested for the intended task they are about to carry out.

Failure to comply with this guideline and relevant legislation may see the driver undertake the company disciplinary process.

Managers Signature:

Date Reviewed:

Basic Fatigue Management Guideline, PFD-OH&S-F-10.2.1a Owner: National OH&S Manager

Revision Date: 29th September 2016 Version 5

2.4.6 At last customer on run with both frozen/chilled product, product temp must be checked with HH probe and recorded. Product temperature targets – - Frozen -18°, tolerance no warmer than -15°, or Hard Frozen. - Chilled +4°, tolerance no warmer than +5°.


2.4.7 Your Supervisor must be notified immediately of any problem relating to temperature and appropriate corrective action must be taken. 2.4.8 If customer elects to probe temperature of frozen/chilled product, this must be done at the back of the vehicle prior to unloading. NOTE: Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check (Form FSP04) is a legal document, and as such it must be completed genuinely. This record will be produced as evidence of due diligence in the event of any food safety incident. EXCEPTIONS: i) Delivery Vehicles with only a chiller refrigeration unit must complete Delivery Vehicle Temperature Check (Form FSP04) for all journeys, regardless of duration. ii) F or deliveries of fresh seafood, no product temperature is to be taken as product is stored in polystyrene eskis 2.5

Driver Credit Note Procedure 2.5.1 Upon arrival at the Customer’s premises PFD drivers are to check off the stock being delivered against the invoice with the Customer. 2.5.2 If a CRF (Credit Request Form) is required it MUST be completed in full, listing all details. 2.5.3 If CRF relates only to a credit with no returned stock, only the first box is ticked but if a credit is required and the stock is being returned, both boxes must be ticked 2.5.4 The customer and driver must both sign the CRF and Drivers should write the CRF number in the top right hand corner of the invoice on all copies. 2.5.5

Drivers are then to provide the White Copy of the CRF to the Customer.

2.5.6 Upon Returning to the warehouse, driver MUST fill out the Goods Returned to Store component of the CRF book by ticking only the GRS box for any stock remaining on the truck for which a CRF has not already been raised. 2.5.7 Drivers are then to have the returned stock sighted, verified and signed for on each CRF with a GRS box ticked. This is to be done by their Warehouse Manager/Supervisor on duty at the time. 2.5.8 Drivers must then collate the blue copy of the CRF with the relevant invoice for processing. 2.5.9 Driver must also collate the yellow copy of the CRF and “pickup slip” (if instructed with relevant invoices and run summary for processing. 2.5.10 The pink remaining copy remains in the book NOTE: Driver can only collect stock if he has been given the authorised Request for Pick up Slip or if phone call from PFD to agree to pick up is received.


2.5.11 Credit Request Form Reason Codes. A

Out of code


Damaged item


Memo item


Tele Sales error


Sales Representative error


Warehouse error


Transport Error


Customer Error


Product substitute


Claim from Supplier

2.5.12 The serial numbers of these books must be recorded and the books signed for. Subsequent books are not to be issued unless the previous book is returned and signed back in. The returned books must be checked by the Transport Manager/Supervisor to ensure all credits have been actioned and there are no missing claims. (A Credit Note number is to be written on the form or a note that claim is rejected)

PFD Food Services Pty Ltd

ABN 29 006 972 381



SITE No: ............................................................. DATE: .................................................................


DRIVERS NAME: .............................................

If credit is required and stock is returned tick both boxes

RUN No: .............................................................

TRADING NAME: .....................................................................................

INVOICE No: ....................................................

ACCOUNT No: ...........................................................................................

INVOICE DATE: ...............................................






CUSTOMER SIGN: ............................................................................... DRIVER SIGN: ............................................ CUSTOMER NAME: ......................................................................................... DATE: ................................................ CONFIRMED STOCK RETURNED



NAME: .................................................................................................. SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................

OFFICE USE ONLY AUTHORISED BY: ................................................................... NAME: ....................................................................................... TITLE: ........................................................................................


2.5.13 Request for customer pick up process i) When a customer has contacted the office to complain about their last delivery you may be required to pick up, sight, or in some cases take a photo of the product in question. ii) Before this can happen you must have been issued with a “Request for Customer Pick Up” form which would have been completed by customer service. iii)

You can only pick up and view products that are on the request form.

iv) The pickup request form is not a credit note and should not be given to the customer. v) A request for credit note should be completed at this time and a copy given to the customer vi) If a driver is required to pick up stock from a COD customer the total value of returns are to be written into the description section vii) If returned stock relates to reason code “K” the driver will need to obtain some details from the product such as Batch number, use by date, packed on date. You will be able to add this into the specific boxes on the form.

Customer Service & Transport REQUEST FOR CUSTOMER PICK UP /CREDIT Customer: Name:

Run Number

Account #

Stock to be Picked Description

Faulty products Require

Batch Number

Up Certon


Use by Date

Packed On

OFFICE USE ONLY Reason for Return:

Invoice #



Item Code

Stock Description


Original Order Keyed By:


Pick Up Request By:





Customer Complaints 2.6.1 In the event that you receive a customer complaint, this is to be immediately reported to your direct supervisor/manager. (You should also complete a complaint form while at the point of delivery and hand this into your supervisor). 2.6.2 Under no circumstance should you engage in any confrontation with a customer, if a customer becomes agitated or aggressive, please walk away, excusing yourself from the situation and report it to your supervisor/manager.


Truck Procedures – Security Drivers are responsible for the security of PFD Foodservice vehicle whilst it is in their possession. This responsibility includes: i)

Vehicle cabin must be locked and secured when the vehicle is unattended


Ignition keys to be removed when driver leaves the vehicle.

iii) Refrigerated body of the vehicle must be secured when driver is absent from the vehicle. iv) All cash collected on drivers run must not be visible in the cabin when absent from vehicle. v) If theft occurs, driver to report to relevant manager at branch immediately and report to police if instructed. 2.8

Stock Returns Once all deliveries have been made and upon return to the depot any stock remaining on your vehicle should be dealt with in the following manner. 2.8.1 All stock should be recorded in a Goods Returned to Store (GRS) book. There is one allocated to each driver. All relevant details should be recorded including a clear product description, quantity, customer number and reason for return. Acceptable abbreviations are – i)

A – Out of Code


B– Damaged


C– Memo


D – Incorrect pricing


E– Keying Error


F – Sale Rep Error

vii) G – Warehouse viii) H– Transport ix)

I – Customer Error


J – Product Substitute


K– Claim from Supplier


OVL – Over on load


2.8.2 Stock should be removed from the back of the vehicle and placed on the appropriate pallet marked “Frozen Returns”, “Dry Goods Returns”, “Chilled Goods Returns” or “Damaged Stock Returns”. 2.8.3 Stock should be checked and signed by an authorised staff member; these include Warehouse Manager or Supervisor, Transport Manager or Supervisor. 2.8.4 Any damaged or non-saleable goods should be brought to the attention of the person signing for them and clearly noted on the GRS. 2.8.5

The completed GRS sheet should be handed to the cashier.

2.8.6 Unless authorised by branch management, no stock is to be left in the cabin or Pantech of the vehicle. MEMO PRODUCT These products are not returnable unless permission is given by your supervisor. 2.9

Money Handling Customer COD Customers, whose trading terms specify COD deliveries, should be handled in the following manner. 2.9.1 All COD customers must pay by cheque or cash for the delivery of goods. Customers trading terms are clearly identified in the section marked “Trading Terms” on the invoice. Where an invoice has Trading Terms of “CASH” the customer must pay folding cash and the driver must not accept cheques. 2.9.2 Under no circumstances, other than the authorisation of the National AR person or the Branch Manager, should goods be left with a COD customer without payment being collected. Authorisation details should be clearly recorded on the customers invoice. Sales representatives are not to be contacted as they are not authorised to make alternative payment arrangements 2.9.3 Payment details should be clearly recorded on the invoice copy showing the amount of cash or cheque collected. Deductions for short delivery or goods returned as per customer request for credit should be noted clearly. Please ensure this information is correct, as it becomes the customers receipt for monies paid. 2.9.4 When customers pay by cheque please ensure that it is made out to PFD Food Services, shows the current date, correct amount and is signed. The cheque must also have customers full name and address on the back. Cheque payments are not permitted on Cash Sales account. 2.9.5 Never make an adjustment to an invoice after a delivery has been accepted and paid for and you have left the customer’s premises. If this situation arises please contact your supervisor immediately.


2.9.6 Drivers must not give cash credits to customers other than by a deduction authorised by the credit department. No monies received should be handed to any other employee except the company cashier or by the authorisation of your supervisor. If the cashier is not available you should always have another person verify your cash before you hand the money to your supervisor or before it goes into a drop safe. 2.9.7 Customers are always advised by the credit department of their trading and payment terms. They are always advised if payment by cheque is no longer acceptable and the reason for this. Do not accept any customer claim contradicting this. 2.9.8 Credit Card Payments may be accepted for all deliveries. The customer can contact the credit department, cashier or sales departments at time of delivery to arrange credit card payment or prior to delivery being made. The customer cannot pay by credit card at the point of delivery unless the office person is able to confirm acceptance prior to the goods being unloaded.


2.10 Motor Vehicle Accidents In the event that you are involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident: Attending to any injuries that may have been incurred and any safety issues that the accident scene may present is your first priority. Providing that you have not sustained any debilitating injuries it is critical that all steps set out below are actioned as soon as possible. DO NOT ADMIT ANY LIABILITY It is critical that all steps set out below are actioned as soon as possible after the date of the accident. i)

Report Accident Information card is to be completed at scene of accident, tear off bottom section and hand to third party driver. (This card can be used to obtain all information required for the claim form). Accident is to be reported to Manager and the branch incident report form to be completed.


Claim The driver or manager is to lodge the claim directly with our insurer, within 48 hours of incident, by calling our claims management team on 03 8650 4650. - Caller is to advise operator of branch cost centre number. - Operator will provide claim number at end of call. Please ensure that claim number is noted on accident information card and accident assessment form. - T hen driver and manager are to complete the Vero Motor Accident assessment form (copy on intranet>finance>standard forms), signed off by driver and manager, within 48 hours of accident and faxed 03 9756 2946 mailed or emailed to National insurance and property administrator (copy to be held in branch). A confirmation email of the claim will be forwarded to branch manager and National insurance and property administrator and also for truck accidents to fleet management; by our insurer Vero.


Third Party Details

If you receive any letters of recovery or quotes from third parties or their insurer (other driver or owner of premises), please immediately forward copy to Vero Insurance as per above contact details.


2.11 Supplier Pick-ups When requested to make a pick up from supplier the following guidelines should be adhered to Stock is to be checked against the supplier invoice at the point of pick-up. Marking the invoice STC (subject to check) is not acceptable. The paperwork from the supplier should be handed to a store supervisor upon return to the depot; this stock remains the drivers’ responsibility until unloaded. 2.12 Fuel Purchases All vehicles must be fuelled at the end of each day, regardless of whether you are driving your regular vehicle or a substitute. All vehicles are provided with a fuel card for purchase of fuel and lubricants only. The following details must be recorded with every fuel purchase. i)

Odometer Reading

ii) Pin number required, pin numbers are the last 4 digits of the issued card number PLEASE NOTE: To use a company fuel card to obtain goods or services other than fuel or oil is considered a clear breach of Company Policy. Any company employee who is found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to company disciplinary action. 2.13 Cleanliness and Hygiene It is the drivers responsibility to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the vehicle, these duties include – i) Ensure inside of refrigerated box is clean of debris and rubbish. This task can be completed even during water restrictions ii)

Ensure inside of cabin is clean and free of rubbish


Ensure outside of vehicle is clean, free of damage and presentable

iv) Any spillage in the vehicle is to be mopped or hosed out and the pantech left in sanitary and safe condition. The PFD fleet represents the company’s image to the general public as well as our valued customers and as such should be presented at a high standard.


2.14 Key drop In some circumstances it is required that PFD makes customer delivery outside of their normal operating ours. In this instance keys will be available (as per key policy). It is the drivers responsibility to ensure that – i)

Stock is delivered into correct area/environment


Stock is checked against customer invoice

iii) Customer invoice is signed, dated and time of delivery as well as temperature recorded iv) It is the drivers responsibility to ensure that the premise is secure prior to departure



Drug and Alcohol Policy PFD Food Services has a Drug and Alcohol Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Policy communicated at induction is also available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. It is the responsibility of employees and other contract drivers to; i)

Comply with the Policy and the Guideline,

ii) Take practicable steps to ensure the safety of themselves and others in the workplace, iii) Ensure they are fit for work and meet established standards for job performance, conduct and safety, iv) Advise the immediate manager or supervisor prior to commencing work if there is a medical requirement to take any prescribed medication that could result in impairment, v) Immediately consult with or report to the manager or supervisor, concerns about other persons being impaired by the use of drugs and or alcohol. 3.2

Motor Vehicle Policy PFD Food Services has a Motor Vehicle Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Motor Vehicle Policy is available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management.


Fines and Misdemeanors

The responsibility for the payment of fines for parking or traffic related offences remain the responsibility of the driver. Should an infringement notice be sent via mail to the Fleet Department, requests will be made to your supervisor/manager for your licence information. The infringement will then be transferred into the offending drivers name. Failure to provide requested information may result in disciplinary action being taken. 3.4

Customer Key Policy i) PFD Food Services is often given customer’s store keys for the purpose of out of hours deliveries. The key/s remain the property of the customer and so a high level of care is required in the treatment and usage of these keys. ii)

T he keys are to be kept in the secured area provided in the designated area and taken keys must be returned to this area at the end of each day.


iii) Key registers are located in the designated area and must be completed as per the instruction listed in the register before removing any key from the secured area. iv) In the event of a driver losing a key, this must immediately be reported to your supervisor/manager so that the customer can be notified for security purposes. v) Below is a copy of the workplace instruction listed in the key register which must be adhered to. WORKPLACE INSTRUCTION i) Any customer key taken from the office or designated area must be recorded in the key register. ii) Key number, customer & driver name and date taken must be recorded in this register. iii)

Manager / supervisor to initial register before removing key.

iv) Upon return of key you must enter date returned into register and have your manager / supervisor sign register as receipt of key being returned. v) In the event that a key is lost or misplaced you must notify your manager/ supervisor immediately. 3.5

Licence Policy All drivers are required to have a current and valid driver’s licence. Your licence must be presented to your immediate supervisor/manager upon request. It is a requirement of your employment that your licence remain valid at all times. Should you have your licence suspended, cancelled or disqualified it must be reported to management immediately. Drivers who are found to be driving without a valid licence will have their employment terminated. All drivers must ensure they have in their possession their valid driver’s licence when driving a vehicle All drivers must complete the Drivers Licence Verification document every three months and provide a valid driver’s licence which will be photocopied and kept on file.


I ...............................................

Affix photo copy of licence

Of ............................................................................................................ (Address) Position in the Company ..................................................................... Acknowledge that my licence(s) which I use in the course of driving a motor vehicle(s) belonging to PFD Food Services Pty Ltd is/are valid and that to the best of my knowledge there is/are no suspension(s), cancellation(s) or disqualification(s) whatever outstanding which could be attached to the licence(s). I also agree to abide by the Company Motor Vehicle Policies all times, to the best of my ability, whilst an employee of PFD Food Services Pty Ltd and acknowledge that failure to do so may justify counselling leading to forfeiture of my employment. Signature: ......................................................................... Manager’s Signature: ......................................................................... Dated: ......................................................................... Employee re-affirmation every three months: Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ................................................

Signature: ................................................



Mobile Phones PFD Food Services has an Electronic Devices, Internet, Email and Social Media Policy and a Motor Vehicle Policy in place that all employees must comply with. Copies of these policies are available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. These policies cover all the specific obligations, including the requirement that under no circumstances are employees allowed to use mobile phones whilst driving unless the delivery vehicle is fitted with a hands-free device. In these cases, calls may only be answered if safe to do so. All outward calls are to be made when the vehicle is parked or when out of the vehicle.


Pallet Policy i) Only Chep or Loscam wooden pallets are accepted by PFD. ii) Drivers making full pallet drops should ensure a pallet is returned by the customer at the time of delivery. iii) Pallets must not be left with customers under any circumstances without either of the following occurring: i) First preference – Obtain exchange pallets of the same equipment type and quantity of the delivery. i.e. if 5 Chep pallets are delivered, then only an exchange of 5 Chep pallets can be accepted. OR ii) Second preference – obtain a transfer docket from the customer if the customer has a valid pallet account. If neither of the above options are available, the stock must be hand unloaded and the pallet retained on the vehicle by the driver. iv) Any pallets exchanged with PFD must be checked to ensure they are in good condition. Do not accept any damaged or broken pallets. v)

If a transfer docket is raised the following rules apply: i) Transfer docket must be filled out with all the relevant information, including sending and receiving account numbers, delivery reference, date, quantity, driver/vehicle information and MUST contain the receiving customer signature. ii) Transfer dockets MUST be passed to your appropriate supervisor upon return to PFD, not left in the transfer book. iii) All empty pallets on the vehicle must be accounted for and unloaded once returned to PFD. If no forklift access is available, pallets are neatly stacked at the rear of the truck. Pallets not returned are to be verified on pallet docket by supervisor. iv) It is the drivers’ responsibility to ensure all pallets are accounted for and that all of the above occur to assist with eliminating loss of equipment.


At the completion of your day, the number of pallets returned to the depot on your vehicle is to be recorded on your GRS sheet, This quantity will then be correlated against your load out sheet to ensure no pallets were lost PALLET ACCOUNT NUMBERS: VICTORIA/TASMANIA/WESTERN AUSTRALIA CHEP 1610330008 LOSCAM









Passengers/ Access to Vehicle i) There may be occasions that you will be required to take a passenger to assist or review drop offs. In these occasions, the passenger must comply with all road and company rules and is not to drive the vehicle without permission from the branch manager. ii) Under no circumstances are you allowed to transport children in the vehicle as this may place them at higher risk of injury as you interact with various types of mobile plant.


Smoking Policy PFD Food Services (PFD) is committed to meeting its moral and legal obligations in providing a safe and healthy workplace. PFD recognises that tobacco smoke can cause harmful health effects to individuals that smoke, as well as those that may have to inhale second-hand smoke, while in close proximity when carrying out their everyday activities. This policy is designed to ensure that the risk of illness from smoking is greatly reduced by offering a time and designated point for smokers that is away from all other personnel. PFD believe that non-smokers should not have to be exposed to the hazards of tobacco smoke. This smoking policy aims to combat the damaging effects of smoking and passive smoking to build a healthy environment which protects the health and wellbeing of all employees and visitors. PFD will actively encourage smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs where branch personnel collectively agree.


Note that this policy is deemed to meet minimum compliance. Where a branch requests it, in consultation with personnel, the branch may implement a smoke-free environment, then that shall exceed the requirements of this policy and the new smoke-free program shall become the new standard for that branch. For those personnel that wish to smoke where a smoke-free environment has not been implemented, then the following shall apply; Location for Smoking You may only smoke within a designated area as identified during your initial OH&S induction program. You must ensure that all rubbish and cigarette butts are disposed of accordingly and that the area remains in a tidy condition. When operating a company vehicle, then you are not permitted to smoke inside the vehicle. If there is not an appropriate or designated place, then you must refrain from smoking until either you have left the premises or found an appropriate location in which smoking is allowed. At no time shall employees be allowed to smoke: i)

Inside PFD or customer buildings;


In company vehicles;


While making deliveries to customers.

Time to Smoke Employees are able to smoke at the following times: i)

Before their shift commences or after their shift finishes;


On any authorised meal break;


On any authorised tea break.

Other Requirements i) Employees handling food must wash their hands before going back to their duties after any break, whether the employee smokes or not. ii) Failure to follow these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken under PFD’s Discipline process. If you have any questions about this policy, please talk with your supervisor.


3.10 Uniforms i) PFD Food Services has a Uniform Policy in place that all employees must comply with. A copy of the Uniform Policy is available at each branch and additional copies can be made available by Management. ii)

The correct uniform for drivers consists of the following items: -

PFD Polo Shirts


PFD Trousers / Shorts


PFD Waterproof Jacket


Safety footwear


PFD Safety vest


PFD cap

iii) The uniform remains the property of PFD Food Services. Should any driver leave the company it must be returned. Additional uniforms will be issued by your immediate supervisor/manager if required. iii) As a public representative of PFD Food Services it is imperative that all drivers maintain a neat and tidy appearance. The company uniform should be worn at all times and should be kept clean and presentable. iv)

Only company issued uniform or clothing is permitted to be worn.

3.11 Vehicle Tracking and Telematics i) Several sites have telematics devices fitted to existing delivery vehicles. As of July 2016 all new delivery vehicles will be fitted with such device.


4 . EQ U I PM ENT 4.1

Preventative maintenance 4.1.1 DAILY

Drivers are required to check the following on a daily basis: i)

OIL LEVEL refer owner’s manual in truck for correct procedure


WATER LEVEL refer owner’s manual in truck for correct procedure









vii) INDICATORS Any defects or problems should be reported to your supervisor/manager immediately in the Defective Vehicle Report book. A report should be filled out for all requests for maintenance and should include as much information as possible. If any problem requires urgent action please inform your immediate supervisor/ manager. It is your responsibility to follow this procedure every day. 4.1.2

Vehicle Hygiene / Cleanliness The interior and exterior of your vehicle should be washed weekly or as instructed by your manager/supervisor. It is the driver’s responsibility to clean out the back of your vehicle after any spillages. The cabin should be cleared of rubbish and foodstuffs on a daily basis.

4.1.3 If you experience any mechanical failure contact your immediate supervisor who will arrange repair options.It is preferable that each driver always drives the same vehicle and assumes responsibility for it. In some instances e.g. Sick leave or annual leave, it may be necessary for a driver to drive another vehicle. Vehicles should be parked in a secure area, refrigeration plugged into power and switched on (except weekends) and locked at the end of each shift. If any operators manual/s (truck, refrigeration etc.) are not located in your vehicle, please advise manager/supervisor who will arrange replacement


Note: A copy of the owner’s manual is available on the PFD intranet by following the “Operations” “Fleet” “Manuals” links


Hydraulic Tailgate Before using a vehicle fitted with a tailgate loader you must have been fully trained in the safe use of this equipment. 4.2.1

IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO USE THE TAILGATE LOADER AS: i) A personal lift or elevator only the operator is permitted to ride up and ride down with the load. ii) As an extension of another body. Do not use to load or unload another vehicle. iii) As a car jack. It is very unsafe to lift another vehicle with the tailgate loader iv)

As a snow plow. Heavy damage could be done.

It is not permitted to overload the platform to a point where the operator does not have enough room to operate the tailgate safely. 4.2.2

General Operation i)

This information applies to all tail lift models.

Note: A copy of the owner’s manual is available on the PFD intranet by following the “Operations” “Fleet” “Manuals” links 4.2.3

CAUTION! Hazard of battery discharge! When the battery capacity falls below the limit value, a buzzer is sounded and the tail lift is automatically switched off, in order to conserve battery power. The battery power is already at such a low level that only one more engine start is possible. If you continue to use the tail lift, you will not be able to start the vehicle! i) Start the vehicle engine immediately after hearing the buzzer, to recharge the battery!


Tailgate & Pallet Mover When using a tailgate & Pallet Mover be aware of the following; 4.3.1 Conduct a function check that the tailgate operates as specified. If not (ie damaged) call your Supervisor / Manager immediately, 4.3.2 Be conscious of your surroundings ensuring that you have room to operate the tailgate without damaging nearby structures or vehicles, 4.3.3 You may lower a tailgate onto a solid docking platform providing the truck is secured and not likely to move, that the end of the tailgate allows for a smooth transition from the tailgate to platform and vice a versa.



Using either the remote cord or side panel, lower the tailgate to the ground,

4.3.5 Do not ride the tailgate, for vehicle access, it is permissible to raise the tailgate to use as a step only 4.3.6 Using the pallet mover (manual or automated) select the pallet and transfer to the tailgate, i) Ensure that the weight of the load does not exceed the SWL of the tailgate, ii)

Do not stand in direct path of moving pallet

iii) Be conscious of the outer edges of the tailgate. Where possible, this will be marked by yellow paint or tape, iv) Never stand near the edge or move the pallet mover close to the edge, v) When moving the pallet mover, be slow and steady to ensure that you retain control and can stop quickly, vi) Once the pallet mover and load are fully onto the tailgate, lower to ground level (again being conscious of the outer edge) 4.3.7 Once all movement has stopped, only then may you proceed to remove the load from the tailgate and transfer to the customer’s storage location, 4.3.8 At the completion of the unloading exercise, use the tailgate to re-load the pallet mover and secure it to prevent movement during the road journey, 4.3.9

Risk of injury or material damage due to insufficient safety measures! Personnel can be injured and material damage can occur to your vehicle, the tail lift, or other vehicles if you do not observe the following: i) Prior to starting work, ensure that all safety and warning devices are present and operational. ii)

Only stop in places where the traffic regulations permit a stop.

For operational functions of the equipment, please refer to the manual and training provided Note: A copy of the owner’s manual is available on the PFD intranet by following the “Operations” “Fleet” “Manuals” links




131 733 V4. July 2017

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