15 minute read


This past October, the Michigan State Police (MSP) conducted its annual testing of police vehicles and police motorcycles. Also this year in October, the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (LASD) conducted its annual vehicle testing. The MSP event runs over four days and takes place at several unique locations in Michigan, depending on the speci c tests being performed. e vehicle acceleration, top speed, and braking tests are performed at the FCA Proving Grounds. is 4.7-mile, 140-mph neutral steer banked oval provides the appropriate space to obtain accurate test results at top speeds. e ABS brake test is also performed at the FCA Proving Grounds. is year due to a paving project at MSP Precision Driving Unit’s own facility, the braking tests were performed at the Chelsea. Both the motorcycle and vehicle dynamics testing are performed at Grattan Raceway. It is also appropriate to put in context as to why these vehicle tests are conducted and why they are so valuable to law enforcement across North America when they evaluate police vehicles to purchase.
MSP and LASD are not governing bodies who decide which vehicles get blessed with the sacred description of “Pursuit Rated”; that couldn’t be further from the truth. Both these agencies have a long history of testing vehicles designed for use in the rigorous environment, which is frontline policing. It is the nature of the job that requires frontline o cers to do extraordinary things in order to keep the public safe. When o cers are forced to escalate to high-risk activities, their vehicle must be able to perform consistently at a high level with a non-existent failure rate.
Every Fleet Manager has had someone in local government ask the question, “What does ‘Pursuit Rated’ actually mean?” e reality is no one can really de ne the term “Pursuit Rated” or give a speci c vehicle that o cial designation. is is an excerpt from the MSP Annual Report that appropriately explains the rating: e term ‘pursuit capable’ is more appropriate as there is no sanctioning body, or speci c performance criteria, to determine if the vehicle meets a specialized designation. Each vehicle has been modi ed from a civilian vehicle to perform better under the rigors of police use. ese vehicles are engineered to repetitively stop in a shorter distance, accelerate faster, and handle better than the base platform. Modi cations to engines, cooling systems, transmissions and shifting parameters, brakes, tires, stability control programming, and other changes may all be included as part of the manufacturer’s police package. e MSP has performance criteria attached to its purchasing speci cations. e criteria has historically been that a vehicle must accelerate from 0–60 mph in 9.0 seconds, 0–80 mph in 14.9 seconds, and 0–100 mph in 24.6 seconds. e vehicle must reach 110 mph in 4,838 feet and 120 mph in 8,985 feet. e vehicle must maintain an average deceleration rate of 25.79 ft./sec2 while performing twenty 60–0 mph threshold braking stops. e vehicle must also successfully complete all 32 laps of the Grattan Raceway dynamics testing without major component failure. Meeting these criteria does not certify a vehicle as being pursuit rated; rather, it justi es a vehicle is capable of performing the job function the MSP requires in a police vehicle. When reading the testing results, it is up to each agency to determine if the vehicle is suitable for the mission of their agency.
Fleet managers must be aware the MSP tests are di erent from their counterparts out west at the LASD vehicle test, which is also run annually. MSP is a full-service agency that devotes a lot of time to freeway patrol depending on the geographical area being patrolled. As such, they devote considerable resources to highway tra c patrol. erefore, performance at freeway speeds is important to them and their testing re ects that. MSP tests all vehicles for top speed, and since today’s vehicles are most often speed limited by software, it’s a simple veri cation of the manufacturer’s claims. Essentially, MSP wants to know, will it hit the advertised speed? Only the General Motors Chevrolet Tahoe has a mechanical top

Chevrolet Chevrolet Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Tahoe Tahoe Charger Charger Durango Durango PI/Utility PI/Utility PI/Utility F150 R Mustang 5.3L 5.3L 3.6L 5.7L 3.6L 5.7L Hybrid 3.0L 3.3L 3.5L Mach-E RWD 4WD AWD RWD AWD AWD AWD EcoBoost AWD AWD EcoBoost AWD ACCELERATION (seconds) 0-20 mph 2.09 2.09 1.76 1.84 1.84 1.54 1.76 1.49 2.09 1.63 1.28 0-30 mph 3.07 3.14 2.72 2.63 2.92 2.42 2.94 2.19 3.21 2.35 1.87 0-40 mph 4.42 4.57 3.89 3.59 4.28 3.61 4.22 3.11 4.55 3.36 2.45 0-50 mph 5.84 6.07 5.35 4.67 5.89 5.03 5.65 4.15 6.09 4.42 3.16 0-60 mph 7.65 7.95 7.17 6.15 8.16 6.79 7.25 5.45 7.79 5.79 4.03 0-70 mph 9.64 10.08 9.33 7.73 10.67 8.74 9.19 6.88 9.86 7.28 5.08 0-80 mph 12.18 12.77 11.57 9.44 13.85 11.25 11.45 8.78 12.42 9.17 6.46 0-90 mph 15.12 16.01 14.60 11.70 17.77 14.17 14.18 10.92 15.46 11.30 8.58 0-100 mph 18.81 19.98 17.91 14.06 22.80 18.10 17.40 13.47 19.32 14.34 11.94 TOP SPEED (mph) 130 124 139 139 127 130 136 148 136 120 124 DISTANCE TO REACH (miles) 100 mph 0.33 0.35 0.31 0.24 0.42 0.33 0.30 0.23 0.34 0.25 0.22 120 mph 0.73 0.82 0.71 0.46 1.14 0.33 0.61 0.46 0.75 0.55 0.68 Top Speed 1.58 0.98 2.62 0.93 2.87 1.28 1.25 1.55 1.83 0.55 2.10
speed limit. e top speed testing methodology is designed to follow the fourth acceleration run; each test vehicle continues to accelerate to the top speed attainable within 14 miles from the start of the run. e highest speed attained within the 14-mile distance is considered the vehicle’s top speed.
Unlike MSP, LASD puts 400 lbs. of weight in the back of each SUV tested. LASD believes no police department would ever deploy an empty vehicle so why not test as it would likely be deployed in the real world. MSP does not add extra weight to any of the tested vehicles. MSP is testing the vehicle to verify it can meet their speci c requirements and the advertised claims of the manufacturer.
During the 0–60 mph brake testing, the MSP allows each vehicle to have fresh burnished brakes (new pads and rotors). ey do not require the vehicle to have been driven at all before the brakes are evaluated. e LASD method involves the vehicles being driven hard and the brakes are hot before the brakes are tested. e MSP test begins with ‘cold’ brakes. e rst ve stops are performed in a southbound direction, the second set of stops in a northbound direction across the same surface. Once 10 stops are performed, the vehicle is driven 3.2 miles at 45 mph to allow the brakes to cool

Phase 1 Average Phase 2 Average Overall Average Projected Deceleration Deceleration Deceleration Stopping Rate Rate Rate Distance from 60.0 MPH
Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3L RWD Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3L 4WD 29.65 30.33 29.99 129.10 29.00 29.92 29.46 131.50
Dodge Charger 3.6L AWD Dodge Charger 5.7L RWD Dodge Durango 3.6L AWD Dodge Durango 5.7L AWD
29.82 29.89 29.85 129.70 29.28 29.53 29.40 131.70 28.76 29.13 28.94 133.80 28.63 28.08 28.36 136.60 Ford Police Interceptor Utility Hybrid AWD 28.82 29.31 29.07 133.20 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 3.0L EcoBoost AWD 28.71 29.30 29.00 133.50 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 3.3L AWD 28.59 29.00 28.79 134.50 Ford F150 Police Responder 3.5L EcoBoost 23.78 24.35 24.07 160.90 Ford Mustang Mach-E AWD 30.94 31.01 30.98 125.00
before the second sequence. After the cooling distance, the 10 stops are repeated. e exact initial velocity at the beginning of each of the 60–0 mph decelerations, and the exact distance required to make each stop, is recorded by means of a RaceLogic Vbox 3i GPS-based data collection unit. For this year’s test of the 2022 model year vehicles, MSP tested 11 vehicles: e Chevrolet PPV Tahoe 5.3L RWD and 5.3L AWD; the Dodge Durango AWD Pursuit V-6 and V-8; the Ford PI Utility AWD 3.3L, AWD 3.0L EcoBoost, and AWD Hybrid; the Dodge Charger 3.6L AWD, Charger 5.7L RWD; and the Ford F-150 Police Responder. is was also the rst year for the Ford Mach-E allelectric vehicle to be tested at MSP. e Mach E was a rst for MSP testing, as the rst MSP’s test vehicle features an allwheel drive con guration and the Mach-E GT’s powertrain, which means that it utilizes dual permanent magnetic motors, including an upgraded secondary electric motor that powers the front wheels for a combined output of 480 horsepower and 600 pound-feet of torque. Ford projects that the Mach-E GT will do 0–60 mph in 3.8 seconds and achieve an EPA-estimated 270 miles of range. Law enforcement use will likely change these gures and so will weather and equipment demands.

MSP drivers managed to do 0–60 in 4.0 seconds at and hit 100 mph in 11.9 seconds in the Mach-E police tester. Contrary to popular belief, the Mach-E test vehicle only had police graphics; it did not have extra police lighting or equipment during the test. e Mach-E hit 124 mph in two miles, and after 18 miles of high-speed track testing, the Mach-E used 30% charge on each run; it wasn’t down to 30% charge left in the battery (i.e., it went from 80% down to 50% over the eight laps).
Likely, the heat on the electric motors is the reason for the diminishing speed after the ve fastest laps. Charging was done after every eight laps. MSP called that performance “a good start” for EVs, but noted that charging infrastructure and speeds will need to improve before electric vehicles can completely replace ICE-powered vehicles in this capacity.
Ford has already increased the Mach-E’s usable battery capacity for the 2022 model year, which should translate to more range, and it plans on continuously improving the EV in that regard moving forward. It should also be noted that while the Mach E is not an o cially sanctioned and pursuit-rated purpose-built police vehicle, Ford has released an up tter’s document to assist eet managers who will deploy one regardless. Ford recommends the purchase of the GT version and not the base model to ensure there is su cient power available for aftermarket equipment demands.
e 2021 Ford F-150 Police Responder accelerated from 0–60 mph in just 5.8 seconds versus 6.6 seconds for the previous model. e pickup reached its top speed of 120 mph in just over a half-mile, while its predecessor only managed to top out at 105 mph.
Much of this improvement likely comes from recalibrated tuning for the truck’s 10-speed automatic transmission, but that isn’t the only upgrade present in the newest F-150 Police Interceptor. e truck also rides on specially developed Goodyear LT265/70R18 LRC BSW Wrangler Enforcer all-terrain tires–the only all-terrain tires available on a pursuit-rated police vehicle–which are uniquely designed to handle rapid acceleration, high speeds, and aggressive cornering on paved roads. e tires can also endure tremendous amounts of heat without sacri cing o -road capability. For the acceleration and speed tests, among sedans, e Mustang Mach-E was fastest at 4.0 seconds at for the 0-60 and 11.9 for 0–100 mph. e Charger 5.7L AWD had a 0–60 mph time of 6.2 seconds and a 0–100 mph time of 14.1 seconds. e Charger Pursuit 5.7L RWD had a top speed of 140 mph, which was 10 mph lower than the Ford PIU EcoBoost AWD at 150 mph. e 2022 Police Interceptor Utility (PIU) 3.0L EcoBoost turned a quick 0–60 mph (5.5 seconds) and 0–100 mph times (13.5 seconds). At last year’s MSP test, the EcoBoost PIU (SUV) had the highest top speed
of any vehicle tested, at 150 mph. All vehicles tested at MSP met their theoretical speed limitations. ese results are a tribute to all three vehicle OEMs and their neverending commitment to not only improve their own product development but the overall quality of police vehicles in general. Unfortunately, too many o cers are lost each year while operating a police vehicle, but this type of engineering development will hopefully contribute to reducing those losses. It is a fact that o cers today are protected by vehicles far safer than ones built even 10 years ago. All three OEMs deserve huge credit and we should applaud them for their never-ending commitment to keeping all rst responders safe in their vehicles.
MSP found that in the driving dynamics test, the Charger 5.7L AWD had the fastest average lap speed of all vehicles tested at 1:36:31. e PIU 3.0L EcoBoost had the fastest average lap of all SUVs tested (1:36:52).
During brake testing, the Charger 3.6L RWD & AWD had a slightly longer stopping distance from last year from 60 mph. Last year was 127.2 feet versus 129.7 feet for this year. But the quickest stopping vehicle was the lighter Ford Mustang Mach E at 125 feet. For the big SUVs, the new brake package on the Tahoe PPV seems to be working as that stopped 0–60 in 129 feet for RWD and 131.5 feet for the AWD. e Durango Pursuit 3.6L came in at 133.8 feet and the V8 Durango in at 136.6 feet.
Vehicles Drivers Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 5 Average Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3L RWD AGEMA 01:39.66 01:39.34 01:39.24 01:38.83 01:39.08 01:39.23 DARLINGTON 01:38.21 01:37.92 01:37.85 01:37.58 01:37.81 01:37.87 LOONEY 01:38.06 01:38.06 01:38.06 01:37.87 01:38.23 01:38.06 ROGERS 01:37.90 01:37.68 01:38.04 01:38.01 01:38.23 01:37.97 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:38.28 Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3L 4WD LOONEY 01:38.98 01:39.17 01:39.30 01:39.28 01:39.30 01:39.21 ROGERS 01:38.98 01:38.68 01:38.74 01:38.76 01:38.70 01:38.77 MERCER 01:38.01 01:38.29 01:38.06 01:37.66 01:38.33 01:38.07 AGEMA 01:39.90 01:39.92 01:40.34 01:40.30 01:40.59 01:40.21 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:39.07 Dodge Charger 3.6L AWD DARLINGTON 01:37.95 01:38.04 01:37.52 01:37.65 01:37.55 01:37.74 LOONEY 01:38.12 01:38.63 01:38.25 01:38.26 01:38.70 01:38.39 ROGERS 01:37.28 01:37.04 01:37.23 01:37.27 01:37.36 01:37.24 MERCER 01:37.39 01:37.64 01:37.77 01:37.47 01:37.34 01:37.52 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:37.72 Dodge Charger 5.7L RWD AGEMA 01:36.98 01:36.64 01:36.65 01:36.54 01:36.85 01:36.73 DARLINGTON 01:36.56 01:36.05 01:36.01 01:36.27 01:36.35 01:36.25 LOONEY 01:36.84 01:36.65 01:36.74 01:36.63 01:36.86 01:36.74 ROGERS 01:36.08 01:35.84 01:35.97 01:36.02 01:36.11 01:36.00 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:36.43 Dodge Durango 3.6L AWD ROGERS 01:40.65 01:40.45 01:40.61 01:40.52 01:40.48 01:40.54 MERCER 01:41.45 01:41.04 01:41.01 01:41.74 01:41.88 01:41.42 AGEMA 01:42.03 01:41.89 01:42.01 01:41.60 01:41.79 01:41.86 DARLINGTON 01:41.27 01:41.56 01:41.52 01:41.80 01:41.15 01:41.46 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:41.32 Dodge Durango 5.7L AWD ROGERS 01:38.57 01:38.54 01:38.25 01:38.55 01:38.42 01:38.47 MERCER 01:38.19 01:37.98 01:38.02 01:38.13 01:38.02 01:38.07 AGEMA 01:40.26 01:39.70 01:39.92 01:40.24 01:40.26 01:40.08 DARLINGTON 01:38.91 01:38.71 01:38.59 01:38.87 01:38.94 01:38.81 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:38.85
Ford Police Interceptor Utility Hybrid AWD LOONEY 01:39.60 01:39.75 01:40.14 01:39.78 01:39.66 01:39.78 ROGERS 01:38.69 01:38.72 01:38.92 01:38.95 01:38.90 01:38.84 MERCER 01:38.36 01:38.48 01:38.56 01:38.56 01:38.64 01:38.52 AGEMA 01:39.32 01:39.69 01:39.77 01:39.20 01:39.38 01:39.47 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:39.15


Vehicles Drivers Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 5 Average Ford Police Interceptor Utility 3.0L EcoBoost AWD MERCER 01:35.69 01:35.76 01:35.06 01:35.54 01:35.57 01:35.53 AGEMA 01:36.89 01:36.95 01:36.22 01:36.40 01:36.85 01:36.66 DARLINGTON 01:35.66 01:35.79 01:35.40 01:35.21 01:35.82 01:35.58 LOONEY 01:36.35 01:36.64 01:36.13 01:36.02 01:36.21 01:36.27 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:36.01
Ford Police Interceptor Utility 3.3L AWD DARLINGTON 01:38.65 01:38.43 01:38.50 01:38.45 01:37.72 01:38.35 LOONEY 01:39.47 01:39.29 01:39.07 01:39.59 01:39.48 01:39.38 ROGERS 01:38.31 01:38.70 01:38.68 01:38.50 01:38.29 01:38.49 MERCER 01:37.99 01:37.81 01:38.27 01:38.45 01:38.29 01:38.16 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:38.60
Ford F-150 Police Responder 3.5L EcoBoost MERCER 01:39.04 01:38.80 01:38.92 01:38.79 01:39.09 01:38.93 AGEMA 01:39.06 01:38.99 01:39.08 01:39.14 01:39.00 01:39.05 DARLINGTON 01:38.89 01:38.18 01:39.01 01:39.11 01:38.83 01:38.81 LOONEY 01:39.75 01:39.56 01:39.39 01:39.63 01:39.06 01:39.48 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:39.07
Ford Mustang Mach-E AWD Vehicle Driver Time of Run Begin Battery Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 5 End Battery Average State of Charge State of Charge MCCARTHY 8:12 99% 01:40.84 01:42.50 01:42.10 01:42.08 01:42.17 70% 01:41.94 MCCARTHY 9:23 80% 01:40.67 01:41.98 01:42.79 01:42.67 01:42.93 51% 01:42.21 MCCARTHY 11:42 87% 01:41.08 01:41.89 01:42.71 01:42.88 01:43.72 57% 01:42.46 MCCARTHY 13:38 75% 01:40.14 01:42.35 01:42.58 01:42.84 01:42.96 48% 01:42.17 OVERALL AVERAGE 01:42.19
Last year, BMW submitted both the 750GS & 850GS for testing, but this year, they did not enter either of those models. To obtain speci c detailed test results for the motorcycles and the vehicles, see the MSP website or obtain a copy of their annual report that is normally released in November following the September testing.
https://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,4643,7-123-72297_30536_53738---,00.html Sergeant Brad Brewer is a 30-year member of the Vancouver Police Department. He was an eight-year member of the Ford Police Advisory Board and regularly gives presentations at law enforcement conferences on mobile computing, wireless technology and police vehicle ergonomics. He can be reached at sgt1411@gmail.com.