What are Customer Retention Strategies? You’ve worked hard to attract clients to your Studio. But what can you do to make sure they keep coming back, week after week? There will be legitimate reasons why your clients won’t come back to your classes such as Illness, Financial stress, Divorce or relationship stress. So, how can you ensure your current clients keep coming back to your Studio?
Here Are 7 Strategies To Help You Build A Sense Of Community And Connection
Establish what your client’s goals and objectives are from Day 1 and revisit these regularly.
Educate and inspire your clients with regular newsletters and Social Media updates. Celebrate your client’s achievements. Send thank you cards and birthday cards. Keep in touch and personally connect with them at regular Studio functions. Ring them up if they haven’t been to class and say, “Hi, we miss you, are you okay?” Remind them of how far they’ve progressed with their health and well-being
Remember, retaining your current clients with these Fitness Marketing strategies is easier (and cheaper!) than connecting with new clients.
8 Ways to Build Your Database Using Facebook I would like to take a moment to share some simple yet effective Facebook strategies to help boost your PT business. I understand some of you may already be using some of these but are you using all of them? This is just the tip of the ice berg.
Start a fan page which is really easy to do add your logo and description. (Remember to add the link to your fan page on your website). Get some photos of your studio/work place, you in action training clients, some individual client photos (to make sure every existing client has a photo on your page), a group photo of all your clients (be sure to tag them all) and a nice professional shot of yourself and add them to your fan page. Get some videos of you in action, client testimonials at least 3, before and after pics and a video profile of you your qualifications and your services you have to offer. (Remember to get a whole heap of written testimonials as well). Start a YouTube account and link it to Facebook so that every time you do a video you download it to YouTube (for the world to see) and it automatically goes to your Facebook page.
Invite your whole database to be your Facebook friends by searching them with their email address then invite them to your fan page (the trick now is to have them invite all their friends to your fan page… even if necessary by asking them to).
Have a competition for your existing clients e.g.: the client who invites the most friends to the fan page will win 1 months PT – have the PT additional to their existing training so it doesn’t cost you any money. E.g. they do 1 session a week so for the next month they will do 2. This is a great technique for up selling also. Start using the fan page to communicate to your client everyday congratulates them on their fantastic sessions etc… Localized paid ads – advertise Fitness Marketing your fan page to boost your database as well you can do this for as little as $1 per day.
If you complete this in the next week you will see your database skyrocket and then remember to keep all leads and add them to your email list for your monthly newsletter which has birthdays, promos, special mentions etc…
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