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Just a few of the highlights Mackenzie has to offer:
What can we tell you about living next to the largest lake in BC, and also the 7th largest reservoir in the world? You may know facts like Williston Lake is a reservoir created by the WAC Bennett dam. You may also know that it is over 250 kilometers long North to South, and it is over 150 kilometers wide East to West going up the Peace arm. On any map of BC you can see the lake take up the middle of the province. Catch really big fish, or you can enjoy your own private beach where the only other tracks may be a big wolf!
Morfee Mountain road is an easy drive for a truck that takes you to the top of the mountain. Step out and enjoy above treeline mountain top ridge walk or picnic!
Morfee Lake has numerous hiking trails around it, and also two beaches. First Beach is a sandy beach with crystal clear water and is the town favorite for swimming and sunbathing. The lake is actually two lakes, one for floating and paddling, the second is for power boats. The beaches are inside the Mackenzie town boundary, 2km from the residential area on Centennial Drive.
Near the Gantahaz subdivision, Mugaha Marsh is well known for its wildlife viewing opportunities, including moose, bear, and a wide variety of birds. Home of our Bird Banding Station, the marsh offers lots of oppurtunites to view out local wildlife.
Information from district.mackenzie.bc.ca