26th Annual
Festival of Trees
At the Prince George Civic Centre
Home for the
Program & Christmas Song Book
Sponsored by
“Home for the Holidays,” the thought of friendly smiles, sparkling decorations, glimmering lights, the smell of fresh baked treats, and the warmth of knowing your presence is anticipated and welcome. We invite you to enter through the doors of the Prince George Civic Centre between November 22nd and December 1st and enjoy ten days of excitement, sparkle, and a winter wonderland that has been carefully built with love and attention by our many amazing committee volunteers, our generous sponsors, and a dedicated team who really want everyone to feel that they have arrived home, to a place of comfort and belonging. Last year’s 25th Anniversary was unprecedented, and the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation is grateful to all who attended, supported, and were part of the success that the Festival of Trees experienced as we celebrated this major milestone. Four state of the art orthopedic and surgical video operating room towers were funded and have already arrived and are making a difference for patients right here at home in the north, where we live, work and play. We hope you feel as excited as we are to be part of bringing better healthcare to the region when you participate in this event. Your generosity will help support a brighter future and better health outcomes for all. Be part of the magic, make new memories, rekindle time with family and friends… and join us at “Home for the Holidays”! - Judy Neiser, CEO, Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
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LED lights. Artificial trees. Artificial trees with lights built in. White trees. Baby blue trees. Pink trees. And green trees. In our modern world of diversity, it should come as no surprise that Christmas trees come not only in different sizes but different colours, styles and themes. Yet for all that has changed, the shape of the Christmas tree has remained. The presents at the bottom appeal to our more selfish sides but trees in general and Christmas trees in particular demand us to lift our eyes skyward, to look beyond our Earthly desires towards something higher, brighter, greater than ourselves. From the earliest days of winter festivals many centuries ago to our modern Festival of Trees here in Prince George, the purpose of the Christmas tree has been to lift our eyes up and to shine a light during the coldest, darkest days of winter. The tree is a symbol of enduring life that shall return soon, as the days become longer and the sun rises higher in the sky to melt the snow, warm the days and bring life back to the land. We can ignore all of that symbolism, of course, and simply enjoy Christmas trees and the annual Festival of Trees through the eyes of a child, whether it’s our own children and grandchildren and the inner child that has never left us. Christmas makes us all children again, where we can put aside our adult concerns for a short time and marvel in the warmth and beauty of the gorgeously decorated trees. However you celebrate Christmas, the Festival of Trees is a perfect place to come together with family, friends and neighbours to add warmth to your winter and help the Spirit of the North Health Care Foundation at the same time. - Colleen Sparrow, Publisher, Prince George Citizen Past Board Chair, Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Festival of Trees
November 22 to December 1
“Making a difference for patients right here at home in the North, where we live, work, and play.” Friday, November 22 Fashion Show | $60 6:00pm-11:00pm Saturday, November 23 Yoga - Namaste to Start Your Day | $15 9:00am-10:00am Public Opening 10:00am-5:00pm Dance & Dine Among the Pine | $65 6:00pm-Late Sunday, November 24 Santa Breakfast | $20, 12 and under $15 9:30am-Noon Public Hours Noon-8:00pm Community Kickoff Noon-4:00pm Civic Centre Light Up 4:00pm-6:00pm Monday, November 25 Public Hours 9:00am-9:00pm Senior’s Luncheon | $15 Noon-2:00pm
Tickets available at the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation Office (in the UHNBC Atrium). Select tickets available online (tickets.centralinteriortickets.com). For more information, call 250-565-2515 or visit www.festivaloftreespg.ca
OPEN TO PUBLIC: Saturday November 23, 2019 • 10:00am-5:00pm Sunday November 24, 2019 • 12:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday, November 26 Public Hours 9:00am-9:00pm
Monday November 25, 2019 • 9:00am-9:00pm
Wednesday, November 27 Public Hours 9:00am-9:00pm Chamber Lunch | Tickets at Chamber 11:30am-1:30pm
Wednesday November 27, 2019 • 9:00am-9:00pm
Thursday, November 28 Public Hours 9:00am-9:00pm Senior’s Tea | $15 1:00pm-3:00pm Friday, November 29 Public Hours 9:00am-4:00pm Gala Fundraising Auction | $150 5:30pm-Late
Tuesday November 26, 2019 • 9:00am-9:00pm Thursday November 28, 2019 • 9:00am-9:00pm Friday November 29, 2019 • 9:00am-4:00pm Saturday November 30, 2019 • 10:00am-5:00pm Sunday December 1, 2019 • 11:00am-4:00pm
General admission tickets available at the door
Saturday, November 30 Public Hours 10:00am-5:00pm Cize - Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree | $15 9:00am-10:00am Creating “Home for the Holidays” | $45 7:00Pm-10:00Pm Sunday, December 1 Teddy Bear Breakfast | $20, 12 and under $15 8:30am-11:00am Public Hours 11:00am-4:00pm
(Day Passes Only)
Youth 3-15 $3.00 | Seniors $3.00 General $5.00 | Family $15.00
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2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Song Index
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O Come all ye Faithful.................................................... 6
Holly Jolly Christmas.................................................... 32
Angels we have heard on high..................................... 8
It came upon a Midnight Clear................................... 34
Away in a Manger.......................................................... 8
I’ll be home for Christmas.......................................... 35
Blue Christmas............................................................. 10
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.................. 36
Carol of the Bells......................................................... 10
Jolly Old Saint Nicholos............................................... 37
Christmas Song............................................................ 12
Jingle Bells................................................................... 38
Deck the Halls.............................................................. 12
Joy to the World........................................................... 39
Drummer Boy.............................................................. 14
Mele Kalikimaka.......................................................... 40
Rocking’ around the Christmas Tree........................... 16
O Holy Night................................................................ 42
O Christmas Tree.......................................................... 16
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.............................. 44
Feliz Navidad............................................................... 18
Santa Claus is coming to town.................................... 45
Do you hear what I hear?........................................... 20
Silent Night.................................................................. 46
Frosty the Snowman................................................... 26
Silver Bells................................................................... 47
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing..................................... 28
We Three Kings............................................................ 48
Have yourself a merry little Christmas....................... 29
White Christmas........................................................... 49
Here comes Santa Claus.............................................. 30
Winter Wonderland..................................................... 50
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus............................. 32
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen................................... 51
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
k n a Th u o Y Thank you hardly seems enough... We are truly humbled by the number of energetic and giving individuals who put countless hours into making this event what it has become. Prince George has always been known as a volunteer capital. People coming together over a common good. This has happened for various events such as the 2004 Scott Tournament of Hearts, the 2015 Canada Winter Games, and the 2019 World Para Nordic Skiing Championships to name a few. Volunteers also rose to the occasion offering their time, skills, ability, and even their homes in the fires that ravaged the region the last several summers. To say we are grateful to the volunteers who annually support the Festival of Trees is an understatement. We truly value everyone’s contribution – and there are many to appreciate. Please know from the bottom of our hearts how much it has meant to the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation that you choose to work with us towards a common goal of better healthcare in the North, and furthermore please know that you have made an impact, probably in ways you never thought you could have. The next 25 years will be as exciting as the first 25 years – we promise. We also can be sure that it will be different too. Our hope is that the next generation will embrace sponsorship and volunteerism as much as those who have always stood by this event. To everyone who joins us each year in whatever way they choose, please continue to support this event. Help us grow, change, advance, and move forward, but remain the best it can be – and most of all know that you made a difference in support of better health outcomes for patients right here at home in the North – where we live, work, and play.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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O Come all ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold Him Born the King of angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens Of heaven above; Glory to God, Glory in the highest;
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O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning, Jesus, to Thee be All glory given; Son of the Father, Now in flesh appearing; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic...
Festival Fashion Show Sponsored by
FRIDAY, November 22 • 6:00-11:00pm Gather your friends and be the first to experience the Festival of Trees! Canadian Tire is the proud sponsor of the Fashion Show which will be an entertaining evening of fashions and fun. Your ticket includes trendy tapas and dessert and a chance to win fabulous prizes from our participating stores and WestJet. Be the first to shop the RBC Gift Shoppe. Tickets are $60 each. Available through the Spirit of the North office, or online through
Media Sponsor
Santa Breakfast
Sunday, November 24 • 9:30am-Noon Gather your family and join us for a delightful breakfast at Festival of Trees! There will be entertainment for the young and young at heart. Families are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army, and children will get to visit Santa and receive a unique plush toy.
Tickets are only $20/Adult ($15 for 12 and under) and include a hot buffet breakfast and admission to Festival for the remainder of that day. Available through the Spirit of the North office, or online through www.centralinteriortickets.com
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Angels we have heard on high Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing over the plains And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains. Glo-ori-a In excelsis de-o Glo-ori-a In excelsis de-o Shepherds, why this Jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be Which inspire your heavenly song? Glo-ori-a In excelsis de-o Glo-ori-a In excelsis de-o Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing, Come, adore on bended knee, Christ the LOrd, the newborn King.
Away in a Manger Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying He makes.
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I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And take us to heaven to live with Thee there.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic...
Community Kickoff to Christmas Fireworks by
Media Sponsors
Sunday, November 24 • Noon-Onward Civic light-up • 4:00pm - 6:00pm Fireworks • 6:00pm
In cooperation with
The Festival of Trees has become a community tradition for many in Prince George. The Community Kickoff to Christmas is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the Festival with the ones you love and participate in a fun-filled day of entertainment and activities.
Northern British Columbia’s premiere Meetings & Convention Venue
We look forward to making your special day truly EXCEPTIONAL!
Senior’s Luncheon
For further information or to make an inquiry please contact us at the following:
Tel: 250.561.7723 • Email: civiccentre@princegeorge.ca
Monday, November 25 • noon-2:00pm Medichair is the proud returning sponsor of the ever-popular Senior’s Luncheon. Gather your friends and join us for a hearty lunch in a beautiful setting, with entertainment! The Medichair staff will provide Valet service - Seniors who typically use walkers can park them in the Medichair “Parking Lot” inside and the Medichair team will be there to assist you in any way needed! Medichair is also generously providing a lift and recline chair as a Door Prize! Tickets are $15 each and must be purchased in advance. Your tickets can be purchased at the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office in the Atrium at the Hospital by calling 250.565.2515.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Blue Christmas I’ll have a blue Christmas without you; I’ll be so blue thinking about you. Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Won’t mean a thing if you’re not here with me. I’ll have a blue Christmas, that’s certain; And when that blue heartache starts hurtin’; You’ll be do’in’ all right with your Christmas of white, But I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas.
Carol of the Bells
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Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw cares away Christmas is here, bringing good cheer, to young and old, meek and the bold,
Oh how they pound, raising the sound, o’er hill and dale, telling their tale, Gaily they ring, while people sing songs of good cheer, Christmas is here,
ding dong ding, that is their song with joyful ring, all caroling one seems to hear, words of good cheer from everywhere, filling the air
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas, Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas, On on they send, on without end, their joyful tone, to every home Dong Ding dong ding, dong Bong
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic... New th is Year!
Lunch Among the Trees
Creating “Home for the Holidays”
Wednesday, November 27 11:30am-1:30pm Join us at the Prince George Civic Centre for a delightful and delicious traditional holiday lunch among the trees. Once again we will have an RBC Olympian keynote speaker who will inspire us all. $40 Members; $50 Future Members For more information & to register go to www.pgchamber.bc.ca/events
Join us for an intimate evening with friends and family to create everything needed for holiday entertaining. Live demonstrations and hands on sampling included, it will be sure to be a fun evening! Doors open at 6:30 pm • Event: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm $45 per person Tickets on sale now at the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office in the Atrium at UHNBC, or online through www.centralinteriortickets.com
Senior’s Tea
Thursday, November 28 • 1:00-3:00pm Scotiabank is the proud returning sponsor of one of our longest running events. The wonderful Scotiabank staff volunteer their time to prepare the treats, assist seniors with their seating, serve tea and make sure their guests have a fantastic afternoon. This is a great opportunity to visit with friends, view the trees and enjoy the day’s entertainment. Tickets are $15 each and must be purchased in advance. Your tickets can be purchased at the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office in the Atrium at the Hospital by calling 250.565.2515.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Christmas Song Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide carols being sung by a choir And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow Will find it hard to sleep tonight They know that Santa’s on his way He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh And ev’ry mother’s Child is gonna spy to see if reindeer really know how to fly And so, I’m offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety-two Altho’ it’s been said many times Many ways; “Merry Christmas to you”.
Deck the Halls
Deck the halls with with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la la. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la. Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la la la la la. Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, Fa la la la la la la la la.
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See the blazing Yule before us, Fa la la la la la la la la. Strike the harp and join the chorus, Fa la la la la la la la la. Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la la la. While I tell of Yuletide treasure, Fa la la la la la la la la.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic... Yoga - Namaste To Start Your Day Presented by
Saturday, November 23 9:00am-10:00am Join us for a quiet morning in a magical setting. Hosts Ivana Minovec and Zandra Ross will lead a light to medium morning of stretching and yoga. Tickets are $15 & available at Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office in Atrium at UHNBC or online at centralinteriortickets.com. Drop Ins welcome!
Cize-Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree New this Year!
Presented by
Saturday, November 30 9:00am-10:00am Join us for a workout in a magical setting. Host Zandra Ross will lead a high energy Cize Workout! Tickets are $15 & available at Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office in Atrium at UHNBC or online at centralinteriortickets.com. Drop Ins welcome!
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Drummer Boy Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, So, to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum, When we come. Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum That’s fit to give the King,
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pa rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum, On my drum? Mary Nodded, pa rum pum pum pum, The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum I play my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum me and my drum.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic... Volunteer Appreciation Lounge Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation wishes to extend our most sincere gratitude to all of our volunteers. The volunteer Festival of Trees Committee works throughout the year to plan and organize this magical event and hundreds of additional volunteers give of their time to bring Festival of Trees to life and keep it going through the 5 days of set-up, 10 days of public openings, plus post-event take-down and deliveries. Without our volunteers this event would not be possible!
Thank you! To volunteer at Festival of Trees, please visit our website www.festivaloftreespg.ca or email fot.pg.volunteer@gmail.com
Fundraising Gala Pre Dinner Reception
Mingle among the winter wonderland of trees and creative winter pieces while you enjoy a lovely array of pre-dinner treats hosted by Girard Financial Services. This reception is in advance of the Gala Fundraising Auction evening, and will delight your senses , tame your hunger, and will be the calm before what is sure to be an exciting evening. Enjoy! (No Host Bar)
26th Annual Fundraising Gala Auction The Fundraising Gala Auction is proudly sponsored by the Northland Auto Group. This major fundraiser for Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation promises to be a wonderful evening of celebration, sparkle and many opportunities to give generously. The evening will feature a live auction, with auctioneer Bill Brown, including a selection of finely decorated trees and unique gift items. To celebrate our 26th year, we are presenting a formal evening with delicious appetizers and dinner beautifully prepared by Chef Jorges Soares, followed by an exquisite Festival of Trees dessert! Each year we also feature “Fund-An-Item”, an opportunity to raise funds for medical equipment in our region. This year we are raising funds in support of The SpyGlassTM DS System We are grateful to our Live Auction guests who donate so generously each year.
Table Centerpiece Sponsor
Our thanks to Michael and Caren Tobin who have been donating a diamond creation to us on behalf of Michael’s Jewellers for each of our 26 years - a total donation value of close to $200,000 One lucky person will win this year’s special prize during the Gala Fundraising Auction night.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree Rocking around the Christmas tree At the Christmas party hop Mistletoe hung where you can see Every couple tries to stop Rocking around the Christmas tree, Let the Christmas spirit ring Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie And we’ll do some caroling.
You will get a sentimental Feeling when you hear Voices singing let’s be jolly, Deck the halls with boughs of holly Rocking around the Christmas tree, Have a happy holiday Everyone dancing merrily In the new old-fashioned way.
O Christmas Tree
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How faithful are thy branches! O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How faithful are thy branches! Green not alone in Summer time, But in the Winter’s frost and Rime; O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How faithful are thy branches!
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This not alone in Summer’s sheen, Its boughs are broad, its leaves are green; It blooms for us when wild winds blow And earth is white with feath’ry snow; A voice tells all its boughs among Of shepherd’s watch and angel’s song; Of holy Babe in manger low The story of long ago.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic... d l o
! t u
Dance & Dine Among the Pine
Saturday, November 23 • 6:00pm-Late Perfect for your office holiday party, dine and dance the night away at the Festival of Trees! The evening will include a Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings, music by DJ Ant Pure Sound and Entertainment, and door prizes, in the midst of a wonderland of decorated trees. Tickets are $65. Tickets sell quickly for this event and are available through the Spirit of the North office.
Teddy Bear Breakfast
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 • 8:30-11:00am Subaru is proud to present the Teddy Bear Breakfast, one of the most popular Festival Events! We ask families to bring new mitts, toques & p.j.’s to be given to a child in need. In return, each child receives a Teddy Bear from Santa and his helpers. These items will be distributed to children in hospitals throughout the region this Christmas. This is a wonderful way to share the spirit of Christmas with your children or grandchildren. Tickets are only $20/Adult ($15 for 12 and under) and include a hot buffet breakfast and admission to Festival for the remainder of that day. Available through the Spirit of the North office, or online through www.centralinteriortickets.com
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero Ano y Felicidad. Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero Ano y Felicidad. I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas From the bottom of my heart. Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero Ano y Felicidad. Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Prospero Ano y Felicidad. I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas From the bottom of my heart.
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2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic... Miracle Mirror Trees Several years ago, the Northland Auto Group initiated a special concept that truly embodies the spirit of giving: their annual donation of trees decorated, and matched with a “Miracle Mirror Tree” – a second tree with gifts that will be donated to a family chosen by the St. Vincent De Paul Society of Prince George. Their wish is that the Miracle Mirror Trees will help inspire the spirit of giving for everyone this year and in the future.
Festival of Trees is Powered by Bryant Electric Ltd. is proud to be the returning electrical sponsor of Festival of Trees
The Peoples Choice Vote for your favourite in 5 categories (Big Tree, Little Tree, Little House, Wreath and Creative Piece), and visit the Festival on Sunday, December 1, to see the awards presented at 4 PM. The winners will be recognized in our post-event ad in the Prince George Citizen.
Silent Auction
Coat Check The Barracuda Swim Club will be our returning volunteers in the Coat Check. Use of the Coat Check is by donation, and all proceeds go to the swim club! Keep your hands free and support a great athletic club in our city while you explore the Festival!
Story Time
Most of the beautifully decorated Trees, Little Houses and Wreaths are available for sale through the Silent Auction that closes at 3:30pm on Sunday, December 1st. If you have your eye on one or more of the silent auction items, it is a good idea to be at the Festival near closing time on Sunday to make your final bid!
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Story Time is a daily event, and we have an exciting line-up of storytellers this year including musical Barb Kelly & Friends. Story Time is free with admission to Festival. For times and scheduled storytellers visit www.festivaloftreespg.ca
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Do you hear what I hear? Do You Hear What I Hear? Said the night wind to the little lamb, do you see what I see Way up in the sky, little lamb, do you see what I see A star, a star, dancing in the night With a tail as big as a kite With a tail as big as a kite Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, do you hear what I hear Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, do you hear what I hear A song, a song, high above the trees With a voice as big as the sea With a voice as big as the sea Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, do you know what I know In your palace warm, mighty king, do you know what I know A Child, a Child shivers in the cold Let us bring Him silver and gold Let us bring Him silver and gold Said the king to the people everywhere, listen to what I say Pray for peace, people everywhere! listen to what I say The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night He will bring us goodness and light He will bring us goodness and light
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2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic...
Big Trees The Big Trees bring the “WOW” to Festival of Trees! We are so pleased to once again have White Spruce Enterprises sponsor the winter wonderland that puts the “trees” in the Festival of Trees. After all, this is where it all began. Each tree holds a unique vision, every ornament is carefully placed, all the details are accounted for and collectively they create a magical forest unlike anything else. Enjoy!! This is our gift to you to help kick off the holiday season. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite one.
Children’s Workshop We invite you to visit the Tim Horton’s Children’s Workshop. Here children can visit a series of individual kiosks and create that one of a kind gift for someone special. In addition to our traditional Coupon Areas, we have the Free Area where children can colour a picture, make a Christmas card or decorate a bag to carry their treasures home. Free: - Colouring pictures, gluing and glittering cards - Decorate a paper bag to take treasures home Coupon Areas - Gingerbread cookie $2.00 - Decorate a Santa Hat $2.00 - Decorate a Stocking $2.00 - Christmas Ornament $2.00 - Little Wreath $2.00 - Little Tree $4.00 - Holiday Basket $4.00 Please pre-book school classes or large groups by contacting the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation office at 250.565.2515
Gift Shoppe Check out this year’s new look in the Gift Shoppe! Stop by the Festival of Trees Gift Shoppe, sponsored by RBC & RBC Wealth Management, and peruse our great selection of seasonal and other special gift items. Each year we work to bring you new and interesting items to help you fill your Christmas list. Your purchases support Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation’s work to fund medical equipment, education and enhancements to healthcare in Northern BC. The Gift Shoppe accepts cash, all major credit cards, and debit. When visiting the Gift Shoppe this year, don’t forget to say hello to the wonderful volunteers who devote hundreds of hours each year to ensure that your Festival shopping experience is a memorable one!
Little Houses You won’t want to miss the Little Houses area sponsored by CopperFalls Custom Homes. These donated unique creations are a labor of love for crafters of all ages throughout our community. Take a stroll through this colorful area in the main foyer & make a silent auction bid on the one you want to take home with you. Bids close at 3:30pm Sunday December 1st.
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Thank You
Friends of the Festival!
Wreaths Dispay
Little Trees Display
One of the most popular features of the Festival has been our display of Wreaths, Centerpieces, Seasonal Planters and Little Trees, all crafted by members of the community, and donated to us for sale by Silent Auction. These pieces are perfect for decorating smaller spaces of an office or apartment or to add a special touch to any room in your home. Take a stroll through this colourful area and bid on your favorite items. Bidding closes at 3:30pm Sunday, December 1.
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2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Bea’s Tree Although not with us in person, Bea Dezell’s memory lives on with the spirit of Christmas through Bea’s Tree. Just as Bea lived her life – helping others – so does this little tree. Each year revenue generated at the live auction is 100% directed to the area of greatest need through Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation. This special little tree was purchased by Bea in the 1950’s and was used to celebrate Christmas with the Brownie packs in Prince George. After the Brownies, the tree was used by the PG Weavers and Spinners at Studio 2880 for several years and then was sold in a garage sale and bought by Shirley Gratton. The tree re-surfaced at another garage sale and the Festival of Trees committee, led by Shirli-Gene Sadowick, decided that this little aluminum tree had a history that required preserving. It’s unique, tiny, and radiant… just like Bea Dezell herself. Christened Bea’s Tree, it was decided that each year at the Festival of Tree’s Gala Auction night, the little tree would be sold to the highest bidder. Winners are able to display and keep the tree through the holiday season. It is then returned to the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation, to be auctioned again at the next Festival of Trees. Winners receive a special ornament and have their story added to the history of the little tree. To date Bea’s tree has warmed the hearts of many through the holiday season and during it’s 15 years it has raised $200,000 in donations towards healthcare equipment – This year could be your year!! Bea’s Tree has become part of the family tradition of the Prince George Festival of Trees.
Past Recipients of Bea’s Tree: 2019 This could be you! 2018 “In honour of those who have a giving heart” 2017 Julie and Lee J Leslie 2016 In memory of Janet Holder 2015 Christine Cooper 2014 Jim & Noreen Rustad Family 2013 Kim & Bryan James 2012 Janet Holder & Neal Cockshutt
2011 Michelle Sutter & Bill Golley 2010 Nauroth & Associates Insurance Brokers 2009 Kim & Bryan James 2008 Muirhead Financial Services Inc. 2007 Ron & Debbie Fichtner 2006 The Legault Family 2005 Prince Sheet Metal 2004 The J. Rustad Family
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“Let’s take a look…” The mystery of internal medicine and how our body works can be frustrating. It can be parallel to driving an old reliable car and until something breaks down; there is no need to look under the hood. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had a “check engine” light. Unfortunately, the human body does not come with a handy latch that allows easy access to look inside. Modern medicine has developed the most unusual way to access the body through orifices most of us would never think of, or frankly, do not care to. In the search to find a cure to an ailment, the cause of chronic pain or just a nagging symptom, calls upon diagnostics and intervention of unusual proportions at times. Thankfully, Boston Scientific’s goal is to make this easier for the physician or technician to intervene. This means less invasive for the patient as well. They have made diagnosis of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas so much more accessible.
The SpyGlass™ DS System enables direct visualization of the pancreatic and bile ducts. It is used to evaluate suspected benign and malignant conditions, and is used for the treatment of difficult stones and strictures and conditions such as: • Gallbladder Cancer • Pancreatic Cancer • Biliary System Cancer • Bile Duct Cancer • Pancreatic Stones/Debris • Pancreatitis • Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Tumor (PMT) • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) • Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of (Gallstones) the Pancreas (IPMN) • Choledocholithiasis and Cholelithiasis • Biliary papillomatosis • Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumors of the Pancreas (IPMT) • Indeterminate Pancreatic Strictures/Masses
“If supported, the SpyGlassTM DS system will be the third of its kind in the province. VGH and St. Pauls are the only other two locations that have this equipment. Having the equipment available right here at UHNBC will mean that I no longer have to refer patients to the lower mainland.” – Dr. Gilbert Wankling
Dr. Gilbert Wankling, General Surgeon Dr. Jamie Appleby, General Surgeon
SpyGlass DS Scope Catheter Tip with SpyBiteTM Forceps for Tissue Acquisition SpyGlass DS Scope Catheter Tip with EHL for Stone Management
SpyGlass DS Scope Catheter Tip with Laser for Stone Management
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2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
“I’d really like you to go to Vancouver to have further testing done, Les, I can make a referral for you” ….These were the words Leslie Apps and his wife Grace were not happy to hear during one of the many appointments with Dr. Gilbert Wankling, General Surgeon at UHNBC. “I’m too old for this,” Leslie replied, “It’s too hectic down there …,” and the list went on and on as to why he had no interest in travelling to the lower mainland for further testing. Who can blame him, and how often do we hear the same story – why is everything located down south? The Apps relocated to the North from Chilliwack over 20 years ago. Their chosen new life is on a pristine 80 acres northeast of Prince George in the small settlement of Longworth BC. Mail arrives three days a week, they know all their neighbours and life is good. Following a great career with Dairyland, they had already seen too many changes in the area they had called home for many years. Extensive growth and construction around them, traffic was increasing, lifestyles were more hectic, it just wasn’t fun anymore. As an outdoor enthusiast, his heart probably always did belong in the North. If it has wheels and a motor attached, and there was a hill, ravine, or trail to drive on – Les would be tackling it somehow. Biking, quading, back country 4x4’ing, even racing, he likes speed and action! So much so, that years of crashing, burn outs, toppling end over end, and the odd roll-over and even a few broken ribs, he has suffered trauma to his internal organs. It started with a few aches and pains – might have been that run in with the wind shield during a collision, or might have been how he landed after being air born during a jump… whatever the exact cause could be any number of things that for Les is just considered living life to the fullest. Each time he would have an x-ray, nothing would show up and he would feel fine over time. About 18 months ago, the pain didn’t go away, it got
worse, and worse. He underwent a CT Scan and then an endoscopic treatment, which were inconclusive. He then struggled with an extensive bout of pancreatitis. Fever, then chills, sweating profusely he knew something was not quite right. The prognosis was that there was definite trauma to his liver. Nothing short of bubble wrap would have helped. Les’ passion for the outdoors, enjoyment of venturing through the countryside is part of life and not done with reckless abandon. The Apps feel that under Dr. Wankling’s care they are absolutely in great hands. He has been an advocate for finding that needle in a haystack when it comes to ruling out areas of concern, and investigating further when needed. He is unfortunately limited to what tools he has to work with. Identifying a state of the art piece of equipment that will provide additional diagnostic opportunities is super, what isn’t is having to travel to Vancouver to have this done. The Apps are keen to see this equipment here in Prince George. Dr. Wankling and his peers also believe it would enable them to provide even that much more extensive care to their patients. At Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation – we too believe that patients shouldn’t have to travel unnecessarily outside of the region for better care. There is a big cost and frustration associated with doing this. Understandably occasionally it is needed, but through the proceeds from the Festival of Trees and the generosity of those to who support bringing this piece of equipment to UHNBC, we believe that this is one occasion where we can make a difference for patients right here at home in the North, where we live, work, and play. We invite you to support this piece of equipment as well.
“We live here now. Our family for the most part now lives in the north as well and we want to live to the end of our days right here. If it means going to Vancouver I just won’t go.” – Leslie & Grace Apps 2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
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Frosty the Snowman Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul, With a corn cob pipe and a button nose, And two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale, they say, He was made of snow, but the children know, How he came to life one day. There must have been some magic, In that old silk hat they found, For when they placed it on his head, He began to dance around. Oh, Frosty the Snowman was alive as he could be, And the children say he could laugh and play, Just the same as you and me. Frosty the Snowman knew the sun was hot that day, So he said, “Let’s run and we’ll have some fun now before I melt away.” Down to the village with a broomstick in his hand, Running here and there all around the square, sayin’, “Catch me if you can.” He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop, And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler “Stop!” For Frosty the Snowman had to hurry on his way, But he waved good-bye, sayin’, “Don’t you cry; I’ll be back again someday.” Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Look at Frosty go; Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Over the hills of snow. Page 26
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Be part of the Magic...
Thank you to our media partners
2019 Festival of Trees Committee
Designer Partners
Festival & Site Coordinator’s - ShirliGene Sadowick, Allison McCray, Tammy Laidlaw Lamont Sponsorship/Public Relations - Curtis Mayes Administration - Scotia Garden Finance - Lil Milani, Nick Krismanich, Gaye Wildeman, Danielle Greenslade Gift Shop - Elvie Birks, Marcia Martinson, Sharon Willoughby, Kathleen McCullough Fundraising Gala Auction - Judy Neiser, ShirliGene Sadowick, Curtis Mayes Big Trees – Allison McCray Wreaths & Little Trees – LeeAnn Cooper Social Media - Lindsay Cotter Graphics & Silent Auction - Kaleena Ross Volunteer Coordinators - Lil Milani, Carla Greco Volunteer Room – Anne Ankney Children’s Workshop - Marlene Cox, Carol Bajkov, Marnie Alexander Little Houses – Janice Wharrie, Brenda Mondor Festival Entertainment - Judy Russell Dance & Dine Among the Pine - Monica Peacock Fashion Show - Tammy Laidlaw Lamont Community Kick Off - Lara Pederson, Heather Larsen Raffles - Ashley Boutin Setup and Take Down - Jane Girard, Gary Keyes Delivery - David Wharrie, Monica Peacock Electrical - Darcy Bryant, Denis Cowley Sound Technology - Bill Russell, Jon Russell Russell AV Sets & Props - George Brooks Tree Fluffers - Shirley Gratton Photography - Steve Senger Board Representatives - Selen Alpay, Dave Yarmish
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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn king; Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled,” Joyful all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies; With angelic hosts proclaim “Christ is born in Bethlehem!” Hark! The herald angels sing “Glory to the newborn King.” Christ, by highest heaven adored Christ, the everlasting Lord. Long desired behold Him come, Finding here His humble home. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,
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Hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel. Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King.” Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King.”
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light From now on, our troubles will be out of sight. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Make the Yule-tide gay, From now on, our troubles will be miles away. Here we are as in olden days,happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more. Through the years we all will be together If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
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Here comes Santa Claus Here comes Santa Claus! Here comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane! Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer are pulling on the rein. Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright. Hang your stockings and say your pray’rs, ‘Cause Santa Claus comes tonight. Here comes Santa Claus! Here comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane! He’s got a bag that is filled with toys for
the boys and girls again. Hear those sleighbells jingle jangle, oh what a beautiful sight. Jump in bed, cover up your head, ‘Cause Santa Claus comes tonight. Here Comes Santa Claus! Here Comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane! He doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor for he loves you just the same. Santa knows that we’re God’s children, that makes ev’rything right. Fill your hearts with a Christmas cheer, ‘Cause Santa Claus comes tonight. Here Comes Santa Claus! Here Comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane! He’ll come around when the chimes ring out, then it’s Christmas morn again. Peace on earth will come to all if we just follow the light. Let’s give thanks to the Lord above,‘Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
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I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus Underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn’t see me creep down the stairs to have a peep; She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep.
Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus Underneath his beard so snowy white; Oh, what a laugh it would have been If Daddy had only seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
Holly Jolly Christmas Have a holly, jolly Christmas; It’s the best time of the year I don’t know if there’ll be snow but have a cup of cheer Have a holly, jolly Christmas; And when you walk down the street Say Hello to friends you know and everyone you meet Oh ho the mistletoe hung where you can see; Somebody waits for you; Kiss her once for me Have a holly jolly Christmas and in case you didn’t hear Oh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas this year Page 32
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It came upon a Midnight Clear It came upon a midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to men, From heaven’s all-gracious King.” The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Still through the cloven skies they come With peaceful wings unfurled, And still their heavenly music floats O’er all the weary world; Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hovering wing, And ever o’er its Babel-sounds The blessed angels sing. Yet with the woes of sin and strife The world has suffered long; Beneath the heavenly strain have rolled Two thousand years of wrong;
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And man, at war with man, hears not The tidings which they bring; O hush the noise, ye men of strife, And hear the angels sing! O ye, beneath life’s crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way With painful steps and slow, Look now! for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; O rest beside the weary road And hear the angels sing! For lo! the days are hastening on, By prophets seen of old, When with the ever-circling years Shall come the time foretold, When peace shall over all the earth Its ancient splendors fling, And the whole world give back the song Which now the angels sing.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
I’ll be Home for Christmas
I’ll be home for Christmas You can plan on me Please have snow and mistletoe And presents on the tree
I’ll be home for Christmas You can plan on me Please have snow and mistletoe And presents on the tree
Christmas Eve will find me Where the lovelight gleams I’ll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams
Christmas Eve will find me Where the lovelight gleams I’ll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams
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It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ev’rywhere you go; Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once again With candy canes and silver lanes aglow. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, Toys in ev’ry store, But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be On your own front door. A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots Is the wish of Barney and Ben; Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
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Is the hope of Janice and Jen; And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ev’rywhere you go; There’s a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well, The sturdy kind that doesn’t mind the snow. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas; Soon the bells will start, And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing Right within your heart.
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Jolly Old Saint Nicholos Jolly old Saint Nicholas, Lean your ear this way! Don’t you tell a single soul What I’m going to say: Christmas Eve is coming soon; Now, you dear old man Whisper what you’ll bring to me; Tell me if you can. When the clock is striking twelve, When I’m fast asleep Down the chimney, broad and black, With your pack you’ll creep
All the stockings you will find Hanging in a row Mine will be the shortest one, You’ll be sure to know Bobby wants a pair of skates, Suzy wants a sled Nellie wants a picture book, Yellow, blue, and red Now I think I’ll leave to you What to give the rest Choose for me, dear Santa Claus; You will know the best.
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Jingle Bells Dashing thru’ the snow, In a onehorse open sleigh O’er the fields we go, Laughing all the way, Bells on bobtails ring, Making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! CHORUS Oh, Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh! What fun it is to ride, In a one-
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horse open sleigh! A day or two ago, I thought I’d take a ride, And soon Miss Fannie Bright was seated by my side. The horse was lean and lank, Misfortune seem’d his lot, He got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot! CHORUS Now the ground is white, Go it
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
while you’re young, Take the girls tonight, And sing this sleighing song. Just get a bobtail nag, Two-forty for his speed, Then hitch him to an open sleigh and Crack! You’ll take the lead. CHORUS Oh, Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh! What fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh!
Joy to the World Joy to the world, the Lord is come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And heaven and nature sing And heaven and nature sing And heaven, and heaven and nature sing
No more let sins and sorrows grow Nor thorns infest the ground He comes to make His blessing flow Far as the curse is found Far as the curse is found Far as, far as the curse is found
Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns Let men their songs employ While fields and floods Rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy Repeat, repeat the sounding joy
He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love And wonders of His love And wonders, of His love And wonders and wonders of his love
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Mele Kalikimaka Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day That’s the island greeting that we send to you From the land where palm trees sway Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright The sun will shine by day and all the stars at night Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas to you Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day That’s the island greeting that we send to you From the land where palm trees sway Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright The sun will shine by day and all the stars at night
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Mele Kalikimaka Cont’d Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas to you Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright The sun will shine by day and all the stars at night Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas to you Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day That’s the island greeting that we send to you From the land where palm trees sway Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright The sun will shine by day and all the stars at night Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas, A very Merry Christmas, a very, very, very Merry Merry Christmas to you
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O Holy Night O holy night, The stars are brightly shining; It is the night of Our dear Savior’s birth! Long lay the world In sin and error pining, Till He appeared And the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, The weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks A new and glorious morn.
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Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born! O night divine, O night, O night divine! Led by the light of Faith Serenely beaming, With glowing hearts By His cradle we stand. So led by light of a star Sweetly gleaming,
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Here came the wise men From Orient land. The King of Kings lay thus In lowly manger, In all our trials Born to be our Friend! He knows our need, To our weakness no stranger; Behold your King! Before the lowly bend! Behold your King! your King! Before Him bend.
O Holy Night Cont’d Truly He taught us To love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains shall He break For the slave is our brother And in His name All oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in Grateful chorus raise we, Let all within us Praise His holy name! Christ is the Lord, Oh praise His name forever, His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim His pow’r and glory Evermore proclaim.
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Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer
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Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows.
Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say: “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph play in any reindeer games.
Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee: “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go down in history!”
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Santa Claus is coming to town
You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
He’s making a list, And checking it twice; Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows if you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! O! You better watch out! You better not cry. Better not pout, I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. Santa Claus is coming to town.
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Silent Night Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight Glories stream from Heaven afar
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Heav’nly host sing Alleluia Christ the Saviour, is born Christ the Saviour, is born Silent night, holy night Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord, at thy birth Jesus, Lord, at thy birth
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
Silver Bells
Silver bells, silver bells It’s Christmas time in the city Ring-a-ling, hear them sing Soon it will be Christmas day
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks. Dressed in holiday style In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas Children laughing People passing, meeting smile after smile And on every street corner you’ll hear Silver bells, silver bells It’s Christmas time in the city Ring-a-ling, hear them ring Soon it will be Christmas day
Strings of street lights Even stop lights Blink a bright red and green As the shoppers rush home with their treasures Hear the snow crunch See the kids bunch This is Santa’s big scene And above all this bustle You’ll hear Silver bells, silver bells It’s Christmas time in the city Ring-a-ling, hear them sing Soon it will be Christmas day
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We Three Kings We three kings of orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star Star of wonder, star of night Star of royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to Thy perfect light Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain
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Gold I bring to crown Him again King for ever, ceasing never Over us all to reign Frankincense to offer have I Incense owns a Deity nigh Prayer and praising, all men raising Worship Him, God most high Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying Sealed in the stone-cold tomb Glorious now behold Him arise King and God and sacrifice Alleluia, Alleluia Earth to the heavens replies
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
White Christmas I’m dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten, and children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow I’m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white I’m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white
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Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, In the lane, snow is glistening A beautiful sight, We’re happy tonight. Walking in a winter wonderland. Gone away is the bluebird, Here to stay is a new bird He sings a love song, As we go along, Walking in a winter wonderland. In the meadow we can build a
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snowman, Then pretend that he is Parson Brown He’ll say: Are you married? We’ll say: No man, But you can do the job When you’re in town. Later on, we’ll conspire, As we dream by the fire To face unafraid, The plans that we’ve made, Walking in a winter wonderland. In the meadow we can build a
2019 Festival of Trees Program & Christmas Song Book
snowman, And pretend that he’s a circus clown We’ll have lots of fun with mister snowman, Until the other kids knock him down. When it snows, ain’t it thrilling, Though your nose gets a chilling We’ll frolic and play, the Eskimo way, Walking in a winter wonderland.
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, Remember Christ our saviour was born on Christmas day. To save us all from satans power
when we were gone astray. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy!
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