4 minute read
1. Network support
7. Tear it up in a pit
11. ___ season (late winter/early spring)
14. Later’s opposite 15. Naysayer
16. “I can’t decide, they all sound great”
17. Route taken by one on the gig economy route?
20. Another: Sp. 21. Floor shine
22. How picture books are often read 23. Mowed area 25. Ill-gotten gains
26. Fake hair that give the wearer good vibes?
31. Skateboarding 101 trick
32. Chain with books in Swedish in their showrooms 33. Inits. that say a scheduler’s still got work to do 36. Bookstore ID 37. Big name in Argentine history 39. Span between an epoch, e.g. 40. Kid who never celebrates their birthday during school 41. Cracker spread 42. Get 100% on an exam 43. Tiny shaver in the accounts payable department?

47. Skier’s transports
48. Contacted privately through Twitter
49. Lane the Muffin Man lives on
50. Feathery neckpiece
51. Old pronoun
55. Lunged towards “Musta Notta Gotta Lotta” singer?
59. “I know what you’re thinking” power
60. Blinding glow
61. Reduced, pricewise
62. Problem for someone who can’t pass the bar?
63. Cheer (on)
64. Went bad DOWN
1. What : may mean
2. Car horn sound
3. What comes before a :

4. Get class placement
5. Showed the way
6. Like most of the time of the AustroHungarian Empire
7. Who said “Marriage is the chief cause of divorce”
8. Half and half
9. Abbr. in some business addresses
10. Baldwin with a questionable
Spanish accent
11. Kal-El’s nickname
12. Full length
13. Changed the locks?
18. Vampire’s biter
19. Comic character in Madonna’s “Music” music video
24. Exist
25. Spider-___ (superhero)
26. Silver wrap in the kitchen
27. Choice word
28. Greetings for the germophobic
29. Rented out, as a limo
30. Fightstopping decision
34. Prepare, as pasta
35. What pedestrians look like from a helicopter ride
37. Close chums
IN The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: No. GD-23-003830, In re petition of Olivia Jane Ryan and Robert Allan Duncan, parents and legal guardians of Celia Ryan Duncan, for change of names to Rebecca Ryan Duncan. To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that an order of said Court authorized the filing of said petition and fixed the 12th day of May 2023, at 9:30 a.m., as the time and the Motions Room, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, PA, as the place for a hearing, when and where all persons may show cause, if any they have, why said name should not be changed as prayed for.
IN The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: No. GD-22-11081, In re petition of Angelica Qin Zhang and Xulei Dong, parents and legal guardians of Jayden Zhang, for change of names to Jayden Dong. To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that an order of said Court authorized the filing of said petition and fixed the 5th day of May 2023, at 9:30 a.m., as the time and the Motions Room, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, PA, as the place for a hearing, when and where all persons may show cause, if any they have, why said name should not be changed as prayed for.
Adoption Notice
TO: Jason last name unknown, Birth Father of Baby Donna Dean a/k/a Baby Girl Dean, born on the 1st day of July, 2022, in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Petitions have been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you and Siera M. Dean, birth mother, have to your child, Baby Donna Dean a/k/a Baby Girl Dean. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your parental rights. That hearing will be held in Orphans’ Court, Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, 1700 Frick Building, 437 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15219, on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at 1:30 P.M. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have the right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help.
Name Change
IN The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: No. GD-23-002113, In re petition of McKensi Dyess, parent and legal guardian of Katy Strummer Putnam, for change of name to Finn Strummer Putnam. To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that an order of said Court authorized the filing of said petition and fixed the 10th day of May 2023, at 9:30 a.m., as the time and the Motions Room, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, PA, as the place for a hearing, when and where all persons may show cause, if any they have, why said name should not be changed as prayed for.
LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE, The Allegheny County Bar Association, 11th Floor, Koppers Bldg., 436 Seventh Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 412-261-5555
In order to obtain a copy of the petition to involuntarily terminate parental rights prior to the hearing, you may contact counsel for the petitioner as set forth below.
If you cannot afford a lawyer, pursuant to the Adoption Act, the Court shall appoint counsel for a parent whose rights are subject to termination in an involuntary termination proceeding if, upon petition, the Court determines that the parent is unable to pay for counsel or if payment would result in substantial financial hardship. To request appointment of counsel, you may contact the Adoption Department Supervisor, the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Orphans’ Court Division, 1700 Frick Building, 437 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Phone number 412-350-5579.
Gerri L. Sperling, STRASSBURGER McKENNA GUTNICK & GEFSKY, Four Gateway Center, Ste. 2200, 444 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222, 412-281-0828 (Direct) gsperling@smgglaw.com, Counsel for Petitioner