2 minute read
IN YEARS PAST, Pittsburghers might have Pittsburghers might have known sarah huny young ’ s work best as known sarah huny young’s work best as a photographer and artist. She ’ s received a photographer and artist. She’s received numerous recognitions and grants for her pornumerous recognitions and grants for her portraits celebrating Black women and LGBTQ comtraits celebrating Black women and LGBTQ communities. Last year, young also helped to create munities. Last year, young also helped to create the PGH Artists Emergency Fund to help the the PGH Artists Emergency Fund to help the local arts community who relied on income local arts community who relied on income from gig performances recover from the panfrom gig performances recover from the pandemic. But in 2021, her work as a DJ and event demic. But in 2021, her work as a DJ and event producer under the moniker HUNY was what producer under the moniker HUNY was what really shone. As vaccines were distributed and really shone. As vaccines were distributed and venues started opening t venues started opening their doors, HUNY hit the heir doors, HUNY hit the ground running, planning and hosting events ground running, planning and hosting events almost immediately. HUNY can often be found almost immediately. HUNY can often be found at Spirit or at COBRA with a fire set and at Spirit or at COBRA with a fire set and dressed dressed to the nines. She ’ s one of the names behind Most to the nines. She’s one of the names behind Most Beautifullest, a Black, queer, and femme-led DJ Beautifullest, a Black, queer, and femme-led DJ collective here in the city. It’ s a prime example collective here in the city. It’s a prime example of HUNY always making a point to lift up other of HUNY always making a point to lift up other Black femme DJs and artists trying to get in the Black femme DJs and artists trying to get in the door, which also always results in a one-of-adoor, which also always results in a one-of-akind party. kind party.