1 minute read
George C. Page Residential Complex

We could not be more proud of you and the man you have become. Being your parents has been one of God’s greatest gifts. The impact you have had on our lives is profound. You have challenged us to be more adventurous, feel deeper, love more, be more honest with one another and increased our self-awareness. The memories we share, the beauty we have seen, the places we have visited and the bond we share are our most prized possession. Now, we have the opportunity to bear witness to your next adventure as a Pepperdine graduate. This man who is full of discernment, intelligence and intentionality is now unleashed onto the world. We look forward to watching you embrace these new set of challenges and attacking them with the same vigor and enthusiasm that you have shown over these first twenty-two years. Always remember that God is in control. Your faith and trust in him, will see you through and is what leads to true happiness and fulfillment. Now let’s go celebrate and get you off payroll!
Love, Mom and Dad