September 2017
New WDFW rules for salmon fishing in B.C. page 6
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Mandatory trash idea picks up steam, page 18
District considers break for golf course, page 9
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
DelBene receives warm welcome from the Point By Meg Olson In her regular visit to Point Roberts, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene spoke of her frustration with a hamstrung legislative branch and an erratic executive in Washington, D.C. Housekeeping matters such as raising the debt ceiling to pay the bills and passing a budget remained unresolved with only 12 days left in the legislative session, DelBene told a crowd of over 50 people at an August 12 town hall meeting sponsored by the local taxpayers association. “We need to be making sure we keep things running,” she said. “That’s not to mention important things we need to do to protect the fundamental foundation of our democracy – things like fixing a broken immigration system and ensuring voter rights.” The inability to create bipartisan legislation is handicapping congress, DelBene said. “Republicans don’t even agree with Republicans,” she said. “We don’t get a chance to work together to develop bipartisan legislation and healthcare is a good example of that. Wouldn’t it be great if we sat down and worked together? A lot of people would like to see us get there.” On the international stage, DelBene said the nation was facing growing problems due to President Donald Trump’s style of diplomacy, “or lack of diplomacy.” Asked from the audience what her position was on President Trump’s immigration bill, DelBene said, “To be clear, he hasn’t put forward a bill. He’s talked about it a lot and separately there’s a lot he can do through executive action. I’m very concerned about his proposals going forward. We need to pass legislation in Congress.” She also dismissed the idea of a wall along the southern border. “It’s a terrible use of money. What do people say? Build a taller wall, get a taller ladder?” On the issue of voter fraud, some (See DelBene, page 8)
s Shay McVickers, along with many others, enjoyed the eclipse party sponsored by the Point Roberts parks district and held at the community center on Monday, August 21. Photo by Idelette McVickers
PRCAC considers going beyond character plan By Meg Olson Members of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) are taking aim at a sheaf of planning requirements as they move beyond revising the former character plan guidelines. “Do we want to look at all of Title 20.72, which includes recreational vehicles, trailers, tree retention, et cetera?” PRCAC chair Joel Lantz asked at a July 15 special meeting. “To my mind, the architectural
design guidelines are not that important with what we’re doing overall here. Do we want to go back and look at the subarea plan?” The goal, he said, should be to improve the economic climate on the Point. Committeemember David Gellatly said the county zoning code that pertains specifically to the Point, Title 20.72, needed to be considered in the context of the 2001 subarea plan (part of the county comprehensive plan) and a 1999 economic development plan commissioned by the Port
Park district and dog owners look for solution By
Meg Olson
Dog owners were out in force at the last parks board meeting to defend their ability to let their dogs off the leash at Baker Field. Current and former primary school employees brought up the issue at the July parks district meeting, complaining of increasing amounts of dog waste and safety concerns with kids and bikes mixing with off-leash dogs. At the August 14 meeting,
commissioners told a dozen dog owners in attendance that they had no intention of unilaterally ending the off-leash program at the park, but wanted to work collaboratively so the concerns and needs of all users were addressed. “Some dog owners have neglected their responsibility, but not all dog owners,” said chair Linda Hughes. “Many of you are very responsible. The issue is with the other 1 percent is causing a huge problem.” Commissioner Bennett Blaustein added
that commissioners “… very much want to hear from all parties.” Dog owners attending the meeting were mostly members of an informal “dog park” group that meets at the park in the afternoons. “We’re only there for one hour a day and we are all very diligent to pick up our poop,” said one. Commissioner Stephen Falk wondered why this had become an issue now (See Dogs, page 3)
of Bellingham. “If we don’t do something with those plans as well, we’re wasting our time, spinning our wheels,” he said. A primary area of concern for committeemembers was the appropriateness of the Gulf Road corridor as the community’s commercial core, given existing building restrictions such as lot (See PRCAC, page 2)
Church ............................................... 7 Classifieds ......................................... 20 Coming Up ....................................... 16 Crossings ............................................ 7 Obituary ........................................... 18 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors, Sheriffs, Library ................ 19 Tides ................................................. 17
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
Compass Rose
Place your ad in the
Classifieds call 360-945-0413
Saturday, September 2
PRCAC ... From page 1
sizes and wetland issues. Primary tasks for board members before the committee meets again August 8 will be to look at avenues to fund revisions of the outdated planning documents and encourage greater public involvement. To that end, Lantz said they would be establishing an email address at comments@ which will collect public comments and distribute them to committeemembers.
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September 2017 •
Cooler days = soup!
S A painting by local watercolorist Valerie Mayer, c., has been chosen for the cover of the Whidbey Telecom directory. The new directory, coming in November, will feature Mayer’s work, “A Day at the Beach.” It is Mayer’s second painting to be picked for the directory.
Dogs ... From page 1
when it had not been in the past; Hughes pointed out that since local sheriff deputies began aggressive enforcement of county leash laws in Point Roberts, it had pushed dog owners to use the Baker Field property more. “The parks district came to a point where we made it formal and official,” Hughes recounted, for dogs to be allowed off leash during certain hours. “Do we believe it’s the case there wasn’t a problem until we started our dog park?” one audience member asked. “Yes,” Hughes answered. “That is the evidence the school presented.” When the dog park was closer to the school, the amount of poop on kids’ shoes went up. Dog owner Steve Martindale said part of the issue might be finding the right spot for the off-leash dog park. They had at first gathered near the picnic tables, then moved to the far side of the field to address school concerns about dog waste. Once there, they were closer to neighboring properties and started getting complaints about dogs roaming into horse paddocks, so they moved again. “Dog owners have been trying to be
responsive,” he said. “I think a fenced dog park is a great solution,” Hughes said. There is sufficient property for the dog area to be large and attractive and “a great use of parks property.” She added her suggestion was not to fence off any portion of Baker Field itself, but another section of the park property. Hughes added that another group was working to set up a dog park on private land and if that project happens, the idea of a fenced dog park on parks land may be moot. With the school year set to begin, Blaustein said they could take some temporary measures while they pursued a fencing option, including closing off trails on the east side of the field to deter getting close to properties with horses and moving the dog group away from the school. The committee also discussed more regular mowing so dog droppings are easier to spot and pick up. Hughes apologized if statements made at the July meeting and quoted in the All Point Bulletin gave the impression the board did not support a dog park at Baker Field. “We do support a dog park; we all have,” she said. “It was going to be a fluid experiment and this is where we’re at in that experiment. It’s going to evolve until we find what works best for everyone.”
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opinion All Point Bulletin Photo of the Month All Point Bulletin • September 2017
The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Kara Furr Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Catherine Darkenwald, Molly Ernst Janet McCall Contributors In This Issue Gina Gaudet Peg Keenleyside Kris Lomedico Administrative Services Amy Weaver
s A discarded dryer that has been sitting on the side of the road at South Beach Road and Cedar Park has raised the hackles of at least one neighbor. Time for the dumper to undump his dryer? Photo by Michelle Dietrich
Founding Editor Glennys Christie
Letters To The Editor
Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email:
Visit us online at: Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXIII, No. 5
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Oct. 2017 Ads due: Sept. 21
The Editor: To the gentleman who thinks I have an “agenda:” I’m pretty sure I stated specifically that had I been closer I would have schooled the person in question on the spot. As I am disabled, I could not walk that far. He was standing with the Canadian delegation and not the Americans. He sang along with the Canadian anthem and disrespected ours. I lived in Canada for five years and in Germany for three. Never one time would I have even thought of being as disrespectful as this rude man was. Charlotte Gibson Point Roberts The Editor: On the morning of July 24 I was taking my regular ride on my bike around Point Roberts. At the corner of Mill Road and Johnson Road I was struck by a car that failed to yield at the stop sign. I was knocked unconscious immediately; the next memory is looking up at blue sky with the silhouettes of first responders around me. I blacked out again and my next recollection was travelling to PeaceHealth Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham in the ambulance. My neck was broken and my body was covered with lacerations. The whole time I was looked after with professionalism } and care. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to those of you that looked after me. I don’t know who you are but you do and you should be proud of the job that you did.
Thanks again. Angus Fraser Burnaby, B.C. The Editor: Hi there — I’m just reading the August issue and would like to comment on the golf course. Page 1 - The new golf course owner paid $4.45 million cash for the property. She also owns two other golf courses designed by high profile people. This is one wealthy lady. Good for her. She has enough money and time to play golf to the level of a 12 handicap. She is not likely working 9 to 5 at $12/hour. The previous owner was not so lucky. In the end he could not afford to pay his water bill. This probably contributed to the demise of the enterprise. Page 9 – The water district is to consider a special rate for the golf course. Less than the previous rate. Why was this not offered to the previous owner? So offering to lower the rate for “excess water” (intermittent use) is a concession to the ultra-rich owners and wealthy golfers who can certainly afford to pay it. The BMW crowd would certainly ap-
preciate such a concession. We wouldn’t want to impose such an onerous burden on the rich. The rest of the community, well, be prepared for more water rate increases in the future. How about an intermittent rate structure for the rest of us? We could schedule flushing our toilets every other day in the summer. Considering the lack of planning for contingency cost for infrastructure improvement, I think the golf course should pay its full share just like everyone else. If the golfers cannot afford the greens fees, they might wish to explore other options. How about bingo, or pull tabs? Holger Michelsen Point Roberts The Editor: The Point Roberts Park and Recreation District would like to thank everyone who attended our eclipse viewing party. The event was more successful than we anticipated. Everyone shared the limited number of glasses as well as the homemade shadow boxes. This sharing showed true community spirit in experiencing this celestial event. We especially would like to thank the volunteers who stepped in to help with the refreshments and making sure all our visitors had a good time. The parks board hopes to continue to provide events and programs like this in the future. Bennett Blaustein, commissioner Point Roberts
September 2017 •
Burn ban continues indefinitely Continual news reports of B.C. wildfires are a reminder that dry, hot weather means a high fire danger is still a concern. The Whatcom County Fire Marshal declared a ban on all outdoor burning on August 2 until further notice. It includes yard waste, land-clearing and recreational fires. Propane-only fire pits are still allowed, along with propane and charcoal barbecues. Care should be used in the disposal of any used charcoal and ashes. Charcoal and ash should be placed in a metal container and dowsed with water. The container should be kept 10 feet from any structures or trees
for 72 hours. Wood-burning fire pits or similar enclosures with grates are not considered barbecues and are not allowed. Violations can result in a minimum $250 fine. In addition, if an illegal fire escapes or needs to be extinguished by the fire department, you may be held financially and criminally responsible.
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All Point Bulletin • September 2017
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By Meg Olson New rules for cross-border boaters is changing how local anglers fishing in Canada need to document the origin of their catch if they bring it back into U.S. waters. In July, the Canada Border Services Agency eliminated the requirement for boaters to call in for a customs clearance number when entering Canada if they had no intention of making landfall, which set off a series of procedural changes. Since what is considered a formal departure has not occurred, U.S. authorities no longer require a formal arrival if a boater is simply going to Canada to fish or cruise around. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), with no customs records to keep track of fishers, is now requiring U.S. parties heading to Canada to fish for salmon to register with them before leaving. “Canada no longer provides U.S. anglers with a way to document their legally caught salmon in Canadian waters,”
WDFW announced on August 14. “In order to pass a dockside inspection upon their return to Washington, anglers need to complete a form notifying WDFW of their plans to fish in Canadian waters.” The form is available at It requests basic trip and contact information from the boat’s captain that must be submitted prior to leaving Washington with the intent of fishing for salmon in Canada. The captain will receive an email from WDFW with a confirmation code. “Anglers are reminded that they may not catch their daily limit of salmon in both Canadian and Washington waters on the same day,” the WDFW press release stated. “Anglers with Canadian salmon in their possession may not fish in Washington marine waters unless it is legal to retain the fish caught in Canada in the area where fishing in Washington.” A Canadian license is also required. Boaters heading to Canada to fish for species other than salmon do not need to register with WDFW.
It’s safe to eat shellfish again
New WDFW fishing regulations
If you’re a licensed recreational shellfish harvester itchins to scoop up clams, mussels, oysters and scallops, you can now, thanks to the Washington State Department of Health. On August 17, the agency lifted closures on all Whatcom County beaches for recreational harvesters of molluscan shellfish after high levels of biotoxin closed beaches north of Sandy Point in June. The toxin is produced by some types of algae and can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. According to the Whatcom County Health Department, marine biotoxin
can only be detected with a lab test and cannot be destroyed through cooking or freezing. Unlike recreational harvest, commercially harvested shellfish sold in restaurant and retail markets is tested prior to distribution. Biotoxin levels are known to change rapidly, so harvesters are encouraged to keep a close eye out for closures. For current information about biotoxin and pollution closures, visit ehp/sf/biotoxin.htm or call the department of health’s biotoxin hotline at 800/562-5632.
Run with the Chums By Stefanie Donahue If traversing through forested trails bordered by expansive views of the coast piques your interest, the fifth annual Run with the Chums 5K fun run and walk may be the event for you. To kick off Whatcom Water Week, the Whatcom County Public Works Department is hosting the 5K and a kids 1K Smolt Spring for free at 10 a.m. Saturday, September 16 at the BP highlands, located at 4900 Brown Road in Blaine. Registration is now open and the first 300 participants to sign up receive a free event T-shirt. Racers in the 1K race receive a ribbon. The 5K loops through the highlands, which are located above the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve and Point Whitehorn. Runners and walkers will have the chance to peruse watershed information exhibits, take in a variety of refreshments and take home a prize or two. “The route explores forested trails, opening up coastal views and finishing through agricultural land to demonstrate the wide variety of resources we have here in Whatcom County,” read a statement
from Whatcom County public works. “From mountains to sea, we all rely on clean, fresh water for drinking, productive farmland, healthy fisheries, outdoor recreation and safe shellfish harvesting. Let’s celebrate and get healthy in the process.” The event is a part of Whatcom Water Week, an annual week-long event that’s hosted in appreciation of local water resources. This year, the week runs September 16 to 23 and bands together businesses, nonprofits and community groups for a series of events. Chums of Terrell Creek, Whatcom Conservation District, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management District and more will be at the event this year. To register, visit chumsofterrellcreek. org. For questions, contact Aneka Sweeney at 360/526-2381 extension 103 or by email at Race day registration will be available. “Water – it’s everybody’s business,” read a statement from Whatcom County public works. “Let’s celebrate it!”
September 2017 •
Church News By Gina Gaudet Having written last month about sound as frequency and vibration, and its effect on our consciousness, what are we to say then about silence? Recent events remind us how chaotic the world can seem when we allow the noise of news media into our heads. This energy can actually affect us mentally and spiritually, even physically if we allow it to. The challenge – perhaps a better word is “invitation” – would be to counter the commotion with quiet – the choice to let in the peacefulness of nature, to go deep into the mind and heart, to find solace in silence, to simply breathe. The cultivation of silence can be a walk into the deep nature that is found in our own Point Roberts backyards. Seaside or forested, the invitation to bring consciousness into the realm of natural landscapes is what can heal us in chaotic times. The sound of waves on the sand or wind in the trees can bring focus to the mind or healing to the heart, or both. Silence is often connected with meditation. Meditation can be momentary or momentous. It can be the sudden inner silence we enter at the sound of a bird, or the glimpse of the patient heron in the shallow waters, or the sustained quiet of a seated meditation, or walking a labyrinth. The labyrinth is an ancient metaphor for the journey of life. Unlike a maze, which has a specific entry and a specific but different exit, the labyrinth moves continuously from the point of entry (called the “mouth”) into a center (the “goal”), then out again on the same path (in reverse) to the mouth, which becomes an exit. Often a labyrinth meditation can include a question or problem, held in contemplation through the walk, and often answered or solved by the time one exits the labyrinth.
Reverend Bev Mar offers us the chance to walk a small labyrinth at her monthly meditations (see calendar). This experience has, however, ignited a spark of interest in creating a larger labyrinth somewhere on the Point – permanent or movable. Does this idea intrigue you? Do you think a labyrinth would be a wonderful addition to life on the Point? Could it contribute to the quiet beauty and serenity of our landscape? Something to talk about. And think about. Or meditate upon quietly. Upcoming Events Sunday, August 27, 2 p.m.: Delta Music Makers. Repertoire includes Broadway musicals, concert marches, light classics, Canadiana, popular tunes, folk music and musical novelties. Saturday, September 2, 6:30–8:30 p.m.: Youth Philosopher’s Café for youth aged 15–20. An evening of thought-provoking conversation, homemade baked goods, hot beverages and atmospheric guitar music. Sunday, September 17, 1–4 p.m.: Healing Touch with Gina Gaudet. Take a break from the daily rush and experience true, deep relaxation and peace. There is always a sign-up sheet at the church on the day of, or you can contact Gina directly at to make an appointment. Thursday, September 21, 10:30–11:30 a.m.: Exhalted Sublime Golden Light, a Buddhist Sutra read by interfaith minister Bev Mar, followed by meditation on peace and ending with a small walking labyrinth. It is said that just hearing a small portion of the Sutra read aloud will bring peace and enlightenment to individuals, and countless other blessings.
anterbury Tales Bookstore
s On August 6 the annual Trinity Church Music Camp culminated in a performance of Rescue in the Night, a humorous retelling of the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den.
Crossings >>>
Traffic into Point Roberts for July 2017, with 2016 and 2015 figures following. Vehicles — 91,745 (93,118, 100,711); Commercial — 1,197 (3,710, 2,250); NEXUS — 41,984 (42,457, 45,412).
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More than 180,000 US citizens reside in Vancouver… they should think about living in Point Roberts New data suggests that Metro Vancouver has the world’s largest population of American citizens living outside of the United States, according to a report recently released by the US government. The report by the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) estimates that Canada’s third largest urban region, Metro Vancouver, is home to 183,155 eligible US voters, more than any other international city outside of the United States. All home owning US citizens living in Metro Vancouver could get more for their housing dollar in Point Roberts. In addition they could enjoy mortgage deductibility and other US tax advantages while enjoying the unique seaside village atmosphere of this Washington community. For many Americans working in Metro Vancouver, the opportunity to live in Point Roberts is a housing solution often overlooked by their Vancouver real estate agents, corporate HR managers, recruiting firms, player agents, accountants and immigration attorneys. For example, 1613 Edwards Drive ( is a 3983 s.f. architect-designed modern house sited on a 60-foot-wide south-facing, lowbank beach lot. The house is fully winterized. The three-bedroom (or two-bedrooms plus a separate office) complex has three bathrooms and can
easily accommodate a couple with or without children, or two adult couples and grandchildren (in the bunk room). The house has a 60’ heated lap pool in a fully enclosed private courtyard and a no maintenance front yard that is right on the beach. There is a two-car garage. The sun-filled courtyard of the house is virtually invisible from the street, and affords a private alternative on a busy beach day. ( 1613 Edwards Drive is an ideal property for a US or dual citizen with or without children who works regularly in the Vancouver area and wants a full time US base for tax and lifestyle purposes. This home could also be considered a place to retire out of the madness, in a contemporary setting. Point Roberts residents currently include many involved in the technology industry, the gaming industry, the BC film industry, the aviation business and Vancouver based sports teams. These new residents are driving an exciting, vibrant future for Point Roberts. Explore life in Point Roberts, share this with your friends and contact: Tom Street, Managing Broker, Island Group Sotheby’s Intl. Realty at 360/224-2755, or
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
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Fire district and hospital clinic open house set The Point Roberts Clinic and fire district will be holding their annual open house on Saturday, August 26 in the Benson Road fire hall parking lot. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Attendees will be able to check out emergency response vehicles, sheriff deputies’ police cruisers, the health care center and the fire hall. The Airlift Northwest helicopter may be landing on site as well. Food and refreshments will be available for hungry or thirsty visitors. The event takes place at the fire hall at 2030 Benson Road.
s According to fire chief Christopher Carleton, it’s possible that the Black Hawk helicopter will make a repeat appearance this year. Photo by Louise Mugar
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o So
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The Law Firm TheImmigration Immigration Law Firm ••U.S. green cards /cards naturalization U.S. green / naturalization • Work / investor visas Workentry / investor ••Denied waivers visas ••NEXUS appeals Denied entry waivers
360-332-7100 • Removal hearings • NEXUS appeals s U.S. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene addressing a crowd at the Point Roberts commu- • 435 Martin St., Suite 1010 • Blaine, WA
Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law
nity center on August 12.
Photos by Pat Grubb • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 • Blaine, WA
Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law Pacific Northwest Cross Border Law • Work Authorization • Permanent Residence & Naturalization • Inadmissibility Waivers • Investor Visas
Spencer McGrath-Agg Attorney at Law
435 Marin Street, Suite 2000 C • Blaine, WA 98230 •
s Over 50 people attended the townhall meeting.
DelBene ... From page 1
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e Po
This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults twenty-one and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
audience members expressed concern that the White House would unilaterally take people off the voter rolls, while others suggested consideration should be given to asking all voters for proof of U.S. citizenship. “The President has claimed there was widespread voter fraud, something for which there is no evidence,” DelBene said. “The data doesn’t show that we have a problem.” In regards to the conflicts between state and federal laws on marijuana, DelBene said the Obama administration’s policy to not interfere with states that had legalized marijuana was being questioned by the current administration. “[U.S. Attorney-General] Sessions has said they will enforce the federal law so I have proposed legislation that
would give states a waiver from those laws,” she said. Thanked for taking the time to come to the Point even though she’s not facing an election cycle, DelBene said the Point stays on her mind. Visiting schools, she often asks students if they know where the Point is. “I’m putting Point Roberts back on the map,” she said. She is also reaching out to constituents amid growing concerns about instability in Washington, D.C. “Since this Congress started in January, the number of calls and letters to our office has more than doubled and stayed high,” she said. Regarding proposed changes to healthcare legislation, constituents were 10 to one against. “It’s useful to me to know the balance of opinion. I encourage everyone to stay in touch.”
September 2017 •
Golf course opens up the taps The Point Roberts golf course, renamed Bald Eagle Golf Club by new owners, is asking for support from the local water district as they move through a projected $1.5 million rebuild. “Due to the previous ownership’s management, the golf course did not receive proper maintenance for the last couple of years and resulted in a full shutdown last fall,” wrote project manager Lu Zhang to water district manager Dan Bourks on August 1. “It upsets many golfers around the region and also brings negative impacts to the local tourism and businesses.” The new owners have paid off overdue water bills and are irrigating the course again to bring it back into playable shape. Working with course designer Wayne Carleton and superintendent Rick Hoole, Lu said they expect water use to be high as they renovate the course. “We are confident that once the course is reopened, it’s no doubt that the new development will serve the local community better and bring more tourists from the north.” Lu is asking the water district to carry forward the existing water agreement under which the golf course has access to excess water as available for irrigation “at the same price for now and a better water price could be negotiated in the near future.” Bourks said in a recent meeting that he had been told that the golf course manage-
ment had budgeted $150,000 for irrigation in 2017, having taken over the golf course in early July. The water district will work to draft a formal agreement with new owners regarding their draw of irrigation water. “It is different from any other connection and so we should clarify it and get it in a legal document,” Bourks said. “We will sell them any excess water we have but it’s not guaranteed, and every other meter on the Point is.” The water district pays for 840,000 gallons of water per day regardless of actual usage under the contract with the Greater Vancouver Water District. High summer usage is usually under 600,000 gallons. Bourks said he sets controls every day based on usage forecasts and the golf course draws before the water enters the domestic system on the Point. Bourks said the first step will be to draft a legal agreement. “We want to sell the water but we also want to make sure it’s fair, legal and equitable.” The district is currently reviewing its rates and will consider if the golf course’s unique agreement with the district could accommodate a separate rate. Consultants will look at whether giving the golf course a rate that will make it cost effective for them to buy the excess water for irrigation might have a positive impact on other rates. “It’s definitely going to be one of the factors,” Bourks said.
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Point Roberts Solid Waste Transfer Station 2005 Johnson Road
Bring us your Household Hazardous Waste oil-based paints, solvents, aerosol cans, garden chemicals, motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, fluorescent lamps, and other hazardous products.
We will NOT accept: latex paint, asbestos, biomedical waste, ammunition, explosives, waste in drums, or radioactive waste. For information on these wastes, contact the Disposal of Toxics Program, (360)380-4640 *Limit of 55 gallons per household. Sponsored Waste Division, Sponsoredby bythe theWhatcom WhatcomCounty CountySolid Health Department, and Cando Cando Recycling Recycling&&Disposal. Disposal. The the Disposal Disposal of of Toxics Toxics Program, and
Transfer Station Summer hours through Labor Day:
Open Tue, Thu, & Sun 11 am -5 pm
FALL HOURS s District firefighters picked up trash on Tyee Drive, Benson Road, APA Road and part of of Boundary Bay Road. About 350 lbs. of trash was collected, including someone’s flooring.
Photo by Christopher Carleton
Stowe Law PLLC Mark Stowe, Attorney
FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULATION Available to make visits to the B.C. Lower Mainland 360-945-0337
effective September 5:
Open Thu & Sun noon-4 pm
Please watch for a new recycling area at the Transfer Station!
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Saturday, Sept. 23
Only U.S. funds will be accepted.
11 AM - 4 PM
Every Monday
• Residential curbside garbage and recycling collection service
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Recycling Days: September 11 & 25 To arrange, please call or email:
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All Point Bulletin • September 2017
Eclipse 2017 Eclipse viewing party held by the Point Roberts parks district on Monday, August 21, 2017
Photo by Ramona Ramstead
s Park commissioner Bennett Blaustein setting up the telescope. Photo by Carolyn Ristau Photo by Stephen Falk
Photo by Judith Mann
Photo by Carolyn Ristau Photo by Ramona Ramstead
s Weather stats recorded by Birch Bay Water and Sewer District indicated a temperature drop of 6-7 degrees caused by the eclipse.
2017 Mailbox decorating contest winners
1st place prize - $100 Nielson’s Building Center gift certificate. 2nd and 3rd place prize - $50 Auntie Pam’s Country Store gift certificate.
s #1 Lighthouse 16 Diane Circle.
s #2 Postal Truck 69 Diane Circle.
s Tied #3 Angler 2126 Cedar St.
s Tied #3 Eiffel Tower 1376 Peltier Dr.
September 2017 •
Back to School Point Roberts Primary 2017-2018 Find the school district online at
Point Roberts Primary School Welcome Back 2017-18 Welcome back to the 2017-18 school year, students and families of Point Roberts Primary School! As principal of Point Roberts Primary and Blaine Elementary Schools I’m very excited to welcome all of our students and families back to school! This year’s teaching staff will include Jessie Hettinga teacher, Tammy McDonald secretary and instructional assistant, and Tracy Kelly instructional assistant. Other support staff will in-
clude Sue Schroeder bus driver/custodial and Anita Aleksejev bus driver/ custodial. Our staff strives to provide an outstanding education to all of our kids each school year. We will continue to work together to support programs that are unique to Point Roberts, while also connecting to initiatives in the Blaine School District. One of the focus areas for our Blaine School District Staff will include continuing to develop our full-day kindergarten program. This will be our second year offering all day kindergarten in the Blaine School District. Our staff will also continue to expand effective teaching practices through
differentiated instruction or knowing our learners, implementing a new literacy curriculum, and continuing to implement common core standards in math, literacy and science. Through this ongoing professional growth and learning we endeavor to provide high quality learning opportunities for all students who attend our schools. I will continue to visit Point Roberts Primary at least once each month to work with staff, students, and families throughout the school year. I will also attend a variety of events and meetings during the school year. Jessie and I are currently working to finalize and publish these dates in the coming weeks.
I look forward to the 2017-18 school year and supporting a great educational program at Point Roberts Primary School. Please feel free to contact me with your questions or comments as we begin another school year! School starts Wednesday, August 30. Point Roberts Primary will follow an 8:45 to 2:50 schedule this school year, while students attending schools in Blaine will follow an 8:20 to 2:50 schedule. On behalf of our staff, welcome to the 2017-18 school year! Craig Baldwin Ed.D. Point Roberts Primary School Principal Blaine Elementary School Principal
Looking Forward Welcome to the 2017/2018 school year at Point Roberts Primary. We as a staff are looking forward to a wonderful year filled with educational experiences, excitement about learning and exploration of the community and world we live in. I am honored to receive the opportunity to serve the Point Roberts Community as the lead teacher at PRPS this year. In previous employment, I have worked in multi-age classrooms ranging from Kindergarten to 8th grade. As an educator, I believe in collaboration with parents and community and look forward to building relationships within our community. As we move into the new school year, I am excited to build upon the educational foundation that has been established in previous school years. Nature walks in our local trails, field trips to the local library, beach, and fire station have all been important to our students’ education at PRPS. I look forward to exploring these places with our students as we learn how to read tide tables, create nature journals and study changes in the seasons around us. I am also eager to explore other opportunities that arise as we delve into new topics of study in both science and social studies. I am thankful to work with such a dedicated staff that cares so deeply for each and every one of our students. In a small, multi-age school it is essential that the culture in the classroom is one of acceptance and community. Tammy McDonald and Tracy Kelly do an excellent job of supporting this vision. I recognize that volunteers from our community are important. If you would like to volunteer at the school, we can always use a hand with materials preparation, reading with students, or other activities. I look forward to a wonderful year with your students as they continue on their educational journey. Jessie Hettinga, M.S.Ed. K-3 Point Roberts Primary School Teacher
2017/2018 Primary School Supply List
School starts Wednesday, August 30
BORDERITE BUS SCHEDULE 2017-2018 ALLOW UP TO TEN MINUTES before and after the times on the schedule for buses to arrive at the stop during the first two weeks of school. TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE anytime after the first day of school. Students should be at their published stop FIVE MINUTES PRIOR to the published time. NOT ALL ADDRESSES ARE SHOWN. Students should plan to board the bus at the stop nearest their home. If you do not see a stop near you, are a new rider, or need more transportation information, please contact Blaine School District Transportation Dept. at (360) 332-0700.
• • • • • • • • •
1 box washable Crayola basic markers 1 box Crayola 24 or 48 count crayons 2 boxes of Ticonderoga #2 pencils 2 Elmer’s Jumbo Glue Sticks (.77 oz) 2 Costco sized boxes of crackers (Goldfish, Animal Crackers, Pretzels, Graham Crackers, etc.) Please send again in January Personal backpack Lunchbox Water bottle Athletic shoes for PE/recess
Check out our district website!
OCEANVIEW / MARINE ............ 6:32 AM
3:56 PM
MARINE / PELTIER DR ............. 6:35 AM
3:54 PM
1585 BENSON RD .................... 6:39 AM
3:51 PM
1674 BENSON RD .................... 6:40 AM
3:50 PM
1890 BENSON RD .................... 6:33 AM
3:48 PM
S BEACH / ANDERSON ............. 6:43 AM
4:03 PM
1924 APA RD ........................... 6:45 AM
4:00 PM
490 BOUNDARY BAY ............... 6:48 AM
4:06 PM
276 BOUNDARY BAY ............... 6:50 AM
4:09 PM
1973 ROOSEVELT WAY ............ 6:55 AM
4:12 PM
102 MILL RD ........................... 6:58 AM
4:16 PM
1849 WASHINGTON ................. 7:01 AM
4:19 PM
1851 WASHINGTON ST ........... 7:01 AM
4:19 PM
290 MILL RD ........................... 7:04 AM
3:45 PM
AUSTIN / JAMES ...................... 7:06 AM
3:45 PM
216 JAMES .............................. 7:08 AM
3:40 PM
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
In The Garden By Peg Keenleyside September can be a time when your garden looks a little lackluster: the annuals you put out in May are looking like the party-goers who stayed too long at the wedding, many plants are stressed from the heat of July and August and most well past their bloom time. If you’re looking for a way to freshen up the garden this month and on into the later fall, this is when you want to get some fall-blooming annuals and perennials into your faded summer pots and strategically placed out into the garden. Here’s an easy-to-find, back pocket list of plants to look for at the big box this month: Coleus: This is a super-performing annual with a fantastic range of rich, vibrant foliage colors such as burgundies, dusky oranges, pinks, yellows and greens. They’re mostly used as a shade plant but they can tolerate some sun (a few hours either at the beginning or end of the day). Pinch back the growing tip for a better spread of growth. Asters: The fall-flowering purple aster is a mood-lifting addition of color to the fall garden. You’ll find these perennials aplenty in the nurseries now. I bring home a bunch and put several out in pots in the garden wherever a spot needs brightening up. Mix them up with pots of yellow mums – that fall flower standard – and get a more nuanced look.
Sedum Autumn Joy: This plant comes into its own in the fall with a soft, pink, airy blooms on a plant that stands about 12-18" high with the characteristic rigid leaf structure of sedums. These plants look their best planted in groups of three or in a large pot surrounded by some smaller plants. Coreopsis: The easy-to-find version of coreopsis has a tiny, daisy-like yellow flower that sits atop a mass of airy green foliage. They tend to get overlooked at the garden center earlier in the year because you don’t see them come into bloom until late summer/early fall. It’s also worth it to sleuth out some of the different color flower hybrids around; reds, apricots and yellow/oranges. These plants are about 12-18" high and look great around walkways. Crocosmia: A plant cousin to the gladiola, crocosmia grows from bulbs, producing clumps of green sword-shaped leaves with tall, arching spikes of funnel-shaped blooms showing in mid-to-late summer. The red variety “Lucifer” is the easiest to find in garden centers, but keep your eye out for the harder-to-find yellow flower hybrids. Because crocosmia likes to reproduce bulbs at a great rate, plant them in a large plastic tub (with drainage holes punched in the bottom), sunk into the ground to contain their spread.
Chocolate Bear Shoppe
Calamagrotis “Karl Foerster”: This superb, tall-standing columnar reed grass really comes into show in the fall with its feathery tan blooms that are as equally handsome in mass plantings in the garden as they are as single plants in a pot. There are other calamagrotis grasses, but “Karl Foertser” is a stand out; growing up to 6 feet high. These may not be so easy to find at the big box stores. Coneflower (Echinacea): Coneflowers are a welcome fall bloomer and come in an amazing array of hybrid colors, everything from the common deep pink to reds, burgundies and yellow-pinks. For a look at some of the really great
choices, take a trip out to West Coast Gardens nursery in Surrey where they offer an in-house phyto-sanitary service so that you can import your plants into Point Roberts. Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia): The late summer and fall garden just isn’t complete without the charm of old-fashioned brown-eyed Susans; also known by their Latin name, “Rudbeckia.” Most varieties grow into a bushy, upright clump with a ‘big bouquet’ display of brown-centered, golden-orange daisies. Like coneflowers and crocosmia, these make for great cut flowers – bring some of their cheer indoors as the days get shorter.
s Brown-eyed Susan.
All photos by Peg Keenleyside
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All Point Bulletin • September 2017
Rory’s Race The first ever Rory’s Race was held August 19 and featured a 20-K competitive bike race along with a 10-K fun race. Commemorating Rory Munro, a long-time summer resident of Point Roberts who passed away in May 2016, 132 riders participated (including many local residents) and raised over $7,000 for the Nancy Chan Palliative Care Clinic in Vancouver. The race began at 1 p.m. and ended at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern with a burger and a beer for the thirsty riders.
Photo by Desiree Kleemann
Photos by Louise Mugar
Photo by Desiree Kleemann
September 2017 •
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spend over $20 and receive 20% off your purchase with this coupon. Excludes sale items. In stock only, not to be included with any other offers. Expires September 30, 2017.
s Allison and Ken Calder were married on August 12 in an oceanside ceremony, Photo by Meg Olson surrounded by family and friends. 1140 56th St., Tsawwassen, B.C. • 604-943-0141
Deltaport project under review The review panel for the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project continues to slowly mow through mountains of information as they undertake the environmental assessment for the project. The proposal would build a new threeberth container terminal southwest of the existing terminal and the coal port, as well as an expanded tug basin and a widened causeway. The project would create capacity for an additional 2.4 million 20-foot container units, more than doubling the current capacity of the Deltaport terminal. On August 2 the panel received responses to its most recent requests for additional information from the project proponent, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. Those responses, responses to previous
information requests and other documents related to the review are accessible through The panel’s analysis of the environmental assessment information, including the submissions received during the comment period, is ongoing. Additional information requests to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority are expected, as are information and advice from other parties. Over 1,000 documents pertinent to the review are available through the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency at Further opportunities for comment on the project will be provided as the panel moves through the sufficiency review stage of the environmental assessment.
Time to clear out toxic wastes It’s time to clean out the shed! The Whatcom County Health Department is sponsoring a household hazardous waste collection event on Saturday, September 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the public works yard adjacent to the Johnson Road transfer station. Operated by Stericycle under contract with the health department, the event allows the community to safely dispose and recycle hazardous materials. “Help us in maintaining a healthy environment and safe community for all,” said Chris Teske with the waste management company. Each household can drop off up to 55 gallons of waste from engine oil to car
batteries. Oil-based paints and stains and associated solvents like acetone and paint thinner, garden chemicals and fertilizers, solvents, oil and antifreeze, cleaning products, aerosols, acids and bases, fluorescent tubes and lights, re-chargeable and lead-acid batteries, are all accepted. Not accepted are business waste, biomedical waste, explosives and ammo, radioactive material, empty containers, asbestos, and waste in drums. Latex paint and other non-hazardous materials like alkaline batteries are also not eligible, but Stericycle staff will be on hand to tell you the right way to get rid of it. Call the Disposal of Toxics Program for further details at 360/380-4640.
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All Point Bulletin • September 2017
To The Point
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Events Point Roberts Fire District Open House: Saturday, August 26, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., Benson Road fire hall. Fun for all ages! Meet the professionals who provide your emergency and healthcare services. Explore emergency response vehicles, firehouse, law enforcement cruisers, helicopter, healthcare center and more. Food and refreshments. Fourth Annual Cardboard Boat Races: Saturday, August 26, 2 p.m., Kiniski’s Reef Tavern, 1334 Gulf Road. Info: 945-REEF. Kids winner gets $50, adults $100 gift certificate. Delta Music Makers: Sunday, August 27, 2 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Repertoire includes Broadway musicals, concert marches, light classics, Canadiana, popular tunes, folk music and musical novelties. Bring a chair for the garden concert. Sonja Picard Collection Labor Day Sale: Saturday–Sunday, September 2–3, 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Upstairs at Compass Rose Bar and Grill, 715 Simundson Drive. Jewelry and paintings for sale. Info: Day at the Farm: Saturday, September 9, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Westham Island Herb Farm, 4690 Kirkland Road, Delta, B.C. Live music, mini-auction, food contests, food trucks, classes and more. Info: Conversational Spanish: Saturdays beginning September 9, 3–4 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Come practice your Spanish conversational skills. New questions and topics every week. Info: 945-6545. CPR Class: Monday, September 11, 6–10 p.m., fire hall, 2030 Benson Road. Learn adult, child and infant CPR, choking assistance and AED use. Free, certification $5. Info: Open Waters Fishing Derby: Saturday, September 16, 6 a.m.–4 p.m., Point Roberts waters. Big prizes and cash. 4 p.m. weigh-in. Tickets $60 adults, $20 kids, at the marina office and fuel dock. Presented by the Point Roberts Marina Resort. Game Night: Saturday, September 16, 7–9:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Welcome autumn with this fun night of games and laughter. Board games, pool, shuffleboard, foosball, and more. For the whole family. Info: 945-6545. Healing Touch with Gina Gaudet: Sunday, September 17, 1–4 p.m. Take a break from the daily rush and experience true, deep relaxation and peace. Info: Exhalted Sublime Golden Light: Thursday, September 21, 10:30–11:30 a.m. A Buddhist Sutra read by interfaith minister Bev Mar, followed by a meditation on peace and a walking labyrinth. Bellingham SeaFeast: Friday–Saturday, September 22–23, Downtown Bellingham, Zuanich Point Park and Squalicum Harbor. Fisher poets, SeaFeed, grilling competition, kids activities and more. Info:
Potty Wagon
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Household Hazardous Waste Collection: Saturday, September 23, 11 a.m.–4 p.m., Point Roberts Solid Waste Transfer Station, 2005 Johnson Road. Limit 55 gallons per household. Info: 360/380-4640. Kids Pirate Party: Tuesday, September 26, 3–4 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Arrghhh, me hearties! Swash-bucklers, buccaneers and swabs from grades K-5 are invited to the library for pirate stories, crafts and games. Info: 945-6545.
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, September 5, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 945-1711, Virginia or Ed Lester, 945-2827. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, September 5, 7 p.m., community center. Info: PR Garden Club: Wednesday, September 6, 7 p.m., Earthwise Garden, 6400 3rd Avenue, Tsawwassen. Guided tour - everybody welcome! Info: PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, September 7, 6 p.m., community center. Info:
NeW OWNeR! Now more frequent deliveries to the Point!
PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, September 11, 7 p.m., community center.
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Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL): Tuesday, September 12, noon-1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 945-6545.
Rick Wilson, Owner Tyler Maloy, Office Mgr.
PR Water District: Tuesday, September 12, 5 p.m., PR Water District office, 79 Tyee Drive. PR Community Advisory Committee: Tuesday, September 12, 6 p.m., community center. Info:
3975 Irongate Rd. Bellingham, WA 98226
PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, September 13, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, September 13, 7 p.m., community center. PR Hospital District: Thursday, September 14, 7 p.m., community center. Friends of the Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, September 12, noon, Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 945-6545. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, September 20, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Cemetery District: Tuesday, September 26, 5 p.m., 260 Tyee Drive.
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Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Mondays 11 a.m.–6 p.m.; Tuesdays 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursdays 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Closed for lunch noon-1 p.m. Info: 945-2580. Free Taxi to Bellingham: Every Tuesday. Pick-up at Cordata. Info: 945-4208. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1–7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Info: 945-6545. Knits and Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Practice, advice, chat and hot drinks. For adults and grades 9-12. Info: 945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., Lighthouse Park. Call for Thursday location. Info: 945-1934. Your Tech Learning: Wednesdays, 2–4 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Drop-in technology assistance. Learn to use your computer or other digital device more effectively. Info: 945-6545. Point Roberts Storytime: Saturdays, 10:30–11 a.m. Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Toys and materials will be provided. For ages birth to 5. Info: 945-6545.
September 2017 •
District ups counseling resources By Oliver Lazenby In response to an increased need for behavioral and mental health counseling in its schools, the Blaine school district hired a half-time mental health counselor who will work in all district schools starting this year. For Blaine and other small districts, connecting kids with a counselor outside of school can be challenging, said Kaatri Jones, the district’s newly hired mental health counselor. Jones was formerly a counselor at Blaine Elementary School. Though the district is still developing the job, it hopes to provide students in need with more intense help than they could get before. School counselors, who served all students on academic issues as well as social and emotional ones, were overloaded, district special programs director Randy Elsbree said. The Blaine school district isn’t alone in needing more mental health counseling, Elsbree said. He pointed to increased levels of depression in students nationwide and an increase in homeless students in Blaine and other local districts. “There are more homeless students, who face more challenges than other students and are at more risk for things that are under that mental health counseling umbrella,” Elsbree said. “It’s a dynamic that’s happening all over the place.” Bellingham and other bigger districts contract with mental health counselors who come to schools during the school day to work with students. In Blaine, kids previously had to get mental health counseling outside of school. “We have families who aren’t able to make it to Bellingham or aren’t able to make it to Touchstone on a Saturday or a day after school,” Jones said, referring to Touchstone Behavioral Health in Blaine. “Our intention is to break down those barriers in the situations that need it the most.” For the Blaine school district, getting kids help outside school is still ideal, Jones said. That’s because Jones still won’t be able to work with all the students who need it and because counseling outside of school is a more involved experience for families, she said. “If a family can take their child into counseling, they’re having some face-time with the clinician when they’re checking in, they’re talking to their kid about it on the way home – it becomes more of a family endeavor,” Jones said. “It’s something they participate in together so there’s more ownership.” Jones will have weekly meetings with about 20 students in the district. The position will allow her to focus on their needs more intensely than she could as an elementary school counselor serving all students in the building. Whatcom County Council allocated funds for the new position at its August 8 meeting. The county funds mental health services in all seven school districts in the county and has for the past eight years, said Joe Fuller, program specialist for the Whatcom County Health and Human Services Department. In previous years, the county gave $90,000 from its behavioral health program fund to the Blaine school district, Fuller said. The district uses that money to employ an intervention and prevention specialist, train staff in understanding mental health challenges for students, subcontract with outside counselors and for drug and alcohol counseling, among a variety of other things. This year, the school district is getting an additional $23,400 to fund the new position. While the district has a lot of ideas
for the position, what exactly Jones does will be fine-tuned during the upcoming school year, Elsbree said. “The position is still evolving,” he said. “It’s an exciting venture to head down because it’s been such an increasing need.”
September Tides
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5:53 pm
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Thank you for donations to the the Point Roberts Food Bank/July 4 Fireworks Fundraiser at the Point Roberts Marina!
Tracey Aiken $100 Banner Bank $300 Tavish Bradbury $100 Can-Am $500 Louise & Darrell Cassidy $50 Compass Rose staff $200 Richard and Cheryl Dennis $100 Jacquelyne Everett $100 Duncan Etches $25 Lisa Flemig $35 Gail Kendall $40x Peter Fowler $40 Louise & Pat Grubb $100 Larry’s Liquor Locker $100 David Manuel $15 Matthew Manuel $100
Mel Marshall $100 Whitney McElroy $600 John Moore $50 Nielson’s Building Center $500 Helen and Dobroslav Perich $100 Point Roberts Chevron $100 Point Roberts Marketplace $500 Point Roberts Realty $50 Barbara Ringstad $50 Meredith Roberts $100 TSB Shipping $500 Umpqua Bank $400 Westwind Marine $150 Whidbey Telecom $500 Hugh Wilson $75
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
PRCAC, county to model mandatory trash collection By Meg Olson With the blessing of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC), the county health department and the local garbage company will begin modeling what a mandatory garbage pickup system will look like with a goal of having the system in place by 2019. “The direction we wanted to go was where everyone in Point Roberts has a solid waste system they’re happy with and proud of,” said Jeff Hegedus with the county health department, which oversees solid waste in the county, at the August 8 PRCAC meeting. “Places where they don’t have good solid waste management, it impacts quality of life.” The health department started their review of the local garbage situation in fall 2016 with a survey to gauge community
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priorities, Hegedus said. Results identified five areas that needed to be addressed in designing a system that’s right for the Point: reasonable cost of service, level of service, curbing illegal dumping, system stability and a healthy recycling rate. “In 2001, people were having the same discussions,” Hegedus said. “What we are now trying to do is find solutions.” Through a series of five meetings with PRCAC, Hegedus said they had seen growing support for mandatory garbage collection. As they looked closer at how that kind of system might work, PRCAC and the health department identified the county’s property tax role as a good way to charge every improved lot for garbage service. “We found out from the county treasurer it is feasible to do it, not as a property tax but as a fee,” that would appear on property tax bills, Hegedus said. “What if there was a minimum service level everyone had to pay?” he suggested. “Instead of 300 people paying for the garbage collection system you’d have everybody. Maybe you could even decrease costs with better economy of scale and improve levels of service.” One suggestion from the audience and committeemembers for better service was a biannual curbside junk pickup such as the one that exists in South Delta. “It’s a logistics problem,” said David Gellatly, committeemember and owner of CanDo recycling and disposal. “They have 15 garbage trucks.” With more customers, it is possible the company would have enough business to have sufficient trucks to make such a program feasible. Hegedus said the system would be based on a minimum level of service, a 20-gallon can and recycling pickup every other week, for example, which currently costs $10.99 per month. “It occurs to me that’s not onerous,” Hegedus said. The fee would appear as a line item on annual property tax bills. Customers who wanted additional service would be billed
s The winner for 2017 Joke Contest, held August 19 at the community center, was David Crystal, r. The second place was Matt Yedlin, c., and third was Les Baker. Photo by Rose Momsen for that directly by the company. Committeemember Keith Glading said that garbage was a utility like the water system and that everyone should be paying to support it. “Like your water bill, if you aren’t there for six months you still have a bill to pay,” he said. Since they began considering a mandatory system Hegedus said they had received three comments, one from a part time resident who didn’t want to leave a can of garbage at the curb if they weren’t there for pickup week. “There is a fee for carry out,” in the existing tariff, Hegedus said, adding that customers should call the company if they had a special circumstance and chances are there was already a solution. The committee directed Hegedus to begin modeling what the system would look like and working with regulators to make it happen. “None of this is set in stone. We’re trying to picture what it might look like. We want to set a level of service that’s not onerous,” Hegedus said. “It feels like we’re getting somewhere. The ingredients seem to be there.” The county treasurer needs to have the roll of properties to be charged by November of each year and Hegedus said there were “too many moving parts” to get the system underway by this November. “If this is where you want to go, we can come back to you with the feasibility of making next November.” In other PRCAC business, chair Joel Lantz reported on a July 15 special meeting at which the committee took a “very high- level look” at how it wanted to model the review of local zoning and land use as outlined in 20.72 of Whatcom County code. “What we talked about is let’s look at economic development as part of that. One of the things we talked about is if we want to change the footprint of our commercial zone.” Gellatly said the Port of Bellingham had indicated it could help fund an update of the 1998 Point Roberts Economic Development Plan. “Businesses aren’t rushing to come to Point Roberts,” he said. “We still have the same businesses doing the same thing: gas, cheese, parcels. We need the county to start doing something positive.”
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s Gary (Bubba) Viner. Gary Thomas Viner April 18, 1944 – August 22, 2017 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Gary (Bubba) on August 22. Gary was born in Victoria, B.C. and grew up in Vancouver in the Dunbar area. Gary leaves behind his wife of 54 years, Carole, and their two children, Jamie (Sherrilyn) and Judi (Tod), six grandchildren, Tyler, Elyse, Justin, Ryan, Robbie and Allie, sisters Donna (Brian) and Gayle (Bruce) along with many nieces and nephews. Gary was a long time resident of Tsawwassen and Point Roberts and our family would like to thank all well wishers from both communities. Gary enjoyed golfing and fishing with all his family and friends who meant so much to him. Our family would like to send a special thanks to St. Joseph’s cancer center and the Point Roberts Fire Department for all their care and compassion. We would like to thank Terry, Kelly, Maureen, David and Kristie in helping our Dad through this troubling time. Gary truly cared about the people in his life and will never be forgotten. He put up a brave and valiant fight and will always be in our hearts. We love you Bubba. A celebration of life will be held September 1 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Reef Tavern in Point Roberts.
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September 2017 •
S Jonathan Moreno popped the big question to Nicole Carpini recently at Lily Point. Carpini lived on the Point from 1993 to 2002 and attended Point Roberts primary and Blaine schools. “I really did have the best childhood here and wanted to bring Jonathan here to see it all. He fell in love with Point Roberts pretty quick. I’ll always cherish all the memories I have here from childhood and now,” said Carpini.
Sheriff’s Report Drive.
lem on Mallard Lane.
August 8, 9:01 p.m.: Hazard
July 29, 10:18 a.m.: Assist citi-
on Gulf Road.
zen on West Bluff Road.
August 10, 1:06 a.m.: Watch
July 29, 3:59 p.m.: Follow-up
for on Elm Street and Bay View
on Mill Road.
July 29, 6:01 p.m.: Refer to
August 10, 3 p.m.: Domestic
other agency on Simundson
order violation on Simundson Drive.
Drive. July 29, 7:17 p.m.: Refer to other agency on
August 12, 2:34 a.m.: Alarm audible on Ma-
Simundson Drive.
rine Drive.
August 1, 2:10 p.m.: Theft cold call on George
August 13, 10:50 a.m.: Hit and run cold call
on Tyee Drive.
August 3, 2:28 p.m.: Landlord tenant dispute
August 14, 1:42 p.m.: Panic alarm on Edwards
on Peltier Drive.
August 5, 5:12 a.m.: Alarm audible on Tyee
August 14, 11:31 p.m.: Alarm audible on Gulf
August 5, 3:42 p.m.: Animal problem on Roo-
August 16, 2:10 a.m.: Alarm audible on Tyee
sevelt Way.
August 5, 3:43 p.m.: Security check on Garth
August 16, 5:25 a.m.: Alarm audible on Ed-
wards Drive.
August 5, 7:51 p.m.: Follow-up on APA Road.
August 18, 1:48 a.m.: Alarm audible on Ed-
August 5, 11:54 p.m.: Domestic physical on
wards Drive.
Tyee Drive. White Rock, B.C. man, 63, arrested
August 19, 9:59 a.m.: Vehicle prowl cold call
and cited for assault fourth degree.
on Gulf Road.
August 6, 7:05 a.m.: Follow-up on Simundson
August 19, 5:05 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle cold
call on Bells Grove.
August 6, 5:39 p.m.: Hot rod on Tyee Drive.
August 20, 7:05 a.m.: Vandalism cold call on
August 6, 10:39 p.m.: Alarm audible on Ma-
Marine Drive.
rine Drive.
August 20, 9:44 a.m.: Follow-up on Gulf Road.
August 8, 9:10 a.m.: Burglary cold call on Tyee
Library Picks K RIS L O M E D I C O Bestsellers: Here in Berlin . . . Cristina Garcia Winter Solstice . Elin Hilderbrand Uncommon Type . . . Tom Hanks Pulse . . . . . . . . . Felix Francis Movies: Rough Night . . Scarlett Johansson The Wall . . Aaron Taylor-Johnson Wonder Woman . . . . Chris Pine Gifted . . . Chris Evans, McKenna Grace Music: Dark Matter . . . Randy Newman Kaleidoscope . . . . . . Coldplay Party of One . . George Thorogood Liszt & Wagner . .Imogen Cooper Teens: The Wish Granter . . C J Redwine Phantom Limbs . . . Paula Garner Code of Honor . . . . . Alan Gratz Kids: In Darkling Wood . . Emma Carrol The Perfect Dog . .Kevin O’Malley The Darkest Dark . Chris Hadfield Hours: Tuesday 1–7 p.m.; Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.– 5 p.m.
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July 28, 3:05 p.m.: Traffic prob-
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Open 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays 9 a.m.: Pool, coffee and snacks. Noon: Hot lunch 1 p.m.: Wednesdays, Bridge Fridays, cards and games Friday, September 1: Chicken cordon bleu, scalloped potatoes, Caribbean vegetables, garden salad and coconut fruit salad Wednesday, September 6: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Italian vegetables, garden salad and sliced peaches Friday, September 8: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli florets, garden salad and fruit cocktail Wednesday, September 13: Pulled pork with roll, brown rice, roasted yam, garden salad and tropical fruit Friday, September 15: Salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, peas and onions and fresh melon Wednesday, September 20: Lemon herb chicken, roasted baby reds, brussels sprouts, garden salad and fruit Friday, September 22: Ham and pineapple, garlic dill potatoes, Caribbean vegetables and fruit
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All Point Bulletin • September 2017
Next Issue: October 2017
Ads Due: Sept. 25
To place your ad call:
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$15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word).
Announcements ACUPUNCTURIST Board certified acupuncturist offering weekly appointments each Friday in Point Roberts at Marina Barge. 206-363-0471 to schedule.
ASTROLOGY & TAROT CONSULTATIONS Rev. Mary Elizabeth Hoffman Astrology, Tarot, Guides, Guardian Angels, Egyptian Cat Beings Oracle With over 40 years of experience, Mary gives fast paced readings focusing on creative, empowering solutions to life’s challenges. Consult her for questions on timing, relocation, health, career, finance, personal growth & relationships. In knowing the options available as well as timing of opening & closing of them, decisions may be made with more confidence, wisdom & empowerment. In these rapidly changing times, this information is a great asset.
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Business Services
TREE SERVICE. Top Tiers Tree Service. Free Estimates. Call Brandon at 360-393-5701. Licensed, insured.
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Help Wanted
COMPASS ROSE Bar & Grill is currently looking for bartenders, dishwashers, servers and sous chef. Please send resumes to: ~ Please no phone calls. REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982. SALTWATER CAFE seeking mature, enthusiastic, out-going servers for part and full time. Please email
Lead Cook-Satellite Site (Point Roberts, WA)
for Meals on Wheels and More Point Roberts Senior Center, Gulf Road Reports to Food Service Manager. 16-20 hours per week, approx. 7 a.m.-3 p.m./2-days per week. This position is responsible for the production, serving and clean-up of 30-45+ Senior Meals 2 days a week at the Point Roberts Center. Meals and Wheels and More is a program of the Whatcom Council on Aging, a non-profit organization that supports the health, vitality and independence of seniors as they age. The Whatcom Council on Aging provides services and employment on a non-discriminatory basis, and complies with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990.
Contact Ian for full job description and to submit resume:
Mobile Tiny House
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Public Notices
Blaine School District Budget Extension
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For more information, please call 360-332-5881.
WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or longterm rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit
On the Beach Weekly, monthly or long-term leases
Rentals - Vacation
The Blaine School District has prepared a budget extension for the 2016-17 school year. Copies are on file at the district administrative office at 765 H Street, and will be furnished to any person requesting one. The summary will include a projected total of expenses and revenues for the 2016-17 school year. A public hearing on the budget extension will take place during the regularly scheduled Board meeting, August 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the district administrative office. Anyone in attendance will have the opportunity to speak for or against any part of the budget extension. Final approval will take place after the public hearing.
Rentals - Apartment
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September 2017 •
Real Estate
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Marine Drive MLS# 889997 ................$1,100,000 Marine Drive MLS# 890013 ................$1,000,000 2214 Seabright Lp. MLS# 1105939 ........$625,000 2281 Berry Ln. MLS# 782793 ................$469,000 Tyee Dr. MLS# 1061695 .........................$299,000 Marine Dr. MLS# 965996 .......................$159,000 230 Iris Blvd. MLS# 1078671 .................$125,000 1 Rex St. MLS# 717692 .........................$100,000 26 Wicklow MLS# 710266 .......................$94,000 1835 Roosevelt Way MLS# 1023327 .......$69,000 xx So. Beach Rd. MLS# 1121356 .............$65,000 McKenzie Way MLS# 1156848 .................$62,500 Province Rd. MLS# 1116701 ......................$57,500 999 Peltier Dr. MLS# 715476 ...................$49,500 XXX Greenwood Dr. MLS# 1073419 .........$30,000 465 Tyee Dr. CHRIS HUGHES OFFICE: Point Roberts, WA MICHAEL HUGHES SHERRIE AUSTIN 360-945-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. 800-723-1313
Rentals - Residential
. S.F 8 2
1597 Harbor Seal Dr. Point Roberts
6 BR, 4.5 BA, 5,828 s.f.
Captivating Views of Boundary Bay, Mountains and BC. One of the most Stately homes in Point Roberts can now be yours.
Custom 4-BD, 3-BA home with marina and ocean views. Open floor plan, high ceilings and potential to add a suite.
MLS #902245
JULY 2017
1-story house with 1,667 s.f., 1,573 s.f. finished basement, 3 BR, 3 BA, built in 1993, 484 s.f. attached garage, 880 s.f. deck, .27 acres land, waterfront; good marine and territorial views.
1648 Harbor Seal Drive, Point Roberts
1-story house with 1,994 s.f., 2 BR, 3 BA, built in 2009, 918 s.f. attached garage, 711 s.f. apartment, 504 s.f. attic, 778 s.f. deck, 612 s.f. patio, 1,540 s.f. shop, .75 acres land, waterfront; good marine and territorial views.
5507 Maple Way, Blaine
1-story house with 3,438 s.f., 3 BR, 3 BA, built in 2006, 1,255 s.f. attached garage, territorial view, .35 acres land.
8625 Ashbury Court, Blaine
1-story house with 1,553 s.f., 3 BR, 2 BA, built in 1989, 592 s.f. deck, 1.83 acres land, 100 feet waterfront; marine views.
227 Marine Drive, Point Roberts
2-story house with 3,884 s.f., 2 BR, 3 BA, built in 2003, 683 attached garage with 434 s.f. bonus room above, 456 s.f. deck, .17 acres land, 60 feet waterfront, 60 feet tideland; marine views.
1767 Edwards Drive, Point Roberts
Pelican Place, Point Roberts
270 C Street, Blaine
Pelican Lane, Pelican Loop & Cardinal Lane, Point Roberts
Residential lot with marine view.
Oertel Drive, Blaine
Residential lot with marine view.
8054 Niska Road, Blaine
1.89 acres (2 lots) residential land.
3 BR, 3 BA, 3240 s.f.
1889 & 1893 Province Road, Point Roberts
Residential lot
Lot 55, The Cottages at Seabright Farm, 2148 Seabright Loop, Point Roberts
.49 acres (2 residential lots)
2428 and 2422 Evans Drive, Blaine
.39 acres residential land; territorial view.
W. 99th Lane, Blaine
297 Marine Dr. Point Roberts
1728 Edwards #31 Point Roberts
Best waterfront lot in Marina Estates! Point Roberts
2-BR, 2-BA, 2-level townhouse with 1051 SF.
Resort living with huge no-bank rare private beach, heated pool, dock and campfire pit. Sail in to Marina and walk home! Great for year ‘round living or getaway time.
2153 Cedar St. Point Roberts
Historic Charmer in first block of the beach. Open floor plan, lovely fenced yard, new in-ground septic.
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts
1443 Edwards Drive, Point Roberts
2-story house with 1,546 s.f., 3 BR, 3 BA, built in 1908, remodeled in 1993, 418 s.f. attached garage, 1,187 s.f. patio, .26 acres land, 75 feet waterfront; marine views.
More info at www.
Perfect 1,541 s.f. getaway that you’ve always dreamed of owning. Great weekly rental for extra income when you’re not there. MLS #813017
Build your dream home w/water, sewer & electric at street. Panoramic views; Mt. Baker to Vancouver Island. Walk to restaurants, shopping & your boat! MLS #956045
Ron or Elizabeth
5481 Tsawwassen Loop, Blaine
100’+ of west-facing waterfront, unlimited views on 1.74 acres! Level lot; building site w/natural areas, gardens & privacy in area of estate homes. Short plat complete, 3-BR septic, water/power at street. Across from Point Roberts Golf Course, 30 minutes from Vancouver - no ferry! Adjacent lot also available. MLS #1117473
Beautiful 2 BR, 2.5 BA townhome!
1- story house with 1,344 s.f., 4 BR, 2 BA, built in 1975, 546 s.f. carport, 1,000 s.f. patio, .21 acres land, 54 feet waterfront; marine views.
1726 Edwards Dr. #10 Point Roberts
1648 Harbor Seal Dr. Point Roberts
Huge decks with views of harbor, Mt. Baker and San Juans. This spectacular large custom home is perfect for entertaining and year round living. Call for appointment.
SOUTH BEACH 2-BD, 1-BA. Beautiful interior/ fireplace, sauna. Lrg deck/private yard. $900/mo. 360-945-0521.
Contemporary, open plan home with wall to wall windows and panoramic southern views. 3-BD, 2-BA is perfect for yearround living and entertaining. No-bank waterfront in Marina Estates with community sewer. MLS #945498
SHORT WALK to the beach. 3-BR, 1-BA at Maple Beach. Modern interior with fireplace. Private yard. YOU’LL LOVE IT! 604-825-3110.
5332 Canvasback Loop, Blaine
3 Bedroom
Front-sited on south facing, low bank waterfront. No maintenance front yard that is right on the ocean beach. Back—60’ lap pool in private courtyard, perfect for families and entertaining. See this architect designed home at and move in today!
BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE Very spacious, gas fireplace. Ocean views $700/mo. 360-945-1957.
Reduced to $759,000
Beautiful 3-BR, 3-BA, 3983 s.f.
1615 Edwards Dr. Point Roberts
with rooms to rent by the week, month or year. Rent a private, locked bedroom with access to 2 kitchens, 2.5 baths 2 dining rooms, 2 decks, 2 car carport, great living room. Wifi and Utilities paid. Stay all year or travel and return without hassles. Short term rooms when available. 719-659-5075 or Info@
2500 s.f., 3 bathrooms, great room, in floor heating US $1250/month, internet included Lease term negotiable, minimum 6 months. Available October 1, 2017 Housekeeping available
1613 Edwards Dr. Point Roberts
Spacious Point Roberts house
2112 Whalen Dr. Point Roberts
Rentals - Residential
Two Bedroom Furnished Studio Home
Tom Street 360-224-2755 Frances Evans 360-961-8579
Point RobeRts Lease oPPoRtunity Specializing in Exceptional Properties!
Island Group
Living in and serving Whatcom County
DESCRIPTION HIGHER END HOUSES: 1 and a half story house with 2,114 s.f., 1,296 s.f. finished basement, 3 BR, 4 BA, built in 1996, 632 s.f. attached garage, 500 s.f. patio, 500 s.f. deck, .36 acres land; marine and territorial view.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: Golf Course with a total of 11,674 s.f., includes: clubhouse, basement with golf cart storage, office, two sheds, restrooms, pump house, 166 parking spaces, built in 2001, remodeled in 2005, 173.24 acres land; marine view. 1-story warehouse/office with 8,604 s.f., built in 1982, remodeled in 2001, .60 acres land. LAND: 19.97 acres, (60 lots) residential land
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
3rd Annual Salmon Classic Winners, August 19 Sponsored by Point Roberts Marina
s 1st Whitney McElroy 19.9 Pounds $ 1000.
s 2nd Ed Trasolini 15.5 pounds $ 500.
Salmon classic photos by Simon Shanke
s 3rd Bruce Dalke 14 Pounds $ 250. Not shown, under 16, Zack Greidanus.
The Compass Rose Seafood Festival Live music and fresh seafood filled the day, August 5.
Talent Contest Sponsored by Seabright Farm
s Happy seafood diners.
s Shaune Ann and Friends on stage.
Photos by Louise Mugar
s Actor Neal McDonough presenter and judge. Right, 1st place Kirra Dodd $300, middle, 2nd Place Georgia Habros $100, left, 3rd place Sophia Wallace $100.
Courtesy photo
September 2017 •
INNER 0020
sepTember – december
predicT weekly nFl Game resulTs and win up To
make your picks aT any kiosk 6am – 8pm
Owned & Operated by the Lummi Nation • I-5 Exit 260 • Ferndale, WA See Reef Rewards for details. Management reserves all rights.
All Point Bulletin • September 2017
James JamesH.H.Julius, Julius,Broker* Broker* James H. Broker* James H. Julius, James H.Julius, Julius, Broker* NotaryPublic Public Broker* Notary Notary Public
Notary Public
* *Successfully Successfully listing listing and andselling selling Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts Roberts real real estate estate since since 1968 1968 Point Roberts real estate since 1968 E-Mail: *Point Successfully listing and selling E-Mail:• • • Point Roberts real estate since 1968 E-Mail:
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
• 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 E-Mail: • • •1339 1339 Gulf GulfRoad, Road, P.O. P.O.Box Box1717• •Pt.Pt.Roberts, Roberts,WA WA98281 98281 360/945-5555 360/945-5555 BEACH PROPERTIES *SUCCESSFULLY LISTING & SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE SINCE 1968 Road,PROPERTIES P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf BEACH BEACH PROPERTIES
visit our website:
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
Architecturally designed west facing 2 BR, 2 BA with high-end features and finishing’s. One acre site with 100 feet of waterfront.
G DR. CH 1275 1275BROUGHTON BROUGHTONLANE LANE 697 697MARINE MARINE DR. 247 247BAYVIEW BAYVIEWDR. DR. FREEMAN BEACH IN BEA 2BR, 2BR, 3BA 3BA beautiful beautiful west west side side home. home. 2 BR 2 BR cottage cottage at at Freeman Freeman Beach. Beach. 3BR, 3BR, 2BA 2BA waterfront waterfront home home facing facing D E Nrights. 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 697 MARINE DR. PL 247 BAYVIEW $199,000. $199,000. Adjoining Adjoining lotlot $35,000. $35,000. $219,900 Beach Beach rights.$219,900 $595,000 $595,000 Mt. Mt. Baker. Baker. Crabtown. Crabtown.DR. A E M P 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. Beach rights. $219,900 Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 BEST BUY
Large 3 BR 2 BA with living room, large kitchen/ dining and family room with wood stove. Sunny corner lot overlooking a horse pasture.
621 MAPLE AVE. 4BR, 5BA. 3500+ s.f. South Beach area. Beautiful design and finish. $749,000 or $849,000 for 2 lots! 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
S# S#1101438 860192
nd chDr. Rd.
## 942924 814163
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
1845JOHNSON. JOHNSON.7575 x 200 x 200 lot. lot. 668 668SOUTH SOUTHBEACH BEACHRD. RD. 2117 2117ROOSEVELT. ROOSEVELT.Maple Maple Beach Beach 1845 328 EVERGREEN WAY. 2 BR. Nice adjacent LOT 272EDWARDS DR. Water views access.private, 2BR 2BR cottage cottage plus plus 2 home lots 2 lots near near beach. beach. 1920s 1920s cabin, cabin, BR, 2 BR, wood-burning wood-burning FP,FP,and beach Furnished, Furnished, private, excellent excellent to 5 acre $149,900 $199,000 1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668farm. SOUTH BEACH RD. 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach $200,000 $200,000 2 blocks 2 blocks toto beach. beach. $169,000 $169,000 condition. condition.$115,000 $115,000 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 ! 1877 WASHINGTON condition. $115,000 ! 542 MCLAREN RD. 676 CLAIRE LANE
Dcottage w/front and rear deck. 3BR OL Adjacent to Lily Point Park.
Been looking for that big and private building site at the right price? Property has 500 ft of road frontage with all utilities available for connecting street side.
Moose Trail 70x120 .............................$19,500
Two lots side by side lots with one being a corner lot. Quiet low traffic area and within walking distance to Lily Point Park. Here is an opportunity for a great site at a super value.
$17,900 each
Province Road .40 acre site ..................$17,900
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
622 BELL’S GROVE. 3BR cottage with new septic. Beach access. $164,900
371 W. Bluff Rd. $1,449,000
MLS# 942906
MLS# 1101438
MARINA CHANNEL LOT. The last one! 98.2’ frontage. Sewer.
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
360-945-1011 LD
MLS# 860192 534Bayview Tyee Drive 253 Bayview Dr. 1953 Holiday Lane 534Holiday TyeeDrive Drive 253 Bayview Dr. 1953 HolidayLane Lane 253 Dr. 1953 Lane 534 Tyee 534 Tyee Drive 253 Dr. 1953 253 Holiday Bayview Dr. 723Bayview Walters Ln. $1,200,000 MLS#1101438 860192 $775,000 MLS# 1064406 $575,000 MLS#1064406 1050258 $1,200,000 MLS# 860192 $1,200,000 $1,449,000 MLS# $775,000 MLS# $575,000 MLS# 1050258 $775,000 MLS# 1064406 $575,000 MLS# 1050258 $1,200,000 MLS# 860192 $1,449,000 MLS# 1101438 MLS# 860192 $775,000 MLS# 1064406 $575,000 MLS# 1050258 $1,449,000 MLS# 1101438 $775,000 MLS# 1064406 MLS# 1108249 $922,000 534 Tyee Drive 253 Bayview Dr. 1953 Holiday Lane $1,200,000 MLS# 860192 G $1,449,000 $775,000 MLS# 1050258 GG MLS# 1064406 $575,000 GGG MLS# 1101438 DIINNG ING DININ DDIININN N D D D D N N N E EN EEN N PN PPE DING PPPE DING PE PE N N PE PE
$525,000 MLS#1034066 1034066 $448,000 MLS# MLS# 1057901 $525,000 MLS#Rd. 1145347 $749,000 1379 Gulf $525,000 MLS# 1034066
$509,000MLS# 918572 $389,000 MLS#1034066 883553 $509,000 MLS# 918572 $525,000 $525,000 MLS#Lane 1034066 753 Walters $509,000 MLS# 918572
$448,000MLS# MLS# 1057901 $448,000 1057901 $509,000 MLS#Bay 918572 MLS# 1057901 $448,000 340 Boundary Rd. $448,000 MLS# 1057901
$389,000MLS# MLS# 883553 $389,000 MLS# 883553 $448,000 1057901 398 Marine Dr. $389,000 MLS# 883553
MLS# 1050258
JUST A 10 MINUTE WALK TO MAPLE BEACH. Cottage sits at the end of a cul-de-sac on two lots with solitude and privacy. $119,900
THIS HOME SITS ON .34 OF AN ACRE on the sunny south west
398sideMarine of Point Dr. Roberts. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, quiet street. $168,000 $389,000 MLS# 883553
688 Deer Lane 276 Shadyglen Ave. 688 Deer Lane 550 South Beach Rd. 276 Shadyglen Ave. 276 Shadyglen Ave. 1721 Benson Rd. #117 1885 Benson Rd. 688 Deer Lane 550 South Beach Rd. 276 Shadyglen Ave. 688 Deer Lane 550 South Beach Rd. 632 Highland Dr. $275,000 MLS# 1090840 $279,000 MLS#1125664 1075717 $275,000 MLS# 1090840 $325,000 MLS#814163 814163 $279,000 MLS# 1075717 $279,000 MLS# 1075717 MLS# 1121269 $159,000 $149,000 $275,000 MLS# 1090840 $325,000 MLS# $279,000 MLS# 1075717 $275,000 1090840 $325,000 MLS# 814163 $325,000 942924 688 Deer Lane 550 SouthMLS# Beach Rd. 276 Shadyglen Ave. $275,000 MLS# 1090840 D $325,000 MLS# 814163 $279,000 D MLS# 1075717 D G E CEED UINCG INICNGE C D U U D D U D N EN END EDD D PRPE DING RRE UCE PRE N D PE RE
SOLID HOME suitable for year round living, full concrete foundation, double pane windows, airtight wood stove. Great street 1953 Holiday Lanejust down from Maple Beach. $144,000
S 550 South Beach Rd. 688 Deer Lane 632 Highland Dr. 632 Highland Dr. $325,000 MLS#942924 814163 $275,000 1090840 $325,000MLS# MLS# MLS#942924 942924 $299,000 $325,000 632 Highland Dr. $325,000 G MLS# 942924 DIN N PE
private cottage near beach. NEW PRICE! $159,000 See more listings at ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000
534 Tyee Drive $1,200,000
51 ALBERTA WAY $119,900
1877 1877WASHINGTON WASHINGTON 542 542MCLAREN MCLARENRD. RD. 676 676CLAIRE CLAIRELANE LANE SE WPoint ELily 3BR, 3BR, 2BA 2BA backs backs onto onto Lily Point 2 BR 2 BR designer designer home. home. AA must-see! must-see! 3BR 3BR cottage cottage w/front w/front and and rear rear deck. deck. N 1877 WASHINGTON 542 MCLAREN RD. 676 CLAIRE LANE $299,000 $299,000 Park. Park. Make Make ananoffer! offer! Adjacent Adjacent toto Lily Lily Point Point Park. Park. 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BR designer home. A must-see! 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. $159,000 $159,000 Park. $299,000 Make an offer! Adjacent to Lily Point Park. 629 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR charming, cozy, ACREAGE: ACREAGE:6.39 6.39ACRES, ACRES,DESIRABLE DESIRABLEEAST EASTSIDE, SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 $299,000 $159,000
2275 Berry Ln. $1,495,000
D2 BR designer Chome. ECDEDA must-see!
RCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL Rd. 753 Walters LaneRd. 340 COMMERCIAL Boundary Bay 398 MarineBay Dr.Rd. 1379 GulfLane. Rd. 753 Walters Lane Lane 340753 Boundary Bay Rd. 340398 340699 Boundary Bay 398Marine MarineBay Dr.Rd. 398 Marine Dr. Rd. 340 1379 Gulf Rd. 753 Walters Lane Boundary 1379 Gulf Rd. Walters Lane Dr. Boundary 340 Boundary Bay Rd. Claire 1379 Gulf Rd. Commercial # 1034066 $509,000 MLS# 918572 $448,000 MLS# 1057901 $389,000 MLS# 883553
S# 918572
2116 CEDAR. 2BR. Only 840 feet to Maple Beach! $219,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
cover more listings at more Discover more listings listings at gs at Point Roberts Properties Discover at Discover more listings at Discover more listings at
1976 WELLINGTON. Nice quiet neighborhood. DR. 3 BR, 2west BA,side large living and dining beautiful home. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. 3BR, 2BA waterfront 1857 home WASHINGTON facing 2BR, 3BA Ready to complete. $169,900 Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 rooms. Large tool shed and fruit $210,000 $199,000. Adjoining lot trees. $35,000. $219,900 Beach rights.
THIS PROPERTY is actually two separate lots with a small cabin
on the north side 276 Shadyglen Ave.and two small shed bunk houses on the south side. Extremely sunny and private at the ned of the road. $139,000 $279,000 MLS# 1075717
SOUTH BEACH COTTAGE in Bells Grove with private beach access, 3 bedrooms, newer septic and views from the deck. $164,900
OVER 1/3 ACRE OCEAN VIEW PROPERTY with beautiful South-west exposure. Completely remodeled inside and out. $234,900
INSIDE IT’S A BRAND NEW VANCOUVER CONDO, Outside it’s Benson Rd. 500Moose Moose (incl. Lot#104 Moose Trail 1721 Benson Rd. #101 500 (incl. Lot 66&&7)7) 500 1960 Drake 1721 Benson Rd. 1721495 Benson Rd. #104 1721 Moose (incl. Lot 500495 Moose (incl. Lot#104 6 & 7) 1721 568 Calder 495 Moose Trail Benson Rd. #104 500 Moose (incl. Lot 66&&7)7) 500 Moose 568 Calder Moose Trail 1721 Benson Rd. #104 (incl. Beach Lot 6 &cottage, 7) 568 Calder 495 Moose Trail CUTE COTTAGE with southern exposure and large a cute South with very private yard with sun all day. $129,000 MLS# 1082569 $124,000 MLS#1082569 823011 $185,000 MLS# 1087917 MLS# 1128768 $119,000 $124,000 MLS# 823011 MLS# 1128808 $129,000 $129,000 MLS# $129,000 MLS# 1082569 $124,000 MLS# 823011 $124,000 MLS# 823011 $234,900 MLS# 1091965 $185,000 MLS# 1087917 covered deck located on quiet street across from treed $129,000 MLS# 1082569 PrivateMLS# sunny823011 morning deck, the rear double deck drops onto a $124,000 MLS#1082569 823011 $234,900 MLS# 1091965 $185,000 MLS# 1087917 $129,000 $124,000 $234,900 MLS# 1091965 1721 $185,000 MLS# 1087917 Benson Rd. #104 500 MooseMLS# (incl. Lot 6 & 7) 568 Calder 495 Moose Trail acreage. $148,888 large gassed yard for the kids or grand kids. $259,000 $129,000 MLS# 1082569 $124,000 MLS# 823011 $234,900 MLS# 1091965 $185,000 MLS# 1087917 OFFICE: Tyee Roberts, WA Dr. • Point Roberts, WA OFFICE: 465Tyee Tyee OFFICE: 465 Tyee Dr. • Point Roberts, WA Dr. • Point OFFICE: 465 Dr. • Point Roberts, WA Dr. • Point Roberts, WA OFFICE: 465 Tyee MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Whatcom 360-945-1313 • 800-723-1313 OFFICE: 465 Tyee •800-723-1313 Point Roberts, Roberts,WA WA Paul 604/968-4006 Carol 360/945-2967 Greg 604/690-1468 RE/MAX County, Inc. nc. 360-945-1313 • •800-723-1313 360-945-1313 • 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Whatcom 360-945-1313 •Dr. OFFICE:Inc. 465 Tyee Dr. Point RE/MAX County, 360-945-1313 • 800-723-1313
der Trail
S# 1091965 # 1087917
HRIS HUGHESCHRIS CHRIS HUGHES 360-223-7601 CHRIS HUGHES 360-223-7601 360-223-7601 HUGHES CHRIS HUGHES360-223-7601 360-223-7601 360-223-7601 MICHAEL HUGHES ICHAEL HUGHES CHRIS HUGHES MICHAEL HUGHES S 360-223-7601 MICHAEL HUGHES MICHAEL HUGHES SHERRIE AUSTIN MICHAEL HUGHES 360-945-1313 • 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc.
360-945-1313 • 800-723-1313