16 minute read
Westwind Marine changes hands
B y M eg O ls O n
Two weeks into taking over Westwind Marine, Jessica and Bryson Basore are more certain than ever they made the right choice buying the Point Roberts marine service and chandlery.
“I think of the overwhelmingly warm welcome we received from the team here and the community, the perfect handoff from Mark and Tami,” said Jessica. “We really jumped on a running horse here and we’ve had nothing but support.”
Jessica said she and Bryson had the perfect combination of skills for Westwind. “It just fits us so well,” she said. They bought the business from Mark and Tami Pondelick, with the official transfer taking place on June 7.
The Basores met in the Air Force and she has since worked in retail and sales. Bryson has had a career with Cummins as a technician, a service manager and working on process improvement at the corporate level.
The couple commute from Bellingham, where they moved from Illinois in 2020, while their two children are still in high school. “Point Roberts is our home away from home,” Jessica said.
When asked about changes they plan to bring to the business, Jessica said, “We’re still trying to get our sea legs,” but they are also looking at ways to grow. “We are mostly looking at process improvement, ways to get work through faster, improve communication.”
Jessica said she also plans to diversify the offerings in the chandlery, from Point Roberts branded merchandise to some convenience items. “Useful items for when you’re in the sun and wind and some more nautical gift items,” she said. She has also reached out to local artisans about selling their products in the store.
Despite vacant slips at the marina, Jessica said the service yard is busy. “We have tons of work pouring in, mostly from local people who have boats in the marina but also people coming here for service. We just had a call from someone in Birch Bay bringing their boat in.”
Asked what their future plans were, Mark Pondelick said they hadn’t had time to figure that out, saying the sale of the business followed by the sale of their house took place much faster than they thought it would. “We had seven offers within 24 hours on the house and accepted a cash offer the same day,” he said. The Pondelicks plan to spend some time at a recently purchased property in the Dominican Republic to figure out their next moves.
To schedule service at Westwind, call 360/945-5523 or stop by the store at the marina. Westwind Marine is open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

From page 1
“What I am hearing is, this seems excessive,” said at-large member Katherine Smith. She suggested it would be nice to have a bus to meet the ferry, but it could be pared down to days of ferry operation and that a bike program could give mobility to visitors at other times.
John Upston, the lone Uber driver on the Point, said that the ferry was the bulk of his business and he averaged seven calls a week. “It would put me out of business,” he said of the bus proposal.
At-large member Grant Heitman said there was no need to spend public funds when a private commercial solution was available. “I don’t believe I see a business case here,” he said.
Louise Mugar with the chamber of commerce and Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism (BWCT) said their proposal was intended to serve a larger audience than ferry travelers and to show the maximum possible usage. “We have a thousand-slip marina here and 800 spaces are available,” she said. BWCT was marketing several north county marinas, including Point Roberts, to boaters who would usually be vacationing in B.C. waters. “You can’t invite them here and not have a way for them to get around.” The funds being targeted, she specified, were not county transportation dollars but federal funds channeled through the county to alleviate Covid-related transportation challenges – a perfect match for the project.
Calder said those details had not been included in the proposal summary they had been asked to review by the executive’s office. “We are lacking information we would need to make a recommendation to the county,” she said. Her fellow committee members agreed and the matter was tabled for the committee’s regular meeting on June 24 pending more information from the chamber and the executive’s office.
The committee next discussed requesting county funding to provide increased high-speed internet service. “A large number of people in our community work remotely and they need those speeds,” Calder said. The committee agreed to draft a letter to the executive asking how to tap into federal funds for communications infrastructure.
A solution to flooding woes at Maple Beach was the next funding priority. “We want to see a complete redesign and the construction of something that mitigates flooding while protecting the road and the environment,” said Annelle Norman who represents the local taxpayers’ association on PRCAC. She suggested the project be modeled on the Birch Bay berm project, which replaced the old sea wall with a more natural berm.
Calder added that the Point pays into the county flood control district and “we’d like to see those funds being used here.” The committee gave unanimous support for Calder to write a letter to the county executive asking for county staff to begin reviewing potential solutions and funding sources.
A request for funding and technical assistance for the creation of a wetland mitigation bank that would ease development restrictions in the commercial core also received full committee support. The idea, Calder explained, was to designate a wetland property as the “bank” that would be upgraded with funds from property owners who would pay for credits in exchange for lessened restrictions developing their properties, which contain wetlands.
“The concept is a really sound one for Point Roberts,” said Smith, a wildlife biologist. She explained while all wetlands have value, some are more productive than others and could be much more valuable with funds for improvement through such a program. “There are economic benefits for wetland owners who want to get into conservation,” she said, and a mechanism for Gulf Road property owners to develop properties that would be unfeasible to develop otherwise with the current code restrictions dealing with wetlands and buffers.
“Point Roberts is a unique place and we want to keep it that way,” Sidhu said when it was his turn at the microphone. “If we wanted to make it Hong Kong in three or four years it could be Honk Kong, but we don’t want that.”
Sidhu was lukewarm about the chamber of commerce bus proposal, echoing the (See PRCAC, page 9) S The crew at Westwind
Marine. From l., Terry Mathey, Logan Fraser, Jessica Basore, Josh Matthews, Bryson Basore. Not pictured, Eric Freeman.

Courtesy photo
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Despite struggles to get seasonal staff on board, Whatcom County Parks and Recreation director Michael McFarlane feels optimistic camping will be open on the Point for the Fourth of July.
“We have a couple of candidates in the hopper we hope to get on board soon,” McFalrane said. “We’re looking to get the campground open.”
Seasonal staff help ranger Meghan Kelley with maintenance of trails and facilities at Monument Park, Lily Point Marine Park, Maple Beach and Lighthouse Marine Park.
Reopening Lighthouse Marine Park for camping requires that the two seasonal positions on the Point are filled.“If everything falls into place we hope to be open the July 4 weekend,” McFarlane said. ❦
Local resident and veteran event planner Sheena Durflinger is busy fundraising for two fun-filled days in August.
Durflinger already has support from business owners on the Point and is looking for some county funding via the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee who she addressed at their June 24 meeting.
“After planning a successful Halloween event and seeing firsthand the spark Point Roberts has for community, I thought that more events would be beneficial during a time where social isolation has become the norm,” Durflinger has emphasized in her outreach efforts.
The plan is for two days of interwoven events at Baker Field on August 14 and 21, which will include a space for local crafters and artisans to sell their wares, space for non-profits to raise awareness, activities for kids and adults from games to gardening demos.
The events will give community members a chance to “get to know each other, play, laugh, have fun and most importantly, have something to look forward to.”
Event sponsors will gain exposure through event marketing materials and social media. To help sponsor the event contact Durflinger at 604/378-1984.
Following last year’s hiatus, Kids Camp is ready to roll for 2021.The Point Roberts park and recreation district’s popular summer decamp for kids 6-12 is will run five days a week from July 19 to August 6, with morning (9 a.m. to noon) and afternoon (1 to 4 p.m.) open to all ages.
“We want to give the kids a chance to see each other again and have a fun summer,” said district commissioner and program organizer Dan Schroeder.
The hub of the program will be the Gulf Road Community Center, Schroeder said. “We’re going to try and have one organized activity in the morning and one in the afternoon, with the rest free play time.”
Some days of the week the program’s six counselors will meet with program participants at one of the Point’s many parks and beaches. “There will be days when we can’t use the community center and there will be plenty of advance notice for parents where to drop their kids off on those days.”
Registration information will be available on the district’s website at prparkandrec.org. Parents are encouraged to print out registration forms and bring them to the first day of camp.
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s Fire and medical crews from Ladner and Tsawwassen as well as the local emergency services deployed to the scene of the accident. Photo by Pat Grubb
Young man killed in one-car collision
B y P at g ru BB
An investigation into a fatal car accident on June 1 will not be concluded for a few months, according to Washington State Patrol Trooper Rocky Oliphant.
“Normal toxicology reports take several months to get results,” Oliphant wrote in an email to the All Point Bulletin.
“The primary Trooper for the collision has a lot of forms and paperwork to gather and fill out. Normally, it takes months to complete but every case is different, this may take a little longer if they’re working on getting info from Tesla.” As there are no criminal charges involved, the WSP can only request information from Tesla, not demand it.
Samuel (Sam) Morson, 18, of Shelton, Washington, died early Wednesday, June 2 after his vehicle crashed at high speed into the Maple Beach sea wall at the corner of Roosevelt Way and Bay View Drive shortly before 9:30 the previous evening. Morson was airlifted to PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center where he passed away after receiving last rites.
According to the Washington State Patrol, the cause was listed as unsafe speed and driving under the influence. The vehicle, a 2019 Tesla Model 3, was declared a total loss. The vehicle was heard braking hard momentarily before running almost head-on into the wall.
Morson had just returned to his family’s summer residence in Point Roberts after completing his first year at Thomas Aquinas College in California. He was the oldest son of Vince and Tracy Morson and grandson of Tena and Terry Colton. He was one of six children; an older sister, two brothers and two younger sisters.
Point Roberts fire and emergency medical personnel responded to the accident within minutes of the call and were assisted by the Delta fire department who deployed over the border with units coming from Tsawwassen and Ladner. The Washington State Patrol was also on scene.
A memorial service was held June 11.
A GoFund.me account that was started to assist in funeral and other expenses raised $31,983 before being suspended by the organizer.
The accident was the first fatal accident in Point Roberts since one that occurred in 1972 at the corner of APA and Boundary Bay roads.
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Circle of Care planning ahead

B y a nnelle n O r M an
A Circle of Care committee has been busy composing a survey to assess the needs and wants of Point Roberts residents regarding a care facility. Your input is needed. The link to the survey will be in next week’s ePB as well as on all the social media bulletin boards and the Circle of Care website. The board of trustees is hoping to hear from everyone in Point Roberts as, regardless of your age or health status, sooner or later these questions are likely to relate to your circumstances.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Fundraiser – It’s strawberry and rhubarb season and “the pie ladies” are making delicious pies for you and your family to enjoy for the Fourth of July. These will be one-crust pies with plenty of berries and rhubarb topped with an oatmeal crumble. Nine-inch deep dish pies are $20 and 5-inch mini-pies are $8. Place your orders at prcircleofcare@ gmail.com by 5 p.m. on June 30 and collect your pie, ready for baking or for freezing, on Saturday, July 3 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the community center.
Advanced Directives Workshops – Have you and your family completed an advance care directive and a durable power of attorney for each member? These are important documents to have on file in order to inform your family, physician and caregivers of your wishes in case you are ill, seriously injured or suffering with memory issues. Circle of Care is offering two-hour workshops via Zoom (and, hopefully, in person by end of July) to assist you in completing your forms and getting them filed. The next dates and times are Thursday, July 8 from 10 a.m. to noon and on Tuesday, July 27 from 4 to 6 p.m. If you would like to enroll in one of these please send an email to prcircleofcare@ gmail.com.
Look for the Circle of Care bus and board of trustees in the Fourth of July parade. If you would like to help us decorate the bus or walk the parade route with us, passing out candy, please let us know.

s County executive Satpal Sidhu addressing the townhall meeting on June 8 at the Reef.
Photo by Louise Mugar
From page 7 sentiment that the program proposed was oversized for what Point Roberts needed. “I will support whatever you guys decide, but I think if you scale it down, it will be more political,” he said. He added that he supported the idea of a commercial venture with the potential for subsidy from public funds if needed.
By contrast, he was bullish about the need for high speed internet. “This has become as necessary as running water,” he said.
The county has received $45 million in federal funding to be allocated over the next three years and Sidhu said he was committed to using the funds for legacy projects. “We should do something with this money that keeps us seeing benefits for 10, 20, 30 years,” he said, and extending broadband services in the county’s rural areas fit the bill.
“Point Roberts kind of rises to the top” as a place to start, the executive said, with the county providing capital funds for major infrastructure and Whidbey Telecom acting as the “last mile person” to get it to Point Roberts homes.
Sidhu was less ready to commit funds for a project the magnitude of the Birch Bay berm, which cost over $15 million, in Point Roberts. “It’s a good project and we will have an engineer from the county come up and do a preliminary study.”
Wetland mitigation banking elicited more enthusiasm. The county had already committed $100,000 to hire a consultant to build more wetland mitigation banking potential, Sidhu said, and “we will include Point Roberts in that study.” He suggested that a “simple option was to reduce the buffer to half,” rather than filling in wetlands, which would allow the county to work directly with the state department of ecology rather than involving the Army Corps of Engineers. “That option is more complicated.” Locally, he said, the challenge would be to find a suitable wetland property whose owner would agree to designate it as the wetland mitigation bank and use funds from credits to improve it.
These four proposals were on the agenda again at the June 24 PRCAC meeting, as well as several new community priorities identified by committee members.
The taxpayers’ association has put forward the idea of a county-funded free community-wide large item and green waste pickup soon after border reopening to help clean up the Point as cottage owners return. The association is also proposing the creation of an off-leash area for dogs at Lighthouse Marine Park, which it is asking PRCAC to bring to the county
PRCAC is also establishing sub committees to address facilities at Lighthouse Marine Park, the Maple Beach seawall, and overall visioning for Point Roberts. Anyone interested in participating in those committees is encouraged to attend.
Finally, Sheena Durflinger, will make a presentation in support of requesting county funds to support Family Days in Point Roberts, an event to be held on Saturday, August 14 and Saturday, August 21 at Baker Community Field on Benson Road behind the fire hall.

Pancake Breakfast by PREP:
8:30 - 11:30am Community Center
Flag Raising: 11:00am Community Center
Kids Outdoor Games:
10:00am - 12:00pm Speedway (back parking lot)
Parade: 12:00pm Meet at Breakers by 11:45am
Firefighter BBQ & Artisan Market:
1:00pm - 3:00pm Lighthouse Park Boardwalk
Afternoon Car Show:
3:00pm - 5:00pm Breakers Parking Lot
Adult Games & Happy Hour:
3:00pm - 5:00pm The Reef
Want to get involved?
Email: alli.calder17@gmail.com or queenofcleanpointroberts@gmail.com
5” wide x 7.5” tall