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Borderite Report THE
February is American Heart Month

Did you know that February is American Heart Month? As we see hearts all around us this month, it is also a great reminder to focus on cardiovascular health! This school year we have made a commitment to daily PE for our students and exercise breaks throughout our day.
Some of the activities that we have been doing lately in our PE class are walking and running in Baker Field, 3 and 5 pin bowling, basic rolls, soccer and floor hockey. We start each school day with a brainsmart start that incorporates movement and breathing and we also incorporate movement breaks during the day. In our movement breaks students have the opportunity to get up and move before we transition to another activity. Movement breaks are a great way to get extra physical activity, make learning more efficient, increase oxygen to our brain, and offer a great mental or sensory break. What a great way to support the overall health of our students!