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Border news roundup ...
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U. S. Senator Patty Murray along with her two counterparts from Minnesota, senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar, has introduced legislation that would provide relief to businesses in Point Roberts and other communities along the U.S./Canada border such as the Northwest Angle in Minnesota and Hyder, Alaska.
“The prolonged travel restrictions at the border have disrupted countless lives and exacerbated the devastating economic consequences of this pandemic for small businesses and local governments all over Whatcom County, especially in Point Roberts,” Murray said.
The Senate bill is the companion bill to HR 7845 introduced on July 22 by Minnesota representative Collin Peterson. The bill is named the “Remote Recreational Small Business Interruption Program” and applies only to communities whose only land access is through Canada.
Under the bill, forgivable federal loans
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would be available to eligible small businesses for up to 75 percent of 2019 revenue, so long as a business’s revenue dropped by at least half during the second quarter of 2020. Loan forgiveness would be reduced by any additional relief received through the Paycheck Protection Program or other federal loan forgiveness programs.
Given the bill is aimed at recreational businesses, it is not clear which local firms would benefit.
While the bills have been referred to committee, it is not known what the chances of passage are, given the Senate is controlled by Republicans. The full text of the bill can be found at bit.ly/2FMmF1u. ❦
Non-essential land travel between the U.S./Canada border will remain closed until at least October 21, said Bill Blair, Canada’s minister of public safety, in a September 18 tweet.
This is the sixth border closure extension since the border closed to non-essential travel March 21 to limit the spread of Covid-19. Land ports between the U.S. and Mexico are also included in the extension.
To date, the U.S. has had more than 6.8 million confirmed Covid-19 cases and 200,275 virus-related deaths, according to CDC data as of September 23. Canada has had 146,663 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 9,234 virus-related deaths, according to the Canadian government. ❦
More than a dozen students moved north of the border and underwent 14 days of quarantine in order to attend school and university in B.C. The families were forced to make hard choices after the Canadian government refused to change its policies regarding students and quarantine requirements.
In a public statement issued by Eric Morrissette, chief of Media Relations, Communication and Public Affairs Branch serving Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, the government maintained that entering Canada for the purposes of education is not listed as an exemption under the Order In Council governing entry.
Coming up ...
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events
PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, October 6, 6 p.m. at Saltwater Café.
PR Hospital District: Tuesday, October at 7 p.m. Info: pointrobertsclinic.com.
Whatcom County Planning Commission: Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30 p.m. The public hearing on WCC 20.72 amendments. Sign up is required ahead of the meeting and can be accessed at bit.ly/360Oi1P.
PR Park and Recreation: Monday, October 12 at 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info: prparkandrec.org.
PR Taxpayers: Wednesday, October 14 7-7:50 p.m., via Webex. Link: bit.ly/2RVrxnA. If the meeting goes over 50 minutes, log into a second meeting at bit.ly/33UXAJT.
Tsunami siren test: On Thursday, October 15 at 10:15 a.m. a tsunami siren will be tested using the actual tsunami wail sound.
PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, October 15 at 6 p.m., via Zoom.
PR Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting: Tuesday, October 20 at 6 p.m. upstairs at the Point Roberts Marina, 715 Simundson Drive. Guest speaker: Point Roberts fire chief Christopher Carleton on “Priorities now for Point Roberts residents and businesses.” RSVP to Louise Mugar: lmugar@pointrobertspress. com with your name and contact information. Refreshments available. Cheese boxes $10, wine by the glass $5.
PR Garden Club: No October meeting.
Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays, 8 a.m., Lighthouse Park. Saturdays, 8 a.m., Lily Point. Check wackiewalkers. wordpress.com for Thursday location.
Whatcom County Al-Anon: Online meetings available via Zoom and GoToMeeting. Info: whatcomafg.org.
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