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NWFR will explore finance options
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North Whatcom and fire district 4 to discuss both districts’ financial future
B y I an h aupt
After having its proposed levy rate increase rejected in the August and November elections, North Whatcom Fire and Rescue (NWFR) is holding meetings this month with Whatcom County Fire District 4 (WCFD4) to discuss how the districts can fund their continued service. According to a December 2021 chief report, the districts may reintroduce negotiations to form a regional fire authority between NWFR and WCDF4, which foundered last spring.
NWFR’s levy lid lift would have increased the current rate of $1.15 per $1,000 of assessed value by 30 cents to $1.45 per $1,000 to replace outdated equipment and increase service to the levels needed in north Whatcom County. But voters rejected the levy by 53.8 percent in the August primary and then with even more opposition in the November general election, by 60.2 percent.
Now NWFR faces financial uncertainty as it has increasing calls for service, a growing population, aging equipment and facilities, and tax revenue that has fallen far behind the rate of inflation. Through an interlocal agreement, NWFR provides operational and logistical services for WCFD4, which was extended in each districts’ December 2021 meeting until December 2022.
Together, the districts serve 38,000 people in 156 square miles, in an area that stretches north of Bellingham to the U.S./ Canada border and runs from Birch Bay to east of Lynden.
Fire chief Jason Van der Veen said he will have a better idea where both districts stand financially by the end of the month. Representatives from each districts’ board of commissioners will be discussing financial strategies in February meetings to decide how to proceed in the future.
In his December 2021 administrative report, Van der Veen said the department will further communicate and engage with the public to secure funding for the future.
“The public told us 5,613 times in 2021, or 15 times a day, that they need our service,” he wrote, referring to service calls. “We just need to figure out how to show the public that we need their help to fund it.”
s North Whatcom Fire and Rescue’s Station 62 on Semiahmoo Parkway.
Blaine chamber to host annual general meeting at Loomis golf course

Friday March 11, 7:30pm
Tickets start at $25.50*
Kindred Foundation Fund
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Community members and businesses are invited to attend the Blaine Chamber of Commerce’s annual general meeting, which will include a silent auction, business awards and catered dinner.
The event will be held 5-7 p.m. Thursday, February 24 at Loomis Trail Golf, 4342 Loomis Trail Road.
This year’s event is a smaller-scale version of Bite of Blaine, the chamber’s previous annual general meeting, that was canceled last year because of the pandemic. Although slightly more business-oriented than the Bite of Blaine, community members are welcome to attend the event, chamber executive director Sheila Wood said.
A silent auction will raise money for Blaine’s Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration.
“This year, we’re planning on doing the car show, parade and firework show,” Wood said of the 4th of July event. “In order to do that, we need support of community members to make it an exciting event.”
Bite of Blaine raised about $8,000 during its February 2020 event, according to Wood.
Auction prizes will include a one-night stay at Semiahmoo Resort, two rounds of golf at Loomis Trail Golf and a gift basket from Silverado Bellingham Memory Care Community.
Dinner and awards will accompany the silent auction. Silver Reef Casino Resort will cater with a mixed greens salad, steak, white cheddar mac and cheese, buttermilk mashed potatoes and rolls.
Tickets are $35 each or $280 for an eight-person table. Attendees are encouraged to register early as space with social distancing is limited to 50 guests, Wood said. Registration can be done by visiting blainechamber.com and clicking on “upcoming events.”
For more information or to contribute, email Sheila Wood at info@ blainechamber.com.
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