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ABANDONED VEHICLE AUCTION NOTICE Meridian Towing DATE: Wed., Sept. 30 & Thurs., Oct. 1 Viewing at 2 pm • Auction at 3 pm AUCTION ADDRESS: 925 Boblett St. Blaine, WA 98230 www.Meridian-Towing.com OR call 360-746-9100 • M-F 8-5 Published September 24, 2020
Computer Repairs & Upgrades
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Auto We come to you! NWcascades.com WHATCOM WHEELS Blaine • Birch Bay • Semiahmoo 360-371-7277
NEW CARS Construction HINTON Since 1973 RESIDENTIAL 8139 Guide Meridian • Lynden, WA 360-354-2129 CHEVEROLET•BUICK COMMERCIAL TWO BROTHERS MASONRY TWO BROTHERS MASONRY BRICK - BLOCK - STONE RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Brick • Block • Stone HintonMotors.com Celebrating 71 years of business with a tradition of trust since 1947. Your only ERICK WIENS locally owned and operated GM Dealer in Whatcom County with a non-commissioned sales staff. BARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded MATT WIENS BARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded phone: (360) 332-6300 www.twobrothersmasonry.com (360) 332 - 6300
Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Lic #2BROTB1945DA of Bellingham
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8-23-18 replace wording..."Now enrolling Get listed! 360-332-1777 for Fall. Full-time and part-time preschool options." (last ad 39763.pdf). Child Care
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Help Wanted
HELP WANTED Local seafood processing company seeking:
Full Time Manager - Management experience in seafood companies preferred, outdoor work environment, wage DOE Seasonal Plant Worker - Must be able to do physical labor in an outdoor environment. Full Time Office Administrator - Good communications and computer skills, must be familiar with MS Excel, receptionist skills. Email Resumé to moonentinc@hotmail.com Please type “Starfish
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BLAINE, WA 360-332-8066
YARD CLEAN-UP flower beds, berry removal, shrub/hedge trimming, beauty bark, gravel, power washing, gutter cleaning, hauling. 360-820-0446.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Chapter 18.27.100 of the Revised Code of Washington requires that all advertisements for construction services include the contractor’s registration number in the advertisement. To verify a contractor’s license, call the Dept. of Labor and Industry’s contractors registration at 1-800-647-0982.
The Washington State Corporation South Beach House, Inc. has been dissolved. Any person having a claim against South Beach House, Inc. must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present a written notice in the manner as provided in RCW 23B.14 by serving on or mailing to the Registered Agent at the address stated below a copy of the claim against South Beach House, Inc. Information included in the claim must contain the following: a) a general description of the known facts relating to a matured and legally assert ible claim or liability, or b) an identification of the executory contract with respect to which unmatured, conditional, or contin gent claims or liabilities are sought to be disposed of. The written notice of such claim must be delivered to South Beach House, Inc.’s Registered Agent no fewer than 120 days of the publication date of this Notice. Any claim or any executory contract on which the claim is based may be rejected by the dissolved corporation, in which case the holder of the known claim will have a limited period of 90 days from the effective date of the rejection notice in which to commence a proceeding in Court to enforce the claim. The claim may be delivered to South Beach House, Inc.’s Registered Agent. Any claim against the Corporation may be barred in accordance with RCW 23B.14 if not timely asserted.
Registered Agent:
Rajeev Majumdar 289 H Street/PO Box 1258
Blaine, WA 98231-1258
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Green Truck Financial, LLC, Plaintiff, v. CallN-Haul Transport, LLC, and Richard Lee Castleman. Call-N-Haul Transport, LLC, and Richard Lee Castleman, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the twenty-sev enth (27) day of August, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff Green Truck Financial, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of Call-N-Haul Transport, LLC’s, and/or Richard Lee Castleman’s, failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against Call-N-Haul Transport, LLC, and/or Richard Lee Castleman according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The purpose of this lawsuit is to obtain a judgment for Defendants’ breach of contract and for the collec tion of monies due and owing. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Plaintiff’s attorneys: Andersson Cross Border Law Corp., R. Dallan Bunce, WSBA #47213, 1305 11th St. STE 304. Bellingham, WA 98225. Legal
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Green Truck Financial, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Reginald Chandra, You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the twentieth (20) day of August, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff Green Truck Financial, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The purpose of this lawsuit is to obtain a judgment for Defendant’s breach of contract and for the collection of monies due and owing. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Plaintiff’s attorneys: Andersson Cross Border Law Corp., R. Dallan Bunce, WSBA #47213, 1305 11th St. STE 304. Bellingham, WA 98225.
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Green Truck Financial, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Iqbal Singh Samra, You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the twentieth (20) day of August, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff Green Truck Financial, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The purpose of this lawsuit is to obtain a judgment for Defendant’s breach of contract and for the collection of monies due and owing. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Plaintiff’s attorneys: Andersson Cross Border Law Corp., R. Dallan Bunce, WSBA #47213, 1305 11th St. STE 304. Bellingham, WA 98225.
The following property will be sold by written bid by 9:00 a.m. MST on 9/25/2020. 2017 Volvo VNL64T 670 4V4NC9EJ0HN986927. 2018 Vanguard R8000B 527SR5328JL012916. To inquire about this item please call Bret Swenson at 801-624-5864. Transportation Alliance Bank 4185 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403.
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STATE OF WASHINGTON, WHATCOM COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, In Re the Matter of: JOAN DUCHENE (DOB: 12/24/35) A Vulnerable Adult (Protected Person), RICHARD DUCHENE (DOB: 12/31/71), Respondent (Restrained Person), NO. 20-2-00749-37. Summons by Publication (SMPB).
The State of Washington to: RICHARD DUCHENE (Respondent). You Are Summoned to appear at a hearing on November 9, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., at Whatcom Superior Court, located at 311 Grand Avenue, Bellingham, Washington, 98225.
The date of the hearing is 60 days past the date of the first publication of this summons. At the hearing, you will have the opportunity to respond to the petition that alleges that the respondent threatened or committed acts of abandonment, abuse, exploitation, neglect, or financial exploitation against the alleged vulnerable adult listed above. The petition requests relief that will restrain the respondent from further such threats or acts, from coming near or having any contact with the vulnerable adult, from transferring the vulnerable adult’s or the respondent’s property. It may also require an accounting of the alleged vulnerable adult’s property.
If you fail to appear, the court may grant the relief requested in the petition and enter an order for protection that lasts up to five years.
A copy of the petition, the temporary order for protection, if one has been entered against the respondent, the notice of hearing, and/or the notice to vulnerable adult has been filed with the clerk of this court. Dated August 12, 2020 Petitioner: If you wish to keep your residential addr confidential, you may list an alternate address for receiving legal documents.
Assistant Attorney General 2211 Rimland Avenue, Suite 325
Bellingham, WA 98226 Summons by Publication (SMPB) WPF VA-9.030 Mandatory (11/2011) - CR 4, RCW 74.34.120, .135, RCW 4.28.110 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON Regional Services Division 2211 Rimland Drive, Suite 325 Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 676-2037
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WHATCOM, No. 20-2-00615-37. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Green Truck Financial, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Edwin Calvin Torrence Jones. Edwin Calvin Torrence Jones, is hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the tenth (10) day of September, and defend the above entitled action in the above enti tled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff Green Truck Financial, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of Edwin Calvin Torrence Jones’s, failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against Edwin Calvin Torrence Jones according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The purpose of this lawsuit is to obtain a judgment for Defendant’s breach of con tract and for the collection of monies due and owing. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Plaintiff’s attorneys: Andersson Cross Border Law Corp., R. Dallan Bunce, WSBA #47213, 1305 11th St. STE 304. Bellingham, WA 98225.
More Real Estate Listings are on page 12
The Northern Light • September 24 - 30, 2020
Windermere Real Estate/Whatcom Inc. 360.371.5100 8105 Birch Bay Square St. I-5 Exit 270, Blaine

BIRCH BAY LISTINGS For the health & safety of our clients, Windermere Real Estate is pleased to follow the State of Washington’s mandate to not hold Open Houses. We are, however, available to show you your dream home by virtual tour or private appointment. Please call your Realtor for assistance.
6885 Holeman Avenue
$329,000 MLS #1645390 Don’t miss this spectacular north facing waterfront view lot on Point Whitehorn. Situated amongst upscale homes, this lot overlooks Birch Bay and the Canadian mountains. The site features waterfront access for you to enjoy clamming, crabbing, beach combing, kayaking, and everything else Birch Bay has to offer. Build your dream home and take advantage of the gentle slope with a day light basement to capitalize on the beautiful view and great evening sunsets.
Matt Berry 360-389-0104

7545 Sunset Drive
$599,950 MLS #1622292 Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase a beautiful water view property w/ in home elevator to all floors! 3 bed/4 bath home has been very lightly lived in & would be an ideal full-time residence or vacation rental. Open concept kitchen/dining/living features gas fireplace, 10’ ceilings + leads directly to massive wraparound bay view deck. No detail overlooked: Credo built & rock solid - wide & bright spaces, skylights, solid core doors + just steps to Birch Bay State Park & The C-Shop.
Jen Freeman 360-815-0803

7714 Birch Bay Drive #402
$429,000 MLS #1597528 Enjoy sunsets from this deluxe top floor waterfront condo. This sunny west fac ing residence features 9ft ceilings, custom cabinets, slab granite counters, tile & wood flooring & open concept living area. Excep tional quality throughout this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with elevator access. Luxurious bathrooms include radiant heat tile floor ing & jetted tub. A beautiful extra deck for entertaining & 1 assigned covered parking. Deeded beach access. Amazing ocean view...start living the dream!
Randy Weg 360-305-5704
4751 Birch Bay Lynden Rd #113
$280,0000 MLS #1636879 Two for the price of one! Spectacular 800 sqft quality home on a 365-day lot, with an adjoining 180-day lot #4001302103950012 included in the sale. Park your RV, Motor Home or use second lot for entertaining or rental income. Home exterior is long lasting hardi-plank siding and metal roof. Interior has Corian countertops, gas fireplace, vault ed ceilings, cherry cabinets, tons of storage and 4 sky lights for lots of natural light. Too many great features to list!
Gerry Allen 360-920-0563

8075 Harborview Rd Unit #305
$430,000 MLS #1657972 Waterfront condo is perfect for a weekend getaway or the ultimate downsize! Premier third story unit at the Sands in Birch Bay has the ideal sunset view. Cozy fireplace, private deck provides great use of space & is ideal for beach living. Only 10 mins. to I-5 & the Border North to BC, this unit is in a prime lo cation. Building & grounds well-maintained. Elevator makes for easy access.
Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718


7714 Birch Bay Dr Unit #405
$619,900 MLS #1664824 Spectacular sunsets, deluxe top floor waterfront condo. Sunny west facing, fully furnished home features 9 ft ceilings 3 bedroom,2.5 bath, custom cabinets, slab granite counters, tile & wood flooring. Exceptional quality throughout, recent remodeling. Lower level has it’s own entrance for use as an office or artist studio. Luxurious baths in clude radiant heat, tile flooring & jetted tubs. 2 decks for entertaining,2 assigned covered parking spots, deeded beach access & Promenade. Amazing ocean views.
Billy Brown 360-220-7175
7450 Sunset Drive
$220,000 MLS #1625343 A Birch Bay Getaway with a Water View! Enjoy stunning sunsets from this home by the beach. Easy beach access only a short distance away and close to all the ameni ties Birch Bay has to offer. The home comes fully furnished and has 2 beds/2 bath with an extra large bonus room that is used as a 3rd bedroom, newer appliances, tankless hot water heater and an amazing back yard with patio and fire pit! The home is Move-In ready and would make a great place for full time living, vacation or rental.
Amy Bremer 360-961-0620

8804 Osprey Road
$769,000 MLS #1641328 8804 Osprey at Semiahmoo, is located right behind the 10th Green of this Private, World Famous Arnold Palmer Design. The home is 3111 sq. ft. located on a quiet dead-end cul-de-sac with circular driveway. Featuring soaring ceilings, impressive views, 3 or 4 bdrms depending on how you want to use it, & a remarkable entertaining layout. Natural gas, hardwood floors, granite, stainless, tile and carpet. Enjoy the new centerpiece of the deck, a sensational new stone horizontal fireplace! See it soon!
Brian Southwick 360-815-6638

9540 Semiahmoo Pkwy #D28
$38,000 MLS#1532325 Semiahmoo Marina! History, majesty, mystery...what a great place to moor your boat! Semiahmoo’s historic water tower stands sentinel. To the East, majestic Mt. Baker... and mystery, why are all those cars cruis ing Marine Drive in White Rock?! Semiahmoo Marina is only 16 nautical miles from the legendary, mystical San Juan Islands. Canada’s Gulf Islands and the Inside Pas sage are favorite nearby destinations. Golf, tennis, and swimming are available for a fee @ Semiahmoo Golf & Country Club.
Linda Kiens 360-815-6638

4313 Bay Road
$539,900 MLS #1665272 Classic farmhouse on 9.7 acres zoned R5A. Main floor has 2 bedrooms with additional 3 in finished basement. Remodeled kitchen w/granite tile countertops. Solid early con struction w/some original wood flooring, vinyl windows, breakfast bar. Natural gas heat& more. Fenced & cross fenced, 7 stall barn, large shop, fruit trees, RV parking. Great location on high ground. Minutes to I-5, Birch Bay & easy drive to Ferndale or Blaine.
Mike Kent 360-815-3898 www.windermere.com
3388 Haynie Road
$589,000 MLS #1628098 A wonderful opportunity awaits… private + peaceful equestrian property set back from the road, updated 4 bedroom/2.5 bathroom house, massive 30x60’ heated shop with power + 2 stall horse barn! Home features vaulted ceilings, modern updated flooring, cabinets, quartz counters, s/s appliances & gas fireplace. Zip down Valley View for quick & easy I-5 access or US/CAN border access. Don’t delay, this one checks all the boxes and won’t last long!
Leah Crews 360-305-4747

307 Whitetail Loop
$499,000 MLS #1651777 Welcome to 307 Whitetail Loop one of 16 in the circle with paved roads and walk ing sidewalks. Looking for brand new then look no further, get inside & take a look at this 4-bedroom, 2.5 bath home, excellent floor plan with the master on the main floor. Large open floor plan vaulted ceiling with very large rooms and natural sunlight, fully landscaped yard, all stainless high-end appliances. Quartz counter tops. Get in and take a look you will love it. Close to school, border & I-5.
Christy Imperio 360-201-4100
I’m always available to show you by private appointment all Residential, Commercial,
Vacant Land & New Construction Properties! What is your house worth? callhugh.johnlscott.com/home-evaluation
or Call Hugh: 360.371.5800
Hugh Brawford, Your Local Expert For All Real Estate,
Managing Broker Residential Or Commercial Services!
20+ ACRES - $175,000 Homesite Build your on Kickerville with beautiful, meandering Terrell Creek. Owner contract possible AT 20% DOWN, home here!
6.5% 30 year Amortization. Some residential zoning, currently in open space. Great tax advantage.
Semiahmoo Marina Boat Slips Available!
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Vacation Properties • Residential Properties • Commercial Properties WE DO IT ALL!

Call Phill Esau Today!
Nimbus Property Management
225 G Street, Suite 102 Downtown Blaine (Across from Hill’s Chevron)
NELSON BUILDING 925 Ludwick Ave., Blaine Near Truck Route & Shopping Mall LEASE SPACES FOR: Warehousing & Distribution Manufacturing or Retail Yard Storage for Vehicles
Please Call Don Nelson For Availability & Rates 360-332-2743 Email nelsbldg@msn.com Rentals - Commercial
FOR LEASE Retail/Office Space
Ground floor space with fantastic waterfront views of Blaine Harbor! 800 - 1600 s.f. FOR LEASING INFO CALL: 360/332-1777
All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.
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Community Newspaper of Blaine & Birch Bay