35 minute read
The Northern Light is published weekly by Point Roberts Press Inc.
Locally owned and managed, the company also publishes the All Point Bulletin, covering Point Roberts, Mount Baker Experience, covering the Mt. Baker foothills area, Pacific Coast Weddings annual guide, and the summer recreation guide Waterside as well as maps and other publications. Point Roberts Press Inc. is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, Chambers of Commerce of Bellingham/ Whatcom County, Birch Bay, Blaine and Point Roberts and the Bellingham/ Whatcom County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors.
Letters Policy
The Northern Light welcomes letters to the editor. Please include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters are limited to 350 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality, length and good taste. Thank-you letters are limited to five individuals or groups. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Consumer complaints should be submitted directly to the business in question or the local chamber of commerce. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published. Email letters to letters@thenorthernlight.com.
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick Grubb publisher@pointrobertspress.com
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The Northern Light 225 Marine Drive, Suite 200, Blaine, WA 98230 Tel: 360/332-1777 Vol XXVI, No 18 Circulation: 10,500 copies
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Next issue: Oct. 22 Ads due: Oct. 16
The Editor:
Recently, there has been expressed more concern for the elderly since the Covid-19 pandemic. It may be timely to establish a group to protest what other concerns this age group has. It could be referred to as ELM (Elderly Lives Matter). All members of this group have an existing condition – they were born. Most of the individuals would probably be considered “old geezers,” someone between old and dead.
The following are some concerns:
If receiving an enhanced flu shot is recommended, then why aren’t the shots readily available?
A lot of these folks own and have lived in the same home for many years. What has become apparent for a number of these folks is they can’t afford to own the home because of the increased assessed value, living on a fixed income and hiring help for maintenance. If they sell and wish to move to a smaller home on a smaller lot, none appear to be available in Blaine.
The need to travel some distance for medical issues becomes a problem. The loss of the ability to drive requires public transportation and for some, this is new and scary and requires a considerable amount of time. Friends help but they’re not always available. It is imperative the proposed medical facility is constructed in Blaine.
An ELM protest march might be a first and unique. The distance would be no more than one block. Porta-potties would be in abundance. Aid vehicles would be required in order to hold the march. Some of the participants might have unique means of transportation. But, in all seriousness, Blaine has a large population of elders (and your mother taught you to respect your elders). An effort is required to see their concerns are serious and need to be addressed.
Dennis M. Olason
The Editor:
I have been hearing political commercials for Alicia Rule and Sharon Shewmake on my Pandora station for the last couple of weeks. I kept hearing “paid for by New Direction PAC.” Being the curious person I am, I decided to look up this political action committee. This search led me to the Public Disclosure Commission website, you can do a web search and type ‘PDC plus any candidates first and last name’ to see how much money they have raised, and exactly who and where it is coming from.
This was very eye opening. I highly recommend every voter do this. These two ladies who are running to represent Whatcom County have a lot of money coming from Seattle, Olympia and out of state – most of their donations are also from unions. Why? You will have to answer that for yourself, but some of these donors are the same big money groups that tried to push into our schools the alarming comprehensive sex education curriculum that many of us fought hard to get on the ballot, instead of having it just mandated for our local children.
When I looked up the contributions of the other two ladies running to represent Whatcom County, Jennifer Sefzik, and Luanne Van Werven, I saw vastly more personal donations from real local people like you and I.
Do yourself a favor and know where the money is coming from for who you think you want to vote for, and ask yourself if that money represents you and your family’s interests. Does their “new direction” line up with your values and what you want for Whatcom County?
Shelly Button
The Editor:
Over the last weeks I have seen flyers and TV ads that make false and misleading statements about Sharon Shewmake’s position on “defunding the police.” These ads say she is in favor of defunding. That is just not true.
On September 16, Ms. Shewmake clearly stated her position. You can find her statement on her Facebook page. As the Position 2 State Representative in the 42nd Legislative District, Sharon has consistently voted for budgets that fund law enforcement and she will continue to do so. Yes, she is in favor of increasing mental health resources for those in mental health crises and that is an area where law enforcement wants and needs assistance. But, more than just being pro law enforcement, she has obtained funding for Whatcom County’s Crisis Stabilization Facility.
It is very disappointing to see these flyers and ads that include lies and distortions coming from a PAC exclusively funded by the state Republican Party. We need differing ideas but in these times, some choose the low road. These kinds of lies, divisiveness and political dirty tricks are not what the citizens of Whatcom County deserve.
Therefore, I am calling on Sharon’s opponent Jennifer Sefzik to publicly distance herself from these lies and dirty tricks, and clearly and unambiguously disavow the PAC, the flyers and ads. Such behavior is not appropriate. Sefzik knows better. We deserve better.
Truth has become a rare commodity. Sharon Shewmake tells the truth. That makes her a valuable representative for all of this county’s residents. Let’s play fair.
Sue Berkman
The Editor:
Are you aware that Friends of Libraries groups have their own national week of recognition and celebration? They do. And United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association will be coordinating the 15th annual National Friends of Libraries Week on October 18-24, 2020. What an appropriate time to extend a huge thank you to the Friends of the Blaine Library. Their help and support through the years has been instrumental in making our library a much loved and well-used hub of the community.
Back in early March, The Blaine Friends were excited to see their sizeable investment in the hiring of the Johnston Architects/King Architecture team result in a beautifully designed library building for the Blaine community. Then the pandemic hit. While disappointing indeed that the project has been put on a temporary hold ever since, the Friends continue to work in the background, busily planning next steps.
As we celebrate this group of individuals who have worked countless hours – some over the course of 10, 20 or amazingly, 30 plus years – would you please consider joining their team in support of our Blaine Library? Many of you have discovered the wealth of library resources for the first time during these latest months. Others have been awaiting our building reopening, anxious for access to many of the library’s critical services. Your help will be needed more than ever as we venture in to a recovery period and face a future library project. Please consider joining the Friends of the Blaine Library today, and have fun while sharing your skills and talents in promoting the value of the public library in your community.
Debby Farmer
The Editor:
My Biden supporter friends are not fascists. Fascist believe in a powerful central government that assumes responsibility for all outcomes and results in a utopian society. Trump supporters believe in capitalism, individualism, reduction in government control of our lives, and know life cannot be made perfect by politicians.
Fascists are militaristic. Trump supporters appreciate that he brokered Middle East peace agreements and is the only president in 40 years to not start a new war. The Trump Doctrine would no longer have America involved in endless wars that kill thousands of Americans and incur enormous debt.
Fascists suppress opposition. They tell you what words you can use, overturn elections, cancel the lives of dissenters, demand allegiance to their ideology, and attack people who wear clothing or hats that express opposition support. Trump supporters believe it is wrong to make people afraid to express their beliefs and know where the road to vilifying fellow citizens leads.
Fascists governments disarm civilians, making them more vulnerable to oppression and easy targets for criminals. Trump supporters are for the right to bear arms.
Fascists erase and re-write history. Trump supporters do not believe controversial statues should be destroyed because they provide an opportunity to learn from our history rather than repeat it.
Fascists perpetrate genocide. Trump supporters are anti-genocide. They oppose their taxes going to fund Planned Parenthood, founded by racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, with the majority of their abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods.
Nazi fascists had Aryan privilege laws that rewarded people based on race. Trump supporters are against laws that give preference for race because America should be a meritocracy.
I support Trump because he built a great economy and will do so again, supports law enforcement, is getting us out of endless wars, is brokering peace in the Middle East, enacted justice reform that helps minorities, will hold China accountable and has an America-first attitude. America is great and I do not want the Biden-Harris-AOCBernie coalition to fundamentally change it.
I do not think my Biden supporter friends are fascists. I think they are good people who are uninformed or consumed with a blinding hatred for Trump.
Dave Berry
Birch Bay
The Editor:
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it/America 2020. Harris/Biden administration’s America?
Public knowledge that Biden will be short term. Biden wanted a woman of color. Harris’ parents are from India and Jamaica. Isn’t it “racist” to choose by skin color? Harris openly supports open borders, thus creating sanctuary cities, like Seattle, while eliminating ICE. Entering the U.S. illegally is breaking the law. Sanctuary cities say it’s OK to break the law since ‘we’ll hide you and pay for your needs’ with taxpayer dollars.
Harris supports the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) to pay bail for those unable to pay. This sounds very philanthropic but the obvious fact is, any criminal who chooses to break the law should know you can be arrested and sent to jail. MFF says cash bail discriminates, is oppressive and targets folks who can’t afford bail. Once again, you break the law then there are consequences and one might be jail. Wouldn’t that fact alone be a deterrent? How many violent protesters got a “get out of bail free” card?
Harris praises Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization, and supports Planned Parenthood. Yes, Black lives matter, in fact, all lives matter. However; Planned Parenthood has more clinics in largely Black neighbor(See Letters, next page)
Letters ...
From previous hoods. Harris said the timing of an abortion is up to the woman, even if late term. Harris praises BLM as essential and BLM advocates defunding the police and eliminating the Drug Enforcement Administration. Harris said BLM protests are an essential component of evolution in our country, and a mark of a real democracy.
Free education and free medical sounds utopian but we, the taxpayers, would fund it. Biden said “More taxes,” then “No, I meant no taxes.” Biden hasn’t been told what his plans are, so he can’t tell us his plans for America. Biden has said “No fossil fuel, no fracking” and then later recants and says he didn’t say it. All verifiable.
Seems Democrat governors and mayors are OK with looting and riots, so what makes you think a Democratic president would be any different? Neither candidate is perfect, but I want President
The Editor:
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed serious inequities in our country and in our county.
Our children have been going to school remotely, from their homes. That requires efficient, affordable high-speed internet. Whatcom County has fallen far behind in providing this.Adults have been working remotely from their homes. That requires efficient, affordable high-speed internet. Whatcom County has fallen far behind in providing this.
Should people in Whatcom County have to drive to the library or sit outside at a café so they can access reliable internet? No. But that is what is happening.
High-speed internet is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Christine Grant, who is running for a seat on the Whatcom County Public Utility District is passionate about this. She has worked with the util-
We’re Celebrating! National Friends of Libraries Week October 18-24, 2020 Help us in supporting our Blaine Library and join the Friends of the Blaine Library today. Become a Member and Make a Difference! Ask a library staff member for an application.
BLAINE LIBRARY 610 3rd Street Book talk/multimedia presentation360.305.3637Paid for by Friends of Blaine Library
ities industry for years and she teaches energy policy at the Institute for Energy Studies at Western Washington University. She will bring this experience and knowledge to the PUD.
As Christine Grant says, “Water, electricity and fast, affordable internet are building blocks for economic success.”
Please vote for a change agent determined to make Whatcom County a national leader in providing clean, safe, affordable utilities for all people.
Your ballot will not be complete until you vote for Christine Grant for the Whatcom County Public Utility District. The PUD may be the last position on the ballot, but it is definitely not the least.
Helen Worley
(See Letters, page 13)
Due to COVID-19 and the Governor’s Proclamation, meetings are now only open to the public telephonically. Information on how to listen to the meeting live will be on the City Council agenda which is located on the City’s website homepage under Your Government, City Council, City Council Agenda. Please check the agenda prior to each meeting as the call in number or location may change.
Monday, October 19 4:30pm – Special City Council Meeting Study Session – 2021 Budget
Thursday, October 22 6:00pm – Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, October 26 4:30pm – Study Session – Public Works 2021 Budgets 6:00pm – City Council Meeting Public Hearing – Proposed Property Tax Levy
All City offices are currently closed to the public. Contact information for staff and Councilmembers can be found on the City’s website.
Call (360) 332-8311 or visit our website. www.cityofblaine.com
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Let’s Keep Judge David Freeman on The Whatcom County Superior Court
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Notice is hereby given that a public hearing for the 2021 revenue sources and proposed Property Tax Levy is scheduled for Monday, October 26, 2020, at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held virtually. Information on how “attend” the City Council meeting will be included on the agenda. City Council meeting agendas are published the Friday before the City Council meeting.
If you do not want to give testimony during the public hearing, please email your testimony to CityCouncil@cityofblaine. com. Please note that emails and letters sent to the entire Council are public record and they will be included on the City Council meeting agenda. All City Council meeting recordings are on the City’s website.
Anyone wishing to attend and participate who may need special accommodation to do so should contact the City Clerk’s office no later than seventy-two hours (72) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
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Using lessons learned from the first Asian giant hornet tracking attempt last week, researchers inched closer to success with a second attempt at tracking a live hornet on October 7.
The attempt ultimately failed after researchers lost the radio signal but it was not without triumph, said Sven Spichiger, Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) managing entomologist during an October 12 news conference.
“Everything is progressing as much as possible,” Spichiger said. “I’m pretty hopeful we’ll have a nest and perform an eradication”
Urgency comes as the hornets
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enter the ‘slaughter’ phase, where the hornets can destroy an entire bee colony to feed their young. By the end of October, hornets will start mating and venture out to create new colonies by next spring.
The live hornet was caught on October 5 at the same east Blaine location as the first tracking attempt, near Burk Road. Agency officials tried tracking the hornet the next day but had to start over on October 7 due to a technology malfunction on the tracking chip.
Scientists waited until fog cleared after noon to ensure they could see the hornet as it took off. They tied a tracking device onto the hornet’s abdomen with dental floss, instead of glue, which didn’t dry fast enough during the first tracking attempt and rendered that hornet immobile.
European counterparts, who use a similar device to track the Asian hornet, a different species, suggested the Washington scientists place the hornet on a higher surface for flight. The hornet launched off an apple tree and landed on a few nearby trees before landing near dense Himalayan blackberry bushes. The scientists then lost track of the hornet when it quickly flew into trees.
Vikram Iyer, a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington, contacted WSDA early this year about adapting a bug camera he made for beetles to track the invasive hornet.
The Bluetooth chip sends out a radio signal twice per second that allows people to track the chip through an app on their phone. The signal is directed about 30 feet from the radio tag in a forested area and up to a few hundred feet in a field, Iyer said.
“This is the same sort of approach that’s used in traditional wildlife tracking for large animals but this is struck down to a really small size,” he said during the news conference.
Staff were able to get an initial flight direction and talk to surrounding property owners who gave eyewitness sightings from the week prior and earlier in the summer, Spichiger said.
In the next few weeks, the agency will receive new radio tags with distances that reach farther with a stronger signal, Spichiger said. The tags aren’t kept in stock because of their short shelf life, he added.
The second tracking attempt came as the agency also received reports of two new sightings on October 9: A worker hornet trapped a mile south of the first Blaine sighting in December 2019 and a hornet trapped by Canadian authorities in Langley, B.C., just north of the border near the east Blaine sightings.
The two U.S. hornet findings on October 5 and October 9 brings the total number of confirmed specimens in Whatcom County to 18.
Spichiger said he is confident the agency will eradicate the east Blaine nest before the end of the month, but is worried by the lack of sightings near the suspected Birch Bay nest. A third nest is probable, he said, especially after the October 9 hornet trapped within Blaine city limits.
“We expected we’d see far worse than this and we’re really only focused on two or three areas in Whatcom County,” said Spichiger, who once feared the invasive species would have spread across western Washington by now. “But it looks like we’re concentrated in one area, which really gives us a fighting chance.”
Once the east Blaine nest is located, WSDA will perform an early morning eradication. The agency staff will vacuum hundreds of hornets out of the underground nest and then inject a tube with carbon dioxide to kill any remaining.
“We’re hurrying as much as we can but there’s a lot of ground for us to cover,” Spichiger said. “We will continue our efforts until we win.”
To report an Asian giant hornet sighting, visit bit.ly/34akL4H. People without internet can also call the hotline, 800/4436684 but this will take longer for WSDA staff to respond due to a heavy call volume. Beekeepers with hives under attack are urged to call the emergency line, 360/902-1880. For more information, visit agr.wa.gov/hornets.
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WSDA officials made their T second attempt at tracking an Asian giant hornet on October 7. Scientists tracked the invasive species by tying a Bluetooth chip on the hornet with dental floss.
t WSDA entomologist Chris Loo-
ney tracks the Asian giant hornet in east Blaine. WSDA officials eventually lost track of the hornet when it flew out of signal range.

Photos courtesy of WSDA
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s Dan DeMent, executive director of the Community Assistance
Program. Freedom Community Church donated its 4,000-square-foot building to CAP after the church closed this summer.
Photo by Oliver Lazenby

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The Community Assistance Program (CAP) now has its own building, thanks to a generation donation from the Freedom Community Church. The space, a 4,000-square-foot former church at 508 G Street, will allow CAP to streamline its operations, executive director Dan DeMent said.
CAP, an all-volunteer outreach program supported by local churches and donations, works to provide people in need in Blaine, Birch Bay, Custer and Point Roberts with necessities for daily life. CAP currently operates an array of programs out of several churches and other locations throughout Blaine.
“The plan is to consolidate our current activities,” DeMent said. “We basically function as a number of independent programs, and this would give us an opportunity to have it all in the same place.”
The building will allow CAP to process donated clothing, bedding and other donations faster, allow it to keep more consistent hours and be more efficient with volunteer hours, and it may serve as a distribution location for Thanksgiving baskets and other programs in the future.
For Freedom Community Church pastor David Riddle, it became evident earlier this year that the church had run its course. “It just became clear that we, as a church, had finished our race and that we were to put our strengths to other churches,” he said.
Since the church and property was donated to Freedom Community Church eight years ago by Northwest Community Church after that church had “finished its race,” it made sense to Riddle to pass the property along to a worthy organization for free.
He first thought about giving it to another church, but all the churches he knew of already had buildings. Riddle is a former CAP board member, so CAP was an obvious second choice.
“The building was a gift to us and we consider it a privilege to pass that gift along,” he said.
The church building has two stories with a chapel on the top floor and several spacious rooms below. It also has a parking lot that DeMent said should be big enough for CAP’s purposes.
CAP needs a conditional use permit from the city of Blaine before it can use the building for its many programs, since it’s in an area zoned for single-family homes, townhouses and duplexes.
CAP’s services include community meals, food assistance, clothing assistance, holiday gift assistance, free financial literary courses and a crisis office that provides immediate help with utility bills, prescription needs, short-term emergency lodging and other pressing needs.
Currently, those programs are spread throughout various locations in Blaine: The crisis office was at Christ Episcopal Church before the pandemic (it’s now mobile); community meals were held at the Blaine Senior Center; volunteers processed clothing donations from a 320-square-foot modified shipping container at 500 C Street, next to the Blaine Food Bank; clothing, Thanksgiving baskets and holiday gifts have been distributed at the Cost Cutter shopping center.
The organization outgrew its clothing bank long ago, DeMent said and CAP was working toward building a 1,200-squarefoot “CAP center” in its space next to the food bank.
“We were just ready to file for permits and proceed on that when we got this offer,” he said.
Though CAP started working toward finding its own space in 2018, the Covid-19 pandemic provided a fresh example of how owning a building could strengthen the organization. In March, CAP had to vacate its regular office due to a statewide closure of all Episcopal facilities. It had to close its clothing assistance program to the public that same month because social distancing isn’t possible in the storage container from which it operated.
“Covid has been a great example of how forces out of our control dictate do much,” DeMent said.
In 2019, CAP served 3,767 guests at its community meals, provided 230 families with Thanksgiving baskets, distributed 578 winter coats, and managed $59,208 in total donations, according to its annual report.

Learn more about the Community Assistance Program at blainecap.org.

i an h au P t
Erik Berkeley, 17, and Zane Coffey, 18, traveled to Talladega, Alabama, at the end of September for the World Speed Shooting Championship with a goal to shoot their personal bests. And the current and former Borderites did just that.
Coined “drag racing with handguns,” “speed steel” shooting challenges competitors to hit five steel targets as fast as possible.
“It’s just something that kind of stuck with me and I enjoyed right off the bat,” Zane said.
Also called “action shooting” or “steel challenge,” the sport is divided into eight stages where the targets are placed in different formations and distances from the shooter, ranging from 21 feet to 105 feet. Competitors shoot each stage five times and add their top four times to get their aggregate score per stage. Then, each stage’s score is added together to determine the shooter’s overall score. The sport requires focus, precision and speed.
Zane placed sixth in the pistol classification and 15th in rifle, while Erik placed 12th and 22nd, respectively.
Since the sport is based around time, Erik and Zane can measure their improvements every match. They said they both shot personal bests at the world championships.
Erik hoped to shoot a 75 in the rifle but a torrential downpour during his stages caused his rifle to malfunction, and he said he got in his own head. “My mentality was not in the right place,” he said. “But overall I had a good match. I’m happy with how I shot.”
Both the boys agreed that mentality is key when stepping up to the spot to shoot.
“Before I shoot, I try to clear my mind,” Erik said. “I don’t think about anything besides that next shot. Just ‘don’t think about nothin.’ Streamline.”
Zane said he enjoys this type of single-purpose focus.
“The focus on the targets, and what I’m doing, is really enticing,” he said. “You don’t really s Erik Berkeley shoots a practice stage as coach Jim Coffey times him at the Custer Sportsmen’s Club on
September 15, 2020.
Photo by Ian Haupt

get that other places.”
Zane said shooting well at the world championships made him realize he had a future in the sport. Seeing the high-level professionals in action showed Zane the level of competition he is not at yet, he said. “But I know I could get there at some point if I just keep practicing.”
Jim Coffey, Zane’s father, found competitive shooting eight years ago after tearing his hamstring playing soccer. He introduced Zane to it when he was just 10
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years old. Since action shooting doesn’t involve as much physical movement, but still requires fast twitch muscles and allows for competition, Jim saw it as an enjoyable alternative. He didn’t have much experience with firearms before then; Jim was never a hunter and didn’t grow up around them, he said.
“I kind of stumbled into competitive shooting,” Jim said.
After a couple years of going to shooting competitions, Jim and Zane found Team Gotta at the Custer Sportsmen’s Club. Team Gotta is a program of Juniors Aim, a local shooting nonprofit organization.
Eight years later, Jim is now the head coach and general manager of the team, which consists of nine athletes and four coaches. All team members are from Whatcom County except for one, who is from lower B.C. and has been separated from the team since the border closed to nonessential travel, Jim said.
Zane, who graduated from the program this year along with another member, will be returning as an assistant coach. The team has had up to 20 athletes in the past and is currently looking for new members, Jim said. He said fifth or sixth grade is the optimal time for kids to join the program.
“That gives them the most time to achieve what they want by the time they are out of the program,” Jim said.
Many kids also come out just to learn gun safety, Jim said, and that’s the first thing they’re taught.
“We’ve had dozens and dozens of kids come out and go through the gun safety portion of [the program] and really have no interest in competing,” Jim said. “And we’re more than happy to teach the gun safety aspects and fundamentals of shooting.”
Others are enticed by the competition side of the sport and hope to stay in the sport as long as possible, like Erik and Zane.
Erik started shooting long range when he was 12 years old and after a year was introduced to speed shooting. He said he gave up long-range shooting this year because his schedule became too busy to shoot two disciplines. He also plays football and baseball for the Borderites. During baseball and football season, he leaves practice about 30 minutes early to head the range to shoot.
“I figured it out, but there’s s Zane Coffey shoots a practice stage as father and coach Jim Coffey times him at the Custer Sportsmen’s Club on September 15, 2020. Photo by Ian Haupt

wins and losses,” Erik said. “Sometimes you have to miss defensive or offensive practices, or hitting, but it doesn’t really mess up my schedule too bad.”
Zane focuses his time on shooting. Jim said Zane had a good demeanor and skill set for shooting at a young age. His first year on the team, he went to nationals when he was 12 years old as an alternate. In the next six years, Jim said Zane and his teammates won at least one national title every year.
But the sport is not all about competing. Jim said those into competitive shooting are like a big family and always there to help each other out, or just keep each other company.
“Every match I go to, I meet somebody new or see people from previous matches, who come up and say ‘hi’ to you and ‘good luck,’ and just talk about how you shot,” Erik said. “You can spend the whole day just talking to the same person you met at a match.”

A Special Section of published monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month
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Fall Home Maintenance Reminders
Fall is here and our weather is changing. Here are a few home maintenance reminders to help you prepare: q Check your furnace and change filters. q Check your fireplace and chimney. q Stock up on firewood. q Test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. q Inspect water drainage system, including gutters, downspouts, and drains. q Inspect trees for dead limbs and limbs near power lines and roofs. q Trim trees and bushes. q Plant bulbs and bring in flowerpots. q Put away seasonal furniture. q Test generator.