10 minute read
October 24, 4:02 p.m.: An individual called 911 to report their tenant is growing marijuana in their garage. Officers spoke to the reporting party who advised there were approximately two plants. Officers informed the caller this was legal in Washington state.
October 24, 3:35 p.m.: Blaine Police were called by a victim of fraud in North Dakota. The victim had purchased a vehicle online from an address in Blaine. The purchaser arrived to pick up the vehicle and found the seller to not be in Blaine. Officers determined the financial theft occurred outside of the city of Blaine and there was no real connection to Blaine. The victim was referred to the correct authorities.
October 24, 10:00 p.m.: A good Samaritan turned over an air compressor they found near their home by Lincoln Park. An officer picked it up and drove to some nearby construction sites. The owner of the air compressor was found and it was returned.
October 25, 7:23 a.m.: A person reported a tree had fallen down onto the roadway. A police officer arrived and removed the tree from the road.
October 26, 6:12 a.m.: An employee of a coffee stand reported an unknown person walked up to the stand and asked if a bone he was holding was a human jaw bone. The suspicious person then walked away from the business. A police officer searched for the unknown male subject, but could not find him.
October 26, 4:00 p.m.:
A person reported they found a bike by an abandoned barn. A police officer confiscated the bike and placed it into the designated property room as safe keeping. The police attempted to locate the owner, but had negative results.
October 26, 8:43 p.m.:
A concerned citizen turned in a found wallet to the Blaine Police Department. Officers were able to locate an address for the wallet owner and returned it to him.
October 26, 10:32 p.m.: Blaine Police Department officers responded to a report of a vessel sinking in the Blaine Marina. Marina residents and harbor security had already begun pumping water out of the vessel. The complainant advised this is the second occurrence where a vessel associated to him has taken on water. Investigation is ongoing.
October 26, 9:00 p.m.: A woman called 911 to report an unknown person was seen knocking on their front door last night. The caller stated the unknown person left after the front door wasn’t answered. Extra patrols were requested in the area.
October 28, 6:30 a.m.: Officers responded to the 200 block of G Street to report a man camped on private property. The property owner advised he would like the
1. Dutch word for “language” 5. Popular music style 8. Body part 11. Largely dry valleys 13. Brew 14. Ancient Greek sophist 15. Where rockers play 16. Human gene 17. One point east of northeast 18. Adversary 20. Small cask or barrel 21. About ear 22. Benign tumors 25. In a different way 30. One charged with a crime 31. Chinese principle underlying the universe 32. Long, narrow straps 33. Passover 38. Ottoman military commander 41. One who does not succeed 43. Data 45. 3D image 47. Whale ship captain 49. Japanese title 50. Made of wood 55. Yokel 56. Exercise system __-bo 57. Supreme being 59. Playing card with three spots 60. Hostelry 61. Spiritual leader 62. Single lens reflex 63. Time of the 90th meridian, used in the central U.S. 64. Thomas __, American cartoonist
1. Shuttered airline 2. Swiss river 3. Port city in Yemen 4. It can be straight 5. Tennis player’s tool 6. Estranged 7. Garden archway 8. Assists 9. Grain crop 10. Millisecond 12. U.S. Founding Father Adams 14. Small, deerlike buffalo 19. Easily manageable 23. Male parent 24. Nearsightedness 25. Patriotic women 26. Decorate a cake with
frosting 27. __ fi (slang) 28. A joke rooted in wordplay 29. Attack violently 34. Keyboard key 35. __ juris: independent 36. Corporate executive (abbr.) 37. Adult female bird 39. Pertains to knowledge 40. Pashtoes 41. Prefixed title for Italian monks 42. To be fired from a gun 44. A way to position 45. __ process: produces ammonia 46. Follow instructions 47. Humanistic discipline 48. Throw 51. Swiss river 52. American hate group 53. Actor Idris 54. Seizes 58. Baseball stat individual trespassed. Officers arrived and determined the tent was on city property. Officers responded to the same location for an additional report from the property owner that the individual was now urinating in public and moved his tent onto the private property. Officers determined the tent was now on private property. The property owner had photographs of the man urinating in public. Officers trespassed the suspect from the private property, and charges for Lewd Acts and Obstructing a Public Officer are being forwarded to the prosecutor.
October 30, 2:25 p.m.:
Officers stopped a vehicle traveling on the roadway for an equipment violation. Officers identified the driver as someone who had probable cause for her arrest for felony drug possession. Officers arrested the individual and booked her into the Whatcom County Jail.
October 30, 6:00 p.m.: Blaine Police were notified of a possible vehicle prowl which occurred in the 9200 block of Semiahmoo Parkway. An apparently abandoned vehicle had recently been vandalized. Officers attempted to contact the owner by phone but were unsuccessful. The Whatcom County Parks were notified of the damaged and abandoned vehicle on their property.
Report by Blaine Police Department.
November 6-12 at Blaine. Not for navigation. 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Fr 6
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0.5 10:27 am
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Mo 9 4:53 am
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Tu 10 5:59 am
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Th 12 2:01 pm 2:34 am
2:33 pm 1.0
9.8 12:51 pm 11:16 pm 1:29 pm 9.4
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Precipitation: During the period of October 26 to November 1, no precipitation was recorded. The 2020 year-to-date precipitation is 29.4 inches.
Temperature: High for the past week was 61°F on October 30 with a low of 32°F on October 26. Average high was 56°F and average low was 42°F.
Coming up
Please wear masks and follow physical distancing guidelines.
Holiday Gift Assistance: Families living in the Blaine School District who have limited financial resources can now register for the Community Assistance Program’s Community Toy Store. For more info and to register, visit blainecap.org or call 360-820-6631. Registration deadline is November 29. Dance/Cheer Mini-Camp: Thursdays, November 12–December 17, Birch Bay Activity Center, 7511 Gemini Street. Kids 6–8 years old build skills and confidence in this combo dance/cheer class. $10 plus optional $15 costume. Info and registration: bbbparkandrec.org. Soccer Skills Clinic: Tuesdays, November 10–December 15, Birch Bay Activity Center, 7511 Gemini Street. Kids 5–7 years old learn soccer skills. $10. Info and registration: bbbparkandrec.org. Thanksgiving Wine Tasting: Friday, November 13, 5–8 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. Josh Silverman of Grape Expectations showcases wines for your Thanksgiving menu. Reservations call 360/3920955. Thanksgiving Baskets: Tuesday, November 24. Free, ready-to-cook turkey dinners available for pick-up for families in Blaine, Birch Bay and Custer who are experiencing financial difficulty. Pre-registration required by November 13. Info and registration visit the Thanksgiving Basket page on blainecap.org or call 360/383-8444. Sponsored by the Community Assistance Program
Blaine’s Holiday Market By The Sea: Saturdays, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Sundays 12–4 p.m. inside 648 Peace Portal Drive. Local crafts, art, décor and goodies. Info: blainechamber.com. Blaine Food Bank: 500 C Street. Open Mondays 9 a.m.—noon, Wednesdays 5–7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m.—noon. Delivery options available. Info:360/332-6350 or blainefood@hotmail.com. The Bridge Food Distribution Program: Fridays 3:30–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Registration required at thebridgehope.com or call 360/366-8763. Volunteers welcome. The Bridge Clothing Bank Boutique: Open Wednesdays 3–5 p.m. and Fridays 12–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Donations by appointment, call 360/366-8763. Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: Third Thursdays, 1 p.m. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com. Coffee With The Contractor Virtual Meetings: Fourth Thursdays, 8 a.m. Learn the progress of the Birch Bay berm project with members of Granite Construction, Whatcom County Public Works and the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com Blaine Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: First Wednesday, noon. Meeting ID on blainechamber.com. Blaine Library: 610 3rd Street. Open by appointment, Monday–Saturday 1–5 p.m. Call for an appointment. Curbside holds and pick up, Monday–Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Info 360/305-3637. Meals on Wheels & More: Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Adults 60+ pick up one fresh and six frozen meals. Suggested donation $5 per meal. First come first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.
Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to calendar@thenorthernlight.com no later than noon on Monday.
sheriff’s repOrts
November 1, 12:44 a.m.: Refer to other agency on Haynie Road, Custer. November 1, 1:16 a.m.: Request for law enforcement on Jess Road, Custer. November 1, 1:39 a.m.: Watch for on Birch Bay Drive. November 1, 1:35 a.m.: Traffic hazard on Henry Road. November 1, 4:00 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Halibut Drive. November 1, 9:19 a.m.: Mental on Surf Place. November 1, 10:17 a.m.: Landlord-tenant dispute cold call on Salish Lane. November 1, 10:45 a.m.: Follow up on Pheasant Drive. November 1, 11:40 a.m.: Follow up on James Tree Lane. November 1, 11:40 a.m.: Threat cold call on Birch Bay Drive. November 1, 3:00 p.m.: Mental on Birch Bay-Lynden Road. November 1, 3:15 p.m.: Welfare check on Iverson Lane, Custer. November 1, 5:19 p.m.: Welfare check on Koehn Road. November 1, 5:42 p.m.: Harassment on Birch Bay Square Street. November 1, 6:15 p.m.: Harassment on Birch Bay Square Street. November 1, 6:20 p.m.: Welfare check on Creasy Road, Custer. November 1, 6:23 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle on Birch Bay Drive and Alderson Road. November 1, 6:34 p.m.: Follow up on Valley View and Loomis Trail roads, Custer. November 1, 6:45 p.m.: Follow up on Koehn Road. November 1, 8:43 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Harbor Drive. November 1, 8:46 p.m.: Landlord tenant dispute on Harbor Drive. November 2, 6:33 a.m.: Neighborhood dispute on Jackson Road. November 2, 7:33 a.m.: Extra patrol on Aldergrove Road. November 2, 9:52 a.m.: Assist citizen cold call on Birch Bay-Lynden Road. November 2, 7:22 a.m.: Theft cold call on Seaview Drive. November 2, 12:13 p.m.: Theft cold call on Davit Court. November 2, 1:27 p.m.: Burglary cold call on Drayton Harbor Road. November 2, 3:49 p.m.: Assist agency on Harborview Road. November 2, 4:30 p.m.: Property found on North Golf Course Drive. November 2, 5:55 p.m.: Threat cold call on Clamdigger Drive. November 2, 7:48 p.m.: Harassment on Ruby Street. November 3, 4:05 a.m.: Vehicle recovery on H Street Road and Kettle Way. November 3, 7:07 a.m.: Animal problem on Stadsvold Road. November 3, 7:08 a.m.: Request for law enforcement on Bay Road. November 3, 7:13 a.m.: Traffic hazard on Sweet and Stadsvold roads. Reports provided by WSCO
s The C Shop takes part in the countywide Trip-or-Treat event on
October 30.
Photo by Ian Haupt

s Members of the Christ the King Community Church pass out candy
for Trip-or-Treat.
Photo by Ian Haupt s The Freeman family on C Street in Blaine hosted a “Carnival of Clowns” Halloween celebration. Photo by Oliver Lazenby

Mini Camps for Kids!
Combo Dance/Cheer THURSDAYS, NOV. 12- DEC. 17 • 4 PM KIDS AGES 6-8 YEARS OLD. $10, Optional $15 costume for final performance Build skills and confidence in this combo class of dance and cheer. 5-week session with online recital during last class. Led by Kristina Pollard.
Soccer Skills Clinic TUESDAYS, NOV 10-DEC. 15 • 4 PM AGES 5 - 7 • $10 Learn soccer skills with the 5-week mini-session led by Kristina Pollard
Class size limited • Register now!
$6 OFF any order of $30 or more! Dine in or take out. Not valid with any other offers. Lunch or Dinner. Exp. 11/19/2020

LUNCH & DINNER! bit.ly/pasodelnorte
758 Peace Portal Dr. • Downtown Blaine 360-332-4045
s The Blaine Food Bank hosted socially-distant trick-or-treating for kids
on Halloween.
Oliver Lazenby photo