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Police reports: The best and the weird of 2020, July through December

(Continued from last week)


July 11, 1:58 a.m.: Blaine police officers responded to a person jumping in and out of the ditch on the U.S./Canada border. Officers arrived with Border Patrol agents and determined it was a drunken person who was not trying to cross illegally. The person was given a courtesy transport home.

July 20, 3:02 p.m.: Blaine police officers were dispatched to a report of two men yelling at each other in the 900 block of Peace Portal Drive. Officers arrived and contacted the apparent victim. The victim claimed another man ran up to him and began yelling obscenities while the victim was eating lunch. The two men know each other and frequently yell at one another. No crime was found to have occurred and the other party was not able to be located.

August 2, 12:00 p.m.: Blaine police officers received a call where a citizen wanted to report an ongoing issue with an acquaintance. The man explained that several times in the past few weeks a man he barely knows confronts him, swears at him and challenges to a fight but always backs down and runs away when challenged in return. The man was advised to seek an order from the courts prohibiting contact.

August 22, 7:12 p.m.: A Blaine resident called the police to report an ongoing issue with a neighbor’s dog. The dog apparently comes into the resident’s yard to relieve itself. The resident’s girlfriend has spoken to the neighbor about this issue in the past, but the problem persists. An officer contacted the neighbor and spoke with her regarding the complaint and remedies to keep her animal under control. The neighbor was given an official dog-at-large warning and informed that future occurrences would result in a criminal citation.

August 30, 10:09 p.m.: Blaine police officers were notified by U.S. Border Patrol agents of a hit and run in the 1600 block range of D Street. Officers determined the suspect backed his vehicle into two portable toilets near a construction site, causing damage to the attached hand-washing station. Border agents advised they were actively following the suspect driver southbound on I-5. Blaine officers and a U.S. Border Patrol agent conducted a traffic stop on the suspect who admitted to backing into the portable toilets on purpose. The driver was also investigated by the Washington State Patrol for suspicion of driving under the influence and determined to not be impaired. Officers arrested, cited and released the individual with a mandatory court date. Officers cleared with no further incident.

September 1, 12:08 a.m.:

Blaine police officers on routine patrol observed a vehicle traveling on the roadway with a listed registered owner showing a suspended license status in Washington. Officers stopped the vehicle and determined the driver was not the registered owner and he was allowed to leave. Officers ran the driver for warrants and determined he had several warrants for his arrest and a suspended license status. Officers re-contacted the driver. He was placed under arrest and taken to the Whatcom County Jail without incident.

September 26, 12:00 p.m.: A woman called police to report someone smeared a pizza on her vehicle. The woman suggested her ex-boyfriend as a suspect, but did not have any interest in pursuing charges. She requested the incident be documented in case future incidents occur.

October 26, 6:12 a.m.: An employee of a coffee stand reported an unknown person walked up to the stand and asked if a bone he was holding was a human jaw bone. The suspicious person then walked away from the business. A police officer searched for the unknown male subject, but could not find him.

October 28, 6:30 a.m.: Blaine police officers responded to the 200 block of G Street to report a man camped on private property. The property owner advised he would like the individual trespassed. Officers arrived and determined the tent was on city property. Officers responded to the same location for an additional report from the property owner that the individual was now urinating in public and moved his tent onto the private property. Officers determined the tent was now on private property. The property owner had photographs of the man urinating in public. Officers trespassed the suspect from the private property, and charges for Lewd Acts and Obstructing a Public Officer are being forwarded to the prosecutor.

November 2, 9:40 a.m.: A person reported an unknown man came out of a wooded area and walked up to her to give her a pie. The man proceeded to follow her towards her house until the husband came out. The unknown man quickly left the area. The U.S. Border Patrol found the person and stayed with him until the police arrived. A Blaine police officer arrived and contacted the male subject and identified him. The police determined no crime was committed, but asked the person to not return. The person packed up his campsite, and later requested a courtesy ride to the mission.

November 15, 5:14 p.m.:

Blaine police assisted a Canadian citizen with a missing person report when her boyfriend failed to meet her at Peace Arch Park at a designated time. It was discovered that the man had accidentally entered Canada and had been detained for several hours by local authorities.


ACROSS 1. Adequate yearly progress (abbr.) 4. Silicon Valley’s specialty 8. Gather a harvest 10. Famed mathematician 11. No (slang) 12. Students use one 13. Type of molecule 15. Play make-believe 16. Large barrel-like containers 17. Touching 18. Treats allergies 21. Calendar month 22. Single 23. Cease to live 24. Brew 25. What ghosts say 26. Geological time 27. Focus 34. Discomfort 35. A citizen of Iran 36. Trip 37. Imitate 38. Makes happy 39. Double-reed instrument 40. Body parts 41. Transgressions 42. One-time emperor of Russia 43. Time zone

DOWN 1. Used in treating bruises 2. One who cultivates a small estate 3. One who supports the Pope 4. Annuity 5. Geological period 6. Grab onto tightly 7. Kept 9. Chinese city 10. The most direct route 12. Type of tooth 14. __ kosh, near Lake Winnebago 15. Popular veggie 17. Supervises interstate commerce 19. Foolish behaviors 20. Witness 23. Gives 24. Expression of creative skill 25. A way to prop up 26. Midway between northeast and east 27. Winter melon 28. Supernatural power 29. Target 30. Threes 31. A type of poetic verse 32. They make some people cry 33. Kindest 34. Forman and Ventimiglia are two 36. A way to liquefy


January 7-14 at Blaine. Not for navigation. 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W


Fr 8 1:42 am 6.85 5:47 am

12:01 pm 9.99 7:44 pm

Sa 9 3:14 am 7.97 7:09 am

12:43 pm 9.96 8:32 pm

Su 10 4:22 am 9.05 8:31 am

1:29 pm 9.90 9:20 pm

Mo 11 5:16 am 9.88 9:45 am

2:17 pm 9.78 10:08 pm

Tu 12 6:04 am 10.41 10:51 am

3:07 pm

9.57 10:54 pm We 13 6:46 am 10.66 11:49 am

Th 14 3:59 pm

9.23 11:40 pm 7:26 am 10.69 12:43 pm 4:51 pm 8.77 5.64














Precipitation: During the period of December 28 to January 3, 2.62 inches of precipitation was recorded. The 2020 precipitation was 44.61 inches. The 2021 yearto-date precipitation 1.22 inches.

Temperature: High for the past week was 54.9°F on January 1 with a low of 33.4°F on December 29. Average high was 49.2°F and average low was 37°F.

Coming up

Please wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.

Friends of Birch Bay Library Calendar Fundraiser: Purchase a 2021 calendar featuring photos of beautiful Birch Bay taken by local photographers. Cost: $20 available at friendsofbirchbaylibrary.org. New Relics Art Exhibit: Tuesday–Saturday, January 8–30, 11 a.m.–4 p.m., Allied Arts of Whatcom County, 1418 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham. New Relics presents works created in our modern era but with a nod to traditional themes and techniques featuring work from Richard Bulman, Nikole Dixon and Jessica Molnar. Info: alliedarts.org.


Blaine Food Bank: 500 C Street. Open Mondays 9 a.m.–noon, Wednesdays 5–7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m.–noon. Delivery options available. Info:360/332-6350 or blainefood@hotmail.com.

The Bridge Food Distribution Program: Fridays 3:30–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Registration required at thebridgehope.com or call 360/366-8763. Volunteers welcome.

The Bridge Clothing Bank Boutique: Open Wednesdays 3–5 p.m. and Fridays 12–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Donations by appointment, call 360/3668763.

Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: Third Thursdays, 1 p.m. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com. Coffee With The Contractor Virtual Meetings: Fourth Thursdays, 8 a.m. Learn the progress of the Birch Bay berm project with members of Granite Construction, Whatcom County Public Works and the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com Blaine Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: First Wednesday, noon. Meeting ID on blainechamber.com. Blaine Library: 610 3rd Street. Closed in-branch visits. Curbside holds and pick up, Monday–Thursday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. For more info: 360/3053637.

Meals on Wheels & More: Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Adults 60+ pick up one fresh and six frozen meals. Suggested donation $5 per meal. First come first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.

Toastmasters Virtual Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30–7:45 p.m. More info: 360/933-1671.

Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to calendar@thenorthernlight.com no later than noon on Monday.

Year in Review ...

From page 3 schools started the year in online learning. • The Blaine school board voted unanimously to approve a letter of agreement between the district and a union representing school service employees that would furlough employees until October 31. Under this agreement, staff such as bus drivers, food service providers and paraeducators would keep their health insurance. • Two Blaine roommates had an altercation over Covid-19 that ended in one being booked into Whatcom County Jail on fourth-degree assault on August 22. • A low-barrier Covid-19 testing site was set up in Birch Bay at the Birch Bay Bible Community Church on August 25, as well as five other locations that would test on other week days throughout the county. • An August 28 vehicle collision on Birch Bay-Lynden Road and Holiday Drive resulted in a Blaine resident being sent to the hospital and the arrest of a Custer man for vehicular assault.


• Good Old Boys golf group of Semiahmoo donated $14,000 to Blaine Food Bank on September 4 after it raised the money from its annual three-day tournament and weekly donations during the summer. • Living Pantry, which sells natural food and products in zero waste packaging, held its grand opening at 684 Peace Portal Drive on September 5. • Scientists discovered juvenile European green crabs in the mouth of Dakota Creek during the first week of September, bolstering that week’s capture numbers to be among the highest since trapping began in late May. Scientists began trapping for the invasive species after they were first spotted in Drayton Harbor in fall 2019. • Third Time’s A Charm Thrift opened its second-hand shop in Birch Bay on August 21. • Whatcom County Library System saw a significant increase in electronic use since the start of the pandemic, with some months having twice the database visits as 2019. • Smoky skies blanketed Blaine during one of the state’s worst fire seasons, plummeting air quality and causing burn bans in Whatcom County. • Peace Arch Park became a popular wedding venue for an estimated 20 weekly cross-border couples looking to reunite. • Blaine school district welcomed about 50 students into its buildings on September 21, marking the first time students began in-person classes since March. Preschoolers and students in life skills were the first to return because they were deemed most at risk to lose an equitable education during remote learning. • Three east Blaine housing developments – Bridges Plat, East Maple Ridge and Grandis Pond – will add 1,400 homes in the next 15 years and double Blaine’s housing stock. Developers said these are the largest housing developments in the county. • Blaine City Council voted unanimously to extend its emergency resolution allowing businesses to the H Street and G Street plazas for outdoor dining at its September 28 meeting. The resolution was extended until phase 3 of the state’s Safe Start Washington plan. • The Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce restarted its monthly “Coffee with the Contractor” meetings on September 24 after the Birch Bay berm construction started the month prior.


• Washington State Department of Agriculture officials attempted tracking their first Asian giant hornet after a series of hornet sightings on an east Blaine property gave the state agency its largest lead on the hornets. • Governor Jay Inslee relaxed the state’s Safe Start reopening plan on October 6 to allow for various activities like libraries and movie theatres allowing for 25 percent indoor capacity, restricted sports practices and restaurants could serve alcohol until 11 p.m. and sit up to six per table. • Freedom Community Church donated its 4,000-square-foot building on G Street to the Community Assistance Program. The building will help the nonprofit consolidate its operations. • Washington State Department of Agriculture officials made a second attempt at tracking the Asian giant hornet on October 6 but ultimately lost track of the hornet when it flew into trees in east Blaine. • Ballots for the November 3 general election were mailed on October 14 and Whatcom County auditor Diana Bradrick advised voters to return their ballots quickly because half of ballots are often returned during election week. • The Blaine Farmer’s Market operated during the fall for the first time, using the old Wolten and Montfort grocery space at 648 Peace Portal Drive. • Washington State Supreme Court ruled on October 15 that Initiative 976, which would have reduced car-tab taxes to a maximum $30, was unconstitutional due to too many subjects and misleading titles. • Whatcom County Council increased the Birch Bay berm’s project budget on October 13 by $841,786, totaling the overall budget to $15,291,786. The additional money was given to help crews power through any unforeseen construction issues or delays, including those caused by the pandemic. • Washington scientists finished the first full season of European green crab trapping in mid-October after trapping 253 of the invasive crab in Drayton Harbor. • Whatcom County executive Satpal Sidhu released a proposed $451.6 million budget for 20212022 with a roughly 17 percent decrease in total expenditures from the county’s amended 2020 budget. • The Northern Light broke news that the Washington State Department of Agriculture authorities had successfully tracked and located the first Asian giant hornet nest in the U.S. on October 22. • The Washington State Department of Agriculture eradicated the first Asian giant hornet nest in the U.S. on October 24. • On October 27, one week before Election Day, the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office had received 82,765 ballots – more than half of all ballots from 157,715 registered voters in the county and more than double the number of ballots that had been returned at the same point in the 2016 presidential election. • Blaine and Birch Bay celebrated Halloween socially distant this year with virtual costume contests and drive-through trick-ortreating.


• Blaine city councilmember Alicia Rule beat Republican incumbent Luanne Van Werven for the 42nd Legislative District Position 1 seat. Democratic incumbent Sharon Shewmake maintained her 42nd Legislative District Position 2 seat against Republican Jennifer Sefzik. This marked the first time since 1998 when Democrats occupied both 42nd district House seats. • Amidst a growing rate of Covid-19 infections, the Whatcom County Health Department recommended people only celebrate the holidays with members of their own household. • The Blaine school district saw a decrease of 75 full-time students enrolled since October 2019. This school year started with 2,076 full-time students in September and then dropped 12 students in October. • Over 500 Asian giant hornets were found in the east Blaine nest eradicated on October 24, Washington State Department of Agriculture officials reported after dissecting the nest that was found in a tree. Despite the number of hornets, entomologists believed few, if any, queens made it out of the nest to form a new colony. • A small group of veterans celebrated Veterans Day at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Blaine on November 11.

s From l.: Malise Yun from the Washington Conservation Corps and Lindsey Parker from WDFW inspecting traps in Drayton Harbor. Photo courtesy Allie Simpson/NW Straits

• Birch Bay residents opened their second M.D. Spa and Wellness Center, located inside the Sandcastle Resort on Birch Bay Drive. The spa offers similar amenities to its Bellingham location including Botox, massages, facials and a Jacuzzi spa. • A November 17 press release from the Council on American Islamic Relations Washington and the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project alleged that local CBP leadership not only detained many more U.S. citizens and residents of Iranian backgrounds in a January 3-4 crackdown than previously known but subsequently attempted to cover up their actions. • The Blaine library and other Whatcom County Library System closed their buildings on November 23, less than two weeks after opening to the public with limited hours and 25 percent capacity. • Revenue from the city of Blaine’s Business and Occupation (B&O) tax helped the city’s 2021 budget after the council decided to reimplement late fees. The budget was expected to increase $65,000 to $200,000. • Claims for unemployment insurance increased in Whatcom County during the week of November 15 to 21, doubling from 482 claims the week before to 985. The surge in claims, which came the same week governor Jay Inslee closed indoor dining, was the highest number of claims since the week of July 5 to 11. • Blaine school district board members unanimously voted on November 24 to follow revised Whatcom County Health Department guidelines recommending districts not phase in middle and high school students. • Whatcom County Council adopted a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in its November 24 meeting.


• A 64-year-old Birch Bay woman faced second-degree attempted murder charges after allegedly trying to assault her neighbor with a hunting knife on December 3. • Blaine High School’s National Honor Society started offering district-wide tutoring to support students with online school. • The Rustic Fork, a Peace Portal Drive Italian restaurant, opened on December 17. • A Birch Bay mail truck was engulfed in flames and destroyed early 175 packages during a morning delivery on December 7. No injuries resulted from the fire. • Whatcom County Council approved funding for 78 body cameras to be worn by Whatcom County Sheriff’s deputies by the end of March 21. The total cost of the body camera program for five years is $381,437. • Blaine mailbox stores faced the holidays, their busiest season of the year, without their largest customers as the U.S./Canada border entered its ninth month closed to nonessential travel. • Covid-19 vaccines arrived in Washington state on December 14, bringing about 62,400 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in the first week. • The Community Assistance Program served 302 children at its annual Toy Store, with community members donating 829 toys, 162 gift cards and $6,331 in monetary donations. Proceeds amounted to $4,032 and divided between the Wildbird Charity Weekend Food Bag Program, The Bridge Community Hope Center Fund and the Community Toy Store to sustain its funds. • The city of Blaine began the search for a new at-large council member on December 8 after Alicia Rule resigned. • The first Covid-19 vaccine doses given in Whatcom County were administered to healthcare workers at PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center on December 18. By the end of the year, PeaceHealth has administered over 1,000 vaccines to healthcare workers. • An oil train derailed in Custer shortly after 11:40 a.m. on December 22, forcing evacuations within a mile of the site as burning train cars sent plumes of smoke into the air. • The Blaine school district announced middle and high school students would start hybrid learning in early January, with students alternating weekly between in-person and online classes. • The Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce hosted a socially distant Ring of Fire celebration on New Year’s Eve and then community members plunged into the cold Birch Bay waters on New Year’s Day for a virtual Brrr-tual Polar Bear Plunge.

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