11 minute read
March 6, 5:47 p.m.: Suicide attempt/threat on Marine Drive. March 6, 5 p.m.: Assist other agency on Sweet Road. March 7, 3:30 p.m.: Violation of a court order on A Street. March 7, 9:09 p.m.: Information report on C Street. March 8, 7:08 p.m.: Assist other agency on Peace Portal Drive. March 9, 12:45 a.m.: Security check on Fir Avenue. March 9, 1:32 a.m.: Suspicious circumstance on Semiahmoo Park. March 9, 10:56 a.m.: Identity theft – impersonation on Osprey Road. March 9, 11 a.m.: Disorderly conduct on Peace Portal Drive. March 9, 6:13 p.m.: Extra patrol on 11th Street. March 9, 6:51 p.m.: Civil case on Vista Terrace Drive. March 9, 7:25 p.m.: Suspicious circumstance on H Street. March 9, 7:40 p.m.: Warrant arrest on H Street. March 10, 11 a.m.: Welfare check on Vista Terrace Drive. March 10, 11:27 a.m.: Warrant arrest on Martin Street. March 10, 4:47 p.m.: Welfare check on Peace Portal Drive. March 11, 8:52 a.m.: Traffic stop violation on Bell Road. March 11, 9:28 a.m.: Trespass authorization letter on Peace Portal Drive. March 11, 9:44 a.m.: Property lost on H Street. March 13, 11:19 a.m.: Assist other agency on H Street. March 13, 11:40 p.m.: Officers confirmed a no-contact order on H Street. March 14, 2:28 p.m.: Single vehicle collision on Yew Street. Suspect arrested for driving under the influence after a vehicle crash. March 15, 8:47 a.m.: Assist citizen with disposal of medication on Peace Portal Drive. March 15, 10:57 a.m.: Neighbor dispute on D Street. March 15, 10 p.m.: False panic-alarm on Boblett Street. March 16, 1:51 a.m.: Small unattended fire in street on A Street. March 16, 3:56 p.m.: Person reported suspicious circumstances on H Street. March 16, 5:51 p.m.: Found bicycle on Pipeline Road. March 16, 6:20 p.m.: Suspended driving arrest on Ludwick Avenue. March 16, 8:31 p.m.: Verbal argument, mother vs. 16-yearold son on Hughes Avenue. March 16, 11:13 a.m.: Adult Protective Services referral on Martin Street. March 17, 11:31 a.m.: Citizen assist on Peace Portal Drive. March 18, 10:18 a.m.: Collision on private property report on D Street.
sheriff’s repOrts
March 17, 5:15 p.m.: Threat cold call on California Terrace. March 17, 10:58 p.m.: Domestic physical on Golf Course Drive. March 18, 1:09 a.m.: Suspect arrested for driving with a suspended license on Blaine Road. March 18, 1:47 p.m.: Security check on Koehn Road.
(continued below...)
ACROSS 1. Pituitary hormone (abbr.) 4. Ceramic jars 9. Monetary units 14. Alias 15. “Superman” actor 16. Britonic tribe 17. Shorten 18. LA Dodgers manager 20. Hoarded 22. Theatrically portray 23. Noah’s grandson 24. Dependent 28. Peyton’s little brother 29. Cools the house 30. Principle part of 31. Type of wrap 33. Peels 37. Commercial 38. Make an attempt 39. Arrange in steps 41. U. Utah athlete 42. Old English 43. Trade 44. Nostrils 46. Ticket seller __Hub 49. Of I 50. Institute legal proceedings against 51. Takes apart 55. Doorway 58. Long int’l river 59. Trailblazing athlete Gibson 60. Former CBS News host 64. Sign language 65. Badgerlike mammal 66. Thin strips of wood 67. Brooklyn hoopster 68. Portents of good or evil 69. Footwear 70. When you think you’ll arrive
DOWN 1. Batflower genus 2. Predatory seabirds 3. Fish farm 4. Arrangements 5. Go in advance of others 6. Bulgarian monetary unit 7. “__ Maria” 8. W. African ethnoreligious group 9. Wild Asian oxen genus 10. Vinegary 11. To this 12. Explosive 13. Female sibling 19. Orlando museum (abbr.) 21. Type of hoop 24. About Holy Father 25. Academic environment 26. Extremely angry 27. Surrenders 31. Swiss mountain pass 32. Sharp mountain ridge 34. Erases 35. Spielberg’s alien 36. Absurd 40. Dorm worker 41. Used to make pesticides 45. The sister of your father or mother 47. A way to let know 48. Can’t produce much vegetation 52. Small streams 53. Folk singer DiFranco 54. Weights 56. Start over 57. Black Sea resort city 59. Wimbledon champ 60. Corporate executive (abbr.) 61. Unskilled actor who overacts 62. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 63. Of or relating to ears
March 26 - April 1 at Blaine. Not for navigation.
49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Fr 26 5:15 am 9.1 11:00 am 4.8
4:02 pm 7.7 10:45 pm 0.3 Sa 27 5:43 am 9.3 11:36 am 3.8
5:06 pm 8.2 11:31 pm 0.7 Su 28 6:09 am 9.4 12:14 pm 2.6 6:06 pm 8.6 Mo 2912:17 am 1.5 6:35 am 9.4
12:54 pm 1.4 7:06 pm 9.0 Tu 30 1:03 am 2.5 7:03 am 9.4
1:34 pm 0.3 8:08 pm 9.2 We 31 1:49 am 3.6 7:31 am 9.3
2:18 pm -0.5 9:12 pm 9.2 Th 1 2:37 am 4.8 8:01 am 9.1
3:06 pm -0.9 10:22 pm 9.2
Precipitation: During the period of March 15 to 21, 0.46 inches of precipitation was recorded. The 2021 year-to-date precipitation is 10.31 inches.
Temperature: High for the past week was 66°F on March 18 with a low of 30°F on March 16. Average high was 51°F and average low was 39°F.
Coming up
Please wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.
Birch Bay-Blaine Virtual Community Conversations: Thursday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. Topic: Handling Stress, Holding Hope. Join Kaatri Jones, parent and K-12 mental health counselor for Blaine School District, Chris Cochran, parent and mental health counselor for Bellingham schools, plus special guests in a conversation about how students and adults and the community are handling stress to balance their lives during these challenging times. What are the signs of hope, shining a light in the tunnel. Zoom info: us02web.zoom.us/j/87847723121. Live Music at the Vault: Friday, March 26, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. Featuring Alex Kelsh. Reservations recommended. Info: thevaultwine.com.
Sunday Shamble: Sunday, March 28, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Loomis Trail Golf, 4342 Loomis Trail. Four-person shamble tournament. $60 public, $50 social members, $35 members. Info: golfloomis.com. Trivia at The Vault: Thursday, April 1, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. This week’s theme: The ‘60s. Reservations recommended. Info: thevaultwine.com.
Live Music at the Vault: Friday, April 2, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. Featuring JP Falcon. Reservations recommended. Info: thevaultwine.com.
Easter Services: See ads on page 9. Blaine Chamber Virtual Meeting: Wednesday, April 7, noon. Featuring Cassie Cichorz, Asian Giant Hornet Community Outreach and education specialist for the Plant Protection and Pest Program at the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Cassie will share information about the Asian Giant Hornets (aka Murder Hornets). There will be a question and answer session for the public. Zoom info at blainechamber.com. Trivia at The Vault: Thursday, April 8, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. This week’s theme: General knowledge. Reservations recommended. Info: thevaultwine.com.
Live Music at the Vault: Friday, April 9, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar and Bistro, 277 G Street. Featuring Lefty and the Right Hand Band. Reservations recommended. Info: thevaultwine.com.
Strengthening Families Virtual Program: Tuesdays, April 20–June 1, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Free for caregivers and youth aged 10–14 years old. Families learn communication skills, stress management tools and ways to connect with trained facilitators. Info and registration: Kate.Foster@wsu. edu.
Boys & Girls Club After School Care: Monday–Thursday until 5 p.m. Serving students in grades 1–6 at Blaine schools. Registration required weekly. Info: parentportal.whatcomclubs.org or contact the Club at 360/332-3008.
Blaine Food Bank: 500 C Street. Open Mondays 9 a.m.—noon, Wednesdays 5–7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m.—noon. Delivery options available. Info:360/332-6350 or blainefood@hotmail.com.
The Bridge Food Distribution Program: Fridays 3:30–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Registration required at thebridgehope.com or call 360/366-8763. Volunteers welcome. The Bridge Clothing Bank Boutique: Open Wednesdays 3–5 p.m. and Fridays 12–5 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 4815 Alderson Road. Donations by appointment, call 360/366-8763. Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: Third Thursdays, 1 p.m. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com. Coffee With The Contractor Virtual Meetings: Fourth Thursdays, 8 a.m. Learn the progress of the Birch Bay berm project with members of Granite Construction, Whatcom County Public Works and the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce. Meeting ID on birchbaychamber.com Blaine Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meetings: First Wednesday, noon. Meeting ID on blainechamber.com. Blaine Library: 610 3rd Street. Open to in-branch visits, Monday–Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Curbside holds and pick up, Monday–Thursday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Info 360/305-3637. Meals on Wheels: Thursdays 11:30 a.m.–12 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Adults 60+ pick up one hot and six frozen meals. Suggested donation $5 per meal or whatever is affordable. First come, first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.
Toastmasters Virtual Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30–7:45 p.m. Entertaining and educational. Have fun speaking, learn to overcome fears. Info: Call or email Pete at 360/933-1671 or pcorcorran@gmail.com.
Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to calendar@thenorthernlight.com no later than noon on Monday.
sheriff’s repOrts COntinued
March 18, 10:07 p.m.: Vandalism on Birch Bay Drive. March 19, 3:52 a.m.: Domestic physical on West Road. March 19, 5:03 a.m.: Trouble with guest on Golf Course Road. March 19, 4:40 p.m.: Vandalism on Fawn Crescent Road. March 19, 6:16 p.m.: Burglary on Birch Bay-Lynden Road. March 20, 6:57 a.m.: Traffic hazard on Birch Bay-Lynden Road. March 20, 8:05 a.m.: Assault simple on Harborview Road. March 20, 2:27 p.m.: Suspicious person on Starfish Lane. March 20, 7:09 p.m.: Sex crime, not rape, on Masterson Road.
From page 5 vice and Whatcom County’s support.
I can assure you, as my entire family has served every branch except the U.S. Coast Guard, the flag is a symbol of respect and honor.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cynthia Sue Ripke-Kutsagowitz
The Editor:
As the one-year marker passed for the first Covid-19 case in Whatcom County, the good news is greater vaccination coverage comes as case numbers begin to fall.
We still have a lot to learn about SARS-CoV-2. But one thing we do know is that studies show doctors should prepare for a significant rise in chronic kidney disease due to the pandemic.
As a nephrologist, I know we will grapple with how to deal with the uncertainties of the impact of Covid-19 on kidney function in the long-haul.
The Mount Baker Foundation supports a Kidney Health Awareness initiative that encourages proactive approaches to kidney health online at mtbakerfoundation.org.
March is National Kidney Month, but the initiative will be on-going. Take a one-minute risk factor quiz: minuteforyourkidneys.org – if the test shows you’re at higher risk, contact your primary care provider for testing.
Did you know that the two primary causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure? Did you know kidney disease is called “the silent epidemic” because it is typically diagnosed at an advanced stage, when it is more difficult to treat?
We can disrupt the progression in many cases of kidney disease to renal failure if we identify early who is at increased risk. One in three of us is at risk. Find out if you’re the one.
William E. Lombard, MD
paring to close all nonessential business, which the governor ultimately announced March 15. In the week of March 8, 2020, to March 14, 2020, 14,154 claims were filed while 11,699 were filed in the corresponding week this year.
Locally, this did not hold true. Two hundred eighty-four claims were filed in the week ending March 14, 2020, while 332 claims were filed in this year’s corresponding week.
Nationwide, claims increased from the previous week. In the week ending March 13, 770,000 initial claims were filed, an increase of 45,000 from the previous week, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. However, the four-week moving average was 746,250, a decrease of 16,000 from the previous week. In the week ending March 6, 762,250 claims were filed.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 3 percent, an increase of 0.1 percent.
Vance-Sherman said economists observe the unemployment insurance claims to see how many layoffs are occurring. There is evidence of recovery in the market, and industries like construction, where claims are up in but also jobs are up, are growing, she said.
“Overall, I’m optimistic.”
From page 10

Golf season is right around the corner!
Join before April 1 to save big on initiation fees.
The course is open for public play and we're offering trial memberships so you can try out the club life before you join.
Call 360.371.7005 to make a tee time or ask about membership options.
Learn more at Semiahmoogolf.com

8720 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine, WA, 98230
It’s the most wonderful time of the year at Semiahmoo! Through the month of December, we’re making things merry and bright with festive socially distanced activities for the whole family.