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Precipitation: During the period of January 16-22, 0.9 inches of precipitation were recorded. The 2023 year-to-date precipitation is 2.5 inches.

Temperature: High for the past week was 55°F on January 16 with a low of 33°F on January 21. Average high was 47°F and average low was 37°F.


Courtesy Birch Bay Water & Sewer Dist.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30–8 p.m., CAP Center, 508 G Street, Blaine. A support group for parents of adult children dealing with addiction, but open to anyone (18 or older) seeking to learn a better way to help an addicted love one. Evidence-based, structured curriculum and peer support at no cost. Info: palgroup.org or email Bev and Dave at wamillards@comcast.net.

Alaska Packers Association Cannery Museum: Open Saturdays and Sundays, 1–5 p.m., 9261 Semiahmoo Parkway. Free, donations welcome. Info: 360/371-3558.

Birch Bay Book Club: Wednesday, January 18, 4 p.m., Birch Bay Vogt Library site, 7968 Birch Bay Drive. January title: Cold Millions by Jess Walter. Info: klia1@mac.com.

Blaine Book Club: Friday, January 20, 1 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. January title: The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey. Info: Kelly at 360/305-3637.

Blaine Serenity Al-Anon: Mondays, noon–1 p.m. on Zoom. Have you been dealing with alcoholism with a friend or family member? Info: Jerrylyn at 360/305-2246.

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings: Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at noon, women’s meeting Mondays at 4 p.m., Blaine United Church of Christ basement, 855 4th Street. Info: 208/750-8772 or shannonsessions2020@gmail.com.

Blaine Arts Council: Meets second Thursday, 6:30 p.m., at Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Info: blaineartscouncil.org.

Birch Bay-Blaine Toastmasters: Wednesdays, 6:30–7:45 p.m., Blaine High School, 1055 H Street, room 104. What are the stories you like to tell? Learn to tell them really well. Info: Laura 360-371-7330 or agelesslaura@gmail.com.

Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to calendar@thenorthernlight.com no later than noon on Monday.

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