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Langton ...
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The Corps decision to modify the permit is supposed to bring it into compliance with the Magnuson Amendment, which prohibits federal agencies from granting permits that may result in an increase in crude oil beyond what a facility is capable of handling. The benchmark was set in October 1977 at 191 million barrels per year and does not include oil to be refined for consumption in Washington. But, at the time, the crash, according to the APC. Langton was not on duty at the time and the two talked for 45 minutes. The same day, he asked the woman on a date with his personal phone. They continued to communicate via phone calls and text messages and agreed to meet July 19, 2022.
The APC says Langton mentioned being into “barely legal porn” when speaking with the woman.
Langton added the woman on Signal, an encrypted messaging app, on July 19. The woman went to Langton’s house in Blaine that evening. Langton allegedly asked her to watch pornography of young girls with him. The woman refused, and he asked again later in the evening. She refused again, according to the APC.
Langton and the woman communicated daily over Signal. The APC says, according to screenshots, Langton made multiple references to being attracted to children and said he liked looking at a website of what appeared to be 10- to 15-year-old children in sexual exhibition.
He allegedly continued to mention his attraction to girls 12 years old and younger and then asked the woman for sex with her and her daughter, according to the APC.
The woman told Langton he had crossed a line, to which he backtracked and said he thought her daughter was 18 years old, not 12. The woman then reported Langton to the Bellingham Police Department.
Langton’s attorney Emily C. Beschen released a statement January 6 that said the allegation has been devastating to Langton and his family.
“This process has been extremely painful for both me and my family,” Langton said in the February 6 statement. “I am grateful to have this chapter of my life behind me and this criminal case closed. I want to thank my friends, family, and co-workers who stood behind me and offered support through this nightmare, as well as the guild attorney, Seth Davis, and attorney Emily Beschen.”
Langton is a military veteran and has worked as a law enforcement officer in Whatcom County for over a decade, the press release read.
The city of Ferndale fired Langton August 23, 2022 due nihilation – or, to our dishonor, letting this opportunity, to improve the orcas’ habitat by reducing the vessel traffic through the Salish Sea, slip through our fingers,” Glade said. to an inability to carry out his duties. City of Ferndale spokesperson Riley Sweeney told The Northern Light in an email the city still has an active internal investigation that is not yet complete. “We are not able to give comment at this time,” Sweeney wrote.
Evergreen Islands is a nonprofit dedicated to protecting the saltwater islands of Skagit County, and Friends of the Earth is a nongovernmental environmental organization headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Prior to being fired, Langton was placed on administrative leave in October 2021 after he allegedly contacted far-right extremist group Oath Keepers. He was reinstated later that month after an investigation concluded the complaint against him was unfounded, Sweeney previously said. Langton previously worked for Blaine Police Department and resigned in August 2012.
If you or someone you know is affected by domestic or sexual violence, call the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS) 24-hour hotline at 360/7151563 or 877/715-1563. Brigid Collins Family Support Center, a Bellingham-based nonprofit working to end child abuse, can be reached at 360/734-4616 and brigidcollins.org. Lummi Victims of Crime has a 24-hour helpline at 360/312-2015. The National Domestic Violence Helpline operates a chat line at thehotline.org/help.