4 minute read
16. Spanish island 17. Unlimited 18. Where golfers begin
22. No charge 25. Print errors
27. Professional drivers
28. Kiss box set
29. Short, fine fibers
30. Administers punishment
32. Czech city
34. Normal or sound powers of mind
35. The academic world
36. Crustacean
37. Currency 38. Pastoral people of Tanzania or Kenya 40. Cloth spread over a coffin 41. Grouped together 42. On land 43. Glistened
College sports conference 52. Zero 53. Midway between northeast and east 54. Type of screen 56. The 13th letter of the Greek alphabet
Mar. 5, 4:06 a.m.: Missing person on Starfish Lane.
Mar. 5, 7:25 a.m.: Runaway on Harborview Road.
Mar. 5, 7:50 p.m.: Suicidal subject on Tracy Place.
Mar. 6, 5:40 p.m.: Suspicious person on White and Giles roads.
Mar. 6, 5:48 p.m.: Juvenile problem on Birch Bay Drive.
Mar. 7, 10:57 a.m.: Threat on Grandview and Koehn roads.
Mar. 7, 1:39 p.m.: Fraud on Birch Bay Drive.
What’s Next: Resources As We Age: Friday, March 17, 9 a.m.–2 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Free informative fair with representatives from organizations and businesses offering senior services will be on hand to assist you and answer questions. Presentation by Northwest Regional Council on delivering coordinated support for seniors and people with disabilities, relating to in-home care, Medicaid, caregiver support services, long-term care options and other general resources targeting seniors and those with disabilities at 10 a.m.; presentation by Whatcom Transit Authority at 11 a.m.; presentation by What-Comm 911 on what to expect when calling 911, scams targeting seniors, and have recommendations for personal alarms at 1 p.m.. Info: 360/332-8040.
Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival Opening and Artist Reception: Friday, March 17, 5–7 p.m., Blaine Community Center 763 G Street. Tickets: $30, no-host wine and beer, available at wingsoverwaterbirdingfestival.com or at the door (space permitting).
Movie Night: Friday, March 17, 7–9 p.m., Birch Bay Activity Center, 7511 Gemini Street. Playing family friendly movies. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and watch the movie on the big screen. Info: bbbparkandrec.org.
Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival: Friday, March 17–Sunday, March 19. Field Trips, wildlife cruise, birding expo, kids activities, bird viewing stations, presentations, live raptors presentations and more. See full schedule at wingsoverwaterbirdingfestival.com.
Annual Native Plant Sale: Saturday, March 18, 9 a.m.–2 p.m., Pioneer Park, 2004 Cherry Street, Ferndale. Fill your landscape with beautiful, low-maintenance native plants. Over 40 species of trees and shrubs available. Info: whatcomcd.org/native-plant-sale. Sponsored by the Whatcom Conservation District.
Pruning 101 (and Refresher): Saturday, March 18, 10 a.m.–noon, Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. This is the perfect time to start pruning. Discover what tools are required, why prune, growth habits of trees/bushes and how to make the best decisions in your pruning projects. Info: wcls.org.
42nd Legislative District Town Hall: Saturday, March 18, 1–2 p.m., Ferndale High School, 5830 Golden Eagle Drive, Ferndale. Ask questions and get updates with Senator Sharon Shewmake, Representative Alicia Rule and Representative Joe Timmons.
CAP Center Open House: Sunday, March 19, 1–3 .p.m., CAP Center, 508 G Street. Come see the Community Assistance Program facility, meet some of our volunteers, and learn about the work that CAP does in our community. Refreshments provided. info@blainecap.org.
Recipe Swap and Share: Monday, March 20, 4–5:30 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Bring a recipe to share with others. It can be a treasured family recipe, a cookbook favorite, or something of your own creation! This month’s theme is brunch favorites plus share a sample of your dish, or just partake of what others bring to the recipe potluck. Info: wcls.org.
Uncorked: Winemaker Dinner: Friday, March 24, 6 p.m., Semiahmoo Resort, 9565 Semiahoo Parkway. Savor award-winning wines masterfully paired with seasonally-inspired menus. Tickets: semiahmoo.com/uncorked.
Homebuyer Education Class: Saturday, March 25, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Learn about becoming mortgage ready, how much you can afford, understanding credit, budgeting for a down payment and other expenses and tips during the loan process. Free. Limited seating. RSVP: 360/752-8253 or Doug.cornelsen@bannerbank.com.
Ladies of Loomis Golf Club: Thursday, March 30, 9:30 a.m., Loomis Trail Golf Course, 4342 Loomis Trail. Meet and greet meeting. All skill levels welcome. Info: apriljm@comcast.net.
Meals on Wheels Hot Lunches: Monday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Suggested donation of $5 per meal ($8.50 if under 60) or whatever is affordable. First come, first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.
Friends of Birch Bay Library: Meets second Mondays. 6:30 p.m., Birch Bay Vogt Library site, 7968 Birch Bay Drive. Info: friendsofbirchbaylibrary.org.
Friends of Blaine Library: Meets third Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Find out the latest library news at this monthly FOBL Board of Directors meeting. All members and guests are welcome to attend. Info: blainelibraryfriends.org.
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30–8 p.m., CAP Center, 508 G Street, Blaine. A support group for parents of adult children dealing with addiction, but open to anyone (18 or older) seeking to learn a better way to help an addicted love one. Evidence-based, structured curriculum and peer support at no cost. Info: palgroup.org or email Bev and Dave at wamillards@comcast.net.
Alaska Packers Association Cannery Museum: Open Saturdays and Sundays, 1–5 p.m., 9261 Semiahmoo Parkway. Free, donations welcome. Info: 360/371-3558.
Birch Bay Book Club: Wednesday, April 19, 4 p.m., Birch Bay Vogt Library site, 7968 Birch Bay Drive. April title is One of Ours: by Willa Cather. Info: klia1@mac.com.
Blaine Book Club: Friday, March 17, 1 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. March title: Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. Info: Kelly at 360/305-3637.
Blaine Serenity Al-Anon: Mondays, noon–1 p.m. on Zoom. Have you been dealing with alcoholism with a friend or family member? Info: Jerrylyn at 360/305-2246.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings: Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Thursdays at noon, Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at noon, women’s meeting Mondays at 4 p.m., Blaine United Church of Christ basement, 855 4th Street. Info: 307/349-0450.
Blaine Arts Council: Meets second Thursday, 6:30 p.m., at Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Meeting is open to the public. The council promotes, cultivates and supports the arts in order to enrich the lives of the community through creativity with a variety of cultural events, education and shows. Info: blaineartscouncil.org.
Birch Bay-Blaine Toastmasters: Wednesdays, 6:30–7:45 p.m., Blaine High School, 1055 H Street, room 104. Learn to tell your favorite stories well. Info: Laura 360-371-7330 or agelesslaura@gmail.com.