1 minute read
June 1 - 7, 2023
Community Newspaper of Blaine and Birch Bay
Blaine track and field competes at state, page 6
City ditches plans for larger police station, moves some staff into city hall
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Blaine police and public works leadership will move into city hall in July, which for now has ended several years of city council conversation on expanding or moving the police station.
Blaine City Council unanimously approved the city spending $44,000 to modify city hall’s second floor during its May 22 meeting. Improvements include creating a hallway to connect the offices and ensuring the space meets required regulations for an evidence room, which will also be moved to the second floor.
The Blaine police chief, lieutenant and clerk and the public works director, project manager, two engineers and two technicians will be moved into city hall. City manager Michael Harmon said after the meeting that moving all city employees who directly interact with the public into one location will improve customer service.
“Now our customers will only have one facility to go to when they have either public works questions or planning and zoning questions or building permit questions,” Harmon said. “City hall will be the primary location also for concealed weapon permits and things related to the police department.”
The city is currently leasing the second floor to a few private businesses, Harmon said. The second floor modifications, with which public works staff will help, should be done by the end of June and the city staff will move in early July.
Harmon said this move will be permanent for police and public works staff. He added the city may look at remodeling the police station but is not looking to expand or move officers and sergeants into a new facility.
City council has been discussing for several years whether to expand or build a new Blaine Police Department station, currently located in the old post office that was built in the ’60s. Plans to demolish the old city hall sparked conversations on the future of the police station and evidence room.
Memorial Day ceremony photos, page 10
Citizen scientists monitor local waters, page 13