6 minute read
JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM 540 Water Street Port Townsend 360/385-1003 jchsmuseum.org Displays exhibits and artwork reflecting the past and present of Port Townsend. Visit one of five sites including the Rothschild House and Commanding Officer’s Quarters.
PORT TOWNSEND AERO MUSEUM 105 Airport Road Port Townsend 360/379-5244 ptaeromuseum.com A variety of antique and classic aircraft, artwork, books and various displays.
PORT TOWNSEND MARINE SCIENCE CENTER 532 Battery Way Port Townsend 360/385-5582 ptmsc.org An interactive natural history museum with hands-on aquarium features, plants, touch tanks and more.
LOPEZ ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MUSEUM 28 Washburn Place Lopez Island 360/468-2049 lopezmuseum.org Alongside permanent First Islanders and Natural History displays, there are rotating exhibits on farming, fishing, place name origins and island communities. Features more than 200 Native stone, bone and antler artifacts from First Islander life. 58 WATERSIDENW.COM
ORCAS ISLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM 181 N Beach Road Eastsound Village 360/376-4849 Orcasmuseums.org Six original homestead cabins built during the 1870s and the 1890s were taken apart, moved, reconstructed and sited together to create the museum’s main facility. The museum contains Native American artifacts, photography and skull and bone remains from a 14,000-year-old Bison antiquus. SAN JUAN ISLANDS MUSEUM OF ART 540 Spring Street Friday Harbor 360/370-5050 sjima.org The SJIMA offers rotating exhibitions through three galleries, focusing on artists of northwestern states and southwestern Canada. Until September 9, “Looking into Kabul,” by James Longley. SAN JUAN HISTORICAL MUSEUM 405 Price Street Friday Harbor 360/378-3949 Sjmuseum.org Honoring heritage and history, the museum gives visitors the opportunity to explore the grounds of the restored King farmhouse, original county and Scribner’s log cabin.
THE WHALE MUSEUM 62 1st Street N Friday Harbor 360/378-4710 whalemuseum.org The Whale Museum, opened in 1979, was the first museum in the country devoted to whales living in the wild. Today, the museum continues to promote stewardship of whales and the Salish Sea ecosystem through education and research. ISLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 908 NW Alexander Street Coupeville 360/678-3310 islandhistory.org A museum that features local and regional history including ice age relics, mammoth remains, a fine Native American collection (with cedar dugout canoes), maritime, early settlers, and the first automobile on Whidbey Island (1902 Holsman auto buggy).
LANGLEY WHALE CENTER 105 Anthes Avenue Langley 360-221-7505 orcanetwork.org Learn about the whales and marine mammals of the Salish Sea. Southern resident and transient orcas, and Gray whales. Unique gift shop. SOUTH WHIDBEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM 312 Second Street Langley 360/221-2101 Southwhidbeyhistory.org Focusing on the history of the south end of Whidbey Island, the museum also maintains the McLeod Cabin, an original log building and the Brooks Hill House with its photographs of early log structures.
ANACORTES MUSEUM AND MARITIME HERITAGE CENTER 1305 8th Street Anacortes 360/293-1915 anacorteswa.gov/333/Museum The museum houses a collection of hundreds of charts and maps, including railroad maps, town plat maps, nautical charts as well as fish trap maps, exhibits on local fishing and shipbuilding industries.
MUSEUM OF NORTHWEST ART (MONA) 121 S First Street La Conner 360/466-4446 monamuseum.org Located in the heart of La Conner this museum offers an exploration of art, diverse cultures and environment in the Northwest, with a series of rotating and permanent collections. PACIFIC NORTHWEST QUILT AND FIBER ARTS MUSEUM 703 S Second Street La Conner 360/466-4288 qfamuseum.org Located in the historic Gaches mansion, this museum is a space dedicated to the display of textile work from local, national, and international quilters. SKAGIT COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM 501 S 4th Street La Conner 360/466-3365 skagitcounty.net/museum From parlors to plows, Native American baskets to Shirley Temple dolls, the museum galleries are overflowing with interesting and often unusual treasures of Skagit County’s vibrant past. BURLINGTON
CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF SKAGIT COUNTY 432 Fashion Way Burlington 360/757-8888 Skagitchildrensmuseum.net Educational exhibits and events provide kids of all ages with hands-on learning experiences, geared toward promoting an understanding of the arts, science and culture.
HERITAGE FLIGHT MUSEUM 15053 Crosswind Drive Burlington 360/424-5151 heritageflight.org The Heritage Flight Museum displays military aircraft, models and memorabilia.
MINDPORT EXHIBITS 210 W Holly Street Bellingham 360/647-5614 Mindport.org Founded by three Lummi Islanders with backgrounds in electrical and computer engineering, marine biology, woodworking and photography, this museum brings together a variety of interests. A collection of exhibits focuses on exploration, observation, creativity, play and fun.
SPARK MUSEUM OF ELECTRICAL INVENTION 1312 Bay Street Bellingham 360/738-3886 sparkmuseum.org Spark features interactive exhibits displaying the inventions and
innovations that changed the course of human history. Come to the Megazapper Show to see 4.5 million volts of electricity light up the room.
WHATCOM MUSEUM 121 Prospect Street Lightcatcher Space at 250 Flora Street Bellingham 360/778-8930 Whatcommuseum.org Located in downtown Bellingham, this museum displays more than 200,000 artifacts and artworks of regional importance.
THE MARINE LIFE CENTER 1801 Roeder Avenue Bellingham 360/671-2431 bit.ly/3rW2Z0n Part of the Northwest Discovery Project, the Marine Life Center introduces visitors to the marine flora and fauna of the Salish Sea. BLAINE
ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION CANNERY AND FISHING MUSEUM 9261 Semiahmoo Parkway Blaine 360/371-3558 bit.ly/3vlTE3S Housed in an old cannery building, the museum focuses on the history of fishing and canning in Blaine.
POINT ROBERTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S HISTORY CENTER 1437 Gulf Road Point Roberts 360-945-7747 Facebook @pointrobertshistoricalsociety Located in a WPA-built community center, the History Center highlights the rich and diverse history of this unique American exclave through videos and photographs, thoughtful displays and a wall-to-wall timeline. B.C.
WHITE ROCK MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES 14970 Marine Drive White Rock 604/541-2221 whiterockmuseum.ca Located in the historic White Rock Train Station building on the beach, this museum offers rotating exhibitions and events for all ages to showcase local history.
GULF OF GEORGIA CANNERY SOCIETY 12138 Fourth Avenue Richmond 604/664-9009 gulfofgeorgiacannery.org Located in the fishing village of Steveston, the largest commercial fishing port in Canada, this museum preserves, presents and promotes the history of Canada’s west coast fishing industry. BRITANNIA SHIPYARDS NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE 5180 Westwater Drive Steveston 604/238-8050 britanniashipyard.ca A rare example of the type of village which once served the thriving fishing industry with its canneries, boatyards, stores, homes and its mix of cultures. A national historic site.
UBC MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY 6393 NW Marine Drive Vancouver 604/822-5087 moa.ubc.ca The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia is world-renowned for its totem pole collection, research and teaching.
VANCOUVER MARITIME MUSEUM 1905 Ogden Avenue Vancouver 604/257-8300 vanmaritime.com Since 1959, the Vancouver Maritime Museum Society has worked to preserve and tell the maritime history of the Pacific Northwest and Arctic.

in Ferndale, WA
Largest Collection of Cedar Slab Log Cabins
Lighted Christmas Stroll next two weekends
JULY 29 & 30
Longest Running Festival in Washington State
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Live Music & Dancing with Southbound

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©Benjamin Benschneider
Visit our downtown campus: Lightcatcher Building | 250 Flora St. Old City Hall | 121 Prospect St. Bellingham, WA | 360.778.8930
For hours, admission, and Covid safety protocols visit: www.whatcommuseum.org