District 1 Roadway Improvement Presentation

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District 1 Roadway Improvements February 28, 2018

“Delivering Outstanding Services�


District 1 Roadway Improvements Pavement Condition Index (PCI) 

Project will consist of a citywide PCI study  Every City street will be evaluated and each block receive a score  Data, with cost estimates for various street maintenance activities, will provide information for forecasting and prioritizing future roadway maintenance activities  Allow for scientific data to drive priorities  Study completion anticipated for August 2018

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements Robinson Phase 1 Reconstruction   

Project includes design and construction of new roadway between Rim/Scenic and Piedmont Project is working on utility relocation near the Robinson/Rim/Scenic intersection Roadway is anticipated to be open late March

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements Robinson Phase 2 Reconstruction   

Project involves design and construction of new roadway between Piedmont and Ochoa Project has a designer on board and is starting the engineering drawings Anticipated to finish design this summer and start construction in late summer/early fall

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements Redd and Resler Landscaping 

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Project involves design and installation of landscaping on:  Redd: between I-10 and Westwind, and between Westwind and Helen of Troy  Resler: between Redd and Helen of Troy Design is nearing completion Redd between Westwind and Helen of Troy anticipated to start construction this summer, with completion in late fall/early winter Redd (I-10 to Westwind) and Resler is bundled with four other streets in El Paso. Construction to start in the fall, with completion for all six corridors in one year.

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements Rim and Hague Intersection Improvements   

Project involves design and construction of intersection improvements at the Rim and Hague intersection Project will be installing a traffic circle in the intersection with associated amenities Project is currently in construction is anticipated to be completed early summer

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements Annie and Ethel Reconstruction, Montoya Heights Sidewalks 

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Project involves design and construction of:  Annie reconstruction: Ethel to the dead end  Ethel reconstruction: from Montoya to Edgar  Montoya Heights sidewalks: installation of sidewalks on numerous streets in the neighborhood Projects are currently in design Design anticipated to be completed late summer/early fall and construction to start this upcoming winter

“Delivering Outstanding Services”


District 1 Roadway Improvements University Pedestrian Improvements  

Project involves design and installation of pedestrian and roadway improvements on Cincinnati from Oregon to Stanton Project is finalizing construction

“Delivering Outstanding Services”



“Delivering Outstanding Services�


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