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Energy Saving Products Helping solid fuel consumers to make the cleaner choice
from April 2023
by PHAM News
As the cost-of-living crisis continues, many homeowners are exploring alternative ways in which to heat their homes, such as a wood burning stove, so it is important for installers to educate consumers on choosing the most energy efficient and cleaner burning appliances and fuel. Calvin May from HETAS highlights some of the key issues and best practice requirements for installers to follow.

The next phase of policy development has now been published by the government under the Environment Improvement Plan. The plan’s aim is to further support the reduction of particulate emissions from solid fuel heating appliances, something that fits well with our organisational purpose in reducing the impact of particulate and carbon emissions on the environment. While statements confirm that a ban on solid fuel heating is not being implemented for the foreseeable future, heating installers play a pivotal role in supporting future clean air strategies through educating consumers on quality fuels, efficient appliances, and the importance of maintenance and servicing.
The Cleaner Choice
In 2022, we launched the Cleaner Choice Approval Scheme, an initiative designed to allow consumers to make more informed choices around appliance selection. All Cleaner Choice appliances meet the necessary legislation for installation in the UK, CE (UKCA) marking and building regulation compliance, while at the same time requiring a 50% improvement on current particulate limits for the most stringent requirements in the UK and promoting the best available technologies in relation to particulate reduction.
This should give installers and purchasers reassurance that the appliance being specified meets all necessary legislation, while also providing clear guidance within accompanying instructions on the correct operation and installation practices required to maintain safety and ensure compliance.
In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, installers can not only help consumers remain safe when using their heating, but also save them money when selecting and fuelling their appliance. An existing open fire will have an efficiency of around 40%,
Many existing open fires will lose around 60% of energy up a chimney, meaning only 40% of heat will be used to warm a property
A Cleaner Choice closed room heater can achieve efficiencies of around 80%, with pellet appliances getting up to 90%
Wood labelled with the Ready to Burn logo should contain less than 20% of water if sold in volumes under 2m3
All HEATS Cleaner Choice wood burning appliances have been independently verified to meet all current regulations effectively meaning that only 40% of the fuel being burned is utilised for heating the property, with the additional 60% being lost up the chimney.
In comparison, a Cleaner Choice closed room heater can have efficiencies up to around 80%, utilising the fuel better to heat the property and generate more useful heat from the same amount of fuel being burned, saving on ongoing operating costs. A Cleaner Choice pellet appliance can go one step further, with verified efficiencies of around 90%, as well as even cleaner operation.
Installers can support more informed choices during any onsite assessment survey by promoting these messages, while at the same time ensuring the appliance is correctly sized fuels should utilise Ready to Burn certified fuels and installers should advise their customers to look out for the Ready to Burn logo when purchasing wood fuels.

Fuels clearly labelled with the Ready to Burn logo means they comply with Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) (England) Regulations 2020, and aims to reduce particulates from solid fuel domestic burning by making sure that wood sold in volumes under 2m³ is certified as having a moisture content of less than 20%, or when sold over 2m³ it is accompanied by appropriate instruction on how to season the fuel before use.
Regular maintenance
Ongoing maintenance is a critical part in keeping the installation operating in the most energyefficient and cleaner burning way. Many consumers are unaware of the importance of their upkeep and that is essential to the good and successful operation of the appliance.
Installers should advise their customers that servicing and maintenance should be carried out at least once a year, but stress that this can vary depending on the appliance and consumer’s choice of fuel. Therefore, the timeframes and instructions given by the manufacturers need to be followed to keep appliances working at optimum performance.
for the room, and the proposed design of the installation promotes safe and clean operation of the appliance, through adequate ventilation and dispersion of combustion products through the chimney.
Customers with concerns over energy efficiency need to be made aware of not only the safety that a regular service ensures, but also of the implications that falling behind on regular services can have on the likes of house insurance policies.
We are all working towards a zero-carbon future, and, on this journey, we need to acknowledge those who rely on solely solid fuel as their vital energy source. Installers play a critical part to this and can help remain on the front foot with educating and guiding people to make choices for a cleaner, safer world.
Ready to Burn
Alongside appliance selection, it is important for installers to recommend the appropriate fuels suitable for the appliance as required by the appliance manufacturer. All appliances designed to burn wood-based
For those wishing to further advance their training in solid fuel, wood, and biomass, HETAS offers a wide range of training courses specifically for installers, retailers, specifiers, local authorities, Building Control officers, and those who are involved in the wood fuel supply chain.
Find out more
For more information about cleaner, safer choices for solid fuel use within the home, please use the online reader link below.
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