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Training & Education
The UK’s transition to low carbon heating will be driven by training and industry support for installers, says OFTEC’s training manager David Knipe who highlights the example of a thriving centre at Milton Keynes-based Gastec.
The government has pledged a widescale roll-out of heat pumps, but the pace of change has been slow, partly due to the lack of qualified technicians to install the technology. The way we heat our homes is going to change over the next few years which presents a real opportunity for installers.
Technicians who diversify today will have a head start and futureproof their business. Whilst we see liquid fuels as continuing to have a major role in the off-grid sector through a transition to greener fuels such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), the growing role of heat pumps can’t be ignored.
Consumers are going to need guidance on whether the technology is suitable for their home and competent technicians to maintain high safety standards.
OFTEC is delivering two heat pump training courses through its network of 17 approved training centres. A great example of a trainer doing that is based in Milton Keynes.

Gastec has been training technicians for 27 years. The OFTEC approved centre delivers heat pump training alongside solid fuel and liquid fuels. Philip Jenkins, who manages the renewable training courses at Gastec, shares his insights into how the training is delivered.

“There’s sometimes a misconception around training courses in the heating sector,” says Philip. “Our purpose is to ensure technicians have the skills they need to safely install heat pumps and we pride
Gastec heat pump trainer Alan Hayes