Fellows_Brochure WEF

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The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a foundation in 1971, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-forprofit; it is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. (www.weforum.org)

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leaders will face an entirely new set of challenges. They will have to find new responses and innovative ways of dealing with the responsibilities that come their way. With this in mind, I created the Global Leadership Fellows (GLF) Programme, designed to

We are at a critical juncture in history, where what we need most

equip the next generation of global leaders to take on this vital role

at this time is a generally accepted understanding of how different

and embody the mission of the Forum.

people, different countries and different regions deal with each other; how the management of global interdependence works,

The community of GLFs represents the voice and vision of

particularly at a time when we have to confront new issues on

the future across all sectors and from all regions. What makes

the global agenda. All too often, I find that leaders within global

this programme unique is that it provides specialist knowledge

organizations are still restricted to their own particular spheres.

at the intersection of the business community, the public sector

Yet the problems of today – and tomorrow, in particular –

and civil society. Throughout the three-year programme, the

demand a more wide-ranging, interdisciplinary approach. We are

Fellows build leadership skills, relationship skills and deep

living in times of enormous complexity and fragility in a truly

industry competence to address some of the major challenges

interdependent world. Old recipes and traditional ways to

spanning the global agenda.

confront global challenges no longer suffice. The next generation of Overall, the GLF programme is at the core of the Forum’s strategic aspirations, namely to foster visionary leadership, greater accountability towards Members and Partners, the permanent drive to be ahead of conventional thinking, impeccable intellectual and moral integrity, and the unconditional commitment to serving the Forum’s mission and its communities. Global Leadership Fellows represent the future of the Forum, and are trustees of the basic values of the Foundation: independence, integrity, quality, relevance and service in the global public interest.

Professor Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” William H. GATES III, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation, USA

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“Sharpening the skills of highly talented young professionals is a critical step in developing the leadership ranks we will need in an era of fast-paced change. The Global Leadership Fellows Programme is equipping tomorrow's leaders with a valuable range of skills that reach across narrow disciplines and transcend traditional viewpoints. By promoting a broad understanding of humanity's shared challenges, the program recognizes that effective leadership requires international understanding and truly global insight.� Rajat K. Gupta, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

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Finding and recruiting multifaceted leaders is a highly complex organizational challenge, but it is critical for improving the health and sustainable growth of all organizations, especially those with global operations. The World Economic Forum’s Global

Businesses and organizations are constantly in search of people

Leadership Fellows Programme develops leaders capable of

who have the knowledge, skills and experience to help them

addressing the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly

succeed in today’s global environment. The leaders of tomorrow

interconnected world.

will have to better understand how to conduct themselves in an environment where effectively navigating cultural, regional and political differences is an even more critical component of success than it is today.

“What a tremendous pool of diverse talent!” Carlos Ghosn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Renault, France; President and Chief Executive Officer, Nissan, Japan; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

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from a variety of backgrounds in government, civil society and business. These high-calibre individuals bring their experiences together within a highly interactive and experiential learning environment, which is further enriched by the learnings taken

Developing tomorrow’s leaders The Global Leadership Programme is dedicated to developing the next generation of world leaders; well-rounded professionals who feel equally at home in the public and private sectors. As the world becomes increasingly more interconnected, the once

from the curriculum and work assignments while at the Forum. This hands-on cooperation takes place within a one-of-a-kind international organization, leading to unique synergies that are not readily available in any other academic or corporate leadership programme.

well-defined line between these two sectors continues to blur, making it difficult for any one organization to act effectively in isolation. To succeed in such an environment, organizations – both private and public – must often align numerous stakeholders so as to most efficiently approach problems, develop strategies and capitalize on opportunities.

Ongoing coaching and mentoring Throughout the three-year programme, Fellows are embedded in an environment of active coaching and mentorship. Every Fellow joins a small coaching team of approximately five people who work collaboratively to help each other reach personal and professional development goals. In the third and final year of the programme,

Combining knowledge and practice The three-year Master’s programme in global leadership uniquely couples leadership training with in-depth knowledge of industry,

Fellows are assigned an executive coach and a mentor from the Forum’s Community of Young Global Leaders to provide them with guidance on their career development and project work.

civil society, and global and regional governments. In this unique curriculum, the Fellows are provided not only with knowledge and training but, more importantly, with the practical experience obtained through joining forces with diverse world leaders and topical experts to facilitate common solutions to many of the world’s most pressing issues. Fresh thinking, exposure to current global, regional and industry issues, and practical leadership skills learned directly from those running today’s most influential organizations combine to set the Global Leadership Fellows Programme apart.

Leaders learning from leaders Beyond the takeaways from frequent interactions with world leaders, the Fellows – leaders in their own right – have seemingly endless opportunities to learn from one another. All Fellows enter the programme having already completed a master’s and/or doctorate level education from many of the world’s top academic institutions. Professionally, they come to the Forum

"I was very impressed by the intensity, eagerness and passion of this group of young people.” Monika Ribar, President and Chief Executive Officer, Panalpina World Transport Holding

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THE PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE The Global Leadership Fellows Programme is comprised of a three-year, 90-credit Master’s degree (European Credit Transfer System) and full-time work placement within the World Economic Forum.

The academic programme • The programme includes intensive leadership and management training, both practical and analytical. • The Coursework is designed to develop both hard and soft skills. • The first two academic years include an active study programme of four weeks per year. Sessions are conducted offsite and are taught by leading coaches as well as professors from academic partners INSEAD and Columbia and selected faculty from other leading educational institutions such as London Business School, Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government, IMD and the London School of Economics. • Each of the three years of the programme is dedicated to a different kind of leadership. - Year 1: Personal Leadership - Year 2: Team Leadership

The third-year project

- Year 3: Global Leadership

In the third year of the Programme, each Fellow chooses,

Every year includes a one-week retreat based on these

defines and executes a Board-approved project.

themes. The retreats include specialized skills training and

• The aim of the project is to provide Fellows with the

opportunities for the Fellows to develop relationships with

opportunity to apply their knowledge to a specific field

their peers outside of their day-to-day work environment.

of interest; to prove their leadership skills; and to contribute a beneficial, practical and value-adding solution to activities

Constantly putting the learning into practice

at the Forum.

Global Leadership Fellows have full-time work assignments, which

• The project should also demonstrate the leadership skills

span the breadth of the World Economic Forum’s activities. Like

acquired in the course of their training, and lead them to

any employee, each Fellow is part of a team within the Forum and

their next career move upon graduation.

is responsible for external relationship management as well as internal operational activities.

• Throughout the project, each Fellow is assisted by an experienced executive coach and a mentor from the Young Global Leaders Community.

“One of the most rewarding aspects of our partnership with the World Economic Forum is the opportunity to engage with the Global Leadership Fellows Programme. Our faculty and our team really enjoy teaching and engaging with the Fellows. It is an extremely talented and interesting group.” J. Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD

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THE FELLOWS: A DIVERSE YET COHESIVE GROUP Each year approximately 25 Fellows from around the world enter

Fellows come from the following industries:

the programme. Introduced in 2005, today the Fellows represent



around 40 nationalities. Their average age is 32 and they have



an average of seven years’ work experience. The gender ratio

Financial Services


is 54% male to 46% female.

Raw Materials/ Energy




Fellows are professionals recruited through a rigorous screening



process based on their demonstrated leadership ability, pro-

NGOs/International Organization


fessional excellence, academic prowess and their commitment to improving the state of the world.

Our Fellows come with exceptional experiences Francois worked as a paediatric registrar for the South African Department of Health, served as a consultant to UNICEF, the Namibian Government and several pharmaceutical firms and sits on the board of a non-profit organization developing medical devices for resource-poor settings. He graduated top of his class at the University of Cape Town, holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and an MBA from the University of Oxford, where, on a Rhodes Scholarship, he graduated as best overall student.

Pial worked as a management

Paola worked as a reporter at Fortune



Magazine in New York for five years,










Coopers, advising clients from private,

Before that, she worked in finance in

public and NGO sectors in North

Sweden and Brazil, and at the

America, Europe and Asia. Before

European Commission. Paola holds

that, Pial worked as the Assistant Country Manager for

a MSc in Economics and Business Administration from the

MCI, launched an Internet start-up and worked as a

Stockholm School of Economics, and a Master of

Manager for a technology venture of Grameen Bank. Pial

International Affairs and a MSc in Journalism, both from

joins the Forum after graduating with an MBA from the

Columbia University.

John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University where he was a Mason Fellow.

“My colleague had told me that I was going to find a great, challenging group of smart people. He was spot on. The Fellows are clearly outstanding. They are eager to learn, contribute, discuss, challenge and work.” Karel Cool, Professor of Strategic Management and BP Chaired Professor of European Competitiveness, INSEAD

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LEADERSHIP: LEARNING BY DOING Participating fully in the work of the Forum

Kristel heads the Forum’s Scenarios team. The Forum develops scenarios as a powerful management tool to address the most critical






international and diverse group of individuals is convened to form robust global, regional and industry scenarios.

Max heads the Forum’s Investors group. He works with a community of CEOs from the world’s top asset management, private equity, venture capital and hedge fund groups to tackle the uncertainties the Randall





industry faces.




particular the Gleneagles Dialogue on Climate Change. The Forum was invited to convene business recommendations on curbing climate change for the 2008 G8 Summit in Japan.

Sushant is deputy head of the Forum’s Asia team. He handles day-to-day management of the Forum’s relationships with Asian business and government and spearheads activities in South-East Asia.

Regina leads the China Health Alliance, a public-private partnership catalysed and coordinated by the Forum to address HIV and tuberculosis in China. This groundbreaking partnership engages companies, governmental, non-governmental as well as multilateral organizations in China in HIV/TB advocacy and workplace awareness and education activities to mitigate the threat to the Chinese economy and society.

“Teaching decision-making to an exclusive group of multicultural and seasoned decision-makers develops a synergy that creates a mutually rewarding and exciting learning experience in class. It is a true privilege for a teacher to contribute to this world-class programme.” Zeger Degraeve, Deputy Dean Programmes, Professor of Decision Sciences, London Business School

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"The Global Leadership Fellows programme is a dynamic global network of young leaders whose fresh ideas and new voices have a critical role to play in framing the political, economic and social agendas of tomorrow." Peter Piot, Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and Undersecretary-General, United Nations, Geneva

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ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM INITIATIVE True leadership is exemplified by those who are able to energize

A global leader must desire to contribute to the world’s economic,

individuals and teams; empower, fertilize and build communities;

social and political progress, and the Forum’s Global Leadership

and recognize and form the talent around them. They are the

Fellows Programme is specifically designed to help prepare its

coaches, learners, teachers and mentors who demonstrate the

participants for such a role. In this intense work environment,

discipline it takes to make changes to other people’s lives and

comprehensive global understanding becomes possible quickly.

to our world.

Instead of one culture, one industry and one type of interaction, there are global visions, global organizational contexts, publicprivate partnerships, global frameworks and cross-border problems and challenges. What makes this programme unique is that it sits at the intersection of the business world, the public sector and civil society. In a world growing as fast as it is shrinking, in which the most pressing challenges are increasingly interconnected and where winning strategies are those that are comfortable with diversity, the need for global leadership is more than acute. The Global Leadership Fellows Programme finds, develops and prepares these leaders for the world at large. Not only am I proud to be the dean of the best of the best global leadership programmes known to me, I am also proud to be contributing to the World Economic Forum’s future success stories. We are creating, within the Forum’s truly global environment, future global leaders who will be tomorrow’s movers and shakers.

Professor Gilbert Probst Managing Director and Dean, World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellows Programme

For more information on the Fellows or on the programme, please visit our website www.weforum.org/glf or write to leadershipfellows@weforum.org

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World Economic Forum 91-93 route de la Capite CH – 1223 Cologny/Geneva Switzerland

Š 2008 World Economic Forum. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system.

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