This workshop aims to present the current state of the art and the opportunities of graphene-based materials/devices and related structures for future emerging technologies in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Focus will be made on identifying the directions of promising innovation and disruptive technologies, including flexible electronics and transparent conductors, high frequency devices, digital logic, spintronics, nanoelectromechanical devices, ultimate sensors and bio-related applications. Challenges in the fields of ultimate microelectronics, energy dissipation and thermal management, advanced composites for aeronautics, and large scale graphene production and device integration will be discussed. We are indebted to the following Scientific Institutions, Companies, Projects and Government Agencies for their financial support: Graphene Flagship Pilot Action, NOKIA, 7th Framework Program / European Commission, nanoICT coordination action, Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Program, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), GRAnPH Nanotech, Acción Complementaria “Graphene” and Graphenea. We truly hope that this gathering will meet your goals and allow fruitful interactions.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
We take great pleasure in welcoming you to Madrid (Spain) for the workshop “Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities”.
The Organising Committee Stephan Roche (ICN, Spain) Francisco Guinea (CSIC-ICMM, Spain) Mar García-Hernández (CSIC-ICMM, Spain) Antonio Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Scientific Program (October 18, 2011) Welcome address
9h15-9h45 9h45-10h00
10h00-10h15 10h15-10h30 10h30-10h45 10h45-11h00 11h00-11h30 11h30-12h00
12h00-12h30 12h30-13h00 13h00-13h15 13h15-14h30
14h30-15h00 15h00-15h30 15h30-16h00
Arturo Azcorra [CDTI], Francisco Guinea [CSIC], Stephan Roche [ICN] and Rafael Rodrigo [CSIC] Chairman: Stephan Roche [ICN] Introduction to the Graphene Flagship and Industrial two-day event Jari Kinaret [Graphene Flagship coordinator] [Chalmers Univ., Sweden] Opening Session A challenge for European Industries Tapani Ryhänen [NOKIA, UK] Vision for the future: Graphene science driven innovation Vincenzo Palermo [CNR, Italy] Chairman: Mar Garcia-Hernandez [ICMM-CSIC] Graphene Technology Platform at BASF Matthias Schwab [BASF, Germany] Bulk production of faceted graphene oxide and graphene platelets: properties and applications Cesar Merino Sanchez [GRAnPH Nanotech, Spain] Graphene and graphene nanocomposites Julio Gomez [AVANZARE, Spain] Graphene films synthesized via CVD Amaia Zurutuza [GRAnPH Nanotech, Spain] Graphene crystal growth Luigi Colombo [Texas Instruments, USA] Coffee break Chairman: Jari Kinaret [Chalmers University] Graphene and its applications in energy storage devices Di Wei [NOKIA, UK] Graphene-based Metrology Jan Theodoor Janssen [National Physical Laboratory Ltd, UK] Graphene for flexible Electronics Andrea Ferrari [University of Cambridge, UK] Lunch break Chairman: Jani Kivioja [NOKIA] R2R printing on organic and inorganic materials Raimo Korhonen [VTT, Finland] Material Innovation for Aeronautics Jose-Sánchez Gómez/Tamara Blanco [Airbus, Spain] Title to be defined Salvatore Coffa [STMicroelectronics, Italy]
p. 25
p. 37 p. 33
p. 39 p. 31 p. 21 p. 49 p. 17
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
p. 47 p. 23 p. 19
p. 29 -
Scientific Program (October 18, 2011)
16h00-16h30 16h30-17h00 17h00-17h30
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
18h00-18h20 18h20-18h40 18h40-19h00 19h00-19h20 19h20-19h40 19h40-20h00
Chairman: Daniel Neumaier [AMO] IBM large scale graphene nanoelectronics technologies for future post CMOS Chun Yung Sung [IBM, USA] Samsung's approach to graphene transistor Hyun-Jong Chung [SAMSUNG, Korea] Graphene Logic Gates and Nanoribbon Memories Roman Sordan [Politecnico di Milano, Italy] Coffee break Chairman: Paco Guinea [ICMM-CSIC] Graphene Spintronics Pierre SĂŠnĂŠor [THALES-CNRS, France] Electromechanical resonators made from graphene Adrian Bachtold [ICN/CIN2, Spain] Graphene for Photovoltaics Francesco Bonaccorso [University of Cambridge, UK] Graphene for Advanced Photonics & Plasmonics Frank Koppens [ICFO, Spain] Venture capital and graphene: Are we at proof of principle or beyond? Mark Rahn [MTI, UK] Concluding Remarks Jani Kivioja [NOKIA, UK] and Stephan Roche [ICN, Spain]
p. 45 p. 15 p. 43
p. 41 p. 11 p. 13 p. 27 p. 35
Abstracts (Alphabetical Order)
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Adrian Bachtold [ICN/CIN2, Spain] Electromechanical resonators made from graphene Francesco Bonaccorso [University of Cambridge, UK] Graphene Photovoltaics Hyun-Jong Chung [SAMSUNG, Korea] Samsung's approach to graphene transistor Salvatore Coffa [STMicroelectronics, Italy] Title to be defined Luigi Colombo [Texas Instruments, USA] Graphene crystal growth Andrea Ferrari [University of Cambridge, UK] Graphene for Flexible Electronics Julio Gomez [AVANZARE, Spain] Graphene and graphene nanocomposites Jan Theodoor Janssen [National Physical Laboratory Ltd, UK] Graphene-based Metrology Jari Kinaret [Graphene Flagship coordinator] [Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden] The Graphene Flagship Initiative Frank Koppens [ICFO, Spain] Graphene for Advanced Photonics & Plasmonics Raimo Korhonen [VTT, Finland] R2R printing on organic and inorganic materials Cesar Merino Sanchez [GRAnPH Nanotech, Spain] Bulk production of faceted graphene oxide and graphene platelets: properties and applications Vincenzo Palermo [CNR, Italy] Vision for the future: Graphene science driven innovation Mark Rahn [MTI, UK] Venture capital and graphene: Are we at proof of principle or beyond? Tapani Ryhänen [NOKIA, UK] A challenge for European Industries Jose Sanchez Gomez/Tamara Blanco [Airbus, Spain] Material Innovation for Aeronautics Matthias Schwab [BASF, Germany] Graphene Technology Platform at BASF Pierre Sénéor [THALES-CNRS, France] Graphene Spintronics Roman Sordan [Politecnico di Milano, Italy] Graphene Logic Gates and Nanoribbon Memories Chun-Yung Sung [IBM, USA] IBM large scale graphene nanoelectronics technologies for future post CMOS Di Wei [NOKIA, UK] Graphene and its applications in energy storage devices Amaia Zurutuza [GRAnPH Nanotech, Spain] Graphene films synthesized via CVD
11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Electromechanical resonators made from graphene
Graphene offers unique scientific and technological opportunities as nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Namely, graphene has allowed the fabrication of mechanical resonators that can be operable at high frequencies and that have an ultra-high quality factor [1]. In addition, graphene has exceptional electron transport properties. For instance, the room-temperature mobility is higher than that of any known semiconductor. Coupling the mechanical motion to electron transport in these remarkable materials is thus highly appealing. In this talk, I will review some of the recent progresses on graphene NEMS resonators. I will also discuss the possibility to use graphene resonators for future mass sensing applications. References [1]
A. Eichler, J. Moser, J. Chaste, M. Zdrojek, I. Wilson-Rae, A. Bachtold, Nature Nano (2011)
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
A. Bachtold ICN and CIN2, Campus UABarcelona, 08023 Bellaterra, Spain
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene Photovoltaics
Graphene has great potential in photonics and optoelectronics, where the combination of its unique optical and electronic properties can be fully exploited, the absence of a bandgap can be beneficial, and the linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons enables ultra-wide-band tenability [1]. The rise of graphene in photonics and optoelectronics is shown by several recent results, ranging from solar cells and light emitting devices, to touch screens, photodetectors and ultrafast lasers [1]. Despite being a single atom thick, graphene can be optically visualized [2]. Its transmittance can be expressed in terms of the fine structure constant [3]. The linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons enables broadband applications [4,5,6,7]. Saturable absorption is observed as a consequence of Pauli blocking [7,8]. Chemical and physical treatments enable luminescence [1,9]. Graphenepolymer composites prepared using wet chemistry [7,8,10] can be integrated in a fiber laser cavity, to generate ultrafast pulses and enable broadband tunability [7,8]. Graphene’s suitability for high-speed photodetection was demonstrated in optical communication links operating at 10Gbits-1 [5]. By combining graphene with plasmonic nanostructures, the efficiency of graphene-based photodetectors can be increased by up to 20 times [11]. Wavelength and polarization selectivity can be achieved by employing nanostructures of different geometries [11]. Plasmonic nanostructures can also increase dramatically the light harvesting properties in solar cells [11]. In the case of solar cells graphene can fulfill the following functions: as the transparent conductor window [12], antireflective material [13], photoactive material [14], channel for charge transport [15], and catalyst [16]. A variety of configurations have been demonstrated to date, ranging from silicon solar
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Francesco Bonaccorso Engineering Department, Cambridge University, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, UK
cells [13], to organic [14] and dye-sensitized solar cells [12,15,16]. I will give a thorough overview of the state of the art of graphene-enabled solar cells, outlining the major stumbling blocks and development opportunities.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
F. Bonaccorso et al. Nat. Photon. 4, 611 (2010) C. Casiraghi et al. Nano Lett. 7, 2711 (2007). R. R. Nair et al. Science 320, 1308 (2008). M. Liu, et al. Nature 474, 64 (2011) T. Mueller et al. Nat. Photon. 4, 297 (2010) Xia, et al. Nature Nanotech. 4, 839 (2009) Z. Sun et al. ACS Nano 4, 803 (2010); Nano Research 3, 653 (2010) T. Hasan, et al. Adv. Mat. 21,3874 (2009) T. Gokus et al. ACS Nano 3, 3963 (2009) T. Hasan et al. Physica Status Solidi B, 247, 2953 (2010) T.J. Echtermeyer et al. Nat. Commun.2, 458 (2011) X. Wang, L. Zhi, K. Mullen, Nano Lett. 2007, 8, 323. X. Li et al. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 2743 V.Yong, J. M. Tour, Small, 6, 313 (2009). N. Yang, et al. ACS Nano 2010, 4, 887. W. Hong, et al. Electrochem. Commun. 10, 1555 (2008).
Hyun-Jong Chung*, Heejun Yang, Jinseong Heo, Seongjun Park, David H. Seo, Hyun Jae Song and Kyung-Eun Byun Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, San 14, Nongseo-dong, Giheung-gu,Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea Samsung's approach will be presented. In the approach, monolayer graphene has been grown on Cu thin film in 6-inch scale at low temperature using inductive coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition. More than 99% of the film is single layer according to Raman mapping and optical microscopy. [1] Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study reveals line structure and undisturbed spectroscopy of graphene which could be the origin of the thinner layer than thermally grown graphene on Cu foil. [2] More than 2000 devices were fabricated on the 6inch wafer and measured Id-Vg and Id-Vd curves. References [1] [2]
J. Lee et al., IEDM (2011). Jeon et al., ACS Nano, 3 (2011) 1915.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Samsung's approach to graphene transistor
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene crystal growth
Graphene with its superior mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties is emerging as a material that can be used to address many challenges that face the electronics industry for a number of applications. In order to meet the requirements set by the various applications it is imperative to learn how to prepare the optimum graphene. Graphene for electronics has been prepared by a several techniques but the technique that is emerging at this time as being the most scalable that can also meet stringent requirements for electronics, the most demanding of the applications, is chemical vapor deposition on copper. Copper is a convenient and necessary substrate at this time because of its unique CuC phase diagram. However while this is a major advantage that has enabled the graphene community to make significant advances in device fabrication on a much larger scale than any of the other preparation techniques, there still remain many challenges that will have to be addressed. Some of the challenges have to do specifically with the Cu itself and current process regime; others have to do with graphene transfer. In this presentation I will review the various graphene preparation techniques and integration of graphene for electronic applications. In addition I will provide an overview and layout some of the aspects of graphene growth and integration that will have to be addressed before graphene can be integrated in a real silicon device flow.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Luigi Colombo Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, TX 75243, USA
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
− − − −
Applications of graphene for the Si electronics industry Graphene crystal growth by chemical vapor deposition Integration of graphene with metals and dielectrics Key challenges and opportunities in graphene crystal growth and integration
Andrea Ferrari University of Cambridge, Engineering Department, Cambridge CB3 OFA, UK The richness of optical and electronic properties of graphene attracts enormous interest. Graphene has high mobility and optical transparency, in addition to flexibility, robustness and environmental stability. So far, the main focus has been on fundamental physics and electronic devices. In this talk, I will outline some of the key properties and advantages of graphene and related layered materials. In particular I will focus on the integration of graphene into flexible electronics and plastic substrates.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Flexible Electronics
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene and graphene nanocomposites
One on the handicaps in the graphene technology is the production of graphene in industrial large scale. Large scale, reproducible and cost effective synthesis of graphene is needed for their use in industrial applications, because in most of the applications, graphene composites are alternative to existing materials: grams, kilo, 100 kg, tons is the typical scale up for this type of material; however scalability is not easy and usually it is unsuccessful. Most of the graphene applications are in composites materials due to its mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. To obtain a good integration of the graphene layers it is necessary the functionalization of graphene, however in most of the cases it produce loss of properties, for this reason, other alternatives are necessary to obtain optimal physicochemical properties of the final material.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Julio Gomez Avanzare Innovaci贸n Tecnol贸gica S.L., Logro帽o (La Rioja), Spain
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene based Metrology
Graphene is a material which holds promise for a myriad of exciting applications across many technologies and a large number of these have been demonstrated in principle in the laboratory. However going from laboratory demonstration to real-life application can be a difficult process and this is where many new technologies have failed in the past. Metrology plays an essential role in this process by providing reliable and reproducible measurement technology which gives confidence in the results of research. It provides a basis which can be used for the objective comparison of measurement results and can be used to set standards for industry to work towards. Metrology has often been the first adopter of new technologies. In particular, the quantum Hall effect was one of the first discoveries in graphene and it has been the metrological community which has taken this from first observation to the best quantum resistance standard in period of less than 6 years. Conversely, the demonstration of a high accuracy quantum Hall effect gives confidence in graphene as a mature technology with real potential.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Jan-Theodoor Janssen National Physical Laboratory, TW11 0LW Teddington, UK
In this short talk I will focus on the development of quantum standard for resistance based on epitaxial graphene and discuss some of the challenges in developing metrology for graphene production. 23
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
The Graphene Flagship Initiative
In this talk I will briefly describe the graphene flagship pilot. I will describe the FET flagship process in general and how our flagship proposal is being developed. In particular, I will describe our initial ideas regarding flagship implementation and governance and the procedure for developing the research program for the flagship. For additional information, please consult:
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Jari Kinaret Department of Applied Physics Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Advanced Photonics & Plasmonics
In this talk, I will discuss a variety of (nano)opto-electronic applications of graphene, including ultrafast photodetection, ultrasensitive photodetection with high gain, and nanoscale optical field confinement using tuneable surface plasmons in graphene. Graphene is a promising photonic material whose gapless band structure allows electron-hole pairs to be generated over a broad range of wavelengths, from UV, visible, and telecommunication bands, to IR and THz frequencies. Previous studies of photocurrents in graphene have demonstrated ultrafast photoresponse near metallic contacts or at the interface between single-layer and bilayer regions. We will discuss here also the photoresponse of graphene devices with top gates, separated from otherwise homogeneous graphene by an insulator. This geometry enables local on-off control of photodetection by switching from the bipolar to ambipolar regime.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
F.H.L. Koppens ICFO, The institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain
Moreover, we use a hybrid approach to make graphene photodetectors for visible and/or infrared light with extremely high gain of up to 109 and a responsivity of 108 W/A. The second part of my talk will be devoted to the emerging and potentially far-reaching field of graphene plasmonics. Graphene plasmons provide a suitable alternative to noble-metal plasmons because they exhibit much larger confinement and relatively long propagation distances, with the advantage of being highly tunable via electrostatic gating. We will discuss how these properties translate into appealing optical behavior of this atomically thin material, with potential applications to infrared detection,
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
single-photon quantum devices, and ultrasensitive detectors. In particular, we will show that graphene layers produce extraordinarily large Pucell factors and light scattering, strong light-matter interaction, and total light absorption. Compared to conventional plasmonic metals, graphene can lead to much larger field enhancement and extreme optical field confinement.
Raimo Korhonen Technology Manager of Printed Functional Solutions Knowledge Center, Microtechnologies and Electronics, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tekniikankatu 1, 33101 Tampere, Finland Printed intelligence are components and systems which extend the functions of printed matter beyond traditional visually interpreted text and graphics, and perform actions as a part of functional products or wider information systems. VTT has investigated and developed enabling technologies for printed intelligence, electronics and optics and their applications with a vision that ‘electronics and functionalities from inks’, manufactured by printing like R2R ‘continuously running’ methods, enables cost efficient integration/embedding of simple intelligence everywhere. Advances in organic and inorganic materials have been an important driver in these developments. Graphene is seen as future opportunity when carbon nanotubes are already used in functional inks. Instead of evolutionary replacement of traditional paper and printing industry products or ICT/electronics industry products the development goals are in disruptive new applications like interactive and smart packages and shopping environments, disposable diagnostics and bioactive paper, large area sensors for building use and gaming, tag and code technologies for ICT and hybrid media applications etc. Printed components like OLED, OPV, transistors, passive components, ecological holograms, sensors, batteries have been developed as building blocks for system solutions and innovative products. In addition to technology development VTT is actively building capabilities towards industrialisation and commercialization. PrintoCent pilot-factory is ramping-up for scaling up manufacturing, demonstration and piloting capability and services together with collaborating companies.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
R2R printing on organic and inorganic materials
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
C. Merino*, H. Varela, M. Terrones and I. Mart铆n-Gull贸n GRAnPH Nanotech, Burgos, Spain We will describe the synthesis of graphene oxide platelets and reduced graphene oxide, which novelty lies in the use of helical-ribbon carbon nanofibers (GANF, produced by Grupo Antolin) as starting material, instead of the typically used graphite. These fibers, successfully applied in different applications, present an unique structure consisting of a coiled graphene nanoribbon. Grupo Antolin has been successful in developing an efficient method able to produce bulk amounts of novel types of graphene-like structures from these carbon nanofibers. The characterization of the new material using different techniques was consistent and confirmed the presence of majority single-layer graphene oxide platelets. In particular, TEM explorations combined with SAED showed high crystalline single-layer and few-layer (2-5 layers) graphene oxide with faceted edges, which was also confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. We will discuss the physico-chemical properties of the fibers and the derived graphene products. It is clear that all these novel graphene platelets could be used in the fabrication of robust composites, sensors, supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries and electronic devices. Further research in collaboration with Research Laboratories and Universities is needed and Grupo Antolin is looking forward to explore new horizons in the field of graphene applications.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Bulk production of faceted graphene oxide and graphene platelets: properties and applications
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Vincenzo Palermo Nanochemistry Lab – ISOF National Research Council, Bologna, Italy The use of new materials has always fostered new technological and industrial revolutions. Steel, glass, rubber, silicon or uranium are just few examples of materials that changed our life. In graphene flagship, we are trying to translate the exceptional properties of graphene into actual industrial and commercial applications. Electrons in graphene don't simply go faster than in silicon, they also obey a completely different physics, which will allow technology applications significantly different form the actual ones.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Visions for the future: graphene science driven innovation
Even if we cannot foresee which will be most important effects of such a new technology on every day’s life, we can learn from experience of the past. A huge carbon-based technological revolution took place in 20th century, when the first polymers moved from scientific research, to technological application, to every day’s products, under the name of plastic. 33
The use of plastic tools or even clothes rapidly displaced metal, wood or leather for many applications. This was not due to better performance in
absolute value of plastic respect to more conventional materials; plastic was not stronger than steel, or warmer than wool; even today people prefer to buy wooden furniture in their homes respect to plastic ones. Plastics success was not due to pure performance, but rather to cost and versatility advantages. As we now use plenty of plastic tools, but still build airplanes of metal and tables of wood, graphene will not replace silicon in microelectronics; probably, silicon will still be at the heart of computers and microprocessors, but graphene will allow information processing and communication to reach a new level of diffusion in our life; using low cost devices, transparent flexible displays and touch screens (based on graphene seamlessly integrated with plastic materials) we will have the possibility to include data and information in virtually any aspect of everyday life.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Mark Rahn MTI, UK No-one is doubting the importance of graphene in scientific endeavor and most people now agree that graphene will play an important role in practical materials and devices of tomorrow. Substantial commercial success of graphene in at least one market is not assured, but is now highly likely. But great businesses and great projects don't always make great investments and the principle factor affecting this is time. Investments with poor timing, timescales that are too long and timescales that are too short tend to result in failure even if the underlying technical merit of the project is good. So what about graphene? Is graphene ready for substantial VC investment beyond a few speculative proof of principle projects? This, and the bottlenecks for progress, will be discussed.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Venture capital and graphene: Are we at proof of principle or beyond?
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Tapani Ryh채nen Director and Head of Eurolab Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, UK The electrical, optical, mechanical and thermal properties of graphene make it one of the most important new materials for a multitude of applications in a large number of industrial sectors. In the electronics industry graphene is expected to become a significant new technology platform that creates applications ranging from functional composite materials to integrated circuits and printed electronics. Current examples of this broad scope of applications include transparent conductive films, graphene battery electrodes, graphene transistors, graphene composites. Based on these remarkable early achievements, it is possible to evaluate the potential consumer value, and graphene has become in a very short period of time a target of a huge global investment in the billions. In this competition Europe, while being today the leader in the graphene basic research, has already a challenge to catch up with the speed of the American and Asian development of graphene applications. A successful European research agenda in graphene research requires the creation of a complete value chain from materials to components and finally to end products. Graphene based technologies are highly disruptive and will create opportunities for European manufacturing industries. This presentation discusses an industrial vision of graphene as a new technology platform, the challenges in creating new value networks and chains, the European position in graphene industrialisation, and opportunities for new manufacturing based on graphene. The presentation will use examples of future mobile communication products and their technology requirements to illustrate potential consumer and societal values of graphene. Nokia Research Center has carried out
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
A challenge for European Industries
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
graphene related research since 2006 together with its key university partners, Aalto University and the University of Cambridge. Examples of results related to electronics, optoelectronics and electrochemistry will be shown, with a vision of their impact in radio, sensor, battery and computing technologies.
Matthias Schwab BASF SE Physical Chemistry, Formulation Technologies GVC/F, J550, 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Graphene as an emerging material has recently spurred the interest of scientific research both in academia and industry. At BASF graphene and graphene materials are currently being studied for several potential fields of application. We have set up a graphene technology platform aiming at the systematic investigation of this new carbon material fabricated either by top-down or bottom-up procedures. Owing to its appealing electrical conductivity, graphene can be used for conductive formulations and coatings as well as for polymer composite materials with antistatic properties. Also, graphene may serve as a new carbon material thus replacing or complementing traditional carbon black additives in lithiumion batteries as well as activated carbons in supercapacitor devices. It is also intended to evaluate graphene-based transparent conductive layers for their use in displays, organic solar cells and organic light emitting diodes. On a longer perspective the semi-conducting properties of graphene nanoribbons fabricated from chemical bottom-up approaches shall be explored.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene Technology Platform at BASF
The talk will focus on the recent activities of BASF in the field of graphene and provide an evaluation of this promising material from an industrial point of view. 39
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
P. Sénéor1*, B. Dlubak1, M.-B. Martin1, A. Anane1, C. Deranlot1, B. Servet2, S. Xavier2, R. Mattana1, H. Jaffrès1, M. Sprinkle3, C. Berger3,4, W. de Heer3, F. Petroff1 and A. Fert1 1 Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, Palaiseau and Université ParisSud, Orsay, France 2 Thales Research and Technology, Palaiseau, France 3 School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA 4 Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble, France Spintronics is a paradigm focusing on spin as the information vector. Ranging from quantum information to zero-power non-volatile magnetism, the spin information can be also translated from electronics to optics. Several spintronics devices (logic gates, spin FET, etc.) are based on spin transport in a lateral channel between spin polarized contacts. We want to discuss, with experiments in support, the potential of graphene for the transport of spin currents over long distances in such types of device. The advantage of graphene over classical semiconductors and metals comes from the combination of its large electron velocity with the long spin lifetime due to the small spin-orbit coupling of carbon. This leads to spin diffusion lengths ≈ 100 µm and above. We will present new magneto-transport experiments on epitaxial graphene multilayers on SiC [1] connected to cobalt electrodes through alumina tunnel barriers [2]. The spin signals are in the MΩ range in terms of ∆R = ∆V/I [3]. This is well above the spin resistance of the graphene channel. The analysis of the results in the frame of drift/diffusion equations [4] leads to spin diffusion length in graphene in the 100 µm range for a series of samples having different lengths and different tunnel resistances. The high spin transport efficiency of graphene can also be
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene spintronics
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
acknowledged up to 75% in our devices [3]. The advantage of graphene is not only the long spin diffusion length. The large electron velocity also leads to short enough dwell times even for spin injection through tunnel barriers. Our results on graphene can be compared with previous results [5] obtained on carbon nanotubes. This shows that a unified picture of spin transport in nanotubes and graphene can be presented. In conclusion, graphene, with its unique combination of long spin life times and large electron velocity, resulting in long spin diffusion length, turns out as a material of choice for large scale logic circuits and the transport/processing of spin information. Understanding the mechanism of the spin relaxation, improving the spin diffusion length and also testing various concepts of spin gate are the next challenges. References [1]
[4] [5]
W.A. de Heer, C. Berger, X. Wu, M. Sprinkle, Y. Hu, M. Ruan, J.A. Stroscio, P.N. First, R. Haddon, B. Piot, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, and J.-S. Moon, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 374007, 2010. B. Dlubak, P. Seneor, A. Anane, C. Barraud, C. Deranlot, D. Deneuve, B. Servet, R. Mattana, F. Petroff, and A. Fert, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 092502 (2010) B. Dlubak, P. Seneor, A. Anane, M.-B. Martin, C. Deranlot, B. Servet, S. Xavier, R. Mattana, M. Sprinkle, C. Berger, W. A. De Heer, F. Petroff, and A. Fert, Submitted H. Jaffrès, J.-M. George, and A. Fert, Physical Review B, 82, 140408(R), 2010. L.E. Hueso, J.M. Pruneda, V. Ferrari, G. Burnell, J.P. ValdesHerrera, B.D. Simons, P.B. Littlewood, E. Artacho, A. Fert, and N.D. Mathur, Nature, 445, 410, 2007.
Roman Sordan1*, Floriano Traversi1, Fabrizio Nichele1, Eberhard Ulrich Stützel2, Adarsh Sagar2, Kannan Balasubramanian2, Marko Burghard2 and Klaus Kern2,3 1 L-NESS Como, Politecnico di Milano, Polo di Como, Via Anzani 42, 22100 Como, Italy 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany 3 Institute de Physique des Nanostructures, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Over the past few years there has been a surge of interest in graphene, a recently isolated single sheet of graphite. From the application point of view this interest has mainly been driven by the high carrier mobility of graphene which enables fabrication of field-effect transistors (FETs) with much smaller channel resistance compared to their Si counterparts. In this manner, the ultimate limits of Si technology, which are expected at the sub-10 nm scale, may be overcome, paving the way for digital nanoelectronics. Here we demonstrate the operation of graphene logic gates and memories with a current on/off ratio much higher than this in conventional back-gated graphene devices. The same resistance of a graphene FET can be obtained for two different gate voltages, one on either side of the Dirac point. This was exploited to fabricate four basic logic gates (XOR, NAND, OR, and NOT) with a single graphene FET. However, these logic gates require off chip resistors to operate, i.e., they are not integrated on the same graphene flake. An integrated graphene digital logic gate was obtained by integrating one pand one n-type graphene FET on the same sheet of monolayer graphene. Both FETs initially exhibited p-type behaviour at low gate voltages, since air contamination shifted their Dirac points from zero to a positive gate
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene Logic Gates and Nanoribbon Memories
voltage. Contaminants in one FET were removed by electrical annealing, which shifted its Dirac point back and therefore restored n-type behaviour. Boolean inversion is obtained by operating the FETs between their Dirac points.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
In order to improve the on/off ratio of graphene FETs an alternative gate stack was fabricated. Incorporation of such graphene FETs in logic gates resulted in an increase in small-signal voltage gain of around two orders of magnitude in comparison to conventional back-gated devices. Use of these FETs in a complementary inverter eliminated need for current annealing and ensured a gain larger than unity under ambient conditions. Such a high gain is a main prerequisite for direct cascading of logic gates.
An alternative promising strategy to increase the on/off ratio relies upon patterning of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), wherein quantum confinement and edge effects open a bandgap inversely proportional to the ribbon width. Here we demonstrate a high performance GNR memory cell based on a nondestructive storage mechanism, i.e., gate voltage pulses of opposite polarity are used to switch between the distinct on and off states of the device. The devices were fabricated by patterning graphene into nanoribbons using V2O5 nanofibres as etching masks. A pronounced memory effect is observed under ambient conditions, which is attributed to charge traps in the vicinity of the GNRs. Reliable switching between two conductivity states is demonstrated for clock frequencies of up to 1 kHz and pulse durations as short as 500 ns (tested limits) for > 107 cycles. The durable and stable memory cell can be rendered nonvolatile upon exclusion of oxygen and humidity. GNRs thus emerge as promising components of highly integrated memory arrays.
C.Y. (Chun-Yung) Sung IBM Nanoelectronics and DARPA CERA Graphene Program Manager IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, U.S.A. IBM graphene FETs (GFET) yield the highest cut-off frequency (fT) values reported: >200 GHz on epitaxially grown SiC wafer and >150 GHz on CVDgrown-transferred onto Si wafer which are well above Si MOSFET fT-Lg trend in ITRS. IBM implemented in-situ monolayer control using LEEM, which is capable of monolayer thickness precision and provides real-time electron reflection images, allowing graphene formation via Si desorption from the SiC surface to be studied, optimized and controlled. Graphene uniformly across Si-face SiC wafers with only monolayer variation, exhibiting high mobility. CVD is a promising way to produce large-scale graphene which hold great commercialization potential at low cost. IBM demonstrated large dimension, single layer high quality graphene sheets CVD grown on Cu foil and transferred to 8“-12� Si wafer. The talk will also describe the world first wafer scale graphene integrated circuit 10 GHz mixer fabricated by IBM. These are important advances in large scale graphene synthesis, device and circuit technologies. A novel reconfigurable graphene p-n junction based logic device is also introduced. Its switching is accomplished by using co-planar split gates that modulate the properties that are unique to graphene including angular dependent carrier reflection which can dynamically change the device operation, leading to reconfigurable multi-functional logic. The talk is going to focus on large-scale graphene that are likely to be realized within the next 3-10 years. The challenges and practical hurdles which need to be overcome on the road from research to industry, and
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
IBM large scale graphene nanoelectronics technologies for future post CMOS
the opportunities and advantage over competing technologies will be discussed. Many future graphene nanoelectronics applications will also be introduced as well. Outline
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
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IBM Large Scale Graphene Synthesis Technologies IBM Graphene Nanoelectronics Device and Circuit Development Applications and Markets Challenges and Opportunities
Di Wei Nokia Research Center, Broers Building, 21 JJ Thompson Avenue, CB30FA, Cambridge, UK Graphene is a material which consists of a 2D layer of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms bonded together and the shape that results from it is a “honeycomb� lattice, notable for its high regularity. It is attracting growing interest from both scientific community and industries due to the recent advancements that have led to the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Among the possible fields of applications, the use of graphene in energy harvesting and storage devices is particularly interesting due to the number of extremely promising and practical potential uses. Graphene exhibits superior electrical conductivity, transparency, a high charge carrier mobility (20 m2/V/sec), fascinating transport phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect, high surface areas of over 2600 m2/g and a broad electrochemical window. These features make graphene particularly advantageous for applications in energy technologies. This talk covers electrochemical exfoliation of graphene and its comparison with other different manufacturing methods. It also updates the application of graphene in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and batteries [1, 2].
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene and its applications in energy storage devices
References [1]
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Di Wei, Hongwei Li, Dongxue Han, Qixian Zhang, Li Niu, Huafeng Yang, Piers Andrew and Tapani Ryhänen, ’Properties of graphene inks stabilized by different functional groups’, Nanotechnology, 22 (2011) 245702. D. Wei, P. Andrew, H. Yang, Y. Jiang, W. Ruan, D. Han, L. Niu, C. Bower, T. Ryhänen, M. Rouvala, G. A J Amaratunga, and A.Ivaska ‘Flexible solid state lithium batteries based on graphene inks’, J.Mater. Chem., 21 (2011) 9762.
Graphene films synthesized via CVD
Researchers envision many different applications for graphene. Depending on the application the required graphene format can vary from powder/flake to homogeneous film form. The powder form can be obtained starting from graphite while the large area graphene films can be obtained using silicon carbide sublimation and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods. In the CVD method, graphene is synthesized via the deposition of a carbon source on a metallic catalyst substrate at high temperatures. Copper and nickel metals have been widely used as graphene catalysts during CVD growth. Copper has been reported to control better the monolayer graphene growth [1]. However, the growth is not the only process that needs to be optimized in order to have high quality graphene on insulating substrates. The graphene transfer process is as important as the growth since the synthesized graphene can easily be damaged during the transfer. After a careful characterization of our monolayer graphene by means of Raman and optical microscopy, the limiting factors for a successful graphene transfer were determined. Moreover, we have also obtained suspended graphene samples which were characterized via High Resolution TEM and Scanning mode TEM.
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
A. Zurutuza Graphenea Nanomaterials, San Sebastian, Spain
References 49
X. Li, et al Science 324, 1312 (2009).
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies Workshop (223) Nélia Alberto [Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal] Carlos Algora [Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain] Beatriz Alonso [Graphenea S.A., Spain] Antonio Alvarez [TOLSA, Spain] Susana Alvarez-Garcia [ICMM-IQFR CSIC, Spain] Frazer Anderson [Oxford Instruments, United Kingdom] Marcelo Antunes [Centre Català del Plàstic, Spain] Paulo Antunes [Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal] Miguel Ara [Tindaya Renovables, SL, Spain] Pablo Ares [Nanotec Electronica, Spain] Arturo Azcorra [CDTI, Spain] Zenasni Aziz [CEA Yechnologies, France] Adrian Bachtold [ICN, CIN2, Spain] Michael Balthasar [Volvo Technology, Sweden] Giovanni Barcaro [CNR-IPCF, Italy] Mike Bath [DGS, United Kingdom] Manuel Belmonte [ICV-CSIC, Spain] Ana Benito [CSIC-Instituto de Carboquimica, Spain] Jose Manuel Berzal [NANOCONECTA, S.L., Spain] Peter Blake [Graphene Industries Ltd., United Kingdom] Tamara Blanco [AIRBUS, Spain] Anders Blom [QuantumWise A/S, Denmark] Alirio Boaventura [Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal] Francesco Bonaccorso [Cambridge University, United Kingdom] Paolo Bondavalli [Thales, France] Luis L. Bonilla [Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain] Timothy Booth [DTU Nanotech, Denmark] Alberto Bosca [ISOM-UPM (ETSIT), Spain] Alejandro F. Braña de Cal [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Iria Bravo Segura [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Francesca Brunetti [University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy] Andrew Burgess [AkzoNobel, United Kingdom] Thomas Büsgen [Bayer MaterialScience AG, Germany] Peter Bøggild [Technical University of Denmark, Denmark] Javier Caballero Fernández [Indra, Spain] Fernando Calle [ISOM-UPM, Spain] Juan Carratala [AIJU, Spain] Manuel Carretero [University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain] Alba Centeno [Graphenea, Spain] Hyun-Jong Chung [SAMSUNG, Korea] Giorgio Cinacchi [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Tim Claypole [WCPC, Swansea Univerisity, United Kingdom]
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Last update (10/10/2011)
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Salvatore Coffa [STMicroelectronics, Italy] Karl Coleman [DGS, United Kingdom] Luigi Colombo [Texas Instruments, United States] Philippe Coronel [CEA Grenoble, France] Antonio Correia [Phantoms Foundation, Spain] Gabriel Crean [CEA, France] Alicia de Andrés [CSIC, Spain] Jesus de la Fuente [Graphenea, Spain] Beatriz Marta de la Iglesia Rodríguez [CISDEM (UPM-CSIC), Spain] Jose M. de Teresa [CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain] Hakan Deniz [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Enrique Diez [Universidad Salamanca, Spain] Olivier Ducloux [ONERA, France] Emilio Elizalde [CSIC, Spain] Vladimir Ermolov [VTT, Finland] Juan Carlos Escriña López [Técnicas Reunidas S.A., Spain] Mirko Faccini [Leitat Technological Center, Spain] Severino Falcon [MICINN, Spain] Christel Faure [CEA Technologies, France] Andrea Ferrari [Cambridge University, United Kingdom] Rafael Ferritto [Nanoinnova Technologies, Spain] Stephane Fontanell [OMNT, France] Gio Fornell [Linköping University,InnovationskontorEtt, Sweden] Thomas Frach [Philips, Germany] Gaillard Frederic [CEA Grenoble, France] Jean-Christophe Gabriel [CEA, France] Francisco Gamiz [University of Granada, Spain] Mar Garcia-Hernandez [ICMM-CSIC, Spain] Idoia Gaztelumendi [Tecnalia, Spain] Adriana Gil [Nanotec Electronica, Spain] Enrique Gimenez Torres [Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain] Mehdi Gmar [CEA LIST, France] Philippe Godignon [CNM-CSIC, Spain] Julio Gomez [AVANZARE, Spain] Jean-Yves Gomez [ISORG, France] Marian Gomez [CSIC, Spain] Cesar Gomez Anquela [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Jose-Maria Gomez Rodriguez [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Guillermo Gomez Santos [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Miguel Gomez Uranga [University of the Basque Country, Spain] Berta Gomez-Lor [ICMM, Spain] Nieves González [CDTI, Spain] Maria Angeles Gonzalez-Fernandez [Repsol, Spain] Neil Graddage [Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating, United Kingdom] Francisco Guinea [ICMM-CSIC, Spain]
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Teresa Guraya [University if the Basque Country, Spain] York Haemisch [Philips Electronics B.V., Germany] Uwe Hahn [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Henri Happy [IEMN - University Lille1, France] Ari Harju [Aalto University, Finland] Lars-Christian Heinz [LG Electronics, Germany] Ana Helman [European Science Foundation, France] Juan Carlos Hernandez [JCHG24,SL, Spain] Soon Hyung Hong [Office of Strategic R&D Planning, Korea] Manuel Ricardo Ibarra [Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon (INA), Spain] Julen Ibarretxe [University of the Basque Country, Spain] Marta Iglesias [ICMM-CSIC, Spain] Adelina Ile [University of Bath] Jan-Theodoor Janssen [National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom] Guido Janssen [TU Delft, Netherlands] Jose M. Kenny [ICTP-CSIC, Spain] Chul-Hong Kim [LG Display Co.,Ltd., Korea] Jari Kinaret [Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden] Jukka Kolemainen [DIARC-Technology Oy, Finland] Harri Kopola [VTT, Finland] Frank Koppens [ICFO, Spain] Raimo Korhonen [VTT, Finland] Chang Seok Lee [Ecole Polytechnique, France] Marcus Liebmann [RWTH Aachen University, Germany] Niclas Lindvall [Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden] Harri Lipsanen [Aalto University, Finland] Nicola Lisi [ENEA, Italy] Javier LLorca [IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain] Giulio Lolli [Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Germany] Vicente Lopez [Técnicas Reunidas, Spain] María Encarnación Lorenzo [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Rosa Mª Lozano Puerto [Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC), Spain] Anders Mathias Lunde [ICMM-CSIC, Spain] Grzegorz Lupina [IHP, Germany] Pablo Mantilla Gilart [Fundacion CTC, Spain] Bernabé Marí Soucase [Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain] Javier Marti [Nanophotonics Tech Center- Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain] Francisco Martínez [Innovarcilla Foundation, Spain] Cruz Mendiguta [B-Able, Spain] Eduardo Menendez Proupin [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Francesco Mercuri [CNR-ISMN, Italy] Cesar Merino [GRAnPH Nanotech, Spain] Arben Merkoçi [Catalan Institut of Nanotechnology, Spain] Giacomo Messina [University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy] Christian Methfessel [Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany]
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Abir Mhamdi [Faculty of sciences of Tunis, Tunisia] Jan Michalik [Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Aragón, Spain] Salah Mohammed Moaied [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Mohsen Moazzami Gudarzi [Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran] Mauro Montabone [Thales Alenia Space, Italy] Ana Lilian Montero Alejo [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Angela Montiel [UC3M, Spain] Vittorio Morandi [CNR-IMM Bologna, Italy] Konstantinos Moulopoulos [University of Cyprus, Cyprus] Prasanta Muduli [University of Leipzig, Germany] Miguel Murillo [Indra Sistemas, Spain] Daniel Neumaier [AMO GmbH, Germany] Sneha Nidhi [Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain] Luigi Occhipinti [ST Microelectronics, Italy] Juuso Olkkonen [VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland] M. Isabel Osendi [ICV-CSIC, Spain] Ekmel Ozbay [Bilkent University, Turkey] Antonio Paez Dueñas [Repsol, Spain] Vincenzo Palermo [CNR, Italy] Felix Pariente [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Seongjun Park [Samsung Electronics, Korea] Jordi Pascual [ICN, Spain] Iwona Pasternak [Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Poland] Flavio Pendolino [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Briza Pérez López [Catalan Institut of Nanotechnology, Spain] Blanca Teresa Pérez Maceda [Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC), Spain] Amaia Pesquera [Graphenea, Spain] Laura Polloni [University of Insubria, Italy] Samuele Porro [IIT – Italian Institute of Technology, Italy] María Teresa Portolés [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain] Javier Portugal [CSIC, Spain] Elsa Prada [ICMM - CSIC, Spain] Silvia G Prolongo [University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain] Mark Rahn [MTI Partners, United Kingdom] Bertrand Raquet [LNCMI - CNRS, France] Félix Raso Alonso [Centro Español de Metrología, Spain] Mohamed Ridane [LPN-CNRS, France] Stephan Roche [ICN, Spain] Stefano Roddaro [Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain] Rafael Rodrigo [CSIC, Spain] María Rodríguez Gude [Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain] Rafael Roldán [ICMM-CSIC, Spain] Chantal Roldan [Indra, Spain] Guenther Ruhl [Infineon Technologies, Germany] Virginia Ruiz [CIDETEC-IK4, Spain]
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Vanesa Ruiz Ruiz [CIN2-CSIC, Spain] Nalin Rupesinghe [AIXTRON Ltd, United Kingdom] Tapani Ryhänen [NOKIA, Finland] Marcin Sadowski [European Commission, Belgium] Pablo San Jose [IEM-CSIC, Spain] Juan Sanchez [University of valencia, Spain] Jose Sanchez [AIRBUS, Spain] Carmelo Sanfilippo [VSI, Italy] Peter Schellenberg [Universidade do Minho, Portugal] Christoph Schelling [Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany] Oliver Schlueter [Bayer Technology Services, Germany] Matthias Schwab [BASF SE, Germany] Emmanuel Scorsone [CEA, France] Pierre Seneor [THALES-CNRS, France] F. Javier Señorans [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain] Inés Serrano Esparza [Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain] Martin Siegel [Zumtobel Group, Austria] Viera Skakalova [Danubia NanoTech, Slovakia] Fernando Sols [Universidad Complutense, Spain] Jamie Soon [Saint Gobain Recherche, France] Roman Sordan [Politecnico di Milano, Italy] Tobias Stauber [University Autonoma, Madrid, Spain] Jan Stroemer [Philips Research, Netherlands] Chun Yung Sung [IBM Research, United States] Marko Tadjer [ISOM-UPM, Spain] Jose A. Tagle [Iberdrola SAU, Spain] Bernardo Tejada [KRAFFT, Spain] Wolfgang Templ [Alcatel-Lucent, Germany] Sukosin Thongrattanasiri [Instituto de Optica - CSIC, Spain] Jorge Trasobares [Nanozar SL, Spain] Alejandro Ureña Fernández [Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain] Falco van Delft [Philips Innovation Services, Netherlands] Pieter van der Zaag [Philips Innovation Services, Netherlands] Amadeo Vazquez de Parga [IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain] José Ignacio Velasco [Centre Català del Plàstic, Spain] Juan José Vilatela [IMDEA Materials, Spain] Frank Wang [CamLase Ltd, United Kingdom] Di Wei [Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, United Kingdom] Thomas Weitz [BASF SE, Germany] Rune Wendelbo [Abalonyx AS, Norway] Joerg Widmer [Institute IMDEA Network, Spain] Tobias Wirth [Philips Research, Germany] Aziz Zenasni [CEA Technologies, France] Afshin Ziaei [Thales R&T, France] Amaia Zurutuza [Graphenea, Spain]
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Edited by
Graphene for Future Emerging Technologies
Cover image: Artistic impression of a corrugated graphene sheet Credit: Jannik Meyer [University of Vienna, Austria]
Phantoms Foundation Alfonso Gómez 17 Planta 2 – Loft 16 28037 Madrid – Spain 59
GRAPHENE RESEARCH at the Institut CatalĂ de Nanotecnologia (ICN) The Institut CatalĂ de Nanotecnologia (ICN), a private foundation located in Barcelona, was created in 2003 by the Catalan government to conduct high quality scientific research in nanoscience and nanotechnology at an international level. ICN attracts talent worldwide, with over 50% of the current 100 researchers being of foreign origin. The research groups cover a wide range of fields, from the theory of transport of state variables, atomic spectroscopy and manipulation, the study of physical properties of nanostructures (nanoelectronics, spintronics, nanophotonics, nanophononics, nanomagnetism), to the synthesis and functionalisation of nanoparticles, the encapsulation of chemical agents and the development of nanosensors and biosensors. With the objective of bringing nanotechnology to society, ICN develops methods of production and analysis of nano products, creating opportunities for commercialisation and offers training to researchers and technicians. Together with CSIC-ICMM in Madrid, ICN is involved in creating a national network, the Spanish Graphene Program, and also the European pilot action "Graphene Flagship" (
Graphene device in a points station (A. Bachtold)
ICN has a number of world leading researchers in these fields, placing it at the vanguard of graphene research. The Group of Prof. A. Bachtold has studied mechanical oscillations in suspended graphene, functioning simultaneously as a transistor of one electron, demonstrating the strong electromechanical coupling of the system. Recently they have fabricated graphene oscillators with the highest quality factor achieved to date, opening possibilities for applications derived from the detection of mass at the atomic level and the ultrasensitive measurement of forces. A total of five groups within ICN, including some 30 researchers, are actively exploring the potential of graphene in various fields, such as spintronics and chemical functionalisation, with potential applications in biotechnology and medicine. For further information, please visit ICN online at or contact us or tel: +34 93 581 4408.