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Wed 19th May 2021
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WhatsApp e-script ordering launch PATIENTS will be able to use the Facebook-owned messaging service, WhatsApp, in addition to SMS and email, to order electronic prescriptions following the launch of a new service by Fred IT Group. The pharmacy IT specialist will officially unveil the system at the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference (APP) on the Gold Coast this week, having won an Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) Innovation Challenge for the initiative. Fred IT CEO, Paul Naismith, said the addition of WhatsApp as an option for ordering e-scripts would deliver greater flexibility for patients, while delivering end-toend encryption. “The addition of WhatsApp ordering makes it significantly easier for patients to manage their medications, and means that a significant number of patients now have the flexibility to choose between using SMS, email or WhatsApp to order their
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Use only as directed. Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.
Today’s issue of PD Pharmacy Daily today features three pages of news, plus full pages from: • Quick-Eze • TerryWhite Chemmart
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prescriptions,” he said. “We know that more and more, consumers are favouring one app that they can use for many interactions. “As one of the most widely used chat apps in Australia, WhatsApp options for script ordering will be available to the most people possible.” MEANWHILE, Corum Group issued an update on legal proceedings relating to its wholly
owned subsidiary, PharmX, which are being contested by Fred IT. Corum claims the price payable for Fred IT’s PharmX securities in 2020 was higher than it should have been, alleging that Fred IT had continued to receive distributions from PharmX which it was not entitled to. Fred IT has also launched proceedings against PharmX claiming an entitlement to pay distributions relating to FY20.
GIVE heartburn and indigestion the cold shoulder with the new fast acting chewy Quick-Eze Icy Mint antacid tablets. See page four for more information.
Budget update TERRYWHITE Chemmart CEO, Duncan Phillips, and economist, Stephen Koukoulas, will breakdown what the Federal Budget means for pharmacists at the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference on Fri. See page five for more.
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Wed 19th May 2021
Tas Guild backs Rockliff appointment
Turnbull departs PHARMACY Guild of Australia Communications Advisor, Greg Turnbull, has left the organisation after 12 years of service as part of a restructure. During his time with the Guild, Turnbull was a key moderator for panel discussions at the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference (APP). Prior to joining the Guild, Turnbull was the Executive Producer and Political Reporter for Network Ten’s Meet the Press program, after serving as a Senior Media Advisor to both former Prime Minister Paul Keating and ex-ALP leader, Kim Beazley.
Long wins Blooms Retail Manager title BLOOMS the Chemist Orange Retail Manager, Erin Long (pictured with CEO Phil Smith), has taken out the group’s 2021 Retail Manager of the Year Award at a ceremony in Sydney last night. Long joined the pharmacy’s team in 2019 while it was undergoing a major renovation and has played a key role in supporting the store in navigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. “It’s such an honour to be named this year’s Retail Manager of the Year, especially considering how the past year has shaped our industry,” she said. “I’m so proud of the progress Blooms The Chemist Orange has made over the past 18 months and feel very fortunate to be part of such a progressive community pharmacy network, where opportunities for professional
and personal growth are valued and so easily available to all.” During the three-day Blooms the Chemist Retail Manager Conference, CEO Phil Smith announced the launch of the new ‘Phil Smith Pharmacy Scholarship’, which will provide subsidies to support “an exceptional retail manager who may wish to become a pharmacist”. “The scholarship is designed to recognise and support the continued learning of our committed team, especially those who are interested in pursuing further studies in pharmacy,” he said.
start the process of undertaking a scope of practice review for Tasmanian pharmacists, to consider what other services and support pharmacists can safely provide for the community. “Through utilising the community pharmacy network and enabling pharmacists to work to their full scope of practice, the State can achieve a more sustainable hospital system and ensure better local healthcare access for all Tasmanians.” O’Bryne also thanked former Health Minister, Sarah Courtney, for her efforts to ensure “open, inclusive and informed communication flowed between the Health Department and the
We’re on the hunt...
TASMANIAN Premier, Peter Gutwein’s appointment of the State’s Deputy Premier, Jeremy Rockliff, as Health Minister, is being welcomed by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. Guild Tasmanian Branch President, Helen O’Bryne, said the organisation was looking forward to working with Rockliff to progress the Gutwein Government’s plans to expand the scope of pharmacists in the State “as soon as possible”. “We have worked with Mr Rockliff previously in his Mental Health and Wellbeing portfolio and are delighted that he will continue in that role as well as taking on the Health portfolio,” she said. “We are particularly keen to
organisations representing the various health professions during the pandemic”. The Guild leader added that Courtney’s recognition of the role community pharmacy can play was key to the Gutwein Government’s pre-election pledge to extend access to National Immunisation Program vaccines to pharmacists (PD 22 Apr).
Advertising Operations and Social Media Coordinator Are you looking for a new role that offers a variety of responsibilities to keep your day invigorated? The Business Publishing Group is the leader in B2B publications across travel, cruise, business events and pharmaceutical sectors and is after a team player to join our sales and marketing unit. The role will require assistance with development of the daily editions, liaising with clients, social media activities as well as an assortment of other tasks – for which on the job training will be provided. If you have a penchant for design, a keen eye for detail and a willingness to learn, this could be the role for you. Candidates with customer service, travel industry experience, organisational skills and Adobe Suite proficiency would be highly desirable. Applications close 21st May 2021. Send your CV and covering letter to
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Quality Information All day - Everyday 2021
Wed 19th May 2021
Meds shortages a key focus for GBMA TACKLING medicines shortages and developing effective strategies to strengthen security of supply will remain key focuses for the 2021-22 Financial Year, the Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA) believes. Announcing the appointment of Fresenius Kabi Senior Vice President, Juan Villar, as a new Board member, GMBA Independent Chair and former Commonwealth Department of Health Secretary, Jane Halton, said it was working to protect Australian patients from medicines shortages triggered by disruptions to global supply chains. “With patients our absolute focus, we are looking forward to working closely with the Government on developing smart policies that allows us to maintain
the delivery of high value care to all patients, through the secure supply of high quality, affordable medicines,” Halton said. Villar said GBMA’s “main focus to prioritise the needs of patients and protect the medicines supply chain” aligned with Fresenius Kabi’s corporate philosophy. “We also need to ensure taxpayers reap the rewards of policies that drive a greater update of generic and biosimilar medicines in Australia,” he added. GMBA CEO, Marnie Peterson, thanked outgoing board member, Southern Cross Pharma Managing Director, Dr Neill Stacey, for his contribution to the organisation. “For more than five years, our members have benefited from Neill’s wisdom and experience as a board member,” she said.
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“Always generous with his time and knowledge, we know Neill will continue to help us positively shape the dynamic medicine policy landscape.”
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Dispensary Corner CYBER-SECURITY experts have been urging health professionals to ensure their IT infrastructure is up-to-date with the latest patches. Their warnings have merit, with data from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner regularly noting that the health sector experiences the highest number of data breaches of any industry in the country. However, if that wasn’t enough to persuade you to ditch Windows 7 for Microsoft’s most recent operating system, perhaps the outcomes of last Fri’s cyberattack on Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) will provide the incentive needed to boost IT defences. The hack has crippled systems forcing the cancellation of thousands of surgeries, oncology treatments and diagnostic appointments across the COVID-19 ravaged country’s public hospital network, AP reports. The gang behind the attack has demanded US$20 million to decrypt the stolen data and on Mon issued a threat that it would “start publishing and selling your private information very soon”, if payments were not made.
Stockist: Terry White Chemmart, Amcal, DDS, Good Price, Pharmacy Choice RRP: $8.99 Website: very-dry-skin-cleansing-bar Pharmacy Daily is part of the Business Publishing Group family of publications. Pharmacy Daily is Australia’s favourite pharmacy industry publication.
Pharmacy Daily
EDITORIAL Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper Editor – Nicholas O’Donoghue Contributors – Adam Bishop, Myles Stedman
Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760) Sign up free at
Pharmacy Daily is a publication of Pharmacy Daily Pty Ltd ABN 97 124 094 604. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of the newsletter no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.
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What does the Federal Budget mean for your pharmacy? Join TerryWhite Chemmart CEO Duncan Phillips and Stephen Koukoulas one of Australia’s leading economic visionaries – for a special APP presentation on economics and your pharmacy.
THIS IS ONE SESSION NOT TO BE MISSED! CLICK HERE to read more about Stephen Koukoulas
WHEN: Friday 21st May 10:05am – 10:35am WHERE: APP 2021, Arena 1A